Recipe for adjika tomato in large quantities. We stock up on ingredients to prepare spicy adjika with tomatoes and garlic for the winter

Let's consider a rather simple and versatile sauce today - this is homemade adjika made from tomatoes and peppers and garlic. You can serve this seasoning with almost any hot dish, be it poultry, meat and fish.

The components present in the seasoning add spice to homemade adjika, respectively, in case of diseases of the digestive tract, it is better to refrain from using it, except that you can try it in a minimal amount.

Homemade adjika can be cooked in two ways: raw and boiled, what kind of sauce to cook - the choice is yours, but there are pluses in the wallpaper options. Cooked adzhika in a raw way retains a greater amount of nutrients, and also has a pronounced pungency in taste, and boiled adzhika is stored longer.

To make adjika more aromatic, in addition to tomato, pepper and garlic, you can add various spices to this dish, for example, cilantro, suneli hops, coriander, as well as dill and other herbs will add interesting taste qualities. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the choice of tomatoes, fleshy varieties should be used, and even overripe tomatoes can be used.

Before preparing homemade adjika, you should take care of rubber gloves, this safety measure should be observed, since hot peppers and garlic can negatively affect the skin of the hands, especially in the presence of microcracks.

Homemade adjika made from pepper, tomatoes, garlic, cooked raw

A similar recipe will appeal to lovers of hot spices. It is necessary to store adjika in the refrigerator, as it will not undergo heat treatment. So, for its preparation, it is important to prepare the following products:

Ripe tomatoes - 3.5 kilograms;
Fresh garlic - 6 heads;
Bulgarian pepper - 1 kilogram;
Granulated sugar - a tablespoon;
Salt - 3 tablespoons;
Fresh horseradish root - 2 pieces;
Hot chili peppers - 2 pieces;
Table vinegar 9% - 2 tablespoons.

First, prepare the fleshy red tomatoes, wash and dry them, after which we cut the tomatoes into four slices, remembering to remove the stalk. Further, when the entire amount is cut, we put them in the refrigerator for half an hour so that all excess juice drains off, since if the adjika is excessively watery, it can become liquid, which will not be good.

Next, let's start preparing the rest of the products. Wear gloves and peel hot chili peppers, remove the seeds by cutting them lengthwise with a sharp knife. Then it is scrolled through a meat grinder along with tomatoes, you can use a food processor or blender.

After that, bell pepper should be prepared, cut into large pieces and passed through a meat grinder or blender. The horseradish root is peeled with a special scraper or knife, after which it is rubbed on a grater, or a convenient food processor is used.

Next, peel the garlic, after which it is passed through a press, the resulting garlic mass is added to the tomatoes and peppers, in addition, sugar and salt are placed in the container. Then add the indicated amount of vinegar. We mix all the components well and leave for three hours at room temperature.

During this period, dry components will dissolve well. After three hours, you can try homemade adjika, after which it must be laid out in prepared glass jars and the container must be closed with a washed nylon lid. Further, the container must be removed to a cool place and used as a fragrant and spicy seasoning.

Homemade adjika made from pepper, garlic, tomatoes, cooked in a boiled way

The next method of making homemade adjika involves heat treatment, that is, the seasoning will be boiled, it is less spicy, unlike the above, but it is stored for a longer time. For this dish, you will need to stock up on the following foods:

Fresh fleshy fleshy tomatoes - 1 kilogram;
Bulgarian pepper - 0.5 kilograms;
Fresh garlic - 200 grams;
Hot chili pepper - 2 pods;
Salt - 3 teaspoons.

The recipe is pretty simple. First you need to wash the tomatoes and peppers, after which the vegetables should be drained. Then they are cut into pieces, after removing the stalk, as well as the seeds from the Bulgarian pepper.

Before peeling hot chili peppers, it is better to wear rubber gloves, after which all the seeds are carefully removed with a knife. Next, you should remove the dry husk from the garlic, after which it is passed through the so-called garlic press.

