Trubetskoy wines - excursions and tasting from Kherson. Wine tour to the farm of Trubetskoy Winery of Prince Trubetskoy

A romantic vacation surrounded by vineyards, with an incredible view of the Dnieper in comfortable conditions, is presented to its guests by the hotel "Prince PN Trubetskoy Winery". You can take a journey into history by going down to wine cellars and strolling through intricate galleries. Here you can literally take a breath of history, because 8 wine cellars store more than 10,000 bottles, including about 7,000 wines - rare specimens, the legacy of the Soviet era. The hotel offers 10 comfortable double rooms with a terrace. 6 rooms with 2 separate beds (120x200cm); 3 rooms with one large double bed (180x200cm), 1 junior suite with an increased area and a large double bed (180x200cm). In the rooms: bed, bedside tables, wardrobe, desk, cable TV, flat screen TV, air conditioning, refrigerator, minibar, free Wi-Fi. Bathroom: shower, set of terry towels, set of mini perfumes, hairdryer. Each room has a separate entrance from the street, its own terrace overlooking the park and the Dnieper River. Maximum occupancy 2 people. in the room. Rest at the hotel is filled with romance and combines eco-tourism, gastro-tourism and historical excursions at the same time. The picturesque park on the territory of the hotel is ideal for leisurely long walks. And if you are tired, you can relax in one of the cozy hammocks, which offer a breathtaking view of the Dnieper. Here you can read your favorite book with a glass of wine and get away from the hustle and bustle. Just imagine - Prince Trubetskoy himself and noble nobles, poets and writers once walked along this park, the staircases of wine cellars. How many historical meetings, tastings have taken place here! “Prince P.N. Winery Trubetskoy "is filled with a truly historical, special atmosphere. The hotel is ideal for weddings and celebrations. According to a long-standing tradition, if the newlyweds drink a glass of wine on the territory of the winery, their marriage will be strong, and every year it will acquire more and more vivid and subtle notes - just like high-quality wine! The grand hall of the hotel with 400 seats allows you to comfortably accommodate guests and organize a stage for the performances of artists. The main hall is located in the old wing of the winery. It was here that, more than 100 years ago, celebrations were celebrated by noble nobles, guests of Prince Trubetskoy. There is everything here for organizing a wedding according to all the canons of high society. The Chateau of Prince Trubetskoy every year receives newlyweds and organizes luxurious weddings, visiting paintings in the vineyards. And what great locations for photo shoots here! Vineyards, historical cellars, picturesque views of the Dnieper ... After careful selection, it was Prince PN's Winery. Trubetskoy ”was chosen as the location for filming the project“ Hearts of Three ”on the New Channel. You will not find a more romantic place in all of Ukraine!

Today, in the "Wine of the Week" section, we have again a bottle from the "Prince P.M. Trubetskoy ". Yes, friends, thanks to this producer, I began to believe in the bright future of Ukrainian winemaking!
We meet the wine "Prince Trubetskoy", 2011, Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. The label says: "... ordinary aged table grape wine ...".
Nothing like this! None of this is "ordinary", and none of this is "dining". The most real quality terroir wine, quite at the level of very good European samples. Merlot in this blend has done its job of softening the harsh temper of the Dnieper Cabernet Sauvignon. As a result, we have a wine with a complex aroma, soft, and at the same time, absolutely not flat taste. The wine is perfectly balanced, and at the same time has all the signs of terroir. The wine is already ready, but it clearly has the potential for further aging (I think it still has 2-3 years in stock). Special thanks to the winemakers for the careful use of oak barrels. Apparently, with a maturation period of exactly 6 months, they got right "into the essence" of this wine. There are notes of oak, but not at all "smashed". Gastronomically, this wine is the exact opposite of Oksamyt Ukrainy. It will not work with brutal whole meat dishes, such as steak, for example, it will be lost against their background. Everything else "meat" will accompany perfectly. It will make a good pair with pizza, but it's a pity to use it with pizza. It is much more pleasant to sit with such wine after dinner, chat with friends, think about eternal solitude. I really liked the wine, I will recommend it to my friends and buy it for myself.
for gastronomy - 3 teapots;

for meditation - 4 teapots.

