Festive salads and snacks without chicken. My light and unusual salads for the festive table

14.09.2019 Restaurant notes

Salads and snacks, so beautiful and aromatic, filled with all sorts of spices, are intended to whet the appetite, so they are usually served before the main course. Nutritionists recommend eating salads every day, because salads are the main suppliers of vitamins, trace elements and mineral salts. On this page you will find many different salads, simple and complex, quick and that require a little patience, but all salad recipes are delicious and healthy.

The salad contains potatoes and chicken, so it can be served as a separate dish. The taste is a little spicy thanks to the addition of pickled onions and lightly salted cucumbers ...

Here you will find proteins, essential vitamins and minerals, and a minimum of fat. I recommend it to everyone, especially since this salad is prepared simply and quickly. Can be served as a separate dish ...

At first glance, a very unusual combination of ingredients, but the taste is great. Unlike the classic salad with corn, in this salad, taste harmony is achieved by ...

Not a single festive table, not a single buffet table is complete without canapes on skewers. Make some incredibly beautiful salmon canapes. They will be a great start to any festive feast ...

I suggest making a simple and delicious salad with squid and cheese. This salad requires only four main ingredients, it is easy to prepare, the taste is very delicate ...

This sweet and sour beetroot salad with pickled cucumbers will be an ideal side dish for meat or a full-fledged dinner for those who are fasting or on a diet ...

I would especially highlight this particular salad, it is not only very tasty, delicate and beautiful, but also quite light. And this despite the fact that it still contains mayonnaise ...

This salad turns out to be quite light, since, in addition to the chicken itself, it contains fresh cucumber, an apple and canned peas. There are no boiled potatoes or boiled eggs ...

This salad, invented by knowledgeable French people, will definitely please you. The main advantages of the salad are juicy, tender, light, very quick and easy to cook ...

A quick, practical and tasty snack that suits both a buffet table and an everyday menu. Pancakes can be baked in advance, and the rolls themselves can be made just before serving ...

The salad is very appetizing, light and at the same time satisfying, it is quite possible to have dinner with it. All products are available, inexpensive, cooked quickly, like adults and children ...

This salad has a delicate taste, in addition, it is quite beautiful and, most importantly, all the ingredients are available and inexpensive. Without a doubt, it will become one of your favorite salads ...

This is one of the best summer salads, it is prepared in two or three minutes, but it turns out to be unusually tasty and beautiful. The recipe couldn't be simpler, variations with the addition of apple, dill, onion are possible ...

Be sure to make this easy summer cauliflower salad with fresh cucumbers. It is prepared very simply, it turns out tasty and healthy, I recommend it to everyone ...

This recipe does not require a lot of culinary experience, the stuffed peppers can be cooked even outside the equipped kitchen. The appetizer turns out to be so beautiful and appetizing that it will be scattered first ...

Prepare this unusual and very beautiful layered salad. Made in the form of a bracelet and decorated with pomegranate grains, it will become the main decoration of the most exquisite table ...

A surprisingly simple and delicious recipe for pickled eggplant with garlic and herbs. These pickled eggplants are prepared incredibly quickly, literally in a matter of minutes ...

This salad is distinguished by its simplicity of preparation, comparative cheapness of products, as well as beauty and refined taste. Try it, really delicious, this salad is always eaten first ...

In Georgia, this traditional cold appetizer is certainly prepared for the New Year or a big holiday. It is very tasty and satisfying, because dear guests should not stay hungry ...

Vitamin salad with tuna is always a welcome treat, both for a holiday and for every day. It is healthy, nutritious and quick to cook. The perfect dinner for those who are weight-watchers ...

A very tasty and unusual snack cake made from zucchini, tomatoes, garlic and hard cheese. Perfect for a festive table or for a special occasion ...

A very simple and delicious salad made from beef liver and pickled onions. Nothing complicated, all the products are available, we pickle the onions ourselves. Can be seasoned with vegetable oil or mayonnaise ...

Olivie with mushrooms is one of my favorite salads, I cook it for the New Year and other big holidays. The ingredients are inexpensive and affordable, but the salad tastes amazing ...

Our ancestors were well aware of the healing power of nettles, so they often cooked food with it. To replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals, we will prepare a delicious and healthy nettle salad with feta cheese and olives ...

This inexpensive and quick salad was very popular in Soviet times, and it was called "Belochka". An interesting observation - this salad is always the first to disappear from the festive table ...

This amazing salmon cake will decorate the most exquisite festive table - it is delicious, delicate, and at the same time very quick and easy to prepare. The perfect solution for a buffet table ...

If you want to stay healthy and energetic, do not neglect bean salads, because beans contain essential proteins, vitamins and amino acids for humans ...

Cabbage is an amazing vegetable with hundreds of useful properties, so cabbage salads need to be cooked almost every day. I propose a simple, unusual and delicious recipe ...

The salad is inexpensive, it is easy to prepare, it will be appreciated by both guests at the festive table and your family, if you decide to please them on a regular weekday ...

The classic recipe for Olivier salad. Cooked with doctor's sausage and canned peas, it earned popular love and became one of the most popular salads of the Soviet era ...

Be sure to try the delicious and satisfying liver salad with mushrooms and green peas. Preparing a salad is not difficult, even a child can handle it, it turns out a lot and incredibly tasty ...

This salad is easy to prepare, it is so beautiful and nutritious that you can have a delicious dinner with it without harming your figure. It is also often served as a separate dish, and does not require meat or anything else ...

Very tasty, fresh and light salad, will be especially useful for those who watch their figure. Ideal for a light breakfast or dinner. The salad is prepared in just a few minutes ...

Don't know what to cook for the holiday? As a cold snack, there is nothing better than a delicious and aromatic boiled pork. It's easy to cook, the main thing is to choose the right meat and follow the recipe ...

It turns out that tomatoes lower blood cholesterol levels, prevent fatty degeneration of the liver, increase immunity and hemoglobin, so we are not lazy and prepare tomato salads ...

A salad for true gourmets, unusual, tender and tasty, but the preparation itself takes only a few minutes. Be sure to try, pamper yourself and loved ones with vitamin salad ...

Try this delicate herring forshmak, perfect for festive canapés or as a cold snack. Forshmak composition: lightly salted herring, egg, butter, processed cheese ...

This salad is distinguished by its simplicity of preparation, availability and cheapness of ingredients. But the taste turns out to be quite complicated: delicate, exquisite, unique. An excellent choice for a festive table ...

A nondescript-looking radish is a real treasure of valuable trace elements and mineral salts. In addition to the supplier of vital elements, radish normalizes metabolism, prevents obesity ...

Red cabbage is very useful for the body, improves immunity, cleanses the body, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves vision, and this is not the whole list. To your attention healthy red cabbage salads ...

The recipe for Casanova salad is extremely quick and simple, it is prepared from the most affordable products: celery, green salad, hard cheese, eggs and onions. It turns out so beautiful and appetizing that salivating immediately flows ...

These crunchy bags with seafood filling will conquer even the biggest gourmets, they are so juicy, tasty and aromatic that it is simply impossible to remain indifferent. Preparing wontonuts is very simple ...

Many are trying to find a formula for youth, health and longevity, spend money on expensive nutritional supplements, completely oblivious to the fact that a miraculous plant is nearby and is worth a mere penny. Yes, it's about spinach ...

Make this simple and delicious Tofu cheese appetizer. Until recently, this cheese made from soy milk was a rarity, but now it can be found in almost any supermarket ...

