Mushroom sauce made from frozen mushrooms with sour cream. Mushroom sauce with sour cream

  • fresh champignons - 600 g;
  • onion bulbs - 3 pieces;
  • sour cream (fat content 15%) - 600 ml;
  • flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil - 50-60 ml;
  • salt - to your taste.


Note! Almost always, if a recipe requires you to fry an onion with something, you should start with the onion, and not with what is the main product. Because onions, despite their seemingly softness and fineness of slicing, take longer to cook than other products.

  • Now add the mushrooms, stir and fry everything together. You do not need to salt the contents of the pan right away, because the mushrooms will let in a lot of juice, and our task is to first fry them thoroughly.
  • When the onions and mushrooms are fried, sprinkle them with flour, stir. Almost immediately you will stop seeing flour, but it will do its job, give a certain stickiness, and hold the mushrooms together a little.
  • It's time for sour cream, transfer it to the pan and stir. The flour that was on the mushrooms will now dissolve in sour cream, and it will thicken strongly. There is a possibility that the sour cream may curl in the hot sauce. To prevent this from happening, add a little milk to the sour cream before putting it in a frying pan.
  • Now you can add salt. Of course, you cannot do without salt in this recipe, but decide for yourself about the black ground pepper. Love spicy and pungent, you can add, but it's better not to interrupt the mushroom taste and aroma with anything else.
  • There are two ways to serve mushroom sauce. If you use it for cutlets or meatballs, then you can put the sauce in a serving plate, and place the meat products on top. When serving with side dishes (potatoes, cereals, pasta), transfer the sauce to a special dish (gravy boat) and place on the table.
  • Remember! The mushroom sauce needs to be cooked at one time. It is not recommended to reheat it, as it loses its taste.

  • This is how easy and quick to prepare mushroom sauce with sour cream, the recipe, we hope you enjoy it and will move into your culinary notebook.
  • Mushrooms have been used in Russian national cuisine from time immemorial. They contain many vitamins and minerals, they are very satisfying, aromatic and tasty. Dried mushrooms smell especially when you cook them, such aromas fly around the house that the whole family crowds near the kitchen in anticipation of lunch or dinner. First courses are cooked with mushrooms, salads and casseroles are made. But the most popular is the mushroom sauce, which will add new flavors to even the most ordinary dishes. It will ennoble and revitalize rice, mashed potatoes, pasta or meatballs. We suggest you make a mushroom sauce from champignons with sour cream. Its main advantages are the availability of the products used, ease of preparation, piquancy in taste and incomparable aroma.

    Preparation and selection of products

    Mushroom sauce can be prepared with cheese, milk or cream, sour cream, tomatoes. We will make a creamy mushroom sauce from champignons with sour cream, so we will take a closer look at what products we need and how to choose them correctly.

    The main thing is the mushrooms. When buying, first of all, pay attention to their color, choose mushrooms white and with a matte sheen, without any spots and inclusions on the caps (if there are any, it means that the mushrooms are no longer fresh). Inspect the junction of the cap and legs, the films must be intact there. Touch the champignons, you should feel elasticity and density, if they are soft, then they are already rotting. They should have a pleasant mushroom aroma, if the mushrooms smell like dampness, then they were collected long ago and stored incorrectly.

    Flour is added to thicken the sauce. Before pouring, you need to calcine it in a dry hot frying pan, then the flour will dissolve better in a liquid medium. Annealing also gives it a pleasant nutty flavor, and raw flour remotely resembles paste in taste.

    Sauce is a great addition to a dish that helps to reveal the taste of the main ingredient. There are many different sauces, from berry to garlic. But it is mushroom sauces with sour cream that are distinguished by their versatility, because they can be used with meat, pasta, shawarma and even with salads.

    Gourmet recipe

    Mushroom sauce with sour cream is able to enchant every gourmet with its delicate taste, forest aroma and ease of preparation.

    The first step is to thoroughly wash the mushrooms, dry them with paper towels and chop them into small pieces.

    Put the pan on low heat and melt half of the butter in it, add the onion and simmer until transparent, stirring often.

    Add oyster mushrooms and the remaining oil to the half-finished onion, which will help the mushrooms to give up their moisture.

