The use of cinnamon. Cinnamon: how to use incense sticks correctly

Such a spice is found in almost every kitchen. However, in many cases it is used much more modestly than it could be. We usually add it to baked goods and sweet dishes. In fact, the use of cinnamon is much wider. In different countries of the world, it is used in the cooking process, for example:

  • sweets and
  • meat dishes
  • marinades

This spice is the dried bark of an evergreen tree that belongs to the laurel family and grows in South India and Sri Lanka. When it is harvested, it rolls up itself into tubes. Then it is dried and cut.

Connoisseurs say that it is best to buy this spice grown in Sri Lanka: it has not only a delicious aroma, but also contains more nutrients. It should also be borne in mind that cinnamon contains the dangerous substance coumarin. So, in the one that comes from Sri Lanka, as well as in other high-quality varieties, there is very little of it. And in low-quality it can be quite a lot.

Cinnamon is not only fragrant, but also useful, as it contains tannins and minerals (potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus) and vitamins (A, C and PP, B1, B2).

Sell ​​cinnamon in sticks (tubes) and powder. It is better to choose exactly the sticks. They retain their odor much longer than powder. Keep the spice in a tightly closed container (for example, a glass jar), in a dark and cool place. Then it will carefully preserve its properties.

High-quality cinnamon sticks do not exceed 10 centimeters in length and 7 millimeters in width. If they are easy to break, then the spice has been lying for a long time. Fresh cinnamon is rich in essential oils that give it elasticity. High-quality sticks should have smooth edges and no spots on the surface.

On the market you can also find a fake cinnamon - cassia. It is not recommended to use it. To distinguish cassia from cinnamon is quite simple, with the help of banal iodine. Put some iodine into the powder. Cassia will turn blue, but cinnamon will not.

The use of cinnamon sticks is a rather difficult question for many Russian housewives. If everything is clear with the powder, then what to do with the straws? In fact, there are enough use cases. First, the sticks can be ground up to create a fresh, much more flavorful powder than you would buy in the store. Secondly, they can be used whole by adding them to drinks, soups or marinades when preparing. Putting a cinnamon stick in a liquid dish should be about seven to ten minutes before the end of cooking. It can also be added to the second course: meat dishes or meat in combination with cereals, vegetables (pilaf, stew, etc.). Then first it is better to fry the cinnamon tube in oil a little so that it will give him its enchanting smell. And then fry the rest of the ingredients in this oil. When the dish is ready, it is better to remove the cinnamon stick.

The use of cinnamon in traditional medicine

The beneficial properties of this spice allow it to be used far beyond cooking. For example, in China, the use of cinnamon in medicine is widespread. However, in our country this spice is not deprived of attention. In folk medicine, she is highly respected. The use of cinnamon in this area is very wide. So, this spice is used for

  • prevention of infection with Escherichia coli

Add some cinnamon to your perishable food. This spice is a natural antibiotic that is able to suppress not only E. coli, but also fungi.

  • normalization of digestion
  • relieve toothache

Make a gruel with a teaspoon of cinnamon and water. Spread this mixture on the gums. You will feel relief after 5-10 minutes.

  • speed up metabolism
  • normalization menstrual cycle
  • treating type 2 diabetes

Cinnamon is taken in the morning, one gram per day - dissolved in a drink or added to food. It lowers blood glucose levels. If you decide to use this remedy for diabetes, be sure to check with your doctor first!

  • relieving itching and redness from insect bites, as well as an antiseptic for cuts
  • enhancing sexuality in both women and men
  • seasickness
  • improve memory
  • cold treatment

Mix a teaspoon of honey with a pinch of cinnamon. Eat on an empty stomach.

The use of cinnamon in traditional medicine does not end there. It is actively used for weight loss. Recipes for use can be different, one of the most common is as follows: pour half a teaspoon of cinnamon with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew. Put a teaspoon of honey in the infusion. Stir well. Drink half of the infusion in the evening. Put the remainder in the cold, drink in the morning before meals, on an empty stomach. Repeat the next evening.

