How to make cutlets tender and soft. How to make delicious and fluffy cutlets

In this article, we will reveal all the culinary secrets of how to cook cutlets so that they are juicy and lush. It all starts with the choice of meat, preparation of minced meat. Well, of course, the recipe for the cutlets themselves must be appropriate and correct. Other options, .

About the choice of meat

Of course, the most delicious are cutlets, for which the minced meat is prepared independently from a whole piece of meat. For this, only fresh meat is bought, the front part of the carcass, the fillet edge is ideal.

Advice! Try combining several types of meat in one minced meat. Pork goes well with beef, lamb or even chicken.

Cooking minced meat

In the video that illustrates this material, you can find a lot of interesting things on the topic of how to cook cutlets so that they are juicy and lush. When the meat is selected, then you should make the right minced meat from it. Here you can find a lot of tips from different housewives. Someone necessarily adds a raw egg to the minced meat, others soak the loaf in milk and add to the cutlets. Again, don't forget about spices and salt, onions and garlic.

Advice! Instead of eggs and bread, you can add grated potatoes to the minced meat. Some believe that this very secret ingredient is the key to the most delicious and juicy homemade cutlets.

As additional ingredients for the right minced meat, some are called sour cream or kefir in the amount of several large spoons. But it is not at all necessary to add eggs to the meat, because they will make the cutlets tough. Alternatively, you can put the yolk in the minced meat, and beat the protein separately and dip the cutlets in it just before frying (then you do not need to use additional bread crumbs).

To make the minced meat softer, just add a little warm boiled water to it, but a piece of butter or a pinch of soda is responsible for the splendor of the finished dish. Scroll the meat through a meat grinder two, or better - three times. Be sure to then mix the minced meat, beat off. All this works to ensure that the cutlets are tasty, soft and juicy.

Advice! In no case should you be afraid to add more greens, spices and salt to the minced meat. All this will add spice and originality to the dish.

Some secrets of frying cutlets:

  • Cutlets are formed with wet hands so that the meat does not stick.
  • You need to spread the cutlets in a frying pan, where the oil for frying is already warmed up.
  • The larger each cutlet is, the juicier it will be.
  • When the crust has set, you can reduce the heat and cover the pan with a lid. This will help each cutlet to soak in its juice and steamed properly.

Recipe on how to cook cutlets so that they are juicy and lush (with photo)

What you need:

  • 800 grams of pork pulp (you can take a mixture of different types of meat);
  • 200 grams of chicken fillet;
  • One onion;
  • Two cloves of garlic;
  • Three slices of white bread without a crust, which is soaked in milk;
  • 70 grams of butter;
  • Salt, pepper and other spices.
  • Vegetable oil, as well as bread crumbs for frying.

Make minced meat by passing the prepared meat through a meat grinder twice to make the cutlets tender. Squeeze the bread, mix with the minced meat. Grate the onion and garlic separately on a coarse grater, then add to the minced meat. Send spices and salt there. Be sure to mix the minced meat and beat off.

Advice! If the minced meat is thick, you can add a little water to it. Excellent and delicious recipe for cooking.

At the very end of cooking minced meat, add pieces of butter to it, which is finely chopped. Believe that the quality of cutlets will improve several times from this ingredient at once. Optionally, you can also add finely chopped greens to the minced meat. If there is such an opportunity, then the minced meat should be put in the refrigerator for an hour. Then form medium-sized cutlets, wetting your hands in cold water each time so that the meat does not stick. Then roll each cutlet in bread crumbs or just flour.

It remains to fry the cutlets in heated vegetable oil on both sides to form a pleasant and appetizing crust. It is recommended to change the oil after each fried portion. The recipe for how to prepare.

Now you know exactly how to cook cutlets so that they are juicy and fluffy in a pan. In the oven, this process will be the same. Because, the most important stage is precisely the preparation of minced meat and the addition of additional products to it. The egg should be completely abandoned, and instead of it, so that the cutlets are very juicy and fluffy, frozen butter is used.

How to make cutlets juicy and fluffy? Surprisingly, this dish, familiar to everyone from childhood, can be prepared in many ways. In this article, you will learn how to make it tender and literally melt in your mouth.

