Pork head saltison. Pork shank saltison

For those who are just looking at how to cook saltison from a pork head in a city kitchen, so that it tastes, smells, and looks as close as possible to a rustic product, I will say that this is not so hard. The technology for making saltison is very similar to the technology for cooking jellied meat. Here, for whom it is not a problem to cook a real homemade jelly, he can easily cope with saltison.

According to the village recipe, pork head saltison should be boiled in the stomach of a freshly slaughtered animal. This is the difference between the village saltison and the urban one - and the smell of the finished product is different, and the filling is boiled down naturally and at home.

However, you can buy a stomach specifically for saltison today, perhaps, from a farmer on order. Processing a pork stomach for making saltison is troublesome, so hardly anyone from the villagers on the market puts this exclusive on sale.


So, as they say, "use what is at hand ..." and by the New Year there will be saltison on the festive table.

Earlier in the village, saltison was considered a festive dish and, like any festive dish, took a lot of time to prepare. Now everything is different. Saltison can be prepared at any time, when the desire arises, and modern kitchen technology reduces the time for preparing pork head saltison by several times.

But we will consider a semi-classical cooking option, for the classic way of making a real rustic saltison from a pork head is to evaporate it in a Russian oven.

Ingredients for Saltison:

  • whole pork head with skin and ears - 1 pc .;
  • meat (pork) - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 100 g;
  • bay leaf - 3-4 pcs.;
  • allspice peas - 1 tsp;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt.

Saltison at home

We will not dwell in detail on the fact that the pork head needs to be washed well in hot water, carefully scrape off everything unnecessary from the surface with a knife and rinse again with hot water.

Depending on the size of the pork head, chop it into 2-4 or even more pieces. We cut the meat into pieces of the same size as the pieces of the chopped head. We fill all this with cold water in a bucket (or other container of a suitable size) and leave for an hour. During this time, we drain the water twice, rinse the pieces of meat with cold water and fill it again.

This procedure, if necessary, will need to be repeated more than 2-3 times, and the meat should be soaked for more than an hour. The purpose of these washes is to wash as much blood out of the pieces of meat, and to get as clean as possible after the washings.

We put the washed pieces for saltison in a saucepan, fill it with cold water in such an amount that the pieces of meat are completely covered, and put the pan with the contents on the fire.

Further, the procedure is familiar to every housewife - when the water starts to boil, remove scale from the surface. If the scale is difficult to remove, reduce the heat. If this does not reduce the bubbling in the pan and interferes with the removal of the foam, then add some cold water to the pan and try to finish with this as soon as possible. Now cover the pot loosely with a lid and cook the saltison for 60 minutes.

After an hour, add some salt to the salt and continue to cook for about 2 more hours.

10-15 minutes before the end of cooking, add bay leaf and peppercorns to the pan.

Saltison at home

At the end of cooking, remove the finished meat from the broth into a wide basin and let it cool, and filter the broth into a separate bowl.

When the meat has cooled, separate it from the bones and cut it into small pieces along with the cartilage. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Mix everything and wait 5-10 minutes for the salt to melt and absorb. We try, if necessary, add some more salt. While hot, the contents of the saltison should be slightly saltier than the finished pork head saltison should be to your liking.

Saltison is prepared in many cuisines of the world. This type of jellied meat has a certain peculiarity - no one can refuse to eat at least a piece. The beautiful name of this dish does not convey the true taste and its sharpness in any way. It can be used as a snack and sausage substitute. At home, you can cook the most real and delicious saltison, while there is no need to know something special in cooking.

How to make homemade saltison?

Hepatic saltison

Ingredients: pork liver (or beef) - 300 g, bacon (or pork brisket) - 300 g, egg - 2 pcs., Semolina - 1 tbsp. l., wheat flour - 2 tbsp. l., spices (salt, pepper to taste), garlic - 2 tooth.

