Canning Asparagus Bean Recipes. Canned green beans for the winter

If you think that the only way to prepare asparagus (green) beans for the winter is to freeze them in the freezer, you are wrong. Asparagus beans can be pickled, they make an excellent spicy snack - no worse than homemade seasoning, and very tasty canned vegetable salads. Looking for new options for harvesting green beans for the winter? In our selection of canned asparagus beans recipes, you will surely find a suitable way.

Asparagus beans in tomato sauce

Would need:

1 kg of young asparagus beans;

750 g tomatoes;

20 g of salt and sugar.

Slice the bean pods from the ends and cut into 2-4 cm pieces. Place in boiling salted water and cook for 3-5 minutes. Throw in a colander and cool with cold water. Place the beans tightly in the jars. Cut the tomatoes into slices, steam under the lid and rub through a sieve.

Add salt and sugar to the resulting juice with pulp, bring to a boil and pour into jars of beans. Pasteurize liter cans for 50 minutes at 90 degrees. Roll up, turn upside down and leave to cool. Store in a cool place.

Asparagus beans in tomato sauce (option 2)

Would need:

4 kg of asparagus beans;

2 kg of carrots and onions;

1 liter of "Krasnodar" tomato sauce;

2 bunches of parsley;

2 tbsp. water.

Rinse the asparagus beans thoroughly, cut off the tails, cut the rest into 3 cm pieces.Fold in an enamel saucepan, cover with water and boil for 5 minutes. Cut the peeled onion into half rings. Grate the peeled carrots on a coarse grater.

Add onions and carrots to the beans and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer until vegetables soften. 5 minutes before cooking, pour in the "Krasnodar" sauce. Stir. Place the hot salad in sterilized jars and roll up immediately. Turn upside down, cover with a blanket and leave to self-sterilize. Store in a cool place.

Green beans in tomato sauce (option 3)

600 g beans;

400 ml tomato sauce;

1 liter of water

1.5 teaspoons of salt.

Wash the tender asparagus bean pods, trim the tails, remove the lobules and cut into small pieces. Blanch in saline for 2-3 minutes, place tightly in jars and top with boiled tomato sauce. Sterilize liter jars for 50 minutes, immediately roll up and wrap, leaving to cool completely.

Green beans and peppers salad for the winter

Would need:

1 kg of green asparagus beans, tomatoes and eggplants;

1 forks of cauliflower;

Small forks of white cabbage;

2 small zucchini;

5 pods of sweet pepper;

4 onions;

Parsley, cilantro, celery;

Tomato paste;

Salt, black pepper;

Sunflower oil.

Wash all vegetables and herbs thoroughly. Boil the asparagus beans in salted water for 12 minutes, cut off the tails and cut into 2 cm pieces. Cut the eggplants into cubes, sprinkle with salt, after a while squeeze and fry in sunflower oil.

Fry the peeled and sliced ​​courgettes and peppers separately in vegetable oil. Chop the onion and fry it too. Chop the white cabbage and pour over with boiling water. Blanch the cauliflower inflorescences in boiling water for 2 minutes.

Prepare tomato paste from the tomatoes by passing them through a meat grinder. Chop the greens. Combine all prepared vegetables, herbs and tomato paste in an enamel saucepan, season with salt and pepper and bring to a boil.

Then put in heated, dry sterilized half-liter jars, cover with lids and put to sterilize in boiling water for an hour. Roll up, cool and store in a cool place.

A liter jar will require:

Young green beans;

1 teaspoon of vinegar essence;

For brine:

950 g of water;

50 g of salt.

Put the washed and cut green beans into boiling water for 5 minutes, let the water drain and place tightly in sterile jars. Fill with the prepared brine, cover with lids and set for half an hour to sterilize in boiling water. Add vinegar essence to each jar, roll up.

Drain the brine before use, rinse the beans and leave for 5 hours in cold water to remove the remaining acetic acid. Fry the prepared beans in oil or stew with rice and vegetables.

Solyanka with asparagus beans

Would need:

1.5 kg of asparagus beans;

2 kg of cabbage and carrots;

1 kg of onions;

2-3 st. spoons of tomato sauce;

Pepper, bay leaf, salt to taste.

Boil the bean pods peeled from fibers in salted water for 5-10 minutes, and then fry in vegetable oil. Stew the cabbage and carrots separately, fry the onions in vegetable oil. When the onion is browned, add the tomato sauce to it, stir with the rest of the vegetables, and simmer everything together a little more. Add spices and salt. Pack the hodgepodge in half-liter jars and sterilize for 25 minutes. Roll up and store in a cool place.

Canned asparagus beans with vegetables for the winter

Would need:

4 kg of green beans;

1 kg of bell pepper;

1 kg of tomatoes;

2 cups vegetable oil;

3 tbsp. tablespoons of salt;

1 teaspoon of ground black pepper;

2 tbsp. spoons of 70% vinegar essence.

Wash, peel and cut all vegetables into free-form pieces. Fold in a bowl, stir, add salt, pepper, vegetable oil. Bring to a boil and cook for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally. At the end of cooking, pour in the vinegar essence, mix and place in sterile jars. Wrap for 12 hours.

Green beans with vegetables

Would need:

5 kg of green beans and tomatoes;

1.3 kg of onions and carrots;

200 g of parsley roots;

100 g parsley;

150 ml of table vinegar 3%;

150 g sugar;

80 g of salt;

20 g black peppercorns;

Vegetable oil to taste.

