What can be cooked but not eaten? Do you know what can be cooked but not eaten? The mystery of what can be cooked but not.

26.02.2023 Restaurant notes

What is the cow in front and the bull behind?
Answer: letter k

Which knot cannot be untied?
Answer: railway

What will a bay horse be like if you bathe him?
Answer: Wet

What horse doesn't eat oats?
Answer: Chess

One corner of a square table was sawn off. How many corners does he have now?
Answer: 5

Answer: Homework

What can't be eaten for breakfast?
Answer: lunch and dinner

What disease does no one get sick on sushi?
Answer: Marine

That two cost more than three?
Answer: Two pedals of automatic gearbox are more expensive than three pedals of mechanics

When the goat is seven years old, what will happen next?
Answer: Eighth will go

How to jump from a ten-meter ladder and not hurt yourself?
Answer: Jump off the bottom step

What all the people on earth do...

What can be cooked but not eaten?
Homework, cement

There is a hunter, and before him there is an abyss. On the other side of the abyss is a toilet. How can he get to the toilet?
Shoot and hit

What is the car driving on?
On the ground

The plane crashed on the border line of Armenia and Iran. Who will get the engine from the airplane?
The airplane has no engine

Why is the plane flying?
across the sky

How many years did the Hundred Years War last?

Why is the ship sailing?
On water

The bus rides in the rain, the bus is rush hour, what are the bus numbers?

How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach?
One second will not be on an empty stomach

Where is the water standing?
in a bottle, in a glass

Why are they wearing a hat?
Doesn't walk by herself

What can reach the sky?
with a glance

Everyone knows the riddle: “What can be cooked, but not eaten?” And, like any riddle, it has an answer. And the only correct one. So, at least, think the wise men who composed this thoughtful question.

Correct answer

The authors of this masterpiece believe that every sane person should know what can be cooked, but you cannot eat only homework. Probably, schoolchildren who had extremely little life experience came up with this question. Apart from doing homework, they do nothing else.

But in fact, the answers to the riddle “what can be cooked, but not eaten?” great multitude. Another question: why is there a lot of answers to this riddle, and not just one? And this riddle will be much more interesting than the one that prompted us to take a deeper look at the problem.

Why to the riddle: “What can be cooked, but not eaten?” there are many answers?

You, of course, know the correct answers to many children's riddles. And how do you answer this question: "What can be cooked, but not eaten?"

We are sure that a light bulb flashed before your eyes. But this is from a completely different riddle - about a pear that cannot be eaten in any way, despite the fact that it hangs. Then, for sure, memories flashed of all sorts of exotic cuisines, such as Korean, with boiled and stewed dogs, Vietnamese and Chinese, in which it is customary to eat everything that can walk, crawl, swim or fly on its own. And you also probably remembered the favorite dish of the ancient Vikings - rotten shark meat six months ago. But all this, apparently, is edible, since the peoples who consume such exotic dishes are healthy and even prosperous.

And the correct answer to the question of what can be cooked, but not eaten, not even one - lessons, concrete mortar, bedding, clothes, glue or a surprise. All this...

No. author date heading comments the weight was off, but don't bring it in »» 14 4. mur-rr@ 04.01 16:10 beef recipe is strictly new to the famous dish of Russian cuisine. »» 5. (Madame Alain...

What are the correct answers in a 100 to 1 game?

100 to 1. What can be cooked but not eaten?

And I didn’t even immediately find such an association, but you can prepare a task or lessons, but you definitely won’t be able to eat them.

It was the lessons that most people first remembered when answering this question in the game:


Clothes (to prepare for tomorrow)

Bed (this is who has maids who prepare the bed in advance)


moderator chose this answer as the best

A small clarification: the answers will be of interest to those who are tied to this toy on social networks. For classmates and contactees (VKontakte), I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the correct options:

Lessons- I immediately want to object: who gnaws at a textbook made of granite, extracting knowledge bit by bit from each science?-)

You, of course, know the correct answers to many children's riddles. And how do you answer this question: "What can be cooked, but not eaten?"

We are sure that a light bulb flashed before your eyes. But this is from a completely different riddle - about a pear that cannot be eaten in any way, despite the fact that it hangs. Then, for sure, memories flashed of all sorts of exotic cuisines, such as Korean, with boiled and stewed dogs, Vietnamese and Chinese, in which it is customary to eat everything that can walk, crawl, swim or fly on its own.

And you also probably remembered the favorite dish of the ancient Vikings - rotten shark meat six months ago. But all this, apparently, is edible, since the peoples who use it are so healthy and even prosper.

