Hot salted mushrooms. Step-by-step recipe for simple pickling mushrooms in jars for winter

The value of the products of the mushroom kingdom lies in the rare balanced composition of natural food components: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins. It has long been believed that mushroom dishes replace meat in the winter season. Until the early 20th century, salting and drying were the main quick and inexpensive methods for preparing mushrooms for long-term storage. They have not lost their popularity to this day.

Not only tasty, but also healthy

A significant part of the list of mushroom contents is water, since there is 90% of it. That is why mushrooms are easy to digest, have a low calorie content and comply with the norms of use in dietetics. In terms of composition, mushrooms are close to fruits in terms of the amount of minerals, to meat dishes in terms of protein content, to vegetables in terms of the presence of carbohydrates.

The porous structure of mushrooms allows them to be digested for a long time without feeling hungry. In addition, mushrooms are a source of essential protein compounds (tyrosine, arginine, glutamine, leucine), fatty and unsaturated fatty acids, a special place among which is occupied by lecithin, fatty acid glycerides, palminic, stearic, butyric acids.

Vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9), A, D, E, PP regulate the activity of the nervous and blood systems, help to improve the appearance of hair, nails, skin and blood vessels of the body.

Mineral components - zinc, copper, phosphorus, sulfur, manganese, potassium, calcium - participate in the working processes of the heart and blood vessels, activate metabolism, promote the production of pituitary hormones, remove dangerous cholesterol, and strengthen the heart muscle.

The important constituents of mushrooms are beta-glucans, the presence of which enhances the immune system, they are very effective against cancer. And the natural melanin in the product is a powerful natural antioxidant.

Did you know? The wild-growing edible sulfur-yellow tinder fungus (Laetiporus sulphureus) has an incredible taste, reminiscent of fried chicken.

Salting mushrooms only enhances the beneficial properties of the components of the mushroom product. Indeed, when salting them, a characteristic viscous liquid is released, which, enveloping the walls of the stomach, protects them from direct contact with gastric juice.

In addition, salted mushrooms relieve excessive love of sweets. The brain perceives sugar as a kind of drug. Consumption is not limited to small doses, you want more and more. In some cases, this behavior is due to a lack of zinc in the blood.

The amount of zinc in salted mushrooms is comparable to that in mussels and oysters. A natural, less expensive mushroom alternative, when consumed regularly, normalizes blood zinc balance and ultimately helps in weight loss.

Kitchen appliances and utensils

Here is an interesting method of salting mushrooms, which has the following advantages: no bitterness, the ability to use in a couple of weeks, mushroom material does not "shrink".
From kitchen utensils you will need:

  • cutting board;
  • three-liter cans;
  • pots for 4-5 liters of water;
  • nylon covers.

Ingredient List

The ingredients are listed in a 3 liter jar. You must have:

  • salt (set the exact amount over time);
  • several sheets of horseradish;
  • a head of garlic;
  • black peppercorns and allspice to taste;
  • fresh or dried dill umbrellas 5-6 pieces;
  • sunflower oil.

Features of selection and preparation of mushrooms

A feature of the recipe is the removal of mushroom bitterness by preliminary boiling in water for 3-5 minutes. To do this, we sort out the found mushrooms (throw out the wormy and old ones), clean them of debris with a brush or a nylon cloth, cut them into convenient pieces, and rinse them well.
Put mushrooms and a tablespoon of salt in a 4-liter saucepan and a heaped tablespoon in a 5-liter saucepan in boiled water in a 4-5-liter saucepan.
We boil for 3-5 minutes. Then we drain the water, rinse the mushroom mixture and let the water drain for about 20 minutes. The mushrooms are ready for salting.

Did you know? In the XYII-XIX centuries, salted milk mushrooms and mushrooms became a delicacy export to European countries. The popularity of saffron milk caps was so great that the name of mushrooms stuck in the languages ​​of many countries. So, the Germans call them Reizker, and the Hungarians- Rizike.

