Small meringue cake. Earl ruins cake with meringue

Having prepared a meringue cake, you can make a variety of cakes based on it. For example, one of the most popular is the "Kiev" cake. It is also possible an option where the cake is prepared from proteins, and a cream is made from the yolks.

The essence of such cakes is as follows. Ordinary meringues are baked, but not in the form of cakes, but are lined with an even crust on a baking sheet. Further, such cakes are folded into a cake and coated with cream. In addition to the meringue and cream themselves, the cake can also consist of biscuit or other cakes. So, making a different cream, adding a variety of additives like nuts, chocolate, cookies, etc., you can constantly make new cakes from meringues. Here you can easily give free rein to experiments and apply confectionery imagination. You can even come up with recipes yourself.

Today I will show you how to make a classic meringue cake. But then you can put crushed nuts, sesame or sunflower seeds, etc. into the protein mass. Such cakes can be used as one of the ingredients for a complex cake or for making a dessert. It turns out the cake is tall, crispy, tender and melting in the mouth.

  • Caloric content per 100 g - 270 kcal.
  • Servings - 1 cake 2 cm high, 22 cm in diameter.
  • Cooking time - 5 minutes for whipping proteins, 1 hour for drying the cake


  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Powdered sugar - 4 tablespoons

Step by step preparation of cake meringue cakes:

1. Carefully break the eggs and separate the whites from the yolks. Do this very carefully so that not a drop of yolks gets to the whites. Otherwise, they will not beat up to the desired consistency. Also, make sure that the protein dishes are clean, dry and fat-free. It will also affect the quality of the meringue.

2. Take a mixer and at a slow speed, begin to beat the egg whites. This is necessary so that they are enriched with oxygen, which will make them more luxuriant and airy. Then, when white foam appears, gradually add powdered sugar to them. I do not advise using sugar, because it may not have time to break during the whipping process.

3. Next, beat the whites at higher turns until stable peaks and a white airy mass are formed. You can check their readiness by turning the bowl of squirrels over: they should be motionless.

4. Take any convenient baking dish and line it with baking parchment. Lay out the beaten egg whites, spreading them evenly over the entire area. You can choose the height and diameter of the cake yourself. This will only affect the drying time.

5. Further, if there is an oven, heat it to 60 degrees and put the cake to dry for 1-1.5 hours with the door slightly ajar. If there is no brazier, then place the cake pan in a thick-bottomed pan on the stove, turning on the minimum heat.

The "Count Ruins" cake with meringue will appeal to lovers of sweet and even very sweet desserts. In the classic recipe, sugar meringues and plastic butter cream with condensed milk act as a kind of "building materials" from which a carelessly folded product is built. In our example, the above components are complemented by a biscuit cake, making the result even more interesting.

Layers of different textures form a complex flavor “gamut” - soft, “juicy” chocolate biscuit from impregnation, crispy “airy” meringue, viscous cream and additions in the form of walnuts and chocolate glaze. Such a "variegated" dessert will fully satisfy the desire for sweets!


For the meringue:

  • egg whites - 4 pcs.;
  • icing sugar - 150 g.

For the cake:

  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 30 g;
  • baking powder - ½ tsp;
  • cocoa powder - 10 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp;
  • starch - 15 g.

For impregnation:

  • water - 50 ml;
  • sugar - 2 tsp.

For the cream:

  • butter - 100 g;
  • boiled condensed milk - 200 g.

For registration:

  • dark chocolate - 50 g;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • walnuts - 50-70 g.

Cake "Count ruins" recipe with meringue step by step

  1. We start with a meringue. We separate the whites from the yolks, doing it very carefully (even a small particle of the yolk that accidentally gets into the protein mixture can complicate the whipping process). For work, you will need a perfectly clean and completely dry bowl, without traces of fat.
  2. Beat the whites until fluffy, still soft, white foam. Sift the icing sugar and add small portions (about one tablespoon each) to the proteins, without stopping to work with a mixer.
  3. Beat until hard peaks are formed. The mass must necessarily turn out to be very thick, perfectly holding its shape and firmly "sitting" in place when the bowl is turned over. It is imperative to achieve the correct consistency - if the whites are not beaten enough, the meringue will not work! But you shouldn't overdo it either, as you can "over-beat" the proteins, and then they will separate into liquid and white flakes.
  4. We transfer the mass to the bag by cutting off the tip. Cover a large baking sheet with parchment and place the blanks in the form of small pyramids. Dry the meringue at a temperature of 100 degrees (no higher). Do not open the oven for the first 30-40 minutes.
  5. Dry for about 1-2 hours (the cooking time for the meringue is very different for different ovens). The finished pyramids should be easily removed from the baking sheet, and if you tap your finger on the product, a dull rustling sound will be heard. To be sure of readiness, you can take out and completely cool one meringue, and then try. The meringue should crunch slightly and dry completely inside. We leave the baking sheet in the turned off oven until it cools.