Shuba salad was and will remain one of the most beloved salads. It is invariably delicious and tender. To slightly change the usual look of the salad, I suggest preparing it in the form of a roll. We look at a detailed step-by-step recipe ...

This dietary celery root salad belongs to the category of delicious and healthy dishes that help to heal the body. Celery improves metabolism and ultimately helps you lose weight ...

With just four simple and affordable ingredients, you can make a beautiful, tasty and healthy salad. Try it, you will be surprised by the harmony and sophisticated taste, as well as the ease of preparation ...

Don't know what to cook for the New Year? The answer is very simple - horseshoe-shaped salad. This light and tasty salad will definitely please the hostess of the coming year and will bring good luck ...

All ingenious is simple. This postulate once again confirms this extremely simple, but extraordinarily delicious cod liver salad. Try it, it is in simplicity that the harmony of taste is revealed ...

If you need to support the heart and blood vessels, normalize metabolism after a diet, remove toxins, excess cholesterol and generally rejuvenate the body, there is nothing better than a vitamin slatik from Jerusalem artichoke ...

There are many different salads with cod liver, but this one is simple, quick to prepare, originality and sophisticated taste. Try it, your guests will love it ...

This simple and tasty salad has won worldwide fame for a long time. It is served in some of the finest restaurants, but that doesn't mean it's hard to make at home. How to do this, read in detail in my recipe ...

Cooking Olivier salad for the holidays has already become a good tradition, but a person is so arranged that you always want something new. Try a new version of the famous salad. Lightness and refined taste ...

The food of a modern person is so lacking in iodine. It is very easy to make up for this deficiency, to return to its former strength and energy with the help of this simple seaweed salad ...

This incredibly simple and practical appetizer of fried eggplant, garlic sauce and tomato is so delicious and beautiful that it is eaten first. Try this sharp little mother-in-law's language ...

Make a healthy seafood salad Seafood Cocktail. A big plus of the set is that all the ingredients are peeled, washed and chopped, all that remains is to boil seafood and add vegetables ...

Make these yummy croutons. They go great with beer, they are added to fresh salads, and they are also served with soups. Try the pea soup with spicy croutons, it's just delicious ...

An excellent choice for a small buffet table or a festive feast. These canapes will amaze you not only with their exquisite taste, but also with their ease of preparation. So, we need smoked salmon, tender cheese ...

Prepare this beautiful and healthy snack with fresh cucumbers, soft cream cheese, and herbs. All products are available, preparation is extremely simple, does not require much time or special skills ...

The classic vinaigrette is made with five main ingredients: beets, potatoes, carrots, onions and canned cucumbers. In order for vegetables to retain all their vitamins, it is important to cook them correctly ...

This vitamin salad is just a real miracle, and not only in appearance. Four types of green salad, orange and pomegranate will fill your body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals ...

Be sure to prepare a salad of beets, prunes and apples. It is tasty, healthy, light and nutritious at the same time. Do not forget that beets strengthen the body, improve digestion and metabolism ...

An original and very tasty appetizer. It goes with beer and spirits. Cooking shrimp in batter will not be difficult, but beauty is obtained. By the way, shrimps are eaten instantly ...

This salad is beautiful and delicious. Pickled onions add a special sophistication to the salad. Although there is no strict rule on how to alternate layers, you should still adhere to one rule ...

Very delicate salad. Thanks to its original form, it will undoubtedly appeal to children, and not only to eat. Your little helpers will be happy to take part in the preparation of this dish ...

It used to be one of the most popular salads. He earned popular love thanks to the refined taste and availability of ingredients. You only need three products and fifteen minutes of time ...

Amazingly delicious and tender salad. And the best part is that it is prepared from available products. Try it and you will be amazed by the simplicity of preparation and exquisite taste ...

To set the New Year's table, it is not at all necessary to spend a fortune on exotic dishes. From relatively inexpensive and affordable products, you can prepare, for example, this amazing salad ...

To prepare this simple and delicious salad, you only need three products: pineapple, chicken and mushrooms. The preparation itself is quick, pleasant and does not require any special skills ...

Almost everyone associates this simple and incredibly practical snack with the holiday. By the way, it is not at all necessary to wait right up to the New Year to treat yourself to this dish ...

The eggplants in this recipe really do resemble mushrooms. They prepare very simply and quickly, which is what the people liked. And what is also important - they are perfectly stored in the refrigerator under a nylon lid ...

Recently, or rather since 1980, a Japanese snack - sushi - has become especially popular all over the world, including here. You can taste sushi in a restaurant, or you can cook it at home ...

There are so many housewives, there are so many recipes for this salad, but with such freedom it is important to observe the main features of a Greek salad: it is made from fresh vegetables and feta cheese and, of course, olives must be placed ...

In addition to vital vitamins, this salad contains phytoncides, and of two types: garlic and carrot. In addition, there is an intensive assimilation of carotene due to the presence of fat in the salad ...

Prepare this amazing, unusually delicious and beautiful salad with pickled mushrooms, which is prepared literally before serving and, of course, is eaten warm ...

Every housewife knows: if there is cabbage, then the family will not remain hungry. Cabbage can be fermented, stewed, and excellent pies can be made. How to ferment cabbage is described in this recipe ...

Surprisingly, a real masterpiece can be prepared from the cheapest and most affordable products. At the same time, special experience is not required: we make rolls, marinate for 5 days and the yummy is ready ...

If the usual sauerkraut is a little boring, then I advise you to cook a very tasty and beautiful cabbage called "Festive". Prepares in 5 days! You will need cabbage, beets, garlic, salt, sugar ...

Preparing a zucchini roll is quite simple, it turns out delicious, beautiful and cheap, you can serve it as a cold snack or as an independent dish ...

This is the most festive salad you can think of. Despite the fact that recently all kinds of canapes have become especially popular, they cannot be compared with a herring under a fur coat ...

Mullet makes an amazing cold appetizer. Aspic is prepared incredibly quickly and, most importantly, fish broth solidifies well even without gelatin ...

And here is another recipe for a cold snack - the famous aspic from fish. Delicious and beautiful, it is quite simple to prepare, but gelatin is added for strength. A good recipe, perfect for a festive table ...

Using spinach tortilla as the main ingredient, you can prepare an original and delicious canapé. Try it and you will love this simple dish forever ...

To make the crab stick salad really tasty, take care of the quality of the ingredients. Here you will find not only a salad recipe, but also useful tips on how to choose ...

Try the extraordinarily delicious pickled eggplant stuffed with onions and carrots. They are prepared quite simply and quickly, but the appetizer turns out to be excellent ...

Eggplant is a special vegetable. As soon as it is cooked, baked or fried, it turns out to be an incredibly tasty dish. As for eggplant caviar, it's just a leader. It is beautiful, healthy and tasty, and it is being prepared ...

It only takes you a couple of minutes to make this salad. It turns out delicious, beautiful, and most importantly - healthy. With a sharp knife or using a slicer, first cut ...

Make a delicious and healthy radish and green salad. These vegetables are the first to appear in the spring and always delight with their availability and affordable prices. The salad itself is prepared in just a few minutes ...

An exquisite dish, tender, tasty and healthy. Unusual colors, unusual taste and original presentation. The main ingredients are avocado and shrimp ...

The longer the Korean carrot is infused, the tastier it turns out. By the way, this salad, which is simply packed with vitamins, can be kept in the refrigerator for several weeks ...

