Soaked lingonberries: the most delicious and healthy preparations for the winter. Lingonberry blanks for the winter - proven and delicious recipes

Lingonberries are called "the berry of health" for a reason. It contains a lot of useful vitamins and minerals.... If you save these berries for the winter, you can always feed your body with valuable substances, strengthening and healing it. Lingonberry is rich in organic acids, antioxidants and tannins; it contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B9, PP, as well as C and E and manganese. These berries can be enjoyed, even by those who are on a diet, their nutritional value is 46 Kcal per 100 grams. Lingonberries are harvested for the winter in many ways., in the article we will talk about the simplest and most popular, so that everyone who got this berry wealth can choose the best option for themselves.

For medicinal purposes, not only the fruits are used, but also the leaves of this plant. Phyto-raw materials are harvested during flowering, since then the leaves turn brown and gradually dry out. Whole, intact leaves are plucked and dried in a dark, well-ventilated place. As for the berries, it is useful to use them raw and canned.

The period from August to September is the time of "quiet hunting", when most of the wild berries ripen. Among them, lingonberry deserves special attention - a small, bright red berry, the benefits of which for a person can hardly be overestimated. It is most useful fresh, but some of its valuable vitamins and microelements can be preserved during conservation. Berries are rich in natural antiseptics, which allows them to keep fresh for a long time.

Lingonberries are consumed raw, as well as steamed and soaked. These berries are pickled, salted and even dried. Soaked lingonberry is a delicious addition to meat or fish dishes. If you grind it with sugar, then you can prepare teas, compotes, fruit drinks and other sweet drinks.

Lingonberries and cranberries are used to make a sauce used for seasoning main courses. As for desserts, there are so many lingonberry delicacies that you can't count all of them: jams, preserves, fruit drinks, compotes and even jelly.

There are many recipes based on lingonberry, and no less than those where it acts as only one of the components. It can be combined with cranberries, blueberries, and other berries. If you have frozen currants, raspberries or gooseberries, you can prepare a wonderful berry dessert at any time by adding lingonberries.

From the following video you will learn about the beneficial properties of lingonberry and its use in everyday life, says Ethno-herbalist Fadeev M.B.

Lingonberries for the winter: recipes without cooking

Lingonberry grows in a fairly large area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe territory, so that many people use it for medicinal and culinary purposes. Moreover, our distant ancestors knew about its benefits and pleasant taste, so that from ancient times to the present, there have been many recipes for its preparation. Especially useful are those that exclude cooking.


Lingonberries can be frozen. Pre-washed and sorted berries are laid out in bags or plastic containers, after which they are placed in the freezer. Their shelf life is up to 2 years.

Dried lingonberry

This is one of the simplest ways. Everything is useful in lingonberries - berries and leaves. It is believed that the leaves have even greater medicinal properties than berries. Therefore, for drying, you need to pick the berries along with the leaves. The sorted and washed berries are best dried in an electric dryer or dehydrator at a temperature not exceeding 45 degrees. If dried at a higher temperature, then the berry may burst, and vitamins and nutrients will significantly decrease. Store dried lingonberries in a closed container.

Lingonberry with sugar

The easiest way is to sugar the berries. The same amount of sugar is needed for 1 kilogram of raw materials. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse and sort out the lingonberries, removing rotten, damaged or dried berries. The rest are placed in clean, sterilized jars with a layer of about 1-1.5 centimeters thick. Each ball of berries is sprinkled with sugar. The top of the workpiece is also necessarily covered with sugar. As the container is filled, you need to shake it a little so that the contents are tamped. But you do not need to compact the layers with a spoon - this will damage the berries.

After filling the jar up to the neck, it is closed with a lid and placed in a cold place - on the balcony or in the refrigerator. Such a blank can be stored for up to six months. It is good to use it in tea and compote, as well as for making jelly, drinks and other dishes.

Berry puree

Thick, similar in consistency to sour cream, the substance is lingonberry puree. It is good to spread it on a roll or biscuit, or pour it over ice cream and casserole. And many more add sweetness to tea or take a bite. To prepare a treat, you need 1 kilogram of berries and 1.2 kilograms of sugar. As in the previous version of the blank, the lingonberry is washed and sorted out. Then it is poured into a deep container and sugar is added there. Everything is pureed with a blender. If there is none, you need to knead the berries in a mortar, and then mix them with sugar. Let the mixture sit for a few hours to dissolve the sugar crystals. After that, it can be poured into pre-washed and sterilized jars, closed with a lid and stored in a cool place.

