Feeding Everyone: How to Start a Profitable Food Delivery Business. Main ingredients for cheese

So, the choice of equipment depends on what methods of brewing beer you will use when brewing:

  • Malt extracts. The simplest, most affordable and fastest way is from hopped malt extracts (malt and hops are brewed in the required proportions, according to the recipe, and supplied as a concentrated extract). If you follow the simplest disinfection rules and the recommended proportions, you will get a decent home-brewed beer that tastes like your chosen extract. Such beer is difficult to spoil, it is easy and not troublesome to prepare, but there is no element of creativity in the preparation.
  • All-grain (grain)- you have to prepare beer wort by yourself, filter it and ferment it. To prepare in this way, you will need a recipe (with the necessary proportions of malt, hops, spices, temperature breaks, etc.), the ingredients themselves, and the yeast. Making beer in this way is more difficult, but most likely the beer will have a bright taste and you can also bring your own ideas to the recipe or even develop your own recipe.
  • It is also worth mentioning the ways in which it is used blend of malt extracts and brewed malt... They are similar in complexity to all-grain, but the use of extracts allows you to achieve some flavoring effects.
Initially, we recommend brewing beer using the first option - from extracts, and then trying the options with boiling wort from grain. In the first case, brewing beer will consist of fermentation, bottling and additional fermentation in bottles. To do this, you can purchase a ready-made kit like BeerZavodik or buy the necessary equipment separately:
  1. Fermenter (hermetically sealed container with a water seal).
  2. Thermometer for measuring the fermentation temperature (can be supplied with the fermenter).
  3. A system for pouring beer into bottles with the possibility of decanting from the yeast residue. This can be either a tap with a filling tube or an overflow siphon with a holder.
  4. Sealed bottles for bottled beer (plastic or glass) in the required quantity.
  5. Stirring device (preferably plastic, so as not to scratch the container).
  6. Can opener.
Additionally, to control the fermentation process and calculate the strength of beer, you can use the Areometer AC-3 and a measuring container (a tap in the fermenter is desirable for draining the wort without breaking the tightness).
From the ingredients you will need:
  • The hopped malt extract, sized for your fermenter capacity, is usually supplied with yeast.
  • From best to worst - unhopped extract (sometimes it comes with hopped) or 1kg of dextrose or 1kg of inverted sugar
  • Lollipops to add when bottling, or 150-250 gr. dectroses, or again sugar.
  • Means for disinfecting and washing equipment and bottles (will be needed 2 times per cooking cycle).
  • Required amount of water
The process of beer fermentation from extract can be found on our website. Also, usually there are detailed instructions for breweries.
When brewing beer from malt, hops and yeast, you will need almost all of the above equipment, as well as a mash container in which the brewing will take place. It's worth mentioning that the simplest container can be a good, large saucepan, mash bag, and thermometer.

At the moment, of the equipment designed for brewing more than 20 liters of beer that we can offer you - BeerZavodik home breweries and the Brewmaster fermenter. In both versions, you can brew 23 liters of beer from malt extracts (the first filling is already included in the BeerZavodik and Mini and Standard).

Regardless of whether you know how to cook gourmet dishes or can hardly cope with cooking store-bought dumplings, you can always please your soul mate with a surprise in the form of cooking the now extremely popular and very tasty Japanese dish - rolls.

Rolls, in fact, are just cooking rice with various additives, wrapped in seaweed. There is nothing complicated in the process of making rolls.


You can easily guess that when cooking rolls, you will probably need a saucepan for cooking rice. And you will be right. Next, you need to get a good cutting board, and - almost most importantly - a sharpened knife. If the knife is dull, then the whole undertaking will turn to dust, because the rolls will simply flatten out under his onslaught. For the preparation of rolls with rice outside, food plastic wrap is useful.

From special devices, you need to purchase a small bamboo makisu mat, which, in fact, will help you prepare a roll from everything that you are going to fit into it. And, of course, in the end, you need chopsticks for eating rolls and a tray for soy sauce. The cymbals can be ordinary, or they can fully correspond to the surroundings of the moment and be with Japanese designs.


It is impossible to cook rolls without rice. Rice is better to take a special, special grade that provides its best grip. It is sold in stores of the same type or in the "Japanese" corners of large supermarkets. This rice is sold either in smaller packages or in perforated portioned bags for easy preparation. Some, however, use ordinary round grain rice for rolls. This is also not forbidden, just the rolls are a little rougher due to its larger grains.