Also, cinnamon is good for depression, stress, anxiety. In addition, it removes bad breath.

However, it should be borne in mind that there are contraindications. So, cinnamon and its essential oil should not be used when:

  • pregnancy and lactation
  • hypertension
  • internal bleeding
  • increased nervous excitability
  • epilepsy
  • high blood pressure

And healthy people should not consume more than half a teaspoon of this spice per day. In old age, the spice should be used with caution, a little at a time.

Using cinnamon oil

Along with powder and sticks, cinnamon essential oil is also popular. First of all, it can be used in an aroma lamp: for example, to combat stress. The use of cinnamon oil in cosmetology is also common. For example, it is used for as well as for the prevention of its appearance.

You can make an anti-cellulite wrap: take a bar of dark chocolate, melt in a water bath. Add 3 drops of cinnamon essential oil or a teaspoon of ground spice. Apply to cleansed skin of problem areas. Wrap them in cling film and cover with a blanket. Wash off after 20-30 minutes. Hot wraps have contraindications (for example, varicose veins, gynecological diseases), so before using them, consult your doctor and make sure that you have no contraindications to this procedure. The wraps should be repeated no earlier than 3 days later.

Also, the use of oil helps to get rid of spots left after acne, blackheads, redness on the face. To do this, it is best to make a mask: mix a teaspoon of honey with a drop of cinnamon oil. Apply to the entire face or problem areas, let sit for 20-25 minutes, rinse. Apply in a course - within a month, every other day. Such a mask is contraindicated for rosacea!

And finally, cinnamon essential oil helps, makes them stronger. Add 2 drops of cinnamon oil to 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Apply to scalp, massaging lightly. Leave it on for half an hour. Rinse off with shampoo.

For whatever procedure you use cinnamon oil, remember that it can only be applied to the skin in a diluted form (mixed with base oil, honey, clay, etc.) Undiluted can cause skin burns.

Many spices, which are good antioxidants, are very popular today in both cooking and medicine. The most popular seasoning in these industries is cinnamon (ground or in sticks): the beneficial properties and contraindications have been researched for a long time, find out what is useful and how you can use it.

Today, it is customary to distinguish several of its varieties, which can be distinguished by taste and shade. Dried cinnamon strips, like ground powder, are found in the kitchen of every home, rightfully considered the spice of kings.

How to use cinnamon in cooking

It is convenient to add ground spices to drinks, pastries and ready-made dishes, so the question often arises of how to grind cinnamon in sticks. The most difficult part of creating a powder is achieving uniformity. If you use regular raw cinnamon sticks, you will not get powder, but uneven pieces.

How to grind cinnamon

Experienced housewives have long learned the secret of how to grind cinnamon effortlessly.

  • You just need to dry the sticks in a hot dry frying pan so that excess moisture evaporates and the structure of the bark becomes soft. The aroma will only intensify.
  • Then you need to put the spice in a bag and walk over it with a rolling pin or crumble the spice in a mortar.

In the last step, it doesn't really matter how you grind the cinnamon. A blender, food processor, coffee grinder, spice grinder are equally good for these purposes.

Where to add cinnamon

Ground cinnamon retains its smell and tart taste, so many people wonder why such a spice is needed.

  • For starters, it is an indispensable product for pastries such as muffins, gingerbread and biscuits.
  • The spice goes well with desserts such as mousses, jellies, puddings and preserves.

When compiling a list of dishes where cinnamon is added, do not forget about the main menu.

  • This product fits perfectly into the composition of fruit salads, cold sweet soups.

In addition, the question that interests meat eaters, whose favorite spice is cinnamon: what does the powder or sticks combine with in the case of hot second courses?

  • Poultry like chicken or turkey is great here, as well as fatty pork and lamb.
  • Cinnamon will perfectly fit into hearty meat dishes with pears and apples.

