Girl from Ufa mirror cakes. Tortporno: meet a girl whose desserts have blown up social networks

16.04.2019 Lean dishes

Oksana Galkevich:   So, the heading "Profession". But you already told almost everything. The word "bake" means that our guest is a pastry chef.

Konstantin Churikov:   We have a pastry chef today. But not just a pastry chef, but a pastry chef from Ufa Olga Noskova, whose cakes are already so popular that they are ordered from other countries of the world. We have to specially organize their delivery. I will not tell everything now. Just give attention to the screen. Report by Maxim Okunev.

Oksana Galkevich:   Do you know how proud we are that you are from Ufa? Straight beauty. We are very happy.

Konstantin Churikov:   Well, and a brief reference about the profession of pastry chef. Well, professions in general. The average salary is 39,000 rubles. Teach this at special pastry courses or at colleges. And basically, of course, they work at public catering establishments, which cannot be said about our guest.

Oksana Galkevich:   You work for yourself.

Olga Noskova:   Yes.

Oksana Galkevich:   Individual entrepreneur.

Olga Noskova:   Yes, absolutely right.

Konstantin Churikov:   We will introduce you again. Olga Noskova, a pastry chef, in our studio. You can ask questions. 8-800-222-00-14. For a second, I want our directors to just show Olga’s Instagram account. I noticed this number. 614,000 subscribers. In general, it seems to me that not every of our colleagues can boast such attention to their person. Please tell me Olga, I have a question. When did you start doing something like that? When did such general attention go to what you are doing?

Olga Noskova:   In general, it all started with pasta. I wanted to learn how to make them. And I went, learned this skill, by the way, here, in Moscow. And then she came home. I began to try, I began to study this confectionery topic. She fascinated me so much that I read websites, I read magazines. And it became interesting to me to dig deeper and deeper. And I wanted to learn how to make cakes. And I also went through training.

Konstantin Churikov:   How many years have passed since you made your first cake or just got carried away with this topic? How many?

Olga Noskova:   About 2 years.

Konstantin Churikov:   Only 2 years. And 614,000 subscribers.

Olga Noskova:   Yes, absolutely right. This happens.

Konstantin Churikov:   You, apparently, have some competent advisers.

Olga Noskova: In general, there were no advisers. I have a team now. And before 614000 - it appeared without a team when I was alone. That's how the stars came together.

Konstantin Churikov:   No, these are not stars. We’ll find out what happened here.

Oksana Galkevich:   Apparently, nevertheless, economic education helped you a lot. You realized in time that you can make money on it, it makes a profit.

Olga Noskova:   In general, all this did not go from this point of view, not from the economic one. I was on maternity leave. And at some point I wanted to find a job that would bring me pleasure, realization, so that in the morning I would wake up and do what I liked. And I really dreamed that this business would appear in me. And at some point, an inspiration came to me: "why not learn macarons?" And somehow I went into this confectionery ... completely by accident. And I liked it so much. And I really enjoy it.

Oksana Galkevich:   So this is pure creativity. What we now see on the screen, that Kostya showed photos from your Instagram, is art, painting.

Olga Noskova:   Yes thanks a lot. It was going on unconsciously. It comes from my heart. And the inspiration that I have and attend. And I try to portray it in the cake.

Oksana Galkevich:   It's great. It’s only interesting where these paints come from. To some, they do not seem quite natural. You know, golden ocher, white.

Konstantin Churikov:   Yes. Very bright colors. Unusual combination of colors.

Oksana Galkevich:   Indeed, in ordinary stores, in ordinary pastry shops, we do not see such colors. Question.

Olga Noskova:   You know, I always wanted to do what others do not. I wanted to make such cakes. I wanted to decorate like no one decorates. I do not like to repeat someone’s designs. And even if I, especially at the beginning, were sent pictures of some authors, other confectioners, I say: "I do not do this. I have my own style." And this style, as it turned out, is in demand in the world, since people from all over the world clung to my page and appreciated my work.

Oksana Galkevich:   We realized that you are adding there so that it is so cosmic.

Olga Noskova:   A piece of your soul and your heart.

Oksana Galkevich:   This store is not for sale.

Konstantin Churikov:   And how all these food colors are not harmful to health?

Olga Noskova:   These are the food dyes used by people in many countries. These are French dyes.

Konstantin Churikov:   Let's listen to the call. Alexander from the Moscow region is apparently interested in your products and in you. Alexander, hello.

Viewer: Good afternoon. I would like to ask the guest a question: how often does she use butter, do you mean real butter, or with the addition of palm oil?