    Cake crust "Earl ruins" recipe

  6. Distribute the whites and yolks into different bowls. Beat a fluffy protein foam with a mixer, adding about half of the sugar. We bring the mixture to stable peaks.
  7. Beat the yolks with the rest of granulated sugar and vanilla sugar. Bring the mixture to homogeneity, dissolve the grains.
  8. Introduce the yolks to the fluffy whites. Stir gently from bottom to top, maintaining a delicate "airy" texture.
  9. Pass flour, starch, cocoa powder and baking powder through a fine sieve. Gradually add the dry ingredients to the egg mixture. We continue to mix strictly from bottom to top in one direction.
  10. We shift the homogeneous chocolate dough into a mold with a diameter of 20-22 cm, spread in a layer of the same thickness. At a temperature of 180 degrees, we bake the cake for about 15-20 minutes (until a dry match).
  11. After cooling the finished cake, we take it out of the mold, pour it with impregnation (dissolve the sugar in hot water, cool it).

    Cream for the cake "Count ruins" recipe

  12. We make a simple cream, consisting of only two components. Beat the soft, melted butter slightly.
  13. Little by little we add condensed milk, combine the ingredients. The cream for connecting the "details" of the cake is ready!

    How to form a cake "Earl Ruins"

  14. Coat the cake moistened with impregnation with a layer of butter cream.
  15. Now we start building our sweet "ruins". We spread several pieces of meringue in one layer on the base-cake. Sprinkle lightly with nuts, previously chopped with a blender.
  16. Further, having smeared the bottom of each meringue with thick cream, lay out the blanks in layers in the form of a slide. Thanks to the "sticky" mixture of butter and condensed milk, the meringues will hold firmly in place, and "assembling" the cake will not be a hassle. Do not forget to sprinkle the "floors" with nut crumbs.
  17. Mix the slices of chocolate with butter and melt in a "water bath" until smooth. Having cooled slightly, put it in a bag, cut off the tip. Pour the top of the cake with chocolate streams in a chaotic manner. Sprinkle with the remains of the nuts.
  18. We put the cake "Count Ruins" in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours to soak and fix the form. Then you can start tasting.

Enjoy your tea!

Those who are tightly on a diet should by no means read this material. Because airy meringue cakes, this crispy melting meringue, an abundance of cream and a maximum of calories - these delights can lead any losing weight sweet tooth astray. But if the payback in the form of a couple of extra pounds does not scare you, then next weekend prepare airy meringue cakes, make strong coffee and turn on your favorite movie. And from Monday - to the gym!

4 squirrels,
1 stack. powdered sugar
8 tbsp condensed milk
150 g butter
100 g of chocolate

Prepare the meringue: beat the whites on medium speed with a pinch of salt, then gradually add sugar in a thin stream. Place small meringues on a baking sheet using a pastry syringe. Place the meringues in an oven preheated to 80-100 ° C and dry the meringues for 1-2 hours. In the meantime, prepare the cream: beat the softened butter until fluffy, and, without stopping whipping, pour the condensed milk into the butter in small portions, beat until smooth. Assemble the cake: put a layer of meringue on a platter, then lay the meringue in layers, brushing each bottom with cream and sprinkling with nuts between the layers. Thus, lay all the meringues in the form of a pyramid or slide. Place the remaining nuts in the holes between the meringues on the outside, also smearing cream on each nut. Melt the grated chocolate in a little milk. Pour the melted chocolate onto the cake in a random pattern. Place the cake in the refrigerator to freeze it well.

They say that this dessert appeared thanks to the Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova - according to the culinary specialist who invented it, the cake was just as airy!