How to replace cinnamon

Well, when there are very few spices on the shelf, another problem arises: what can replace cinnamon? It is worth immediately deciding that it will not be possible to achieve such a delicate aroma, but it is quite possible to give the dish sweetish notes and some astringency.

  1. In sweet baked goods, for example, cinnamon substitutes are nutmeg, cardamom, ground anise, and cloves. You can also add vanilla sugar.
  2. How to replace cinnamon in main dishes? In this case, you will also need more than one seasoning. Perhaps turmeric, coriander, or ginger are the best options.

Cinnamon and pressure

Israeli doctors have found that cinnamon lowers blood pressure. For hypertensive patients, this is a spice that reduces the indicator by three positions after a few days of its regular intake.

Cinnamon lowers blood pressure in the long term, gradually normalizing the general condition of a person.

For the spice to work effectively, you need to add it daily to various drinks and dishes, but not more than a teaspoon. Also, with high blood pressure, you can try kefir with cinnamon and ginger or tea with honey and spices.

But for hypotonic people, cinnamon and pressure are a common stumbling block. Experts do not advise to completely abandon the spice, since its benefits still remain. In this case, cinnamon, of course, does not increase blood pressure, but returns good mood and high tone of the body. One cup of spiced coffee a day is enough.

Cinnamon for men

An important factor that makes cinnamon popular is its benefits for men. Oriental healers have known for many centuries about the effect of spice on male strength. For potency, cinnamon can be used in the form of a natural essential oil, which is sometimes added to food.

To increase erection, a drink with honey is also used:

  1. A glass of boiling water contains 1 part of powdered cinnamon and 2 parts of honey.
  2. The tool must be insisted for 40 minutes, and consumed twice a day.

It should be noted that regular consumption of spices also heals the body due to its strong bactericidal and antifungal effects. As a result, men can get rid of many diseases of the reproductive and urinary systems (for example, urethritis, chronic prostatitis, pyelonephritis, candidiasis, cystitis).

Also, the benefit of cinnamon for men lies in the analgesic effect: the oil of this spice helps heal bruises and sprains.

Cleaning blood vessels with cinnamon

Cinnamon and cholesterol are incompatible concepts, since the spice perfectly destroys plaques on the walls of blood vessels and normalizes blood circulation. This product actively lowers sugar levels, so it is essential for diabetics.

Cinnamon for vessels is an irreplaceable helper, which was officially proven back in 2003. Cinnamon is especially effective in combating cholesterol with honey. Cleaning of vessels should be carried out regularly based on the intake of different drinks.

  1. For starters, you can destroy cholesterol with a milkshake with an incomplete teaspoon of cinnamon and a tablespoon of almonds.
  2. 2 large tablespoons of sour cream are also added to the mixture, and then everything is actively chopped in a blender.

You can also warm up 2 cups of water and dissolve a teaspoon of mint and lemon in them. The product should be consumed on an empty stomach. And ordinary cereal bread with a layer of honey and sprinkling in the form of cinnamon is also good for blood thinning.

Cinnamon as a laxative

Cinnamon is very effective for constipation. In combination with honey, it quickly normalizes metabolism, so this natural laxative is used to remove gases and cleanse the intestines.

Please note that in traditional medicine, you can also use a spice for diarrhea, and in general for the stomach, this spice is incredibly useful by improving the general microflora. The product helps to cope with ulcers, acidity and pain, especially when honey or kefir is added.

Cinnamon and metabolism

Significantly improves cinnamon and metabolism. In this case, the effect of the spice is reduced to vigorous fat burning, which is actively used in various weight loss systems. Read more in the article.

The influence of cinnamon in this regard is so great that the metabolism is accelerated 20 times. It is especially useful to combine the product with green tea, apples and carrots.

Cinnamon and joints

Traditional healers also know some healing tricks in which cinnamon for joints can also be a faithful helper. What does the spice help from in this case?

