Picnic: what to take with you for the perfect vacation. What you need to take with you to the picnic

19.10.2019 Restaurant notes

How do you envision the perfect picnic? Delicate grass in the meadow, a soft blanket, a bottle of wine and a fragrant barbecue? But for outdoor recreation to really succeed, you need to prepare for it in advance.

So, a picnic with friends: what to take with you without fail ?.

How to prepare for a picnic?

Usually, spontaneous decisions are the best ones. But, unfortunately, this does not apply. It is better to prepare for such an event in advance so that the rest does not turn into a search for a replacement for those important things that you forgot to take with you.

When planning a trip to nature with friends, discuss what you can take for a picnic, and at the same time specify the exact number of participants in this event. This will make it easier to calculate the amount of food and drinks, as well as take into account all preferences.

If you are going to have a rest in a small company or in a narrow family circle, you can take over organizational matters. But if you have to travel in large numbers, it is better to appoint several people responsible for the organization.

Advice from the site: make an accurate list of people and a list of dishes, and in accordance with this, calculate the number of products that you need to buy.

Picnic with friends: what to take from food

Usually they go to nature in summer - when it is warm, sunny, and the weather is good. That is why it makes no sense to take perishable food with you, unless, of course, you are sure that they will be eaten right away. What to take for a picnic with friends?

Usually, it is with him that the planning of a picnic menu begins, because a fragrant shish kebab is the main dish of a feast in nature. Barbecue can be marinated at home or purchased already marinated at the supermarket. Sausages or sausages do not need pickling. And it's better to clean it right on the spot and bake it with vegetables.

  • Garnish

Think about what side dish you will serve with meat. Hot summer enough fresh bread and vegetables but you can bake potatoes or grill vegetables (eggplant, zucchini, mushrooms, tomatoes, peppers).

  • Salads

Everything is to your taste - the more delicious fresh vegetables, the better. You can make a salad from them, but it is better to cut and season it at the very end of cooking the meat.

  • Bread and sandwiches

It is better to take fresh bread, but sandwiches do not have to be made in advance. Take butter, melted cheese, sausage and make light and simple appetizers while you cook the main course.

What other food to take for a picnic with friends? You can think of a dessert: fruits, watermelon, sweets(avoid cakes and chocolate - they can melt). Don't forget about sauces and spices. And, of course, about drinks.

Be sure to take clean drinking water in sufficient quantity: it may be needed not only for drinking, but also for washing vegetables and fruits, etc. Well, and drinks - alcoholic, beer, juices - whatever you like.

Useful little things

So, we decided on the food. Now you think that you can take a picnic with friends in the summer, besides food? And there is something to think about. Answer yourself a few simple questions.

Where will the picnic take place?

If this is a specially equipped place with a gazebo and barbecue, then take a tablecloth - that's enough. If there is nothing around, think about what you will sit on and what to cook on - you may need a folding brazier or a barbecue stand, firewood, coal and matches.

How will the cooking process go?

All products can be prepared in advance at home. But if outdoor cooking is not a burden for you, stock up on utensils, cutting boards, plates and utensils, including iron, for cooking over a fire.

Where to collect garbage?

This question cannot be ignored, because no matter how carefully you rest, the garbage will still remain, and it will need to be collected and removed. Prepare some sturdy large garbage bags, preferably with drawstrings or handles.

Fun & Games

In nature, you can not only eat deliciously, but also have great fun. Say, before a meal, it can be an active rest - take a frisbee, a ball, badminton rackets. And after eating, you can play with a large company in a more relaxed board game (such as Lotto or "Monopoly") or cards.

How to protect yourself from insects?

If you plan to rest in a forest area, do not forget that you will need to take a spray or mosquito repellent for a picnic with friends. And if you plan to relax in the meadow, think about the fact that there is a risk of getting sunburned - it will save you.

How long will the picnic last?

If you plan to stay late, bring warm clothes or blankets to wrap yourself in if it gets cold. Well, if there is a reservoir nearby, don't forget swimwear and towels.

And what if? .. If there is a burn, bite, cut, scratch?

Then the first aid kit will help. It is better to complete a special "travel" first aid kit separately and take it with you on trips.