Comments (15)

    I agree with the author of the note. A delightful wine with a terroir character.
    And the Ukrainian winemaking has a future!
    In addition to the "Prince Trubetskoy" winery, there are several other very worthy wineries.
    And there are amateur winemakers who cannot actively enter the market because of our wrong laws, which urgently need to be changed.

    Leonid Semenovich, thank you for your Ukrainian weeks! My gratitude and comment may be considered subjective and commercially interested - our company is a seller of Prince Trubetskoy wines. But without any business interest and patriotic sentiments, these wines have an excellent result, which is based on the competent work of winemakers and the influence of terroir.
    Continuing my acquaintance with Ukrainian wines, I invite friends of this site to the Invino wines salon on Gagarin for a tasting of Trubetskoy wines (there will be 3 white and 5 red ones, as well as two "dark horses"). The tasting will take place on April 23 at 19.00. For more information, call 050 343 52 56.
    P.S. Leonid Semenovich, if you find it possible - publish this informational paragraph. Thanks!

    • It is not only "canteen", but also "ordinary", as it is written on the label. I think that we do not have approved rules for the use of terms on labels, and each manufacturer decides for himself how to describe the type and style of their wines.

      • Weird…
        Apparently our countries have a difference in this part of the legislation. According to GOST of the Russian Federation, table wine cannot be aged in any way, if I do not confuse anything ...

        • What does the term table wine have to do with aging ??? None. According to any GOST. As far as Prince Trubetskoy is concerned, this wine in the article is not just over-praised, but shamelessly over-praised. An ordinary shmurdyak with incomprehensible claims and an exaggerated price and with a pronounced bouquet of plastic. And about terroir wine from the Berislavsky steppes - this is not even a joke, patamushta jokes are funny, but here you want to cry.

          • There is a lot of unfounded in your comment, and there is zero evidence that you can understand good wine - the wine of Prince Trubetskoy is wines with history and they are made according to Trubetskoy's technology if they have not spoiled anything and they may not be a shmurdyak; like the wines of the Russian Federation, they are diluted with the cheapest alcohol and sold to people at an unjustified price - I can’t say anything bad about Berislav, except that the Wine Country of Kherson Region and the Wines of Prince Trubetskoy need to develop

      • Of course, there are also approved rules and standards. For example DSTU 4806: 2007. But here it is easier
        And if anyone is too lazy to read, I will explain, table wine is a wine that is made according to technology without the addition of alcohol and sugar.
        And ordinary means only that the exposure was not carried out.

  • And I also think that Trubetskoy, at least their “aged” and “branded” lines, are some of the best Ukrainian wines. I like Oksamit the most, but I also buy Knyaz on a regular basis ...

    Yesterday I bought it to try. I'm not a specialist, rather just an amateur) the first impression is surprise) clearly did not expect to feel the light taste of whiskey)) then it slowly went). I would have tasted it now). The wine is clearly with character and personality, as for me it is more masculine. I'll definitely put a couple of bottles in my refrigerator. A good option for meeting old friends)

    I am surprised by those critics who write that Trubetskoy shmurdyak wines, completely not understanding wines, dare to draw some conclusions - do not be stupid and see good night, kids and further, table wines are those that do not add sugar and foreign impurities - table dry wines are strong appreciated in the EU for their benefits and the property of non-intoxication at least from a couple of glasses, therefore, shmurdyak instead of brains for those who do not understand fine wines, and the wines of Prince Trubetskoy are delicious, especially vintage and aged. this is when there are no seas, no huge rivers and rivers, no lakes, no waterfalls, no fertile chernozem (and the Kherson region has it all) - therefore, critics would only be wise!

Being in the third bottle from a visit to Trubetskoy distillery, I got my hands on a photo report about this part of the trip. I want to say right away that this farm has a quite nice site and I am not going to retell it here. I will try, besides my impressions, to mention what I did not find on the site.