Next, hot and bell peppers are passed through a meat grinder, the resulting mass is placed in a saucepan. After that, the container is placed on the stove over medium heat, the container should not be closed with a lid, as this will help to slightly boil the homemade adjika and it will be thicker.

When all the components begin to boil in a saucepan, the contents should be boiled for twenty-five minutes, stirring occasionally. During this time, the hostess needs to prepare the jars, they are washed and sterilized. We lay out the hot adjika in jars and immediately roll it up with a special machine. Then the container is turned upside down and covered with a blanket until it cools completely. Then remove the seasoning for storage in a cool place.

Try to cook homemade adjika from tomatoes and peppers and garlic according to the two recipes presented above, since each of them is quite tasty and aromatic in its own way.

Long ago, high in the mountains of Abkhazia, numerous herds of shepherds grazed. And every spring, before a long hike, the owners of the sheep gave them salt. The animals consumed it, increasing their appetite and thirst. And they grew faster and faster per kilogram kilogram. The owners were happy, but feared that the shepherds would steal salt. But it is not so cheap! The well-to-do owners of the flock decided to mix hot pepper to the crystals so that it was discouraging. But cunning shepherds began to add various aromatic herbs and spices there, and then they gladly used the mixture as a delicious seasoning for various dishes.


This is the legend about adjika. Whether it was really so or not - no one knows for sure. But at least some experts claim that it was thanks to the shepherds that tomato and garlic adjika appeared on our table, the recipe for which we will tell you below. Probably only a person who is very far from the culinary arts does not know how to cook it today. Every housewife has at least one simple tomato and garlic in her notebook. I would like to note that the main role in adjika is played by pepper, although translated from Abkhaz the word means "salt", and in Turkish it means "spicy, spicy".

Delicious adjika without tomato

Traditional adjika says no to tomatoes, carrots, apples. And if you have not yet tried a real hot mixture, which is enough to add just a crumb on the tip of a knife, then take a chance using the following recipe. Take 5 kilograms of pods, spread them in a dark place on a towel and hold them for 3 days. During this time, the fruits will dry out a little. The coriander should be ground to form a glass of powder. Before you start mixing the ingredients, it is recommended to wipe your hands with vegetable oil and wear strong rubber gloves on top.

Peppers must be cut, peeled and rinsed. Prepare the garlic, 500 grams is enough for the indicated proportions. The main components are ready for the further procedure. Pass the peppers with the garlic through a meat grinder, then mix with the coriander and scroll twice more. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly with salt and put in prepared jars.

We must pay tribute to the "new" sauce. There are many worthy options for every taste, sweet, spicy, with horseradish or apples. Some people prefer to add ginger and celery. They say that this composition contributes to the process of losing excess weight.


Granulated sugar - one tablespoon;

Coarse salt - three tablespoons;

Vinegar 9 percent - five tablespoons.

Adjika from tomato and garlic: a recipe

Rinse and remove excess from vegetables. It can be black dots, tails, seeds (in pepper). Quarter the fruits of the tomatoes and place in a deep bowl. Allow an hour to drain off excess liquid. The next step is to pass the components through a meat grinder or grater. Next, you should scroll the spicy fruit and vegetables together. Finally, leaving only hot peppers. There should be a separate container for them so that you can add to the mass to taste. We mix everything with a non-metallic spatula, adding sugar, vinegar and salt. We pack the finished adjika into sterilized dishes, seal with lids and store in the refrigerator.

Let's consider a few more secrets. It becomes sharp and sour when you add grated horseradish root, while you can not use acid. In addition, this ingredient has antiseptic properties.

A simple recipe for adjika for the winter

Tomatoes, garlic are the two main ingredients of the snack. But in order to make large supplies of sauce for a long time, you will need more vegetables, which, by the way, are better to be cooked.