Method of preparation: the liver was washed, freed from films, cut into small cubes or pieces no more than one centimeter. We will do the same with bacon or bacon (small pieces no more than 1 cm thick). Add eggs, semolina, flour, chopped garlic, salt and pepper to taste. Mix well. We spread the minced meat in several layers of cling film and tie it on both sides with threads. Heat the water. We immerse the sausage in it. Once the water boils, lower the heat and simmer, covered, for two hours over low heat. Cool the finished "sausage" and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

Homemade chicken thigh saltison

Ingredients: 1 kg of legs, gelatin - 20 g, onion, garlic, red bell pepper.

How to make homemade saltison: cut off all the meat from the bones, cut into small pieces, add spices. You can also finely chopped onion, garlic or sweet red pepper. Then sprinkle the meat with gelatin. After that, take a cardboard packaging from kefir and fill it with the resulting mixture. Place the box in a pot of water. The water should not reach the edge of the bag by two centimeters. Cook everything for an hour and a half. Make sure that the meat in the bag is completely covered with meat juice. If the top of the meat sticks out, it is better to add a little water. When everything is cooked, you need to cool and hold in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Then you take it out, cut it, put it on a dish, etc.

Homemade pork shank saltison

Ingredients: pork shank from 1.5 to 3 kg, 1 head garlic, 1 bunch of parsley, pepper, salt.

Method of making homemade saltison: boil pork knuckle in water for 3-4 hours, depending on the weight. Cool the shank slightly and remove the bone. Separate the skin carefully and remove the fat from it. Finely chop the meat. Mix fat with meat, add chopped parsley, garlic, pepper. Mix everything well and salt. Take any shape you like (for example, a rectangular silicone cake pan). Put a film on the bottom of the form so that the edges hang down. We spread the skin in the form on the bottom and on the sides. Then put the meat on the skin and press it well. We cool the saltison in the refrigerator under a small press for at least 6 hours (you can cool it all night).

The recipe for real homemade saltison

Ingredients: pork head, onion, small carrot, salt, aromatic mixture of peppers, hops - suneli, a little bit of pork seasoning, bay leaf.

How to make homemade saltison: chop the pork head, fill it with cold water, add the washed, unpeeled onion, peeled carrots and put on fire. Cook for 1.5 hours, skimming off the foam as it appears. Then we take out the meat, cool it, free it from the bones, cut it into cubes, put it in a container, salt it, add seasonings, the bay leaf crushed into dust, mix well and leave to infuse for 30 - 40 minutes.

At this time, filter the resulting broth through 2 layers of gauze (we need 1 glass), crush the garlic, mix with the broth. Soak gelatin (about 5 g), then dissolve in a steam bath or low heat and pour into the broth. We put the meat in a clean plastic bag, fill it with broth, twist the edges of the bag, tie it, put it in a mold, crush it and put it in the refrigerator (preferably in the evening, then put saltison in the refrigerator) overnight. Or we cover the form with cling film, lay out the meat, fill it with broth, cover it and put it in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, cut into slices and enjoy.

A simplified recipe for homemade saltison

Ingredients: whole pork head with skin and ears 1 pc., Pork meat 1 kg, garlic 100 g, ground black pepper, bay leaf 3-4 pcs., Allspice peas 1 tsp, salt.

Method of making homemade saltison: from the skin on the head and ears, we scrape off dirt and blood well with a knife and rinse it in water. The head for the saltison recipe should be clean, with a soft, burnt skin without bristles (this must be taken into account when buying). We chop the head into pieces with a hatchet, discard our eyes, put them in a large basin, bucket or saucepan. Fill completely with cold water and leave for 30-40 minutes. Then we drain the water, rinse the meat and pour clean water again. In total, we do this procedure three times so that the blood goes away. We transfer the meat and pieces of the head to the pan in which we will cook the saltison, and put it on the fire. After the water boils, remove the scale from the surface, reduce the heat to low, cover it with a loose lid and cook for about 1 hour. Then add saltison and continue cooking for about 2 hours. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, lower the lavrushka, peppercorns. We take out the meat, cool it, filter the broth into a separate bowl. Dip the peeled and passed through a press garlic into the broth and bring to a boil. We select bones from the cooled meat and cut it together with cartilage into small pieces, add salt and pepper to taste. We mix. Then put pieces of meat and ears in strong plastic bags, pour cold broth on top. We tie the bags tightly and place them in the refrigerator under oppression.