Why this salad is called "German" is not known for certain to science. Apparently, due to the presence of sausages in the salad. Or the creator of the salad once again wanted to emphasize ...

Any housewife knows how to cook an Olivier salad, but what she doesn't know for sure is why the world famous salad named after a Frenchman is called Russian by the Spaniards ...

This salad will be useful especially for those who watch their figure. Boiled chicken, oranges, fresh apples and green salad will not only satisfy hunger, but also fill the body with vitamins ...

You probably already guessed that this salad is not among the everyday dishes. And here you are absolutely right. This is an unusual dish and requires an appropriate setting: soft light, beautiful cutlery ...

This original salad is intended for big gourmets: grapes and smoked meat, pine nuts and walnuts are offered in one dish. And all this is poured with a special fill ...

All kinds of pasta salads are very popular in Italy and Spain. And this is not surprising. In the summer heat, these delicious and hearty salads often replace the first course ...

Have guests unexpectedly come to you? Then this dish is for you. In just ten to fifteen minutes you will prepare a delicious and original cold appetizer. So, for this we need ...

Another delicious and healthy salad with rice. Its main advantage is light and nutritious and does not contain mayonnaise. Preparing a salad is simple and quick. So, we cook rice in a lot of salted water ...

Spoil yourself with this original salad. Nuts, raisins, apples, pineapple and bananas will fill your body with vitamins and minerals, and rice will keep your figure in great shape ...

Gathered for nature? Make a great snack with shrimp, fish, avocado, and small cherry tomatoes. These kebabs are good both hot and cold and cooking is a pleasure ...

A New Year's salad should be tasty, tender, beautiful, easy to prepare and affordable in terms of ingredients. This salad is just that. Try it, the best salad for this New Year ...

  • For the preparation of salads, the Sami use various products - fresh and boiled vegetables, meat, fish, and some fruits. As a rule, almost any salad contains greens - green onions, dill, parsley, celery.
  • So that the taste, as well as the external presentation of the salads, are at their best, it is best to cut and mix the ingredients, as well as season the salads before serving. A rare exception is salads dressed with mayonnaise or sour cream, for example, the well-known and beloved Olivier salad. It is advisable to prepare these salads in advance, and let them brew a little so that the taste of the products mixes.
  • So that the raw vegetables, from which it is planned to prepare a salad, do not lose vitamin C upon contact with oxygen, after cutting the vegetables, sprinkle them with lemon juice or 5% vinegar.
  • Radish salad gets a spicy taste if you add a little ground walnuts to it.
  • Mayonnaise in salads can be replaced with the following dressing: add the crushed yolk of one boiled egg and a teaspoon of mild mustard to the sour cream, salt and spices to taste.
  • Frozen tomatoes and salad peppers for salads should not be thawed in plastic wrap, but placed in an enamel or earthenware dish to preserve the juice that stands out.
  • If you need to boil vegetables for a salad, then boil them in salted water. The exceptions are beets and carrots. It is better not to cook vegetables for salads a little, than to digest them.
  • To make boiled vegetables better cleaned, after cooking, pour them over with cold water.
  • It is better to buy carrots for salads with a short root vegetable (carotel variety). It is more juicy and aromatic. It is from such carrots that delicious carrot juice is obtained, as well as delicious salads and side dishes.
  • To make the tomatoes lose less juice when cutting, cut the tomatoes with a sharp knife. A bread knife or the sharpest ceramic knives are ideal for this purpose.
  • So that the onions do not taste bitter, they are first cut into noodles, and then poured with cold water for 10-15 minutes.
  • To completely get rid of the bitterness, pour boiling water over the chopped onion for 10 minutes.
  • We wash any greens (spinach, all kinds of salads, parsley, sorrel, dill and parsley ...) in plenty of water, so that the greens float. We put the washed greens in a colander so that all the water is glass.
  • Since wet green onions spoil very quickly, store them unwashed.
  • A regular radish salad is transformed into a special dish with a subtle savory taste when you add a handful of crushed walnuts to it.
  • Chinese chicken salad
  • Orange Slice Salad
  • "Festive" salad

    This simple salad will not take the hostess a lot of time. But, on the other hand, its taste qualities will remain in the memory of the people gathered at the table for a long time. The name for this salad was quite suitable: "Festive". Calculation of products is limited to 4 servings.

    You will need:

    Breast (chicken pulp) / 165 gr.;
    - ham (beef / pork and beef) / 175 gr.;
    - tomatoes / 2.5 pcs.,
    - eggs (steep) / 10 pcs.,
    - cucumbers / pickled / 3pcs .;
    - cheese / hard variety / 95 gr .;
    - mayonnaise / 175 gr.;
    - dill / parsley / 50 gr.


    Boil the breast, cool, cut into thin strips. You can even tear it with your hands, then the chicken will look like lush threads, which will add volume to the salad. Cut the ham into long cubes.

    Boil eggs, peel and chop into strips. Do not mix anything yet, because from frequent stirring the products lose both their appearance and vitamins.

    Dice the tomatoes if they are very soft. Hard tomatoes can be cut into strips. You should not use boiling water, as well as it is undesirable to remove the skin from them, otherwise the vegetables will give a lot of juice.

    Grate the cheese. The best option for this salad is a Korean carrot grater. Then almost all the ingredients will be in the same style, from an aesthetic point of view, this will be a suitable option for a festive table.

    Place the food in a large, deep dish and mix gently with mayonnaise. Arrange the salad in bowls, rinse and cut the greens (by the way, it is better to tear it with your hands to preserve the vitamin composition). Decorate each bowl with salad with herbs. Bon Appetit!

    "Natalie" salad with prunes

    In past centuries, any dish with prunes was called "Royal". Such a proud name was given because the festive tables of the kings were famous for a variety of meat dishes. Prunes balanced this diet as much as possible, bringing great benefits to lovers of heavy meals. Dried fruits in a salad are still relevant today. Calculation of 5-6 servings.

    A set of products:

    Chicken fillet / 260 gr.,
    - lightweight mayonnaise / 165 gr.;
    - dried prunes (b / c) / 170 gr.
    - walnut / 125 grams,
    - cucumber (fresh harvest) / a couple of small things;
    - egg (chicken) / 4pcs.


    Boil the chicken, be sure to cool it (the salad will turn sour with hot products) and cut into small pieces.

    Boil eggs hard-boiled, chop into cubes. Cut the cucumbers into small longitudinal strips.

    Place the prunes in boiling water for 10 minutes. Cut into small pieces.

    Mix all of the above ingredients in a separate bowl, arrange in portions in layers, lightly covering each layer with lightweight mayonnaise.

    Grate a walnut on top of each portion.

    Spicy "Herring under a fur coat"

    Since childhood, everyone has become accustomed to the usual herring under a fur coat. Today we offer you an unusual, but more delicious, and most importantly, a quick variation of it.


    Herring / 400-450 gr.;
    - egg (chicken) / 5-6 eggs;
    - mushrooms (pickled) / 165 gr.;
    - beets / 1 pc.;
    - carrots / 1 pc .;
    - mayonnaise / 230 gr.;
    - lemon / half;
    - mustard / 20gr.


    Rinse the herring, peel, remove the bones, cut into large pieces. Mix a spoonful of mayonnaise with mustard and squeeze the lemon into the sauce. Add the herring to the sauce. Stir everything with your hands so that each piece is smeared with sauce. Leave on for 20-30 minutes. Then put everything on a paper towel and blot the herring, removing any traces of sauce.

