In the oven, chicken legs. Oven-baked chicken legs with a golden crispy crust

As you know, chicken meat is considered a dietary product. Of course, chicken breasts are considered to be more useful, but if you still want to pamper yourself somehow, then the chicken legs in the oven are the right choice. And if you look closely at their cost, then a relatively profitable choice. After all, it is the legs, unlike chicken breasts, that are quite inexpensive. This recipe is good for all occasions. It is convenient to prepare it as an option in the daily menu, and also as a festive dish, chicken legs in the oven will not disappoint. Bake them until golden brown according to this recipe and all your guests will be delighted, the husband will ask for supplements, and the children will not have to be forced to eat (checked).

Just before feeding small children with this meat, it is still advisable to remove the skin and select the bones. In addition to side dishes, this dish can be varied with various sauces. Someone will limit themselves to buying store-bought ketchup or mayonnaise. But still, do not be lazy and cook a creamy garlic one yourself. It is perfect for chicken, especially since this procedure will not take much of your time. It is best to make the sauce while the legs are baking in the oven.

Products for cooking chicken legs in the oven

  • Legs - 3 pcs.;
  • Curry - 1 tablespoon
  • Salt;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Garlic - 4 cloves;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;

The recipe for cooking chicken legs in the oven

First you need to thoroughly rinse the chicken legs and remove all inedible elements: feathers, coarse skin and chunks of fat, if any.

Now fill the legs with plain cool water and leave for about an hour so that the "broth" with which they are pricked is washed out a little. Now rinse the legs under running water and dry them slightly with a towel.

Place the prepared legs in a separate container and add curry spices, pepper and salt. Now you need to evenly distribute the spices over the surface of the legs.

Peel the garlic and chop it finely. This is best done with a garlic press. Place the garlic in a container with chicken legs and rub them well.

Now you can cover the container with foil and leave for a couple of hours for better penetration of spices and garlic into the chicken meat.

Now lightly grease a small baking sheet with vegetable oil and put the chicken legs on it. It doesn't matter how they are located on the baking sheet, the main thing is that they fit.

We put the baking sheet in the oven and bake for 45 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Make sure that the legs are not burnt.

From time to time, starting from the moment when the crust is slightly browned, it is necessary to open the oven and water the surface with the released chicken fat. This will create a crispy, golden crust.

To check the readiness of the legs, pierce with a small knife in the thickest place and if a pinkish liquid comes out, send them back to the oven.

Oven crispy chicken legs

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Baking chicken legs in the oven is a piece of cake. But it's one thing when they are simply seasoned with pepper, salt and sent to the oven. A completely different result will be if everything is done according to the rules. Grate with spices, adjika or ketchup, grease with a thick aromatic sauce based on sour cream or mayonnaise and only then set to bake. After 30-40 minutes, the legs will be ready in the oven with a crispy crust, the recipe with the photo will show you how to make a sauce for baking and how to prepare chicken meat. By the way, I rub the meat with spices, not the skin, and if you have not tried this method yet, I highly recommend it.

Oven chicken legs don't have to include mayonnaise. I'll show you how to make a tomato and spice sour cream sauce that will also give you a golden crisp. But of course, you can choose any option.


To cook chicken legs in the oven you will need:

  • legs (medium-sized) - 4 pcs;
  • tomato sauce or homemade adjika - 2 tbsp. l;
  • sour cream 15-20% - 4 tbsp. l;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • mustard (paste) - 1 tsp;
  • mustard with seeds - 1 tsp (optional);
  • flour - 1 tsp;
  • paprika or chili, turmeric - 0.5 tsp each;
  • salt to taste.

How to cook crispy chicken legs in the oven. Recipe

Rinse the chicken parts thoroughly. If there are remains of feathers, I pull it out with tweezers or clean it off. I cut off the excess fat, do not touch the skin, it can then be tucked up so that the areas of meat are not exposed.

I won't skewer the legs, I'll make it easier. You may have noticed that when you rub a chicken with garlic, it either burns or the flavor disappears altogether. To eliminate all the troubles and make the chicken meat spicy, with the aroma of garlic, I rub not over the skin, but under it. I cut it slightly with a knife, turn it away. There will be a thin film inside - it is easily torn with your fingers and forms like a pocket.