Step-by-step cooking recipe with photo

  1. At the bottom of the jar we put a sheet of fresh horseradish and a sheet from an old jar of already fermented mushrooms. If you do it for the first time, then you can only do with fresh horseradish leaves.
  2. Add half a serving of garlic, dill whisk, allspice and black pepper. Sprinkle with two pinches of salt on top.
  3. We put the mushrooms in layers of 3-4 cm. Salt each layer with two pinches of salt (or at your discretion).
  4. Having reached the middle of the jar on top of the mushrooms, lay out the remaining garlic, dill corollas, allspice and black pepper. We add.
  5. We continue to alternate the mushroom layers, periodically compacting them. It should be borne in mind that in the upper layers of the jar of mushrooms there is less, which means that less salt is needed. About one pinch.
  6. Leave 3-4 cm free up to the upper edge of the jar so that the brine does not pour out due to the rising mushrooms.
  7. Cover the last salted layer of mushrooms with two sheets of horseradish and sprinkle with a pinch of salt. That is, we make a special shutter that will not allow the mushrooms to rise.
  8. Sprinkle on top with sunflower oil at our discretion to close the access of oxygen to the fermentation process. Otherwise, the quality of salty delicacies will deteriorate significantly.
  9. We close it with a nylon lid and send it to a cool place for two weeks. This is a refrigerator or cellar.

If you are in doubt about the correct amount of salt, then after two days you should taste the mushrooms, because by this time the salt has already been distributed evenly throughout the jar. If necessary, salt can be added from above.

How and where to store the workpiece

The process of salting the mushroom mass takes place normally in barrels, and in enameled buckets, and in glass containers. The main thing is to keep the dishes and products used clean. Pre-scald the container with boiling water or sterilize.

A cool dry place is the best option for storing pickles. It is optimal to store salted mushrooms at a temperature of +5 ... + 6 ° C, in the refrigerator.

But salted mushrooms stored in tubs, buckets are best placed in a cellar. Someone manages to store pickles on the balcony during the winter season.

To protect the salted gifts of the forest from freezing, they are placed in a specially prepared insulated container. Warm old clothes, blankets, wood sawdust serve as insulation. The main condition for high-quality storage of the product will be the maintenance of a constant temperature regime:

  • temperatures below 3 degrees make mushrooms soft, falling apart, tasteless;
  • high temperatures lead to acidification.

Shuffle or shake the mushroom once a week. If there is not enough brine, add cooled boiled water. Mold that has appeared must be removed. If it appears again and again, remove the mushrooms, rinse and cover with new brine. The shelf life, subject to all conditions, is limited to six months.

Important! Wooden tubs and barrels are most suitable for salting, except for aspen products. Clay and galvanized sheet dishes are categorically unsuitable for the salting process.

Which mushrooms are best for pickling

All types of edible forest products are subject to the salting process. But in terms of taste, lamellar mushrooms with a characteristic bitter aftertaste and unusual aroma are superior. These include:

  • mushrooms, (the highest quality salting);
  • , whites, (can be salted with a total mass);

Noble mushrooms and milk mushrooms are certainly salted separately from the rest of the mushroom kingdom.

Is it possible to eat salted mushrooms

Consider the important issue of the use of mushroom pickles by various categories of people.


Despite the significant amount of minerals and vitamins in mushroom dishes, the digestion process takes a long time, which is an additional burden on the digestive system, liver, and kidneys. In addition, representatives of the mushroom kingdom are able to accumulate heavy metals, toxins from the surrounding space. Let's not forget about the risk of poisoning and the threat of botulism.

Important! Doctors categorically forbid expectant mothers to eat mushrooms.

Salty mushroom products are at risk.


It is not recommended to eat salted and pickled mushrooms during breastfeeding.

For children

Children under the age of six should not try any kind of mushroom cooking; even well-known mushroom foods can upset the balance of a child's health.

Losing weight

British nutritionists have developed a special mushroom diet, its essence is to replace meat with mushrooms, and only fresh mushrooms are used. Champignons and white are suitable.

A diet based on salted mushrooms also takes place. The mono-diet involves only salted forest gifts with a small amount of vegetables in the diet. Before eating, the mushroom mass should be washed, seasoned with oil and herbs. Use only such salad for food.

To prepare a dietary breakfast, you need to grind the mushroom mass, combine with low-fat cottage cheese and herbs. A small amount of salt can be added. An excellent dietary dish is a soup based on mushrooms, vegetables, herbs.

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Fans of "quiet hunting" often encounter such a situation when the collected mushrooms can be fed to all relatives, neighbors and acquaintances, and a few more buckets will remain. In such cases, it is good to salt the mushrooms: they are stored well, and tasty - you eat up the mind. But not everyone knows how to salt mushrooms correctly. But this is not at all difficult.