First of all, from arthritis and arthrosis of varying degrees. Cinnamon heals inflammatory processes in the joint tissues with the addition of honey. So, compresses with camphor oil and gelatin are very effective. As testimonials testify, it is good to add salt to such mixtures so that the pain syndrome in the joints decreases.

The harm of cinnamon

Please note that cinnamon has its own contraindications.

  1. The spice is not recommended at the time of the acute stage with pancreatitis, heart and kidney diseases, with increased excitability and a tendency to internal bleeding.
  2. People undergoing a course of antibiotics or with hypersensitivity of the intestines can also feel the harm of the product.
  3. When using spices with honey, allergies are also possible, manifested by redness and burning of the skin.

Many people wonder what will happen if you eat a spoonful of cinnamon. In fact, the abuse of spices is not very good for health. So, overdose leads to dullness of taste buds and severe flatulence.

Consuming a whole spoonful of cinnamon very often leads to airway inflammation and suffocation. At a minimum, such an act will lead to nausea, a gag reflex and a severe attack of coughing, since dry caustic powder in large quantities is not perceived by the body.

But perhaps the most harmful use of cinnamon will be buns and pastries, which we eat without thinking about our health.

Cinnamon in the diet of pregnant and lactating women

Representatives of the fair sex often wonder why a cinnamon stick or ground spice is useful for women.

Firstly, it helps to maintain your weight, and secondly, it improves mood and helps to cope with depression. Women can drink cinnamon drinks during their periods to relieve pain.

Cinnamon for pregnant

During pregnancy, not everything is decided at the reception of spices, since much is determined by the individual characteristics of the girls. Traditional healers believe that cinnamon during pregnancy helps to reduce toxicosis, like any other spice. Competent doctors answer the question, and cinnamon is allowed for pregnant women, “you can, but be careful”. Indeed, the exact adherence to the dosage in this case is very important.

In large quantities, the spice is bad for pregnancy. In particular, it causes a sharp contraction of the uterus, from which some pregnant women can suffer from premature birth and miscarriage.

Cinnamon for nursing mothers

After the birth of the baby, the question already arises whether nursing mothers need cinnamon. Some experts warn that when breastfeeding, any spice can provoke an allergic reaction in an infant.

In addition, every nursing mother knows that many products significantly change the taste of milk, and cinnamon is no exception. Therefore, it must be included in the diet very carefully. If breastfeeding continues as normal even after taking cinnamon, you don't have to worry. In addition, do not forget that during HB, the spice is able to strengthen the digestive mummy, and the baby helps to cope with viruses.

Like all unusual foods in our diet, cinnamon has beneficial properties and contraindications. To follow them or not is a personal matter for everyone, but at the same time it is always important to observe the measure and try to make your own menu varied, even during diets and illnesses.

With warmth and care, Ravila.

Cinnamon sticks are less common in the house than regular, ground, cinnamon, although they are made from higher quality raw materials, they retain their aroma and useful properties longer. Let's decide what exactly distinguishes cinnamon in sticks from its crushed type, how to use the pods correctly and in which dishes it should not be added.

In supermarkets, cinnamon powder is most often sold in bags. It is easy to use. Most housewives stop at buying spiced powder due to the fact that it is easy to measure it for a particular dish. But what is it made of? Few people think that the already crushed product loses most of its taste, beneficial qualities and aroma. The situation is similar to that of black and red pepper, but manual pepper mills have long been firmly established on modern kitchen shelves. It will not hurt cinnamon.

A cinnamon stick is not a twig as most people think. This is the bark of an evergreen tree called "Cinnamon", which was removed and twisted in a thin layer, usually 6-10 layers per stick. Cinnamon has been known to people for thousands of years, at first it was a wild tree, then they learned to cultivate it, divide it into species, use it in cooking, perfumery, and medicine. The cinnamon tree from the Chinese lands is distinguished by astringency, pungent taste and dark shade, cinnamon from Ceylon has a pronounced aroma and sweetness, and the spice from India and Burma is dark in color and bitterness. The latter variety is also called "cassia" or "false cinnamon", it does not need to be bought, it can be distinguished only in sticks, they will be less grainy on the inside, with a rough surface. Powdered cassia is almost impossible to distinguish from quality cinnamon before cooking.