Now it is very easy to grate chicken with any spices, sauce, ketchup - choose what you like. I mixed 1.5 tbsp. l. thick tomato sauce with chopped garlic. I added a little salt and smeared the meat, pushing it deeper. I want to note that this procedure is carried out only with the outside of the leg. The inner one is not rubbed.

I put the skin back in place and left the legs to marinate while the oven warms up.

I prepare the sauce based on sour cream. Simply because with mayonnaise it is too fat for us, too high in calories. You can take what you like. I add two types of mustard to the sour cream: ordinary canteen and with grains.

I stir it. I pour in the flour. The flour will thicken the sauce, it will immediately “take” with a crust and will not drain off when baked. This simple trick ensures that your chicken legs are crispy, juicy and golden brown.

Whether to add spices or not is up to you. I made the sauce brighter and slightly spicy. Mixed with chili and turmeric. From spices, you can add Provencal herbs, curry powder, any pepper, thyme, basil - everything that is suitable for cooking chicken.

Salted to taste. Stir until smooth, dense mass without lumps.

For a more contrasting taste and bright color, I added tomato sauce (ketchup, adjika, tomato paste are suitable).

The oven has already warmed up to 200 degrees. I coat the legs on top with an even thick layer of sauce.

I advise covering the baking dish with foil so that the edges protrude slightly, and you can cover the chicken. Do not wrap, just cover without touching the surface. With this preparation, the legs will not burn from the bottom or from the top, the crust will be crispy, evenly ruddy.

I put the legs in a hot oven for 40-45 minutes. The readiness is determined by the appearance and the breathtaking aroma spreading through the kitchen. But for a safety net, you can get it and pierce it in the highest place. From the finished chicken, the juice will stand out clear.

Well, delicious chicken legs are cooked in the oven, you can serve them to the table. While baking, think about what side dish will be served, and cook it in advance.

We decided that we didn't need a side dish, fresh vegetables would be enough. The result is very fragrant, juicy chicken legs baked in the oven with a crispy crust, the recipe is simple and quick. Another thing I like about this dish is the ability to change the composition of the marinade. If you know the secret tricks that I talked about in the recipe, you can come up with different combinations and the result will always be excellent. Bon Appetit everyone! Your Plyushkin.

A similar recipe in video format for an enjoyable viewing

It would seem that it is difficult to bake chicken legs in the oven - rub with salt and spices and send them to bake. But often the crust is not so crispy, and the meat can be dry. This seemingly simple dish has a couple of secrets, which you will learn about below. We will also tell you about different cooking options and marinades for a beautiful crust.

Chicken legs in the oven with potatoes

According to this recipe, we will get both chicken meat with a crispy crust, and immediately a side dish to it, i.e. absolutely complete dish.

What we need for this:

  • chicken legs - 2 pcs;
  • carrots - 2 pcs;
  • potatoes - 5 pcs;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • salt to taste;
  • mayonnaise - 4-6 tbsp.

How to cook chicken legs with potatoes in the oven

Instead of chicken legs, you can cook in the oven and

Chicken legs in the oven with a crust recipe with a photo

This is a very simple and delicious cooking option. We will bake the legs in the oven, and the crust will come out both beautiful and tasty. For cooking, pick up pieces with whole skin - not only beauty depends on this, but also the taste of the dish. Additional ingredients include cheese - it is usually grated and sprinkled with chicken on top, but we will do it a little differently. Clear photos step by step and recommendations will help you quickly cook delicious meat.


  • legs - 4-5 pieces;
  • hard cheese (Russian or Gouda);
  • garlic - 2-4 cloves;
  • mayonnaise - 4-5 tablespoons;
  • ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp;
  • salt - 2 tsp

How to bake chicken legs in the oven to the crust

We always serve the dish hot, hot, so that the filling is melted and appetizingly flowed onto the plate. An ideal side dish would be hot mashed potatoes or a combination of young potatoes with dill and vegetable salad.

Chicken legs on a baking sheet in the oven in foil

In order to make the meat tastier and more tender, you can marinate it. The main task of the marinade is to speed up the cooking process and add additional flavor notes to the dish. It is good to marinate chicken in citrus juice - lemon, orange or pineapple juice. If you like sweet and sour and spicy combinations in meat dishes - then this recipe is for you.