Soaked lingonberry

Fans of exquisite spicy dishes will appreciate soaked lingonberries for the winter. It is a great addition to meat and some vegetable dishes. It is prepared simply, and canned berries are stored for at least a year. Many useful elements are preserved in them.

For 1 kilogram of freshly washed and carefully sorted berry raw materials, you need to take 2 tablespoons of sugar, a similar serving of salt, a few sticks of cinnamon, as well as vanilla, cinnamon and peppercorns to taste. It is advisable to take vanilla in pods, and not a confectionery that looks like a powder.

The brine is prepared first. 1 liter of water is poured into an enameled container. Salt and sugar are poured there, everything heats up, and then, after they are dissolved, the liquid is removed from the heat and the rest of the spices are added to it. When the brine has cooled down, they need to pour the lingonberries. After that, it is advisable to tie the top of the vessel with gauze and remove the product in a cool place for 3-5 days. The lower the temperature, the longer the berries will soak. After that, the soaked lingonberries should be laid out in pre-washed and sterilized jars, closed with lids and stored in a cool place.

Lingonberry compote

Lingonberry compote is not only tasty, but also healthy. It is great for dealing with the first signs of a cold. To prepare it, you need 1 kilogram of berries, 800 grams of sugar and 8 liters of water.

Lingonberries must be carefully sorted out and then rinsed. Water is mixed with sugar and boiled until the latter is completely dissolved. After that, you need to reduce the heat to a minimum, pour into a container where compote, berries are cooked and, stirring, keep for 6-8 minutes. As soon as small bubbles begin to form on the surface, the compote is poured into pre-sterilized jars and rolled up.

Lingonberry in syrup

For lovers of desserts, lingonberries in syrup will be a real delight. Its preparation does not take much time and effort. You need to take 1 kilogram of berries, rinse and sort them. Then they are laid out in washed and sterilized jars. You will also need the zest of 1 lemon 300-350 grams of sugar and 2 glasses of water. All ingredients are mixed and the syrup is cooked. They need to pour the berries and roll up the cans.

Storage of lingonberries with heat treatment

And those who like jams and preserves can traditionally cook lingonberries, there are also a lot of options here.

Pear and lingonberry jam

This jam can be not only an independent dessert, but also a filling for pies, pies and other muffins. For cooking, you will need 1 kilogram of lingonberries and pears, 1.5 kilograms of sugar and 3 glasses of water. Lingonberries are washed and moved, pears are cleaned of tails, skins and seeds, after which they are cut into slices.

Separately, water is mixed with sugar, from which syrup is cooked. They need to pour the berry-fruit mixture, mix and bring to a boil over low heat. Immediately after this, the jam should be removed from the heat. The manipulation is repeated at least after 2-3 hours, and preferably the next day. When the jam boils for 10 minutes, it should be poured into sterilized jars and rolled up.

Lingonberry and apple jam is closed in the same way. It is advisable to take a sweet variety, since there are a lot of fruit acids in the berries.

Lingonberry jam "Fast"

For 1 kilogram of raw berry, 1.5 kilograms of sugar and 1 glass of water are taken. The berries are sorted out and washed, after which they are folded into a deep container. There they are blanched with water for about 3 minutes. After that, the liquid is drained, and the lingonberry is filled with cold water. You can put the berries in a drushlag and dip them in boiling water for 3 minutes.

Sugar syrup is cooked from the water where the berries are blanched. Berries are poured into it, and for 10 minutes everything boils over high heat. Stir the jam to make it smooth. After boiling for another 15 minutes, it is poured into cans and rolled up.

By the way, lingonberries prepared in this way for the winter are served not only with tea or sweets, but also with meat dishes.

Lingonberry jelly

Lingonberry jelly is pleasant, even for those who are not delighted with too sour, raw berries. It has a pleasant look and delicate texture. Since lingonberries are rich in pectin, you do not need to add gelatin, the dessert itself has the desired consistency.

For 1 kilo of berries, you need to take the same amount of sugar. The lingonberry is washed and moved, then placed in a saucepan. It is desirable that the vessel has a thick bottom. Berry raw materials are slightly crumpled with a spoon, if the lingonberries are not too juicy, then you can pour in 1 glass of water. Everything is boiled for 10 minutes, then strained. The berries need to be squeezed out, having received the maximum of useful liquid. After that, sugar is added to the lingonberry juice and, stirring, cooked over low heat until the volume is reduced by 1/3. After that, as the product cools, the lingonberry jelly will solidify. If this does not happen, then you can heat the composition by adding gelatin. For each liter, 40 grams are taken. After cooling, the jelly will be of the appropriate consistency with a pleasant, sweet and sour taste.