A simple recipe for homemade saltison

How to cook homemade saltison: we buy a chicken carcass, choosing "thin" if you don't like fatty foods. After washing, cut into arbitrary pieces and put them in a saucepan with thick walls. Pour in 20 grams of dry gelatin, stirring the pieces to distribute it evenly. Salt and pepper to taste, add your favorite seasonings. We do not pour water: meat will give juice during cooking. We put on medium heat and wait. When the meat is easy to separate from the bones, cool it a little and separate it from the bones directly with our hands, arbitrarily tearing it into small pieces, then fold it into a mold. When the saltiston has cooled down, put it in the refrigerator.

Saltison fish

Ingredients: fresh frozen mackerel 2 pcs., Dry gelatin 25 g, carrot 1 pc., Onion 1 pc., Salt, spices for fish.

Cooking method: remove the bones from the fish and chop it coarsely. Cut the onion into cubes, and the carrots into strips and cook for 10 minutes. Mix fish, boiled carrots and onions. Salt all this, add gelatin and spices for fish. Pour half a glass of water into the mixture. We take a liter bag of juice or milk (inside there should be a foil cover). Cut off the top of the bag. Put the fish in a bag. We take a saucepan, put cheesecloth on the bottom, fill it with water. We put a bag of fish in a saucepan. We put a load on top (not large). We put the pan on the fire and cook until boiling, after boiling, cook for another hour. After cooking, take out the bag, holding the bottom, from the pan. After the package has cooled down, we put it in the refrigerator so that the saltison would freeze. The dish is ready!

Homemade saltison with chicken giblets

Ingredients: chicken liver 400 g, chicken ventricles 300 g, chicken hearts 300 g, chicken fillet 200 g, pepper, salt, ginger, ground bay leaf, gelatin 25 g.

Method of making homemade saltison: we take everything raw and cut into small pieces. Stir and add salt and spices. We take paper packaging from the juice, inside is foil, cut off the top. At the bottom we lay the giblets in parts and sprinkle with dry gelatin. We put the bag in a pot of water and cook for 2 hours. We cool, put in the refrigerator.

Homemade pork saltison "Cake"

Ingredients: pork (snout, ears, tongue, meat trimmings for goulash), offal (heart), onions, bay leaves, salt, black pepper (peas), garlic.

Method of preparation of saltison: we throw pork and offal into cold water and soak for 15 minutes. Then we clean it with a knife and into the pan. The water has boiled - we drain. And rinse again. Then we fill it with clean water (preferably from the filter, but there, how it goes). We throw in the onion and add a little salt. Boil - after 10 minutes, pull out the ears, otherwise they will boil, put them separately in a bowl and cover with a lid so that they do not dry out. And we continue to cook for 1 hour. Then we take out the meat and separate it from the bones. We cut meat and ears. And fill it with strained broth. Not for everyone, but only to cover the meat by 5 cm. Because if there is a lot of broth, it will not freeze. And cook for another hour. Then put black peppercorns, bay leaf, add salt. You can also add the "10 vegetables" seasoning - a couple of teaspoons. And cook for another 15 minutes. And add the crushed garlic (the more, the better, but don't overdo it). Let it boil for about three minutes, no more, otherwise the garlic aroma will go away. And we proceed to the most important process. We find a lid that is slightly smaller in diameter than the pan. We put the jar upside down on the lid, and on it a pot of water and in a cold place (basement or somewhere else).

The next day, remove the pan and collect the fat that has floated up to you. Then collect the frozen broth in the same way. And in a separate saucepan, boil and pour into portions. Then, with a knife, separate the contents from the sides of the pan and put them on the stove for about five seconds (this is for the bottom to lag behind). And then, like a piston from a cylinder, we take out our brainchild.

Chicken liver saltison

Ingredients: 400 chicken fillet (or turkey fillet), 500 chicken liver, 1 boiled carrot, 1 sweet pepper, 1 packet of gelatin, 3 eggs, 80 g flour, salt, pepper, parsley, garlic.

