A simple sponge cake with cocoa. A very tasty and simple chocolate biscuit recipe with step by step photos

Today we will be preparing a delicious dessert: a classic chocolate sponge cake. It is very delicate, fluffy, soft - every piece just melts in your mouth. You can use an airy classic sponge cake as a base for cakes: their taste will change depending on the cream, decoration and impregnation. Many people ask the question: how to make a chocolate biscuit so that it is delicious? The most important thing is to carefully and correctly select all the ingredients and strictly follow the step-by-step recipe.


  • eggs - 6 pieces;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • sugar - 6 tablespoons (with a slide);
  • flour - 6 tablespoons;
  • butter - optional;
  • vanilla;
  • cocoa - 3 tablespoons;
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon.

Classic chocolate sponge cake. Step by step recipe

  • We take 6 eggs at room temperature and separate them: in one container - white, in another - yolk.
  • Add a pinch of salt to the protein and begin to beat. First, beat at a slow speed, then increase. Beat the protein until a thick foam forms.
  • Beat the yolks for about 1 minute, without adding sugar. Once the yolks have been whipped, they should lighten and expand in volume.
  • Add 3 tablespoons of sugar (with a slide) to the egg white and yolk. Beat both substances for about 3-4 minutes until a thick foam forms.

Please note: the sugar in the yolks may not completely dissolve, but that's okay.

  • Combine both mixtures and mix the yolks with the whites with a mixer at low speed.

If you beat at maximum speed, the protein may fall off, so it will be better to mix at a low speed.

  • After beating, add vanilla (you can also add vanilla sugar or vanilla essence).
  • Now add 6 tablespoons of flour, 2.5-3 tablespoons of cocoa, and baking powder (if you want the biscuit to become fluffier). Mix everything and sift through a sieve.
  • Gently mix with a spatula in one direction so that the proteins do not fall. Stir until the dough is completely coffee-colored, without white. After mixing, our mass will settle, however, it will be fluffy and elastic.

Be sure to mix with a spatula - silicone or wooden. In no case should you stir with a spoon.

  • We take butter: for 6 eggs, we need 1 tablespoon. Melt the butter in the microwave (it should not be very hot).
  • We literally take a spoonful of our chocolate biscuit dough into a separate bowl and add butter there.
  • Stir everything first in a small bowl, add to the total mass and mix again.

You should not add oil immediately to the general container, because in this case we will mix the biscuit dough for a long time and part of the biscuit will settle.
Also note: if you do not add butter, then the biscuit will be classic dry. But, if you add a little butter, then something like a creamy biscuit comes out.

  • Now it's time to pour our biscuit dough into the mold. I draw your attention to the fact that you can take any shape - the main thing is that the diameter corresponds to the number of products.
    For example: we are preparing a delicate chocolate sponge cake for 6 eggs, so our mold should be about 24 centimeters in diameter. If you take a standard shape, at 28 centimeters, then the biscuit will be low.
  • We cover the bottom of the form with parchment paper (if it is absent, then you can sprinkle with flour or grease with oil).

Do not grease the sides in any way, because in this case the biscuit will not rise well!

  • Pour our dough into a mold and send it to a hot oven (preheated to 180 degrees) for 20-25 minutes.
  • We take out the dough and check the readiness with a toothpick. If it remains dry, then the biscuit is ready, but if the toothpick is wet, then you need to leave it in the oven for a few more minutes.

Many people ask about the exact level at which the biscuit should be baked: it needs to be baked at 2-3 levels / row (starting from the bottom).

  • Taking out a chocolate sponge cake from the oven, carefully walk the edges with a knife so that they become free of shape, and take it out. Leave it to cool for a few hours.

Tip: if the top of the cake turned out to be a slide, then in order for it to become even, it must be turned over onto a flat surface.

If you made a chocolate sponge cake with baking powder, then it will be about 3.5-4 centimeters in height, and the dough itself will become more airy and porous inside.
Without baking powder, the biscuit will be about 2.5-3 centimeters in height, and inside it will be denser.
But, despite these differences, homemade chocolate biscuits turn out to be delicate in taste and insanely tasty.
I draw your attention: when cooking a biscuit in a multicooker, the cake rises about 2 centimeters higher.