  • chicken legs - 4 pcs;
  • orange - 2pcs;
  • soy sauce - 4-5 tbsp;
  • mustard - 2-3 tsp;
  • olive oil - 4-5 tbsp;
  • ground black pepper - 1/2 tsp. l .;
  • ground red chili pepper - 1/4 tsp;
  • chicken spice mixture - 1 tbsp (can be replaced with spices for grilling meat).

How to cook delicious chicken legs in the oven

Chicken legs are the perfect hot holiday snack, and will go with almost any side dish - boiled or baked potatoes, pasta or stewed vegetables.

For a slight taste change, you can replace the orange with Meyer's lemon (this is an interesting hybrid of orange and lemon), sprinkle the meat with sesame seeds, add a little nut butter to the marinade.

You can also add half a lime and 2-3 tangerines, completely replacing the orange with them, completely exclude the rest of the spices, adding only black ground pepper.

Cooking marinated chicken legs is easy, and there is plenty of room for imagination and experimentation. You can add any fruit or even vegetable juice (tomato juice, or bell pepper puree), any spices and every time you will have a new taste of the usual dish.

Chicken dishes are very common on our table. Each housewife asks the question: How to cook legs deliciously in the oven? So that the family is well-fed and does not stand at the stove for a long time. I suggest you try to cook chicken legs in the oven, baked in sour cream marinade. They taste crispy and juicy inside. Different types of marinade are suitable for chicken: honey, soy, garlic, fruit. Today I will introduce you to another one that is sour cream marinade. It is cooked in a couple of minutes, the meat turns out to be incredibly aromatic and tender, spices and onions have a piquant note. This dish is cooked very quickly, while the meat is baking, you can make a side dish or go about your business. For a side dish, you can serve potatoes, cereals, pasta. The gravy that remains from the meat can be poured over the side dish.


  • Chicken legs -3 pcs.
  • Homemade sour cream - 4 tbsp
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Paprika - 0.5 tsp
  • Ground black pepper - to taste

How to cook oven baked chicken legs

You can use any part of chicken, chicken quarter, or drumsticks. I took a chicken quarter for cooking, so it's more profitable to buy, because the price is much cheaper. We wash them under running water, cut them into two parts.

Season the meat with salt, black pepper, paprika. Add sour cream, squeezed garlic, mix.

Leave to marinate for 30 minutes at room temperature.

Lubricate a baking dish with vegetable oil. We spread the quarter and drumsticks, pour the rest of the marinade on top, sprinkle with salt and black pepper. We put to bake in a preheated oven for 50-60 minutes at a temperature of 200C.

Put the crispy chicken legs on a dish and serve immediately.

Tips on how to cook baked chicken legs

  1. Buy chicken legs fresh, not frozen.
  2. Divide them into pieces, then the meat will cook faster.
  3. If you add to sour cream: garlic, dill, lemon zest, mustard. Then you will have an incredibly delicious and delicious dish.
  4. You can marinate in a saucepan or in a ziplock bag. Many advise to marinate in a bag, then the meat absorbs all the aromas better.
  5. You need to bake the legs at a temperature of 180-200C. If the temperature is increased, the meat may dry out.
  6. The readiness of the legs can be seen by the crispy golden brown crust or pierce the carcass with a knife and if clear juice flows, then it is ready.

Chicken legs are the most tender and meaty part of the chicken. They are easy and quick to prepare, always tasty and affordable. You can cook a variety of dishes from the legs, but the easiest way is to bake in the oven.

Oven baked chicken legs - general cooking principles

For baking, it is better to use not very large legs with a little fat. The legs are washed well with cold water, the skin is dried, then marinated or simply sprinkled with spices and sent to the oven. If there are feathers, bloody smudges and various mechanical damage on the surface, then all this must be removed.

With what you can cook chicken legs:

With cheese;

With various sauces;

With vegetables or mushrooms;

With fresh and dried fruits;

With dough;

With cereals.

A wide variety of spices are used for cooking. You can simply take the prepared chicken seasoning and sprinkle on the prepared pieces. So that the spices are evenly distributed throughout the product, you can mix them with sour cream, mayonnaise, any sauce and just grate the pieces on all sides.