The most valuable, delicious and aromatic spice is from the island of Ceylon. Healthy, tasty and aromatic, it will add a special exquisite touch to your dishes. The chemical composition of the Ceylon spice positions it as the most suitable for the production of valuable essential oil.

Health recipes

How to use cinnamon sticks without chopping them? We offer you some simple but effective recipes for which you do not need to grind the straws first.

Do you often suffer from abdominal discomfort? Tired of taking medications for bloating, colic and flatulence? Use the folk method:

  1. A glass of boiling water for one stick of real cinnamon. Insist half an hour.
  2. After the allotted time, remove the spice and add a spoonful of honey.
  3. Drink on an empty stomach in small sips.

Inflammatory elements on the skin do not pass? Dullness, wrinkles and blackheads appear? Prepare for Healthy Skin:

  1. Pour a glass of boiling water over a cinnamon stick, leave it to brew well overnight.
  2. Take some ready-made liquid and mix with honey.
  3. You should get a paste that can be applied to the face and problem areas of the skin for a couple of hours as a mask.

The cinnamon stick can be used as a fragrant spice in a wide variety of drinks. Cinnamon tea is not only delicious and smells great. It cures many ailments - relieves you of the onset of a cold, normalizes digestion, helps you lose weight, calm down and put your thoughts in order. Recipe:

  1. Half a liter of boiling water for a cinnamon stick. Pour boiling water over the spice and infuse well.
  2. Then, pour the spiced water into a kettle and bring to a boil.
  3. Pour this liquid into black or green tea in a teapot. Let the drink sit for at least 5 minutes.

Cinnamon coffee is a classic option for lovers of this exquisite strong oriental drink. Recipe with nutmeg and orange peel:

  1. Take 150 ml of water, a spoonful of ground black coffee, a spice stick, on the tip of a knife of ground nutmeg and chopped orange peel.
  2. Brew the coffee by adding all the ingredients to the cezve.
  3. Pour into cups. Add sugar or honey if you have sugary coffee.

How to properly grind and store a cinnamon stick

Most often, cinnamon sticks are crushed. This must be done correctly, otherwise you risk getting dust or dissimilar pieces, just ruining the product. Grind correctly:

  • dry the sticks in a skillet, which will make the spice brittle, enhance the aroma and remove moisture;
  • put dry pods in a container and rub with a mortar, or you can put the spice in a bag and walk with a rolling pin;
  • the resulting small pieces are brought to a powder state in a hand mill.

How to store cinnamon sticks? The crushed spice retains its taste, smell and useful properties of the chemical composition for 6 months in a transparent jar, hermetically sealed, placed in a dark cool place. The storage of pods is no different, only the shelf life is increased to a year. If the stick has already been used, then it can be used in the preparation of dishes and drinks two more times, then it loses its taste, aroma and useful properties.

Cinnamon sticks in cooking

Cinnamon sticks can be used in a wide variety of dishes, but there are dishes that will be very spoiled if you add an oriental spice there.

What you should not use the spice with:

  • salads;
  • dumplings and dumplings;
  • Borsch;
  • cabbage dishes of any kind;
  • sushi;
  • fish dishes (as opposed to sauces for fish dishes);
  • lamb and beef.

In the article, we examined the features of the qualities and useful properties of cinnamon sticks, how to use it, with which dishes this spice is not combined. They gave several useful recipes with cinnamon in the form of a stick, and not in a powdery state, the conditions for its storage and the features of adding it to dishes.

Often not natural cinnamon is sold on store shelves, but cassia - the bark of the Chinese cinnamon tree, which can not only have a laxative effect on the body, but also provoke diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. To protect yourself from fakes, it is recommended to purchase cinnamon in sticks, and then grind it.