    Simmer the mushrooms and onions over medium heat until the oyster mushrooms give off their liquid. Then add salt and spices, cover the mushrooms with a lid and simmer over low heat until tender.

    Add sour cream to the finished oyster mushrooms, stir, simmer for a couple of minutes, turn off the heat.

    When the mushrooms have cooled down, immerse them in a blender bowl and interrupt until smooth. The sauce is ready!

    You can serve the sauce in the form of bulky drops on a plate, you can season a vegetable salad with it, or you can simply in a separate saucepan.

    Mushroom champignon sauce with sour cream and herbs

    Champignons are the most common mushrooms in cooking. The price also makes them available for cooking. But, despite the above factors, champignons are a very tasty product that is eaten even raw.

    This type of mushroom is widely used not only in the preparation of salads, casseroles, various fillings, but also in sauces.

    List of products needed to make this sauce:

    • champignons - 600 g;
    • onion - 1 pc .;
    • sour cream - 350 g;
    • butter - 40 g;
    • parsley, dill - to taste;
    • salt, spices - to taste.

    Cooking time - 30 minutes.

    Caloric content per 100 g - 98 kcal.

    First, the champignon caps must be cleaned of a thin white film on which all the dirt has accumulated. Then the mushrooms need to be washed well and cut into slices or strips (it doesn't matter, since the mushrooms will be chopped).

    Then we cut the onion into thin half rings and send it to stew in 20 g of butter until transparent.

    We send champignons with the remaining butter to the onion. Stir vegetables over medium heat until mushrooms release their juice. Then we salt the vegetables, mix, simmer the vegetables until tender, under the lid, stirring occasionally.

    While the mushrooms are stewing, it is necessary to finely chop the greens.

    Pour greens and sour cream to the ready-made mushrooms. Mix thoroughly, let simmer for about a minute, remove from heat.

    When the mushrooms have cooled down, beat them with a blender.

    Ready-made mushroom sauce made from champignons with sour cream goes well with poultry meat, and also serves as an appetizing addition to crispy flat cakes, baguette, lavash rolls.

    1. So that the mushroom sauce with sour cream does not curl, the sour cream for it should be at room temperature.
    2. The delicate creamy taste of sour cream, mushrooms and butter goes well with light pungency, so be sure to add a little black pepper to the mushrooms (the main thing is not to overdo it).
    3. If, when stewing mushrooms, the liquid has evaporated too much, then a few tablespoons of boiled water should be added to the pan.
    4. If there is no sour cream in the refrigerator, then this ingredient can be replaced with cream (about 20% fat).

    Mushroom sauce with sour cream is a great alternative to mayonnaise, sandwich spreads, spaghetti and meat sauces, which you can make yourself in a maximum of half an hour and from natural ingredients.

    Sour cream sauce with champignons is ideal for meat or fish dishes, or if you are preparing a snack such as sandwiches. Boiled rice, spaghetti or mashed potatoes will be much tastier if you pour sour cream sauce over it before serving. You can stew something in this sauce, such as chicken fillet. In addition to onions and mushrooms, you can add fresh dill or parsley to the bowl, as well as spices.


    • 3-4 champignons
    • 1 onion
    • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
    • 100 ml medium or low fat sour cream
    • 3 pinches of salt
    • 3 pinches ground coriander
    • 1 sprig of parsley for sauce


    1. Wash fresh mushrooms and peel if necessary, then finely chop. You can also use frozen mushrooms, you do not need to defrost them before slicing.

    2. Peel and finely chop the onions or shallots.

    3. Pour some cooking oil or a lump of butter into the pan. Transfer the chopped mushrooms and onions to the pan, fry over low heat for 5-7 minutes, stirring occasionally.

    4. Pour sour cream into the pan, stir and simmer for 2 minutes.

    5. Transfer the almost finished sour cream sauce to a bowl. Add some salt and spices. If sour cream is sour, then you can add a pinch of sugar. Mix everything.

    To diversify the everyday or festive table, you do not need to purchase exotic ingredients, it is enough to prepare an addition to a side dish or a hot one. Today we will learn how to make a creamy mushroom sauce from champignons so that it turns out to be fragrant and unusually tasty. All the ingredients for its preparation can be found in any supermarket or even your own refrigerator, and it is done in 30-40 minutes, but the result will pleasantly surprise you!

