Fresh carp soup. Carp ear

The very first soup was made about 6 thousand years ago. Scientists claim that it was made from hippopotamus meat. People had a container for this in the form of a large pot. To prepare carp soup today, you do not need to use huge pots, as in past centuries, you just need to take a small saucepan.

You can make a rich soup from carp

Fish soup

Fish is a very healthy and also tasty product that must be consumed according to doctors 1-2 times a week, since it contains many vitamins and minerals that are so necessary for the full development of an adult and a child. This fish soup is prepared quite quickly and at the same time is very simple. Plus, it's also lean.

What is needed for this:

  • small carp;
  • a tail with the head of another fish;
  • four potato tubers;
  • one medium-sized carrot;
  • dill or parsley root (it all depends on taste preferences);
  • some celery;
  • frying oil;
  • two leaves of laurel;
  • 5 black peppercorns;
  • greens;
  • salt and pepper.

An extra head of fish will be required to make the soup.


To begin with, we wash the fresh carcass, peel and take out the giblets. Then we remove the gills and rinse well. Cutting off the head and tail, cut the fish into small pieces. In the meantime, we take the heads (one of them is from the carp that we cut, and the second was prepared in addition to this carcass) and tails. Throw in water and cook for about an hour. During this time, collect unnecessary foam and add laurel leaf and peppercorns.

While the broth is simmering, we will prepare the vegetables. To do this, cut the potatoes into strips, the onion into small squares, and grate the carrots on a fine grater. Chop the parsley root, as well as the celery.

When the heads with tails are cooked, filter the finished broth and put the chopped fish with potato strips there. While the potatoes are boiling, fry the rest of the vegetables in oil and put them with the potatoes with fish. We also cook the future dish for 10 minutes.

Salt fish soup and pepper to taste. Sprinkle the finished carp soup with chopped herbs. Serve on a platter warm carp soup with pieces of fish.

Ear (option 1)

Cooking such a dish is not difficult, but the ear will come out very tender, tasty and aromatic. To all this, you can add that she is also quite nutritious. This recipe will appeal to any gourmet.

Carp ear can be cooked according to various recipes.


  • one carp;
  • one onion;
  • two chicken yolks;
  • frying oil;
  • one tablespoon of first grade flour;
  • two liters of water;
  • 3 black peppercorns;
  • two laurel leaves;
  • salt and herbs to taste.

Stage of preparation

To make fish soup, you need to peel the carp, cut, remove the fins and cut off the head and tail. Then separate the meat from the bones. Parts of the carcass that remain (head, fins, tail), boil for broth. Dividing the onion into two halves, throw it into the broth 10 minutes until cooked. Add pepper and laurel leaf at the end.

While the broth is being cooked, it is necessary to prepare the fish and other vegetables. For this, fish meat is milled and cut into small pieces. Then, after adding salt, let it stand for 15 minutes.

Prepare soup using fish fillets

After the allotted time, the fish pieces are breaded in flour and fried over a fairly high heat until crisp (this will take 2 minutes on one side).

Strain the finished broth through a sieve, discard the spices and onions. Beat the separated yolks from the whites well with a whisk or mixer. Dilute the yolks gradually in 100 milliliters of broth. Place the fish pieces in the prepared broth and bring to a boil. Then add salt and season with mashed yolks. Turn off by boiling for 2 minutes.

Grind the fish soup with chopped herbs and serve warm.

Ear (option 2)

Consider how to make carp soup to make it tasty and nutritious at the same time. This recipe would be a great option. Do not forget that fish cannot be overused; there is enough of it twice a week.

What you need:

  • small carp;
  • six potato tubers;
  • 2-3 red tomatoes;
  • one onion;
  • greens and bay leaves to taste.

You can cook fish soup with both small pieces of fish and larger ones.

We clean the fish, gut it, but at the same time leave a bubble and caviar (or milk) inside the abdomen, if any. Cut the tomatoes with onions and potatoes into small cubes.

Then we put all the ingredients in a container in which the carp soup will be cooked, and pour water so that it covers the fish completely and there is still a couple of centimeters in stock.

After boiling, remove, if necessary, the resulting foam and throw in the greens, bay leaf. Cook over medium heat until tender, without closing the lid.

Cutting the fish into portions in this case is inappropriate, but if the carcass is very large and does not fit into the container, then you can divide it into two equal parts.

You will find the recipe for carp soup in the video:

Wuhu is prepared from fresh, freshly caught fish near the river. In other conditions, fish soup can be prepared at home, but always from fresh carp. I have just such a case, there is a fish - there will be an ear. Preparation and preparation takes a minimum of time. Delicious aromatic ear for dinner.