Wash the beans, cut the tails and cut into slices. Blanch in boiling water for 2-3 minutes. Peel the onion, cut into rings and fry until golden brown. Peel the carrots and parsley roots, rinse, cut into circles 3-4 mm thick, and also fry in vegetable oil. Wash and chop the parsley.

Cut ripe tomatoes into wedges and cook for 15 minutes over medium heat in a little water. Then add the prepared vegetables, salt, sugar and vinegar to the tomatoes. Bring to a boil and place the herbs in the vegetable mass.

If necessary, add some hot boiled water to the salad and stir (the mass should not be too thick). Place black peppercorns at the bottom of the jars and pour the hot salad. Sterilize 1 liter jars in boiling water for 40 minutes. Roll up.

Would need:

Green string beans;

Black peppercorns;

Carnation buds;

For the marinade for 1 liter of water:

40 g salt;

40 g sugar;

100 ml of 9% vinegar.

Select the bright green bean pods, cut off the ends and cut into 2-3 cm pieces. Then blanch them in boiling water for 4-5 minutes, let cool. Place in clean 0.5 - 1 liter jars, adding 2-3 peppercorns and 2-3 cloves buds to each. Sterilize 0.5 liter jars for 20 minutes, liter jars for 25 minutes.

Green beans appetizer

Would need:

1 kg of beans;

2 bunches of dill greens;

3-4 tomatoes;

50 ml vinegar (9%);

1 teaspoon of sugar;

1-2 pcs. bay leaf;

2-3 pcs. cloves and allspice;

4-5 pcs. black pepper;

1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt.

Pour the beans with cold water and bring to a boil over low heat. Season with salt and cook until tender. Throw in a colander, let the liquid drain into a separate bowl. Chop the dill greens, chop the tomatoes with a blender. Add sugar and spices to the broth, boil for 3 minutes. Add greens, tomato paste and vinegar, mix. Arrange the beans in jars, cover with marinade and sterilize for 15-20 minutes (1 liter). Roll up and chill.


Green beans salad with carrots can be prepared for the winter according to this recipe.

500g green beans

300g carrots

5-6 tomatoes

3-4 onions

1 bunch of basil herbs

50g vegetable oil

40g. 6% table vinegar

5-7 peas of black pepper

1 tsp ground black pepper

2 tsp sugar

2 tsp salt.

We prepare the ingredients: wash the green beans, cut off the edges and cut into large pieces, cut the peeled carrots into cubes, peel the onions, wash them, cut them into half rings, pour over the washed tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin and cut them into slices, wash the basil greens and cut into large pieces. Next, put tomatoes, carrots, onions in a saucepan, pour in vegetable oil, simmer for 10 minutes, not forgetting to stir constantly, add basil greens and beans to them, then put sugar, salt, season with ground and peppercorns, heat over low heat 5-7 minutes, not forgetting to stir constantly, pour in the vinegar, mix thoroughly, put it tightly in prepared jars so that the juice covers the salad. Then we cover the jars with clean lids, put in a saucepan with hot water, sterilize for about 7-10 minutes, close, turn upside down and leave to cool.

How to cook green beans and carrots salad for the winter?

Rinse fresh asparagus beans and, if present, remove the side "thread".

Boil the prepared beans in salted water until half cooked and cut into 4-6 cm tails.

Put onion cut into half rings and grated carrots in a frying pan or duck with hot oil.

After 15 minutes of simmering, add prepared bean tails, sugar, vinegar, salt to taste and peppercorns. Simmer vegetables over low heat for another 10 minutes,

then put the tomato quarters and chopped greens into the pan. Cover the vegetables with a lid and simmer for 15-20 minutes.

Spread the hot salad in hot, clean jars and sterilize for 30 minutes at a low boil, covering the salad with a lid.

Roll up the salad and leave to cool.

Like most other vegetables, it has been neglected for a long time. Most often it was used as decoration in gardens and parks. We must pay tribute: the vegetable is blooming really beautifully. However, much later it began to be used in cooking. To date, it has been proven how useful this vegetable is. During its use, many recipes have accumulated: it is consumed raw, fried, stewed, made with beans.

Benefits of green beans

This vegetable contains a huge amount of useful elements and substances. Some of them are simply irreplaceable for humans. The content of sulfur, magnesium, chromium, as well as fiber and carbohydrates makes the product indispensable on the table of people who want to improve their health and support the treatment of a number of diseases. Therefore, housewives try to make blanks from so that they can get maximum benefit for a whole year.

So what are the benefits of beans in the pods?

  1. An abundance of fiber will restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. This vegetable is one of the favorite among nutritionists, because it contains only 30 calories per 100 grams. Beans for the winter can be prepared in such a way as to keep them low in calories. For example, it can be pickled.
  3. While green beans are not harmful to the figure, they are very nutritious due to the large amount of carbohydrates - the building blocks of energy.
  4. The arginine in the product makes beans a favorite vegetable for people with diabetes.
  5. It is necessary to make preparations from green beans for the winter for those people who have hormonal disorders due to disorders of the reproductive system. The product owes this to the folic acid it contains.
  6. People who have given up meat can safely use green beans: the proteins that they are rich in are similar in composition to animals.
  7. The period of the rampage of viral infections is the time to get the prepared preparations for the winter with beans. It has a great anti-inflammatory effect, so the healing will be faster.
  8. Potassium and magnesium are elements necessary for the functioning of the heart muscle and vascular elasticity. They are found in green beans, thus making them a vegetable for people with cardiovascular disease.

