Pork samsa recipe. Samsa - step by step recipes for delicious triangles with meat

30.08.2019 Restaurant notes

Hello dear readers! Today the authors of the site decided to please you with an interesting, for some unusual, dish called samsa.

Let's first figure out what kind of dish it is, and then get acquainted with the recipe for samsa. Samsa, or even among the people of samosa, is a type of triangular, round pie stuffed with minced meat and onions. Most often, pork or beef is used for the filling, but some gourmets even prefer lamb. There are many variations in the preparation of samsa, in each country the dish is prepared in its own way. In Russia and Ukraine, this dish is very popular; in Crimea, you can often find this pie in small seaside cafes.

Let's proceed directly to the preparation of samsa.

We need:

  • Meat - 500 grams (pork, beef, and preferably lamb);
  • Onions - 500 grams;
  • Spices to taste;
  • Flour - 300 grams;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Egg - 1 piece;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Butter - 100 grams.

First, we prepare the filling for the samsa.

We will peel the onion from the husk, wash it and cut it into two or four parts, in the future we will still cut it in a meat grinder. Just like the onion, we will cut the meat, if you have meat on the bone, be sure to separate (free) it from it.
When we have cooked onions and meat, we take a meat grinder and chop it all on a not very fine nozzle. If you wish, you can also add a clove of garlic to the minced meat obtained. You can also put butter through a meat grinder along with meat and onions.

Stir the minced meat well with your hands to evenly distribute the chopped onion over it. Next, add spices to the cut meat, which spices to use depends on your taste whims, but, as a rule, a little salt, black pepper and coca are enough - then seasoning for meat.

Dough for samsa

For now, let's put the filling aside and start preparing the dough for samsa. In a large enough bowl to knead the dough, break one egg, pour flour on top, add a little salt and add vegetable oil, and a little water, then stir everything thoroughly, if necessary, you can add more flour. The dough should not be too runny. We continue to knead thoroughly already on the table, when the dough is ready, wrap it in foil and put it in the refrigerator for twenty minutes.
We take out the dough from the refrigerator, knead it again and cut it into small pieces, about a little larger than a matchbox.

Next, roll each piece with a rolling pin into a round cake about 5-7 millimeters thick. Now put a spoonful of the filling in the cake and pinch the edges into a triangle. We will do all this with all the prepared dough.

Now we take a baking sheet, grease it with vegetable oil and lay out our pies. Next, we send the samsa, it is prepared in the oven preheated to a temperature of 200 degrees for about twenty-five to thirty-five minutes.

After cooking, serve samsa hot.

Lamb Samsa

As I already mentioned that samsa is prepared from various types of meat, now we will look at the recipe for making lamb samsa. Honestly, I like to cook this lamb dish the most, you ask why? I won't tell you! Try to cook samsa from different types of meat, and you yourself will understand everything 🙂.

How to make lamb samsa

For cooking, we need the following, some already familiar, ingredients:

  • Lamb - 650 grams;
  • Onions - 2 pieces:
  • Puff pastry - 1 piece (pack);
  • Salt - 2 teaspoons;
  • Sesame, cumin;
  • Egg - 1 piece;
  • Oil - 1 piece;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste.

Preparation of samsa:

First, let's deal with the meat, we cut it with a sharp knife as small as possible. In the previous recipe for samsa, we cut the meat using a meat grinder, but this time I want you to try cutting with a knife and compare for yourself how it will be tastier, and in the comments, be sure to tell me. Next, chop the onion, here as standard, into small cubes. Now add our chopped onion to the meat, salt and pepper.

When the filling is ready, you can put it in the refrigerator for now, and now let's do the dough. We will cut the dough into small flat cakes.

Roll out the dough. Put a little meat filling in each cake. We put the oven to warm up to 200 degrees.

We fold the cakes into a triangle.

For ruddiness, anoint on top with an egg, for this, take an egg, break it into a plate, add a little water, and with this mixture, using a brush, anoint our triangles on top. Also, do not forget to sprinkle with sesame and caraway seeds on top. Now we put the samsa on a greased baking sheet and send it to the oven to bake. We will bake the pies until golden brown - at a temperature of 200 ° for twenty-five minutes, then another fifteen minutes at a temperature of 175 °.