How is adjika made from tomato, carrot and garlic? Its recipe is quite simple. Apples are also added to this dish. As a result, adjika becomes more like vegetable caviar, but it is also very tasty and popular with gourmets. Buy a kilogram of sweet peppers and carrots, a tomato will need 2.5 kg, and 6-7 medium-sized fruits are enough for hot peppers. Do not forget apples, there are one kilogram of them. Scroll these fruits, along with the rest of the vegetables and cook the resulting mass over medium heat for about an hour. Allow to cool slightly and only then add crushed garlic (200 g), a glass of sunflower oil, vinegar, sugar and salt. Then the mass must be thoroughly stirred with a spoon, preferably a wooden one, and put into a processed container.

On top of the mass, a little vegetable oil can be added to the jar for better preservation of the product. And if in your household there is no hot pepper in the pods, replace it with ground in the following proportions: 1 pod - 1 teaspoon.

What is adjika suitable for?

Homemade sauce will be an excellent addition to many dishes: aspic, jellied meat, any meat, including the traditional chicken, pork or lamb barbecue. It is especially pleasant to open a jar with a fragrant mass in winter. The scent will excite the memories of the sunny season.

With horseradish

Let's look at the recipe for adjika from tomato, horseradish and garlic. It stimulates the appetite well and is stored for a long time. From the consumption of a kilogram of tomato, 200 grams of peeled root, a couple of sweet peppers, and 1-3 pods of burning pods are required. Garlic will be enough 250 grams.

Cooking process

To begin with, the tomatoes must be treated with boiling water, divided into several fairly large parts. Then you need to clean up the rest of the components. Chop the horseradish root into rings, and cut the cloves into slices, in half a clove. Sweet pepper must also be scalded, freed from the top film and seeds inside, chopped into small pieces. Pass the mixed vegetables through a meat grinder at least twice, then mix with spices: in equal proportions, a tablespoon of salt, be sure to sugar, you can add the same amount of curry or suneli hops from the market, then pour in vegetable oil and vinegar.

When the adjika from tomato and garlic is ready, the recipe for which we told you, you need to move on to twisting. Now two versions of it are known. The first is a water bath, which should be subjected to the resulting mass and then immediately rolled up. The second is to put the vegetable mixture in jars with loosely closed lids, keep in the refrigerator for two days so that excess air comes out. Then it can be tightly packed for long-term storage.

Adjika with zucchini for those who love original dishes

Experiment lovers boldly use other vegetables in the preparation of hot sauce. For example, zucchini.

For cooking you will need:

  • half a kilo of pepper and the same amount of carrots;
  • three kilograms of zucchini;
  • one and a half kilograms of tomato;
  • ten cloves of garlic;
  • two tablespoons of pepper (red);
  • salt (two tbsp. l.);
  • vegetable oil (200 ml);
  • 100 grams of sugar.

Cooking delicious adjika from tomato, garlic and zucchini

  1. Prepare all vegetables first: rinse and dry.
  2. You can grind vegetables in a meat grinder. Start with the tomatoes, twist them well.
  3. Peel the zucchini and pass through a meat grinder. Do the same with bell peppers and carrots. At the end, squeeze the garlic into the resulting mass. Then combine all the ingredients in one container, add sugar.
  4. Then add salt and oil. Set the dish to simmer. This process will take approximately forty minutes. Stir the zucchini adjika all this time so that it does not burn. It is better to use a saucepan with a thick bottom for cooking. At the end of cooking, add red pepper and simmer the dish for another ten minutes.
  5. Now transfer the adjika to the prepared jars and roll up. Shelf life in a cool place is long. By the way, you can also try fresh mass. We wish you bon appetite!

A little conclusion

Now you know how adjika is prepared with garlic, tomatoes, we have provided you with a recipe without cooking. We also looked at some more good cooking methods. I would like to note that tomato and garlic adjika, the recipe for which we told you, is good for the body. Sharpness gives rise to energy, invigorates and renews strength. The vitamin composition helps in strengthening the immune system. But you should pay attention to contraindications. Do not get carried away with the sauce if you are diagnosed with peptic ulcers or gastritis, so as not to harm your body.