When green beans are bad

Of course, green beans are a storehouse of useful properties, but there are diseases in which the use of the product should be abandoned. First of all, we are talking about body intolerance and allergies. However, beans can cause problems in other cases as well. So, it can provoke bloating and intestinal colic.

If you have excess salts in your body, do not eat green beans.

And one more important rule regarding the preparation of the product: beans need to be thermally processed for a long time. All because of the content of poisonous pheazin in it, which is destroyed only after prolonged processing.

How to choose a quality product

When choosing green beans, you need to pay attention to their elasticity and color. Prefer pods where the peas are tight. The casing should not be loose or wrinkled.

The color of quality beans is bright green. This is especially important when choosing a frozen product: too dark color will tell about repeated freezing and low quality of the product.

Harvesting beans for subsequent cooking

To enjoy the delicate taste of green beans and use them in other dishes, you can make blanks from green beans for the winter, where other vegetables will be excluded. The most popular are preservation and pickling.

You can preserve green beans in the following way: for 950 ml, you need to take 50 grams of salt and a teaspoon of 80% vinegar. Rinse the beans, boil for 5 minutes, drain the water. After that, spread out tightly in jars, pour a solution of salt and water. Simmer in this way for about 30 minutes. Add a teaspoon of vinegar before rolling. After opening the can, the beans must be soaked for several hours in running water - this will remove the acid from the vinegar, and the product will acquire its natural taste.

The recipe for the winter is similar to canning. The difference is in the use of some herbs: bay leaves, cloves, hot peppers and cinnamon. Boil the beans for 5 minutes, then put them in jars, tightly enough. First, put spices and your favorite spices on the bottom. The recipe for the marinade is as follows: 50 grams of salt and 15 ml of 80% vinegar are taken per liter of water. The ingredients are mixed and brought to a boil. This solution is poured into canned beans. Banks should be placed in boiling water for sterilization for 5 minutes.

Green beans with eggplant

This dish is a great opportunity to combine two such healthy vegetables. To make the taste more intense and aromatic, tomatoes and onions are also useful. The dish will be especially elegant if the vegetables are coarsely chopped. Although the taste will not change if the vegetables are in the form of a paste (use a chopper or blender for this). So, let's get down to the recipe for a nutritious preparation for the winter "Eggplant with beans".

For every 200 grams of beans, you need to take one piece of carrots and eggplant, two onions and three tomatoes.

Cut all vegetables into large pieces, boil or stew with the addition of your favorite spices. While the dish is cooking, you need to sterilize the jars well. The easiest way is to use a microwave oven: pour 1-2 centimeters of water into jars and put in the device for 4-5 minutes. At this time, the lids are sterilized - boiled.

Place a bay leaf at the bottom of each jar and fill with hot stewed vegetables and twist. If you want a mass of puree consistency, grind it before placing it in a blender.

The beauty of this winter preparation with beans is that it can be eaten hot and cold, as a side dish or as an independent dish. Many people mix such vegetables with meat, and they get a delicious extraordinary stew.

Beans with tomatoes

Let's analyze more options for harvesting beans for the winter. Recipes for the product in tomato sauce are distinguished by their special aroma and piquancy.

For cooking, in addition to beans, you will need tomatoes - 700 grams, onions and carrots - 200 grams each, parsley roots, salt, sugar, vinegar of six percent consistency, garlic, herbs, spices (lavrushka, pepper, peas and allspice). Before preparing the preparation for the winter from beans with vegetables in tomato sauce, it is necessary to boil the washed and chopped pods for 5 minutes, at this time we fry other vegetables in vegetable oil (roots, onions, carrots). Remove the skin from the tomatoes and grind as convenient (using a grater, blender or chopper). Pour tomato paste into a saucepan, simmer for 15 minutes, add roots, carrots, beans and other ingredients. After the time has elapsed, lay out the salad in sterile jars.

Lecho with green beans

Another option for harvesting beans with vegetables for the winter is lecho. In this case, the Bulgarian dish will be performed in a slightly new way, not so ordinary. For cooking you will need: two kilos of green beans for a kilogram of carrots, bell peppers and onions. You also need salt, sugar, vinegar (6%) and tomato sauce (you can make it like in the previous recipe).

So, prepare the beans, cut them into small pieces, boil for 5 minutes. At this time, we cut other vegetables. As soon as the beans are processed, we combine all the components together and simmer (vinegar must be poured only after boiling). After that we boil for another two or three minutes, put them in sterile jars and roll up.

Beans with cauliflower

Another option for an unusual preparation for the winter is a salad with beans and cabbage. it is necessary like this: boil for 5 minutes separately the inflorescences of cabbage and bean pods. After that, put it tightly in jars, add green pea pods. We spread the spices: clove inflorescences, herbs and bitter peppercorns in each jar, add some salt, add a little citric acid.

After that, you need to pour the marinade: for a liter of water, take 2 tablespoons of sugar and salt, plus 0.5 cups of vinegar. Boil. Tighten the banks and leave to rest.

Assorted Beans Recipes

You can use options for multi-component harvesting of beans for the winter - the recipes are varied. Let's take a vegetable stew as an example.

For cooking, you will need a kilogram of green beans, onions, bell peppers, zucchini. For a fork of cauliflower and white cabbage, herbs: parsley, dill, celery. You also need vinegar, vegetable oil, ground pepper and salt.