Lingonberries are harvested for the winter in many options. Those that do not involve heat treatment are simpler, and also allow you to save more nutrients. However, preserves, jams and other lingonberry desserts have certain positive properties. The choice of a recipe is a matter of taste and desire.

Read the article: 554

And the townspeople, who want to provide themselves with tasty vitamins for the winter, go to the nearest supermarket to hunt for lingonberries in the beginning of autumn or choose berries from the market.

Lingonberries are good both fresh and processed.

It does not differ in sweetness, but the taste of its strong berries cannot be denied originality.

Soaked, pickled, steamed, sun-dried lingonberries become a wonderful side dish for meat, fish, mushroom dishes, and game.

For example, any meat, even lean meat. And in order to feast on sweet preparations (jam, compotes, fruit drinks, jams), she will only "require" you to add more sugar.

How to store fresh lingonberries correctly

Lingonberry fruits contain acids that have antiseptic properties. It is they that allow you to keep the berries fresh for a long time.

Without heat treatment harmful to vitamins, fresh lingonberries can be stored for months even at room temperature.

Before you save the lingonberries for the winter without a refrigerator, you need to select ripe, but not overripe berries without damage, rinse them.

Then transfer the berries to a jar, pour in cool boiled water, send it cool.

Let them stand for 3 days. After that, drain the water, pour fresh water, close the vessel with a lid.

If you find beautiful glass jars, you can place them right in the kitchen. The content looks so appetizing that it will be an organic addition to the interior.

Only harvested or purchased lingonberries in their natural state, without pouring, are well preserved in the refrigerator. Select ripe whole berries, rinse and dry. Transfer to a deep container, such as a cardboard box or plastic container with a lid. Place in the refrigerator on the vegetable shelf. They can be stored there for 2-3 months.

To keep fresh berries at room temperature longer without pouring, prepare several sheets of paper. Put a layer of prepared lingonberries on the first sheet, transfer to a cardboard container, then the next layer on a piece of paper, etc. So the berries can "hold out" for about a month. But you need to keep an eye on them: when you see a fruit that is ready to deteriorate, immediately get rid of it.

Save the berry for the winter

Among the winter stocks, jars of lingonberries stand out for their elegance. Soaked, canned or simply grated with sugar, lingonberries are guaranteed to stand until the next hunting season. Every day it will become more delicious and tastier - this is another of its pleasant features.

Soaked lingonberry

A simple way to save lingonberries for the winter without a refrigerator, proven for centuries, will allow you to cook a spicy and healthy lingonberry garnish at any time, pamper your household with savory pastries with delicious filling.

Prepare compotes, jelly, fruit drinks from soaked lingonberries, or simply refresh yourself with a bright red, divinely fragrant drink infused with wild berries.

You will need:

  • 5 kg lingonberries
  • 2.5-2.8 liters of water
  • 500 g sugar (or a pound of honey)
  • a pinch of cinnamon or a couple of cloves (optional)
  • salt (on the edge of a knife).

How to do:

  1. Sort out the berries, put in a colander, rinse.
  2. Transfer the fruits to three-liter jars (up to the shoulders).
  3. Next, bring the water to a boil, add sugar or add honey, flavor with cinnamon, cloves, if desired.
  4. Cook until sugar or honey is completely dissolved in water. Cool it down.
  5. Fill the berries with syrup.
  6. Cover the necks of the cans with gauze, leave them in the room for a couple of days.
  7. We close the jars with nylon lids, place them in a cool place - ideally store soaked lingonberries in the cellar, but the refrigerator shelf will do just fine.

Canning in syrup

Lingonberries can be preserved like. Make a simple (sugar and water) and fruit filling.

In any case, sugar should be at least 70% of the amount of liquid.

What do you need:

  • 5 kilos of lingonberries;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1.5-1.8 kg of sugar;
  • a glass of lemon juice.

The process is step by step:

  1. Boil water, add sugar to it.
  2. Stir. Boil until sugar crystals dissolve, pour in lemon juice.
  3. Strain and cool.
  4. Fill the jars with lingonberries, pour in the syrup.
  5. Cover the necks with parchment paper, tie, put in a cool place.

Instead of water, you can use fruit syrup, which is prepared as follows: squeeze the juice from the lingonberries, add sugar (1: 1) and boil.

With sugar without heat treatment

One of the best options for preserving vitamins is to simply grind the lingonberry berries with sugar and store the preparation in the refrigerator.

