How many calories are in sorrel soup in broth or water. Sorrel soup with chicken Sorrel soup with chicken broth calorie content

04.03.2020 Restaurant notes

Many women are incredibly preoccupied with the question of a good figure. What kind of tricks they do not come up with in order to always remain slim. Many go in for sports, many limit themselves to their favorite foods, some do both. Therefore, when sitting down to the table, they must know how many calories are in the dish they are going to eat. Indeed, it directly depends on this how much weight they can gain. But eating only one low-calorie dish is not only terribly annoying, but also completely unhealthy. But an interesting way to add variety to your diet can be wonderful sorrel soup, which is not only low in calories, but also very healthy.

So, in short, one hundred grams of sorrel soup contains:

  1. About 40 calories.
  2. About 1.6 g of proteins.
  3. Approximately 2.6. g fat.
  4. No more than 3 g of carbohydrates.

These numbers may vary depending on the composition of the soup. If you want to know how many calories are in sorrel soup with chicken broth, you should add the calorie content of the chicken itself to our "plate". If you are wondering how many calories are in one egg sorrel soup, add the calories of the egg to the calories of the soup. Of course, recipe variations can be very different. Someone likes very lean soups on the water, while others prefer fatty pork. But, of course, pork soup is no longer an easy dietary soup. For comparison, you can find information on how many calories are in sorrel soup with chicken broth and how many calories are in soup with pork broth - the difference will be quite noticeable.

All pros and cons of sorrel soup:

  1. Laxative and choleretic effect.
  2. Normalizes liver function.
  3. Increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  4. Helps to cope with vitamin deficiency.
  5. It has a positive effect on the skin in case of its diseases.
  6. Improves the processes of digestion and blood formation.
  7. Contraindicated in people with kidney disease, stomach ulcers, gastritis with high acidity and is incompatible with some other diseases.
  8. Contraindicated in pregnant women.

But, nevertheless, its benefits for the body are invaluable. And given the low calorie content - especially when you pay attention to how many calories are in sorrel soup with egg and water - this dish will be a great addition to your diet. In addition, sour lovers will appreciate its unusual taste. Also, do not forget about the whole set of vitamins that are in sorrel. For example, in this list you will definitely find vitamins such as carotene, a complete set of B vitamins, ascorbic acid, magnesium, calcium, potassium, tannins and, of course, iron. If you are wondering how many calories are in sorrel, then the answer is obvious: very few. To be more precise, about 19 calories per 100 grams of sorrel.

An interesting property of sorrel is its mild pain relieving effect. Thanks to its special set of elements, it can help with minor cuts and burns. Although it is not recognized by scientific medicine, grandmothers very often use it for various situations in which you need to relieve pain.

Returning to the various recipes for sorrel soups, we immediately say that there are many options. If your primary concern is whether your soup will make you fat, you can easily find information on how many calories are in sorrel soup without meat, or how many calories are in sorrel soup with chicken. Well, since you have already begun to deal with this issue, we advise you to immediately see how many calories are in sorrel beef soup. By the way, beef soup is a compromise between light chicken and heavy beef soup. But, unfortunately, not everyone loves beef. But it is almost impossible to treat veal badly - it is not too high in calories, tender and appetizing.

Do not forget that you can add potatoes to the soup. True, potatoes are not the best option for a diet, because they contain starch, which is not very conducive to rapid weight loss. But if you look at how many calories are in sorrel soup with potatoes, fears may cool down a bit. Indeed, in fact, it is unlikely that sorrel soup can become a regular dish in your diet. Rather, it is good to use it for some variety. Therefore, a couple of potatoes will not play a particularly tangible role for your figure, but can add taste and fullness to the soup.

One way or another, it seems, we have answered the question of how to find out how many calories are in sorrel cabbage soup. You just need to add to the calorie content of sorrel soup in water the calorie content of those foods that you are going to put in your soup. We hope you will like this dish, and from time to time you can delight yourself with a non-standard soup for lunch. After all, a diet is a diet, but you still want variety.

Among the most popular vegetables are green vegetables, which include sorrel, used in salads and the first. Housewives are happy to buy sorrel, since in this case there is no need to think about how to feed the household, and the guests will also like the green sorrel soup prepared according to one of the many recipes. It contains a variety of ingredients, including different varieties of meats and vegetables, but it's not only delicious. “Masterpieces” from this affordable plant are incredibly useful, they can satisfy hunger, they can even invigorate and cheer up. To talk about the nutritional properties of sorrel, and this is only 20 kcal per 100 grams, we will only have to answer the question of how many calories are in sorrel soup, in sorrel, and whether there are any contraindications to its consumption.