3 squirrels,
175 g icing sugar
1 tsp corn flour
1 tsp citric acid
1 tsp vanilla essence,
50 g chopped nuts
400 g strawberries
3 tbsp fruit liqueur,
550 ml 35% cream.

Beat the whites according to all rules, then, without ceasing to beat, add corn flour, citric acid, vanilla essence and beat until you get a smooth shiny mass. Stir the nuts into the dough. Draw a circle on a sheet of parchment, spirally the dough using a cornet with a smooth round nozzle, and then change the nozzle and plant small roses around the edge of the cake, placing them closely. Bake the cake: first at 150 ° C for 10 minutes, then lower the temperature to 140 ° C and dry the meringue for another 30-40 minutes. Leave to cool. Pass 100 g of strawberries through a sieve, add liquor. Whisk in the cream and combine with the rest of the chopped strawberries. Add 3 tablespoons to the mixture. strawberry puree. Place the crust on a flat dish, spread the cream, garnish with a few berries and pour over the remaining strawberry puree.

10 eggs
800 g sugar
100 g starch
250 g of milk
450 g butter
1 lemon
vanillin, cognac.

Make a biscuit: beat 5 proteins into a strong foam. Mash 8 yolks white with 300 g of sugar, add lemon zest, starch and whites. Divide the dough in half, put in two tins and place in an oven preheated to 150 ° C for 50-60 minutes. For a meringue cake, beat 3 proteins with 100 g of sugar until "hard peaks", deposit the mixture with a cornet with a smooth nozzle on paper (draw a circle in advance - the same as for biscuit cakes). Dry the meringues in an oven heated to 130-140 ° C for 45 minutes. Cool, gently remove the paper. Butter cream is prepared like this. Stir 200 g of sugar in milk and bring to a boil. Mash 200 g of sugar with 2 eggs, place the dishes with the mixture in a water bath and add the prepared milk, stirring occasionally. Boil the cream in a water bath for 5-10 minutes. Cool, whisk butter, add milk mixture, vanillin, cognac and beat thoroughly. Collect the cake, greasing the cakes with cream: biscuit - meringue - biscuit. Smooth the sides with cream, decorate the top.

180 g almonds
1 stack. Sahara,
7 proteins,
2 tbsp flour,
350 g 33% cream,
6 tbsp powdered sugar
2 tsp strong coffee,
2 tbsp liqueur or brandy,
1 tbsp gelatin,

Grind the nuts in a blender as thin as possible, add flour and ¼ stack. Sahara. Whisk the whites with a pinch of salt, gradually adding the sugar, whisking each time until the sugar dissolves. Mix protein and nut mass. Place the prepared dough on a baking sheet lined with paper and place in an oven heated to 160 ° C for 50 minutes. Cool the crust and remove the paper. Dissolve the gelatin in the coffee. Whip the cream until thick, add the icing sugar, mix well and pour in the coffee mixture and liqueur. Stir well and leave in a cool place. Cut the cake into 2 or 4 pieces with a thread, sandwich with cream, decorate and refrigerate. Serving this cake is good the next day.

12 eggs,
3 stacks Sahara,
6 tbsp starch
400 g butter
500 g of milk
1 tbsp flour.

Separate the yolks from the whites. Set aside the yolks for now - they will be used to make the cream. Prepare 3 cakes from proteins and sugar. You can bake them right away if possible, but you can beat the meringue for each cake separately. In this case, beat 4 egg whites for each crust into a foam, then gradually add sugar (3/4 cup), without ceasing to beat. Stir in 2 tablespoons gently and quickly. starch and place the dough in the prepared mold. Don't forget to put some baking paper on! Bake the crust on the lowest heat for 35-40 minutes. While the first crust is baking, you can prepare the dough for the second. Cool the finished cakes without removing the paper. For cream, mix the yolks with 1 cup. sugar, add a heaping spoonful of flour and put the dishes on low heat. Stir constantly, bring to a boil, remove from heat and cool. Beat the softened butter until fluffy, gradually adding the custard. Assemble the cake, layering it with cream, coat the sides and decorate. The cake should sit in the refrigerator for a few hours for the cakes to soak.

The recipe for this wonderful cake provides for the fermentation of proteins. To do this, separate the proteins and leave in a warm place for a day. In addition, all ingredients are given in grams, so an accurate kitchen scale is essential.