You can use a regular dish or a frying pan to bake the legs in the oven. A good helper is a sleeve that allows you to forget about the dish for the near future and not worry that it will burn or dry out. And, of course, do not forget about the foil, which will also guard the juiciness and taste of chicken legs.

Recipe 1: Oven baked chicken legs with crust

A simple recipe for baked chicken legs with a crust. The legs require marinating and therefore must be soaked in advance. In addition to the appetizing crust, the dish will delight you with dense meat, which resembles ham in taste and appearance.


6 legs;

80 grams of sour cream;

1 spoonful of chicken or meat spice;

1 tsp vinegar;


1. We wash the legs, remove extraneous films from the skin, the remnants of feathers. Dry with paper towels.

2. Mix seasoning for chicken (you can take any mixture for meat) with salt, sprinkle prepared legs from all sides.

3. Add a spoonful of vinegar to the sour cream, mix and coat the legs.

4. Transfer to a container, close and put in the refrigerator for 10 hours.

5. Lubricate the form in which we plan to cook, put the chicken legs skin side up, pour the filling out of the container.

6. We send to the oven. The legs will cook for 40 to 60 minutes, depending on the size. Temperature 180-190 ° C.

Recipe 2: Oven-baked chicken legs in mayonnaise with garlic

An option for cooking incomparable chicken legs baked in the oven with mayonnaise. The recipe is universal and the sauce also goes well with wings, drumsticks and even chicken breast.


4 legs;

3 tablespoons of mayonnaise!

1 spoonful of paprika;

4 cloves of garlic;


1. Legs should be washed and cut into 2 parts each at the joint.

2. Chop the garlic, mix with mayonnaise and ground paprika, salt the sauce. It is the paprika that will give the dish a beautiful color.

3. Coat the prepared pieces, leave for 2 hours, covered with a lid. You don't have to put it in the refrigerator, they won't have time to disappear.

4. Put in a mold, bake until golden brown for about 40 minutes.

Recipe 3: Legs baked in the oven in the sleeve "Juicy"

Sleeve baking prevents the chicken legs from roasting and losing weight. The pieces remain juicy and tender. But if you need to make a golden brown crust, then at the end of cooking the legs baked in the oven in the sleeve, you can cut the film and let the chicken roast.


4 legs;

1 spoonful of mustard;

3 tablespoons of soy sauce;

1 teaspoon chicken seasoning.


1. Mix seasoning with mustard and soy sauce. Spicy lovers can add pepper or even mustard. The soy sauce and chicken seasoning is usually salty, so you don't need to add salt.

2. Legs should be washed and wiped off with a towel. Can be used whole or cut into chunks. It does not matter, only the cooking time will change.

3. Coat the chicken with the prepared mustard mixture.

4. We fold it into a sleeve, tie it at the ends, make a puncture from the top with a needle or a toothpick and send it to the oven for 40-50 minutes.

Recipe 4: Oven baked chicken legs with crust and cheese

A variant of the delicious chicken legs baked in the oven with a crust and stuffed with cheese. It is better to choose small legs for this dish to put on a plate in portions. Any cheese can be used. It turns out delicious even with processed cheese like "Druzhba", "Orbit". The number of products is arbitrary.



Seasoning for chicken;


Sour cream or mayonnaise;


1. Prepare the sauce immediately. It takes a little, just to anoint the legs. For the sauce, mix chopped garlic with mayonnaise or sour cream, add chicken seasoning, salt and pepper if necessary. We mix.

2. Three large cheese. One leg will need from 30 to 60 grams. If you like processed cheese, add more.

3. Add chopped parsley to the cheese, mix.

4. We wash the legs well, remove defects.

5. Make a hole under the skin of the leg by hand. You can use a spoon. You don't need to move the skin away, just separate it from the meat.

6. We start the resulting pocket with cheese.

7. Grease the baking sheet and place the prepared legs.

8. Lubricate with the previously prepared sauce and in the oven! We bake until golden brown on the surface, but no more than an hour, so as not to dry the chicken.

Recipe 5: Oven baked chicken legs with potatoes in foil

Dishes in foil turn out to be very tasty, juicy, and it also prevents food from cooling down quickly. To prepare the legs baked in the oven with potatoes, we take an arbitrary amount of products.






1. Peel potatoes, cut into slices. Add chopped onion. Put in a bowl, salt, sprinkle with spices, put in some mayonnaise and stir.

2. Wash the legs, cut each into 4-5 pieces, sprinkle with spices and grease with mayonnaise. To taste, you can add a little mustard, adjika, soy sauce or just pepper to mayonnaise.

3. Spread the foil on the table without tearing it off the roll. We spread the potatoes with onions, the legs are on top, cover with foil, the edges are tightly twisted.

4. We put in the oven and forget about the potatoes with chicken legs for an hour. This dish can simply be laid out in a greased dish and covered with a piece of foil. This method is useful if there is not enough foil left and there is not enough foil to completely wrap the food.

Recipe 6: Oven-baked chicken legs in mayonnaise with vegetables

To prepare the legs baked in the oven with mayonnaise, you will need fresh vegetables: eggplants, tomatoes, onions.


3 legs;

2 eggplants;

4 tomatoes;

2 cloves of garlic;

2 onions;

200 grams of mayonnaise;

150 grams of cheese.


1. Cut the legs into pieces, sprinkle with spices, put a spoonful of mayonnaise and leave to marinate.

2. Cut the eggplants into large circles 0.5 cm thick. If the vegetables are bitter, then pre-soak in salt water, then squeeze.

3. Fry eggplants on both sides in a pan, only until crusty. It is not necessary to bring to readiness.

4. Cut the onion into half rings, cut the tomatoes into slices.

6. Place a layer of eggplant on the bottom of the mold.

7. Sprinkle with onion rings on top.

8. Put the tomato slices. We grease everything with mayonnaise sauce.

9. We spread the legs and put them in the oven for half an hour.

10. We take it out, sprinkle with grated cheese and again send it to fry for 20 minutes.

Recipe 7: Oven baked chicken legs with potatoes and mushrooms

To prepare these legs, baked in the oven with potatoes, you can take any fresh mushrooms. But if mushrooms are not used, then it is better to boil them in boiling water for 20 minutes in advance.


400 grams of mushrooms;

700 grams of chicken legs;

700 grams of potatoes;

2 onions;

250 grams of sour cream;

Dried dill;


1. Turn on the oven 180 degrees.

2. Potatoes need to be peeled, cut into medium-sized slices.

3. Chop the onion at random.

4. Cut the mushrooms into slices, fry for 2-3 minutes in a pan with butter. You can skip this step, but it adds flavor to the dish.

5. Legs ruby ​​into pieces of any size.

6. Mix mushrooms with onions, potatoes and chicken legs. Sprinkle with spices, dried dill. Fill with sour cream, mix well again.

7. Put everything in a greased form, level the layer, cover it with a piece of foil on top and send it to the oven for 40 minutes.

8. Take out, remove the foil, stir with a spoon and set the dish for another 15-20 minutes, so that the dish is fried.

Recipe 8: Oven-baked chicken legs in a sleeve with rice

This dish immediately combines both chicken and a side dish; it can be called a kind of pilaf. Convenient cooking method helps to reduce the time and amount of dirty dishes. It is better to use long rice for these legs baked in the oven in the sleeve. It turns out prettier and tastier with it.


700 grams of chicken legs;

2 onions;

400 grams of rice;

2 carrots;

2 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

2 cloves of garlic;

Spices, seasoning for pilaf.


1. Rice is washed with ice water 4-5 times. We spread it into the sleeve, distribute it in an even layer. For the convenience of work, one edge can be immediately tied.

2. Shred the carrots into strips and place them on top of the rice.

3. Peel the onion, cut into half rings, sprinkle with a layer of carrots.

4. Sprinkle everything on top with seasoning for pilaf, salt and pepper. Instead of a ready-made spice mixture, you can simply use some curry, paprika, and other spices.

5. Chop the legs into pieces.

6. Peel the garlic, cut each clove into 4 pieces and put it under the skin of the chicken legs. Season the slices with spices on top, grease them with mayonnaise and place them on a rice pillow.