    Prepare a special ring used in cooking.

    Boil the beets in advance, grate them chilled on a large-caliber grater. Devide into two parts. Add a small amount of mayonnaise, stir. Put the first part in a ring on a platter.

    The mushrooms should also be cut into small cubes. Place on top of the previous layer.

    Boil the carrots, peel and rub (coarsely), again season with mayonnaise and divide in half. Spread one piece on top of the mushrooms,

    Boil and grate eggs. The grated eggs will be the first layer of the salad.

    Cover everything with a layer of beets, already seasoned with mayonnaise.

    Place large slices of herring in haste on top of all layers. So, without much hassle and worries, you can cook this "Herring under a fur coat", which will decorate any table.

    "Economical" salad with processed cheese and cauliflower

    Despite the name, this is a very tasty and elegant salad that will decorate the most sophisticated table.


    Cabbage (cauliflower) / 450 gr.;
    - eggs / 5 pcs.;
    - cheese ("Friendship") / 2 pcs .;
    - boiled corn grains / 250 gr .;
    - mayonnaise - 185g.


    Immerse the cauliflower in boiling water for two minutes. Set aside a couple of small inflorescences for decoration. Grate it on a large-caliber grater, put it on a platter, season with mayonnaise (use a syringe, pastry).

    Grate the cheese on a fine grater, spread the layer on top of the apple layer, without pressing down with a spoon, so that it is fluffy. Squeeze the mayonnaise out of the syringe.

    Grate eggs (choose small caliber). Expand on the previous layer, do not smooth out, so that the volume remains. Add mayonnaise, also with a syringe.

    Arrange the corn kernels in a ring around the edge of the whole dish and the salad itself. Decorate with mayonnaise using the same syringe, for example, draw a grid or checkerboard.

    Place a couple of cabbage sprigs and a spoonful of corn in the center.

    Chicken salad with pineapple

    Such a salad is known to every housewife, but we will try to update it.

    - chicken fillet (boiled) / 0.5 kg,
    - dessert corn / can;
    - pineapples canned in their own juice / 1 can;
    - hard cheese / 100 gr .;
    - eggs (chicken) / 4 pcs.,
    - mayonnaise (lightweight) / 180 gr.


    Tear the boiled fillet with your hands into small fibers, spread evenly on a platter. Cover with light mayonnaise. You can use a pastry syringe.

    Lay out a layer of corn and cover with mayonnaise. Cut pineapples (pre-dried) into cubes, lay out in the next layer. Cover lightly with mayonnaise.

    Boil the eggs, grate on top of the fillet. Cover with a light layer of mayonnaise.

    Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Place on top of all layers, both from the center and from the sides. Leave this layer without mayonnaise. You can decorate it with a pineapple wedge.

    Salad with aromatic ham and fresh cucumbers

    The ham is good both on its own and in salads. She will make any dish not only tasty, but also satisfying. Calculation of 4-5 servings.

    You will need:

    Ham / 270 gr.;
    - cheese (hard variety) / 220 gr.;
    - carrots (boiled) / 1.5 pcs.,
    - eggs (boiled) / 4 pcs.,
    - mayonnaise / 4 tbsp. l .;
    - cucumber (fresh harvest) / 300 gr.,
    - sour cream / 4 tbsp. l .;
    - mustard / spoon;
    - greens / 90 gr.


    Cut the ham into thin longitudinal bars. Wash the cucumber, cut into long strips, about 3 cm. Boil the eggs, cut into strips in length, you can use an egg cutter. Also prepare carrots in the form of cubes. Grate hard cheese with a large grater. Mix sour cream, mustard and mayonnaise.

    Arrange the ham evenly in a serving dish. Pour a little sauce using a pastry bag, syringe. Put chopped cucumbers on a layer. Drizzle with mayonnaise sauce.

    The next layer will be cooked carrots. Put the eggs on top of the carrots, no longer covering with the sauce. Sprinkle the grated cheese over the salad.

    Decorate the dish with vibrant summer greens.

    Salad Abundance with caviar

    Caviar is a decoration for any table. A salad with caviar will be appreciated by any housewife.


    Sausage (smoked / uncooked smoked) / 210 gr.;
    - eggs (quail) / 7 pcs.;
    - canned corn;
    - red caviar / 100gr;
    - chips / large package;
    - mayonnaise / 100 ml.


    Cut the smoked / uncooked sausage into small squares. Add corn kernels. Stir lightly.

    The chips will be used both inside the salad and to decorate it. Therefore, a small amount of them should be set aside, and the rest should be crushed a little and added to the above products. We also divide the caviar into two parts, add one to the salad.

    Boil eggs, cut into squares, mix with existing products.

    Add mayonnaise, stir everything thoroughly.

    Put in a salad bowl, make a flower from the remaining chips, and put caviar in the center.

    The salad must be soaked before serving, otherwise the chips will be tough and spicy.

    Chicken salad with peas

    Chicken goes well with any salad. But in order for the taste of it to be remembered by the guests of your table, we recommend boiling it with any spices.

    You will need:

    Chicken / 430 grams;
    - cucumbers (pickled) / 190 grams;
    - green peas (canned) / 200 gr .;
    - cheese (hard) / 150 gr.;
    - eggs (chicken) / 6 pcs.;
    - a clove of garlic;
    - mayonnaise / 180 ml.


    Rinse chicken fillet, boil to prepare for salad in the form. Cut the cucumbers. Mix the above products.

    Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Add to future salad. Chop boiled, cooled eggs into cubes. Divide the peas in half. Add the first portion to the salad, stir.

    Pour with mayonnaise, after squeezing the garlic into it.

    Put in a special dish, placed on a platter. Remove the mold, level the salad with a spoon and decorate with canned green peas and herbs.

    Salad "Delicacy"

    This is not only a beautiful salad suitable for a festive table, but it is also very satisfying and healthy.


    Sausage (boiled) / 210 gr.;
    - beans (red) / 200 gr.;
    - tomato / 190 gr.;
    - eggs (chicken) / 4 pcs.;
    - garlic / 3 teeth;
    - mayonnaise / 190 gr.;
    - cheese / 185 gr.


    Cut the sausage thinly into elongated pieces. Boil beans in the evening or use canned beans, let the juice drain, put in a bowl to the sausage.

    Grate the cheese finely. Add to beans and sausage. Finely chop the boiled eggs. Add to the cup to the food.

    Since beans are a dryish product, you should not regret mayonnaise. Mix mayonnaise with grated garlic and add to salad.

    Place the salad shaper on the platter, put the salad in it, then remove it. Trim, decorate with tomato slices in a circle. Sprinkle the salad with herbs.

    Crab salad with Korean carrots

    Featuring crab sticks and Korean carrots, this salad will have guests clamoring for the recipe. In addition, the salad is not only tasty, but also easy to prepare and can serve as an excellent snack for strong drinks.


    Crab sticks (meat) / 290 gr.,
    - carrots (Korean, spicy) / 250 gr.,
    - olive (b / c) / one can;
    - chicken eggs / dozen;
    - salt.

    For the sauce you will need:

    Mayonnaise / 5 spoons;
    - sour cream / 50 ml;
    - a clove of garlic.


    Cut the crab sticks / meat into rings. Olives should also be prepared for the ring-shaped salad. Mix foods. Chop the boiled eggs. Place in a container.