Saltison preparation method: cut liver and fillets into small pieces. Fry the carrots and peppers. Beat in eggs, add cooled frying and flour, gelatin, mix everything well, salt and pepper. Add parsley and garlic. Mix well. Put the finished mixture into bags. Dip the bag in boiling water in a saucepan and cook for 1 hour (put cabbage leaves on the bottom under the bag). Cool, remove from bags, cut.

Saltison "Chicken assorted"

Ingredients: chicken legs, or drumsticks, or thighs, approximately 500-800 g, breast fillet 200 g, gelatin 20 g, carrots, garlic, onion, salt, pepper.

Method of making saltison: we take a box of milk or juice so that there is a foil coating inside. Remove the skin from the chicken legs and cut the meat from the bones. Cut all meat (and breast fillets) into small pieces. Salt the meat, pepper, chop finely carrots, onions, garlic.

We put one carrot in the middle of the box. Sprinkle everything with dry gelatin, mix. There is no need to add water. We fill the box with meat 2/3. We take a high pan. At the bottom - a towel, put the box and pour water into the pan to the level of meat. Yes, the box must be cut from above, closed with an envelope, put oppression on top so that the box does not float. We put it on the stove, bring the water to a boil, reduce the heat to a minimum, cook for 1.5-2 hours. After about 20 minutes, you can open the box and taste the separated broth with salt. The meat should float in the broth - you can add a little water (or chicken broth) for this. After the end of cooking, carefully remove the bag, using a slotted spoon. Cool, put in the refrigerator overnight. Cut the box, take out the saltison.

Fake Saltison (prefab)

Ingredients: 2 pcs. shanks (veal), 1 pc. shank (pork), 1 kg meat on the bone (veal), 1 kg ventricles (chicken), 1 kg hearts (chicken), carrots, onions, bay leaves, peppercorns, a mixture of ground peppers, garlic, gelatin 30 g, two pots (for cooking meat) and containers or juice bags.

Cooking method: in the first large saucepan (9 l), on the bottom we put wooden sticks (so that the meat does not stick), and on top we lay the meat (veal shanks, pork shank, veal on the bone), fill with water. We put on fire. As soon as it boils, remove the foam, cook for about 10 minutes, then take out the meat and rinse, drain the broth. Again fill the meat with clean water again, add carrots, onions, lavrushka, put on fire. After boiling, reduce the heat to a minimum, cook for 4 hours, until the meat is ready (catch the lavrushka in half an hour and throw it away, and throw the black peppercorns and salt 20 minutes before cooking). In parallel, we set to cook chicken offal (ventricles and hearts), with the addition of carrots, onions, lavrushka, cook over low heat for about an hour and a half. We take out the cooked meat, let it cool slightly. Broth from offal (you can strain and freeze), and the main broth - cool, keep in the cold, remove fat. Strain the broth through cheesecloth, heat and combine with ready-made gelatin, heat (200 ml of broth + 30 g of gelatin). Chop all meat at random, add garlic, pepper mixture and mix. Put a portion of the meat (50%) in a prepared dish and pour the broth cooled (to room temperature) to the level of meat. Put in the refrigerator until completely solidified, then again a layer of meat and broth, until completely solidified for 6-8 hours.

Saltison with liver and mushrooms

Ingredients: 600 g of chicken fillet, 400 g of chicken liver, 200 g of mushrooms, 60 ml of whiskey (or brandy), 8 g of gelatin, 1 egg, 1.5 tbsp. l. oatmeal, provencal herbs, black pepper, salt.

Method of preparation: rinse the liver, remove the films and veins, cut it into small pieces. Cut the chicken fillet into about the same pieces as the liver. Combine liver and fillet with egg, oatmeal, gelatin, whiskey, add spices and salt. Cut the mushrooms, fry them until the liquid evaporates, let cool, then mix with the "minced meat". Put everything in the form of a brick in a rectangular baking dish. Place the saltison mold in a large mold with a little water. Bake saltison with liver and mushrooms for about 1.5 hours in the oven at 200 degrees. Cool the liver and mushroom saltison in a mold completely before serving.

Few people know that one of the most beloved meat snacks came to our tables from Italy. Pork head Saltison has won the hearts and stomachs of millions of gourmets. Most often, such a dish is prepared from lard, pork offal and sirloin. Each housewife has her own secrets of making saltison.