Of course, only desperate sweet tooths will like this pure vitamin delicacy - there is too much sugar.

But it cannot be reduced: the fermentation process can occur even in the refrigerator.

But as a filling for pies, a sweet preparation will be to everyone's taste.

You will need:

  • 2 kg of lingonberries;
  • 2 kg of sugar.

How to cook:

  1. Sort out the berries, put them in a colander, rinse.
  2. After the water has drained, pour sugar over the berries in a bowl.
  3. Mix thoroughly, with effort, without fear of crushing.
  4. Dip a tablespoon in boiling water and spread the fruit and sugar mass into jars.
  5. Close the lids, send to the refrigerator.

How to store lingonberries all winter without sugar

Harvesting fresh lingonberries without adding sugar at home is possible if there is a freezer or oven. These technologies do an excellent job with the most important task: preserving the natural taste of the fruit and their rich healthy component.


To freeze lingonberries, select the berries: they should be ripe.

Slightly immature is also permissible, and mercilessly discard overripe, damaged or rotten ones.

It is ideal to send only harvested or purchased fruits to the freezer.

In any case, hurry up, not giving the vitamins time to "self-destruct".

Rinse the berries, dry on a paper towel.

Divide the forest wealth in plastic bags or airtight containers and ship to the freezer.


Before processing, select ripe berries, rejecting crumpled, rotten ones. Rinse the fruit and pat dry.

Arrange on a baking sheet in one layer and place in the oven (+ 60 ° C). Stir them periodically.

Seal dry berries hermetically and place in a dark, dry place. They should not be stored for more than six months. Better to brew vitamin tea more often and improve your health.

Lingonberries do not ripen on their own. It is not worth expecting that greenish berries will turn scarlet. Buy only bright fruits.

When buying, make sure the berries are harvested in an ecologically clean region. It is capable of absorbing radiation intensively.

The density of lingonberry berries and the acids they contain allow them to be stored for a couple of years with some types of processing. But it is better to empty stocks before the beginning of the next season. It will be both tastier and healthier.

Those who know a lot about lingonberry subtleties, when soaking berries, Siberians add sour milk, chicory or bread crusts to the water, put licorice root. And in Ukraine it is soaked together with Antonov apples.

Useful video

How to choose a good lingonberry and why it can be stored in water is described in detail in this video:

Lingonberry is a very tasty berry that is best picked in a forest far from the city and the highways. The hot season for such a harvest: late August - early September. This fruit is a rich source of nutrients and vitamins. Having collected this wonderful harvest, soak the lingonberries so that in winter you can make a wonderful cocktail in the form of fruit drink, use the berries as a filling for dumplings or pies, just eat a bite with tea instead of jam. There are many more ways to harvest this fruit, but this time you will learn about the methods of soaking lingonberries.

Features of the preparation of soaked lingonberries

The method of urinating is a great option to preserve all the beneficial substances of lingonberries for a long period. This method was used by our ancient ancestors, using unique technologies that have not survived to this day, special earthenware, wooden barrels, stored in dark cool cellars. Despite the fact that modern Slavs cannot observe all the secrets of soaking this berry, the possibility of cooking in this way still remains. The main thing is to correctly use the following features and recommendations:

  • Beforehand, each berry must undergo a thorough examination for the presence of any marriage.
  • The fruits must be ripe.
  • Choose hard berries for soaking.
  • Wash the fruits thoroughly, remove the stalks.
  • When preparing soaked lingonberries, it is best not to use aluminum cookware. If this is not done, then the products may react with the metal. An enamel pot is fine for cooking.

How to soak lingonberries for the winter: recipes with photos

To make soaked lingonberries tasty, it is important to follow all the proportions and recommendations of each cooking method. The correct approach to soaking this berry will allow you to store such yummy for a long period, the contained nutrients and vitamins will not lose their properties even after a whole year. To find out how to properly soak lingonberries for the winter season, see the recipes with photos below. However, before you get started, check out a few guidelines that will come in handy when harvesting berries:

  • If lingonberries with leaves hit your table, do not rush to throw them away. Add them to soaked berries, and you get the enhanced healing effect of a delicious dessert prepared for the winter.
  • When it is necessary to prepare a large number of berries, it is better to soak them in wooden or nylon barrels.
  • Those who prefer harvesting from wild berries with natural properties without additives (sugar, spices) should be aware that it is periodically necessary to change the water in the soaked lingonberry. This is due to the fact that these fruits contain benzoic acid, which allows them to be stored for a long time. But the liquid can sour, so it is important to monitor this moment and update it in time.
  • To give the soaked fruits a rich, pleasant aroma, put a few peeled apple pieces from a variety called "Antonovka" to the soaked berries.
  • Complement this soaked berry with a variety of salads or vegetable dishes.
  • Additionally, you should know that lingonberry will help improve metabolism, strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  • If you drink tea with these fruits every day, especially in winter, your immunity will increase significantly, you will not have a cold.

