Milk toffee at home recipe. Cooking sweets from childhood - learning how to make homemade toffee

Many people remember those delicious toffee from childhood that were sold in Soviet stores. Mothers and children, grandmothers and grandchildren tried to make toffee at home. Not everyone succeeded, the one who mastered the secret of cooking, was in no hurry to share it, smiled slyly and treated them importantly.

I will not hide the recipe for butterscotch from my childhood, on the contrary, I will tell it in as much detail as possible. I will be making honey-based toffee and I find this recipe very appealing. Children simply adore it, besides, do not forget that honey is useful. However, if your child is allergic to bee products, it is not recommended to give him honey toffee.

Ingredients for the recipe

  • 120 g honey
  • 300 g sugar
  • 250 ml cream or sour cream
  • 20-30 g butter

How to make toffee at home

First of all, mix sugar and honey in one ladle, put this mixture on a small fire.

The mixture should be brought to a boil, after which it should be cooked for about 10 minutes, until it acquires a thick amber color.

Put the oil out of the refrigerator on the table in advance so that it becomes room temperature, divide it into parts and gradually let it sink in parts in the mixture, stirring well. We preheat the cream, add it extremely hot.

Cook until tender. You need to check the mixture yourself, just dropping a few drops on a plate and letting them cool down, after which we try to see if the consistency of the finished toffee suits.

We take a dish or tray, lay well-oiled parchment on it. It is important that the parchment is oiled, otherwise it will stick to the toffee. Pour out the mixture, leave it for a while so that it can cool down.

Already cooled, but still soft iris, you need to cut it with a knife or arrange it in any shape that you like. After cutting, leave the toffee to cool completely.

I used a regular ice mold.

You can wrap the taffy in parchment or cellophane. Delicious!

Surely your child loves candy. The favorite delicacy of many - butterscotch - can be prepared at home, and even involve your child in this activity - for example, fill the molds with a viscous mass. Believe me, the child will be delighted! According to our step-by-step recipe with a photo, you can cook mouth-watering homemade toffee.

Foods needed to make butterscotch:

milk - 200 ml;

sugar - 200g;

honey - 1 tbsp. lies .;

butter - 30-40g;

vanilla sugar - 1-2 tsp;

vegetable oil

How to make homemade toffee

1. Pour milk into a saucepan with a thick bottom and put on fire. Add sugar and vanilla sugar. Tip: if vanilla sugar is not available, you can use a couple of drops of the essence.

2. Add honey to milk, preferably natural. To stir thoroughly. When the milk boils, the heat must be lowered.

3. Add butter to the boiling mass and stir.

4. Cook the candy mixture over low heat, stirring occasionally the contents of the pan. Advice: do not leave the milk mass unattended, because it foams and can "run away".

5. Cook the candies for about 25-30 minutes, until the mixture thickens and acquires a caramel color.

6. Grease a mold for sweets or ice with vegetable oil. Fill the mold cells with the candy mass and put them in the refrigerator until completely solidified. Tip: in the absence of an appropriate shape, the candy mixture can be spread over oiled parchment, forming a rectangle 1-2 cm thick.After cooling, homemade toffee should be cut with a knife.

7. When the mass has completely cooled, remove the candies from the mold. Delicious homemade toffee is ready, you can treat yourself.

The candies soften at room temperature, so it is recommended to store them in a closed container in the refrigerator.

Bon Appetit!

Marina Tofan specially for the site I am a young mother

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Good day, dear readers of the culinary blog! Today I want to please the sweet tooth with a new dessert and tell you a very interesting recipe for toffee at home with milk.

Sweets, which can replace sugar, are a great addition to tea, and are useful in small quantities. Making them at home is not only cheaper, but also safer because you use quality ingredients.


1. Baked cow's milk - 200 ml.

2. Granulated sugar - 200 gr.

3. Vanilla sugar - 1 pack

4. Honey - 2 tbsp. spoons

5. Butter - 30 gr.

How to cook:

1. Butterscotch is cooked in milk, so I pour it into a thick-walled saucepan or stewpan.

2. I add regular and vanilla sugar to it,

3. I also add honey. I have natural milk and honey, rustic, without preservatives and unnecessary impurities. With them, sweets will turn out to be richer, creamier and tastier.