    Add Korean carrots to the salad. Pour the sauce (after mixing the prepared products for it) and mix everything well.

    Put in a salad bowl, decorate with a couple of olives.

    Festive salad with Chinese cabbage, tomatoes and cheese

    This salad is not just a dish for the festive table. It's packed with vitamins and hearty, but not overly nutritious foods. Healthy and tasty, it is perfect for daily serving.

    A set of products:

    Chicken breast / 400 gr.;
    - small tomato on a branch / 5-7 pieces;
    - cabbage (Beijing) / 210 gr.
    - fruits of olives / 170 gr.;
    - cheese, hard / 120 gr .;

    Oil (olive) / 3 tbsp. l .;
    - vinegar (apple, wine) / 1 tbsp. l .;
    - spices (dry garlic, hops-suneli) / pinch.


    Fry the chicken in the "grill" method, put on napkins in order to cool and remove fat. After 20 minutes, cut into squares, transfer to a deep dish.

    Chop Chinese cabbage and gently mash with your hands. Chop the olives and tomatoes. Mix the above products, rub the cheese into a bowl.

    Prepare the sauce by mixing all the ingredients and season the salad with it. Gently and easily mix it on both sides with special chopsticks.

    It is necessary to serve such a salad immediately, otherwise the products date the juice and it will turn into an indefinite mass.

    Meat salad with chicken and tomatoes

    As they say, a woman can make three famous things out of nothing: a wardrobe, a scandal and, of course, a salad. With the latter, everything is generally simple, you just need to apply a little imagination and turn on your sensory abilities of the taster. In other words, think about what can be combined with what. We have thought and offer you a very unusual and interesting salad.


    Chicken fillet / 135 gr.;
    - cervelat / 80 gr .;
    - eggs / 4 pcs.;
    - mayonnaise (light) / a couple of st / l;
    - a couple of garlic cloves;
    - peas / 05, cans;
    - pink tomato (or "Bull's heart" tomato) / one piece.


    We prepare the salad in a bowl, then to give it a semicircular shape.

    Cut the chicken fillet and fry it whole (you can dice it in breadcrumbs), then cut it.

    Cut the cervelat into squares. This type of sausage is considered fatty, it is kept in the freezer for several minutes or dried in paper towels in the air.

    Cut the tomato into long strips and set aside for decoration. Hard-boiled eggs, cut into cubes, add to the total mass.

    Squeeze the garlic into mayonnaise, stir, add to the salad, turn it over onto a platter. Use a spoon to level the slide, lightly greasing it with mayonnaise. Decorate with tomato wedges. To make the pattern look corrugated. Put the peas in a ring around the salad. Bon Appetit.


    Chicken / 320 gr.;
    - carrots (in Korean) / 170 gr.;
    - red juicy pepper / 2 pcs.;
    - soy sauce / 3.5 tablespoons;
    - oil (freshly pressed, olive) / 3 tbsp. l .;


    Cut the chicken into long cubes and fry for five to six minutes. Then add the sauce (soy), simmer for another three minutes. Cool on a napkin, as it will help the oil drain, put in a bowl.

    Cut the pepper into long cubes and place in the hot skillet from where the meat has just been taken out. Fry lightly, literally two minutes. Put in a common dish.

    Add the Korean carrots to the pan, fry for a couple of minutes until they soften. Add to other ingredients.

    Mix everything and put in the refrigerator overnight so that it is soaked.

    The salad can be served both cold and hot.

    Orange Slice Salad

    This salad will be an excellent decoration for a festive table, because it looks like an orange slice. Bright, smart, adored by both children and adults.


    Potatoes / 4 pcs.;
    - hard cheese / 100 gr.;
    - baked chicken breast / 310 g;
    - onion (shallot) / head;
    - sauerkraut / 120 gr.;
    - carrots / 3 pcs.;
    - eggs / 5 pcs.;
    - mayonnaise / lightweight, pack.


    Bake chicken breast with different spices.

    Cut the chicken into cubes and place on top of the potato base. Using a spoon, pour the mayonnaise over the layer.

    Finely chop the onion and sauerkraut, pour over with mayonnaise.

    Boil the eggs, peel and rub on a large grater on top of the cabbage. Lubricate with mayonnaise. Cover the wedge with grated cheese, do not flatten with a spoon to keep the cheese fluffy.

  • Top ten: recipes for simple and delicious beetroot salads
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    Hello dear readers. If you came across this article today, it means that you or your loved ones are approaching a happy holiday, birthday. Today we will not talk about the holiday itself, but about its preparatory part, that is, about salads that you can quickly and easily prepare. I chose, in my opinion, the most delicious and easy-to-prepare salads you can make for your birthday. I'll tell you a little history and then we'll start.

    Celebrating birthdays has been around since time immemorial. First, this tradition appeared in Europe, and then it became popular in all countries of the world. It used to be believed that on a birthday, a person accumulates a lot of negative energy and evil forces come out, so on this wonderful holiday all friends and relatives gathered under one roof to protect and save the birthday person from evil spirits with their good thoughts and wishes.

    Before starting the article, I would also like to say that one of the ingredients for today's salads will be crab sticks. But separately about this salad, I have not yet written in such detail, and therefore I want to recommend this site: http://kopilpremudrosti.ru/salat-iz-krabovyx-palochek.html - very tasty salads made from crab sticks. On a note!

    So, TOP 10 salads for birthday:

    Royal salad with croutons

    This is one of the fastest and most delicious salads that you can prepare for a holiday.

    Required products for cooking:

    • eggs - 4 pieces
    • cheese (hard) - 300-350 grams
    • crab sticks (crab meat) - 1 pack (240g.)
    • crackers - 100 grams
    • half lemon
    • garlic - 2 cloves
    • mayonnaise to taste

    1. On the table, we prepare the products you need.

    2. Cut crab sticks into rings, if you decide to cook from crab meat, chop it finely.

    3. Boil eggs in steep, cool in cold water and cut.

    4. Take a coarse grater and grate the cheese on it.

    6. Place all the croutons in a deep dish. Sprinkle gently with lemon juice. Mix well by adding mayonnaise.

    7. That's basically all, crab salad with croutons is ready. You can set the table and treat guests.

    "Obzhorka" with chicken

    "Obzhorka", in my opinion, will go well with your table. I recommend you this simple and hearty salad. There are several varieties, but since the topic today is “quick and easy”, I will tell you a classic recipe.

    Products for cooking:

    • chicken meat - 350 grams
    • bottom large onion
    • one large carrot
    • pickled cucumbers - 3-4 pieces
    • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. spoons
    • vegetable oil
    • salt, pepper to taste
    • garlic optional - 3-4 cloves

    1. Put the food on the table.

    2. Wash the chicken under cold water

    3. Place the meat in a saucepan and cook for about twenty minutes until tender. Salt the water.

    4. Wash the onions and chop finely.

    5. Peel the carrots, wash and cut into strips, you can also grate them (coarse).

    6. Remove the chicken from the pan and cut into pieces.

    7. Pour oil into a frying pan, put on fire and fry the chopped carrots for 5 minutes.

    8. Fry onions and carrots separately in a skillet. Cool it down.

    9. Finely chop the garlic.

    10. Cut the pickles into strips.

    11. Place all cooked and chopped food in a deep bowl and add mayonnaise.

    12. Mix everything thoroughly.

    "Obzhorka" is ready to eat.