Olga Noskova:   Alexander, good evening. Thanks for the question. I do not use palm oil at all. And creamy is from cream, which is 82%. I use, of course.

Oksana Galkevich:   We at least recognize one ingredient, friends. Butter. I understand that there are so many eggs, flour and milk, asking is useless.

Konstantin Churikov:   How much does one cake cost you (for example, the little blue one that we saw at the beginning of the plot, such a space one) to the client, and what is his product cost, not including, of course, your labor costs?

Olga Noskova:   I’m probably not going to talk about product costs. But my cake can be bought for 5000 rubles. It's not a secret. You can write in Whatsapp, Instagram has a number. And it is available.

Konstantin Churikov:   One cake 5000 rubles?

Olga Noskova:   Yes. A kilogram cake.

Konstantin Churikov:   It's good. And if the client is overseas, there is also overhead, delivery.

Olga Noskova:   Across the ocean - it’s only in plans to open a production or a confectionery, because the cakes should be freshly prepared, and they will not be able to transfer such a long flight for now.

Konstantin Churikov:   Wait, they told us in the plot ...

Olga Noskova:   In the plot a little embellished. But cakes fly to Moscow. People either fly in or fly in, the drivers of these people who pick up cakes directly from the airport, and they fly.

Oksana Galkevich:   Excuse me, but do you also sell them for 5000 rubles for people whose drivers have the opportunity to fly for a cake?

Olga Noskova:   Yes, of course. We bring to the airport, they pick up and fly.

Oksana Galkevich:   Business with a human face. It's good. Elena is on the wire. Elena from Udmurtia. Hello, please say.

Viewer:   Hello. Watching your channel.

Konstantin Churikov:   I wanted a sweet one.

Viewer:   My sister on the Internet showed me your cakes. So cool. Glaze directly glistens, candy. What is such a glaze made of?

Konstantin Churikov:   Olga, you will not leave this question today?

Oksana Galkevich:   We have been twirling this issue for 15 minutes.

Olga Noskova:   Elena, this question, of course, has been played for not only 15 minutes. This question is already on Instagram and on all networks every day. I can’t tell you yet. In the near future, of course, I will reveal all my secrets.

Oksana Galkevich:   And here is the team. You said there is already a team. This is how many people?

Olga Noskova:   There are people who are engaged ... In general, there is a production site where I have an assistant pastry chef, with whom we work. And there are people who help answer calls or have correspondence at Whasapp about orders.

Oksana Galkevich: Again, the driver went to meet at the airport, which flew over the cake.

Olga Noskova:   It takes you a long time to go to Moscow. In Ufa it is not far. Therefore, the girls themselves cope.

Konstantin Churikov:   Olga, several of our viewers at once, one from the Rostov Region (Aleksey from Rostov-on-Don), another from Ivanovo write: "I can’t even believe that it can be eaten." That is, the design itself, the embodiment itself is so far from our idea of \u200b\u200bthe cake. We have not tasted. Tell us what your customers are saying, how you feel. That is, what is the specificity of purely taste?

Olga Noskova:   In general, not only the appearance, but also the taste is important to me. And of course I am working on it. And I try, before releasing some kind of cake name, some flavor combination. And I test, of course, on friends and my family make cakes. And for me it is very important, of course. And they are delicious, yes. What to hide?

Konstantin Churikov:   Valentin from Karelia got through to us. Valentine, good evening. Listen to the question.

Viewer:   Good evening, Olga. Nice to meet you. Director of the confectionery from Karelia Valentin. I’ve been working officially for 18 years. Please tell me what is the name of your patisserie, do you work officially, how much do you pay taxes and what staff.

Konstantin Churikov:   This call is not from the tax service by accident, Valentine?

Oksana Galkevich:   From Petrozavodsk.

Viewer:   Well what are you! The fact is that for 18 years in my history there have been a lot of home-made confectioners who work informally. I understand that Olga works officially.

Olga Noskova:   You know, the pastry shop you have plans for. I have a production workshop in which I make my cakes. But I do not have large-scale production, but rather I make cakes for the soul. That is, for me, my cakes are my confectionery art, that is, I embody some of my ideas in my cakes.

Konstantin Churikov:   Valentine, if you are still on the line, you have probably seen the plot too. Olga does not answer us. Maybe you will say. What do you think Olga puts in her cakes?

Viewer:   I can say that the upper finish is the most fashionable trend now, the so-called mirror gels. The base, of course, is gelatin. Someone cooks himself, someone uses the cooked one. Now there is a very big fashion in this direction. Olga, I’m just telling you as a director with 18 years of experience: open officially, help the country.