25.07.2017 20 805

Adjika recipes for the winter - top 10 delicious!

Not everyone knows that adzhika recipes for the winter are very diverse, including without tomatoes, according to the classical scheme, like a raw appetizer, from red pepper in Armenian style, boiled with carrots, horseradish, garlic and even nuts. And to make it easy and simple to cook, read the article with all the tips, tricky tips and photos. We'll show you how to make an extraordinary treat for the whole family.

A real snack without tomatoes - revealing the secrets of cooking

Traditional Caucasian adjika does not tolerate tomatoes, because its essence is hot pepper, abundantly seasoned with garlic. Red or green stinging pods are used to create this amazing dressing. Depending on the desired result, a red vegetable adds spice, green - a special piquancy. Adjika goes well with baked, stewed meat, fish, poultry, it goes well with many vegetables.

In our understanding, adjika is a seasoning with a tomato content, but a true Caucasian, the maximum that can be allowed for making a sauce is tender plum pulp. So, a real snack without tomatoes for the winter is prepared as follows - the sauce is made from two types of pepper with the addition of seasonings, so you will need:

  • 1.5 kg bell pepper (you can choose the same color for beauty)
  • 400 g hot red peppers
  • 300 g peeled garlic
  • 2 tbsp. l. dill and coriander seeds
  • 1 tbsp seasonings hops-suneli
  • 45 g salt
  • 30 ml 9% vinegar

It is recommended to cook with rubber gloves so as not to burn the skin of your hands. And so that sharp pods do not provoke a sore throat, the appearance of tears, it is better to open a window and provide good ventilation. Wash, dry vegetables, peel seeds from Bulgarian fruits, remove all tails, peel garlic. Scroll all the ingredients through a meat grinder several times, season with salt at the very end. Next, according to the recipe, put the mass in a cooking container, add vinegar and bring to a boil. Never boil! Pour the mixture into prepared jars, roll up. You have got a real adjika without tomatoes with garlic for the winter!

Adjika - classic recipe

There is a belief - in the old days, Abkhaz shepherds added salt to the food of sheep so that they gain weight faster. For lack of salt in the public domain, they simply stole expensive spices from wealthy owners.

In turn, the owners flavored salt with hot pepper, which sheep do not eat. Shepherds found another use for the mixture - they added garlic, herbs to it and ate it for themselves.

This is how a real classic adjika appeared, which includes:

  • 1 kg hot pepper
  • 500 g garlic
  • 150 g salt
  • 100 g of herbs

All components are ground, a very hot, spicy seasoning comes out.

To soften the taste, add tomatoes, plums, other vegetables, such as horseradish. You don't need to cook anything. Store the finished product in sterilized tightly closed jars in the refrigerator. One small jar is enough for a long time, be sure to try to prepare it for the winter!

Adjika raw for the winter - how to cook?

Raw seasoning differs in the way it is prepared and stored. At the initial stages, everything is similar. The preparation of vegetables in any recipe consists of washing, drying, removing tails and seeds.

Further, according to the recipe, vegetables are chopped in any convenient way. The meat grinder retains a beautiful, rich color, but does not give uniformity to the mass. Bender gives the mass a homogeneous structure, but the color becomes paler due to the crushing of the seeds.

The difference lies in the preparation - all the dishes for raw adjika should be washed with baking soda and boiled, and the vegetables must be thoroughly dried. Bring raw adjika to a boil for 20 minutes, but do not boil. You can store the sauce only in a dark, cool place - a refrigerator or a cellar will do. Greens are added to the dish when serving.

Armenian red pepper adjika - spicy and spicy

For 1 kg of tomatoes, 100 g of hot peppers and 200 grams of garlic are required. Process all ingredients in a meat grinder, add salt, garlic, hot ground pepper to the tomatoes. Be sure to transfer the mass to an enamel pan and cover with gauze.