And the correct answer to the question of what can be cooked, but not eaten, not even one - lessons, concrete mortar, bedding, clothes, glue or a surprise. All this is really prepared, but it is difficult to attribute them to edible things. Except for a surprise, which might turn out to be a cake, or homework if home economics class asked you to make a salad. Particularly caustic skeptics will not fail to recall the fact that in times of famine people also ate glue, in particular wallpaper and casein, as they were prepared from starch and skimmed milk. But this is, as they say, quite an extreme option.

But young husbands and their no less young wives are quite capable of giving other answers to the question of what can be cooked, but not eaten. With laughter, they can recall how the newlywed, trying to feed her betrothed for breakfast, mixed up the ingredients and sprinkled baking soda instead of salt on the scrambled eggs. Or, as a young husband, deciding to give his soul mate a surprise, he prepared pancakes, plunking into the dough instead of a teaspoon of the same soda - a tablespoon. All this can really be cooked, but it cannot be eaten, since even the greatest love is not able to overcome the nasty taste of the resulting dishes.

Yes, everyone has culinary failures, but not everyone can fix them. And even such a seemingly ordinary phenomenon as oversalting is often a real tragedy.

And it's pretty easy to fix. Of course, only if you really slightly salted the dish. And they didn’t throw an almost full pack into it or didn’t fry the chicken in rotten fat. In the latter cases, when asked about what can be cooked, but not eaten, boldly answer: "My culinary delights."

How to fix the oversalting situation? If you oversalted the soup, then pour some rice into a gauze bag, throw it into the broth. Salted meat dishes are saved by a completely unsalted gravy, but if such a nuisance happened to vegetables, then it is easier to process them into mashed potatoes by adding a few new ingredients, absolutely unsalted, as you know.

You can read about how to fix burnt dishes in any home economics book in the Little Tricks section. And let your motto be: spoiled - fix it, cook and eat!

Just please, no solution. And not glue. Good luck in life and in cooking!

What is the cow in front and the bull behind?
Answer: letter k

Which knot cannot be untied?
Answer: Railway

What will a bay horse be like if you bathe him?
Answer: Wet

What horse doesn't eat oats?
Answer: Chess

One corner of a square table was sawn off. How many corners does he have now?
Answer: 5

What can be cooked but not eaten?
Answer: Homework

What can't be eaten for breakfast?
Answer: lunch and dinner

What disease does no one get sick on sushi?
Answer: Marine

That two cost more than three?
Answer: Two pedals of automatic gearbox are more expensive than three pedals of mechanics

When the goat is seven years old, what will happen next?
Answer: Eighth will go

How to jump from a ten-meter ladder and not hurt yourself?
Answer: Jump off the bottom step

What are all the people on Earth doing at the same time?
Answer: live

The more of them, the less weight. What is this?
Answer: holes

What is Adam in front and Eve in back?
Answer: Letter "a"

Two backs, one head, six legs. What it is?
Answer: Man on a chair
Krupina Lerochka, Samara

In what place did the husband not kiss his wife before the wedding?
Answer: in the ring

Not an object, not a thing, it is impossible to touch, and they have no shape, but are called round.
Answer: Round the clock, all year round

What is 2+2x2=?
Answer: 6, the first action is multiplication

Three hats were placed on the table: two white and one black. They called two very smart people. They put on hats, but in such a way that they did not know what color the hat was on. They stood in front of each other and after three seconds one of them says: "I'm wearing a white hat." How did he guess?
Answer: He thought: “If I have a black hat on, then my opponent would immediately say that he is wearing a white one, and since I am wearing a white one, he doubted, because the black one could be on him!”

One yacht goes from Nice to San Remo, the other from San Remo to Nice. They left the harbors at the same time. The first hour of the yacht's movement went at the same speed (60 km/h), but then the first yacht increased its speed to 80 km/h. Which of the yachts will be closer to Nice at the time of their meeting?
Answer: At the time of the meeting, they will be at the same distance from Nice

Hot pepper - 30 peas, allspice - 15 peas, cloves - 12 pieces, bay leaf - 7 leaves. What exactly?
Answer: One gram

How much is "7" worth? 2 rubles. How much is "21" worth? 4 rubles. What did you buy and how much is 105?
Answer: We bought rooms for an apartment, "105" costs 6 rubles

There is a house, all windows to the south, suddenly a bear comes from somewhere. What colour is he?
Answer: White (the house stands at the north pole)

The man was driving a large truck. The lights on the car were not on. There was also no moon. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car. How did the driver manage to see her?
Answer: It was during the day

There are 4 corners in the room, in each corner there is one cat, in front of each cat there are three cats, on the tail of each cat there is one cat. How many cats are in the room?
Answer: 4 cats (in front of each cat there are three cats in three corners, and each cat sits on its own tail)

How many animals did Moses take into his ark?
Answer: Not at all. Noah had the ark, not Moses.