1. Natural meat appetizer

At first glance, saltison does not seem to be such an attractive dish, since it is prepared from pork offal, and in most cases the stomach is used as a shell. But still, this snack dish has an amazing taste, so every day the number of people interested in how to make pork head saltison is increasing.

Why exactly from a pig's head? When boiling the head, a natural thickener is released, which allows you to prepare a snack of the desired consistency. Edible gelatin can be added, though.

If you have never processed pork offal, then it is best to prepare pork head saltison without a stomach to start.

On a note! The pig's head is thoroughly washed and the eyes must be removed, otherwise they will add bitterness to the finished dish. It is boiled for an average of 1.5-2 hours.

1.1. Composition:

  • 1 pork head;
  • 3 tbsp. l. table salt of medium grinding;
  • two onion heads;
  • 10 pieces. black peppercorns;
  • allspice ground pepper and nutmeg to taste;
  • 3 pcs. bay leaves.

1.2. Preparation:

  1. Thoroughly rinse the pork head under running water.
  2. We chop part of the pork carcass into pieces and put it in a deep bowl.
  3. Fill with filtered water and leave for about 10 hours.
  4. We change the water every 2-3 hours.
  5. Then cook the pork head until tender, adding salt, bay leaf and black peppercorns.
  6. Cool the finished meat a little and separate it from the bone.
  7. Cover the baking sheet with 2-3 layers of gauze.
  8. We begin to spread the meat separated from the bones on it.
  9. Grind the meat, it is advisable to alternate the layers of bacon and meat fillet.
  10. Let's prepare the necessary spices.
  11. Season each layer with ground nutmeg, allspice and chopped bay leaves.
  12. We lay out all the products in the same way.
  13. We wrap the resulting mass tightly in a gauze cut, tie it to a knot.
  14. We leave the saltison in the baking sheet.
  15. Put a cutting board on top and put a press.
  16. In this form, we leave the saltison for 10-12 hours in a cool place. It is best to prepare a charcuterie at night.
  17. In the morning, carefully remove the gauze cut.
  18. It turns out here such a dense meat product that keeps its shape perfectly.
  19. Sample can be taken immediately. Only you need to cut the saltison into portions.

2. Ukrainian meat appetizer

Pork head saltison in the stomach is prepared by professional chefs and many amateur cooks. There is nothing complicated in this, you just need to know some secrets and features of the preparation of offal. You already know how to cut a head, now let's figure out how to turn pork offal into an edible shell for a meat snack.

First of all, the stomach is thoroughly washed, then moistened with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Then it is kept in a marinade, rubbed with salt, soaked. In general, the preparation of the stomach will take more than one hour.

2.1. Composition:

  • pork head;
  • 0.2 kg of lard;
  • pork stomach;
  • carrots - 1 root vegetable;
  • onion head;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 0.25 kg of corn grits;
  • 7 pcs. garlic cloves;
  • 4 things. bay leaves;
  • 5 pieces. black peppercorns;
  • to taste salt, spices and spices.

2.2. Preparation:

  1. We start by preparing the pork head.
  2. We wash it well with running water.
  3. We remove the eyes.
  4. Divide the pig's head into 8-10 large pieces.
  5. We put the parts of the pork head in a thick-walled dish, fill it with filtered water.
  6. Bring to a boil and remove the foam that appears with a slotted spoon.
  7. After a couple of minutes, drain the water.
  8. Pour the pieces of pork head with filtered water and bring to a boil again.
  9. Add bay leaves, black peppercorns, whole onion and peeled carrot root.
  10. Cook over low heat until cooked for at least five hours. From time to time you may need to add boiled water.
  11. In the meantime, let's prepare the pork stomach.
  12. We carefully turn the stomach inside out so as not to damage its integrity.
  13. Squeeze the juice from the half of the lemon.
  14. Pour juice on the walls of the pork stomach.
  15. We measure out 3 tbsp. l. salt and rub it on the stomach.
  16. Leave the offal in this form for 10 minutes.
  17. After the allotted time, we thoroughly wash the stomach under running water.
  18. We put it in a bowl, add the juice from the remaining half of the lemon.
  19. Add laurel leaves and chopped black peppercorns to the bowl.
  20. We also add the lemon itself to the stomach.
  21. Mix and leave the pork offal in this form for 1.5-2 hours.
  22. After this time, we thoroughly massage the shell of the stomach with corn grits.
  23. Thoroughly rinse the offal with running water, dry it.
  24. When the meat is cooked, let it cool and separate it from the bone. Grind if necessary.
  25. Cut the bacon into small cubes.
  26. Combine lard with meat, season with salt, spices and spices to taste.
  27. Grind the garlic cloves under a press and add to the meat mass.
  28. Pour in a little broth in which the pork head was cooked.
  29. We fill the prepared stomach with the meat mixture.
  30. With the help of a needle and culinary twine, we seal it tightly.
  31. We immerse the saltison in filtered water.
  32. We put on the stove and after boiling, cook for two hours.
  33. Put the finished saltison on a baking sheet, place a cutting board on top and put oppression.
  34. In this form, we withstand the appetizer for about 3-4 hours. That's all - the delicious meat dish is ready!