The classic recipe for soaking lingonberries with sugar in jars

You will like this simple method of preparing wild berries because it is not picky about the storage method. You can make soaked lingonberries and place them on the balcony or just indoors by placing the jars in a cardboard box. The berry prepared in this way will stand right until the next warm spring, if your household does not eat it during the first two months. Check out the step-by-step description of the recipe:


  • 1 kg of berries.
  • 0.5 kg of sugar.
  • 1 teaspoon of salt.
  • 3 liters of drinking water.

Step-by-step description of the algorithm of actions:

  1. Wash the berry thoroughly, sort it out.
  2. Boil the filling: boil the water, throw in the sugar and salt. Cool the finished syrup.
  3. Put the lingonberries to the top in the jars, pour over the syrup. You can throw a couple of apple slices on top.
  4. Put oppression on top, cover with gauze or a special lid with holes.
  5. The cooking period is 20 days. After this period, the soaked berries can be stored in the refrigerator.

Lingonberry recipe in its own juice without sugar

If you prefer a more natural lingonberry flavor, try this simple berry recipe in its own juice without added sugar. You will get a wonderful vitamin drink that will replace any compote in winter. Treat your guests to delicious lingonberry water or pamper the kids. Everyone will enthusiastically praise you for your unusual thirst-quenching healthy drink. Take note of this recipe by studying its step-by-step preparation below.


  • 1.5 kg of lingonberry berries.
  • 4.5 liters of drinking water.

How to soak lingonberries in your own juice:

  1. Put the washed berries in a container on a third.
  2. Fill the rest with water.
  3. Cover with holes or wrap with parchment (baking paper).
  4. Place the bottle in a dark place for a week.
  5. At the end of the specified period, remove the sample: pour out about a glass of liquid.
  6. Reimburse what is poured with the same amount of fresh water.
  7. Do this every time you want to taste lingonberry water, but remember that over time, berries lose their properties and become unusable.

Fragrant lingonberry soaked in honey

Add honey to the healing lingonberry and you have an indispensable health cocktail for you and your family for the entire cold period. Eat such yummy as a dessert, eat it with tea or pancakes instead of jam more often and you will forget what a cold is. Use pickled berries as a filling for delicious pies or dumplings. This is an additional way to pamper your kids with a nice sweet dish to eat on both cheeks. You can read a detailed description of this method of soaking lingonberries further.


  • 2.5 kg of berries.
  • 0.6 l of honey.
  • 5 liters of drinking water.
  • Cinnamon, cloves.

How to soak:

  1. Wash the wild berries thoroughly, put in a glass or ceramic container.
  2. Throw honey into the water, put in a water bath to get a homogeneous syrup consistency, without bringing it to a boil. Add spices.
  3. Pour the syrup over the lingonberry berries so that the liquid covers the berries by three fingers.
  4. Place in a cool, dark place to infuse for up to five days.
  5. After the specified period, close the lid, put it in the refrigerator or cellar for storage.

Cold soaked lingonberry with spices

Another option for a delicious refreshing lingonberry drink is cold pickled berries. Eat such fruits instead of jam, eat a bite with a bun, or bake fragrant brass pies. In winter, such "little joys" go well, so do not be too lazy to prepare wild berries for the cold season in this way. Check out the step-by-step cooking method:

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 kg of lingonberry fruits.
  • 0.5 kg of sugar.
  • 3 clove buds.
  • 3 liters of chilled drinking water.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. Rinse the berries thoroughly, put in an enamel pot or bucket, half filling the container.
  2. Sprinkle sugar and cloves on top, put oppression.
  3. Fill everything to the very top with filtered water, cover with a lid.
  4. Cooking time is one month. At the same time, it is necessary to store soaked berries in the cellar.

Recipe for soaking lingonberries with salt

Lingonberry complements meat dishes very well. It turns out especially delicious if you use this berry as a sauce. Give your family a gastronomic feast by preparing the ultimate soaked lingonberries with salt to add as a seasoning to meat. It will emphasize the amazing taste of poultry, beef or pork, add a special piquancy to any side dish. Add another masterpiece to your collection of exceptional recipes. See below for how this is prepared.