What should be in it? Bandages and cotton wool, plaster and tourniquet, antiseptics (hydrogen peroxide, iodine or brilliant green, chlorhexidine), panthenol for burns, pain reliever, heart drugs (nitroglycerin).

Well, that seems to be all. It seems they have not forgotten anything that can and should be taken on a picnic with friends. Now it's just a small matter: plan your own vacation in the bosom of picturesque nature and catch the last warm days of summer!

What do you need for a successful picnic? Of course, get a good company together. And only then you can start organizing.

1. Determine the day

We study the weather forecast and choose the warmest and sunniest day. The perfect picnic will not take place in the rain and cold winds. If you do not believe in the forecasts, then it is better to buy several raincoats at once.

We agree on the date with friends. Was everything confirmed? Then let's continue.

2. Find a good place

We are looking for a cozy green place with a beautiful view. You can go to the lake, walk to a picturesque clearing in the forest, or go to the nearest park. Or maybe there are mountains near your city?

3. Prepare food

Now we are planning a picnic menu. It is best to prepare several different snacks and take more fruit. It is advisable that the products are not perishable, otherwise you will have to take a cooler bag. Bring scones, biscuits, light cakes, and hams - something simple and tasty. Or make snacks according to our recipes.

  • Turkey picnic rolls

Cooking method: grease thin pita bread or cream cheese tortilla. Lay out on toplettuce, turkey, tomato, egg, onion and avocado. Add a slice of bacon, roll gently into a tube and cut in half.

  • Tomatoes stuffed with mushrooms

Method of preparation: cut off the top of the tomato and carefully cut out the pulp. Drain the juice, finely chop the pulp. Fry chopped mushrooms and onions in a pan. Grate cheese, add tomatoes, onions, mushrooms to it. Season with pepper, add two tablespoons of mayonnaise or sour cream, mix. Divide the resulting mixture into the tomatoes.

  • Mini sandwiches with curd cheese

Method of preparation: cut Borodino bread into small pieces, spread tomato curd cheese on it. Roll up a slice of smoked sausage and place on a sandwich. Decorate with herbs.

However, no one forbids you to arrange a feast for the belly and prepare many original dishes!

4. Think about drinks

For a picnic, everything is suitable: from to a refreshing citrus. We offer light alcoholic drinks - apple cider or fruit sangria.

  • Lemon cucumber lemonade with basil

Cooking method: grate the cucumber, squeeze the juice. Cut the lemon in two and squeeze the juice. Cut another cucumber and lemon into rings. Put cucumber and lemon rings in a jug or jar, pour in lemon-cucumber juice, sweeten to taste with sugar, honey or syrup, add basil leaves. Pour in water and let it brew.

Lemonade is best carried in a large glass jar or plastic jar with a tight lid.

  • Classic sangria

Method of preparation: cut the apple, orange and lemon into small pieces. Mix wine with water in a 1: 1 ratio, add sugar - 3 tablespoons for 1 liter of wine. Put fruit in the drink. Sangria is best kept in the refrigerator before serving. In our case, a cooler bag is suitable.

However, a bottle of good wine or regular juice will work too. It is only important to know in advance the preferences of all your friends. Food and drinks are ready - let's move on!

5. Take a tablecloth or blanket

Now let's decide what will be our table. We need two tablecloths. The first is an ordinary film that we lay on the ground. The second is a beautiful fabric or a thin blanket, put on top of the film. It is the tablecloth that will set the tone for the whole picnic.

6. Decide what you will sit on

There is a table, but what will be chairs? Soft pillows! Ask each guest to bring a small pillow so that there is no problem with seating during the picnic.

An option for those who love comfort is the foldable picnic furniture. The table and four stools fold down to the size of a diplomat, they can easily fit even in the trunk of a small car.

And in order not to be afraid of the evening coolness, take with you a few warm and soft microfiber blankets - these can be found in the bedding salon.

Plaid from the salon, price: from 2 160 rubles.

7. Decide on the dishes

What kind of dishes to take - regular or disposable? Let's do without white plastic plates and cups and. Even if the dishes are disposable, then let it be a beautiful paper picnic set. But we insist on bringing the usual dishes with you - at least glasses for wine and several large plates for fruits and sandwiches.