Pick your recipe

Cinnamon and cassia - how to distinguish a fake

Cinnamon, or, as it is also called, Ceylon cinnamon is an evergreen tree of the Laurel family. However, in everyday life, cinnamon is called the dried bark of this tree. It is widely used as a spice in cooking, as well as essential oils in medicine and cosmetology. Cinnamon is sold, as a rule, in the form of pieces of bark rolled into a tube, and more often in a ground form.

For the production of the spice, cinnamon is grown for two years. Then it is cut to the root. In the next vegetative year, about a dozen young shoots are formed on the cut tree, from which the bark is cut. Then it is dried, the outer layer is removed and only a thin inner layer is left. As a result, meter-long cinnamon strips remain, which, after drying, curl into long tubes. These tubes are then cut into pieces 5 to 10 cm long. It is they who go on sale.

In order to distinguish cinnamon powder from cassia powder, it is enough to carry out an iodine test, which is even easy to carry out. When iodine is applied to cassia, it turns dark blue, while with a similar procedure, cinnamon gives only a faint bluish tint.

How to grind a cinnamon stick

For many purposes, it is cinnamon powder that is needed. To get it, a cinnamon stick needs to be crushed. An ordinary fine grater will not work for these purposes. You should also not immediately put the stick in a blender or coffee grinder - you will get pieces of different sizes.

It would be more correct to first dry the stick in a dry frying pan. This procedure will make it more fragile, remove excess moisture and enhance the aroma of the spice. But it should be remembered that cinnamon should be dried and chopped in small volumes, since whole sticks retain their properties for a whole year, and crushed ones lose after six months.

The resulting chunks of this size can be put into a blender, food processor, coffee grinder or coffee grinder.

Store crushed cinnamon in an airtight glass or ceramic container, and always in a dark place. If these conditions are met, cinnamon will always remain fresh and aromatic.

Cinnamon is one of those spices that can help you lose weight and cope with sugar cravings by maintaining a stable blood sugar level. Its aroma invigorates and improves mood, normalizes the nervous system, activates the brain and improves memory. Cinnamon contributes to the proper assimilation and digestion of a particular product, smoothing out the consequences of the wrong combination of eaten dishes and complex side dishes, thereby speeding up the metabolism in your body.

Cinnamon doesn't match ...

With borsch and dumplings

Despite the fact that cinnamon is a great addition to cereals, pancakes and jams, it is unlikely to decorate other dishes of Russian cuisine. It is better not to add this spice to salads (olivier, vinaigrette), dumplings and other traditional dishes.

With cabbage

In order not to fall out of love with cinnamon, try not to season cabbage with it (plain, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.). Their combination, let's face it, is far from ideal.

From sushi

Eastern cinnamon is not suitable for all cuisines of this region: ideal for Indian, Thai or Chinese dishes, it, alas, will only spoil Japanese dishes.

With fish

Cinnamon looks great in a sauce for white fish. But the taste will deteriorate if you season not the gravy with a fragrant spice, but directly a pike perch steak or perch fillet. This also applies to red fish.

With lamb and beef

Cinnamon decorates fatty white meat, but if you prefer red, it's better to forget about the spice. In combination with lamb and beef, it is, alas, not up to par.

Take a test

By purchasing a bag of cinnamon, you can once again make sure at home that you have purchased the right spice. To do this, carefully examine the spicy tubes. Real cinnamon is yellowish or light brown in color, cassia is brownish brown. In addition, the fake is very fragile and is often deformed during transportation - cracks appear on its surface, it becomes torn. Cinnamon, on the other hand, is always smooth, with clear cut edges as if along a ruler. On the powder, a drop of iodine: the cassia will turn dark blue, and the cinnamon will not change.