First, the mushrooms are sorted out and the "sheep from the goats" are separated. In fact, all mushrooms are suitable for salting, except for poisonous ones. Perfectionists prefer to salt mushrooms, sorting them first by type: mushrooms for mushrooms, mushrooms for mushrooms, milk mushrooms for mushrooms, and so on. Those who take a simpler view of things mix mushrooms with salt. The main thing is that they do not differ sharply from each other in taste. It is generally not accepted to salt tubular mushrooms, but experimental enthusiasts salt both boletus and boletus mushrooms, and are very pleased with the result. But mainly lamellar mushrooms are salted: black and white milk mushrooms, honey mushrooms, russula, volushkas, bitters, valui and other gifts of the forest.

It would be nice to clean the collected mushrooms from dirt. It is best to rinse them under running warm water, thoroughly but quickly. The legs of the mushrooms should be cut off if the mushrooms are large. In general, pick mushrooms of about the same size.

Some types of mushrooms contain bitterness, so they will have to be soaked before salting, that is, held in cold water for several days. For example, waves and bitters are soaked for three days, milk mushrooms - up to five days, if very large, it is enough to withstand the load in water for two days. Water, of course, needs to be periodically changed to fresh.

Dry and cold salting of mushrooms

The most convenient mushrooms for pickling are mushrooms. You don't even need to rinse them - wiping with a napkin is quite enough. Someone does not see any sense in salting mushrooms, but simply eats them raw. But if you are going to salt the mushrooms, then prepare a container of the appropriate size, salt and dill, or rather, its seeds. Salt will need somewhere a tablespoon per kilogram of mushrooms. Salted mushrooms dry.

The mushrooms are folded in layers into a container (pan or bucket) with the caps down, sprinkling each layer of mushrooms with dill seeds and salt. A plate is placed on top, and oppression is placed on it. The role of oppression can be played by a can or a jar of water, a heavy (clean!) Cobblestone or a family bronze statuette - all the same. The main thing is that the mushrooms give juice in a couple of hours. You will immediately see it - the liquid rises above the plate, completely covering the mushrooms. In this form, mushrooms are left at room temperature for a couple of days. As soon as a characteristic sour aroma appears, the container is removed to a dry and cold place. If a large saucepan won't fit in the refrigerator, place the mushrooms in clean, scalded glass jars and cover with lids. Just make sure that the brine completely covers the mushrooms, otherwise mold cannot be avoided. When it gets colder, the banks can be taken out to the loggia and stored there all winter. And you can try salted mushrooms three days after salting.

Other mushrooms - honey mushrooms, milk mushrooms, volnushki, russula - are salted in a cold way, that is, with soaking. After soaking, the mushrooms are laid out in a container in layers, sprinkling with salt and adding horseradish, oak and currant leaves, allspice, bay leaf. You also need about 40-50 g of salt per kilogram of mushrooms, and put the spices to taste. Oppression is placed on top of the mushrooms and make sure that the mushrooms do not protrude out of the brine. Over time, the mushrooms will settle, so if you once again went into the forest and brought another batch of mushrooms, feel free to report a new portion to the container. Cold salted mushrooms will be ready in about a month and a half.

Hot salting

For hot salting, you need to boil mushrooms in brine. But the brine itself is not so much required - the excess liquid will be given back by the mushrooms during the cooking process. For a kilogram of mushrooms, you will need 125 ml of water, two tablespoons of salt (ordinary, without iodine), bay leaf, a couple of currant leaves, three peppercorns, and a clove. They begin to cook the mushrooms by pouring half a glass of water into the pan and putting the mushrooms. Stir the mushrooms, and remove the foam that appears in time. Spices are added during the cooking process.

Mushrooms are boiled for a short time - no more than 20 minutes. If the mushrooms are ready, you will immediately notice that they will sink to the bottom of the pan. Then the mushrooms are taken out with a slotted spoon and placed in a basin or other wide container to cool down faster. After the cooled mushrooms are laid out in clean dry jars and poured with hot brine. The mushrooms will be ready in about 45 days. You need to store jars with salted mushrooms by closing them with plastic lids and rearranging them in a dry and cold place - in the refrigerator or (if any) in the cellar.