Ground meat

To prepare this dish according to the classic recipe, you will need to take: pork and beef in equal proportions, add to them onions soaked in milk, bread, salt and pepper. However, professional chefs, and with them amateur cooks, prepare cutlets not only from meat, but also from poultry, fish, vegetables, mushrooms. Often they are baked in various sauces, they come up with various fillings and add various spices. Meat patties are healthier if you remove potatoes and bread from their composition. To ensure that the taste of the finished dish does not suffer, add mashed raw vegetables, herbs, chopped wild mushrooms or onions fried in a pan instead.

Little secrets

Experienced housewives experimentally establish how to make cutlets juicy and fluffy. Try using the time-tested tips:

How to make meat patties

The recipe for this amazing dish does not differ much from the classic cooking option. However, by changing some points, you will understand how to make the cutlets juicy and fluffy:

How to make minced chicken cutlets

Diet food lovers are always creative to diversify recipes and make them more delicious. Everyone knows that chicken cutlets are quite often obtained by novice cooks dry and tasteless. If you have not yet solved this problem, then read our recipe and find out how to make chicken cutlets juicy:

  1. Mix the prepared minced chicken breast (600 grams) with grated cheese (200 grams), grated onions (one head), chopped parsley and dill, half a teaspoon of cinnamon and salt. All components should be mixed well with each other.
  2. Form round cutlets from the resulting minced meat and fry them in a pan with a closed lid until cooked. Don't forget that chicken cutlets cook faster than meat cutlets.

You can make minced chicken cutlets using the method described below.

Juicy cutlets with vegetables

  1. Soak three slices of dry white bread in milk.
  2. Grate onion and potatoes (one at a time), chop two garlic cloves with a knife.
  3. Combine vegetables with minced chicken breasts (700 grams), bread, and one large egg. Season the minced meat with spices (you can take "Italian herbs"), salt and black pepper.
  4. Shape the patties and fry on both sides in a skillet.

How to make cutlets juicy and fluffy? To do this, we advise you to prepare the sauce:

Chopped diet poultry cutlets

To make a low-calorie yet satisfying chicken or turkey dish, read the recipe below carefully:

  1. Cut chicken or turkey breast (700 grams) into cubes, mix with one egg and one spoonful of whole grain flour (you can use ground bran instead). Salt and pepper the minced meat and season with your favorite spices.
  2. Shape the patties with your hands and place them on a baking sheet covered with baking parchment.
  3. Bake the dish in a preheated oven until tender.

How to make it soft? Above all, try not to dry them out while cooking. Sauce made from sour cream, herbs, chopped garlic, salt and pepper will help you make the dish even more juicy. Serve hot patties with it, and prepare a salad of fresh vegetables and olive oil for a side dish.

Cutlets with vegetables and cheese

This recipe will tell you how to make soft burgers with an unusual and savory taste:

  1. Cut the chicken fillet (500 grams) and one sweet bell pepper into slices.
  2. Grate cheese (300 grams) and zucchini (200 grams).
  3. Combine all foods and add one egg, a couple of tablespoons of whole grain flour (or bran), pepper and salt to taste.
  4. Form the patties and bake them in the oven on parchment without adding oil.

Juicy "Nests"

These original cutlets will surprise lovers of hearty and delicious dishes:

  1. Prepare minced pork and beef meat (800 grams), mix it with one chicken egg, add a couple of tablespoons of fiber, salt and pepper.
  2. For the filling, take one large tomato, 150 grams of cheese and a bunch of fresh dill. Chop and mix all foods.
  3. Roll a small ball out of the minced meat, make a depression with your fingers and put the filling inside. Put the finished nests in a glass dish and send to bake in the oven until golden brown. This dish can be served with a side dish of fresh or stewed vegetables.

Lush pork cutlets

You don’t know how to make the cutlets juicy and fluffy? Try this recipe in practice:

  1. Mix homemade breadcrumbs (120 grams) with sour cream (250 grams) and add 150 ml of cold water to them.
  2. In a large bowl, combine 700 grams of minced pork, finely chopped onions, one egg, sour cream, salt and pepper.
  3. Place the minced patties in the refrigerator for ten minutes.
  4. Form patties, roll in breadcrumbs and toast on both sides. To prevent cutlets from burning and baking well, reduce heat and cover the pan with a lid. The family dinner will be ready in a few minutes.