Ingredients for making carp fish soup.

Peel the carp and gut it. Rinse fish thoroughly several times. Pay special attention to cutting the carp head, remove the gills and scrape in the middle - where the gills were.

Prepare the vegetables as for ordinary soup: peel and chop.

Put all the vegetables in a pot of boiling water: potatoes, onions and carrots. Cook vegetables until half cooked.

Add chopped carp to the soup. And the head too. Now the fish soup should cook slowly, but not boil. Do not cover with a lid. Remove any foam that appears in the ear. Add spices: peppercorns, bay leaves and salt.

After 10 minutes, check the ear for taste, and you can set it aside from heat. Let it brew for 15 minutes under a closed lid.

Diet meals are a popular request these days. After all, there are more and more fans of usefulness - most nutritionists, prescribing a therapeutic diet, are advised to remove meat from the diet and cook fish instead.

After all, fish is one of the dietary products that are indicated for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or for weight loss. In fish, there is a lot of protein, a lot of phosphorus, as well as Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, etc.

Carp contains a small amount of fat, but is incomparable in any form. Today we will cook with you a dietary dish - carp soup. Tasty and healthy!

Cooking time: 20-30 minutes

Complexity: nil, especially if the fish has already been peeled


    salt and spices to taste


Do you have a whole carcass? Clean quickly by placing a pot of water on the stove. As a rule, for such soups, I take everything that remains after fillet separation. This is the tail, fins, etc. If you take the head, remove the eyes and gills from there.

Fill the fish with water. How much should I take? If you want an unsaturated broth, then 1 liter is enough, but then you need to increase the amount of ingredients. I took 0.5 liters of water. Then I immediately sent the saucepan to the stove. We need to bring the water to a boil. As soon as it boils, remove the heat to a minimum and cook for 5 minutes.

In the meantime, we will prepare the rest. I started with a carrot. I rubbed it on a coarse grater.

Then I chopped the onion. How to cut? And the way you and your family like it. Without this component, carp soup will not be as tasty. I made it smaller.

Well, one more ingredient is celery. Why is he? First, for the thickening of the soup. Secondly, in order to distract the smell typical of carp. Well, and the last thing, to decorate the soup in an elementary way.

I took turns putting vegetables with the fish. As soon as I realized that she was ready, I took it out and, having cooled it, took it apart into pieces without a bone.

By the way, you can do it differently - strain the broth by taking out the fish. And only then put vegetables. But for the sake of economy, I cook everything together. Just then I am careful, choosing all the bones. Let the vegetables cook, and we chop the aromatic garlic, which is also designed to improve the taste of the dietary first course. We will also prepare the spices that you would like to send to the soup. I had dried dill.


  • 600-700 gr. carp
  • 1-2 carrots
  • 2-2.5 l. water
  • 1 or 2 onions
  • 3-4 potatoes
  • black pepper (ground and peas)
  • allspice peas
  • 1-2 bay leaves
  • coriander
  • ground red pepper
  • fresh herbs


  1. If your carp is unpeeled, we rinse it, clean it and carefully so as not to damage the gallbladder by gutting it. Wash it again and cut it into portions. If you want to use a carp head for cooking fish soup, you need to remove the gills.
  2. We clean vegetables - potatoes, onions and carrots, wash them, as well as greens (parsley, dill or green onions). Cut the potatoes into cubes or cubes. To prevent peeled potatoes from darkening, pour cold water over them.
  3. Cut the carrots into thin slices, and the onions into medium-sized cubes.
  4. Put the potatoes in boiling salted water, remove the foam that appears.
  5. After 5 minutes, put the fish cut into pieces, add red, allspice, black pepper (ground and peas), coriander and bay leaf.
  6. Immediately add the onions and carrots to the pan, cook for 12-15 minutes. (until fish is cooked) over low heat, without covering. At the same time, it is important not to overcook the fish so that the fish soup retains its characteristic sweetness.
  7. Turn off the ear, put finely chopped greens in a saucepan, cover with a lid and let it brew for 8 minutes. If you plan to leave the ear until the next day, it is better to add fresh herbs only to plates. If you put it in a saucepan, let the ear boil for 3-4 minutes, and then turn it off.
  8. Serve the carp soup hot, put a piece of fish in each plate and sprinkle with chopped herbs. Serve fresh and aromatic black bread, sliced ​​onions, or green onion stalks to the ear.

By consuming fish systematically, you can get essential minerals, sometimes missing vitamins and antioxidants that support brain function. By preparing carp soup, the recipe for which is presented on our website, you can get nutrients that help normalize the functioning of mucous membranes and skin. Also, this fish has proteins that help get rid of excess body fat.