1. The next day after the excursion, we returned to buy wine

Do you think it is called "Trubetskoy named after Lenin"? :) Nope. In Soviet times, it was "named after Lenin" and then somehow they did not seem to remember about Trubetskoy. And there are still enough Lenins around there. :) In Soviet times, the plant won more than one award with its wines - well deserved.

2. Modern equipment is said to have been brought from Italy

With the collapse of the Soviet Union, many things began to fall apart, and given the fight against drunkenness in the last Soviet years, the winemaking industry was not doing very well even before the collapse. Although, according to the guide, even in the second half of the 80s, they managed to fight off the felling of vineyards and at least partially preserve the varieties. However, it was still bad. It was bad until, in the early 2000s, three people appeared at the plant. We were not given their last names, but it seems then they were deputies and uncles with money. We bought out the farm and set about restoring it. The site does not write about the uncles, but the restoration is enough.

3. I am not an expert in winemaking, but it seems that the conveyor in the background grapes get into the workshop

I cannot say that I love our deputies, but the question here is not about the deputies of the owners. The restoration of the plant is respectable. It seemed to me that the employees of the winery are also very pleased with the new owners. And this is not surprising - the plant looks modern and provides people with jobs.

4. Tanks for red wine, tanks for white wine.

The plant is not big and somewhere even home. I was already in Kherson, and two cars (one with my family, the other with friends) were catching up with me from Kiev, and tried to get to the village of Veseloe, where this plant is located, by 5 pm. A snack in the restaurant "Kurin" in the district of Kherson took a little more time than we expected, and we already did not expect to get to the plant. And yet we completed the finish spurt to the factory, and, as it turned out, not in vain. They were waiting for us.

5. Snakes of hoses connect the tanks with some kind of winemaking devices.

Of course, we agreed on an excursion from Kiev. Of course, we called and asked us to wait, when we were rushing to the plant under steam. And yet, not everywhere will wait for you if you are late. When we flew up to the plant, there was already one car parked there - it turned out that we were not the only ones on the excursion. In a grumpy voice, they asked us if we had called about the excursion and were late. It would be foolish to deny the fact of being late :), which we admitted to. As a result, we had an excursion without a tasting, but it did not upset us very much - anyway, half of the adult tasting population was driving. :)

And they took us through the territory of the plant. The centerpiece is still occupied by an old building. Modern workshops behind it.

7. By clicking on the photo, you can go to the server with the images and see the big photo.

Talking about the old and new owners of the plant, we went to the shops.

8. Asphalt at the approach to the shops of the color of red grapes.

I don’t know how much the version described on the winery’s website was combed, but we were told quite interesting stories. And the fact that Trubetskoy at first all this cultivation of vineyards and winemaking was "to the light bulb" - he did not often come here. And all this was done at first by the notorious Golitsyn, who already had production in the New World and Massandra. I went looking for where you can plant vineyards. I found local slopes - it turns out that a 15 degrees slope to the south is considered the same as a flat area some degrees to the south. Golitsyn found slopes of 38 degrees, planted vineyards there when Trubetskoy was not at home, and this was not his only house, and he rarely visited there.

9. At the entrance to the workshop there was a trailer with grape pomace.

Trubetskoy was Golitsyn's son-in-law, so it was moderate arbitrariness. :) They say he brought people, in the absence of Trubetskoy, uprooted the slopes and planted vineyards there. I grew grapes, made wine and took them to an exhibition / competition in Paris. For some reason there, perhaps under the terms of the exhibition, he could not exhibit wine from these grapes at the exhibition. But he put this wine up for tasting, somehow signing it there. And this wine took first place and took the grand prix. Winners are not judged, and for the sake of such a wine Golitsyn was forgiven, and the wine was awarded. Moreover, such a victory at the Paris exhibition of wine made from grapes from Trubetskoy vineyards led to the fact that the tsar awarded Trubetskoy, and this award led him to winemaking.