Fish cutlets

When cooked properly, it tastes just as good as meat dishes. In addition, fish is a very healthy product, and nutritionists strongly advise including it in your menu several times a week. How to make soft patties:

  1. Take 500 grams of thawed fish fillet and mince it. You can also use a blender or food processor if you like.
  2. Combine the minced meat with finely chopped onions, two chicken eggs, one mashed boiled carrot, salt, pepper and fish seasoning.
  3. Blind small oval cutlets with your hands and fry them in a pan until tender. The dish can be served with mustard or sour cream sauce.

Once you learn how to make delicious and juicy patties, guests will often praise your culinary talents and will never refuse the proposed addition. Therefore, do not be afraid to experiment and master new ways of preparing dishes familiar from childhood.

Delicious juicy fried cutlets with a fairly good splendor and softness are the result of painstaking and long work. Not every experienced housewife succeeds in them the first time, let alone beginners. Nevertheless, this dish is very popular and is prepared quite often. Therefore, some of the tricks of its preparation will not be superfluous.

For those housewives who would like to know how to cook cutlets so that they are juicy and fluffy, first of all, you need to decide on the choice of meat for minced meat. It is very good if different types of meat are present in the minced meat: pork, beef, poultry. This combination significantly improves the taste, juiciness and splendor of future cutlets. Of course, it is not necessary to take all three types of meat at once - you can also combine two ingredients, for example, pork with chicken fillet, beef with turkey, etc. Cutlets, cooked purely from one beef, will turn out to be harsh and dry, and from one pork - too fatty.

The meat itself should not be too lean. It is believed that the optimal percentage of fat in the pulp is about 20%. But in any case, the criteria for choosing meat for minced cutlet will, of course, depend on individual preferences in the family.

It is advisable to use fresh chilled raw materials for making fluffy and juicy cutlets. However, not everyone has this opportunity. If so, then you can take previously frozen meat, but frozen no more than once.

Additional ingredients

Minced meat, of course, does not consist of just one meat. It must contain other components as well. Various additives will not only improve the taste, but will add splendor and juiciness to the cutlets. By the way, a popular addition - white bread soaked in milk - is far from ideal for achieving splendor in cutlets. The fact is that milk tends to give the minced meat a dense consistency, and the bread itself - excessive stickiness.

The first and indispensable ally in the manufacture of minced cutlet is, of course, onions. There are several ways to prepare it before adding it to the minced meat: very fine slicing with a knife, coarse slicing followed by processing in a meat grinder or chopping with a fine grater. According to professionals, the latter method is the most preferable.

To obtain softer and fluffier cutlets, chefs successfully use additives from various pre-chopped vegetables. Vegetables are a good alternative to bread soaked in milk. In the process of cooking, they will give vegetable juice, which subsequently does not curdle, as milk protein usually curls. The most popular vegetable supplement is a finely grated raw potato. You can replace potatoes with zucchini. The zucchini also needs to be peeled and grated.

If bread is added to the minced meat, then it is better to take the one that is coarser. It is advisable to cut off the hard crust. The bread should be soaked in water or milk. Moreover, to achieve juiciness and splendor, it is better to use not milk, but cold water.

You can also replace bread with semolina, but it is not recommended to put too much of it - the cutlets in this case will not be juicy. The presence of raw chicken eggs in minced meat is controversial. Some advise to abandon it altogether, others argue that adding yolk will not hurt and will be quite appropriate. But about protein, opinions are unanimous - it is better to refuse its presence.

Some housewives also advise putting a small amount of butter, mayonnaise or fatty sour cream into the minced meat. This will make the dish more lush and tender.

The addition of garlic and spices depends on the preferences in the family, the main thing here is not to overdo it and not spoil the taste.

Additional ingredients will certainly help to significantly increase the total volume of minced meat, especially if taken in large quantities. However, do not get too carried away - after all, cutlets can lose the taste and aroma of a meat dish.