    Birthday salad

    This masterpiece, like the “Obzhorka” prepared with chicken, is simple and original. Preparing for one, two, three and very well suited for a child's holiday.

    Required Ingredients:

    • chicken fillet - 350 gr.
    • apples - 100 gr.
    • eggs - 3 pieces
    • fresh cucumbers - 300 gr.
    • tomatoes (tomatoes) - 100 gr.
    • greens - 25 gr.
    • mayonnaise
    • lemon juice - 15 gr.

    1. Boil the eggs and chicken meat in advance, peel the apples and cucumbers.

    2. Slice the chicken.

    3. Then finely chop the eggs.

    4. Cut the apple into strips and pour over with lemon juice.

    5. Cucumbers are also cut into strips, you can dice (optional).

    6. Mix the chopped ingredients in a deep bowl.

    7. Add mayonnaise to taste.

    8. Tomatoes should be cut into slices.

    Venice salad - step by step recipe

    The extraordinarily delicate and exquisite Venezia salad will go well with meat and potatoes on your festive or New Year's table.


    • smoked sausage - 120 gr.
    • cheese (hard varieties) - 150 gr.
    • one carrot
    • one cucumber
    • corn - 1 can
    • mayonnaise.

    1.Providing the necessary products

    2. Cut all products into strips equally. The main thing is not to salt, this is the highlight. Sausage first

    3. Then hard cheese

    4. Cucumbers.

    5. Carrots, don't forget to wash them.

    6. Take a can of corn and drain the juice. We put it in a bowl.

    7. Pour all the products into a bowl.

    8. Add mayonnaise.

    9. And mixes it well.

    The salad is completely ready. Bon Appetit!

    "Caesar" at home

    Caesar has many varieties of cooking. I will tell you the recipe for chicken caesar.


    • chicken breast (boiled) - 350 grams
    • cheese (hard) - 200 grams
    • eggs (boiled) - 4-5 pieces
    • one pack of croutons with cheese
    • tomatoes (Cherry) - 200 grams
    • salad - 200 grams
    • half a lemon
    • 2 cloves of garlic
    • olive oil - 100 ml.
    • mustard - 2 tbsp. spoons
    • salt to taste

    Cooking method:

    1. The breast should be well washed in cold water, put on fire in salted water and boiled.
    2. Wash and dry lettuce leaves.
    3. Boil the eggs, let them cool and cut into half rings.
    4. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
    5. Wash the tomatoes.

    Caesar should be laid out in five layers:

    • crackers
    • tomatoes

    We put lettuce leaves on a plate, on which we spread all the layers. Sprinkle with spices on top.

    "Tulip Tomato" appetizer

    A completely simple and original appetizer for your table, will delight your guests for a birthday and not only. It can be prepared for New Years and other holidays.

    Required products:

    • tomatoes (not large) - 30 pieces
    • bunch of green onions
    • cheese - 200 grams
    • crab sticks - 1 pack (240 gr.)
    • three cloves of garlic
    • fresh cucumber
    • mayonnaise

    How to cook and stuff tomatoes with cheese and crab sticks, see the video below.

    Tiffany salad with chicken and grapes

    Not one birthday will be complete without such a wonderful treat. Tiffany salad will perfectly decorate your festive table. Now I will tell you how to cook it step by step.

    Products for cooking:

    • chicken breast - 2 pieces
    • cheese (hard) - 180 grams
    • eggs - 5 pieces
    • half a kilogram of large grapes
    • curry seasoning - 0.5 tsp. Spoons
    • almonds or walnuts - half a glass
    • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons
    • mayonnaise, salt, parsley - to taste

    1.We take the necessary products

    2. Wash the meat and boil, then cut it into fibers.

    3. Pour butter into a preheated frying pan, top with crumbled chicken breast and sprinkle with curry seasoning. Fry for five minutes.

    4. Boil the eggs hard-boiled and cool them in cool water.

    5. Grind the eggs on a grater.

    6. Fry the nuts and chop.

    7. Cut the grapes into halves, removing all seeds. You can use "raisins", it is pitted.

    8. Open the mayonnaise and draw the shape of a bunch of grapes on a plate.

    9. Arrange the first layer, chicken breast, sprinkle with nuts or almond. Lubricate with mayonnaise.

    10. Eggs are placed on top and also sprinkle with nuts and smear with mayonnaise.

    12. Place the halves of the grapes on top by dipping them in mayonnaise.

    Place in the refrigerator and let it brew for a while, usually about two hours. We take out the salad, surprise and treat the guests.

    Sunflower salad

    This masterpiece, in the shape of a flower, has long been popular with housewives. It is often prepared for the New Year.


    • chicken breast - 250 grams
    • potatoes - 2 pieces
    • cucumbers gherkins - 5 pieces
    • eggs - 3 pieces
    • olives - 10 pieces
    • one carrot
    • chips (large) and mayonnaise

    1. We take the necessary products. Cook meat, potatoes and carrots in salted water. Boil potatoes in their uniforms.

    2. Grate potatoes and put in the first layer in a deep bowl, pour over with mayonnaise.

    3. With the second layer, lay out the gherkins.

    4. Slice the chicken breast and spread it in the third layer.

    5. The fourth layer is the grated carrot.

    6. Separate the whites from the yolks, grate them and lay out in the fifth layer.

    7. Lubricate the resulting layers with mayonnaise.

    8. Grate the yolks and sprinkle with mayonnaise on top.

    9. Cut the olives, each into four parts and decorate the salad with them.

    10. Insert chips around the edges.

    Let it brew a little, the "sunflower" is ready for the festive table.

    Mushroom glade appetizer - step by step recipe

    A very original and quick appetizer to prepare, it should delight your guests and decorate your festive table.

    Required Ingredients:

    • pickled champignons - 300 grams
    • fresh cucumber - 300 grams
    • cheese (hard grade) - 120 grams
    • eggs (boiled) - 3 pieces
    • olives, mayonnaise, salt, pepper
    • wooden skewers

    1. We take the necessary products.

    2. Grate cheese, eggs, and mix them with mayonnaise and pepper. Salt.

    3. Stir in a deep plate.

    4. Cut fresh cucumbers into 4-5 mm slices.

    5. Take the resulting cheese mass with a spoon and spread on a cucumber.

    6. We pierce a cucumber with a skewer and put a mushroom with an olive on top.

    Bon Appetit!

    Festive salad "Three little pigs" for children

    If a children's holiday is coming, then the salad "Three Little Pigs" must be on your table. Because it is delicious, original in design and easy to prepare.

    Products for cooking:

    • chicken meat (breast) - half
    • one fresh cucumber
    • one egg (chicken)
    • quail eggs - 3 pieces
    • one apple
    • hard cheese - 80 grams
    • a few cranberries
    • one radish
    • sour cream and dill

    1.Put out all the necessary products for cooking

    2. Boil the breast and cut or tear into fibers.

    3. Rub the boiled egg on a coarse grater

    4. Put the egg and breast on the plate

    5. Grate a fresh cucumber on a coarse grater

    6. Apple should also be grated

    7. Mix all the food on the plate.

    8. Rub the cheese.

    9. And add it to the common plate.

    10. Mix the resulting mixture with sour cream.

    11. We make a slide out of salad.

    12. Sprinkle with chopped dill. The result is a so-called clearing.

    13. Boil quail eggs (put in boiling water for 5 minutes).

    14. We clean the eggs and make them funny piglets. Ears and tails, cut out their radishes. To connect them, we make holes with a toothpick. We put the heels on mayonnaise. Making eyes. We also cut the arms and legs from the radish (milk part). We make hooves from any dark berry and glue it onto mayonnaise.