Chocolate sponge cake is perfect for tea. It turned out to be soft, lush and literally melts in your mouth. You can serve it to the table without any additives, or cut it into pieces and grease with any delicious cream. In any case, the classic biscuit will appeal to anyone who tastes it at least once.

Hello everyone. Today I will tell you about the classic chocolate biscuit. There are already several chocolate biscuits on my blog:, and. This recipe is easy to follow and has few ingredients. The biscuit is light and airy.

For Pancho cake, I decided to cook just classic biscuits: vanilla and chocolate. Since I have already described it in detail, I decided to focus on the step-by-step preparation of chocolate.

Other recipes have so many ingredients that beginners are intimidated by just one look at the recipe. Here everything is extremely simple and understandable. I'm not afraid to say that this is the easiest and fastest recipe for making a chocolate sponge cake with cocoa.

How to make a classic chocolate biscuit at home step by step recipe with a photo.

Ingredients per 20 cm mold:

  1. 4 eggs (first grade, if the egg is selected, like mine, then take 3-3.5)
  2. 180 g Sahara
  3. 100 g flour
  4. 30 gr. cocoa


All ingredients should be at room temperature. And this means that we get the eggs out of the refrigerator for at least 1.5 hours.

Beat the eggs with a pinch of salt, first at minimum speed, as soon as the foam appears, increase the speed and begin to gradually introduce sugar. Whisk well for 2 minutes each time.

While our eggs with sugar are beaten, let's deal with the rest of the ingredients. Flour and cocoa must be sieved.

And mix thoroughly.

Beat the eggs until they are dense. My mixer is not the most powerful (only 600 W), so it takes me 10 minutes to do this. The egg mass should increase in volume at least 3 times and retain its shape when falling from the shoulder blade. On the surface of the mass, when whipping, you will see clear marks from the whisk, as in the photo.

Next, we begin to introduce our free-flowing mixture into the egg. We do this gradually, keeping as much as possible all the airiness of our egg mixture. I usually divide the flour into 3 servings. Mix with a silicone spatula with gentle movements from bottom to top.

We do not interfere for a long time, as soon as you see that there are no lumps - stop. Otherwise, the mass may settle during baking.

Then we prepare our forms. If you have silicone molds, then you do not need to specially prepare them. If metal, then we put parchment on the bottom, grease the sides with butter or vegetable oil and sprinkle with flour. I have split forms, it's just lovely. Especially for making cheesecakes. I ordered in the bakerstore.ru/ store. I have a whole set of 3 diameters of 18.20.22 cm. These are the most popular sizes, I think that they will be enough for an ordinary hostess for different purposes.

Pour our dough into a mold. I have a diameter of 22 cm here.

We send our form to a preheated oven and bake at 180º for 30-35 minutes. Readiness, as always, is determined with a wooden skewer - it comes out dry, then everything is ready.

First, leave the finished biscuit to cool in the form for 10 minutes. Then, we pass carefully with a knife along the edges of the form in order to release it.

We take it out, put it on the wire rack and remove the baking paper. Let it cool completely.

I got a biscuit of this height - 4.5 cm.Which is just enough for 3 cakes 1.5 cm thick.

If you need more thickness of the cakes, then increase the portion or take the diameter of the mold smaller. At 20 cm in diameter, the height of the biscuit will be 6 centimeters.

Finally, I want to say. Yes, this biscuit is not mega chocolate, it is not juicy inside and requires soaking. But, it has a number of its advantages. Firstly, it is easy to prepare, light in terms of weight and fat content. Well, and, of course, it is economical. If you soak it with a sufficient amount of sour cream, then it turns out to be very tasty. Which, very well reflected in the Pancho cake.

The very recipe for this incredibly easy to prepare and insanely delicious cake can be found at the link -.

If you want to bake a biscuit in a different size form, then in this article I wrote in detail how to count all the ingredients -.