10. View of the central building from the new workshops.

I don’t know how true the story of how Trubetskoy took up winemaking, but I not only heard the story of the end of his life from the guide, but also read it somewhere. Trubetskoy was shot by his nephew, finding him admiring his wife. Trubetskoy was 54 years old - he was still lively. :)

11. The barrels in the corner are decorative, I think.

Having visited the modern workshops, we returned to the entrance to the central building, entered and went down to the basements. It was no less interesting there.

12. Barrels of wine

The information I got is somewhat fragmentary - I still do not always manage to listen to the guide and take pictures. The cellars are old and modern. Modern cellars were made in an open way, but they were not shown to us - we walked through the old cellars.

13. And these barrels are no longer decorative.

The basements store not only barrels, but also bottles. Closer to the entrance there are more bottles, the further from the entrance, the fewer bottles become.

14. The guide says, but for the first minutes everyone looks at the bottles.

I didn’t know that these shelves for storing bottles were called kaza. Each kaza is signed, and it is even written about some of them who laid it. But the date of the bookmark and the type of wine is on each where the bottles are.

The excursion was led by Olga Vasilievna. She worked at the plant for a lot of years, now she only leads excursions. The story is interesting and enthusiastic. Both stories and stories.

16. No, this is not to heaven - we are underground.

I remembered the days of anti-alcohol companies. And the way the frozen vineyards were presented as cut down, but in fact nothing was cut down. And how in Massandra they fought for the preservation of the vineyards, and someone even committed suicide, leaving a note before his death in defense of the vineyards - and this still worked and the vineyards were left.

17. "A bad person will not make good wine."

Since I have already remembered Massandra, I will distract myself a bit from Trubetskoy's winery. Having visited the next day in Askania-Nova, we moved towards the house. And the friends with whom we were in the reserve went further to the Crimea. And there we went on an excursion to Massandra. There were rumors that there could be no real "Black Doctor" wine after the anti-alcohol campaign - all the vineyards were cut down. Here is a friend during a tour of Massandra and asked about the "Black Doctor". It turns out that the vineyards were really cut down, but not all. And in the 90s, early 2000s, there really could not have been a real "Black Doctor" - the vineyards were restored, but they could not harvest enough grapes to make the classic "Black Doctor". But for five years now, Massandra has again released the real "Black Doctor".

18. Walked along the kaz and found a wine of the same age. We were born in one year. I lived somewhere, went somewhere, did something. And it lay there all this time. :)

The guide waited for us and showed us very well through the plant. But we did not have time for the tasting (a tour with tasting is more expensive) and the store was already closed. Olga Vasilievna told so interesting and delicious that well, we could not leave without buying wine. We were delighted - the next day the store will be open until 3 pm. You just need to be in time. We did manage to do it, and we were already in the store in full.

19. Will find themselves the same age in that basement and people older than me. This seems to be the oldest wine in that cellar.

The factory specializes in vintage, aged and ordinary table wines. "Aligote", "Riesling" and "Cahors" for this plant and these vineyards are "classics of the genre". By keeping wines from these grape varieties, they get "Naddnipryanske", "Perlina stepu" and "Oksamit Ukrainy". But new sorts of wines also appeared at the factory. In total, we left the store, having bought "Aligote", "Riesling", "Cahors", "Pinot blanc", "Chardonnay", "Perlina stepu" and "Oksamit Ukrainy". As I noted above, I am in the third bottle from the factory, and this bottle is "Pinot blanc". Completed Aligote and Riesling. If you ask me to prioritize consumption, the first place will be taken by "Riesling" with a light aroma and a very delicate and pleasant taste. In last place will be "Aligote" - very aromatic, but with a rather sharp taste. Pinot Blanc is somewhere in between, but closer to Riesling. :)