Cooking technology

  1. Scroll the chopped pieces of meat in a meat grinder. If the onion is not chopped enough, then it should be scrolled along with the meat.
  2. Add the remaining additional ingredients: salt, spices, soaked pieces of bread, grated vegetables. To increase the juiciness, it is advisable to pour cold water into the minced meat.
  3. Mix everything thoroughly and beat back properly to improve the adhesion of the components to each other. To do this, throw the minced meat into the dish several times, applying considerable effort.
  4. Put the minced meat in a cold place for half an hour.
  5. The cutlets should be sculpted with hands soaked in cold water so that the meat does not stick. The size of the cutlets should be medium. Small ones will not be juicy, and large ones need to be brought to readiness for a long time.
  6. To form a crust that prevents the juice from flowing out, it is advisable to roll the future cutlet in flour or crackers.
  7. Fry in a preheated pan. In this case, it is necessary to select such a temperature regime so that the cutlets are turned over only once. After frying, cover the pan with a lid and let it simmer for at least 10 minutes.

Some additional tricks

In order to further increase the juiciness and splendor of the cutlets, you can do the following. When forming cutlets, a small piece of ice is placed in each of them and then wrapped so that the ice is in the very middle. Instead of ice, you can use butter in the same way.

Each housewife, as a rule, eventually stops at one of the most optimal options for herself, constantly combining ingredients and choosing the temperature regime and the method of roasting for herself. And then the freshly prepared juicy and lush cutlets will delight not only the home, but will also please the guests at the festive table.

Minced meat cutlets in a frying pan are perhaps the most desirable dish both on weekdays and on holidays. Every housewife, no doubt, knows how to cook minced meat patties in a pan so that they turn out juicy, fluffy, and most importantly, delicious. The owners of the secrets of making such cutlets simply do not have a price, because minced meat cutlets in a pan are an irreplaceable hit at all times and a lifesaver that decorates any table.

To cook minced meat patties in a pan, you need a minimum of ingredients. The main thing is to have any minced meat at hand: pork, beef, chicken, fish or assorted, for example, pork + beef (whoever likes it) - fresh, high-quality and preferably homemade. You can also cook cutlets from minced meat bought in a store, just take it with great care in choosing it.

To add extra juiciness to the minced meat, some housewives add to it finely chopped or finely grated onions, soaked white bread, other potatoes grated on a fine grater, chopped cabbage and other ingredients-helpers that can give the cutlets the very zest that makes them unique original. There are many options for supplements. So, the cutlets will turn out very juicy if you put a piece of frozen butter inside each, and add chopped greens to it. Greens can also be added to minced meat.

A few words about breading. Some of the housewives are of the opinion that minced meat cutlets in a frying pan must be breaded, others do without this procedure. Moreover, both those and others have wonderful cutlets.

Fry minced meat patties in a pan is also necessary correctly: pour vegetable oil into the pan and distribute it over the entire surface, heat it, reduce heat to medium, and only then put the patties. Fry for about 10 minutes on each side until golden brown, then add a little water to the pan and simmer for another 10 minutes under the lid until tender.

Would you like to surprise your family with delicious cutlets? Visit us and choose the recipe you like.

Mixed minced meat patties in a pan

500 g minced pork
500 g ground beef
1 onion
1 egg,
150-200 g loaf or white bread,
2-3 cloves of garlic
2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise,
vegetable oil,

Use a loaf or bread for cooking, not the freshest, but slightly stale, so that the cutlets do not turn out to be fluffy and not too sticky. Pour milk over the bread pulp and leave for 15 minutes, then squeeze. Add finely chopped or finely grated onion and garlic passed through a press, bread mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste into the minced meat and mix thoroughly. In order for the minced meat to become dense, and at the same time juicy, many cooks advise to beat it well. You can simply lift the mass of minced meat and slap it against a table or plate with a tangible effort, or you can put the minced meat in a bag, tie it, leaving enough space and remove air, and clap this structure already. In any case, your cutlets will only benefit from such a massage. Next, form cutlets from the minced meat, roll each in breadcrumbs and fry in a pan with heated vegetable oil from 2 sides until golden brown. Then pour quite a bit of water into the pan, cover it with a lid and let the cutlets stew for another 10 minutes.