Leave the dishes with the contents for 14-15 days in a warm place (but not in the sun) to ferment. The product must be stirred every day with a wooden spatula. After the specified time, the fragrant Armenian-style seasoning will be ready, and the taste of the dish will just lick your fingers! Can be absorbed or stored in the refrigerator.

It is worth noting that there are a lot of recipes for making hot seasonings for the winter, but they all differ not only in the number of ingredients, but also in taste! Do not be afraid to try something new, perhaps it is the unusual adjika recipe that you will like the most!

Adjika boiled with carrots - quick and easy

Adjika boiled with carrots, not only tasty, but also a vitamin boom in a saucepan. Heat-treated carrots enrich the seasoning with vitamin A, in turn, bell peppers are rich in ascorbic acid and iron, and garlic and hot peppers will help to survive the winter without colds and infections. To cook delicious adjika for the winter with carrots you need:

  • 1000 g red bell pepper
  • 2000 g juicy tomatoes
  • 500 g sweet and sour apples
  • 500 g carrots
  • 100 g hot pepper
  • 200 g garlic
  • 250 ml sunflower oil
  • salt, pepper (to taste)

Prepare vegetables as described above, and three carrots on a fine grater. Add spices, oil, put on medium heat for 2.5 hours, stirring constantly so as not to burn. We put the finished mixture in jars and cork with lids. Such adjika with carrots is well stored both in the closet in a city apartment and in the basement of a private house.

Raw appetizer without tomato - natural fresh taste even in winter!

Raw adjika without tomato retains the color, taste and aroma of natural vegetables, it is especially pleasant to open such a vitamin jar in winter! So, a simple recipe for adjika without cooking - for 1 kg of hot pepper, 100 g of garlic and 50 g of coriander are taken.

Wash the hot pepper and dry it slightly, remove the seeds (if you want the seasoning to be very hot, then leave the core). Scroll everything on a blender and add salt. Screw into sterilized small jars and refrigerate for the winter. The product, of course, is very tasty, but it can only be stored in the cold, so a storage room in an apartment will not work. Now you know how to cook raw, natural adjika without tomatoes and without boiling.

Hot pepper and horseradish seasoning is a great way to prepare

Spicy adjika pepper at home is a real find for housewives. It is quick to cook, does not require a large assortment of ingredients and is stored for a long time thanks to the salt. It is used for pickles, dressings and preparation of blanks for the winter. For the preparation of acute Caucasian adjika, you must:

  • 250 g chili peppers
  • 50 g garlic
  • 15 g salt
  • 15 g coriander
  • 15 g seasoning hops-suneli
  • 25 g horseradish (fresh root)

Hot pepper, garlic, horseradish roots, rinse, dry and peel. The pepper seeds can be left on or removed to adjust the pungency. Coriander, chili, garlic and horseradish, drive through a coffee grinder or grind in a blender until smooth. Mix well and salt.

The product now remains to be placed in a container for storage, put away in a cold place (refrigerator, basement). If you plan to store the seasoning in the refrigerator, the amount of salt can be slightly reduced if desired.

Adjika for the winter from tomato and pepper with garlic - a sharp delight

The best simple recipe for adjika is made from tomato, pepper and garlic. It is with him that it is better to start fantasizing about variations of the sauce. All you need is some food, a saucepan and 20 minutes of free time. Cooking ingredients:

  • 150 g hot pepper
  • 1 kg bell pepper
  • 3 kg tomato
  • 500 g garlic
  • 50 grams of salt
  • 50 grams of sugar

Vegetables should be well rinsed in water, peeled from stalks and seeds (except for hot peppers), chopped and seasoned with spices. Whether you use a meat grinder, blender or coffee grinder for these purposes, there is no fundamental difference.

