Finger phan sausage recipe. Homemade pork sausage

03.03.2020 Restaurant notes

We love to eat sausage, but now it is very difficult, if not impossible, to find a good one. About two years ago my husband and I asked ourselves the question of establishing home-made sausage production. The process itself, in general, is not at all complicated. But with the shell, we had questions. For ourselves, we have chosen a collagen casing. It is edible, suitable for frying, baking, smoking, in general, for any sausages. It also doesn't need to be washed and can be used dry straight out of the packaging. It is very easy to work with it, just grease your hands with a drop of vegetable oil. Now we can say that I have got my hands on it and the process is fine-tuned.
I am sharing a recipe for pork sausage.

What do you need:

Pork meat 2 kg
Lard (fat) 0.5 kg
garlic 0.5 heads
spices: cumin, nutmeg, black peppercorns (about a teaspoon each)
2-3 tablespoons of good strong alcohol (brandy or whiskey, for example)


knife (sharp)
meat grinder attachment
garlic press
the meat grinder itself - for stuffing the shell, I use an old meat grinder, because it has an on and off button (that is, it stops immediately) - it is easy to get the desired length of sausage, and on a new combine I have a twist and the speed is regulated smoothly, which is absolutely not comfortable.


Finely chop half of the meat with a knife.

Pass the other half through a meat grinder. Chop the bacon finely and squeeze out the garlic.

Prepare spices

I take about a teaspoon without a slide, but whoever is sharper, take more pepper.

And grind them in a mortar

Add spices and alcohol to the minced meat. Salt well (oversalt a little)

Mix the minced meat and leave in the refrigerator to infuse (for 6 hours)

So, time has passed, we pass to the second part of this action.
We take the shell

We get it. This is how she looks

I grease my hands with oil

I string the shell onto the nozzle. The photo is bad, but I will add it anyway for clarity.

First, you need to scroll the meat a little so that the meat grinder itself and the nozzle are filled, otherwise air will go into the shell and you will have a long balloon. I string it tightly, as much as will fit on the nozzle. I cut off the rest. I tie the tip. I used to tie it with a string, now I just knit a knot from the shell itself.
Filling and tying

I immediately freeze some of it for future use, and the rest I let it brew a little (well, at least a couple of hours) and cook. We cook in different ways. When I bake in the oven, when I fry, I can boil a little at first, and then fry. The photo of the finished one is not enough, I found one, fried in a pan. As usual, before cooking, make a few holes with a toothpick so that it doesn't burst.

In general, it is very tasty, it is convenient to do a lot at once, and then just get it out of the freezer)

Bon Appetit!

Pork neck is best for making homemade sausage with finger-phanoy. Why? Yes, simply because this part of the pork is quite soft and juicy due to the internal (correct, not greasy) fat. If you have a leaner piece of pork, then it would be more correct to add to the minced meat and lard - in a ratio of about 4: 1.

The meat should be cut into small pieces - roughly such that later they can easily fit into the hole of the meat grinder.

Now it needs to be crushed. If you have time and patience, it would be nice to cut into small cubes. But I make this process easier for myself - I scroll everything with the help of a meat grinder with different grates.

I roll some small part (1/4) of leaner meat through a fine grate - as a binding component to give a more uniform consistency to the minced meat. And the rest, more fatty pieces of meat, I pass through a fairly large grate.

Now it's time to add spices, here everything is selected to your taste.
I suggest such a set (except for salt) - garlic, black pepper, coriander seeds, a little nutmeg, caraway seeds and hot pepper (dry).

It would be good to grind all dry ingredients in a mortar, garlic (at your discretion) or chop with a knife, or pass through a press.
Another component may seem strange, and you can, of course, skip it, but ... I can tell right away that it undoubtedly improves the taste of the sausage. And this is what we are talking about - we add quite a bit of cognac.

Now we thoroughly knead both types of minced meat with all the selected spices so that the mass becomes more knocked down or something ... and put in the refrigerator to marinate for 12-24 hours, let the meat be saturated with all the aromas of spices. If possible, then during the infusion the minced meat can be mixed several times.

Now about the guts. We sell them already peeled, salted and frozen.
Therefore, in order to prepare them for stuffing, I just have to rinse them from salt in cold water.

Now, with the help of a special nozzle for a meat grinder, it remains only to fill the washed intestines with prepared minced meat.

We determine the length of the sausages at our discretion, tying them in the right places. In addition, it should be remembered that the intestines must be filled evenly throughout the entire thickness, but not quite tightly, so that during further heat treatment they do not burst.

Step 1: chop the meat.

There are two ways to cut meat for jerky sausage. In the first case: pork is twisted in a meat grinder with a coarse mesh, it is often called sausage. In the second: the meat is chopped with a knife into pieces measuring 1x1 centimeter. In the classic recipe, Bulgarian jerky sausage is made from minced meat, not minced meat. In order to chop the meat in approximately the same pieces, cut it into equal strips, then chop them across with a large knife.