And one more thing: take some wooden planks. What for? We will talk about this a little later.

Perhaps it makes sense to buy a special basket in which it is convenient to store and transport everything you need for a picnic.

8. Come up with entertainment

What will you do in nature? Grab your badminton rackets, a frisbee plate and don't forget some board games like the Imaginarium or Elias.

If you take children on a picnic, take care of their leisure. For example, walking board games are suitable.

A fun competitive game “Moana. Call of the Ocean "will captivate both children and adults. The goal of the game is to cross the ocean, get to the mysterious island as quickly as possible and return the stolen heart of the goddess Te Fiti. You can find many other games for all ages in the store.

"Moana. Call of the Ocean ", price: from 132 rubles.

Do not neglect active rest! One of the fashionable entertainment is hoverboard riding. Powerful and protected, it is great for off-road and rugged terrain.

If you are having a picnic on the beach, bring some bath toys with you. By the way, air mattresses can replace the seats if you spread your tablecloth on the sand.

It's great if you have a kite. You can also buy some sky lanterns and fire them up at nightfall.

9. Think about serving

What will make your picnic really cozy and festive? Original serving details. Use simple wooden boards for this: spread bread, cold meats and cheese, cookies, fruits on them.

And, of course, we cannot do without a beautiful wicker basket, which is associated with a perfect picnic. You can not only put a lot of goodies in it, but also make it the center of the table. In addition, cute napkins and a cute vase will come in handy, in which we will put fresh flowers.

10. Collect bags

The final touches remain. The snacks are ready, the dishes are already in the car. What else to take?

  • Medicines. Collect a minimal first aid kit with pain relievers, poison medications, and antiseptics.
  • Insect repellent. Believe me, mosquitoes will want to have a delicious meal for themselves, too!
  • Water. Both drinking and technical.
  • Sunscreen. We don't want to ruin our skin under the sun, do we?
  • Wet wipes for wiping your hands after oily food.
  • Garbage bags. After you, not a single jar or piece of paper should remain in nature!

Spring and summer are the time for long gatherings in nature. What could be better than to get together with loved ones, go to the lake, to the park, to the forest, where everyone will rest in body and soul.

In order for a picnic to bring only pleasure, you need to prepare for it in advance: we advise you to decide what products to take, as well as make a list of dishes for cooking.

Note! According to the season of the planned picnic - food may vary. If in the summer it is more relevant to take fresh vegetables, then in the spring it is better to give preference to pre-prepared snacks.

Depending on who the picnic will be with, different ideas for food may arise. If this is a festive occasion, then preference is given to simple but hearty dishes.

Do not put ready-made salads on elegant plates - the best option would be to use plastic containers or purchased disposable containers: you can also beautifully decorate snacks in them.

Children's picnic Party with friends Romantic picnic with a girl
Main dishes Oven baked chicken fillet Pork or beef skewers cooked on site Chicken breast kebab - lean and satisfying at the same time
Salads Fruit salad with yogurt Light salad of cabbage, cucumber and radish Sala from tomatoes, cheese, crab sticks
Snacks Balls of cheese on cookies in the shape of animals Lavash rolls with cheese and garlic Small sandwiches or canapes based on hard cheese, herbs
Beverages Natural juices Low alcohol, mineral water, juices Wine, mineral water, juice
Sweet Light Puff Fruit Buns Chocolate-free cookies that won't melt Fresh fruits: bananas, oranges, mangoes

In addition, you can additionally take home-made sauces with you. They are appropriate to use both at a picnic with children and with adults. Mild sour cream sauces are relevant for kids, other options are suitable for friends: mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup.

You can mix the indicated ingredients, put herbs, garlic, getting an original addition to meat dishes and kebabs.

Holiday picnic menu

It so happens that you can celebrate a birthday in nature, especially if the weather favors it. Going to a picnic with a company by car, it becomes possible to take a lot of dishes prepared at home.