Preserve the taste and smell

When thinking about which spice to buy, give preference to cinnamon, packaged in an opaque container. Under the influence of sunlight, it quickly loses its qualities. That is why the spice should be stored at home in a dark, dry place. However, after you open the package, the process of loss of valuable properties will be irreversible. Despite the fact that the spice in the form of tubes retains its taste and smell for a year, and in powder for six months, it is better to use it up faster. By the way, you do not need to throw out the once used cinnamon stick. Rinse it and dry it thoroughly. Each straw can be added to food and drinks up to 4 times.

But why is cinnamon in sticks better than ground, you ask yourself?

In pursuit of profit, a popular cassia is popular among spice suppliers - a fake cinnamon made from a plant that is nothing more than a relative, but much less expensive. And although both cinnamon looks the same, they are completely different in their chemical composition and properties. It is fake ground cinnamon that can be found in supermarkets and regular stores. Unlike real cinnamon, the entire bark is used to make cassia, not just its most valuable, delicate inner part. If you drip iodine on real cinnamon, then the reaction will be almost imperceptible, while the cassia will acquire a bright, dark blue color. Cheap cassia contains coumarin, dangerous to human health, which is contained in very small quantities in real cinnamon. As a number of studies have suggested, it is enough for children to eat as little as 4 fake cinnamon cookies to get a dose of coumarin that is dangerous to health. Adults, on the other hand, can be in mortal danger by eating - 8 cookies. If you love cinnamon, try to buy it in sticks, this is the only way you can be sure that neither yours nor the health of your loved ones will suffer!

On a note

As a stand-alone remedy, cinnamon is ideal for preventing the flu and colds, for sore throats, and for treating hoarseness. Infusion of cinnamon has a beneficial effect on the body of people who have suffered long illnesses. It helps women with cystitis and delayed menstruation, and is perfect for recovery after childbirth. It has been proven that the daily use of a spoonful of honey with the addition of cinnamon in a glass of water, in the morning on an empty stomach and in the afternoon, helps to normalize all vital functions of the body and restore strength after exhausting mental or physical work. Anyway, the combination of honey and cinnamon helps to maintain immunity and effectively fight viral diseases, which is very important for our weather conditions. An interesting property of cinnamon is that it disinfects quickly perishable foods. For example, adding cinnamon to freshly squeezed juice, which must be drunk literally within a few hours after pressing, will not allow any harmful microbes to appear in it.

Secret of using:

Cinnamon gives an unusual taste to curdled milk, varenets, kefir, milk soups, puddings, porridge, pancakes and pies. Gives sophistication to coffee, mulled wine and compote.

It goes well with dishes that include apples, pears, quince and cherries. It is used for canning vegetables, berries and fruits. Add to vegetable salads from carrots, cabbage, corn and cucumbers.


Do not use more than 2 cinnamon sticks at a time. An overdose of cinnamon can cause agitation, seizures, and heart palpitations. Hypertensive patients - people with high blood pressure, as well as allergy sufferers need to use this cute spice with the utmost care.

Helpful advice:

Adults do not have an enzyme that can digest milk, but if giving up it is not possible, remember that when combined with hot milk, cinnamon makes it easier to digest.

Recipe number 1 - for digestion

Take 1 cinnamon stick, pour 1 cup boiling water over it and leave to infuse for 30 minutes. Remove the cinnamon, add 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink the drink slowly, in small sips.

The magic drink is just a panacea or a universal natural remedy for overeating and bloating.

Recipe number 2 - for a slim figure

Take 1 cinnamon stick, pour 1 cup boiling water over it and leave to infuse overnight. Drink the drink in the morning on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast. Drink this drink every morning until you reach your desired weight. Thanks to the interaction of honey with cinnamon, harmful bacteria are removed from the body, which slow down digestion, and cleansing occurs, which helps not to accumulate fat.

A natural way to lose some weight.

Recipe number 3 - to prolong the youth of the skin

Take 1 cinnamon stick, pour 3 cups of boiling water over it. Refrigerate and add 4 tablespoons of honey. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day.

This simple drink will slow down the aging of the skin, as well as give it a radiant and fresh look.