What is required from the products:

  • 1 kg of berries.
  • 0.9 liters of drinking water.
  • A tablespoon of salt.
  • 0.5 teaspoon sugar.
  • 1 clove.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Select carefully, wash the lingonberries. Place in glass bottles up to the top.
  2. Prepare the brine: boil water, add salt, sugar and spices. Cool completely.
  3. Pour lingonberries with brine to the top, cover, set to infuse at 10-degree temperature for up to four days.
  4. After the specified period, put it in the basement or refrigerator for storage.

Video recipes: how to soak lingonberries at home

This healthy berry can be prepared in other interesting ways, for example, lingonberries in sugar syrup, wild berries soaked with apples. The result is sure to be delicious. Watch below additional video recipes on how to properly soak lingonberries at home so that it is tasty and for future use. There you will find a detailed description of each cooking method, various recommendations for proper storage, and be inspired for future fruitful work.

Lingonberries in sugar syrup

Pickled apples with lingonberries

How to soak lingonberries in three-liter bottles for future use

Lingonberry syrup is a tasty and healthy treat for children and adults. It can be used with baked goods, ice cream, dessert, cocktail and even meat. It is prepared without additives or preservatives. I offer you a simple recipe for such a syrup.


Of the ingredients, you only need sugar and lingonberries, in a one-to-one ratio.


It is necessary to thoroughly rinse and dry the lingonberries. It is best to do this with a sieve to keep the excess liquid in the glass. Saturate with dry paper towel if necessary.

Then send the pan over low heat and bring to a boil. During the cooking process, without removing the pan from the heat, knead the lingonberries with any available means (most conveniently with a potato roll) so that it releases the juice as quickly as possible. The syrup must be cooked over low heat for 20 - 30 minutes, depending on what consistency you need.

After that, remove the pan from the heat and grind the lingonberries with an immersion blender, then again send to low heat for 10 - 15 minutes.

Sterilize the jars, place the syrup and roll up.

Lingonberry - apple jam

Such jam will become a decoration of your table, and believe me, your guests will remember this pleasant taste and will definitely drop by again.

You will need:

Lingonberry - 3 liter jar;

Peeled apples - 3 liter jar;

Sugar - 3 kg;

Cinnamon - 1 teaspoon

Cloves - 1 teaspoon


Peel the apples and remove the core. Cut the apples into cubes and put them in a deep saucepan, then add washed lingonberries and sugar and leave to infuse for 5-6 hours. After the allotted time, we put the pan on the fire and stir it so that our jam does not burn. Bring the jam to a boil and leave to cool. We do this procedure 2 more times. After everything is done, add the cloves and cinnamon, bring the jam to a boil and place it hot in sterilized jars. The output is 5 liters of jam.

Soaked lingonberries for the winter

You will definitely like this lingonberry dish, as it is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Lingonberry contains a lot of vitamins, so it is not for nothing that it is called the berry of health.


3-4 cups lingonberry berries;

3 tbsp Sahara;

1 tsp salt;

1 l. water;

Allspice (peas);


Initially, it is necessary to properly wash and sterilize the jars or pour boiling water over them. Put the washed lingonberries in a jar so that they are evenly distributed. Then pour water into a saucepan or stewpan and add the remaining ingredients, bring to a boil. After that, we filter the filling through a sieve or cheesecloth, and leave to cool. Next, fill in the lingonberry with the prepared filling and close it with a plastic lid. Now you need to put it in a cool place and the delicious soaked lingonberry is ready for winter.

Lingonberry jam with pear

In order to prepare such a jam, it is necessary to stock up on lingonberries in advance, since pears are ripened a little later. Lingonberry with pear in combination gives a wonderful aroma and great taste.

For this jam you need:

2 kg of lingonberries;

4 kg of sugar;

2 kg of pears;

1 tbsp. water.


Wash the lingonberries thoroughly. Core the pears and cut into small pieces. Sugar must be prepared separately, pour it into a saucepan and add water to dissolve faster. Put the saucepan on the fire and stir. After the syrup is brought to a boil, add the lingonberries and pear and boil for 20 minutes. Next, add cinnamon, because it is she who gives such a wonderful aroma in lingonberry jam. The jam in a saucepan will need to be boiled for about an hour and a half, stirring it all the time. The foam will definitely need to be removed so that there are no troubles in the final result. The jam can be cooked longer, it all depends on how thick you need it. After you have cooked the jam, it should be hot decomposed into sterilized jars and sealed with a lid for preservation.