Some holiday options from the menu:

  1. Sausages - they can be fried over the fire while the shish kebab is being cooked.
  2. Fresh vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, radishes - you can cut all this in nature, the main thing is not to forget the knife.
  3. Slicing from meat, dairy products: sausage, ham, cheese.
  4. Olives and olives - they are always held in high esteem by children, in addition, they can be added to any salad.
  5. Homemade pickles - suitable for a festive barbecue picnic in the spring.
  6. Lettuce leaves filled with any filling: garlic with melted cheese, smoked chicken with boiled egg, feta cheese with herbs and even sprats.
  7. Champignons are a proven appetizer that goes well with grilled meats. They can be grilled or simply marinated.
  8. Vegetables on skewers alternating with hard cheese are an appetizer that looks beautiful and will not spoil in the heat.

Among the drinks, they usually prefer to take juices and mineral water. You should not take sweet carbonated water, it makes you want to drink even more.

Picnics often involve alcohol, especially when a group of friends is gathering. In this case, it is worth taking cider, beer or wine for a picnic. Such drinks will not cause discomfort in hot weather.

Important! It is best to chill alcohol at home or take cold accumulators with you in a special bag. Thus, the drinks will retain their taste for a long time, they will be able to invigorate the body.

At a festive picnic, it is better to leave the work with barbecue to men - they definitely know a lot about cooking meat. The task of women is to marinate the product well the night before.

One of the popular options is a mixture of mayonnaise and ketchup, or sour cream, tomato. This marinade is suitable for pork, while chicken is more tender, so a different approach is needed here.

Take vegetable oil, a head of garlic, seasonings, a bunch of herbs. Chop the herbs and garlic, add 2 kg of chopped chicken fillet. Season everything with oil, season.

Simple and affordable salads and picnic snacks

Difficulties in cooking at a picnic are useless, the main criterion for dishes is simplicity. You can cut food at home, fold them, and in nature, mix it with sauce or dressing. This is not the case with appetizers: they have to look attractive, so most often you have to cook them at home.

The most popular dishes are those based on vegetables. Salads made from meat products, smoked meats, seafood risk being spoiled when the temperature rises.

You can prepare the following dishes:

  • Radish salad.
  • Fire-baked bell pepper salad.
  • Fruit salad.
  • Zucchini paste.
  • Eggplant rolls.
  • Potato zrazy.

Everyone knows how you want to eat while waiting for meat grilled on coals. Its delicate aroma spreads throughout the forest, and pictures of delicious and juicy pieces of barbecue are drawn in my head.

To satisfy your hunger, you can eat a little salads. Cut the radish into slices, add chopped green onions, grated carrots, boiled egg and mayonnaise sauce - a delicious salad is ready!

Bake the bell pepper, cut it into strips, add tomatoes, herbs. Season the dish with vegetable oil for a great light salad. You can also do with fresh fruits, after cutting them at home, seasoning with sour cream with sugar already in nature.

Match snacks to your taste and budget. If a big company is going, you can always instruct everyone to cook something special. Do not forget about two rules: meals should be easy to prepare and satisfying.

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© Depositphotos

What to take with you on a picnic in order to enjoy the fresh air as much as possible, without wasting extra time cooking and without suffering from some important little thing left in a hurry at home? After all, spring is already in full swing and summer is approaching - it is time for vacations, graduations, vacations, summer cottages, outings to nature, and the rest should be comfortable and joyful. Read a detailed list of useful and necessary things at tochka.net.


Whichever composition you are going to - be it a close family circle or a large company - your comfort will largely depend on the preliminary organization of this wonderful event called recreation.

Therefore, first of all, decide on a person who will take on the organization of the rest and distribute to each of the participants what you need to take with you to the picnic.

What to take for a picnic: food and drink

What food to take for a picnic © Depositphotos

Of course, what a picnic in the open air without food and drinks! Surely each of your friends, especially if women are traveling, will want to surprise the company with a delicious homemade dish or an exquisite drink. And here there is a small rule about the amount of food: "take on yourself and on your neighbor."

What foods to take for a picnic? The king of any picnic is this! And most often the rest of the dishes are planned in combination with the kebab. But be careful with perishable food - it is better not to take this in order to avoid poisoning.


What to pack for a picnic tips © Depositphotos

It is good to grab a picnic basket for nature - it certainly will not choke on the products and retain a beautiful view. A cooler bag is also important, and if there is none, then you can put frozen foods (for example, a bottle of water) on the bottom in an ordinary bag, and the rest of the food on top.