Konstantin Churikov:   Yes, Valentine. Correct words.

Olga Noskova:   Valentine, I am looking for investors to help open. I am open to suggestions. Therefore, everything is possible.

Oksana Galkevich:   Really not offered so far?

Olga Noskova:   Yes. We are negotiating. Different countries are interested in opening a confectionery.

Konstantin Churikov: But tell the situation from the inside. You probably wanted, like Valentine, that everything was legal and in the open. How expensive is this admission ticket? I mean to open completely as an enterprise.

Olga Noskova:   The costs are high.

Konstantin Churikov:   How much

Olga Noskova:   I can not say.

Oksana Galkevich:   Olga, you know, I look at you and understand that you yourself probably do not eat what you cook.

Olga Noskova:   Thanks for the compliment. In general, of course, the products that I have already tried, that is, the tastes that I introduced, I, of course, try not to use them, because if you eat them all the time, you can really get better. But anyway, for all the holidays I go with my cakes. And I naturally eat them. And when I make new tastes, I also test everything. I even have a pastry chef who helps me when I choose to work, I said: "No diets. I hire a person who does not follow diets so that we can test and try both biscuits and fillings, that is, that it’s in joy.

Konstantin Churikov:   That is, "I come up with - you get fatter"?

Olga Noskova:   Tasting and having fun.

Oksana Galkevich:   I’ve been cooking the same borscht for how many years - and I’m testing it every time: all of a sudden I didn’t report salt, I forgot the laurel. And you directly developed the recipe - and that’s it.

Olga Noskova:   No. Sometimes I try. But I often cook. And so every time trying is dangerous for the figure.

Konstantin Churikov:   The plot said that you somehow collaborate with designers who help in a special way, for example, in the style of impressionism, to decorate the cake. What kind of food designers are they?

Olga Noskova:   This is not entirely true. Now I am engaged in decorating my cakes in the style of artists. Just yesterday, I had a joint project with the fashion portal "Buro 24/7". And we shot cakes in the style of Russian fashion. And soon our joint video will be released.

Konstantin Churikov:   I know which art cake is the easiest to make - Black Square. There will definitely not be problems. But with the rest it will be more difficult. We still have a call. Dmitry from Omsk. Hello, Dmitry.

Viewer:   Hello, beloved country. Hello everyone. Thank you for the wonderful broadcast, in particular, "Reflection". The next question is for your guest. Which dough is most popular with your customers? For example, puff, gingerbread, butter. I looked at what you have on the slice. You have very original combinations. How do you make the filling inside? This, of course, is a somewhat commercial question, what technology are you using. In general, it is more interesting which dough is the most popular.

A couple more questions. Do you use molecular technologies that are now very popular? And thirdly, what technique do you use? Is it industrial or household enough for production? And, if not a secret, if you use, which manufacturer?

Konstantin Churikov:   Thank you Dmitry. With what intentions this question was asked, we do not know yet.

Oksana Galkevich:   How do you wrap the stuffing inside? And further on ...

Olga Noskova:   In general, the first question about the popularity of tastes, as I understand it. I mainly make biscuits, try. Mostly on almond flour I have biscuits, not wheat. They are tastier. It tastes good.

Konstantin Churikov:   I am writing down.

Olga Noskova:   Mostly berry. Now the most popular among me is mango passion fruit. She is, in my opinion, the second year I have been leading. Chocolate, it's so sweet. That is not hackneyed tastes. Moreover, the cakes are not greasy, but rather light. And there must be something crunchy inside, so that when people ate, the crunch also plays some kind of note, so that it’s “wow”.

I do not use molecular technologies. Perhaps in the future I will.

Konstantin Churikov:   What technique do you use? Technical devices. Do not name the brand.

Olga Noskova:   These are refrigerators, freezers that you can buy in ordinary stores. A professional oven is also for sale in our city of Ufa, and you have 100% in Moscow. That is, there are no special ones ... Perhaps, the blender with which I make my frosting is also special. I ordered it. But it is also available. It's not a secret.

Oksana Galkevich:   One more question. Kazbek from Karachay-Cherkessia also wants to ask you something. And maybe admire. Kazbek, hello.

Olga Noskova:   Hello.

Viewer:   Hello Hello.

Oksana Galkevich:   What do you ask or tell?

Viewer:   I am incredibly impressed by the beauty of these products. I myself am a young entrepreneur. And I wanted the inhabitants of our republic to also try all this. And I would like to help you to enter a new market, if you want. I would like to help you with this.