200 g protein
50 g sugar
1 bag of vanilla sugar
45 g flour
150 g cashew nuts (or hazelnuts)
185 g sugar.
For the cream:
200 g sugar
1 egg,
140 g milk
250 g butter
10 g cocoa,
1 bag of vanilla sugar
1 tbsp cognac.

Combine flour, toasted and finely chopped nuts and 185 g sugar. Whisk the whites as usual, add 50 g of sugar and vanillin and beat until well formed. Add the nut mixture to the proteins, mix gently. Arrange in two round tins and place in an oven preheated to 150 ° C for 2 hours. Both cakes must be baked at the same time or beaten for each egg whites separately. The finished cakes are beige. Leave the finished cakes to dry for 12-24 hours, then carefully peel off the paper. The cream is prepared as follows: mix milk and egg, mix thoroughly without adding sugar, otherwise the yolk may curl. Then add sugar, put the dishes on the fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Boil over medium heat for about 4-5 minutes, until the syrup starts to appear on it, and bubbles begin to appear on it, and it becomes stringy. The finished syrup looks like condensed milk. Cool it down by covering it with plastic wrap. Whisk the softened butter into a fluffy white foam with vanilla, then add the syrup a tablespoon at a time, whisking constantly. Separate 200 g of cream and mix with cocoa, beat well. Place the crust on a flat dish, layer 2/3 of the white cream, cover with another crust and coat the top with the remaining cream. Spread the chocolate cream over the sides of the cake. Leave some cream in both colors for decoration. The sides of the cake can be sprinkled with crushed crumbs from scraps of cakes, if they remain, or finely ground nuts. Decorate the cake with cream.

Cashew nuts are an expensive pleasure, so they are replaced by any others, up to and including peanuts. And we offer you the author's version of the cake with walnuts.

450 g icing sugar
250 g walnuts
210 g protein
80 g flour
2.5 g vanillin
150 g sugar
500 g butter
1 egg,
110 g milk
50 g cocoa,
50 g of vegetable oil.

Fry the nuts, chop in a blender. Sift the flour. Whisk the whites with 200 g of icing sugar until a dense, glossy mass is obtained. Combine the nuts, remaining icing sugar, flour and vanillin, gently add to the whites and stir. Divide the dough into 2 layers. Bake the cakes in the oven at 120 ° C for 2 hours. For the first 15 minutes, keep the oven door slightly open. While the cakes are cooling, prepare the Charlotte cream. Combine milk, sugar and vanillin, place the dishes in a water bath and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Beat the egg, pour the hot mixture into it in a thin stream and beat until it cools completely. Beat the butter until fluffy, gradually adding the milk mixture. Divide the finished cream into two parts, add cocoa to one of them. Assemble the cake: put half of the white cream on the bottom crust, flatten, cover with the second crust, cover the sides of the cake with the remaining white cream. Apply dark cream to the top of the cake.

Airy meringue cakes will pleasantly surprise you and your loved ones. Enjoy!

Larisa Shuftaykina

For connoisseurs of meringue, as an independent sweetness, and meringue cakes, I present the recipe for the Royal meringue cake.

If anyone has already tried the recipe for the cake in preparation, which was presented by me a little earlier, then he will appreciate this sweetness by all 120%. Although I will admit that the cooking process is a bit dreary and takes time. But having tried it once (spending time on cooking and eating), you will consider that time is nothing, and meringue cake is everything!

Ready-made meringue cake "Royal"

In the classic form of the "Royal" cake recipe, ingredients are given in a volume calculated up to 25 servings. Yes, it turns out in the end pretty much (about three kilograms). With the help of the culinary calculator posted on the page of all recipes on our portal, start experimenting with half a serving.

According to one version, the considered dessert called "Royal" was a favorite delicacy of Elizabeth II. It was the royal chef named Darren McGredy who revealed to the world the secret of making this wonderful confection.

By the way, Elizabeth loved to eat, and not only sweets, so there are many favorite culinary creations for the table of the ruling world of this world. And today we will try to cook one of them today.