As you can see, we have got a large number of blanks for the winter with lingonberries, a very tasty and healthy berry. Now you know what to make of lingonberries for the winter! Bon appetit and delicious preparations!

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Hello dear readers. Today I will have a guest post. For a very long time I wanted to touch on the topic of lingonberry preparations for the winter. But in our area, lingonberry does not grow, and as you already know, I check the recipes myself, and I give you only proven recipes. And to get out of the situation, I found a person who harvests lingonberries himself. And although the recipes will be without step-by-step photos, but they are proven. And Natalia Bogoyavlenskaya will tell you about lingonberries, or rather recipes for the winter. I give her the floor.

Hello dear friends!

It is not every year that we, city dwellers, have the joy of stocking up on a large harvest of berries. The emotions that I experienced while picking lingonberry bushes, completely strewn with ripe, juicy fruits of a rich red-burgundy color - it's just incredible!

In September, at the height of Indian summer, when the weather was warm, sunny, we responded to the invitation of our friends from Novgorod to visit them. They said that this year the lingonberries are visible and invisible.

You will not believe! In the forest and in the sunny glades - a solid, red carpet. You sit down and pick up half a bucket of berries in one place. You don't even have to go far into the forest. In a couple of days, we loaded the trunk in the car to the eyeballs. In St. Petersburg, they gave our relatives a gift, and we ourselves had enough work for two weeks to make preparations for the winter.

Now I will tell you how I coped with such a large harvest, in what form I save lingonberries for the winter and what recipes for preparing delicious dishes I have already tried to make. I just enjoy this healthy and tasty berry. Home people also really like it.

By the way, about the benefits of lingonberry! In this article, I have published everything related to the beneficial properties of berries, their composition, health effects and use for the treatment of many diseases. Read on, very useful information if you don't already know about lingonberry. Now let's move on to culinary recipes!

Lingonberry recipes for preparations for the winter

Lingonberries with sugar in a blender

I took a kilogram of lingonberry berries, sorted it out and washed it with running water through a colander. Then I dried it on a paper towel. Placed in an enamel bowl with high sides. I added one kilogram and 300 grams of granulated sugar, rubbed the mixture with a blender. Let it stand a little for the sugar to dissolve. Then transfer to dry, steam-sterilized jars. Close with lids. By the way, sugar can be replaced with natural honey. This is very useful, but it will also cost a lot more. And you can not add sugar at all or at a minimum, about 300 gr. Nothing terrible will happen, the product will not deteriorate, because lingonberries contain benzoic acid, which has antibacterial properties. Store in the refrigerator. In winter, you can drink tea with mashed lingonberries, make fruit drinks from it, just dilute with water and drink.

Lingonberry fruit drink recipe

Morse is my favorite drink. Even as a child, my mother made us such a drink from cranberries or lingonberries. How do I make lingonberry juice? I do not cook it, because at high temperatures most of the vitamins will be destroyed. I just take from my blanks (frozen, soaked in water) as many berries as I need. For example, two glasses. After defrosting, I squeeze the juice through a colander with a crouton. I put the peels in a saucepan, fill them with water and cook for 5 - 10 minutes. Strain through a colander again. I add the cooled broth to the juice from the berries. It is best to sweeten the fruit drink with honey, but you can also sugar. That's it, delicious fruit drink is ready! Drink and rejoice. And as for a cold, it is pleasant and useful, it is simply impossible to convey.

Soaked lingonberry recipe

For the winter, you can prepare soaked lingonberries. It will be very tasty and can be added as a side dish to meat and poultry. Can be added to salads or vinaigrette.

First, let's prepare the syrup. We take 2 tablespoons per liter of water. sand and 2 teaspoons of salt. And also add allspice peas and carnation buds, 7 - 8 pieces each. One stick of cinnamon will not be superfluous. Boil the syrup for 10 minutes.

By this time, we will prepare 1 kg of clean, dry berries. If used in winter, it can be frozen or stored berries in jars of water.

And then everything is simple! Place the berries in an enamel bowl, add the syrup, mix - and over cleanly washed and scalded jars. Closed with lids. In winter, this is such a delicious variety! It cannot be compared with any ketchups and sauces.

Pickled lingonberry with apples for the winter

To be honest, I didn't use this recipe, but I liked it. At our dacha in a year there are harvests of Antonov apples. M. b. someday this recipe will be useful to me. But I will introduce you to him.