What food and what products to take for a picnic © Depositphotos

In addition to a well-thought-out menu, there are also products that will come in handy even on a generously set table. So, what to take on a picnic from the food list:

  • drinking water and more water! She is never superfluous;
  • salt, spices, sauces, vinegar (by the way, it is useful not only in the kitchen, but also in the fight against blisters from insect bites);
  • greens, vegetables and fruits, as well as small raw potatoes that can be baked;
  • bread, butter, cheese, smoked meats - for "warming up" and snacks while the barbecue is being prepared;
  • juices for children and drinks for adults;
  • if there is alcohol, then, as a rule, pickles and brine go with a bang.
  • dessert, but don't get too carried away with sweets.

What to take with you for a picnic: equipment

What to take for a picnic in summer © Depositphotos

You already know what kind of rest you are going to have - wild or close to civilization, in a gazebo with a barbecue next door. Depending on this, it is easy to decide on the equipment necessary for the chosen holiday:

  • tent, canopy or awning;
  • picnic table and folding chairs;
  • litter, rug, cushion;
  • grill and barbecue, and to them skewers, matches, a lighter, a hatchet, paper and, perhaps, even firewood.

What you can take with you to a picnic: dishes and things

What to take for a summer picnic © Depositphotos

The place for the picnic has been chosen, the tent is set up, the fire is lit, it's time to think about the rest itself, as well as about the preparation of food. To do this, you will definitely need:

  • oilcloth tablecloth, cellophane to cover food, an umbrella from the sun or rain;
  • a pair of knives, a tin wrench, a corkscrew, a cutting board, a grater;
  • picnic utensils: plates, glasses, spoons, forks (by the way, in stores, a large assortment of picnic sets are sold in convenient and practical packaging or a picnic bag);
  • a couple of bowls for salads and plates for slicing;
  • garbage bags.

In addition, do not forget to include a hat or cap, sunglasses, windbreaker (no matter how hot it is at the time of departure), swimsuit, towel, rubber slippers in the list of personal belongings.

What you need to take with you to the picnic: medicines and hygiene products

What you need to take for a picnic © Depositphotos

A first aid kit for first aid (and not only) should include:

  • dry paper and wet sanitary napkins, plain or liquid soap, toilet paper;
  • means of protection from the sun and weathering, as well as from insects in accordance with the age of vacationers - for adults and children;
  • remedies for cuts, bruises, burns: bandage, plaster, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, as well as a special wound-healing balm;
  • indigestion remedies, activated charcoal;
  • pain relievers;
  • heart medications;
  • antiallergic agents;
  • Also, do not forget your personal medicine and personal care and hygiene products.


What you can take for a picnic: leisure and entertainment

What to bring to a picnic list © Depositphotos

When you have gathered everything you need for bodily pleasures, think about spiritual food. Are you planning to lie down quietly chatting with friends or actively relax in pursuit of a ball or shuttlecock? Depending on your preferences, your list will be supplemented with:

  • sports equipment - ball, badminton, rubber ring, chess, backgammon;
  • food for the mind - books, magazines, crosswords, pencil;
  • music - player, guitar, songbook;
  • Kids toys;
  • camera.

Enjoy your time in nature and have a good mood!

The first days of spring give all people a good mood. And how pleasant it is to breathe in the fresh breeze when green leaves are just beginning to break through on trees and bushes. A person living in a city is especially pleased with such days and, as a rule, the first impressions of the beginning of the warm season are formed from the memories of going out into nature.

Picnics are an integral part of the inhabitants of megacities and other cities. On the first fine days, a line of cars tries to leave the city limits, and hikers go to parks and the nearest water bodies.

It is imperative to go on a picnic with a cheerful company or with your family, because even translated from English this word means “a delightful out-of-town walk with a company.

However, often the wrong organization of this type of rest can almost completely ruin the impression of a picnic. Let's get ready for the vacation in advance and make the necessary list of products and things that you need to take with you.

What food to take for a picnic

Based on the number of people whose time it is planned to spend in nature, a list of products for a picnic and their quantity will be selected as a result.

The classic picnic food option is, of course, sandwiches. You will need a baguette, sausage (or other meat products), hard cheese. We advise you to cut all the components in advance and put them in a tight container or cover with cling film. Gathering sandwiches is best done on the spot, as the finished product can lose all its aesthetics along the way.