Hearty pork head saltison is an original treat from Italian cuisine. This is a cold appetizer that can be served at the dinner table or surprise guests at a holiday. In addition, it is a budget treat, prepared from offal.

Classic pork head saltison

Products composition:

  • head - 1 pc. (about 7 kg);
  • onion - 3 heads;
  • lavrushka - 5 leaves;
  • pepper - 6 - 7 peas;
  • garlic - a whole head;
  • corn grits - 5 dessert spoons;
  • pork stomach - 1 pc.


  1. To make the snack in question yourself at home, you first need to prepare your stomach. Rinse it off mucus. Leave in cold water for 8-9 hours.
  2. Over time, fill the stomach with cereals. Massage it thoroughly with your hands. Cover with a wet towel and leave for 40 minutes. Then - rinse the cereal with water. All these actions will relieve the stomach of a specific taste..
  3. Wash and scrape the head with a sharp knife. Remove eyes, cut off ears.
  4. Chop your head into pieces. Fill them completely with water. Cook for 4-5 minutes. Replace the water with a new batch, then cook for another 4 hours.
  5. Pour peeled garlic cloves, pepper, large onion slices, salt, lavrushka into a saucepan with meat. Cook for another 1 hour.
  6. Remove meat from broth. Chop finely. Add salt if necessary. Fill your stomach with it.
  7. Sew up the hole with culinary thread.
  8. Strain the remaining broth, bring to a boil and send the stuffed stomach into it. Cook over low heat for 60-70 minutes.
  9. For a beautiful color, bake the treat for another half hour in the oven at medium temperature.

Place a load on a still hot dish. Let it cool and move to cold for 7 hours.

Cooking in gauze

Products composition:

  • pork head - 1 whole;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • pepper - 4 - 5 peas;
  • garlic - 6 - 7 cloves;
  • lavrushka - 4 leaves;
  • salt and spices to taste.


  1. Cut the previously washed and cleaned head into 8 pieces. If the tongue remains in it, soak it separately for half an hour in salted cold water.
  2. Pour all the meat cuts (including the chopped tongue) in a large saucepan with water. Add large slices of peeled onions and carrots, cloves of garlic, spices, salt, lavrushka.
  3. Cook the meat over low heat. It will take 5-6 hours.
  4. Remove the skin from the tongue. Cut all meat slices into small pieces. Throw out bones and vegetables.
  5. Cover the form with gauze folded in 5-6 layers.
  6. Spread the meat and fat on top. Sprinkle with additional salt and spices if desired.
  7. Tie the ends of the gauze with a knot on top.

Press down the workpiece with a load. Leave in the refrigerator for 11 hours, then remove the gauze and taste the original dish.

In a multicooker

Products composition:

  • pork head - 1 pc .;
  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • roots for the broth.


  1. There are several ways to make pork head saltison. One of them suggests using a multicooker. To do this, you need to cut the prepared (cleaned) head into large pieces and put them in the bowl of the kitchen assistant.
  2. Send your favorite roots for the broth, peeled garlic, salt and spices there.
  3. Cook the meat in a suitable mode for 7-8 hours.
  4. Disassemble the finished product into pieces, discarding the bones, as well as roots and garlic heads.
  5. Place the meat in several layers of clean gauze. Press down with a load. Allow to cool.
  6. Leave it in the refrigerator overnight.