Mushrooms are perhaps one of nature's best gifts. Only the very process of collecting them gives a lot of pleasure, and what a pleasure it is to open a jar of mushrooms salted for future use and treat dear guests. Salting mushrooms often helps out even novice housewives. After all, later it is easy to create something incredibly appetizing and useful from them. At home, pickling mushrooms is the most effective way to stock them up for the winter. Salting at home can be simple and quick, hot or cold, in jars, buckets or a saucepan. Porcini mushrooms, milk mushrooms, valui, chanterelles and many other mushrooms are salted. By following our reliable photo step-by-step recipes, you will be happy with the culinary result!

The best recipes with photos

The last notes

Previously, mushrooms were mainly salted in large wooden barrels and used a method called cold salting. Mushrooms can be harvested in this way if it is possible to collect them in the forest in a sufficiently large quantity and of one variety. Cold salting of mushrooms is suitable only for such species: russula, smoothies, milk mushrooms, mushrooms, saffron milk caps, pigs and others with fragile lamellar pulp.

Salting mushrooms is one of the simplest and most common ways to prepare them. Mushrooms canned in a strong solution of table salt are used for soups, side dishes, snacks, marinades and for stewing.

Almost all types of edible mushrooms are used for salting, including milk mushrooms and mushrooms. Salted mushrooms should be fresh, strong, not overripe, wormy or wrinkled. They should be sorted by size, type and grade, and the legs should be trimmed. In oil and russules, in addition, the outer skin must be removed. Before salting, the mushrooms are washed well by placing them in a colander and rinsing by repeatedly immersing them in a bucket of cold water, allowing it to drain. You should not keep mushrooms in water for a long time, since the caps of mushrooms, especially elderly ones, absorb it well.

After washing, the mushrooms are cleaned of adhering leaves, coniferous needles, earth, sand, damaged areas are cut out, and the lower part is cut off half of the legs. Large mushrooms are cut into equal pieces; small mushrooms can be left intact.

Some mushrooms, in particular boletus, mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms and aspen mushrooms, contain easily oxidizing substances that quickly darken when in contact with air. To prevent darkening during cleaning and cutting, the mushrooms are immediately placed in a saucepan with water, to which 10 g of table salt and 2 g of citric acid (based on 1 liter of water) are added.

There are several main ways to pickle mushrooms:

Only saffron milk caps and woods are harvested by dry method: mushrooms are cleaned, not washed, but only wiped with a clean soft cloth, placed in a tub in rows and sprinkled with moderate salt, covered with a clean canvas and put oppression (cobblestone, clean heavy non-oxidizing objects). The juice should come out over the oppression and cover the mushrooms on top. Such mushrooms retain their natural aroma and piquant resinous taste, so they do not put spices and aromatic herbs in them. Such mushrooms are ready to eat in 7-10 days.

Cold salting is used for mushrooms that do not require pre-cooking (saffron milk caps, pigs, smoothies, milk mushrooms, volushkas, russula, etc.). It provides for soaking cleaned and washed mushrooms for 1-2 days in running or frequently changed water. You can also soak the mushrooms in salted water (at the rate of 10 g of salt and 2 g of citric acid per 1 liter of water) with aging in a cool room: bitters and valuei - 3 days, milk mushrooms and podgruzki - 2 days, whites and voluptuous - 1 day. When soaking mushrooms in a salt solution, the latter must be changed at least twice a day. Ryzhiks and russules do not need to be soaked.

Instead of soaking, mushrooms can be blanched in boiling water containing 10 grams of salt per liter of water by immersing them in a boiling solution. Duration of blanching: milk mushrooms - 5-6 minutes, load, chanterelles, bitters, value - 15-20 minutes. Whitewash and volnushki can be poured with boiling water and kept in it for 1 hour. After blanching, the mushrooms are cooled in cold water and allowed to drain.

In the future, they are laid in layers in a barrel, the bottom of which is pre-sprinkled with salt, sprinkling each layer of mushrooms with salt at the rate of 3-4 percent of the weight of the prepared mushrooms (for 1 kg of mushrooms, 50 g of salt is taken for milk mushrooms, beetles and russules and 40 g for mushrooms) , chopped garlic, dill, cherry, currant or horseradish leaf, caraway seeds. Mushrooms are laid out with their caps down and a layer of no more than 6 cm.

The dishes filled to the top are covered with a canvas, put a light oppression and after 1 - 2 days they are taken out to a cold place. When the mushrooms are compacted, settle and give juice, new fresh prepared mushrooms are added to them to fill the dishes, or they are transferred from another barrel or cylinder, observing the salt norm and the order of packing. After each addition of mushrooms, a circle is set and oppression. The barrels are then taken to a cold basement or cellar for storage.