What will happen to a red silk handkerchief if it is lowered for five minutes to the bottom of the Red Sea?
Answer: It will be wet

How to find last year's snow?
Answer: Go outside on New Year's Eve

How right? Five plus seven is "eleven" or "eleven"?
Answer: twelve

Imagine that you are a train driver. The train has 66 wheels, 66 barrels, each barrel contains 66 kg of ice, there are 66 bottles of beer. The driver was drunk and drunk. How old is the driver?
Answer: How old are you, because you are an electric train driver

There were 2 soldiers and only ... they went around the corner, as they saw 3 machine guns. Each got 1 gun. How could this be?
Answer: There were 3 people: 2 soldiers and Tolka (~only)

There were 6 lions in the cave. 2 are gone. How much is left?
Answer: Zero. The rest got bored and left too

What can fly at a depth of two kilometers?
Answer: Fly in a submarine

Who doesn't get their hair wet in the pouring rain?
Answer: Bald

What has a head but no brains?
Answer: head of garlic

Is it possible to kill a mother-in-law with cotton wool?
Answer: Yes, if you wrap the iron in cotton

How to say correctly: “I don’t see a white yolk” or “I don’t see a white yolk”?
Answer: The yolk cannot be white

Which word starts with three "g" and ends with three "i"?
Answer: Trigonometry

One eye, one horn, but not a rhinoceros?
Answer: Cow peeking around the corner

What is a word with 40 vowels?
Answer: Magpie (40 a)

Why don't cows fly?
Answer: By air

Which is heavier: a kilogram of iron or a kilogram of down?
Answer: They weigh the same

When a chicken stands on one leg, it weighs 2 kg. How much will she weigh if she stands up on two legs?
Answer: 2 kg

Can there be eggs on an apple tree?
Answer: They can if they're in a bird's nest

One egg is boiled for 3 minutes. How many minutes will 2 eggs cook?
Answer: 3 minutes

If five cats catch five mice in five minutes, how long does it take for one cat to catch one mouse?
Answer: 5 minutes

Which hand is best to stir the tea?
Answer: Tea is better to stir with a spoon

A cat is sitting on the window. A tail like a cat, whiskers, paws, ears like a cat, but not a cat itself. Who is this?
Answer: Cat

What is the tongue in the mouth for?
Answer: For teeth

Why do ducks swim?
Answer: From the coast

Everyone knows the riddle: “What can be cooked, but not eaten?” And, like any riddle, it has an answer. And the only correct one. So, at least, think the wise men who composed this thoughtful question.

Correct answer

The authors of this masterpiece believe that every sane person should know what can be cooked, but you cannot eat only homework. Probably, schoolchildren who had extremely little life experience came up with this question. Apart from doing homework, they do nothing else.

But in fact, the answers to the riddle “what can be cooked, but not eaten?” great multitude. Another question: why is there a lot of answers to this riddle, and not just one? And this riddle will be much more interesting than the one that prompted us to take a deeper look at the problem.

Why to the riddle: “What can be cooked, but not eaten?” there are many answers?

It turns out that the reason is hidden in the ambiguity of the verb "cook". After all, you can cook not only a delicious dish, but also homework! So the authors decided to beat this feature of the word.

They did not take into account only the fact that a person can cook very, very many things: concrete mortar, bricks, boards, fabric for tailoring, bedding, a bath, a meeting, a manuscript for a set, a student for an exam, an amateur performance number, a meeting, news, a surprise , a role, clothes, glue, a bat, boxing gloves for practice, a syringe for an injection, a guest number ... And this list is endless!

That is why you should not rush to answer the question of what can be cooked, but not eaten. This riddle, it must be said directly, is not very correctly composed. After all, if you follow the authors of this masterpiece, it should be assumed that it is quite possible to have breakfast with shoes prepared in the evening for going out, or to chew out of boredom on a saw that my father brought from the barn, intending to repair the table in the morning. And this is a picture from the series: "Robin Bobin Barabek ate forty people" ...

Although some people on our planet are happy to use pieces of lime and dried clay instead of cakes, and someone happily swallows buttons and pushpins. But this is more the exception than the rule.

Humorous answers to the riddle

Indeed, the question is worthy of KVN: “What can be cooked, but not eaten?” The answer to it can be truly stunning!

How, for example, can you relate to such an option as “breakfast cooked by my wife”? Only with humor, dear reader! Since immediately before your eyes there is a picture of the faces of the spouse, the child, the guests, warped with disgust, diligently hiding their feelings ...