That's all the samsa is ready, I hope you liked the recipe.

Bon Appetit!!!

Samsa is not just a pie! The baked goods are distinguished not only by their shape, but also by their amazing filling, delicious dough, and amazing aroma. But only if you cook everything according to the rules.

Here are the best step-by-step recipes for samsa with meat, which will definitely work out!

Samsa - general cooking principles

Traditional Uzbek samsa is made from fresh homemade dough, which is kneaded, rolled, rolled in a certain way. You can knead it, as for dumplings, but it is still better to add a little oil inside. Egg, sometimes kefir or yogurt is used instead of water. There are many options, but the main thing is to collapse correctly. The tortilla is abundantly greased with softened, but not melted butter, rolled into a roll, and kept in the refrigerator. Only after that, pieces of dough are cut, thin cakes are rolled out, from which triangles are molded.

What is used for the filling:

Meat, poultry;

It is better not to grind meat or poultry, but to cut it into pieces, they are not subjected to heat treatment. The onion is also cut into cubes, you need to add a lot of it to make the filling juicy. Sometimes the vegetable is scalded with boiling water, or lightly sautéed in oil if ready-made puff pastry is used. There is such a recipe below. Of the spices, salt and pepper are usually put in samsa, but you can add something else to your liking.

The formed triangles are cooked at home in the oven. They are laid out on a baking sheet and baked immediately after formation. For a beautiful color, before going to the oven, you can grease the samsa with yolk or a whole beaten egg; for beauty, a small amount of white or black sesame is often poured into the central part.

Ordinary samsa: a step-by-step recipe for dough, fillings, baking features

Traditional step by step samsa recipe. We use absolutely any meat for minced meat at our discretion. If it is dry and without fatty layers, then you can additionally add lard cut into small pieces, grated butter.


250 ml of plain water;

4 tbsp. flour;

30 ml of vegetable oil;

70 g of oil drain;

One yolk;

300 g onions;

400 g of meat;

Spices, sesame seeds.


1. It is better to start cooking with the dough, as it will take about two hours to rest. Pour a measured amount of water into a bowl, put an incomplete teaspoon of salt. Add vegetable oil. You can take refined sunflower, regular or olive oil, whichever you prefer. Stir everything well.

2. Add white wheat flour sifted with a sieve to the dough. On average, it will take from 3 to 4 glasses. We knead the usual cool unleavened dough, as for mantas or dumplings. We crumple it until smooth, put it in a bag for 20 minutes. If you don't, it will be very difficult to roll the dough into a cake.

3. While the dough is "resting", you can cut the onion heads into small cubes, pour everything into a bowl.

4. Rinse the meat and also cut into small cubes. Add to onions. If additional fat will be used, then we also add at this stage. Salt, season the filling with pepper, stir the minced meat thoroughly with your hands. We put it in the refrigerator for now, cover the bowl.

5. Take out the dough from the bag. We roll it into a cake, but not thinly. For this piece, a size of 25 centimeters is enough. We try to give the shape of a rectangle.

6. Grease the dough with softened butter. We twist the roll.

7. Put the dough roll on a plate or in a bowl with a snail. Cover the top with a film, send it to the freezer for 10-15 minutes, or simply put it in the refrigerator for half an hour or 40 minutes. Samsa dough loves cold.

8. We take out the frozen roll, cut the dough into pieces across. The amount will depend on the desired samsa size. Someone likes small triangles, someone likes large specimens more.

9. Roll each piece from the side of the cut in flour, roll into thin cakes.

10. Lay out the filling. In general, it is more convenient to roll out all the dough at once and spread out all the filling, so you can evenly distribute the minced meat. It is moist and it is important that all products are baked evenly.

11. We sculpt ordinary triangles.

12. Place on a baking sheet with the smooth side up and seam down.

13. Shake the yolk with a spoonful of water, grease all the samsa, sprinkle with sesame seeds and send to the oven.

14. Bake triangles at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes.

15. Take out the baking sheet, immediately transfer the samsa to a bowl, cover with a towel. Let the dough soften for a few minutes.

Samsa: a step-by-step recipe with chicken and potatoes

A very interesting filling option. In the step-by-step recipe for samsa, a part of the chicken is not indicated, but it is advisable not to use the breast, with it the filling turns out to be dry.