Ingredients for 20 (or more) servings

For the cakes, we need:

350 grams of good margarine

7 pieces of egg yolks

750 grams of high grade flour

3 tbsp. sour cream spoons

1 teaspoon of baking soda

a pinch of salt

For a delicious cream, take:

2 cans (760 grams) condensed milk (boiled)

3 packs (180 grams each - total 540 grams) butter

2 tbsp. tablespoons of powdered cocoa

For the most delicious - meringue:

7 pieces of egg whites (waste-free production)

2 cups sugar sand

150-200 grams of nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts or any other)




deep bowls

baking tray


Smooth surface


cake assembly dish

How to make Royal meringue cake

Shortbread dough is quite simple to prepare: melt the margarine in a water bath and mix with yolks, sour cream, soda, a pinch of salt and flour.

It is worth noting: Soda can not be extinguished, since sour cream (or rather its acid), which is part of the mixture, will do everything for us. Although you can extinguish (this will not negatively affect the quality of the dough) with lemon juice or vinegar.

The dough will turn out to be greasy and not sticky at all. Let's leave it alone, put it in the refrigerator for at least one hour.

At this time, we get down to cooking. Beat the whites with granulated sugar.

It is worth paying attention: Immediately it is better to use half of the portion for making the meringue, then in the process of baking the cakes - the second. This is explained by the fact that the protein mass may fall off until it begins to wait for application.

We do not stop whipping the whites until we get stable.

Divide the lingering dough into several parts, which will be our biscuits in the future.

Roll out the cakes, put them on a prepared baking sheet (greased with butter and sprinkled with flour or covered with parchment paper for baking). On top of the dough, we lay our protein mass in an even (if possible) layer (for one cake we use about 2 tablespoons of table proteins).

If you love the nutty taste, you can sprinkle the proteins with chopped nuts.

Before applying the proteins, you can trim the edges with a plate, for example by cutting the edges right on the baking sheet. If there is a desire or need to create a cake of an unusual shape, then we will make it on parchment, on which we will begin to cut it.

The baking process is carried out at 180 ° for about 6 minutes. After 6 minutes, lower the temperature to 120 ° and let it bake for about 16-18 minutes.

After baking, we get such a beautiful cake with baked proteins, as shown in the photo below.

How to make Royal meringue cream

Let the oil stand until it reaches room temperature and beat it using a mixer until white.

In the resulting mass, carefully and gradually add the cooked ready-made and mix in the cocoa (although if desired). Beat the cream with special care.

The volume of the obtained cream is enough to lubricate 10 layers of the "Royal" cake (consumption for 1 cake is 2 tablespoons). There will also be left for greasing the barrels of the meringue cake. Although you can leave them open to interest.

Oiled Royal cake with meringue

Assembling the meringue cake

The cake assembly process is very simple, the main thing is to adhere to this algorithm:

The first cake is laid with proteins upwards - smeared with cream

Put the second one with the proteins down - smear it with cream on top

We will lay the subsequent cakes with the baked proteins down, that is, smear with a creamy mass further only the sandy surface of the cakes.

Today I will tell and share step-by-step photos of how to bake a delicious "Flight" cake at home. Frankly, baking this meringue cake is quite difficult and takes a long time. But believe me, it's worth it!

When my daughter was 1 year old, I decided to surprise the guests with an unusual dessert and found this recipe. The admiration of my guests knew no bounds! Since then, I constantly make meringue cake for all the big holidays. It became my trademark. And now my daughter is doing it with great success. It turns out with us - you will definitely succeed!

Ingredients for meringue (meringue):

  • chicken egg whites - 6 pieces;
  • sugar - 400 gr.;
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife;
  • walnuts - about 1 cup shelled

Ingredients for the cream:

  • milk - half a glass;
  • sugar - 200 gr.;
  • yolks - 6 pcs.;
  • butter - 200 gr.;
  • vanillin.

Step-by-step recipe for baking a birthday meringue cake "Flight"

Keep chicken eggs in the refrigerator until the meringue is cooked. They should be well cooled. Butter, on the contrary, take it out of the refrigerator in the evening, it should be soft.

Chop the walnuts. You should not use a coffee grinder. She will smash them into dust. I use the old grandmother's way - a newspaper and a rolling pin. I put some nuts inside the newspaper and rub them with a rolling pin. You can also use a mortar, if you have one. Only then it must be thoroughly washed from the nut oil. And he just threw away the newspaper - that's all.

Set aside the chopped nuts for now.

Now comes the most difficult and crucial moment - the separation of the whites from the yolks. I remind you that they must be cold! For the first crust, take 3 eggs and 200 gr. sugar, you can grind it into powder. But I don't.