Recipe number 4 - for acne

It is necessary to prepare a kind of paste from 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 pre-ground cinnamon sticks. Before going to bed, apply the paste to acne or sore skin. Rinse off with warm water in the morning.

With regular use, all pimples should go away after two weeks.

Recipe number 5 - for hair

In case of severe hair loss, after dyeing or perming, as well as to stimulate their growth, we recommend doing the following mask several times a week: heat 3 tablespoons of olive oil, add 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 pre-ground cinnamon stick. Stir. Apply first to the roots, then to the entire length of your hair. Keep 15 minutes. Rinse with water and wash twice with shampoo.

Your hair will become soft, strong at the roots and a noticeable shine will appear.

Recipe number 6 - for toothache

Take 1 pre-ground cinnamon stick and mix with 5 teaspoons of honey. Apply the resulting substance to the aching tooth. Keep this compress, renewing it periodically until the toothache has subsided.

Cinnamon sticks are a spice made from 6-10 layers of the tree of the same name. Sometimes they are used to decorate the interior, some like to add them to coffee, but there are many more ways to use cinnamon sticks. They serve as a fragrant seasoning for many dishes and drinks.

Tea with cinnamon sticks

Using cinnamon sticks, you can make a tea that will not only be a delicious tonic drink, but also serve as a remedy for colds and flu. To prepare it, you will need one stick for half a liter of water. Pour boiling water over the spice and let it brew well. After that, pour the mixture into a saucepan and heat over low heat, not bringing it to a boil a little. Pour black tea into a teapot and cover with water and a cinnamon stick. After five to ten minutes, you will have a fragrant drink ready, which can be poured into cups.

Mulled wine with cinnamon sticks

Mulled wine is a hot alcoholic drink that has become especially popular since the end of autumn and does not give up its positions until the end of winter. It is prepared on the basis of wine with the addition of various spices, one of which, as a rule, is cinnamon. To prepare classic mulled wine, in addition to table red wine, you will need the following spices:
- cinnamon stick;
- 5-7 pieces of cloves;

- vanilla (optional);
- ginger (optional);
- zest.
Put the zest and spices on the bottom of the turks, pour in 100 milliliters of water and put on fire. After the water has boiled, let the broth simmer for a minute, and then cover it with a lid and let it brew for 10 minutes. Pour a bottle of red wine into a saucepan and put on fire. Add the strained broth there, as well as a couple of tablespoons of sugar or honey to taste, so that the drink does not seem sour to you. Shortly before the mulled wine boils, it should be turned off and poured into tall cups or special glasses.

Indian pilaf with cinnamon sticks

In Asian countries, cinnamon sticks are often used as a condiment for meat and vegetable dishes. You can make Indian pilaf using this spice. You will need:
- 400 grams of rice (Basmati is best);
- 1 kilogram of chicken drumsticks;
- 4 cloves of garlic;
- 3 sticks of cinnamon;
- 2 onions;
- 400 grams of canned tomatoes;
- ground black pepper;
- ginger;
- cumin;
- turmeric;
- red hot pepper;
- salt.
Rinse the rice, cover it with cold water and let sit for 30 minutes. Peel the meat from the drumsticks and cut into cubes. Pour vegetable oil into a preheated frying pan and fry the meat in it in batches until golden brown. Put it on a plate, and fry the onion in the same vegetable oil, adding turmeric, garlic, ginger, cumin, two cinnamon sticks, pepper and salt to it. Add canned tomatoes and meat to the skillet. Bring the mixture to a boil and then turn off the heat. Remove the cinnamon sticks.

Put a saucepan with one and a half liters of water on the fire, add cardamom and a cinnamon stick to it. When the water boils, pour in the rice and boil for 5-7 minutes. Then fold it in a colander and remove the cinnamon.

Pour 150 ml of water into a large saucepan, add half of the rice you have, pour the contents of the pan on top and add the rest of the rice. Simmer the mixture for about half an hour without stirring. You can also garnish the finished pilaf with cinnamon sticks.