    The advantage of mushroom champignon sauce is that it goes well with any side dish: boiled potatoes, rice, buckwheat and goes with any hot - boiled chicken or stewed fish, fried meat or baked seafood.

    With a creamy sauce, any food will become even more delicious! Let's try to cook it according to a simple proven recipe?

    Creamy mushroom champignon sauce with sour cream


    • - 400 g + -
    • - 150 g + -
    • - 1 PC. + -
    • on the tip of a knife or to taste + -
    • - 1 tbsp. with a slide + -
    • - 1 tbsp. with a slide + -
    • - for frying + -
    • Nutmeg - on the tip of a knife or to taste + -
    • 3 pinches or to taste + -

    How to make the sauce

    Champignon sauce with sour cream is ready! Bon Appetit!

    But there is another, no less simple recipe, according to which the sauce is even more aromatic.

    Sauce with champignons, sour cream and herbs

    For this recipe, we will need 1 glass of fresh broth. It can be vegetable, chicken, or mushroom.

    • We wash 300 mushrooms and chop them finely - during heat treatment they will become even finer, so we can adjust the consistency of the sauce even before it is chopped with a blender.
    • Fry the mushrooms in vegetable oil over high heat, stirring occasionally, so that all the liquid evaporates immediately. As soon as we notice that a ruddy crust has appeared, turn it off.
    • We clean 1 head of onion, also chop it, fry it in another pan and only then add it to the mushrooms.
    • Sprinkle all 1 tbsp. flour, stir and let it fry for 8-10 minutes along with mushrooms and onions.
    • After the flour has dispersed, pour in the broth. You can do this in portions, or you can add all the liquid at once. In any case, mix the contents of the pan well.
    • While it boils, finely chop ½ bunch of fresh herbs. Pour into boiling sauce, salt, season with black pepper and nutmeg and stir.

    If, in your opinion, the liquid turned out to be too much, leave the sauce to cook for another 15 minutes without a lid so that it evaporates, but if it seems that the consistency is just right, cover the pan and simmer the sauce at the same time.

    Serve ready-made with mashed potatoes or any other side dish. This sauce will be lighter and more dietary.

    For those who prefer a richer creamy taste, we recommend replacing the broth in this recipe with 10% cream. We add them in the same sequence and prepare the dish the same amount.

    As you can see, even a novice cook can make a creamy mushroom sauce from champignons with sour cream, cream or broth! Try it, friends, and the result will not disappoint you, on the contrary! Perhaps this simple dish will become the favorite of your household.

    Mushroom gravies are some of the favorites. A strong, persistent aroma and incomparable taste of mushroom sauce can correct the flaws of the main course or make a bored meal completely unusual.

    Mushrooms with sour cream is a trouble-free combination. The sour milk product creates the "volume" of the sauce, and the mushrooms fill it with taste.

    General principles of making mushroom sauces with sour cream

    The base of the sauce is prepared from fresh mushrooms. Mushrooms are most often used, as they are readily available at any time of the year. In season, the sauce can also be made from forest mushrooms, which hold their shape well during heat treatment - they do not creep. If there are frozen mushrooms, they will do.

    Before use, the legs and caps of fresh mushrooms are cleaned from the remnants of dirt and debris, and then washed with running water, paying special attention to the inside of the cap. Usually, it is in this part that debris accumulates. Frozen mushrooms are thawed at room temperature or in the refrigerator, placed in a common chamber for several hours. It is undesirable to defrost in water, as they will absorb excess moisture.

    Mushrooms for the sauce are cut into medium-sized slices or thin strips. Both the cap and the legs are used. They are boiled and then fried with onions, sometimes adding carrots. There are recipes according to which the sauce is prepared without frying the mushroom base.

    Sour cream is added last. A fermented milk product does not like high temperatures and can curd under their influence. To minimize the likelihood of such an undesirable result, it is advisable to take sour cream with a small percentage of fat, extremely fresh and of high quality.