Oksana Galkevich:   So the investor was found. Listen up. Kazbek is calling. See, you were looking for financing. Kazbek, are you ready to connect?

Olga Noskova:   Invite to yourself. I will fly to you. Let's try to make cakes in your kitchen. Or write off in the mail on this topic.

Konstantin Churikov:   Olga, we’ve already seen that it’s both your job and your hobby, that you really like cakes. But you, as you confessed to Oksana, don’t particularly eat them. What does a pastry chef actually eat?

Olga Noskova:   I like meat. And they always want to treat me sweet. A few days in Moscow, wherever I go, they always tell me: "Try our desserts, a few pieces." I try, of course. Because it’s very important and interesting for me to try.

Konstantin Churikov: Last question. Kaliningrad: "Have you ever had your cakes stored as a work of art?" That is, not to eat, but simply to show.

Olga Noskova:   There were moments, yes. Even very often people buy. I follow every customer very much. We track all our applications, reviews. And people write that "yes, I did not try your cake, but I gave it." That is, they buy it and give it. That there was a business card. "I give a cake from Olga Noskova. Look, beautiful."

Konstantin Churikov:   We would talk more and more. But already 17:57, we need to take a short break, then to continue the program "Reflection". It was a heading "Profession". The studio was a confectioner Olga Noskova. Thank.

Olga Noskova:   Thank you.

Olga Noskova became instagram star   literally a year ago. And this is not at all due to silicone breasts or war paint!

A post shared by Olga Noskova ?? Olga Noskova (@olganoskovaa) on Jun 5, 2017 at 11:35 pm PDT

The thing is that the girl creates amazing with glaze, which seem cosmic! She prepares such cakes to order and makes them happy for their loved ones. For example, she presented this cake for her father’s birthday.

A post shared by Olga Noskova ?? Olga Noskova (@olganoskovaa) on Sep 1, 2015 at 9:17 am PDT

Confectionery wonders of Olga Noskova

A year and a half ago, she wanted to learn how to cook macaroons, but then she realized that confectionery is her whole life. Since then, Olga has been mastering more and more new techniques, finding time for master classes and courses from famous culinary specialists!

A post shared by Olga Noskova ?? Olga Noskova (@olganoskovaa) on Apr 10, 2015 at 5:41 am PDT

In addition to mirror glaze, Olga mastered the technique Chocolate velor. With its help, a completely opposite matte effect is created, but such cakes look no less chic!

A post shared by Olga Noskova ?? Olga Noskova (@olganoskovaa) on Nov 14, 2016 at 11:28 am PST

The girl often uploads photos of the process of making cakes. And they fascinate   no less than the desserts themselves!

Making cakes like separate art. You can watch endlessly!

Olga finds inspiration in everyday things. How do you like that instagram logo?

The time of miracles. Cake as if straight from a magical dream.

Sweet pillow. The main thing is not to mix it up!

Unusual the wedding cake. Would you order one?

A post shared by Olga Noskova ?? Olga Noskova (@olganoskovaa) on May 3, 2016 at 8:42 am PDT

And the whole wedding arrangement.

A post shared by Olga Noskova ?? Olga Noskova (@olganoskovaa) on Jun 3, 2015 at 9:44 am PDT

When I see the sea.

Clouds of blueberries.

Easter cakes.   It is difficult to distinguish from real dyes!

Bright minke whale. Uplifting guaranteed!

Tenderness itself.

Blueberry Cosmos.   Fantastic beauty!

A post shared by Olga Noskova ?? Olga Noskova (@olganoskovaa) on Jan 31, 2016 at 6:34 am PST

New Year's miracle. So I want to run for tangerines!

And further little holiday. There are never many miracles ...

A post shared by Olga Noskova ?? Olga Noskova (@olganoskovaa) on May 13, 2016 at 9:55 am PDT

Marble Glaze

  • 1. Dissolve gelatin in water as described in the instructions.
  • 2. Bring 120 g of water to a boil, add 300 g of sugar and glucose, mix thoroughly. Remove the syrup from the heat and add the gelatin.
  • 3. Pour in 200 g of condensed milk. Add dye.
  • 4. Melt 300 g of any chocolate in a water bath and add to the sweet mixture. Remove the bubbles.
  • 5. Preheat to 35 degrees and pour the finished cake.

Cosmic marble effect will turn out if you use glaze of different colors. Have a good experiment!

Take the example of Olga and turn ordinary things into masterpieces! Be sure to tell your friends about this amazing girl.