    Light salads are served on a festive table in almost any home. Salads serve to diversify the table with a wealth of flavors. The preparation of several salads is usually driven by the goal of catering to the taste preferences of all guests. If someone doesn't like a certain salad, they can choose a different one. Therefore, it is advisable to arm yourself with several recipes, which in turn should be light and with inexpensive ingredients.

    There is a type of chef who likes to focus all their cooking energy on the main course. Therefore, in addition to the conditions of quick cooking and the minimum cost of ingredients for salads, it is also added that they should be universal - suitable for most main dishes. Most of the light salads don't require serving warm, so they won't get in the way of cooking flammable dishes either.

    Many salads need dressing just before serving. This condition is especially necessary for green salads.

    You don't have to look for rare or expensive ingredients to make a unique salad. A good salad can become the star of the holiday table at any time of the year. For example, foods such as citrus fruits, cabbage and root vegetables are in their best condition from December to March, when it would seem not the best time for an abundance of vegetables.

    How to cook light salads for a festive table - 15 varieties

    If you want to add more piquancy and sophistication to a regular salad, then adding bacon can be a good solution.


    • Apple cider - 2 glasses
    • Salt and pepper
    • Bacon - 4 slices
    • Halloumi cheese - 200 g
    • Wine vinegar - 2 tablespoons
    • Red onion - ½ pc.
    • Red apple "Gala" - 1 pc.
    • Seedless grapes - 1 bunch
    • Olive oil - 1 tablespoon
    • Arugula - 1 bunch


    In a medium saucepan, combine the cider and salt and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes. Then let it brew for 5 minutes.

    Meanwhile, cook the bacon in a large skillet over medium heat until crisp. Transfer to paper towel.

    Combine all other liquid ingredients and simmer in a skillet. Add bacon again. Add Halloumi cheese and cook until golden brown, 1 to 2 minutes on each side. Move everything to a cutting board and chop.

    Whisk the vinegar and 1/2 teaspoon of each salt and pepper into a bowl. Add onion and mix. Add apple, grapes and mix again.

    Mix everything: sauce, arugula, bacon, and Halloumi cheese. Serve immediately after cooking.

    A hearty salad has an elegant look and is suitable for both a festive table and a family dinner.


    • Meat (fillet) - 400 g
    • Eggs - 6 pcs.
    • Cheese - 200 g
    • Pickled onion - 1 pc.
    • Mayonnaise
    • Butter
    • Pepper
    • Mustard
    • Garlic - 1 pc.


    Cook chicken fillet. Fry mushrooms with onions. Boil and cut the eggs. Grate cheese.

    Lay out the salad in layers, greasing each layer with mayonnaise: boiled fillet, mushrooms with onions, Korean carrots, eggs, cheese.

    Roasted cauliflower and fresh kale combine for a salad recipe that is good for heart health.


    • Cauliflower - 500 g
    • Extra virgin olive oil - 6 tablespoons
    • Salad
    • Lemon juice - 1/4 tablespoon
    • Cabbage - 1 bunch
    • Red onions - ¼ pcs.
    • Shredded feta cheese - 1/3 ct.
    • Raisins - 1/3 ct.
    • Pine nuts - 1/3 ct.


    On a large rimmed baking sheet, combine cauliflower with vegetable olive oil and 1/8 teaspoon salt and pepper. Bake in the oven for 25 minutes.

    Whisk together 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice, olive oil, and salt in a large bowl. Combine the cabbage with the sauce. Let stand for at least 5 minutes.

    Add cooked cauliflower, onions, feta cheese, raisins and toasted pine nuts to the cabbage. Mix thoroughly.

    This salad will decorate any festive table. N combines egg pancakes, juicy chicken breast, cucumber, zucchini and marinade.


    • Eggs - 3 pcs.
    • Small chicken breast - 1 pc.
    • Cucumber - 2 pcs.
    • Zucchini - ¼ pcs.
    • Onion - 1 pc.
    • Green salad - 3-4 leaves
    • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons
    • Soy sauce - 3 tablespoons
    • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
    • Salt and pepper


    Boil the chicken breast and chop finely.

    Fry the onion in vegetable oil.

    Cut the cucumber into cubes.

    Tear the salad into small leaves.

    Crush the garlic.

    Cut the zucchini into cubes and fry.

    Boil eggs and cut into cups.

    Mix all ingredients.

    Serve this flavorful, protein-rich salad on a thick slice of toast for extra sophistication.


    • Lemon - 1-2 pcs.
    • Chicory "Radicchio" - 1 pc.
    • Fennel - 1 pc.
    • Red onion - 1 pc.
    • Bacon - 6 slices
    • Shrimps - 100 g
    • Balsamic vinegar - 2 tablespoons
    • Sugar - 1 tsp
    • Parsley leaves - 1 bunch
    • Bread - 4 thick slices
    • Manchester cheese - for garnish


    Preheat oven to 250 degrees. Squeeze 1.5 tablespoons of lemon juice from 1 or 2 lemons and set aside. Thinly slice the head of the Radicchio chicory. Thinly chop 1 fennel onion, 1 red onion and place on a large baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper. Cook for 10-15 minutes.

    Cook 6 slices of bacon in a large skillet until crispy and transfer to a paper towel. Let the bacon cool for a few minutes, then cut into pieces. Mix the peeled shrimp with salt and pepper.

    Add the shrimp to the skillet and cook over medium heat for 2 to 3 minutes.

    In a large bowl, whisk together 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar, 1.5 tablespoons of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1/4 teaspoon of salt, and 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper. Toss the sauce with chopped radicchio, sautéed vegetables, cooked bacon, shrimp and 1 cup parsley leaves.

    No holiday is complete without making crab salad. And it has become a tradition that you don't want to break.


    • Crab sticks - 200 g
    • Chicken eggs - 3-5 pcs.
    • Corn, canned - 1 can
    • Mayonnaise - for dressing
    • Dill sprig


    Boil eggs, cool and peel. Cut into small cubes, transfer to a salad bowl.

    Cut the crab sticks into cubes and transfer them to the salad bowl.

    Add canned corn to eggs and crab sticks.

    Season everything with mayonnaise, salt to taste and mix well.

    This healthy salad is loaded with antioxidants, fiber-packed vegetables, and healthy unsaturated fats.


    • Champignons - 4 large pieces.
    • Lemon juice - 1/4 tablespoon
    • Olive oil - 3 tablespoons
    • Shallots, finely chopped - 1 pc.
    • Small young cabbage - 1 pc.
    • Peeled beets, chopped - 1 pc.
    • Avocado, thinly sliced ​​- 2 pcs.


    Arrange the caps on a large rimmed baking sheet and sprinkle with 1/2 teaspoon salt; oven at 250 degrees for 20 minutes.

    Whisk together lemon juice, olive oil, shallots and 1/4 teaspoon each salt and pepper; mix half with cabbage, avocado and beetroot. Mix everything and serve with the remaining sauce.

    This is becoming a modern tradition of festive tables not only in Europe.


    • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.
    • Ham - 200 g
    • Chicken fillet -1 pc.
    • Cheese - 200 g
    • Mayonnaise
    • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
    • Crackers


    Chop fillet and ham into cubes. Squeeze the garlic into the chopped tomatoes. Mix with mayonnaise. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.