Carefully remove the coating and cut into portions.

Pork head saltison in the stomach

Products composition:

  • pork head - 1 pc .;
  • prepared stomach - 1 pc .;
  • salt - 3 dessert spoons
  • chopped nutmeg - 2 dessert spoons;
  • ground pepper - to taste;
  • lavrushka - 5 leaves.


  1. Prepare the stomach in advance - soak and process with corn grits.
  2. Cut the cleaned washed head into large pieces. Cook with lavrushka, salt and spices. The whole process will take 5 hours.
  3. Remove meat from bones. Add salt if necessary.
  4. Stuff the prepared stomach with meat pieces. Sew it up.
  5. In the broth remaining from the meat, cook the saltison in the stomach. Leave it in boiling liquid for 60 to 70 minutes.

Optionally, you can bake the dish in the oven until lightly browned.

Traditional Ukrainian recipe

Products composition:

  • pork head - 1 pc .;
  • stomach - 1 pc .;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • fresh lard - 200 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • fresh garlic - 7 - 8 cloves;
  • salt and spices;
  • corn grits - 250 g;
  • lavrushka - 4 leaves;
  • black peppercorns - 4 - 5 pcs.


  1. Cut the washed cleaned head into 8 pieces. To fill with water. After boiling, replace the liquid.
  2. Immediately add lavrushka (3 leaves), pepper, half peeled garlic cloves, vegetables, salt and spices to the meat. Cook over low heat for about 5 hours.
  3. Turn out the stomach. Wash it thoroughly by massaging with your hands to remove mucus and other impurities.
  4. Pour half of the lemon juice over the pork stomach and grate with plenty of coarse salt. After a quarter of an hour, rinse thoroughly again.
  5. Pour the remaining lemon juice over the stomach. Add the remaining lavrushka and a couple of peppercorns to it. Fill everything with water. Leave on for 90 minutes.
  6. Finally, carefully rub the stomach with cereals (corn) and rinse again.
  7. Separate meat from bones. Remove the film from the tongue. Cut everything into small pieces. Stir in the remaining mashed garlic and small slices of bacon. Season with salt and pepper. Mix everything well.
  8. Fill the base with meat. Sew up the stomach. Cook the saltison in the broth remaining from the head for 1.5 hours.

Leave the finished treat under oppression for 3 hours.

How to cook in a bottle

Products composition:

  • pork head - 1 pc .;
  • lavrushka - 4 leaves;
  • salt and spices to taste;
  • celery root - 1 pc .;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • fresh garlic - 1 head.


  1. To make bottle saltison, the first step is to tackle the meat. Clear your head. Cut off the tongue. Soak the parts for 3.5 hours in ice water, change the liquid periodically.
  2. Rinse the meat again.
  3. Pour it with fresh water, and send it to cook for 5 hours. Add salt, spices, celery, vegetables and half of the peeled garlic cloves immediately to the saucepan.
  4. Prepare a large plastic bottle.
  5. Remove cooked meat from the bones. Peel off the film from the tongue. Cut food into pieces. Add the remaining chopped garlic to them.
  6. Transfer the meat pieces with garlic to the bottle. Fill the container tightly with them. Fill the remaining space with strained broth.
  7. Send the bottle to the refrigerator overnight.

Carefully cut off the plastic from the finished dish. Chop the treat into slices like a sausage.

A quick and easy way to make saltison

Products composition:

  • head (pig) - 1 pc. (for 4 - 5 kg);
  • lean pork - 1 kg;
  • pork legs - 2 pcs.;
  • parsley and celery root - 2 pcs.;
  • salt and spices to taste;
  • fresh garlic - 100 g.


  1. Cover the prepared (cleaned and washed) head with water. Send slices of meat and legs to her. Leave food for 3 - 4 hours. Change the fluid twice in the process.
  2. Place roots, salt, spices, peeled garlic in a saucepan. Add all the meat to them. Pour the ingredients with fresh water. Cook for 4 hours, skimming off the foam.
  3. Cut the meat into pieces together with the cartilage. Add salt, add spices. Transfer to silicone molds. Pour over the strained broth.