Another tip that you may find useful when you cook minced meat patties in a frying pan. Add some dried herbs, after grinding them into powder in bread crumbs. Ready cutlets fried in this mixture will turn out to be very aromatic.

Homemade minced pork cutlets

600-700 g minced pork,
2 onions
3-4 cloves of garlic
1 egg,
1-1.5 stacks milk,
2 slices of loaf (150-200 g),
vegetable oil,
salt, black pepper - to taste.

Soak the pulp of a loaf or white bread in warm milk and leave for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, chop the onion and add it to the minced meat, knead the mass well with your hands and, adding the squeezed pulp of the loaf, mix the minced meat well again. Add garlic passed through a press, an egg to the meat mass, salt and pepper to taste. Stir the minced meat until smooth and start shaping the cutlets. It is much easier to do this with wet hands. Roll the resulting cutlets in breadcrumbs and fry them over medium heat in a pan with heated vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown. When the patties are browned on one side, turn them over and cover the pan with a lid. After removing the lid, check the readiness of the cutlets as follows. Pierce the cutlet with a fork - if the juice that appears is clear, turn the heat up and cook the cutlets for another 2-3 minutes on each side. The cutlets are browned, which means the dish is ready.

Delicious minced beef patties

600-700 g ground beef,
2 potatoes,
1 egg,
1 onion
dill greens, salt, black pepper - to taste,
flour for breading.

Usually ground beef is minced twice. To make the cutlets more tender. If you are using commercial minced meat, do not be lazy, pass it through the meat grinder one more time along with peeled raw potatoes. Or then add potatoes grated on a fine grater to the minced meat. In short, act on your own. Salt and pepper the prepared minced meat, add chopped dill, finely chopped onion and mix well. Form cutlets, roll them in flour and fry in a preheated pan with vegetable oil on both sides until a beautiful appetizing crust. Add some water to the pan, cover and simmer the cutlets for about 10 minutes. For flavor, you can add black peppercorns or bay leaves to the water.

Minced chicken cutlets in a pan

900 minced chicken,
3 processed cheese "Druzhba",
1 egg,
1 bunch of green onions
1 bunch of parsley or dill
2 cloves of garlic
3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise,
vegetable oil,
salt, spices - to taste.

Grate processed cheese, chop onion, garlic, herbs and add all these ingredients to the minced chicken. Stir, beat in an egg, add mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste. Mix everything well again and form small patties from the resulting mass. Dip them in breadcrumbs and fry in a pan with heated vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown.

Fans of fish cakes, according to statistics, are much less than those who prefer meat cutlets. However, the following recipe can force even the most desperate non-lovers to reconsider their views on fish cakes.

Minced fish cutlets in a pan

500 g minced fish
200 g pumpkin pulp,
1 egg,
3 tbsp. l. flour,
1-2 cloves of garlic (for an amateur),
salt, pepper - to taste,
vegetable oil.

Combine the pumpkin grated on a fine grater with the minced fish, add the egg beaten with a fork, the garlic passed through a press and mix. Then add flour to the minced meat, mix it, salt and pepper to taste. Form cutlets with wet hands and fry them in a pan with heated vegetable oil for 3-4 minutes on each side.

Minced meat cutlets in a pan - this is a minimum of time and maximum pleasure!

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

It would seem that it is difficult to cook cutlets? However, for some reason, for some they fall apart, for others, on the contrary, they turn out to be too dense, housewives do not always guess the correct proportions, the ratio of products in cutlets ... These tips will help you prepare a dish so that it will not be ashamed to serve it even to the festive table! The subtleties of cooking cutlets, which you have not thought about before.

Immediately I want to tell you about a trick that has no equal. You will definitely come back to thank our site in the comments if you try it in practice!