    Mushroom sauces with sour cream can be thick or sparse. Flour acts as a thickener; starch is not used. Flour can be mixed with ready-made mushroom frying or sour cream. Before adding the thickener to the sauce, which is prepared without frying the mushroom base, the flour is diluted in a small amount of cold water. The mixture is introduced gradually, pouring a thin stream into the boiling mass, and intensively stirring it in a circle.

    Mushroom sauces with sour cream are often complemented with tomato, which adds a slight sourness to the dressing. This can be tomato paste or fresh tomato puree. Tomato is added to the sauce along with sour cream.

    Condiments, spices, fresh herbs - without which it is impossible to achieve a special aroma and rich taste of the sauce. Ground pepper is the most common spice, turmeric, nutmeg powder, red pepper can be used.

    Mushroom sauce is versatile. It can be served with boiled or fried potatoes, casseroles, meatballs, potato cutlets. In Italian cuisine, pasta is seasoned with mushroom sauce. Mushroom sauce with sour cream goes well with any cereals boiled in water.

    Mushroom sauce with sour cream for serving with potato dishes


    Medium-sized fresh mushrooms - 400 gr.;

    Two onion heads;

    125 gr. sour cream, medium fat;

    A spoonful of finely chopped dill;

    30 gr. flour.

    Cooking method:

    1. After rinsing well, rinse the mushrooms, separate the caps and cut everything into small pieces.

    2. Put in a saucepan, add finely chopped onions. Pour a little more than a glass of water, set it on intensive heating. Bringing to a boil, reduce the heat so that the contents of the pan only boil slightly, and cover with a lid. Cook mushrooms and onions for 25 minutes.

    3. Pour some cold water into a small cup, dilute the flour. Introduce the flour mixture to the mushrooms in a thin stream, stirring vigorously the boiling base.

    4. Add an incomplete spoonful of fine salt to the sauce and pepper a little, add sour cream, add dill. After thoroughly stirring all the components, remove the pan from the stove, cover with a lid.

    5. Mushroom sauce is served hot with casseroles, pancakes, meatballs, and goes well with other potato dishes.

    Easy recipe for mushroom sauce with sour cream and raw spaghetti


    Small champignons or any other fresh mushrooms - 350 gr.;

    Small onion;

    Half a packet of butter;

    A spoonful of flour (30 gr.);

    120 g "Kostroma" cheese;

    Four tablespoons of thin sour cream;

    Three sprigs of young dill;

    Half a spoonful of mushroom seasoning.

    Cooking method:

    1. Cut the caps and legs of the washed mushrooms into thin strips and boil them in boiling water for five minutes. We put it in a colander and leave it for a while to dry well.

    2. Dissolve the butter in a deep, thick-walled pan. Put in medium-sized chopped garlic cloves and chopped onions. Saute over low heat until the onion slices are transparent, then add the boiled mushrooms. Fry without changing the heat for half an hour. Stir from time to time and make sure that the mushrooms do not brown. If the oil is absorbed quickly, add some water.

    3. Season the mushroom frying with pepper, add some salt and, after mixing thoroughly, put the sour cream mixed with flour to it. We simmer for about five minutes, turn off the heating and immediately fall asleep grated cheese, followed by dill. Stir the mushroom sauce continuously until the cheese chips are completely dissolved.

    4. Put the mushroom dressing on top of hot spaghetti or other pasta.

    Universal tomato mushroom sauce with sour cream


    A pound of fresh mushrooms;

    One small carrot;

    20 grams of butter, sweet cream;

    Onion head;

    20% sour cream - 80 gr.;

    2 tablespoons of refined oil;

    20 grams of tomato paste;

    White flour, wheat - 1 tbsp. l .;

    300 ml of water or mushroom broth.

    Cooking method:

    1. Rub the carrots coarsely, chop the onion into small slices. We clean, rinse and dry the mushrooms in a colander, cut them into small cubes.

    2. Slightly warming up the vegetable oil, dip the butter into it. Turn on medium heat and wait for the fat mixture to warm up well.

    3. Dip mushrooms into hot, but not boiling, fat. We cook, stirring, to achieve evaporation of moisture. Add vegetables and continue to simmer, covered with a lid, until they soften.