Oksana Galkevich:   So, the heading "Profession". But you already told almost everything. The word "bake" means that our guest is a pastry chef.

Konstantin Churikov:   We have a pastry chef today. But not just a pastry chef, but a pastry chef from Ufa Olga Noskova, whose cakes are already so popular that they are ordered from other countries of the world. We have to specially organize their delivery. I will not tell everything now. Just give attention to the screen. Report by Maxim Okunev.

Oksana Galkevich:   Do you know how proud we are that you are from Ufa? Straight beauty. We are very happy.

Konstantin Churikov:   Well, and a brief reference about the profession of pastry chef. Well, professions in general. The average salary is 39,000 rubles. Teach this at special pastry courses or at colleges. And basically, of course, they work at public catering establishments, which cannot be said about our guest.

Oksana Galkevich:   You work for yourself.

Olga Noskova:   Yes.

Oksana Galkevich:   Individual entrepreneur.

Olga Noskova:   Yes, absolutely right.

Konstantin Churikov:   We will introduce you again. Olga Noskova, a pastry chef, in our studio. You can ask questions. 8-800-222-00-14. For a second, I want our directors to just show Olga’s Instagram account. I noticed this number. 614,000 subscribers. In general, it seems to me that not every of our colleagues can boast such attention to their person. Please tell me Olga, I have a question. When did you start doing something like that? When did such general attention go to what you are doing?

Olga Noskova:   In general, it all started with pasta. I wanted to learn how to make them. And I went, learned this skill, by the way, here, in Moscow. And then she came home. I began to try, I began to study this confectionery topic. She fascinated me so much that I read websites, I read magazines. And it became interesting to me to dig deeper and deeper. And I wanted to learn how to make cakes. And I also went through training.

Konstantin Churikov:   How many years have passed since you made your first cake or just got carried away with this topic? How many?

Olga Noskova:   About 2 years.

Konstantin Churikov:   Only 2 years. And 614,000 subscribers.

Olga Noskova:   Yes, absolutely right. This happens.

Konstantin Churikov:   You, apparently, have some competent advisers.

Olga Noskova: In general, there were no advisers. I have a team now. And before 614000 - it appeared without a team when I was alone. That's how the stars came together.

Konstantin Churikov:   No, these are not stars. We’ll find out what happened here.

Oksana Galkevich:   Apparently, nevertheless, economic education helped you a lot. You realized in time that you can make money on it, it makes a profit.

Olga Noskova:   In general, all this did not go from this point of view, not from the economic one. I was on maternity leave. And at some point I wanted to find a job that would bring me pleasure, realization, so that in the morning I would wake up and do what I liked. And I really dreamed that this business would appear in me. And at some point, an inspiration came to me: "why not learn macarons?" And somehow I went into this confectionery ... completely by accident. And I liked it so much. And I really enjoy it.

Oksana Galkevich:   So this is pure creativity. What we now see on the screen, that Kostya showed photos from your Instagram, is art, painting.

Olga Noskova:   Yes thanks a lot. It was going on unconsciously. It comes from my heart. And the inspiration that I have and attend. And I try to portray it in the cake.

Oksana Galkevich:   It's great. It’s only interesting where these paints come from. To some, they do not seem quite natural. You know, golden ocher, white.

Konstantin Churikov:   Yes. Very bright colors. Unusual combination of colors.

Oksana Galkevich:   Indeed, in ordinary stores, in ordinary pastry shops, we do not see such colors. Question.

Olga Noskova:   You know, I always wanted to do what others do not. I wanted to make such cakes. I wanted to decorate like no one decorates. I do not like to repeat someone’s designs. And even if I, especially at the beginning, were sent pictures of some authors, other confectioners, I say: "I do not do this. I have my own style." And this style, as it turned out, is in demand in the world, since people from all over the world clung to my page and appreciated my work.

Oksana Galkevich:   We realized that you are adding there so that it is so cosmic.

Olga Noskova:   A piece of your soul and your heart.

Oksana Galkevich:   This store is not for sale.

Konstantin Churikov:   And how all these food colors are not harmful to health?

Olga Noskova:   These are the food dyes used by people in many countries. These are French dyes.

Konstantin Churikov:   Let's listen to the call. Alexander from the Moscow region is apparently interested in your products and in you. Alexander, hello.

Viewer: Good afternoon. I would like to ask the guest a question: how often does she use butter, do you mean real butter, or with the addition of palm oil?