The next time you cook cutlets, take a chance and add a little mustard powder or mustard seeds to the minced meat: only 1 tbsp. l. for the whole minced meat. This amount of mustard will be enough to make the cutlets more tender. They will have a pleasant bitterness, and they will also turn out to be incomparably lush and juicy ... Try it for pleasure! And check out our detailed recommendations for making cutlets: they are really good and tested by the hostesses in practice.

How to make delicious cutlets
To make the cutlets juicy
Do you know why the Soviet table cutlets were disgustingly tasteless? Because they put too much bread and rusks in them, and they saved on meat and took it from the tough parts of the carcass. If you want to get delicious cutlets, do not buy ready-made minced meat of dubious origin. You don't need to buy expensive beef tenderloin, but the back, neck, shoulder blade, brisket and some parts of the hind leg will fit perfectly.
Before you start the fillet in the meat grinder, do not forget to thoroughly clean it - remove the films, remove the cartilage, bones and veins. In addition to beef, chefs recommend using fatty pork - it is she who will give the cutlets juiciness and tenderness.

Standard proportion: for 1 kg of beef - 1/2 kg of pork or for 1 kg of beef - 250 g of lard. However, cutlets can also be made from lamb, veal, chicken, turkey, game. Choose any degree of grinding, however, experts advise not to overdo it and limit yourself to a single rotation in a meat grinder with a medium-sized grill.

Do I need to add an egg?
Of course you do. The main thing is not to overdo it with eggs and use no more than 2-3 pieces per 1 kg of meat, otherwise the cutlets will turn out tough. Onions for the same amount will require about 200 g, preferably pre-sautéed and chilled, since raw onions may not have time to fry and will give the cutlets a harsh taste. If you like fresh onions, grind it simultaneously with minced meat in a meat grinder.

Bread is the most important ingredient
Do not think that bread appeared in the recipe out of a desire to save money. Without crumb, you get a kebab, not a juicy meatball. It is the soaked bread that helps make the patties softer and more tender.
Naturally, it is important to maintain the correct proportion. It looks like this: for 1 kg of meat - 250 g of white bread and 300-400 g of milk or water (if you make chicken cutlets, you will need less bread and eggs).

Use yesterday's or slightly dried loaf. Remove all crusts from it, cut into pieces and soak in cold milk or water. As soon as the crumb swells, knead it thoroughly with your hands and mix with the rest of the minced meat. Some of the bread can be replaced with grated potatoes, pumpkin, or other vegetables.

The resulting minced meat is also good to decorate with spices (paprika, black pepper, coriander, chili) and chopped herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro, mint). Do not forget to salt the future dish, but in no case try it raw (minced meat tasting is the most common cause of poisoning among housewives).

Correct breading
It is advisable to cover the bowl with the prepared minced meat with foil and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour so that the bread will absorb the meat juices. Then again thoroughly knead the mass, beating it with your hands and saturating it with air. At the very end, some chefs advise adding a handful of crushed ice to make the dish juicier. After that, wet your hands in cold water and start sculpting cutlets.
If you wish, you can cover them with breading - the minced meat will remain more juicy under the golden crust. Most experts do not trust store crackers and recommend making them yourself - for this you just need to grind white bread in a blender. Then roll the cutlets in the resulting crumbs and send them to the pan. You can also use sesame seeds, small bread strips, flour and ice cream as breading.

The last one is 3 eggs, lightly beaten with salt and 1-2 tbsp. spoons of milk or water. Cutlets are first rolled in flour, then in a lezon and only then covered with bread crumbs.

Frying features
There is nothing difficult in frying cutlets, the main thing is to put them on a hot frying pan with hot butter (better - melted butter) so that the minced meat "grabs", forms a crust and then does not fall apart.
In addition, keep the distance between the cakes: if you place a mountain of cutlets on one pot, they will quickly let the juice out and begin to stew, not fry.

As soon as a golden crust appears, you can reduce the heat and cook under the lid. It is better not to torment the cutlet with frequent turning over (it is advisable to do this a couple of times), but do not go far from the pan, otherwise you will get coals instead of a juicy meat dish. However, you can skip frying and stew the cakes or steam them.

Did you like this helpful article? Live and learn! Let this information on cooking cutlets help you create delicious dishes with ease. Don't be greedy - share these recommendations with other housewives.