Leave the vegetable mixture overnight, and in the morning, drain the resulting juice and distribute in sterilized jars. A raw appetizer of tomato, pepper and garlic is sent to the refrigerator or basement. If you have learned how to make this sauce, any variety of it is within your reach.

Homemade boiled - what could be tastier

If the raw blanks do not suit you, then you will definitely like homemade adjika, because it needs to be cooked, which means that the likelihood of safety increases significantly, and it is much easier to place hot-rolled cans in the apartment conditions.

By the way, like all other recipes, this is a proven method that does not explode in cans. The sauce can be adjusted to the flavor you want just before rolling by adjusting the amount of spices and vinegar. The result will be a great alternative to ketchup, and more useful. So, to cook homemade adjika for the winter, you need to take:

  • 1.5 kg tomato
  • 400 gr white onions
  • 3-4 carrots
  • 500 g red fleshy sweet pepper
  • 5-6 pieces of hot pepper (take to taste, more or less)
  • ½ cup garlic cloves
  • ½ cup refined vegetable oil
  • 75 g white wine vinegar
  • 1.5 tbsp salt
  • 1.5 tbsp Sahara

We clean the vegetables, wash them, remove the seeds from the peppercorns, and leave them in the bitter one, cutting off only the tail. Grind all prepared vegetables in a meat grinder (except for garlic) and transfer them to a cauldron (enameled pan), add vegetable oil.

Now the whole mass needs to be mixed well and put on low heat. It should be cooked for 1.5 hours from the moment of boiling, remembering to stir so that it does not burn. 30 minutes before the end of cooking, add the crushed garlic (finely chopped) and salt. If garlic is added earlier, the taste and aroma may disappear.

As soon as you turn off the heat, immediately pour in the vinegar, mix thoroughly and place in prepared jars and roll up for the winter. Remember to turn over and wrap in a warm blanket until it cools. Homemade boiled adjika is ready, you can try it!

Abkhazian recipe with nuts

A real Abkhazian flavored snack with nuts will complement meat and fish dishes, it is good to grease the bird before frying, and it will also complement the shashlik, will serve as a wonderful addition to cutlets, pasties and even manta rays.

  • 500 g bitter pepper
  • 100 g salt
  • 100 g shelled walnut kernels
  • 1.5 tbsp ground coriander seeds
  • a small bunch of fresh cilantro and parsley
  • 150 g garlic

According to the recipe, the vegetable must be washed and peeled from the seeds, the greens must be washed and dried. Grind the pepper in a meat grinder or use a blender for this. If a lot of juice is formed during grinding, be sure to drain the excess. Walnuts should be fried in a pan until golden brown, sifted from the husks and minced or finely chopped with a knife.

Mix the ingredients, add salt and ground coriander seeds. We cut the greens and mix in the mass and add the crushed garlic last. Cover the pot (basin) with our workpiece with gauze or a thin cotton cloth and leave it warm in the kitchen for three days, stirring twice a day.

On the fourth day, the delicious sauce with nuts will be ready, it will remain to transfer it to dry clean containers and put it in the refrigerator. To roll up for the winter, bring to a boil (do not boil) and seal with iron lids.

Adjika recipes for the winter are varied, but they are always simple in execution and amazing in taste, be sure to prepare a hot sauce in the summer - you will not regret it! A delicious jar will always come in handy in the kitchen!

A spicy, spicy adjika for the winter, using step-by-step recipes with a photo, can be prepared at home by both an experienced hostess and a novice keeper of the hearth. A real Abkhazian or Georgian spicy and aromatic seasoning with a refined and recognizable taste of tomatoes and / or pepper can be prepared for the winter according to a variety of recipes. Such an unusual pasta with the addition of spices and herbs will make the taste of many dishes more expressive and interesting.

Home-made adjika for the winter, according to the recipes proposed here, will not cause any difficulties. Remember that the starting products can be very different. You can even twist jars of spicy seasoning from simple zucchini or apples. Therefore, make preparations for the winter in several versions. Each type of adjika canned for future use can be cooked, even by a novice cook, using the step-by-step recipes with photos collected here.