Rice needs vinegar, a special Mitsukan rice vinegar, which will provide a decent bunch of rice into a single whole. This is necessary so that your rolls remain rolls in any situation (both in sticks and in soy sauce), otherwise your rolls will simply disintegrate when you try to eat them.

Don't forget nori - dried leafy seaweed. It is they who will help you roll the structure into a roll shape and keep it in this form until it is eaten.

Use classic soy sauce and ginger as a seasoning. It is better to buy good soy sauce, the cheap one will look more like water.

Pickled ginger is sold at any decent grocery store these days, so it won't be difficult to get it, too. Initially, this product was used in the process of eating rolls to refresh the taste sensations between their different types, but our compatriots eat it together with rolls.

Wasabi, also known as "green mustard" or "green horseradish", is a spicy seasoning for sushi, which is just supposed to be eaten with them. But we often add it directly to soy sauce.

You can't do without filling. Basically, you can put absolutely whatever your creative nature desires into the rolls. Of course, there are certain classic ingredients that are usually put on rolls in Russia (though, as a rule, they have little in common with Japanese rolls). These include salted or smoked fish - salmon, tuna or eel, cucumbers and avocados, Philadelphia cream cheese, crabs, sometimes scrambled eggs and small fish caviar. However, with due imagination and opportunities, you can vary this list at your own discretion. Some even make rolls from potatoes with herring or pickles, which is not devoid of national flavor.

Rolls are both high-calorie and dietary (including vegetarian). You can even make them sweet if you use ordinary thin homemade pancakes instead of the nori leaf, and put the fruit filling inside. Just don't eat this type of sushi with soy sauce.

How to cook properly

To prepare the classic norimaki rolls (that is, the seaweed rolls outward), you need to spread the makisu mat in front of you, unrolling it away from you. Place a sheet of nori on top of the mat. It looks brittle and tough, but when exposed to wet rice, it will quickly become elastic enough to roll up.

On top of the nori, place the cooked Mitsukan rice slightly flavored with vinegar. Just leave a small loose longitudinal strip along the bottom edge of the seaweed to secure the roll after folding. On the opposite end of this strip, put your filling, for example, slices of cucumbers, slices of fish and some Philadelphia cheese. Then start folding the future roll into a tube, starting from the edge with the filling. The rug will help you with this, which you can lift by the edge, thereby wrapping the structure. Make sure that the roll is flat and firm enough so that it does not crumble when you cut it. When you have cooked this sausage, tape over the edge with the remaining free strip so that the rice does not spill out. Your roll is ready, it remains only to cut it with a very sharp knife into portioned pieces of the size you need.

If you decide to cook "inside out" rolls or uramaki, the principle of action changes somewhat: cling film is spread on the makisu mat, rice is laid on it, and the filling you need is placed on the rice. Further, the scheme is the same: we fold the roll using a flexible rug and dexterous hands, then cut into portions.

Ready-made rolls can be flavored with small caviar (flying fish or capelin, hardly anyone will notice the difference) or thinly sliced ​​and fried pieces of fish.

Whatever rolls you decide to cook, remember: you can perfectly cope with the preparation of this not very exotic, but still delicious dish.

1 year ago

In our area, tea is brewed almost everywhere in the same way. Water boils, boiling water is poured into a ceramic or glass teapot with strong tea leaves, it is infused for a couple of minutes and then poured into cups. As a rule, half the tea leaves are poured and diluted with boiling water. That is, everyone determines the strength of the drink for himself. But tea masters say that you need to brew tea immediately in the required proportions, and for everyone at the same time.

To get a high-quality drink, you must use only premium quality dry tea. Which one is a matter of taste. Remember that Indian teas are tart, Chinese teas are delicate, and in Ceylon these two qualities are combined.

Water is perhaps the main ingredient after the quality of tea. Back in the 16th century, Chinese experts said that the taste and aroma of tea can be understood by the quality of the water.

To prepare a tea drink, you need fresh, soft water, in which few minerals are dissolved. It should not smell and contain impurities. It is difficult to find such water now. You can buy containers with already purified drinking water or purchase a water softener.

The ideal option is to use spring water without minerals - from mountain rivers with rocky or sandy bottom, from flowing glacial lakes. Of course, such a source is not easy to find. But you can always find an alternative.

If you use tap water for tea, let it sit for at least 10 hours to completely remove the chlorine smell. Scale forms during boiling due to the conversion of salts into insoluble compounds. This water is called softened. Tea is brewed only with softened water.