Often a person goes to nature to cook a fragrant shish kebab. If you also dream of lean cuts, do not forget to marinate the meat in the evening before the hike. Remember that pork takes longer to cook than chicken, so the choice is yours. Legs and wings are perfect for chicken kebabs. And if you don't feel like messing around with meat in nature, bake a whole chicken at home. Trust me, cold poultry is just as delicious at a picnic.

Vegetables and fruits must be present in your luggage. Cucumbers and tomatoes, usual for our climate, are suitable, apples, bananas, kiwi, oranges can be taken from fruits. If you plan to start a fire, use 2 raw potatoes. per person. It can be baked directly in uniforms in hot ash. Don't forget a few heads of onions for the kebabs. Fresh herbs such as onion feathers, parsley, dill will decorate any ready-made dish.

Plan a simple fish meal. If there is fishing, just cook it in ash in foil. It is best to take fried fish in a container from home. Only cook with low-bone varieties or fillets. In nature, poking around in your mouth and food is not the best thing.

Place all prepared meals in plastic containers for extra protection.

Boil a few eggs, which will greatly diversify the table. You can take canned food.

Don't forget about sauces and spices. For meat we take ketchup, salads will require either vegetable oil or sour cream. Don't forget about salt and sugar anyway.

Take care of the children's picnic meals separately. If you have small children, prepare bottles with the mixture in advance. For older children, take products that do not require special storage conditions. No cakes or pastries. Biscuits, waffles, fruits, juices will do.

It is important to provide the entire company with enough clean water., as well as other drinks: mineral water, juices, fruit drink. If you are planning a bonfire, bring some tea and coffee bags. Love hot drinks, but there will be no fire - take a thermos with a drink.

For a romantic picnic, you can take a bottle of wine or champagne, for a fun party - beer. It is not recommended to drink strong drinks, as in nature various unplanned situations may arise.

Things you need on vacation

First of all, you should take care of what you will carry all the products in. A trip with bags does not look aesthetically pleasing at all, especially since the appearance of the products in them is difficult to preserve. That is why give preference to a rigid basket. It is both beautiful and reliable. Further we will take:

  1. For avid nature lovers, a cooler bag will become an irreplaceable thing. There are simple, portable options where the ice is first frozen in the refrigerator. There are options for battery powered vehicles. Such a bag will significantly expand the list of products available for carrying.
  2. Take care of what you will eat on in advance. If the standard option is a blanket, feel free to fold it on the road. If you have a set of furniture for nature, do not forget it. In any case, take an oilcloth, which can serve both as decoration for the table and as a salvation from dampness under the bedspread.
  3. Whether the rest will be calm or active depends only on you. If you have children, be sure to take a ball and badminton. For adults, a deck of cards, checkers and other board games are suitable.
  4. Pay attention to the weather - if rain is predicted, or vice versa bright sun - be sure to take an umbrella.
  5. Several trash bags.
  6. Even the best rest can be ruined by insects. Be sure to take anti-tick remedies to nature from early spring. And even if in the city you did not notice mosquitoes - in nature you will almost certainly meet them - we throw insect spray into your bag. Add brilliant green, bandage, alcohol, plaster to the first-aid kit, because it is very easy to get hurt in nature.
  7. Take care of your clothes for the weather. To avoid insect bites, try to cover the entire body, but be light and comfortable. If you plan to spend time late - bring jackets.
  8. For kebabs, do not forget the brazier and skewers, igniter, coals, matches. For food, disposable plates, glasses, spoons, knives, cutting board. We take a roll of paper towels and a pack of wet wipes. Necessarily one sharp knife, bottle opener and canned food.
  9. In the evening, we will make sure that your gadgets are fully charged, if you do not plan to completely fall into asceticism. Be sure to take care of the camera and additional batteries for it.
  10. In clear sunny weather, we take sunscreen, bathing accessories for sunbathing.

When the picnic is over, don't forget to clean up after yourself. We extinguish the fire carefully. We collect all used dishes, bottles, cans and napkins in garbage bags. Purity after itself will not make people who came here later remember you with a bad word.