Olga Noskova:   Alexander, good evening. Thanks for the question. I do not use palm oil at all. And creamy is from cream, which is 82%. I use, of course.

Oksana Galkevich:   We at least recognize one ingredient, friends. Butter. I understand that there are so many eggs, flour and milk, asking is useless.

Konstantin Churikov:   How much does one cake cost you (for example, the little blue one that we saw at the beginning of the plot, such a space one) to the client, and what is his product cost, not including, of course, your labor costs?

Olga Noskova:   I’m probably not going to talk about product costs. But my cake can be bought for 5000 rubles. It's not a secret. You can write in Whatsapp, Instagram has a number. And it is available.

Konstantin Churikov:   One cake 5000 rubles?

Olga Noskova:   Yes. A kilogram cake.

Konstantin Churikov:   It's good. And if the client is overseas, there is also overhead, delivery.

Olga Noskova:   Across the ocean - it’s only in plans to open a production or a confectionery, because the cakes should be freshly prepared, and they will not be able to transfer such a long flight for now.

Konstantin Churikov:   Wait, they told us in the plot ...

Olga Noskova:   In the plot a little embellished. But cakes fly to Moscow. People either fly in or fly in, the drivers of these people who pick up cakes directly from the airport, and they fly.

Oksana Galkevich:   Excuse me, but do you also sell them for 5000 rubles for people whose drivers have the opportunity to fly for a cake?

Olga Noskova:   Yes, of course. We bring to the airport, they pick up and fly.

Oksana Galkevich:   Business with a human face. It's good. Elena is on the wire. Elena from Udmurtia. Hello, please say.

Viewer:   Hello. Watching your channel.

Konstantin Churikov:   I wanted a sweet one.

Viewer:   My sister on the Internet showed me your cakes. So cool. Glaze directly glistens, candy. What is such a glaze made of?

Konstantin Churikov:   Olga, you will not leave this question today?

Oksana Galkevich:   We have been twirling this issue for 15 minutes.

Olga Noskova:   Elena, this question, of course, has been played for not only 15 minutes. This question is already on Instagram and on all networks every day. I can’t tell you yet. In the near future, of course, I will reveal all my secrets.

Oksana Galkevich:   And here is the team. You said there is already a team. This is how many people?

Olga Noskova:   There are people who are engaged ... In general, there is a production site where I have an assistant pastry chef, with whom we work. And there are people who help answer calls or have correspondence at Whasapp about orders.

Oksana Galkevich: Again, the driver went to meet at the airport, which flew over the cake.

Olga Noskova:   It takes you a long time to go to Moscow. In Ufa it is not far. Therefore, the girls themselves cope.

Konstantin Churikov:   Olga, several of our viewers at once, one from the Rostov Region (Aleksey from Rostov-on-Don), another from Ivanovo write: "I can’t even believe that it can be eaten." That is, the design itself, the embodiment itself is so far from our idea of \u200b\u200bthe cake. We have not tasted. Tell us what your customers are saying, how you feel. That is, what is the specificity of purely taste?

Olga Noskova:   In general, not only the appearance, but also the taste is important to me. And of course I am working on it. And I try, before releasing some kind of cake name, some flavor combination. And I test, of course, on friends and my family make cakes. And for me it is very important, of course. And they are delicious, yes. What to hide?

Konstantin Churikov:   Valentin from Karelia got through to us. Valentine, good evening. Listen to the question.

Viewer:   Good evening, Olga. Nice to meet you. Director of the confectionery from Karelia Valentin. I’ve been working officially for 18 years. Please tell me what is the name of your patisserie, do you work officially, how much do you pay taxes and what staff.

Konstantin Churikov:   This call is not from the tax service by accident, Valentine?

Oksana Galkevich:   From Petrozavodsk.

Viewer:   Well what are you! The fact is that for 18 years in my history there have been a lot of home-made confectioners who work informally. I understand that Olga works officially.

Olga Noskova:   You know, the pastry shop you have plans for. I have a production workshop in which I make my cakes. But I do not have large-scale production, but rather I make cakes for the soul. That is, for me, my cakes are my confectionery art, that is, I embody some of my ideas in my cakes.

Konstantin Churikov:   Valentine, if you are still on the line, you have probably seen the plot too. Olga does not answer us. Maybe you will say. What do you think Olga puts in her cakes?

Viewer:   I can say that the upper finish is the most fashionable trend now, the so-called mirror gels. The base, of course, is gelatin. Someone cooks himself, someone uses the cooked one. Now there is a very big fashion in this direction. Olga, I’m just telling you as a director with 18 years of experience: open officially, help the country.