About a kilogram of flour;

A couple of glasses of water;

A pack of butter;

350 g potatoes;

500 g of chicken meat;

3-4 onions;

Salt and pepper.


1. Melt half a pack of butter, leave the rest warm to soften.

2. Pour two glasses of water into a bowl. Add melted butter, season with salt, stir and knead a regular hard dough. Let him rest for half an hour.

3. Cut the onion into small and thin slices. Salt, mash with our hands, so that the vegetable is slightly moistened from the secreted juice.

4. We immediately chop the chicken meat, add it to the onion, stir the filling, pepper. We leave aside. It is better to add potatoes just before the formation of samsa, as it secretes juice.

5. We take out the dough, roll out the cake, grease with the remaining butter, make a roll. If it's hard to work with a large piece, then you can split it in half. Cover the rolls, put them in the refrigerator for half an hour.

6. Peel the potatoes, cut them into thin slices, send them to the chicken and onions, stir. The filling is already ready.

7. Turn on the stove to warm up, set the temperature to 180 degrees and you can start sculpting triangles.

8. Cut the rolls across, roll each piece in flour, roll out, lay out the filling and sculpt the classic samsa.

9. Transfer to a baking sheet. Lubricate with plain water or shake the yolk. If desired, we throw a pinch of sesame seeds into the center.

10. Bake samsa for about 40-45 minutes, put it only in a preheated oven so that the triangles do not dry out.

Lazy samsa: a step-by-step puff pastry recipe

Puff pastry is very helpful. It is tasty, tender, inexpensive and affordable, you can buy it in almost any grocery store, sometimes several types are presented. In a step-by-step samsa recipe, all the nuances of cooking and baking products from this product are described in detail.


500 g of dough;

250 g of meat;

250 g onions;

40 g butter;

Sesame seeds optional.


1. Puff pastry cooks faster than filling. At a low baking temperature, it will simply dry out, it will turn out to be dry and not very tasty. If the temperature is high, the dough will be excellent, and the minced meat will remain soggy, the onion will crunch. That is why you need to prepare the filling in advance. Chop the meat, season with spices, mix and leave to marinate for an hour.

2. Peel the onion heads, cut into small cubes.

3. Put the butter in a skillet, melt and add the previously cooked onion. We start to brown it, but make the fire a little less than average. That is, the onions should simmer in oil, but not brown. We bring it to transparency, turn off the stove. This technique allows you to get very juicy minced meat, but the filling will not crunch in the finished samsa. Cool the onion.

4. Combine chilled onion and meat marinated in spices, stir, add salt if necessary, since onion without spices and by itself gives a sweetish aftertaste.

5. Take out the puff pastry, unfold it, roll it up with a rolling pin. Usually it is in rolls or in a pack of several plates, depending on the manufacturer. In any case, it is a square and it is more convenient to cut it into squares, that is, the samsa will be rectangular. You can make classic triangles, but you can't do without cutting the dough.

6. Beat a whole chicken egg with a fork. It is needed to hold the edges of the dough together, as it is dry and the seams often break during baking.

7. Grease the edges of several pieces. Spread out the filling and mold the samsa. Then grease a few more pieces and repeat. If you immediately grease the whole dough with an egg, the edges will still dry out and will not turn out so sticky.

8. Put the stuck together samsa on a baking sheet with the seams down.

9. Lubricate the products with the remains of a beaten egg, sprinkle with sesame seeds if desired.

10. Put the baking sheet in a preheated oven, bake at 200 degrees for about half an hour.

11. We take out the samsa from the oven. Immediately cover the baking sheet with a towel folded several times. Let sit for 10-15 minutes to make the dough softer and more tender. We are taking a sample!

If there are no sesame seeds, then sprinkle samsa with flax seeds before baking. They are also very useful, they look very similar to sesame seeds.

The filling will be tastier if you use fatty meat or cut a piece of bacon. Uzbeks often add fat tail fat to samsa, it gives an unusual taste and the baked goods are very aromatic.

If the dish uses beef or not very young pork, lamb, do not try to boil or fry the product, this will only spoil the taste of the filling. The best option is to marinate the meat. You can simply stir with spices, leave for several hours. Or add a little mayonnaise or fatty sour cream, soy sauce, you can immediately add chopped onions. Its juices perfectly saturate the meat and soften the fibers.