20. In the center of the hall there is a niche to the side. There are special bottles.

Olga Vasilievna showed various old bottles, and in some of them wine still seemed to splash. She told how once, as one of the wishes of a goldfish, thanks for a long work at the factory, she asked the owners to try some very old wine, about which it was not even known whether it was still wine. I tried it. Yes, wine. It’s not that “I don’t get up to die”, but it’s interesting and tasteful in the words of a wise old man. ;)

21. One of the ancient bottles. Obverse…

22. ... and reverse. :)

Today in the Megamarket I saw several bottles of this plant. Neither Riesling nor Pinot Blanc was there. :) "Aligote" is. ;)

23. It seems that Olga Vasilievna tried wine from one of these bottles.

24. In the cellars of the winery there is something inviting to linger for more ...

25. take another look at the kazy.

26. The last look at the cellars of the Trubetskoy winery

27. Do not ghosts look into your bottles?

Each label of the Trubetskoy wine factory says the year of foundation of the winery - 1889 and the coat of arms. Honestly, I never found out what the coat of arms means.

28. Place of honor of the coat of arms of the winery.

The winery is located very close to the water. The water is large - the Kakhovskoye reservoir. Seagulls are circling over the plant.

29. Seagull

The plant leaves a very good impression, which is compounded by the contrast with the adjacent buildings. We remember that in Soviet times it was a winery named after Lenin. He stayed with Lenin through life.

30. It is quite such a nature for "Stalker"

Opposite the "Lenin" park on the shore. Having bought wine, we went there for a little walk. We met a wedding there, who had come to watch the holiday. I cannot say how often there is a "wedding pilgrimage". :)

31. And here, in front of the factory, it was necessary to hand a glass to Lenin in order to be able to pour Ilyich a good southern wine.

"Prince PN Trubetskoy Winery" in Novaya Kakhovka in the Kherson region is a unique place for wine tourism and the only historical chateau in Ukraine, which is more than 120 years old. During wine tours, guests can visit the historic building of the winery, taste wines from a properly selected glass in an old wine cellar, figure out how to choose wine to a particular dish - a wonderful weekend for a true connoisseur of wine.

Every year we meet about 10 thousand Ukrainians in a season, and no one leaves the Trubetskoy Chateau indifferent, - says Svetlana Lobus, CEO of Prince PN Trubetskoy Winery.

And there is something to see. The reconstruction of the 1900 winery building with a tower and a viewing platform has already been completed, tasting rooms have been equipped, 8 galleries of wine cellars from the Trubetskoy times have been restored, which are used for aging and storing wines: more than 10,000 bottles, among which about 7,000 wines are rare specimens. For those who decide to stay for a few days, the winery has a hotel - 10 comfortable rooms, a wine and gastronomic restaurant and an outdoor pool overlooking the vineyards and the Dnieper.

Svetlana Lobus notes that not only new tourists come, but also those who have been with their children and pets more than once come back.

Everything is real here: the only historical chateau in the country, which is more than 120 years old, natural high-quality wines only from its own vineyards, absolutely magical energy of passionate caring people. And the main result is that no one has any doubts that there will be Ukrainian winemaking, - Svetlana assures.

Help "KP":

Winery of Prince P. N. Trubetskoy is one of the oldest wineries in Ukraine. The first vineyards were founded in the noble estate of Kazatsky in 1896. From 2003 to 2011, the enterprise underwent a complete reconstruction. New vineyards have been planted with a total area of ​​200 hectares. These are grapes of European varieties from Italy and France: Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Riesling, Aligote, Malbec, Pinot Franc, Cabernet Franc, Syrah. A well-known oenologist from Bordeaux Olivier Degas advises the winery.

Among the premium wines presented on the Ukrainian market: "Cabernet Franc", "Malbec", "Syrah", "Prince Trubetskoy", "Pinot Noir" and "Riesling" from a limited line. Also already classics: aged - "Chardonnay", "Cabernet", "Merlot", "Pinot Noir", famous vintage - "Oksamit Ukrainy", "Perlina Stepu", "Naddnipryanske" and, of course, a collection of young wines.

  • More about the winery:
  • Book a wine tour: