Mirror carp ear. Carp fish soup is a fragrant and healthy first course

Salt, ground pepper, citric acid, monosodium glutamate are spices.

And then there are spices. Fresh or dried plant parts with a spicy flavor (sometimes very strong). Saffron, peppercorns, cinnamon, bay leaves, dill, parsley are all spices.

Ear from carp heads, the recipe in our case involves the use of such a spice as coriander. It has a sweet taste and a pleasant aroma.

It is also distinguished by its high vitamin content.

Coriander for a variety of dishes - fish, meat, vegetables. When cooking, it should be borne in mind that ground coriander quickly loses its flavor, so it is better to use dried seeds as a whole.

Double ear

Carp head ear recipe begins with such an unpleasant process as cleaning fish. We clean the fish from scales and entrails, remove the gills - otherwise the soup will taste bitter. Bile can also impart bitterness to meat, so the abdomen is cut carefully so as not to damage the gallbladder.

The next operation is especially for those who do not like the smell of mud typical for carp. We rub the peeled carcass with a lot of salt and leave it aside for a while - 10 minutes will be enough.

After that, thoroughly rinse the fish with plenty of running water. Blood, mucus is washed off, an unpleasant odor is removed. Separate the head (or heads, if there are several fish) and the tail (tails). We put them to cook - in cold water (2-2.5 liters of water) and start cooking vegetables.

Peel the potatoes and cut (into cubes). Onions and carrots are next. Cut the onion into cubes, carrots - you can cut them into circles. It will be more beautiful that way. We wash, dry and finely chop the greens

First, we welded the heads and tails (and laid them out). Next, throw coarsely chopped portions of carp into the prepared and salted broth - while they are raw. Then add potatoes, carrots, onions.

The criterion for readiness is vegetables. Potatoes boiled? You can turn off the fire. We remove the foam. The final touch is pepper (allspice, black, red) and coriander. We close the lid and let it brew.

And it is also worth preparing croutons specially for the ear. Extraordinarily tasty!

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Many people believe that ukha is a fisherman's dish and can only be cooked deliciously over a fire, but this is not the case. You can also cook tasty fish soup from carp heads at home. Unlike fish soup, when fish broth is seasoned with cereals, cooking fish soup from carp heads requires a minimum of ingredients.

Ingredients for carp head soup:

  • 1-2 heads of large carp
  • 1-2 tails, fins
  • 3-4 pieces of carp carcass
  • 2.5 l of water
  • bulb
  • carrot
  • 3-4 potatoes
  • parsley root
  • salt, pepper, bay leaf, black peppercorns, fresh herbs

Butcher the fish, separate the head, tail, fins.
Remove the gills from the head. If not removed the ear will be bitter. Rinse all prepared fish parts.

Put the white root, lavrushka, peppercorns, head with removed gills, tail, fins in a saucepan with broth.

Bring broth to a boil, remove foam, reduce heat, cook fish heads for 15 minutes.
Remove the pan from heat, strain the broth through a sieve. Choose meat from heads, fins, tails, throw away the waste.

Put diced potatoes, onions and carrots, salt and pepper in a saucepan with fish broth. Bring soup soup to a boil and cook until vegetables are tender. At the end of cooking, add chopped dill and green onions.

Pour soup from carp heads into bowls, add fish pieces extracted from heads and fins. Place a slice of lemon on a plate. It will decorate the dish and help improve its taste.

How to cook carp fish soup

If the carp heads are too small and there is no meat in them, cook the fish soup with pieces of carp carcass.

Cook a basic carp head broth. Then put the pieces of fish in a saucepan with broth along with potatoes, carrots and onions. In 15 minutes, the fish will have time to cook. Pour chopped fresh herbs into a plate with carp fish soup and put lemon.

Cook carp for the second, recipe.

Have you ever tried fish soup with millet from a carp head, which was cooked over a fire? Have you tried it? That's in vain! This dish turns out to be simply indescribably tasty. It is clear that you cannot make an ear at home, but I will tell you how to cook an equally wonderful dish in a multicooker. This recipe comes in handy when you're baking. In this case, you can leave the fish head for the soup.

My father often took me on a fishing trip. Somehow he liked it when I helped, and he was not bored with me, he probably was. And this process gave me so many emotions and impressions that these memories from childhood lasted for my whole life. In addition to the thrill that my father is about to pull another fish out of the water, I also remember the moment of cooking the fish soup, which we always cooked. How delicious it was!

Recipe Information

Cuisine: first course.

Cooking method: in a slow cooker.

Total cooking time: 40 minutes

Servings: 3-4 .


  • carp head - 1 pc.
  • onion (large) - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • millet - 50 g.

How to cook:

Carp is a great fish to cook the right fish soup. Carp fish soup is rich and tasty thanks to the very fatty and sticky carp meat.

That's why are not added to the carp ear other types of fish to enhance the taste and richness of the broth. The preparation process for this fish dish is simple and does not require complicated ingredients.

Carp fish soup: the secrets of making the right fish soup

The most delicious fish soup is obtained from fresh fish that has not been frozen. Now you can even buy live carp in stores. Such carp for fish soup is the most suitable option. Before cooking the fish soup, the fish should be cleaned of scales.

How to quickly and easily clean carp from scales - life hack

We place the carp in the sink and pour boiling water over the fish from the kettle. First on one side, then on the other. Now cool the carp slightly under cold running water and move on to removing the scales. Holding the carp by the tail, simply remove the scales with a slight movement of the hand. Now you can proceed to carp cutting. Cut off the head and tail, remove the insides. Be sure to remove the gills and eyes from the head. Gut the fish carefully so as not to damage the gallbladder. Be sure to wash the fish under running water. If you really don't want to bother with fish scales, you can buy and cook fish soup from mirror carp (mirror carp practically does not contain scales and it is a pleasure to cook from it.

To make the fish broth transparent, carefully remove the foam when the broth boils, and you can also add a head of onion with the fish at the very beginning of cooking. As well as, carp fish soup should be cooked over low heat and the soup should not be actively boiling.

For the preparation of fish soup, we use traditional spices: allspice peas, black peppercorns or a mixture of peppers, bay leaf. In the cooking process, we use parsley root, if it is not available, then you can use sticks from parsley and dill, celery root is also suitable.

Loves ear and an abundance of fresh greens. It is better to add fresh herbs immediately before use to a plate with ready-made fish soup. The herbs boiled in the saucepan will make the dish less flavorful.


  • carp fish weighing 1kg
  • onions 2 pcs.
  • potatoes 3pcs.
  • carrots 1pc.
  • a bunch of dill and parsley
  • spices for fish soup: a mixture of peppers, lavrushka, coriander
  • water 2, 2 l

How to cook carp fish soup

Cut the prepared carp into large portions and place in a saucepan with cold water, put on fire, bring to a boil, salt.

When the water boils, be sure to remove all the foam, make a small fire, add whole carrots, a whole onion, green parsley and dill sticks to the pan (if there is, instead of sticks, you can add parsley root) and spices. The ear should be cooked over low heat, do not allow the broth to actively boil.

Cook for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, we take out pieces of fish from the broth, and leave the head and tail of the carp to cook for another 15 minutes. While the head and tail are boiling, cut the potatoes and onions into cubes. Chop finely, prepare parsley and dill.

We take out the head and tail from the fish broth and filter everything that was cooked in the broth (I filter the broth without fail to remove the fish bones from the broth, since I give the ear to the children). We send prepared potatoes, onions, a few peas of allspice to the fish broth.

Sprinkle pieces of carp in a plate with freshly ground allspice (you can use a mixture of peppers), coriander, leave aside for a while.

Cook the fish soup until the potatoes are cooked.

Turn off the ear, pour it into plates, add a piece of fish, sprinkle with fresh parsley and dill on top.

A fragrant, rich carp ear is ready. Bon Appetit!

Ear from the head of carp with millet


  • carp 2 heads and 2 tails
  • a handful of millet
  • potatoes 1pc.
  • onion 2 pcs.
  • carrots 1pc.
  • allspice, bay leaf
  • parsley or dill

How to cook fish soup from carp heads with millet

  1. Cook a rich, aromatic broth from the heads and tails of carp, as in the first recipe.
  2. Cut the potatoes and onions into cubes, wash the millet.
  3. When the broth is ready, we send chopped potatoes, millet onions and a few peas of allspice to a saucepan. Cook until millet and potatoes are ready.
  4. 3-4 minutes before the end of cooking, add bay leaves and finely chopped fresh herbs.

Carp fish soup with millet is ready. Bon Appetit!

Carp fish soup with tomatoes


  • fresh carp 1 -1.2 kg
  • tomatoes 1pc.
  • carrots and onions 1 pc.
  • potatoes 2- 3pcs.
  • rice 2 tbsp
  • fresh herbs to taste
  • water 2, 2 l

Recipe for delicious carp fish soup

Pour the prepared and divided fish into parts with cold water and set to cook on the fire, when the water boils, remove the foam, add the onion, carrots cut into slices, allspice and tomato cut into pieces (if you wish, you can take tomato paste). Cook the fish soup over low heat, do not cover the pan with a lid. After 25 minutes, put rice and potatoes cut into halves in the fish soup. Cook the fish soup until the potatoes are cooked. We take the boiled potatoes out of the broth and knead, as if on mashed potatoes. Put the mashed potatoes back into the ear. Stir the ear.

Pour into plates, serve carp fish soup with fresh parsley or dill. Bon Appetit!

Fishing fish soup video recipe

Wuhu is prepared from fresh, freshly caught fish near the river. In other conditions, fish soup can be prepared at home, but always from fresh carp. I have just such a case, there is a fish - there will be an ear. Preparation and preparation takes a minimum of time. Delicious aromatic ear for dinner.

Ingredients for making carp fish soup.

Peel the carp and gut it. Rinse fish thoroughly several times. Pay special attention to cutting the carp head, remove the gills and scrape in the middle - where the gills were.

Prepare the vegetables as for ordinary soup: peel and chop.

Put all the vegetables in a pot of boiling water: potatoes, onions and carrots. Cook vegetables until half cooked.

Add chopped carp to the soup. And the head too. Now the fish soup should cook slowly, but not boil. Do not cover with a lid. Remove any foam that appears in the ear. Add spices: peppercorns, bay leaves and salt.

After 10 minutes, check the ear for taste, and you can set it aside from heat. Let it brew for 15 minutes under a closed lid.