The best recipes with photos

The last notes

The traditional homemade adjika prepared on the basis of tomatoes is already a little tired of my homemade ones. Therefore, I decided to deviate from traditions and prepared for the winter an unusual and very tasty adjika from plums with the addition of tomato paste. A very convenient recipe. Such homemade preparation does not require long boiling and products for it are available and inexpensive.

Hello dear friends! Today I will present you the most delicious homemade adjika recipes. It is a traditional Abkhaz sauce made from hot peppers with the addition of spices.

But our housewives love to experiment and have come up with many recipes for making this sauce with the addition of various vegetables. Such as tomatoes, bell peppers and other foods.

In my selection, you will see many recipes with various additives in it. There are sharper, but not very. Can be boiled or made raw. These options, of course, have been tested personally by me and my family, so I can recommend them with peace of mind. All methods are delicious and worthy of your table.

Personally, I like not very spicy adjika and do it for myself separately, because my family likes it sharper. But if you get an overly hot sauce, just dilute it in tomato paste or ketchup. It won't get any worse, I assure you. It goes well with meat, vegetable side dishes. Even if you just spread it on the bread, it will be very tasty.

Be very careful with hot peppers. If you do without gloves, then wash your hands thoroughly. But, it is still better to work with gloves.

My favorite way to make this sauce. Firstly, it is done very quickly, since this recipe is without boiling. Secondly, it turns out incredibly tasty.


  • Tomatoes -2 kg
  • Sweet pepper - 1 kg
  • Hot pepper - 8-9 pieces
  • Garlic - 0.5 kg
  • Salt - 100 gr

Cooking method:

1. Rinse all vegetables and cut into small pieces. Peel sweet peppers from seeds. Rinse hot peppers and cut them. Peel the garlic. Grind all ingredients through a meat grinder or blender.

If you want a less spicy sauce, then remove the seeds from the hot peppers. If you want it sharper, then leave the seeds.

2. Then add salt and stir the mixture well. Place in sterile jars and wrap with lids. Store this sauce in the refrigerator.

The classic recipe for Abkhaz adjika

This sauce turns out to be very spicy, but at the same time very tasty. It can be added, for example, to. There are many dishes where our adjika will have to be.


  • Red hot pepper - 500 gr
  • Garlic - 150 gr
  • Salt - 50 gr
  • Hops - suneli - 2 teaspoons
  • Cumin (cumin) - 2 teaspoons
  • Coriander - 2 teaspoons

Be sure to wear gloves when preparing this sauce to avoid pepper and garlic burns.

Cooking method:

1. Wash peppers, cut in half and remove seeds. Peel the garlic.

2. Use a meat grinder to grind the vegetables two to three times. Then blend with a hand blender until smooth and smooth.

3. Place coriander, cumin and suneli hops in a dry skillet. Stir and heat for 2-3 minutes to separate the oils. Then grind in a coffee grinder.

4. Pour the resulting mixture into adjika, add salt and stir. Then cover with cling film and leave for 5-7 days to ferment. Then transfer to sterile jars, screw the lids and store in the refrigerator.

The most delicious bell pepper recipe

Here is a very simple and quick option, and the result is excellent. Tomato paste is used here, but you can take tomatoes and grind them yourself until they are puree.


  • Sweet pepper - 4 kg
  • Hot pepper - 250 gr
  • Sugar - 150-200 gr
  • Tomato paste - 600 gr
  • Peeled garlic - 500 gr
  • Parsley and dill - 100 gr
  • Vinegar 9% - 150 ml
  • Sunflower oil - 50 gr
  • Salt - 50 gr


1. First you need to prepare all the ingredients. Scroll the bell peppers, garlic and hot peppers with seeds individually through a meat grinder. Finely chop the parsley and dill.