    4. Sprinkle the finished frying with flour, stirring, heat at medium temperature for up to a minute, and pour broth or water into it. We introduce the paste diluted with a small amount of water, add sour cream, salt, pepper a little.

    5. Stir the sauce and simmer on very low heat for about five minutes, until lightly thickened.

    Spicy mushroom sauce with sour cream: a recipe for a fragrant dressing for pasta


    A little over half a glass of sun-dried tomatoes;

    200 gr. sour cream;

    Two tablespoons of dry wine;

    450 grams of fresh champignons;

    Creamy "Peasant" butter - 60 gr .;

    Six small onion heads;

    A teaspoon of flour;

    A spoonful of olive oil;

    Powdered nutmeg;

    Two tablespoons of chopped parsley.

    Cooking method:

    1. Peel the onion and finely chop it into strips. Cut the mushrooms into small pieces. If sun-dried tomatoes are coarsely cut, cut them into strips.

    2. In a saucepan, heat the vegetable oil and melt the butter well in it. Saute the onion in the fat mixture until transparent, then add the mushrooms and simmer for three minutes. Salt, add 0.3 tablespoons of pepper, mix. Simmer for another minute and a half, temporarily remove from the stove.

    3. Add sour cream to the mushroom base, pour in the wine, mix well and put it on the fire again. Add sun-dried tomatoes, nutmeg, and cook, stirring regularly and not letting the sauce boil, for seven minutes.

    Recipe for tomato mushroom sauce with sour cream and fresh tomatoes without flour


    400 gr. any fresh mushrooms, preferably white ones;

    Fresh tomatoes - 300 gr .;

    Large onion;

    Sour cream with a fat content of 15% - three tablespoons;

    Five tablespoons of highly refined oil.

    Cooking method:

    1. We cut the mushrooms, peeled and washed from the remnants of dirt. Peel three cloves of garlic and crush lightly with a spoon.

    2. Heat the oil well in a frying pan, dip the garlic into it. Fry for about a minute, remove, put the onion in the pan. Fry lightly, add mushrooms. Simmer everything together for about five minutes on low heat. We do not cover with a lid, allowing the moisture to completely evaporate.

    3. Scald tomatoes with boiling water. Cool them quickly with running water, remove the peel with a knife, chop the pulp in mashed potatoes in any convenient way.

    4. Lightly add some salt to the tomato, add a little pepper, mix with sour cream and pour over the mushrooms. Simmer over medium heat with a slight boil for 20 minutes.

    Spicy mushroom sauce with sour cream: an Indian recipe


    A kilogram of oyster mushrooms or champignons, you can forest (honey agarics, chanterelles) mushrooms;

    Half a glass of rare sour cream;

    A teaspoon of turmeric

    Small onion head;

    Half a spoonful of ground cumin;

    A small bunch of dill;

    Refined oil;

    10 gr. fresh ginger root;

    A third of a spoonful of freshly ground pepper in a mortar.

    Cooking method:

    1. Cut the mushrooms washed from dirt into small pieces and put them in well-heated oil. Fry over low heat, until moisture evaporates, do not let brown.

    2. Rub the ginger with a fine grater. In a mortar with a pestle, carefully grind all the spices and add squeezed ginger to them. Add half a glass of cold water and stir thoroughly.

    3. Saute finely chopped onion in a clean frying pan in vegetable oil until transparent. Add the prepared spicy mixture to it, stir and leave to simmer. After a quarter of an hour, put the previously fried mushrooms and dill into the pan, cook for another five minutes.

    4. Add sour cream to the mushroom sauce, add some salt at your discretion and heat well. We make sure that it does not boil, otherwise the sour cream will immediately curl up.

    Tricks of making mushroom sauces with sour cream

    It is not necessary to use fresh mushrooms, sauces are also prepared from dried mushrooms, only they will need to be soaked well. Usually, water is used for this, but if you soak the mushrooms in milk, the sauce will be softer. To enhance the flavor, some soaked dried mushrooms can be added to fresh ones.

    To prevent thick or excessively fatty sour cream from picking up in lumps, it must be diluted with water or mushroom broth.

    Do not use spices with a bright aroma; they will overpower the main taste of the mushroom sauce.