How to cook a delicious chocolate sponge cake so that the cake based on it turns out not only the most chocolate, but also airy and well soaked? All those who love chocolate will support my opinion that the most delicious cake is chocolate. And even if it contains a lot of calories, and it is not harmless to the figure, but this pleasure cannot be compared with any fruit salad or diet bread!

We usually prepare even the most delicious chocolate cake on special occasions. And if so, then tinkering a little is not so difficult. The result is worth it, because the delicate chocolate sponge cake differs from any other cake crust in the most beneficial way. If usually the taste of the cake is created mainly by the cream, filling or impregnation, then in the case of chocolate biscuit, most of the breathtaking taste of the chocolate cake is due to it.

How to make a chocolate biscuit: theory and subtleties

Of all the base for cakes and pastries, biscuit has the most luxuriant structure. Egg whites serve as a natural baking powder in biscuit dough, the freshness and temperature of which determines how fluffy the biscuit turns out to be. The main components of the biscuit are eggs, sugar, flour, and also often starch, butter, cocoa. For a chocolate sponge cake, cocoa is often used to taste, but usually 1 part cocoa and 2 parts flour. In one of the sources, I found this recommendation: take cocoa in the mass of 10% of the mass of eggs. Some recipes can also use dark chocolate.

How to make a fluffy chocolate sponge cake: preparing the dough

  • The splendor of a biscuit depends on many factors, and if you try to take everything into account, the result will not disappoint you.
  • Eggs should be at room temperature. This will help the sugar dissolve faster.
  • It is better to beat eggs with sugar for a long time (about 30 minutes) so that the mass in its volume increases 2-3 times. First, beat at low speed, gradually increasing it. Whisking time will not be a problem if you have a planetary mixer.
  • Flour and cocoa for biscuit must be pre-mixed, sieved and mixed into the egg mass quickly (about 15 seconds), since part of the air bubbles in the dough is destroyed when dry ingredients are mixed.
  • It is worth avoiding mechanical influences on the finished dough: carefully pour it into molds and immediately send it to the oven.

How to bake a biscuit?

The finished dough should not be left to stand for more than an hour. Don't be distracted by anything until your biscuits are in the oven. It is during baking that we make the most mistakes that spoil the result.

  • Prepare the forms in advance: line the bottom with parchment paper, grease the sides with butter.
  • Fill in the forms no more than 3/4 full so that the risen biscuit does not "run away" during baking.

Advice: Before baking, smooth the surface of the dough with a knife or spatula, pushing the dough to the sides of the mold. This will help prevent the sponge cake from puffing up in the middle.

  • You only need to put molds with dough in a well-heated oven (180-200 degrees).
  • Do not touch the baked tins for at least 10 minutes from the start of baking.

When is the biscuit ready to assemble the cake?

Before soaking the biscuit, it must be allowed to "ripen". This process takes place 8 hours after baking. The finished biscuit is cooled like this:

  • It is not immediately removed from the oven - it is turned off and left for 5 minutes, and then it is opened slightly and the temperature is allowed to gradually drop for another 5 minutes.
  • The biscuit is taken out of the oven and allowed to cool directly in the mold for about 30 minutes.
  • The chilled biscuit is separated with a knife from the side of the mold.

Advice: At the time of ripening, it is better not to remove the paper from the biscuit - this will not allow it to dry out too much.

During ripening, the structure of the biscuit will become more durable. If you are in too much of a hurry and skip this step, your still too fresh biscuit will crumple and crumble when slicing, and the soak will simply soak it.

Impregnation for chocolate biscuit

After your puffed chocolate sponge cake is ready to assemble the cake, it needs to be soaked. By itself, it may seem a little dry to you, but with the right impregnation, the biscuit will get a new taste. The simplest impregnation option is syrup with cognac or dessert wine:

  1. To get 500 g of impregnation, take 250 g of sugar and water, 25 g of cognac or strong dessert wine and a drop of essence to taste - rum, almond or vanilla.
  2. Boil sugar with water and cool to room temperature, and then add cognac or wine, as well as essence.

This biscuit impregnation recipe can be taken as a basis by adding liqueurs and fresh juices to it as desired. You can also use strong sweet natural coffee as an impregnation. Just do not forget that such an impregnation will have a rather strong taste that can drown out other tastes and smells.