The answer will be instructive enough: “Cheat sheet”. What is there to hide, preparing this attribute for an exam or test, everyone implicitly understands: it is likely that it will not be possible to use it, therefore, in order not to get caught with it, the question will arise about how to ... eat it! But you can’t do this in any way - a friend and fellow student asked me to give him a cheat sheet after the exam. I also planned to try my luck...

And you can also cook a dish, after poisoning it. Also, by the way, the answer. True, this is already more suitable for writing a historical novel about troubled times, when kings and kings, shahs and padishahs, as well as various other nobles and viziers, in short, poisoners still lived on earth.


What number will decrease by a third if it is turned upside down?

Number 9

At a square table, one corner was sawn off in a straight line. How many corners does the table have now?


Which knot cannot be untied?


What is the cow in front and the bull behind?

Letter -K-

What is the scariest river?


What has no length, depth, width, height, but can be measured?

temperature, time

What are all the people on earth doing at the same time?

Are getting older

Two people were playing checkers. Each played five games and won five times. Is it possible?

Both people played different parts with other people.

How can a thrown egg fly three meters and not break?

You need to throw an egg more than three meters, then the first three meters it will fly by.

The man was driving a large truck. The headlights on the car were not on. There was also no moon. The woman began to cross the road in front of the car. How did the driver manage to see her?

It was a bright sunny day.

Where is the end of the world?

Where the shadow ends

Man learned from spiders to build suspension bridges, from cats he adopted the diaphragm in the camera and reflective road signs. And what invention came about thanks to snakes?


What can you easily pick up from the ground, but not throw far?

Poplar fluff.

What kind of comb will not comb your head?


What do they drop when they need it and pick it up when they don't need it?


What can travel the world and stay in the same corner?

Postage Stamp.

You are sitting in an airplane, a horse is in front of you, a car is behind you. Where are you at?

On the carousel

What notes can be used to measure distance?


What won't fit in the biggest pot?

Her cover.

Russian riddle. A wooden river, a wooden boat, and a wooden smoke streaming over the boat. What is this?


The satellite makes one revolution around the Earth in 1 hour 40 minutes, and the other in 100 minutes. How can this be?

One hour and forty minutes equals one hundred minutes.

Name at least three animals that Moses took into his ark?

Prophet Moses did not take animals into the ark, righteous Noah did it.

In one hand the boy carried one kilogram of iron, and in the other the same amount of fluff. What was harder to carry?


In 1711, a new unit of 9 people appeared in each regiment of the Russian army. What is this division?

Regimental Band.

Plane crashes.

There is a story about a little boy who, having received a New Year's gift, asked his mother: “Please take off the lid. I want to iron a gift." What is this gift?


Which animals always sleep with their eyes open?


It is known that at one time, under pain of death, silkworm eggs were exported from China. And what animal was taken out of Afghanistan in 1888 with the same risk?

Afghan Hound.

What insects are domesticated by humans?


80. A problem invented by the learned monk and mathematician from Ireland Alcuin (735-804).
The peasant needs to be transported across the river wolf, goat and cabbage. But the boat is such that only a peasant can fit in it, and with him either one wolf, or one goat, or one cabbage. But if you leave the wolf with the goat, then the wolf will eat the goat, and if you leave the goat with the cabbage, then the goat will eat the cabbage. How did the peasant transport his cargo?

Solution 1.: It is clear that we have to start with a goat. The peasant, having transported the goat, returns and takes the wolf, which he transports to the other shore, where he leaves him, but he takes and carries the goat back to the first shore. Here he leaves her and transports the cabbage to the wolf. Then, returning, he carries a goat, and the crossing ends happily. Solution 2: First, the farmer again transports a goat. But the second one can take the cabbage, take it to the other side, leave it there and return the goat to the first bank. Then transport the wolf to the other side, return for the goat and again take it to the other side.

In the old days in Rus', married women wore a kokoshnik headdress, the name of which comes from the word "kokosh", meaning animal. Which?

Chicken (remember what she says when she rushes?).

Why can't a porcupine drown?

He has hollow needles.

To take a breath of air, dolphins are forced to surface every 15-30 minutes. Why don't they suffocate in their sleep?

They don't sleep at night.

Name the fifth largest country after Russia, China, Canada and the USA.


A man went to the market and bought a horse there for 50 rubles. But soon he noticed that the horses had risen in price, and sold it for 60 rubles. Then he realized that he had nothing to ride on, and bought the same horse for 70 rubles. Then he thought about how not to get a scolding from his wife for such an expensive purchase, and sold it for 80 rubles. What did he gain as a result of the manipulations?

Answer: -50+60-70+80=20