After filling the barrel, after about 5-6 days, you need to check if there is brine in the mushrooms. If the latter is not enough, it is necessary to increase the load or add a saline solution at the rate of 20 g of salt per 1 liter of water. It takes 1-1.5 months to complete the salting. Mushrooms should be stored at a temperature not lower than 1 and not higher than 7 ° C.

Hot salting is done as follows. Mushrooms are cleaned, sorted; in white, boletus and aspen mushrooms, roots are cut, which can be salted separately from the caps. Large caps, if salted together with small ones, can be cut into 2-3 pieces. The prepared mushrooms are washed with cold water, and the value is soaked for 2-3 days.

Pour 0.5 cups of water (per 1 kg of mushrooms) into a saucepan, put salt and put on fire. Mushrooms are placed in boiling water. During cooking, the mushrooms must be gently stirred with a jar so that they do not burn. When the water boils, you need to carefully remove the foam with a slotted spoon, then put pepper, bay leaf, other seasonings and cook with gentle stirring, counting from the moment of boiling: porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms and boletus mushrooms for 20-25 minutes, value for 15-20 minutes, waves and russula for 10-15 minutes.

The mushrooms are ready when they begin to settle to the bottom and the brine becomes transparent. The boiled mushrooms are carefully placed in a wide bowl so that they cool quickly. The cooled mushrooms can be transferred with the brine into barrels or jars and closed. The pickle should be no more than one fifth by the weight of the mushrooms. Mushrooms are ready to eat in 40-45 days.

With hot salting, 1 kg of prepared mushrooms is taken: 2 tablespoons of salt, 1 bay leaf, 3 pcs. peppercorns, 3 pcs. cloves, 5 g dill, 2 black currant leaves.

Salted mushrooms should be stored in a cool, well-ventilated area at a temperature of 5-6 ° C, but not below 0 ° C. At low temperatures, the mushrooms will freeze, crumble, and lose their taste. Storing salted mushrooms at temperatures above 6 ° C heat can cause sourness and deterioration.

It is necessary to regularly monitor that the mushrooms are always in the brine. If the brine evaporates and does not cover all the mushrooms, then cooled boiled water should be added to the dishes. In case of mold, the circle and the cloth are washed in hot, slightly salted water. Mold on the walls of the dishes is wiped off with a clean cloth dipped in hot water.

In a salt solution, mushrooms are not completely preserved, since in such an environment the activity of microorganisms is only limited, but does not stop. The thicker the brine, the better the mushrooms are preserved. But in this case, the mushrooms become so salty that they almost completely lose their value. On the contrary, lactic acid fermentation and fermentation of mushrooms occurs in weaker brines. Although this fermentation is not harmful, it still gives the mushrooms a sour taste, and the widespread use of such mushrooms in food becomes impossible.

To prevent mold from appearing on the surface of the mushrooms, they should be placed in a hermetically sealed container and stored in a cold and dry room. If the cans are covered with parchment paper or cellophane, then in a damp and warm room the water in the cans will evaporate and the mushrooms will become moldy.

Correct salting of mushrooms for the winter allows you to pamper your family and friends with original snacks during severe cold weather. They can be harvested both hot and cold. The selection of the salting method must fully correspond to the mushrooms selected for work. For example, cold pickling is more suitable for milk mushrooms and mushrooms, volnushki. But whites can be salted and hot. In the recipes below, each method of processing milk mushrooms, honey agarics at home is described step by step. To find out how and how to salt mushrooms in jars, and how to store them properly until spring, the photo and video instructions discussed below will help.

How to salt mushrooms in jars for the winter - a simple recipe with step by step photos

Most mushroom pickers prefer familiar and proven mushrooms. For example, whites are most in demand due to their ease of collection and preparation. But you can also salt other mushrooms for the winter, which have a rather unusual taste. Various types of milkmen are ideal for salting: young mushrooms retain their density and are quite easily salted at home.

Ingredients for easy pickling of mushrooms for winter in jars

  • milkmen -3 kg;
  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • salt -150 g;
  • dill umbrellas - 3 pcs.;
  • leaves of currants, cherries, horseradish - to taste.