Konstantin Churikov:   Yes, Valentine. Correct words.

Olga Noskova:   Valentine, I am looking for investors to help open. I am open to suggestions. Therefore, everything is possible.

Oksana Galkevich:   Really not offered so far?

Olga Noskova:   Yes. We are negotiating. Different countries are interested in opening a confectionery.

Konstantin Churikov: But tell the situation from the inside. You probably wanted, like Valentine, that everything was legal and in the open. How expensive is this admission ticket? I mean to open completely as an enterprise.

Olga Noskova:   The costs are high.

Konstantin Churikov:   How much

Olga Noskova:   I can not say.

Oksana Galkevich:   Olga, you know, I look at you and understand that you yourself probably do not eat what you cook.

Olga Noskova:   Thanks for the compliment. In general, of course, the products that I have already tried, that is, the tastes that I introduced, I, of course, try not to use them, because if you eat them all the time, you can really get better. But anyway, for all the holidays I go with my cakes. And I naturally eat them. And when I make new tastes, I also test everything. I even have a pastry chef who helps me when I choose to work, I said: "No diets. I hire a person who does not follow diets so that we can test and try both biscuits and fillings, that is, that it’s in joy.

Konstantin Churikov:   That is, "I come up with - you get fatter"?

Olga Noskova:   Tasting and having fun.

Oksana Galkevich:   I’ve been cooking the same borscht for how many years - and I’m testing it every time: all of a sudden I didn’t report salt, I forgot the laurel. And you directly developed the recipe - and that’s it.

Olga Noskova:   No. Sometimes I try. But I often cook. And so every time trying is dangerous for the figure.

Konstantin Churikov:   The plot said that you somehow collaborate with designers who help in a special way, for example, in the style of impressionism, to decorate the cake. What kind of food designers are they?

Olga Noskova:   This is not entirely true. Now I am engaged in decorating my cakes in the style of artists. Just yesterday, I had a joint project with the fashion portal "Buro 24/7". And we shot cakes in the style of Russian fashion. And soon our joint video will be released.

Konstantin Churikov:   I know which art cake is the easiest to make - Black Square. There will definitely not be problems. But with the rest it will be more difficult. We still have a call. Dmitry from Omsk. Hello, Dmitry.

Viewer:   Hello, beloved country. Hello everyone. Thank you for the wonderful broadcast, in particular, "Reflection". The next question is for your guest. Which dough is most popular with your customers? For example, puff, gingerbread, butter. I looked at what you have on the slice. You have very original combinations. How do you make the filling inside? This, of course, is a somewhat commercial question, what technology are you using. In general, it is more interesting which dough is the most popular.

A couple more questions. Do you use molecular technologies that are now very popular? And thirdly, what technique do you use? Is it industrial or household enough for production? And, if not a secret, if you use, which manufacturer?

Konstantin Churikov:   Thank you Dmitry. With what intentions this question was asked, we do not know yet.

Oksana Galkevich:   How do you wrap the stuffing inside? And further on ...

Olga Noskova:   In general, the first question about the popularity of tastes, as I understand it. I mainly make biscuits, try. Mostly on almond flour I have biscuits, not wheat. They are tastier. It tastes good.

Konstantin Churikov:   I am writing down.

Olga Noskova:   Mostly berry. Now the most popular among me is mango passion fruit. She is, in my opinion, the second year I have been leading. Chocolate, it's so sweet. That is not hackneyed tastes. Moreover, the cakes are not greasy, but rather light. And there must be something crunchy inside, so that when people ate, the crunch also plays some kind of note, so that it’s “wow”.

I do not use molecular technologies. Perhaps in the future I will.

Konstantin Churikov:   What technique do you use? Technical devices. Do not name the brand.

Olga Noskova:   These are refrigerators, freezers that you can buy in ordinary stores. A professional oven is also for sale in our city of Ufa, and you have 100% in Moscow. That is, there are no special ones ... Perhaps, the blender with which I make my frosting is also special. I ordered it. But it is also available. It's not a secret.

Oksana Galkevich:   One more question. Kazbek from Karachay-Cherkessia also wants to ask you something. And maybe admire. Kazbek, hello.

Olga Noskova:   Hello.

Viewer:   Hello Hello.

Oksana Galkevich:   What do you ask or tell?

Viewer:   I am incredibly impressed by the beauty of these products. I myself am a young entrepreneur. And I wanted the inhabitants of our republic to also try all this. And I would like to help you to enter a new market, if you want. I would like to help you with this.