When purchasing carp, you should think about the process of growing it. Many farms use additives and fish growth boosters. Therefore, caught on their own, a representative of the fish family will bring more benefits. And fish soup from carp, the recipe for which you will see below, will perfectly reflect the taste of the dish and the benefits for the body.

Carp soup

To make a traditional fish soup, you need a small amount of ingredients:

  • Weighty carp, from 400 to 500 grams;
  • 1.5 liters of boiled water;
  • Celery (root) of medium size, carrots and onions (their size is at the discretion of the culinary specialist);
  • Lavrushka, a small amount of allspice, salt;
  • Fresh parsley;
  • Potatoes 3 medium pieces

Carp soups are prepared quickly, so in nature, no alternative is better suited to refresh and warm up if the weather turns bad.


1. Having cleaned the fish from the entrails and washed it under an abundant stream of water, cut off the tail and head. We divide the main carcass into equal pieces;

2. You can get a rich and aromatic broth by boiling the tail and head section in 1.5 liters of water, if it is boiled, the taste will be softer. After boiling, it is worth collecting the foam, add medium-sized celery root, cut into small squares, ground or allspice pepper and bay leaf. Broth is brewed within 40-50 minutes;

3. Fish soup from carp requires sautéed vegetables. The color and taste of the broth will become more intense. To do this, fry grated or finely chopped carrots with onion cubes. Frying for about 7 minutes, add herbs to it: parsley, cilantro and dill are also perfect;

4. While the vegetables are roasting, add the potatoes to the broth. The size of the pieces can be adjusted to taste. But the smaller the potato wedges, the shorter the cooking process. We put pieces of carp together with him. During this time, they will have time to boil and give even more juice to the broth. It is better to salt the broth at this stage so that the vegetables do not fall apart;

5. At the very end, add onion and carrot sautéing. After 3 minutes, you can turn off the gas. Place the chopped greens in a plate before serving. Carp fish soup is ready! It remains to enjoy its taste and benefits. This recipe is very good to serve on the holiday table.

Carp head soup

If you're making soup for yourself or a family dinner, try adding carp heads instead. The broth will turn out to be more aromatic and rich in taste. Carp head soup is, first of all, the maximum benefit and savings. In the ear of traditional preparation, you can add eggs, which are poured at the very end in a thin stream. In advance, the eggs must be mixed with salt until the mass is homogeneous.

We will need:

  • egg - 2 pcs;
  • 1.5 - 2 liters of water;
  • 2 medium carp heads and 2 tails;
  • onions, carrots - to taste;
  • greens;
  • 3 medium potatoes.


1. 2 heads of large carps and tails, washed and cleaned in advance, fill with water and cook. Remove the foam from the boiled surface, add seasonings (coriander or peppercorns are perfect). The cooking process should be at least 40 minutes.

2. Add potatoes. The cooking time will be 5 minutes, after which it is worth adding the sautéed vegetable preparations. And then pour the pre-mixed eggs with salt from the plate in a thin stream and add the herbs. Carp head soup is ready!

Soup with croutons and carp

There is another option, the traditional preparation of this dish. An original and delicate recipe will give you a pleasant aesthetic and gastronomic experience. Fish soup with carp and croutons is a little more difficult to prepare, but you will be quite happy with the result. For him you will need:

  • 1000 ml fish broth;
  • parsley root and carrots 150 g each;
  • 500-600 g carp fillet;
  • half a lemon;
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of butter (butter or replace it with any other, but vegetable);
  • flour, 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • lavrushka, red or black pepper, salt, fresh parsley;
  • sour cream, 120 g;
  • 2 slices of bread, preferably white;
  • salt;
  • butter.

Cooking process:

1. Heat the fish broth, add diced carrots and parsley root. It will cook for 10 minutes;

2. Sprinkle carp fillet with lemon, pepper and sprinkle with a little salt. Leave in the marinade for 15 minutes. Fry flour in butter in a frying pan, it is better to take butter until golden brown. Then you need to add paprika, stirring constantly, later pour the mixture into the soup and put the bay leaf;

3. After 5 minutes, put the pieces of fish in the soup, do not forget to remove the excess spices from the carp. It will cook for about 15 minutes. After adding sour cream, after this time, bring to a boil and put greens in the soup;

4. Croutons can be cooked in oil or in the oven, lightly seasoned with salt. Carp soup is ready to eat. It should be served hot to fully develop the aroma of the dish.

The simpler the recipe, the easier it is to refine it by continually adding your favorite ingredients. These classic dishes have always been popular with fishermen and housewives. Approaching the process from a creative side, you will be able to enjoy a real fish soup, which brings not only a gamut of taste sensations, but also great benefits.