Step-by-step recipe for simple pickling mushrooms in jars for winter

How to salt boletus mushrooms for the winter in jars - a simple recipe with photo instructions

Beautiful and tasty boletus mushrooms are quite easily salted for the winter and are great for treating friends and guests with such snacks. They do not need a rather long preparation or processing, which allows you to harvest boletus mushrooms at home in any quantity. The following recipe with a photo will tell you step by step how you can simply pickle such mushrooms in jars, and how to store them correctly.

List of ingredients for salting boletus in jars for winter

  • boletus -1 kg;
  • water -1 l;
  • salt -50 g;
  • greens, bay leaves - to taste.

A simple recipe with photo instructions for winter harvesting in cans of boletus mushrooms

How to salt milk mushrooms for the winter in jars - a simple recipe with photos and videos

Different types of milk mushrooms are widely used for pickling and pickling. The appeal of these mushrooms is in the absence of the need to use a lot of spices. By themselves, milk mushrooms have an amazing taste, so only salt and pepper will help to emphasize it. At the same time, salted mushrooms are perfectly stored in jars or plastic buckets. The following recipe describes step by step how to make a delicious snack from milk mushrooms for the winter and please your family with an unusual addition to regular dishes.

Ingredients for the recipe for pickling milk mushrooms in jars for the winter

  • mushrooms -1.5 kg;
  • salt -75 g.

Photo-recipe for salting for winter in jars of mushrooms

A simple video recipe for winter pickling of mushrooms in jars

You can prepare milk mushrooms for the winter in another way. The following video recipe tells you step by step how to properly prepare and pickle these mushrooms at home.

How to salt mushrooms for the winter in jars - a simple step-by-step recipe with video instructions

Beautiful volushka mushrooms are an excellent addition to meat dishes, cereals and fried potatoes. But their salting must be done very carefully: such mushrooms are considered conditionally edible, therefore they need careful preparation and processing. The following recipe describes step by step how to salt the waves in jars correctly, and how they should be stored.

Video instruction for step-by-step salting of mushrooms in jars for the winter cold

The video recipe below is great for salting the waves at home. Detailed instructions will help you prepare a lot of salted mushrooms for future use without any problems and eat them with pleasure until spring.

How to hot salt mushroom caps at home - a detailed photo recipe

Like any milk mushrooms, mushroom caps are great for pickling for the winter. It is quite easy to work with them, since such mushrooms do not require thorough rinsing and long soaking. The following recipe with a photo describes step by step a simple process for preparing caps for the winter.

Recipe ingredients for hot salting mushroom caps at home

  • caps -2 kg;
  • water -2 l;
  • salt -60 g;
  • dill umbrellas - 4 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • spices to taste.

A detailed recipe with a photo of homemade hot salting of caps

How to cold salt mushrooms at home - a step by step photo recipe

Using the cold cooking method works well for a variety of mushrooms. For example, according to the recipe described below with a photo, you can use this method to pickle not only milk mushrooms, but also mushrooms or mushrooms. True, the salting time in a bucket for the latter is 10-12 days. Therefore, they can be prepared much faster for the winter and transferred to a jar for storage in the basement or refrigerator.

Ingredients for cold pickling mushrooms at home

  • milk mushrooms -4 kg;
  • salt -200 g;
  • dill umbrellas, bay leaves, currant leaves - to taste.

Step-by-step recipe with a photo of homemade cold pickling of mushrooms

How to deliciously salt porcini mushrooms in jars for the winter - a simple recipe with step-by-step instructions

Fragrant porcini mushrooms are very good for pickling and freezing for the winter. But you can not just salt them in jars or freeze them in bags, but also freeze already salted mushrooms. Such blanks can be considered light-salted. They are great for serving or preparing other dishes.

List of ingredients for delicious pickling for winter porcini mushroom in jars

  • porcini and boletus mushrooms - 0.5 kg each;
  • bay leaf - 3-4 pcs.;
  • peppercorns - to taste;
  • salt - 60 g.

Step-by-step instructions on the recipe for simple pickling in jars of porcini mushrooms for winter

Having studied the rules for salting mushrooms in a cold and hot way, you can easily prepare delicious snacks for winter. For work, it is allowed to use milk mushrooms, and waves, and porcini mushrooms. You can also use oyster mushrooms or mushrooms for quick salting in winter. For their preparation, it is recommended to choose cold salting described for different mushrooms in the above photo and video recipes. They describe step by step how to salt mushrooms in different ways and how to store them. Useful tips and tricks will help you easily prepare for the winter at home and even during the coldest cold, pamper your loved ones with original mushroom snacks.