Leave the treat in the cold overnight. Serve with mustard and / or horseradish.

The main mistake of any housewife is to lower the stomach with saltison in a still cold broth. It must be immersed in boiling water, otherwise the coating will burst and the dish will be spoiled.

Instead of a stomach, you can use not only cheesecloth, but also a bag or baking sleeve.

Step 1: Chop the pork head into several pieces.

In order for the head to completely boil and reduce the cooking time, it is necessary to chop it into several parts with an ax (at least 4, preferably more). Important! Do not let the meat chopper (in the role of which can be a husband or a salesman) make too small pieces, which will contain many small "splinter" bones.

Step 2: Place the pieces of meat in a large pot.

A pot for cooking meat should initially be chosen large, since the water must completely cover it. We turn on the fire and wait for the water to boil.

Step 3: Drain the scale and dirty water from the pan.

After the first boil, the meat broth contains a very large amount of dirt and substances harmful to the human body. Therefore, such water is drained, and the meat is thoroughly washed.

Step 4: Pour clean water and wait for boiling again.

When the water boils again and becomes cloudy, it must be drained, just like the first time. Thus, you improve the taste of the dish and protect yourself and others from negative thoughts about the "cleanliness" of the pork head.

Step 5: Cook the meat.

When the water boiled 3rd time, it must be salted. Boil the meat in a saucepan under the lid (with a slightly raised edge - if it boils) for about 3-3.5 hours.

Step 6: add seasoning.

Peeled garlic cloves, bay leaves and peppercorns are added about half an hour before the end of cooking. If you put the seasonings in advance, they "lose" their taste, the dish will lose the peculiarity conceived by its author.

Step 7: We process the meat.

Take the cooked meat out of the pan and cool. Take your time to drain the broth, we will still need it!
It is necessary to approach this procedure with special care, because the bones crunching on the teeth will create an unpleasant impression of the dish. Feel each bite with your fingers, it's not difficult at all. After a long soaking in water, the meat is very easily separated from the bones. We choose the excess (in our opinion) from the boiled pork head. Homemade saltison is good because you choose all of its ingredients yourself. You can remove eyes, teeth, brains from your head. There is a lot of meat in the tongue, so it is best to leave it. We also chop the beef. You should get small pieces (1.5 cm), which we put in a common bowl.

Step 8: add broth.

Add 2-3 ladles of the broth left after cooking to the meat.

Step 9: add the missing ingredients.

We try the resulting "soup" in the form of meat and broth, add the missing ingredients to it: salt, ground pepper, garlic. As a rule, men adore spicy dishes, so you can add a little more garlic squeezed through a garlic press to their portion of saltison.

Step 10: Place the meat and broth in a bag.

Put some of the meat with broth in a double plastic bag. Gently squeeze out the air, tie it.

Step 11: Place the bag with "saltison" in the mold.

Deep plates, bowls and even used fruit juice boxes (1-2 liters) can serve as a mold for saltison. The meat easily takes the shape of the container in which it was placed.

Step 12: We put the oppression on the "saltison" and put it in the refrigerator.

This final stage is one of the most important. Saltison should cool and infuse in the refrigerator for at least 6-8 hours. Only then can you try it.

Step 13: Serve the saltison.

This dish, incredibly relevant in the cold season, invariably attracts the attention of men, guests and everyone who loves meat. Serve it chilled, cut into thin slices. You can decorate the treat with a sprig of herbs, cloves of garlic. Saltison is eaten mainly with a fork. Bon Appetit!

When buying beef, it is better to focus on pieces of meat with bones: firstly - cheaper, secondly - they can be frozen and used as a basis for making soups and cabbage soup;

If you cook pork head and beef in different pans, you can make an excellent soup from beef broth;

When choosing a pork head for saltison, you should pay attention to its appearance, it should not be too dirty. Rough, hard villi indicate that the pig was old;

The ideal saltison is one that is placed in a pork stomach after cooking, but a regular plastic bag is quite suitable for this purpose.