Wet chocolate sponge cake

This wonderful recipe for a chocolate biscuit was shared by the wonderful confectioner Alina Akhmadieva at her webinar. Thanks to her for this great recipe! The sponge cake really came out very tasty, and, most importantly, it went very well for the cake. It is sturdy but light enough.

  • All dry ingredients except baking soda and vanillin must be mixed in a large bowl: flour, sugar, cocoa, baking powder, salt.
  • Pour kefir into a separate container, add soda to it, mix and leave for a couple of minutes. The acid in kefir will react with baking soda and you will get a fluffy mass.
  • Stir in kefir at low speed, add eggs one at a time, then hot water, butter and vanillin.
  • Add dry ingredients in portions, pour into prepared forms and bake the cakes at 180 degrees.

Chocolate sponge cake for the Prague cake

  • Mix flour with cocoa in a separate bowl and sift well.
    Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Beat the whites into a strong foam, adding half the sugar.
  • Grind the yolks into a fluffy mass with the second half of the sugar, add soft butter and gently mix 1/3 of the whipped proteins with a spatula.
  • Add the flour mixture to the dough in portions and stir in the remaining proteins.
  • Bake at 180 degrees for 40 to 50 minutes.

Airy chocolate sponge cake for Black Forest cake

  • Mix flour, starch and baking powder in a separate bowl and sift. Melt the chocolate.
  • Divide eggs into whites and yolks. Beat the yolks with hot water, sugar and vanilla sugar until thick foam, add melted chocolate.
  • Whisk the whites into a stiff foam and add 1/3 to the chocolate mixture.
  • Add the flour and starch mixture to the dough in portions, and then the remaining proteins.
  • Bake the biscuit in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 35-40 minutes.

Sponge cake recipes

    If shortbread and puff pastry is not for you, biscuits will always come to the rescue. Homemade chocolate sponge cakes are what you need. Remember the names of cakes with chocolate sponge cake, familiar from childhood: Truffle, Marika, Wenceslas, Zdenka, Zhuravushka - all these amazingly delicious confectionery products can be prepared by yourself!

    Homemade Chocolate Sponge Cake Recipes in the Oven

    On this page you can familiarize yourself with recipes for biscuit chocolate cakes and step-by-step photos of the preparation of products.

    Sponge cake with chocolate "Truffle"

    Composition: biscuit - 420 g, cream - 350 g, chocolate, impregnation syrup - 200 g.

    Prepare a sponge cake from 6 eggs, roll out the biscuit layer, cut it horizontally into two equal parts and soak them with syrup. Prepare chocolate cream separately (see recipe). Cover the first layer of biscuit with an even layer, grease the top and sides of the cake with the same cream and then sprinkle the whole cake with grated chocolate. You can also decorate the chocolate sponge cake with candy or chocolate figurines.

    Sponge cake with chocolate cream "Fairy Tale"

    Composition: ready-made biscuit - 400 g, - 400 g, impregnation syrup - 200 g, biscuit crumbs.

    Bake the biscuit prepared for the cake with chocolate cream in a round shape, cool and cut lengthwise into three equal parts, which are soaked in syrup. Grease each layer with chocolate cream and glue together. Grease the surface and edges of the cake with the same cream and apply wavy and straight lines on top with a pastry comb, and sprinkle the edges at the cut with biscuit crumbs. Decorate the surface of the chocolate sponge cake prepared in the oven according to this recipe with cream in the form of roses and leaves.

    Sponge cake with chocolate, nuts and lemon "Biryusinka"


    Sponge cake - 484 g, cream of chocolate cream - 385, cream of finishing cream - 194, blotting syrup - 145, chocolate icing - 25, roasted nuts - 50, lemon wedges - 15 g.

    Cooking method:

    The sponge cake is prepared in a cold way. They are baked in round forms, cooled, cut out of the mold and cut horizontally into three layers, soaked with syrup: the lower one is smaller, the upper ones are larger. Glued together with chocolate cream. The surface and sides are smeared with white cream. Sprinkle the sides with fried chopped nuts.