We prepare the vegetables: blanch the beans and cauliflower inflorescences for 5 minutes, simply scald the white cabbage, sprinkle the sliced ​​eggplants with salt and leave for half an hour, then rinse, grind the tomatoes. Fry eggplants, zucchini and onions separately. Next, mix all the ingredients in an enamel pan (don't forget about pepper, vinegar, salt and herbs).

We lay out in jars and sterilize for an hour. Then we roll it up. In winter, enjoy the taste of this winter preparation. and vegetables - a great dish. Try it - you won't regret it.

Nutritional research has shown that some vegetables are extremely low in calories. This list also includes asparagus beans. Cooking recipes for the winter (such popular types of preparation as canned and frozen) will help to preserve not only the unique taste, but also the vitamins and minerals contained in this type of beans.

What are the benefits of asparagus beans?

First of all, let's define that asparagus is not asparagus, but a variety of green beans. Asparagus is eaten in the form of young shoots, while beans are only pods. They are similar only in terms of calorie content: both products are dietary. Beans are called asparagus due to the fact that their pods are very similar to asparagus shoots, but in fact they are 2 different products.

Asparagus (left) and asparagus beans (right)

Asparagus beans, grown in our climatic zone, are ubiquitous, they are unpretentious in care, but thermophilic. It takes root especially well in the southern part of the country.

Asparagus beans are rich in minerals and vitamins, they contain a large amount of potassium (48%), magnesium (8%), calcium (4-5%), as well as all B vitamins, especially B9 (10-11%) and B2 (7-8%).

A diet based on asparagus beans is prescribed for people with diabetes mellitus. After all, the product contains a natural analogue of insulin (arginine), which gently lowers blood sugar levels. The legume increases the efficiency of the liver due to its high iron content. Promotes the treatment of tuberculosis and hepatitis. Strengthens the nervous system and acts as a sedative. It is an integral part of the treatment of urolithiasis, and also counteracts the buildup of tartar. Obese people should definitely include asparagus beans in their diet, while replacing pasta and potato side dishes with it. It is rich in fiber (13-15%), which helps cleanse the intestines of toxins and toxins.

Important! Asparagus beans fill the stomach quickly with only 30 calories.

Also, asparagus beans have a positive effect on potency, and the increased content of antioxidants will help the body's cells to recover and rejuvenate. For people over the age of 40, it is imperative to eat asparagus beans at least 2-3 times a week.

Preparing asparagus beans for canning

In order for this useful product to reach the table all year round, asparagus beans are prepared for the winter. Of course, canned beans lose a number of useful properties, but most of them still remain. Preservation recipes are varied and unpretentious.

Remove the asparagus bean tails before canning

Asparagus beans purchased at a store or market counter should be a bright green color. These beans will be juicy and soft. If you have grown it on your site, then do not delay harvesting: the younger the pods, the less rigid veins between the beans formed in them. It is necessary to process the product in the first 2-3 days after collection, so that the pods do not have time to dry out. Store beans in a cool, dark place until processing. A refrigerator is best suited.

It is quite easy to prepare asparagus beans for preservation for the winter.

  • wash the beans;
  • cut off the ends;
  • blanch (dip in boiling water) beans for 5 minutes;
  • dry the product.

It is also necessary to prepare the container in which the asparagus beans, harvested for the winter, will be stored. The jars must be thoroughly washed and sterilized over steam or in the oven. Instead of a detergent, it is better to use baking soda, so in case of poor-quality rinsing of the jar, the workpiece will not give any aftertaste.

Advice. To prevent the glass jar from bursting in a hot oven, it must be washed with warm water and placed horizontally for sterilization (put on its side).

Pickled beans

Pickled asparagus beans in jars

Marinating asparagus beans will preserve a lot of the minerals and vitamins they contain. Such a blank can stand for several years, awaiting its fate. Recipes for making pickles differ from pickles in that vinegar is added to the pickles as the main preservative. Pickled beans are distinguished by the special softness of the pods and the tenderness of the taste.

Important! When preserving beans for the winter, observe the sterility of the tools and the cleanliness of the room so as not to introduce pathogenic bacteria into the workpiece.

Canned beans are pickled in different ways. The choice of the recipe is yours.

Asparagus beans marinated with herbs

To prepare it you will need:

  • fresh asparagus beans (0.5 kg);
  • horseradish root (1.5 g);
  • fresh dill (50 g);
  • parsley (50 g);
  • salt (1.5-2 tbsp. l.);
  • sugar (1 tbsp. l.);
  • black pepper (10 peas);
  • ground cinnamon (1-2 g);
  • dried spicy cloves (3 pcs.);
  • vinegar (50 g).

Canning jars must be well washed and sterilized

You need to marinate whole beans or cut into 3-4 pieces. Simmer the prepared beans in vegetable or olive oil. While it is fried, prepare the marinade: add salt and sugar to 1 liter of boiling water, pour in vinegar after 10 minutes of boiling. Arrange the beans in sterile jars, cover with herbs and the remaining spices on top and pour over the marinade.

Cover the jars with sterilized lids and cook in a water bath. Boil for at least 15 minutes. Roll up the cans and put them to cool, in the "upside down" position, cover with a thick cloth so that the cooling process takes place as slowly as possible. Store in a cool place - cellar or refrigerator.