We need to take a kilogram of lingonberries and half a kilogram of apples. The berries should be rinsed, then dried on a paper towel. And cut the apples into slices, removing the core. We put all this in jars. Cook the marinade: 700 ml of water, 100 ml of 9% vinegar, 250 g of sand, half a teaspoon of salt, cinnamon, pepper and cloves to taste. Pour lingonberries with boiling syrup. We sterilize the jars for 10 - 15 minutes. Then the banks are wrapped up and left until the next day. Judging by the reviews, they never exploded.

How to make lingonberry jam

I also cooked enough of this jam in the fall. For one and a half kilograms of washed and dried berries, I took a kilogram of sand and a glass of water.

I took a bowl for making jam. I put sugar and water there. She let the syrup boil, all the time she stirred the sugar until it was completely dissolved and then boiled it for another 7 minutes. After that, berries were poured into the boiling syrup. Bring to a boil and boil them for 7 minutes. The fire was diminishing. She took off the foam all the time. After that, the basin must be removed from the heat and immediately poured into sterile jars, Close with lids.

Usually I always cook blackcurrant jam like that, but then the jars must be insulated and left until the next day. Otherwise, mold will form on top of many cans. I decided not to risk it and did the same with the lingonberry jam. Although, the benzoic acid found in lingonberries should keep the jam from mold.

That's not all tasty and healthy lingonberry preparations for the winter! I have something else in store for you. So a little patience and see what recipes for winter preparations we can make at home.

How to make lingonberry jam

If you want to get a delicate jam of a uniform consistency, you need to prepare it as follows. Take a kilogram of berries. If you make jam in the berry season, take fresh berries. Now, in winter, you can use frozen ones. We defrost them, clean them, rinse and dry them.

The berries need to be soft, so we put the autumn berries on the fire and add half a glass of water, let it boil and immediately remove from the heat. We knead the berries with a tolokushka, pass through cheesecloth laid in a sieve. Add a little water to the pomace again and boil. Then we pass it through a sieve again. Now add 500 g of sand to the berry puree, stir with a spoon and put on fire. Let it boil, remove the foam and boil for 10 minutes. Pour hot jam into sterile jars, close the lids, wrap the jars and leave until the next day. Store in a cool place. Children like this delicate jam with pancakes, cottage cheese casserole, spread on a bun.

If we cook the jam for a long time, it will thicken with us, the volume will decrease by half. Place this mass in sterile jars, roll up and keep cool. You will get confiture or marshmallow. It's like marmalade, you can cut it with a knife, make lingonberry sweets, roll it in powdered sugar and treat the kids.

Lingonberry shortbread recipe

There are a lot of recipes for pies with lingonberry filling on the Internet. They are made on yeast dough, shortbread, puff pastry. I chose such a pie for our family - on shortcrust pastry with berries. And sour cream whipped with sugar on top. It was just Saturday, friends came to visit. The cake was a huge success. It is a pity that it was not enough, the flight was gone! How did I do it?

I took 500 g of frozen lingonberries, washed them, put them to dry on a paper towel. In the meantime, I began to make the dough. I put a pack of softened butter in an enamel bowl - 200 gr. I added granulated sugar - 200 grams, broke two eggs and one teaspoon of baking powder or half a teaspoon of baking soda, quenched with vinegar. Added 100 grams of sour cream. I mixed all the ingredients with a large wooden spoon and gradually began to add the sifted flour. In total, about 500 - 600 gr. I kneaded the dough so that it was soft and without lumps. I put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Then she rolled out the dough and put it on a greased baking sheet. Raised the edges of the dough a little to form the sides. I put the berries on the dough and smoothed them out. The oven should be at a temperature of 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

It remains to take 20% sour cream - 300 gr, add a glass of sand, beat with a mixer and pour onto our hot pie. Let it stand for a few hours, soak. It turned out very tasty!

Lingonberry liqueur

How can you do without lingonberry liqueur if you have such a large harvest of lingonberry! Let's do it for the New Year! Own - it is always better than purchased.

I took 500 grams of berries, thawed, washed, dried and kneaded with a crush. Placed in a three-liter jar, poured 500 ml of vodka, closed the lid, mixed. I put it in a cool place for a week.

After that, filtered through a fine sieve, removed the cake. I placed the liquid part in a saucepan, added 400 g of sand - and on the stove. Heated and stirred sugar. It should be brought to a boil, but not boiled. Everything! Poured into decanters. The liquor is ready for the holiday. Let it stand, waiting for the New Year.

Well, what friends! As you can see, very tasty and healthy preparations for the winter can be made from lingonberries. You now have recipes for cooking! The case is small. If you have frozen lingonberries, make something tasty out of them. If not, bookmark the article for future lingonberry harvests.