Prepare three bowls or other convenient containers, always dry. Strike lightly with the knife in the middle of the egg shell. Gently break the shell in half over one container. Let the protein drain. Very carefully transfer the yolk from one half of the shell to the other at an angle so that the remaining protein flows out. If flagella or cords come across, it is better to leave them in the yolk. If a little protein remains in the yolk, it doesn't matter. The main thing is that even a tiny drop of yolk does not get into the protein. Then he won't beat. If this happens, it is better to set aside and take another egg.

Pour the yolk into a second container. Protein is in the third. And over the first, continue to break the eggs and pour each new protein then, if it is without rejection, into the third container. We put the yolks in the refrigerator for now.

Make sure the bowl you will be whipping the meringue in is clean and dry. Merengi is a very capricious thing. Pour the proteins into a bowl, pour sugar on top and put citric acid on the tip of a knife. Beat for a long time. I have a harvester with two beaters. They beat the meringue for 5 minutes.

If you don't have a food processor. but there is an ordinary mixer, then, I think, it will take about 15 - 20 minutes to beat. I remember that I burned more than one mixer on this one. Whiskers today are certainly more powerful than they were 20 years ago.

If the mixture does not spread, holds its shape and does not flow from the spoon, then it is ready.

Pour in half of the nuts and mix well with a spoon.

Turn the oven on as low as possible. Take a small baking dish. The dough volume is small. The cake will not rise in a large mold. Coat the parchment paper very liberally with softened butter.

Spread out the meringue baking mixture.

Smooth well with a spoon, knife or special tool.

We put the form with the cake in the preheated oven on the middle guides. The fire is the smallest. Dry for about 1.5 hours. Much depends on how small the fire your oven can provide. It's easier with an electric oven. The problem is that it is absolutely impossible to open the oven! It is difficult to see how the cake behaves if there is no backlight. When I had an old stove, I sniffed. As soon as the smell of pleasant baking changed slightly to burnt, she immediately turned off the gas.

Now wait until the oven has completely cooled down, only then remove the first cake.

Gently flip the crust over and peel the paper off the sides. If it is badly oiled, then it can come off with difficulty. Use a knife.

Peel off the paper completely.

If your cake still sits down, cracks or breaks - do not be discouraged! Everything will be covered with cream.

Making a meringue cake custard

For a different custard recipe, see recipe for eclairs.

Mix the remaining 6 yolks with a whisk. We put it closer to the stove.

Pour half a glass of milk into a suitable saucepan (only not enameled, everything will burn in it). Before this, the pan must be rinsed with cold tap water. Bring milk to a boil. Making the smallest fire.

Pour sugar, stir until it is completely dissolved in milk. We do not turn off the gas under the milk.

Now we take a ladle and pour the milk and sugar into the yolks in a thin stream. At the same time, we mix the yolks intensively with a whisk. When the jelly mass gets very hot from the milk with sugar, again pour it in a thin stream back to the milk, which is on the stove over low heat. Now, without stopping, we stir the milk with a whisk. Add vanillin. We do not stop stirring until the milky-yolk mass thickens and begins to "puff". We turn off the gas, stirring for a few more seconds. We set aside the saucepan to cool.

What is it for? If the yolks are not warmed up with milk, then they can curdle in hot milk, and we get sweet scrambled eggs. And if you do not interfere with the mass, then it will burn.

Beat the softened butter with a mixer until it turns white.

Little by little, add the milk-yolk mixture to the whipped butter. kneading well with a spoon. You should not use a mixer, the cream will turn out to be more liquid than necessary. Color can be added to the cream with food coloring, cocoa, or fruit juice, if desired. But I never did that.

Here's a thick cream that should turn out.

Spread the finished first cake with custard.

Put the second cake on top. We also spread it with cream, hiding any defects and glossing over the edges well.

Our delicious flight meringue cake is ready! You can decorate it as your fantasy tells you. But I assure you, it is so delicious that the decoration does not play a special role.

Once again, I draw your attention to the reasons why meringue (meringue) may not work:

  • the yolk got into the protein - the mass will not beat;
  • the mass was not whipped for long enough - the cake will not rise or settle during the baking process;
  • the oven was opened - the cake would settle;
  • the cake is burnt - if possible, cut off the burnt places with a knife. Otherwise, bake a new one;
  • the cake has sat down or has broken - it doesn't matter, cover it with cream.