Pickled spicy beans with garlic

This recipe will require:

  • garlic (3 large cloves);
  • bay leaf (4 pcs.);
  • dried spicy cloves (5 pcs.);
  • vegetable oil (50 g);
  • salt (1 tbsp. l.);
  • sugar (2-3 tbsp. l.);
  • allspice (5 peas);
  • vinegar (100 g).

Do not spare the spices for the marinade - they will give a wonderful aroma

Rinse and dry prepared young beans, remove the streaked ends. Boil until tender for 7-10 minutes. Drain and place the boiled beans in sterile jars. Cut each of the garlic cloves into 4 pieces and add equally to each jar. Add the remaining spices.

Prepare the marinade: add sugar and salt to boiling water, after they are completely dissolved, pour in vinegar and vegetable oil. Boil for 1 minute. Pour the beans with the resulting marinade, let cool and roll up the lids sterilized in boiling water.

Preservation of beans by the salting method

This method of preparing the preparation of asparagus beans is very simple. Cooking recipes are varied, and the preparation preserved by the salting method will delight you with its taste and the vitamins contained throughout the winter.

Salted asparagus beans with cherry and currant leaves

To prepare a blank according to this recipe you will need:

  • young asparagus beans (2 kg);
  • black currant leaves (1 pc. in a liter jar);
  • cherry leaves (1 pc. in a liter jar);
  • horseradish root;
  • black pepper (8-10 peas);
  • garlic (2-3 cloves);
  • salt (80 g);
  • water (1.5 l);
  • vodka (50 g).

Prepared asparagus pods must be tightly packed in layers (beans, cherry leaves, currants, garlic, horseradish, beans) in liter jars, after sterilizing the container. Add pepper. Boil water, dissolve salt in it (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water) and cool. Pour the prepared jars with cold brine and add 2 tsp to each. vodka. Close with clean nylon caps and put in a cold, dark place. The beans preserved in this way do not lose their green color and are stored for a long time.

Canned Asparagus Beans with Vegetables

Canned asparagus bean salad recipes vary in preparation process and composition. After trying one of the recipes, you will cook them over and over.

Roasted asparagus beans have a very special taste

Stewed asparagus beans with vegetables and herbs

This recipe includes:

  • young asparagus beans (2.5 kg);
  • onions (600 g);
  • carrots (600 g);
  • parsley greens (50 g);
  • parsley root (100 g);
  • vegetable oil (50 ml);
  • granulated sugar (75 g);
  • rock salt (40 g);
  • vinegar 3% (75 ml);
  • black pepper (10-15 peas).

For the proper preparation of the dish, you need to prepare the beans and cut them into 2 cm pieces. Peel, cut into half rings and sauté in vegetable oil. Peel the parsley root and carrots, cut into slices and fry. Wash and chop the parsley. Asparagus beans can be fried in a pan, or they can be left blanched.

Choose very young beans for preservation - then the dish will be tender

Cut ripe red tomatoes into wedges and simmer for 12-15 minutes. Add sauteed vegetables and spices. Add water and bring to a boil, pour in vinegar essence and add sugar. Add chopped parsley at the end. The vegetable mass should be thin enough to fill all the voids in the jar.

Place pieces of asparagus in sterile jars and cover with vegetable mass. Roll up the lids. In winter, your household will be happy to enjoy this dish.

Stew of green beans, cabbage and eggplant

This recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • young asparagus beans (1 kg);
  • red tomatoes (1 kg);
  • onions (600 g);
  • medium-sized zucchini or zucchini (2 pcs.);
  • sweet bell pepper (5 pcs.);
  • eggplant (1 kg);
  • cauliflower (200 g);
  • white cabbage (500 g);
  • vegetable oil (50 ml);
  • cilantro (15 g);
  • parsley greens (15 g);
  • celery greens (15 g);
  • salt, spices (to taste).

To prepare the dish, you need to wash the vegetables, blanch the tomatoes and peel them. Remove the seeds from the pepper and remove the husks from the onion. Boil the asparagus beans in salted water for 12-15 minutes. Cut into 2-4 cm pieces. Cut the eggplants into cubes and salt to release the bitterness. Squeeze them out and fry.

Boil the asparagus beans before putting them in a vegetable stew.

Fry the zucchini and peppers separately, add the onion, cut into half rings. Cut white cabbage and pour over with boiling water. Blanch the cauliflower for 1-2 minutes.

Throw the tomatoes through a meat grinder and chop the greens. Send vegetables to a saucepan and stir, add salt and spices. Boil. Divide into sterile warm jars with a volume of 0.5-1 L and sterilize in a water bath for an hour. Roll up and cool, turning over onto the lids. Store in a cool dry place.

Freezing asparagus beans for the winter

The frozen product is practically no different from the fresh one. It retains 90% of the total composition of vitamins and minerals, which is quite enough to raise and maintain immunity in the winter. If the freezing is done correctly, then the harvesting of asparagus beans will retain its appearance and structure until the next season. All recipes are equally good, but we will show you 2 main ways of how this process is carried out.

It is better to freeze the beans by cutting them into pieces, then in winter it will be convenient to add the product immediately to dishes

Freezing fresh asparagus beans

To use this method, it is necessary to correctly and thoroughly process the product. To do this, you need to cut off the ends of the pods and their stalks. They include hard membranes, and in order not to spoil the dish, it is better to remove them. After trimming, the beans must be rinsed with plenty of running water and dried by discarding in a colander, cheesecloth or paper napkins. You can cut the beans into pieces, or you can freeze the whole pods, it depends on the aesthetics of the dishes that you are going to cook in the future.