2. Add tomato paste, salt, sugar, sunflower oil to a saucepan with sweet pepper. Mix everything and let it boil for 30-35 minutes.

3. Then add hot peppers, garlic and herbs there. Stir and cook for another 10 minutes. Add vinegar at the end.

Adjika for the winter from tomato and garlic without cooking

I propose another simple recipe without cooking. As you understand, this type of workpieces is done very quickly, but it turns out delicious. It turns out to be moderately spicy, moderately salty. Although, salt and sugar can be added to your liking.


  • Tomatoes - 1.5 kg
  • Hot pepper - 1 piece
  • Garlic - 100 gr
  • Salt - 1 rounded teaspoon
  • Sugar - 2 teaspoons

Cooking method:

1. Wash all vegetables. In tomatoes, cut off the core and bad parts, if any. Peel the garlic. Cut the pepper in half and remove the grains.

Tomatoes need to be taken very ripe, you can even substandard, rumpled. Only without rotten barrels.

2. Then pass all vegetables through a meat grinder, add salt and sugar. Mix everything thoroughly, about 5 minutes.

Video on how to make non-spicy adjika from tomato and sweet pepper


  • tomatoes - 5 kg
  • sweet pepper - 1 kg
  • garlic - 200 gr
  • salt - 10-13 tsp
  • sugar - 300-600 gr
  • vinegar 0.5 - 1 tbsp. (if necessary)
  • carrots - 1 kg
  • black peppercorns - 20 pieces
  • white peppercorns - 20 pcs
  • allspice - 10 pcs
  • coriander - 1 tbsp spoon
  • ginger - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • dry mint - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • fresh dill - 3 tbsp. l.

You will see the cooking method in this video. Everything is very accessible and understandable.

Try to cook this way and you will not be disappointed, as it really turns out to be very tasty. Mine even love to spread it on bread and eat it just like that, without anything.

Spicy tomato and apple sauce, no vinegar

Another simple and quick recipe. It differs from the previous ones in that we add apples here. It turns out a very interesting flavor combination.


  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs (medium)
  • Green apple - 1/2 pc
  • Hot red pepper - 1 piece
  • Garlic - 5 cloves
  • Vegetable oil (olive) - 50 ml
  • Salt to taste

Cooking method:

1. Rinse all vegetables. Cut the tomatoes into wedges. Cut the apples into slices and cut the core so that there are no seeds. Pepper seeds and cut into medium pieces. Peel the garlic.

2. Then put everything in a blender - first the tomatoes, then the apples, peppers and garlic. Grind well until smooth.

3. It remains only to transfer everything to clean sterile jars and close with boiled lids. Refrigerate for storage.

A simple and quick recipe for the winter adjika with horseradish

Insanely delicious and easy sauce method. Keeps perfectly all winter. Adjika goes very well with bread and lard, just delicious. From this amount of products, 3 cans of 700 ml each and 1 can of 500 ml are obtained.


  • Tomatoes - 2 kg
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 kg
  • Hot pepper - 0.5 pod
  • Garlic - 200 gr
  • Horseradish root - 200 gr
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 tablespoon

Cooking method:

1. Rinse and dry the tomatoes. Cut out the core and cut them into wedges.

2. Peel the garlic. Wash and clean the horseradish roots, removing all blackheads. Then rinse them again.

3. Rinse sweet and hot peppers, remove seeds and rinse again. Then cut into wedges.

4. Now pass the prepared food through a meat grinder. Add salt and sugar to the resulting mass, then mix well.

5. Then put everything in sterile jars and refrigerate for storage. And the most delicious spicy adjika is ready.

Today I have prepared recipes for a wonderful and delicious adjika for every taste. Choose and try to do. I really like the fact that all methods are mostly quick cooking.

I also have other great recipes for winter preparations. For example, or canned. You can also see the recipes or. So salt, pickle and preserve with pleasure, and then in winter you will not have a shortage of homemade vegetables.

Enjoy your meal!