Composition and useful properties

A slender figure is a secret or obvious dream of every woman, which is why they ask the question how many calories are in sorrel soup with potatoes, cabbage soup, with an egg in pork broth, on water, and it is in this combination that we are used to seeing it. Before talking about the caloric content of oxalic cabbage soup (another name), let's look at their biochemical composition. The dish prepared according to the classic recipe contains a whole complex of vitamins and minerals, which are especially abundant in the greenest vegetable, but in order to preserve the maximum amount, it does not need to be digested. The vegetable has a laxative effect, has a beneficial effect on the liver, normalizes the blood composition, increasing the amount of hemoglobin, but you should not abuse it, especially if you have kidney problems and some gastrointestinal diseases.

Calorie content

Nutritionists often have to answer the question of how useful or harmful a green soup with an egg is, and in this combination it is more familiar. It is difficult to answer this question, because the first dish on pork broth is one thing, and quite another when it comes to the calorie content of soup with an egg, but on water. The weight of sorrel “brew” in pork broth is 65 kcal per 100 grams, while the calorie content of sorrel soup without meat does not exceed 40 kcal.

If you are not a supporter of meat, do not give up at least eggs, and information about how many calories are in sorrel soup with egg without meat, chicken broth, and chicken can remove all doubts about the benefits of such a dish. In the first case, it is about 35 kcal - a truly dietary meal. Sour cream helps to enhance the taste of the dish, and if you want to know the calorie content of sorrel soup on water with an egg and sour cream, add the "weight" of sour cream, and a tablespoon contains about 40 kcal, which makes you think.

If you do not want to get a few dozen extra kilocalories, you can use chicken to prepare diet broth, and you can make sure that it is not dangerous for the figure by answering the question about the "weight" of the chicken broth dish. The calorie content of sorrel soup in chicken broth is 35 kcal. Answering the question how useful is the first chicken dish, you should know what part of the carcass was used for cooking, because the calorie content of chicken sorrel soup can increase significantly if it is cooked with the skin.

We will get 35 calories by cooking a soup without an egg, and you can understand how much a dish with an egg in chicken broth “weighs” by adding to this amount the “weight” of half an egg.

The calorie content of sorrel soup in meat broth, with beef, in beef broth and other meat, as you can see, differs from the "weight" of a lean dish, while one of the most popular is the recipe for a soup based on beef broth. Naturally, you want to know how many calories are in beef sorrel soup. If it is lean meat, the weight does not exceed 30 kcal per 100 grams. Thus, the beef soup can be eaten without restrictions.

Sorrel soup warms and refreshes at the same time thanks to its pleasant, tonic acidity. The first course with the addition of sorrel leaves turns out to be tasty and rich both in the case of hearty meat, and with a lighter chicken broth, or even in a lean version.

Today we will give preference to poultry and hasten to try this wonderful recipe before the summer is over and with it the season of fresh, juicy sorrel. The set of spices and the proportions of products can be safely adjusted, but still do not forget that the soup is exactly sorrel, so there should be a lot of the main component!


  • sorrel - 150 g;
  • chicken (wings, legs, etc.) - 300 g;
  • potatoes - 2-3 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - ½ pcs.;
  • butter - 1 tbsp spoon;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • eggs (for serving soup) - 3-4 pcs.

Sorrel soup recipe with chicken with photo

  1. You can cook sorrel soup with chicken wings, chicken legs, diet breast, or a ready-made soup set (in our example, wings are used). Put the washed chicken in a saucepan, pour in 2 liters of water, bring to a boil. Wanting to reduce the calorie content of the soup, drain the first broth. Re-fill the bird with water, boil. Load the whole peeled onion into the bubbling liquid, keep the broth for 25-30 minutes over moderate heat.
  2. At the same time, cutting off the peel layer, cut the sweet carrots into small pieces.
  3. Peel potato tubers, cut into cubes.
  4. We wash a large bunch of sorrel, getting rid of soil and wilted leaves. Shaking off the water drops, cut the leaves into thin strips.
  5. From the broth with ready-made chicken, we catch the onion, which has already fulfilled its function. Dip the potatoes into the pot.
  6. Next, add the sliced ​​carrots. Bring the broth to a boil, let the vegetables simmer for about 15 minutes (until softened).
  7. When the potatoes and carrots are ready, add the main component to the soup - juicy sorrel. After the next boil, keep the broth on low heat for about 5 minutes, saturating the broth with a characteristic sourness. Do not forget to salt / pepper the almost finished first course.
  8. To enhance the aroma and soften the taste, load the butter into a saucepan. As soon as it melts, turn off the fire.
  9. Serve the satiating sorrel soup with chicken, topped with pieces of boiled egg and, if desired, season with low-fat sour cream.

Bon Appetit!