Now there are shops offering products from local farmers and it is not difficult to buy high-quality, real ingredients, although it is somewhat more expensive. Where do you prefer to buy products?

4. I mix everything thoroughly and melt. Next, I boil the mixture over medium heat for 30 minutes. After this time, a viscous liquid of caramel, beautiful color is obtained.

5. I use a silicone ice mold to make the candy. It is easy to take out toffees and is heat resistant. If you have a plastic mold, it is best to grease it with a little refined sunflower oil. I pour the caramel into a mold using a tablespoon.

6. Then I let the liquid cool down and put the mold in the freezer for about 30 minutes. The result is delicious milk toffee, they have a soft texture and a pleasant creamy taste. They can be served with guests for tea or always have on the table. Bon Appetit!

Now you know how to make regular homemade candy. The same recipe can be made. To do this, add cocoa powder or regular dark chocolate to the mixture. The end result is an excellent result with a rich, rich chocolate flavor.

Such sweets received the name "toffee" at the beginning of the 20th century, thanks to the French pastry chef working in St. Petersburg Mornas. He drew attention to the similarity of the shape of the candies with the petals of the flower of the same name.

- There are several types of toffee, which differ in consistency: semi-solid, viscous, soft, replicated, cast semi-solid.

- In America, sweets are popular with the addition of sea salt, which emphasizes the caramel taste.
- In many countries, chocolate and vanilla toffee is called fudge.

- The famous "Korovka" is made on the basis of milk toffee and comes from Poland.

If you liked the recipe, subscribe to the news and share the results in the comments below the article.

See new ways of cooking and delight yourself and your loved ones with "goodies". always tastier than a store or restaurant, as it is prepared with soul and care. See you!

Those who are still in the Soviet era still consider taffy as a symbol, a "taste" of their childhood. Actually, this is not particularly surprising: there was no great variety of candy at that time, and from the list of the entire assortment there were not so many items in the public domain. That is why some people willingly make toffee at home - they are driven by nostalgia. Of course, such sweets are not difficult to buy now, however, according to the people, this is “not that”.

But people born after the collapse of the monster, which united one-sixth of the entire land, also often "indulge" in this occupation. However, they have completely different motives. Most often, parents cook in this way, carefully reading the composition of modern sweets. Not everyone agrees to feed their child with an almost complete set of the periodic table in conjunction with the achievements of organic chemistry. they believe that it is much safer for the health of an organism that has not yet formed.

The most uncomplicated option

Despite the fact that these sweets are almost the simplest in recipe and preparation, the recipe for toffee (many make them at home) changes from performance to performance. And each owner of his own believes that his method of preparation is the most correct and gives the result exactly with that unique taste.
Consider the quickest and easiest recipe.

For 150 g of condensed milk, 50 g of butter, a tablespoon of flour, 100 g of milk (always dry!) ​​And 50 - of water will go.

The butter is slowly melted, flour is added to it while stirring, and everything is fried together until a pleasant golden color. After condensed milk is introduced, everything is mixed and cooked (we mark for 10 minutes, during which we continue stirring).

Milk is diluted with harvested water and poured into the mixture. Do not stop stirring! When the future candies begin to thicken (it will take about thirty minutes), they are transferred to molds (inserts from candy boxes are suitable) or in a layer on a flat surface. The top will need to be leveled. To make it easier to cut (break) the toffee at home later, you can draw fault lines. It remains to wait until they cool down.

Probably, no one would have believed in the forgotten "scoop" if they had told him that Europe also loves such sweets. However, this is a fact! The same proud and prim Englishmen willingly cook toffee at home, although they have their own opinion about what should be included in their composition. For the British version of these sweets, you will need: 230 g of good butter (and look for the unsalted version, otherwise you will spoil the whole taste); 250 g of sugar (you can take regular sugar, but the British advise granulated sugar); corn syrup - light, only a teaspoon, but take the trouble to find; and about 90 g of almonds - here it is for your taste - whether or not roasted nuts are more suitable for you.