Samsa, unlike yeast products, does not rise on a baking sheet, but you still need to leave enough space between the formed products. So they bake better, brown equally on all sides.

Samsa is a pie with meat filling (lamb, beef, pork, chicken, etc.), onions and freeform spices (usually a triangle). A popular dish in Asia, the Arabian Peninsula, the Mediterranean, Africa.
The ingredients are enough for about 32 pies (8 servings) (if you need fewer pieces, then the required amount of products is calculated by the simple division method).
To prepare samsa, you need to perform two main steps: knead the puff pastry and make the filling (minced meat).
First, you need to knead the dough, because it will need to be hidden in the freezer for a while (20-40 minutes) so that it is infused, and in the meantime you will cook the minced meat.
To knead the dough you need:
1) Take 800 g of wheat flour, which must be sieved through a sieve.

Pour the sifted flour on the table.

2) Prepare 400 g of water.

3) Pour water into any container, add a teaspoon of rock salt to it and stir vigorously to dissolve the salt in the water.

4) In a pile of sifted flour, make a crater, pour salted water into it.

Take a fork and slowly pour the walls of the flour crater into the water, stirring.

Until you get a semblance of a dough coma.

Wrap it with cling film so that the dough does not weather and leave on the table, and in the meantime, start preparing the filling.

To prepare the filling you will need:
1) Meat (in my case, this is 800 g of pork chop with fat).

2) Onion 800 g (about 5-8 onions, depending on their size, in my case 7).

3) Zira (2 tablespoons - about 10 g) - the highlight of this dish, giving it an extraordinary taste and aroma. Dried seeds of a spicy herb of the Kmin genus, Umbrella family. It is massively cultivated in India, Afghanistan, Iran, North Africa and Latin America.

4) Salt, red and black ground peppers to taste.
Cut the meat and onions into small cubes and mix together (in a bowl or saucepan), and then add salt and spices to them.

As a result, you should get a homogeneous mass, which will be the filling for your pies.

Cover the resulting filling and leave aside.
Let's go back to our test.
We unwind a lump from cling film. We take a rolling pin and begin to roll it out (for convenience, it is better to divide it into 2 parts of 400 g each). So that it does not stick, we first sprinkle the table with flour.

We take 200 g of margarine, we will rub the rolled dough with it (it must melt itself, so remove it from the refrigerator in advance).

Roll out our dough with a rolling pin until it reaches a thickness of 0.5-0.7 cm. Then rub it with melted margarine and twist it into a tube (sausage).

Cover with cling film and put in the freezer for about 30 minutes. Since for convenience we divided our 800 g dough piece into two parts, while the first one is being cooled, we do the same procedure of rolling, smearing with margarine and twisting with the second.
After the dough has cooled, we take it out and put it on a table preliminarily greased with sunflower oil (refined). Cut into pieces about 7-10 cm long.

Now you can clearly see that the structure of the dough is flaky.

We crush each piece with our hand, and then we give it a circle shape with our hand or a rolling pin.

We spread the filling on the resulting pieces, about a tablespoon per 1 piece.

We form pies in the form of a triangle, connecting the edges.
Next, we move on to the final stage - baking in the oven. You need to bake for about 40 minutes on an average level at a temperature of 180-200 C.
We take a baking sheet, cover its bottom with a layer of parchment paper and put the resulting pies on it.

Take the yolks of two chicken eggs and beat them with a whisk. We will need them to grease the pies.

We also need sesame seeds for decoration.

Sprinkle them on the pies after they are smeared with yolks. We use a silicone culinary brush for lubrication.

We send to the oven.

After 40 minutes, you can take the dish out of the oven.

We spread the pies from the baking sheet onto a dish. They are ready to eat. They are especially tasty when hot, then they are very juicy.

The perfect recipe for a large company. Its only drawback is that you need to spend a lot of time (although it can be shortened if you buy ready-made puff pastry, but then this is a completely "different story"), so it should be cooked only for the occasion: holidays, weekends, etc. ...
Bon Appetit!

Cooking time: PT03H00M 3 h.