7. Carefully lift the free edge of the sleeve, trying not to damage the layers, pour in 3 glasses of water, tie the end.

8. Make a small cut on the sleeve for steam and send it to bake for 50 minutes. At the end of the sleeve, you can cut and fry the chicken pieces for another 15 minutes.

Recipe 9: Legs baked in the oven under a fur coat

A delicious recipe for chicken legs under a juicy, fragrant tomato and cheese coat. Preparing the dish is simple, it always turns out to be successful.


5 legs;

3-4 tomatoes;

300 grams of cheese;

200 grams of sour cream;

Any spices;

3 cloves of garlic.


1. Cut the washed and towel-dried legs into equal pieces, Season with spices, put half the sour cream and 2 chopped garlic cloves. We leave the chicken legs to marinate while we are doing the fur coat.

2. We wash the tomatoes, cut into slices.

3. Rub the cheese coarsely.

4. Mix the remaining sour cream with the last clove of garlic, which also needs to be chopped. Salt and pepper.

5. Mix the legs again and place on the bottom of the mold.

6. Top three 2/3 cheese.

7. Lay out the tomatoes, grease with sour cream sauce.

8. Sprinkle with the remaining cheese and send the mold to the oven. We cook at 180 degrees for 40 minutes. But we are guided by the abilities of our stove.

Recipe 10: Spicy chicken legs baked in the oven

To prepare spicy legs, you will need real Georgian or Abkhaz adjika, as well as a little tomato sauce or ketchup. The dish is very aromatic, bright, goes well with any side dishes, you can simply serve it with fresh vegetables.


1.5 kg of legs;

1 spoon of adjika;

3 cloves of garlic;

3 tablespoons of ketchup or tomato sauce;

0.5 tablespoons of mustard;

0.5 tablespoons of chicken spices.


1. Chop the garlic, mix with chicken spices.

2. Add mustard, adjika and tomato ketchup, grind the mass well so that all the ingredients are evenly distributed.

3. Add 100 grams of water to the hot sauce, salt and stir. Instead of salt, you can add soy sauce, it will be even tastier.

4. Wash the legs, dry them, cut them into pieces if necessary. But you can also use whole legs. Or simply cut each leg into 2 pieces.

5. Fold the chicken into a mold.

6. Pour in the cooked hot sauce.

7. We send to the oven, bake for 50 minutes. Do not set the temperature high, 180 degrees is enough.

Recipe 11: Oven baked chicken legs with pineapple

A festive dish of oven-baked chicken legs. Despite the unusual combination of products, it turns out to be very tasty, juicy, and leaves the table first. Canned pineapples are used. But if there is fresh fruit, then you can take that too.


6 legs;

1 can of pineapple;

2 spoons of curry;

0.5 tablespoons chicken seasoning;

80 grams of mayonnaise;

180 grams of cheese.


1. Stir curry with chicken seasoning and mayonnaise. We set the sauce aside.

2. Cut the legs into pieces, each into 3-4 pieces.

3. We take out pineapples from the jar, well decant the syrup. Cut into cubes.

4. Put the chicken on the bottom of the mold. Grease with sauce, but leave a spoon for the top.

5. Put sliced ​​pineapples on top.

6. Three cheese and spread the finishing layer. Smooth out with your hands and grease with the remaining sauce.

7. We send to bake until tender. We hold for about 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

Cheese on the legs began to burn ahead of time? You could sprinkle it later, 15-20 minutes after the start of cooking. But if this happened, then you need to remove the dish from the oven, grease the surface with a layer of mayonnaise (sour cream, cream) and cook further.

The ketchup added to the legs during pickling will give the crust a brighter color and mouth-watering appearance. Similarly, you can add adjika, tomato paste or sauce.

Is there too much fat on the legs? It can be removed! Cut, fold in a bag and place in the freezer. Just don't forget about it when cooking minced meat. You can also fry potatoes in chicken fat or make sautéing for the first course, if you suddenly run out of oil.

Feathers and hairs left on the skin of the leg? Do not try to pull it out just like that. Waste time spoil the integrity of the skin. It is better to hold the leg over the burning burner of the stove, then simply remove the burnt feathers. And the stumps are easy to remove with tweezers. If the stove is electric, then hold the leg over a burning newspaper.