Oksana Galkevich:   So the investor was found. Listen up. Kazbek is calling. See, you were looking for financing. Kazbek, are you ready to connect?

Olga Noskova:   Invite to yourself. I will fly to you. Let's try to make cakes in your kitchen. Or write off in the mail on this topic.

Konstantin Churikov:   Olga, we’ve already seen that it’s both your job and your hobby, that you really like cakes. But you, as you confessed to Oksana, don’t particularly eat them. What does a pastry chef actually eat?

Olga Noskova:   I like meat. And they always want to treat me sweet. A few days in Moscow, wherever I go, they always tell me: "Try our desserts, a few pieces." I try, of course. Because it’s very important and interesting for me to try.

Konstantin Churikov: Last question. Kaliningrad: "Have you ever had your cakes stored as a work of art?" That is, not to eat, but simply to show.

Olga Noskova:   There were moments, yes. Even very often people buy. I follow every customer very much. We track all our applications, reviews. And people write that "yes, I did not try your cake, but I gave it." That is, they buy it and give it. That there was a business card. "I give a cake from Olga Noskova. Look, beautiful."

Konstantin Churikov:   We would talk more and more. But already 17:57, we need to take a short break, then to continue the program "Reflection". It was a heading "Profession". The studio was a confectioner Olga Noskova. Thank.

Olga Noskova:   Thank you.

Macaron instead of fashion business

I am an economist by training, did not work long in my specialty, then I decided to go in for business and opened an Italian clothing store. But all the time I did not leave the feeling that it was not that. I wanted to find a business that would bring me pleasure and joy every day.

It took time to understand who I see myself. Having gone on maternity leave, I decided to learn how to cook French cookies. This whole process captivated me - I did not imagine that the confectionery art was so exciting and interesting. Then I saw mousse cakes (just cakes based on mousse, which look like works of art and which Pierre Erme, Lauderee and Noskova are engaged in - Note ed.) At that time they were not so popular - and I wanted to learn the secret of their perfect beauty. It was absolutely unusual and new.

On the need for astronomical discovery

I really like the expression of the French philosopher and culinary expert of the 18th century. : “The invention of a new dish does more for human happiness than the discovery of a new star.” And I completely agree with him. I was trained by several foreign and Russian chefs, but at the same time I never liked to repeat after someone - I wanted to make my cakes unique, unlike others. And I decided to dare, I began to experiment, mix, create. And my works were not in vain, I found my ideal recipe - the recipe for perfect glaze, which later made me famous.

On the connection of art - culinary and graceful

I like minimalism and the paintings of the impressionists: Van Gogh, Monet, Gauguin, Korovin. This is an endless movement in their works and at the same time a surprising fluidity of the moment. I began to take lessons from a professional artist in order to find new ideas and inspiration for the design of my cakes. And I myself think that I'm not just a pastry chef, but an artist. None of my cakes are similar to the previous one - even if you take the same colors, you will still get a different one. It’s like art: I don’t make copies, every time I try to make a new work more perfect than the previous one.

On the components of taste orgasm

I devote a lot of time to tasting experiments. You always want to find something amazing, causing a tasteful orgasm and a long finish. That is why I use only natural and high-quality ingredients: almond flour, Belgian and Swiss chocolate, fresh berries and fruits, high-quality French food colors and natural cream. I do not add dairy products of plant origin and flavor enhancers. And of course - my secret icing. To achieve such a mirror shine, I had to try a lot, make mistakes, try again.

How sweet to be famous

One fine day, the British publication Independent, admiring my products, wrote that their glaze sparkles. The author of BuzzFeed named them. After that, I woke up famous. The number of subscribers to my Instagram account in a couple of days increased to 600 thousand people. I could not believe that this happened to me.

Upon learning of her award nomination, she decided to make an Instacake cake. After all, thanks to the development of social networks, the world was able to find out about me and my work, and I, seeing the admiration of my subscribers, was able to once again make sure that this is the work of my whole life.

How is the business organized?

Before all these events, my sales were quite stable, there were regular customers. But after them there were much more orders. I stopped coping alone, and at the moment we are working in the workshop with my assistant. Teamwork allows me to devote more time to experimenting and finding new ideas.

In terms of daily production volumes - it all depends on the creative spirit. Sometimes it can be one cake, sometimes 5-7; before weekends and holidays you have to work harder. But in general, the volumes are not so large, because this is not mass production when you stamp the same product. Here you need inspiration, it is then that each cake is special: I have no goal of selling as much as possible, it is more important to create, creating something unique.