Estimated Serving Cost: RUB 50

Samsa - delicious aromatic pies that are cooked in the countries of Central Asia: Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, etc. They are very juicy and spicy because they contain a lot of onions and spices. In ancient times, they were cooked in a tandoor, but in modern conditions they are baked in a gas or electric oven. In the above countries, every housewife knows how to cook samsa at home. And, believe me, they get them much tastier than those that can be tasted at catering points. Further in the article, we will tell you how to cook homemade samsa according to the classic recipe, and also describe several other ways to cook these delicious and original pies. So let's get started.

Recipe number 1. Samsa - delicious oriental triangles

The most important ingredients in these treats are onions, fat and spices. Thanks to these ingredients, the filling is juicy and aromatic. This is what distinguishes real samsa from ordinary meat pies. They say that when bitten, scalding juice should flow out of the crunchy dough. So the question arises: "How to cook samsa at home in such a way that it turns out the way it should?" The recipe is quite simple, but you need to warn immediately that it is not for lazy people.

Products you need

For the dough, you will need 200 grams of butter (margarine is possible), 200 g of sour cream, salt, 1 egg, baking powder, flour for a tough dough.

For the filling, you need to buy half a kilogram of fatty meat (beef or lamb), onions - 2-3 pieces, salt, black and red peppers and cumin.

Cooking method

First, prepare the dough and let it rest while the filling is being prepared. So, the oil needs to be grated on a coarse grater, gradually mixing it with flour, so that an oil-flour crumb is formed. Add baking powder and salt to sour cream, mix and combine with crumbs, knead the dough. It should be pretty cool to fold the envelopes conveniently.

Now you can start stuffing. To do this, finely chop the meat and fat into cubes. In no case should you turn it through a meat grinder. And the onion should be cut into half rings, not too finely. Mix meat, fat and onion with each other, add pepper, add cumin and salt. So the filling is ready. Before cooking samsa with meat, you will need to turn on the oven so that it warms up to a temperature of 200-210 degrees. Ready envelopes will need to be baked immediately.

We sculpt samsa

Divide the dough into balls the size of an egg. Sprinkle the table with flour, roll the dough on it into cakes with a large man's palm. In principle, they can be more or less. It depends on what kind of samsa you want to get. Put the filling in the middle of the cake, put it in a triangular envelope, pinch the ends so that the juice does not leak out. Immediately place the items on a greased baking sheet and cover with a beaten egg with a brush. As a rule, 6-8 pies can be baked at a time. So you know how to cook samsa at home. As a result, it should turn out to be crispy, aromatic and fluffy.

Recipe number 2. Chicken Samsa

Today, samsa is becoming popular, cooked not from beef or lamb, but from poultry meat. And the thing is that it is much softer and cooks faster. We will tell you how to cook samsa with chicken according to the most delicious recipe later in the article. In this case, there will be a different not only filling, but also the dough. Let's start cooking.

Required Ingredients

For the test, you will need one glass of cold water, 1 egg, 2-3 glasses of flour, 100 g of margarine or butter and half a teaspoon of salt.

For the filling, you need 3 meaty legs with fat, 3 onions, a set of chicken spices.

How to cook chicken samsa at home?

Cooking the dough

Break one egg in a glass, add salt, shake with a whisk and top up with water. Sift flour with a slide, make a depression and pour in the egg mixture. Knead the dough quickly. Melt butter in the microwave until creamy. Roll out the dough very thinly on a floured board, grease it with butter and roll into a tight roll. Cover it with cling film and refrigerate for 2-3 hours, or better overnight.

Cooking the filling

Remove the chicken from the bones and chop finely with a very sharp knife. Dice the onion and mix with the minced meat, add the spices and mix all the ingredients thoroughly.

We sculpt samsa

Remove the dough from the refrigerator and cut into 12 pieces. Pour some flour on the table, put the dough with a cut down and roll out until an absolutely round cake with a diameter of 15 cm is obtained. Place the filling in the center in the form of a triangle and smooth with a spoon. Cover it with dough so that you get a triangle. Pin a sharp corner. Prepare 5 more pies, place them seam side down on a greasy baking sheet. Brush with egg and bake in preheated oven until reddened. So you know how to cook puffed samsa with chicken filling. In principle, ready-made puff pastry can also be used.