Step 2: prepare the minced meat.

Put a fine mesh on the meat grinder and skip the pre-peeled garlic. Add it to the chopped meat, put salt there at the rate of 28-30 grams per kilogram of meat. This proportion must be strictly observed, otherwise the sausage may deteriorate during drying. Pepper minced meat with black and red pepper to your taste. Stir, and set it aside in a bowl on the table for about 5 hours, covering it on top so that the meat does not become weathered and darkened. While the minced meat is standing, you need to stir it periodically so that the salt and spices are evenly absorbed. Having sustained the meat, add marjoram and alcohol to it, mix again and you can form a sausage.

Step 3: stuff the sausage.

We remove the mesh from the meat grinder, and in its place we put on a nozzle in the form of a tube and secure it with a ring. We wash the intestine under the tap, passing water through it. We check that there were no holes, we cut the intestine into pieces about 50 centimeters long. We put such a piece on the nozzle and tie it at the end with a thread. We pass the minced meat through a meat grinder, gradually removing the intestine from the tube as it fills. When starting the sausage, we hold it with our hand, adjusting the density and uniformity of the filling so that it does not burst. When the intestine is evenly filled, we tie the other end with a thread. This is how we form all the sausages.

Step 4: dry the sausage.

We pierce the finished sausages with a needle in several places, removing air. We moisten the bandage in a salty solution (3 teaspoons of salt in a glass of water), wrap the sausage with it and hang it in a place to dry. Now about the place for drying sausages: there should be no drafts, it is important to provide fresh air, that is, the room should be ventilated. The temperature should be around +10 ... + 15 degrees. darkness is also harmful, preferably a bright room. After 2-3 days, when the sausage dries up a little, remove it and roll it out a little with a rolling pin, giving it a flattened look. Then we hang it up again, but without a bandage. After 2 weeks, we remove the sausages and put them in the refrigerator, they are almost ready for use. We try the sausage for a cut, if it has not completely sagged in the middle, we add it in the refrigerator in the section for fresh meat at a temperature of +2 degrees for about another week.

Step 5: serve.

Ready-made home-made sausage can be served both on a festive table and just for breakfast. Slicing such a sausage is perfect for beer or wine. Slice the sausage thinly and serve. Bon Appetit!

A very tasty jerky sausage is obtained with the addition of bacon, for this they take only intercostal lard in a ratio of 1x4 to meat.

Alcohol in the recipe can be successfully replaced with cognac, which will give the sausage a beautiful color and a special smell.

If there is no special attachment for the meat grinder, you can use glass from an old kerosene lamp, but in this case, you need to stuff the sausage very carefully pushing the minced meat with the handle of a spoon.

A very simple sausage recipe with a finger phanaya Belarusian Belarusian cuisine. A step-by-step recipe for Belarusian cuisine with a photo for cooking at home for 46. Contains only 170 kilocalories.

  • Prep time: 14 minutes
  • Cooking time: 46
  • Calorie count: 170 kcal
  • Servings: 9 servings
  • Complexity: A very simple recipe
  • National cuisine: Belarusian cuisine
  • Type of dish: Snacks

Ingredients for four servings

  • Hip part (kumpyak)
  • Guts (we have in the hypermarket)
  • Spices (cumin, black pepper, garlic, coriander, salt).
  • Salo.

Step by step cooking

  1. Oh, my golden childhood, clean little eyes! Probably, I will never forget how in a remote Belarusian village, lost among the forests, visiting my granny, in the intervals between twisting the tails of neighbors' cats, fishing and other important things, I found time to drop in home to have a bite. We wait, when grandmother does not see, we climb into the pantry, crunch, break off a piece of sausage and, bastardly from the heavenly taste, hamster her. Now I am already a very adult, my grandmother, unfortunately, is no longer there, so I have to cook the sausage on my own. Here, I take it to your judgment. We sharpen the knife. I assure you, if you try to chop the rear axle from a wild boar with a blunt knife, the mines will seem like a spa resort.
  2. Cut the meat into approximately one centimeter cubes. Soak my intestines too. Twist the fat coarsely in a meat grinder. Lightly fry the spices in a pan. We mix meat, bacon and spices, add garlic. A kilogram of meat will require 200 grams of lard, 30 grams of salt for dry-cured and, to taste, for fried sausage. The rest is to your taste. If we are going to fry the sausage, add water and mix it into the minced meat. We leave it in the cold for 12 hours (for dry-cured for three days). Next, we stuff the intestines with minced meat, pierce it with a needle in those places where the air has gathered. And we hang in a dry, cold place for a couple - three weeks (and then for a week over a gas stove) or fry, steam cook. With pancakes, cracklings and a glass - ofigenski!
, made on February 8 at the general meeting of representatives of Belcoopsoyuz members, caused a heated discussion in the society. We in the editorial office of TUT.BY decided to try to cook the "presidential" sausage on our own.