Advice. Freezing sliced ​​asparagus beans saves more space in the cooking space.

Wash and dry the asparagus beans before freezing.

It is best to use special vacuum bags or containers when freezing from which air can be pumped out. So the workpiece is better preserved and has a crumbly shape. After packing, the asparagus bean pods are placed in the freezer and frozen. If the chamber is programmable, then the program "dry freezing of vegetables" is selected.

Freezing boiled asparagus beans

This method of harvesting beans for the winter does not subsequently require additional processing; it can be fried or stewed immediately, taking into account the cooking recipe.

Preparation for the process is carried out in the same way as when freezing fresh asparagus beans. Then it is cut into pieces and boiled for 4-6 minutes. Drain the water and allow to cool, then spread it on a paper towel, dry it and pack it in bags.

Freeze food in small portions

Tasty and crispy winter preserves, such as green beans, will help diversify any vegetable dish and make it more original. According to our recipes, prepare homemade beans from the beans and pamper yourself and your loved ones with healthy canned food.

Among the recipes for homemade preparations, preparations from green beans or asparagus are very popular. In winter, these beans are useful for making salads, soups and main courses.

For canning, young bean pods about 7-8 cm long are suitable, dense and juicy, with a characteristic crunch at the break, you can use whole pods or cut them. It all depends on the volume of cans prepared for storage.


  • green beans;

for the marinade:

  • water;
  • dill seeds or inflorescences;
  • currant leaves;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • salt;
  • aspirin tablets.


Wash and dry the beans. Peel and wash the garlic. Rinse the currant leaves and dill inflorescences well. In the presence of strong contamination, immerse the herbs in cold water for a few, dry them. Cut the pods into pieces about 3-5 cm long, immerse in boiling water for 10 minutes, then drain the water.

In each liter jar, put a clove of garlic, bean pods on the bottom, on top - 1-2 leaves of currants and dill inflorescences, 1 tbsp. l ordinary (without iodine) salt. Also, you need to put aspirin in each jar - 1 tablet per 1 liter jar. This will protect the workpieces from damage.

Pour boiling water over jars of beans, cover each jar with lids sterilized in boiling water. Sterilize each jar, then seal and turn over tightly, place in a warm place and leave to cool.

Ingredients per 1 L can:

  • green beans - 400 g;
  • garlic - a few cloves;

for the marinade:

  • sugar - 10 g;
  • a few peas of allspice;
  • salt - 3 g;
  • table vinegar - 50 ml;
  • bay leaf;
  • water - 500 ml.


Sort the green beans, while removing coarse, rotten, overripe and unusable specimens. Then rinse the beans and dry with a linen towel, cut off the tails from the pods on both sides.

To prepare the marinade, mix the above ingredients and boil.

Put fresh garlic, beans in sterilized jars, pour marinade (without bay leaves), cover with sterilized lids and seal.

When in winter you want to cook something with green beans, for a start it is better to rinse them well in water, then the vinegar will go away, and only the mild taste of young beans will remain in the dish!


  • young asparagus beans - 1.5 kg;
  • red tomatoes of a high degree of maturity - 1 kg;
  • onions - 1 kg;
  • chili pepper - 1 pod;
  • table vinegar - 2 tablespoons
  • a few peas of black pepper;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • sugar - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • dry cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • salt;
  • sunflower oil - 100 g.


Process the beans as indicated in the previous recipe. For the convenience of cooking and portioning into jars, cut the pods into pieces. Wash the tomatoes, chop them arbitrarily. Peel, wash, chop the onion and garlic.

Chop tomatoes, onions, garlic in a food processor, you can also use a meat grinder. Pour the mixture into a saucepan of a suitable size and put on low heat to simmer for an hour. Add chopped beans and simmer for 20-25 minutes. Season with spices and salt, continue simmering for 25-30 minutes. Pour in vinegar. Mix.

Advice! When adding spices, salt and vinegar to such a preparation, try to be guided by taste to determine the correct proportions! Take a sample with a clean spoon and you will understand by taste what is missing. The harvest should be moderately salty and peppery, have a taste that is moderately sour from vinegar.

Continue simmering for a few minutes. Immediately put in jars sterilized with boiling water, cork with lids sterilized in boiling water. Turn the cans over, wrap them in a warm blanket and leave to cool.


  • asparagus beans - 1 kg;
  • onions - 300 g;
  • tomatoes of a high degree of maturity - 2 kg;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 kg;
  • carrots - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • vegetable oil - 250 ml;
  • black peppercorns - several pieces;
  • table vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon.


Sort the beans by removing all rotten, coarse and overripe pods. Rinse the selected pods in running water, or it is better to soak for several hours, rinse and dry again. Cut the tails off the beans and cut the pods into 3-5 cm pieces. Wash and peel the rest of the vegetables.

Cut tomatoes, bell peppers, garlic and onions into thin slices or plates. Cut carrots into thin cubes or grate. Put the chopped food in a saucepan of a suitable capacity, pour in the vegetable oil, simmer for about an hour over low heat. All this time, periodically stir the salad, due to the fact that the tomatoes will give juice, the salad will not burn.

After another 15 minutes, put peppercorns, salt, sugar in the salad. Continue simmering for about 10 minutes until tender. Then put the vegetable mixture in pre-sterilized jars, cover with sterilized lids and seal, leave warm to cool.