How to be like the British

According to the British recipe, making toffee at home starts with mixing sugar, syrup, salt and butter. This mixture is put on a fire - not too strong, but not barely smoldering. The preparation will cook for five minutes (four, if you scrupulously follow the recommendations of the inhabitants of foggy Albion). Chopped nuts are added to the thickened composition, after which everything is cooked for another seven minutes (or until it turns brownish). The resulting mass is poured onto an oiled baking sheet and evenly distributed over the surface with a knife. After hardening, it breaks into pieces of the required size.

And the Scots love them too!

The closest neighbors of the British are also happy to cook toffee at home. And they also consider their recipe the most correct. If you want to join the mysterious Scotland - use their advice. The nuances are as follows: sugar is needed 390 g, and brown, oil - 120 grams, 2 large tablespoons of water and vinegar, just a little salt and 170 g of molasses. To make exactly the Scottish toffee candies at home, all the ingredients are mixed and cooked until the sugar is completely dissolved. Most of those who have used this recipe agree that the boil should not be slow, but strong - these are the characteristics of brown sugar. Anything that has stuck to the walls must be removed. If this is not done, you will have to take more sugar. Unlike other recipes, the mass is not poured out in layers with subsequent leveling, but gently dripped onto parchment or foil to make sweets of various shapes (but mostly drop-shaped).

For those who avoid sugar

It is not for nothing that they call him the white death. At the very least, this is true for the teeth. Sugar is also included in condensed milk (if you take the trouble to read its composition). So if you want to avoid this unwanted ingredient, you will have to follow the recipe for making toffee-free sugar-free. Here it is replaced by honey, which, as doctors assure, is much healthier.

So, a glass of sour cream, a glass of honey and a little butter will come in handy - just to grease a baking sheet or other form where sweets will be baked. Sour cream should not be cold, so you will have to remove it from the refrigerator beforehand. All components are mixed, except for the oil. If the honey is not very fresh and is sugared, it is “melted” in a water bath. All this is boiled over low heat with constant stirring. You need to cook for 20-25 minutes. It is necessary to stir slowly and constantly so that lumps do not appear. When future toffee will reach for a spoon, the mixture is poured into final containers, greased with oil. The finished dish is cut according to your preference.

What You Didn't Know About Homemade Toffee

  • How to determine readiness: Drop a drop into a cup of cold water. "Curled up" - it's time to drain.
  • You can diversify the taste sensations by adding seeds, any nuts, dried fruits to the mixture (dried apricots and prunes are especially good).
  • Candy can be stored for a very long time if kept in the refrigerator in oil-soaked parchment.

Try to combine nostalgia and natural products!

The smells during cooking, and later the taste of sweets, transported me to the distant student years, when my mother gave us sour cream with the hope that the children would cook borscht, and we cooked toffee from it. And the whole floor usually flocked to this extraordinary aroma. At that time, we did not have any forms - everything cooled down in an ordinary deep bowl, and then each one would cut off a piece for himself with a knife.

Two ingredients - sour cream and sugar - make great Toffee sweets at home. There are no difficulties in cooking. Try it, you will like the result!


To make "Toffee" sweets at home, we need:

sour cream - 750 ml;

sugar - 500 ml.

Cooking steps

Let's prepare the necessary ingredients for making "Toffee" sweets. It is better to take homemade, fatty sour cream. If you buy in a store, then take a non-powder one, with a fat content of at least 20%. It will work out great if you replace sour cream with cream.

In the first minutes, the sugar will begin to melt, and the sour cream will change color. The sour cream is fat - it will not stick to the sides, but it can burn, so you should not leave the stove, you need to stir periodically, but not constantly.

The longer you cook, the more the mass will acquire a richer yellow color and become thicker and thicker.

Delicious butterscotch sweets are ready. It's so easy to make a wonderful treat for the whole family using sour cream and sugar at home.

Bon Appetit!