The kettle also plays an important role. The material it is made from can affect the taste of the drink. An enamel or tinned teapot works best. You can also use an electric kettle, a samovar.

You will also need a teapot for water. For him, the best materials are porcelain or faience. They warm up quickly and evenly. It is more convenient to fill a kettle of the correct geometric shape with water.

To brew tea, the water must be brought to the state of the "white key". This is a short-term condition and it is rather difficult to determine it in time. To do this, they invented teapots with a whistle. When the whistle just starts, this is the "white key".

Did you know that a full kettle needs to be covered with a napkin in order to warm up better? Linen is best suited - it allows water vapor to pass well and retains aromatic essential oils. It is forbidden to use the familiar matryoshka dolls on the teapot for this. In them, tea melts and loses its taste.

It is also better to take cups for drinking tea made of porcelain, earthenware or glass.

For convenience and beauty, use silver spoons and a tray. This way you don't have to bring a cup to each guest separately. And cleaning up the dishes after drinking tea with it is also much easier.

They are different: metal, silicone, paper.

And in those and other forms, Easter cakes will turn out. But there are two nuances:

  1. The baking time of the cakes depends on the baking dish. For example, paper cakes bake faster than metal ones. Take this into account when calculating the cooking time.
  2. Bake cakes from the same dough in the same tins. If you place the same dough in a paper and a metal mold and set the average baking time, then the “paper” cake runs the risk of being overdried, and the “metal” cake is not baked.

Personally, I prefer baking cakes in metal molds. They keep warm well and are less likely to dry out cakes in them.

I have four such forms at home:

If you don’t have them or if you don’t have time to buy them, it doesn’t matter. For baking Easter cakes, special pots with a non-stick coating, canned food cans, disposable paper forms and even foil are used. For example, this is how I bake tall cakes in an ordinary enamel mug (inside - 2 layers of foil)

I also collect canned beans and corn cans. They are ideal for baking tall cakes!

Forms for making curd Easter

They can be found in the store and in the church (usually, where book candles are sold, Easter sets are also sold before Easter). For example, I have this one:

In my opinion, plastic molds are more convenient than wooden ones. The curd mass sticks to them less, which means that a clearer print is obtained.

Egg paint

Now the stores sell ready-made egg dyeing kits.

But if a young chemist lives in you, then the eggs can be painted in different colors and with the help of homemade tools. How to do this is possible.

Iron-on stickers for eggs

Not obligatory at all, but how small children love to "dress" eggs with them! So if you have children in your family, like mine, add the thermal stickers to the list, you will not regret it.

My only wish: do not buy stickers with the image of a cross, icons, saints. The use of religious paraphernalia in this case is not entirely appropriate. But images of chickens, flowers, floral ornaments will look good, and no one’s religious feelings will be hurt.

The Japanese sushi dish has long been included in the menu of the inhabitants and has ceased to be an overseas curiosity from raw fish. Sushi is distinguished by a wide and varied assortment, they come with the most amazing fillings and are served in almost every self-respecting establishment. Sushi has firmly occupied its niche in the list of preferred dishes.

How to cook sushi rice?

Many people have decided to take it a step further than simply fermenting from restaurant to restaurant, comparing sushi from different chefs. Some especially gambling enthusiasts try to make sushi at home, bringing in some new ingredients and fresh solutions. While sushi is not easy to make, it is quite possible to make it at home.

The main and irreplaceable ingredient is, of course, rice. It is rice, not fish, that is the main constituent of sushi. If you can experiment with fillings, then sushi will not work without rice. Rice must necessarily be round grain or special for sushi to keep its shape.

Two servings require one glass of rice. After pouring the rice into a deep container, pour cold water over the cereal and rub it between your palms. Then drain the water. Repeat a few more times until the water is as clear as possible. This is necessary so that the cereals are cleaned of excess gluten and starch. They are totally unacceptable when making sushi. Let the rice dry a little.

Dip the rice into a deep saucepan and fill with a volume of water, twice as large as the cereal. Put it on high heat and bring to a boil, covered. After boiling, reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for 12 minutes. Then, without removing the lid, remove from heat and let it brew for another 15 minutes.

How to cook rice for sushi and rolls

Prepare the rice dressing. To do this, dissolve 5 grams of salt and 15 grams of sugar in 25 ml of rice vinegar (if you took a glass of rice). Stir everything until completely dissolved. To make this process go faster, you can warm up the vinegar a little, but only slightly.