To prepare asparagus beans in the freezer, general freezing rules for vegetables will work:

  1. Clean the beans selected for freezing from debris and impurities, soak in cool water to remove possible dirt and sand, rinse again;
  2. Cut the pods into small pieces, place in a saucepan of boiling water for a few minutes, transfer to a colander and cool;
  3. Dry the asparagus beans on a towel;
  4. Place in molds or containers for freezing;
  5. Place in the freezer, letting the food freeze well;
  6. Then you can remove the beans from the containers and transfer them in portions into plastic bags, close them tightly and send them to the freezer for storage. This saves space in the freezer.

How to prepare green beans for the winter: freeze, pickle, ferment, make a canned salad.

Green beans are a very healthy dietary product. You can read about its properties here: link.

It can be harvested for the winter in various ways in order to supply the body with vitamins and minerals in the absence of fresh vegetables and fruits. Some blanks are full-fledged tasty dishes, while others allow you to cook soups with pods, make omelets, salads and casseroles.

For those who read the article, it will become obvious: French beans are a food worthy of a festive table.

General rules for harvesting French beans for the winter

  1. Soft green beans are prepared in this way: they are thoroughly washed, the ends are cut off, as they spoil the taste of the product, and they are cut into cubes with approximately the same length (3-4 cm). Next, boil them for 5 minutes.
  2. For blanks, you need to thoroughly wash with soda, sterilize glass jars with a volume of 0.5 liters in any convenient way. Also sterilize lids
  3. If the workpiece itself implies sterilization, it is carried out within 20 minutes for half-liter jars. They are immersed in water at 0.75 heights. The water should boil very quietly. A cloth rag or towel is spread at the bottom of the pan
Canned asparagus beans are a boost of vitamins in winter.

Harvesting for the winter: freezing green beans

Freezing is a way to prepare vegetables for the winter without losing their beneficial properties. Properly frozen green beans will keep their appearance and taste fresh even in the middle of winter.

Freezing can be done in two ways:

  1. Simply put the chopped pods into a large bag or small portions, then send them out to the freezer
  2. Boil the chopped pods for 3 minutes in boiling water and only then freeze

IMPORTANT: Before freezing, green beans should be thoroughly dried so that they do not stick together in bags and, after defrosting, do not turn into porridge. To do this, it is laid out on a piece of natural fabric or paper towels must be in one layer.

VIDEO: How to freeze green beans?

Green beans in tomato for the winter - preparation in cans: a recipe

French beans in tomato sauce are:

  • complete snack
  • sauce for pasta and other side dishes
  • base for lobio

You will need:

  • 1 kg asparagus beans
  • 1.5 kg of tomatoes
  • 2 medium-sized carrots
  • 2 onions
  • 50 ml vegetable oil
  • 50 ml vinegar 9%
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of salt
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • ground black pepper, greens

  1. The washed tomatoes are blanched, peeled off. Carefully cut green cores out of them
  2. Tomato puree is prepared with a blender
  3. Bring the tomato puree to a boil, pour the beans into it. Cook under the lid on the smallest fire
  4. Washed and peeled onions and carrots are chopped and sautéed, then sent to a tomato
  5. Salt, sugar, pepper are also sent there.
  6. After about a quarter of an hour, herbs and nine percent vinegar essence are also added.
  7. Distribute the asparagus beans in the tomato into the jars. The workpiece requires sterilization

Green beans for the winter in tomato sauce - preparation in cans: a recipe

French beans in tomato sauce with garlic and basil are spicy and pleasant. It goes well with lean meat.

Prepare a dish for the winter from:

  • 1 kg asparagus beans
  • 1.5 kg soft tomatoes
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 1 onion
  • 1 bunch of basil
  • 3 teaspoons of salt
  • ground pepper

  1. Prepare French beans according to the rules described above
    Finely chopped onions are browned in a small amount of vegetable oil
  2. Cut blanched tomatoes into slices, put them on the onion, simmer under the lid
  3. Garlic is squeezed into a boiling tomato, prepared asparagus beans, salt, pepper are added
  4. When the workpiece boils for 15 minutes, add chopped basil
  5. Bean pod blanks laid out in jars require sterilization

Green beans for the winter in tomato paste

You can close the French beans with tomato paste. Take 200 g of pasta per 1 kg of pods.

VIDEO: Asparagus beans in tomato for the winter

Green beans for the winter: recipes without sterilization

To avoid the need to sterilize the green bean blank, vinegar is added to it as a preservative.

RECIPE: Asparagus beans with peppers and tomatoes

  • 1 kg asparagus beans
  • 300 g tomatoes
  • 300 g sweet pepper
  • 50 ml vegetable oil
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar
  • 2 teaspoons of salt
  • ground black pepper

  • Prepare French beans according to the rules described above
  • Pepper is washed, cored, cut into thin strips
  • Blanch tomatoes and cut into slices
  • Put vegetables in a thick-walled saucepan or cauldron, add vegetable oil, salt and pepper to them
  • Simmer the boiled workpiece for 40 minutes, at the end add vinegar to it
  • Spread the hot vegetable salad with asparagus beans in sterile jars and immediately roll up

RECIPE: French beans with carrots and tomatoes

  • 1 kg of asparagus beans
  • 0.5 kg of carrots
  • 0.5 kg of tomatoes
  • 2 onions
  • 1 bunch of basil
  • 100 ml vegetable oil
  • 80 ml table vinegar
  • 3 teaspoons of salt
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar
  • 5 peppercorns
  • ground pepper