Recipe number 3. How to cook Uzbek samsa according to an old recipe?

No matter how skillfully we cook these Central Asian patties from groceries bought at the supermarket, it won't turn out the way it can with homemade natural ingredients. In addition, samsa in former times was baked in a clay tandoor. And this is a completely different flavor. The above dough recipe, in principle, is the instruction on how to cook samsa in Uzbek. Only there, instead of butter, melted lamb or beef fat is used for the layer. That is, the dough itself, soaked in melted fat, is soft and tender, and the filling with the addition of lamb fat tail with cumin exudes a unique aroma, from which simply drools. As you know, our city samsa next to this real one will always be the loser. However, in rare Uzbek restaurants in Moscow, you can still find the real samsa, cooked according to the classic recipe, besides, in a tandoor - "you will lick your fingers." However, no matter how much you tried to find out from the master chef how to cook Uzbek samsa, she will never tell you all the secrets of the cooking technology. So we have to be content with the recipes that can be found in the cookbook. By the way, there is one very interesting type of dietary samsa with herbs, which will especially appeal to girls and women who follow the figure. We present to your attention this original recipe.

Recipe number 4. Diet samsa with herbs and egg

You can make the dough whichever you like best, but the one described in the second recipe is better, since it uses less oil. But for the filling, you need to take many varieties of greens. These are spinach, horse sorrel, mint, parsley, cilantro, quinoa, shepherd's purse, green onions, young shoots of garlic, dill, etc. All this must be thoroughly washed in warm water, then held under running cold water and finely chopped. You also need to cut the hard-boiled eggs into small cubes and mix with herbs. Season the filling with pepper, salt and add 1-2 tablespoons of sunflower oil. Then place it on the rolled dough (as described in recipe number 2). Form triangles and bake, having previously greased them with an egg, in a heated oven at a temperature of 190-210 gr. Samsa with herbs, of course, is not so juicy, but it is also very tasty and aromatic.


Until recently, we rarely heard of delicious triangular pies called samsa. However, in recent years, this Central Asian pastry has gained popularity throughout Russia and competed with Tatar belyash and pasties. Today, the name of these pies can be found on the menus of various bistros and cafes. However, not all chefs prepare them the way they should. If you want to understand what real homemade samsa is, then use one of the above recipes and try to cook it yourself. Believe me, there is nothing complicated about it. Cook with love, eat with pleasure. Enjoy your meal.

Samsa is delicious Asian baked goods that are very easy to make at home. The best step by step cooking recipe with photos and videos.

1 h

220 kcal

5/5 (3)

Do you want to indulge yourself with a real traditional dish of many eastern countries, but at the same time do not want to spend too much time and effort in preparing a very complex dish? I suggest you cook homemade samsa.

This dish is distinguished not only by its ease of preparation, but also by its excellent taste. It has gained its popularity in many countries due to its simplicity and features. Now I will share a recipe for samsa dough in the oven.

Kitchen appliances:

  • containers for ingredients;
  • oven;
  • baking sheet;
  • chintz;
  • meat grinder;
  • rolling pin;
  • cling film;
  • cutting board;
  • parchment paper.


How to find the ingredients

For samsa, we will need very high quality products. If possible, it is best to use home-made products.

Step by step recipe

Stage one - making the dough

Stage two - minced meat

If you don't have beef, you can use chicken and cook.

Stage three - how to make samsa

Samsa with meat video recipe

To make your samsa perfect, so that nothing spoils its taste for you, you can pay attention to the video, which describes the process of making samsa. This will give you the opportunity to visually see the cooking process and avoid certain mistakes in this matter. How to cook samsa at home, this video will tell you in simple language.

What to serve samsa with

It is advisable to serve samsa with oriental dishes. Samsa goes well with pilaf, shurpa and azu. You can also serve samsa with tea. It turns out very tasty if such a dish is served with strong tea.

Samsa can be served with other oriental pastries. For example, it will be very pleasant to combine samsa with “chebureki with cheese” or meat. very simple, you can find it on our website.

Possible other cooking and filling options

In most cases, I use unleavened and puff pastry... This is not just a tribute to tradition, but a real adherence to the canons of oriental cuisine.