Add dressing to rice. To do this, place the rice in an even layer in a flat-bottomed dish. Pour the dressing over the spatula into the rice, the trickle should be thin. Stir the mixture immediately. Stir from bottom to top and left to right. Then, having collected the rice in one direction, begin to drag it to the other side with sharp, smearing movements with a spatula (without stirring!). Repeat the procedure several times. Then flatten the rice and cover with a damp cloth. Then leave it to cool.

Products for making sushi at home

To make sushi at home, you need to purchase the following ingredients:

  • seaweed "nori" - they are sold in different sizes, for sushi - in small plates, for rolls - twice as much (the price depends on the quantity)
  • packaging of pickled ginger and wasabi (Japanese horseradish), it is better to take wasabi in powder - so it will be sharper
  • soy sauce (differentiated by the degree of salinity)
  • rice vinegar specially designed for making sushi (it is slightly sweet and gives the dish a special aroma and exquisite taste)
  • rice (either special or regular, not parboiled, round grain rice)
  • salmon fillet (salted or smoked), mackerel fillet (mackerel may also work), ready-made shrimp or any other seafood for the filling
  • Philadelphia cheese (or any cream cheese without additional additives)
  • fresh cucumber
  • flying fish roe (this component is optional and is purchased if desired, you can do without it)
  • sesame seeds (roasted or raw)
  • avocado
  • bamboo mat
All these products are easy to buy in a large supermarket or small oriental stores.

How to cook rolls?

In addition to rice, there is another important point in the preparation of sushi and rolls - they need to be rolled. Otherwise, we will have rice with fish, not sushi. Seafood with cucumber and avocado is also used as a filling.

This is easier to do with a special bamboo mat. Place a sheet of special nori seaweed on it, the rough side up, on which the filling holds better. Put cooled rice 0.7-1 centimeter thick on the nori, distribute it evenly over the surface. Leave 1 and 0.5 cm of clear space at the top and bottom of the sheet, respectively. This is necessary to secure the roll.

How to make sushi quickly at home

Prepare the filling in advance - cut the required ingredients into elongated blocks, 3-5 mm thick. Put the filling on the rice and start rolling the roll, which will later turn into sushi. Gently lift the edge of the nori with a bamboo mat (makisu) and roll slowly into a tight tube. Gently squeeze the roll inside the mat and roll it a little.

For better adhesion of nori into a roll, you can wet the algae in the place where there is no rice and connect it to the roll. Moving the finished roll aside, proceed to making the next portion.

If, nevertheless, this task seems unattainable for you, you can always use the services of companies that provide sushi ordering at home.

How to cut the rolls correctly?

Use a sharp knife to cut the rolls properly. Dip the tip briefly in vinegar water. Then you should lift it with the tip up so that the vinegar water moistens the entire surface of the knife. Then it will be easy to cut the rolls.

Then place the rolls on a cutting board, seam side down. First, cut the resulting roll in half, and each half into three more. The knife can be periodically soaked in water, either vinegar or just cold, to remove the sticky constituent of the rice.

How to make rolls: master class from the chef

Then place the rolls on a tray, pour the soy sauce into ceramic bowls and serve.

What are the tastiest sushi?

Sushi, as mentioned above, can be very diverse. Therefore, the choice of the most delicious is, of course, yours. But the most popular, according to the editors of the site, have always been and remain the "Philadelphia" and "California" rolls, as well as sushi with eel, salmon and mussels.

Roll "Philadelphia"

Cooking nigiri sushi

While the sushi rice is cooling, you need to cut the fish. It is better to choose the cleanest and most beautiful part of the fillet. The denser it is, the thinner the pieces should be. For nigiri, it is best to cut the fillets at an angle towards you. To avoid having to "cut" the fish (which is unacceptable for sushi), pick up a very sharp knife.

Departing from the edge of a rectangular piece of fillet by 1-1.5 cm, cut off a piece of fillet in one motion at an angle of 45 degrees. Thus, cut all the fillets.

We begin to form nigiri. To do this, you need to prepare a container with wasabi and vinegar water (pour a couple of tablespoons of rice vinegar into boiled water). Put about one and a half tablespoons of finished rice in your right hand and give it an oval shape. In the left one he will put a plate of fish fillet across his fingers. Without releasing the rice, scoop up some wasabi and brush over the rice. Put rice on it and press it lightly with your left thumb.

Then switch hands and press on the rice with the index and thumb of your right hand. Gently turn the nigiri onto the fingertips of your left hand with the fish facing up. Then move them to the base of your fingers. Ready!

It is only important to ensure that the fish stock is larger than rice, and the rice is not compressed too much.
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