The editorial assignment made me think: the author of these lines, a hereditary citizen of Minsk at least in the third generation, saw sausage only on his table and in the store, and he never had the opportunity to cook it himself. To the rescue came the reference book "Belarusian cuisine", published back in 1984 by the capital publishing house "Urajay", in which several recipes for "homemade sausage" and the entire technology of its preparation are described in the most detailed way.

First, it was necessary to purchase food. For this, the TUT.BY correspondent went to the Zhdanovichi food market. Local sellers, having heard about the purpose of the visit, readily came to the rescue, but they flatly refused to be photographed - apparently, working with raw materials directly related to the production of a product strategic for the revival of Belarusian consumer cooperation presupposes strict secrecy. As a result, I had to promise the girls to retouch their faces in the photo.

But with the necessary ingredients - complete order, the choice in Zhdanovichi is huge. And the prices do not bite: a kilogram of pork shoulder, ideal for making "finger-shoved" sausage (the pig, according to the seller, "grunt in the morning"), cost only 48 thousand rubles. Natural casings for sausages - in other words, thoroughly washed and salted pork intestines - are also sold here for 2 thousand per meter. Lard, also necessary for minced meat, was found at a price of 15 to 40 thousand per kilo, and the choice of spices necessary for sausage turned out to be quite huge. A measuring cup of any seasoning - only 5 thousand.

Actually, in the Zhdanovichi market, ready-made seasoning for homemade sausage is being sold. However, the correspondents of TUT.BY are not looking for easy ways: it was decided to strictly follow the recommendations of the same reference book "Belarusian Cuisine" and separately purchase black pepper, coriander and ground garlic. A ready-made seasoning for sausages was also bought just in case: in which case it can be added to taste. As a result, the products needed for "finger-shoved" sausage cost a little less than 100 thousand rubles: 1 kilogram of pork shoulder, 300 grams of lard, 2 meters of pork intestines and 4 measuring cups of various spices. It was possible to start the mystery of preparing the "presidential" dish.

The most laborious thing here is cutting the minced meat. Of course, you can simply pass it through a meat grinder, but then you will not get homemade sausage, but a completely different product. The special feature of the national Belarusian dish is that meat and lard are cut into small cubes for it with a side of no more than 1 cm.

Natural casings for sausages (pork intestines) are stored in a highly salted form, therefore, before use, it must be thoroughly rinsed under running water under the tap. And not only for culinary reasons, but also for hygienic reasons.

Finally, the "cubic" meat and bacon minced meat was ready. It remained only to add spices to it and mix thoroughly. In order for the product to be properly saturated with salt, black pepper, coriander and garlic, the Belarusian Cuisine reference book strongly recommends leaving it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Well, it's a great opportunity to watch the state channels of Belarusian television to learn about new culinary and political trends!

One of them, as they tirelessly repeat at BT and ONT, is the total modernization of production. Well, it is a sin to lag behind the historical moment: "shoving a sausage with your finger", although very authentic, is, you must agree, tiresome. As a result, for purely patriotic reasons, it was decided to use the products of a domestic manufacturer for this purpose: the KEM-36 kitchen electromechanical machine produced by the Belvar plant in the capital. We must pay tribute: the 600-watt monster stuffed the shell with minced meat very quickly and conveniently, fortunately, there was also a corresponding nozzle for making sausages in the kit. As a result, the whole process took about five minutes.

The next technological operation is sausage cooking. Here, experts strongly recommend not to overdo it: keep it in boiling water for no more than 3-5 minutes. If you boil it longer, then the sausage will turn out to be tasteless.

When the "finger-shoved" sausage cools down a little after boiling (by the way, it reliably kills all microbes), you can start frying. This is done in the traditional way - in a frying pan using low heat. It is necessary to pour a very small amount of sunflower oil on the bottom - in the future, the sausage will start up its own juice. In the process of frying, the sausage should be periodically turned over with a spatula so that it browns and fries evenly. The most difficult thing here is the all-pervading appetizing smell. For example, during the process, for some reason, almost all the neighbors on the staircase rushed to visit the author of these lines ...

The culinary debut of the TUT.BY correspondent turned out to be, without false modesty, successful: the finished sausage turned out to be surprisingly tasty. Through the efforts of the whole family, the "finger-shoved" sausage under potatoes and kefir was eaten literally in one lunch. Yes, and there were no special difficulties in preparing the "presidential" product, which once again proves that what is easy to do in a typical kitchen of an ordinary Khrushchev is even easier to repeat on an industrial scale. And most importantly, the cost of a tasty and nutritious dish is relatively low.

Will the "shoved" sausage save the domestic consumer cooperation, as the president hopes? Here, of course, it is not for us to judge, but one cannot fail to notice that this Belarusian national dish may well become a popular tourist "feature" - no worse than German beer, Italian spaghetti, French cheese, Swiss chocolate or Russian vodka. Foreign guests will certainly be happy to eat "presidential" sausage - here it is difficult to disagree with the head of state. The main thing is that the initiative, as it often happens in our country, does not turn into another campaign.