  1. Prepare French beans according to the rules described above
  2. Peeled and washed carrots are cut into cubes
  3. Peeled and washed onions are cut in half rings
  4. Tomatoes are blanched and cut into slices
  5. Basil is ground
  6. They send vegetables to a saucepan, add vegetable oil to them, simmer for a quarter of an hour, not forgetting to stir
  7. Add green beans and basil to vegetables
  8. Salt, melt and glove the workpiece
  9. Add vinegar table essence after 10 minutes
  10. Asparagus beans with vegetables, without waiting for cooling, are laid out in sterilized jars, twisted

VIDEO: Preservation of asparagus beans

Green Bean Turshi Recipe for the Winter

Armenians can use the word tursha to name any pickle. But, usually, we are talking about the idea of ​​pickled asparagus beans. For harvesting for the winter, take young flat pods. The peculiarity of the turshi is that the beans in it should acquire a sour-spicy taste and become almost crispy.

  • 1 kg asparagus beans
  • 0.5 kg sweet pepper
  • 0.5 kg of carrots
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • 1 bitter pepper
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of salt
  1. Peeled asparagus beans with trimmed ends are not boiled, as in the recipes for the blanks above, but blanched for 1-1.5 minutes so that they do not lose elasticity
  2. Peeled washed carrots are rubbed on a "Korean" grater
  3. The stalks and the middle are cut out of the pepper, cut into thin strips
  4. Bitter pepper is ground
  5. Combine vegetables with beans, squeeze garlic on them
  6. Sprinkle the vegetable mixture lightly with salt to make the juice. Organize oppression for 3-4 hours
  7. Place the asparagus bean snack in sterile jars
  8. Prepare a brine from 1 liter of water and 1 tbsp. tablespoons of salt. Bring it to a boil, then pour it into the vegetable mixture so that it covers it
  9. The workpiece in cans must be sterilized

VIDEO: Tursha for the winter

Korean style pickled green beans for the winter. Asparagus green bean salad for the winter: recipes

With "Korean" seasoning, you can cover any vegetables, as well as green beans. The set of products for the savory preparation includes:

  • 1 kg French beans
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 onion
  • bay leaf (one for each jar)
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • Korean seasoning for vegetables
  • 200 ml vegetable oil
  • 50 ml bite 9%

  1. Pretreate the asparagus beans and allow them to cool
  2. Peel and wash the carrots. You can cut them into thin half rings or strips, or grate them for "Korean" salads
  3. Peel, wash, cut onions in half rings
  4. Mix beans, carrots and onions, squeeze garlic into this mixture
  5. Marinade is prepared from oil, vinegar, seasonings, brought to a boil
  6. Green bean salad is laid out in jars washed with soda or sterilized with steam, bay leaves are added to each of them
  7. Pour the workpiece with marinade
  8. Closed jars are kept in the room for 24 hours, then taken out to a cool place

Lecho from green beans for the winter: recipes

Lecho differs from other preparations with asparagus beans, peppers and tomatoes in that all ingredients are "equal" in it, each of them makes its own unique contribution to the flavor bouquet of the dish.

  • 2 kg of tomatoes
  • 1 kg green beans
  • 1 kg sweet red or yellow pepper
  • 0.5 kg of carrots (you can not put them at all)
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 1 pepper - light
  • 250 ml vegetable oil
  • 75 ml vinegar
  • 100 g sugar
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt

  1. Tomatoes are blanched, mashed with a meat grinder
  2. Pepper and garlic are also added to the tomato puree through a meat grinder
  3. Salt, pepper tomato puree, add vegetable oil to it
  4. Tomato puree is boiled for 7 minutes, at this time the carrots are peeled and washed, finely chopped or grated
  5. Add the carrots to the tomato and cook for another 10 minutes
  6. French beans are prepared. Cut into cubes, it is also added to a tomato and boiled for a quarter of an hour
  7. Cut sweet, cored pepper into 6-8 slices, add it to vegetables in a tomato and cook for another quarter of an hour
  8. 5 minutes before turning off the workpiece, add vinegar to it
  9. Close the salad for the winter in sterile jars

Lobio from green beans: a recipe for the winter

Classic Georgian lobio is made from crushed red beans and spices. But pods for making blues can also be used.

  1. Wash, cut into 1 kg of French beans. Cook it for a quarter of an hour. The broth is not poured. You need to leave it about 0.5 l
    5 large tomatoes, blanched, peeled and diced
  2. Chop a bunch of washed green onions and lightly fry them. They do it in a cauldron
  3. Add beans and tomatoes to the onion, pour in the bean broth and stew under the lid for 5-7 minutes
  4. Chop a bunch of parsley, cilantro and basil, add 5 cloves of garlic passed through a press to them
  5. Add herbs with garlic to vegetables, which continue to stew, salt and pepper to taste
  6. Immediately lay out the workpiece in jars, sterilize and close them

VIDEO: Lobio from young green beans

Sauerkraut green beans: recipes

  1. Fermented green beans in a barrel, bucket or saucepan
  2. Products are taken in this ratio: for 1 kg of pods, 1 liter of water and 50 g of salt
  3. They put the beans, washed and with cut off ends in a container, they are well rammed
  4. Prepare a brine from cold water and salt, pour pods into it
  5. Cover the container with clean gauze or cloth
  6. Organize good oppression
  7. Sour pods 1-1.5 months: a week in the warm, the rest of the time - in the cold
  8. You can add any greens to your taste to sauerkraut beans.

VIDEO: Pickled green beans