    Spread the salad in layers, greasing with mayonnaise: chicken fillet, ham, tomatoes with garlic, cheese. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs on top.

    Round off your holiday with this quick and easy salad.


    • Lemon - 1 pc.
    • Sugar - 1/2 tsp
    • Arugula - 1 pc.
    • Extra virgin olive oil - 2 tablespoons
    • Parmesan cheese


    Peel and seed the lemon. Cut the lemon into small pieces and sprinkle with sugar.

    In a large bowl, combine the arugula with butter, lemon wedges, juice, salt and 1/2 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper. Lay out the parmesan gently. Serve immediately.

    A very inexpensive salad for unexpected guests. Suitable as a win-win salad option for the holiday.


    • Cheese - 100 g
    • Apple - 1 pc.
    • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon
    • Crab sticks - 240 g
    • Eggs - 5 pcs.
    • Dill - bunch
    • Mayonnaise - 2-3 tablespoons


    Grate the crab meat in a salad bowl, grease a layer with mayonnaise.

    Grate cheese. Lay out in a layer on top, grease with mayonnaise again.

    Grate boiled carrots and place with the next layer, smeared with mayonnaise.

    Grate boiled eggs, put on top, also grease with mayonnaise.

    Decorate the salad with egg yolks if desired.

    Let the salad sit in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours before serving.

    Crispy beets pair perfectly with the vinegar in this salad.


    • Beets - 1 pc.
    • Olive oil - 3 tablespoons
    • Cucumber, sliced ​​- 1 pc.
    • Radish, thinly sliced ​​- 10 pcs.
    • Arugula
    • Red wine vinegar - 3 tablespoons
    • Fresh cheese "Mozzarella"


    Preheat the oven. In a medium bowl, combine peeled and chopped beets with 2 tablespoons of oil and 1/4 teaspoon of salt; place in one layer on 2 large baking sheets. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes or until golden brown.

    In a large bowl, combine chilled beets with cucumber, radish, arugula, vinegar, spoonful of oil, and 1/2 teaspoon each salt. Garnish with Mozzarella cheese on top.

    Delicious salad with aromatic ham for any occasion.


    • Peking cabbage - 500 g
    • Parsley - a bunch
    • Cucumber - 1 pc.
    • Cheese - 150 g
    • Ham - 150 g
    • Mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons


    Chop the cabbage and transfer to a bowl.

    Cut the ham into strips.

    Grate cheese.

    Cut the cucumber into strips.

    Chop the parsley finely.

    Add ham, cheese, cucumber and parsley to a bowl of cabbage.

    We mix everything. Add 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise and mix thoroughly.

    Grilled fillet with fresh arugula and cauliflower sounds like the best salad recipe for the holiday.


    • Cauliflower - 1 pc.
    • Olive oil - 2 tablespoons
    • Rosemary sprigs - 2 pcs.
    • Salt and pepper
    • Beefsteak - 400 g
    • Fresh lemon juice - 2 tablespoons
    • Arugula packet
    • Dried cranberries


    Heat the oven.

    Toss cauliflower with oil, rosemary and 1/4 teaspoon of each salt. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes.

    Meanwhile, heat a large cast iron skillet over medium-high heat. Combine the steak with the remaining butter. Fry the steak until brown for 2 to 3 minutes on each side. Transfer the steak to a cutting board and rest for 5 minutes before thinly slicing.

    Meanwhile, in a large bowl, beat together lemon juice, honey and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Add cranberries, cauliflower and chopped steak. Mix gently.

    Light salad "Mood" for a festive table

    Salad as a fresh alternative to Vinaigrette.


    • Boiled beets - 1 pc.
    • Cabbage - 300 g
    • Sweet pepper - 0.5 pcs.
    • Tomato - 1 pc.
    • Onions - 0.5 pcs.
    • Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons
    • Sunflower oil


    Chop the cabbage finely. Season with salt and stir.

    Chop sweet peppers, tomatoes, onions. Add everything to the cabbage.

    Add grated boiled beets. To mix everything.

    The light salad combines thinly sliced ​​Brussels sprouts and the pleasant scent of a sauce.


    • Olive oil - 4 tablespoons
    • Lemon juice - 3 tablespoons
    • Honey - 2 tsp
    • Dried cranberries
    • Big green apple
    • Brussels sprouts - 400 g
    • Toasted hazelnuts


    In a large bowl, whisk together the olive oil, lemon juice, honey, and 1/4 teaspoon each salt and pepper. Add cranberries. Cut the apple into thin slices.

    Using a food processor with the thinnest blade, chop the Brussels sprouts. Transfer it to a bowl of apples. Add hazelnuts.

    It is better to prepare the sauce for this salad 2 hours before preparing the salad itself.

    This tuna salad is very reminiscent of everyone's favorite Olivier, but in this recipe we use tuna instead of sausage. The so-called "fish-style olivier". The tuna salad turns out to be very tasty and nutritious, so this experiment can be safely considered a success.

    canned tuna, potatoes, carrots, pickled cucumbers, eggs, mayonnaise, salt, ground black pepper

    A delicious and satisfying layered egg salad with sausage, fried onions and pickled cucumbers - a quick and easy to prepare salad from the ingredients available. He pleasantly diversifies the menu on weekdays, and will not go unnoticed even in the holiday abundance.

    smoked sausage, pickled cucumbers, eggs, onions, mayonnaise, salt, ground black pepper, vegetable oil, lettuce, parsley

    A delicious salad with squid can be served on the festive table in honor of March 8, garnished with shrimps.

    canned squid, canned corn, eggs, onions, mayonnaise, hard cheese, king shrimps, apple cider vinegar, salt, ground black pepper

    Pancakes in themselves are very versatile, because they can be used to prepare many more complex dishes. The salad with dough pancakes (not to be confused with egg pancakes), pickles and smoked sausage turns out to be hearty, original, tasty and bright. Try it, the result will pleasantly surprise you!

    pancakes, smoked sausage, pickled cucumbers, garlic, dill, mayonnaise, whey, wheat flour, eggs, salt, soda, sugar, sunflower oil

    Wonderful salad "Duchess" without mayonnaise is very bright and tasty. The salad is prepared in just 5 minutes and is absolutely easy to prepare. This salad with kiwi, dorblu cheese and nuts is very easy to prepare when your guests are on the doorstep. The recipe is new and will definitely draw the attention of your guests, try to cook it!

    cheese, kiwi, walnut, red onion, parsley, lettuce, apple vinegar, sugar, salt, vegetable oil, mustard

    Delicious and easy-to-prepare "Chaika" salad - a classic of Soviet cuisine! Despite the simplicity and the small amount of ingredients, the salad with cheese, eggs and peas has a rather original taste. A wonderful simple salad for the holiday and on a weekday!

    eggs, hard cheese, canned green peas, onions, green onions, mayonnaise, salt

    Chicken and mushroom salad "Hedgehog" with Korean carrots - interesting on the outside, delicious on the inside. Chicken, mushrooms, cheese - all your favorites in one dish. And of course, Korean-style carrots have become a bright accent in the salad with chicken, with which the proven combination will play in a completely new way.

    chicken fillet, eggs, fresh oyster mushrooms, onions, Korean carrots, hard cheese, sour cream, vegetable oil, salt, black peppercorns, cranberries, herbs