    Pay attention to the photo - a chocolate sponge cake according to this recipe is decorated with a border of white cream along the edge, and in the middle with a border of chocolate cream:

    Lemon wedges are placed inside this border, and between the first and second borders, sprinkle with chopped chocolate.

    Delicious sponge cakes with chocolate icing

    Sponge cake with chocolate "Marzipan"


    • For the test: 3 eggs, 3 tbsp. l. water, 200 g sugar, 1 bag of vanilla sugar, 3 tbsp. l. flour, 3 tbsp. l. starch, 50 g of chocolate, baking soda and salt on the tip of a knife, 1 tbsp. l. margarine.
    • For glaze: 100 g of dark chocolate, 3 tbsp. l. milk, 2 tbsp. l. butter, 2 tsp. icing sugar.
    • For decoration: yellow marzipan mass, sugar balls.

    Cooking a biscuit.

    Separate the yolks from the whites, mix with half of the specified amount of sugar and salt and, gradually adding hot water, beat into a foam with a whisk or mixer. Add whites, whipped into a strong foam with the remaining sugar, sifted flour, soda and chocolate melted in a water bath.

    Stir quickly, put the dough in a greased form with margarine, bake in the preheated oven until tender.


    To prepare the glaze, melt the chocolate in hot milk, cool slightly, add butter and powdered sugar, grind.

    Roll the marzipan mass thinly, cut out the crescent and asterisks with molds.

    Put the hot sponge cake on a dish, cover with glaze. Decorate a delicious sponge cake with chocolate icing with marzipan figurines and sugar balls.

    Sponge chocolate cake "Marika"


    Chocolate sponge cake - 153 g, biscuit roll - 146, chocolate cream cream - 551, chocolate icing - 10 g.

    Cooking method:

    Sponge cake and roll are prepared in a cold way. Cocoa powder is added to the biscuit. They are baked in round tins. After cooling, cut out of the molds and cut into four parts. Only two are used for the cake.

    Chocolate cream is prepared in the same way as for the Goose foot cake.

    After baking and cooling, a sponge cake for a roll is glued in pairs with cream, cut into strips 40-50 mm wide and rolled into a roll so that its diameter matches the diameter of the cake. Placed on a biscuit layer, greased with cream, spiral up.

    The surface of the roll is smeared with cream, covered with a second biscuit layer. The surface and sides are greased and decorated with cream, the top is sprinkled with chocolate, prepared in the form of shavings.

    Sponge cake with chocolate icing, strawberries and custard


    Sponge cake:

    • 3 eggs
    • sugar - 180 g
    • flour - 120 g
    • cocoa powder - 1.5 - 2 tablespoons.


    • 200 g strawberries
    • 1 tablespoon sugar


    • half a glass of sugar
    • half a glass of water
    • 1 tablespoon flour
    • half a packet of butter

    How to bake:

    First, for a chocolate biscuit cake with strawberries, you need to make a dough: separate the yolks from the whites; Beat the yolks from 0.5 cups of sugar until a light, fluffy mass; whisk the proteins at room temperature with clean whisks of a mixer from 0.5 cups of sugar to a thick foam - begin to beat at a low speed, gradually switch to a high speed. Gently mix the protein foam into the yolks. Sift the flour and stir gently from bottom to top, in one direction. We also sift the cocoa powder so that it becomes lighter and more airy, then the chocolate biscuit will not sag too much when it cools.

    The more cocoa, the chocolateier the taste and the darker the crust. Gently mix the biscuit dough so that there are no lumps left, but at the same time splendor remains. Pour the dough into a split mold, the bottom of which is tightened with oiled paper, and bake the cake for about half an hour. While the biscuit is baking, we make a filling for it. Cut the pure strawberries into halves (small berries can be left whole) and sprinkle with a little sugar.

    Let the finished cake cool in the oven - if you get the biscuit right away, it can settle. We take out the cooled cake from the mold. We spread the biscuit on a dish. Cut the cake in two.

    Put the strawberries on the bottom, pouring the strawberry juice on the cake. The top one must also be poured with syrup, otherwise it turns out to be dry.

    Grease the top cake with butter custard. We cook it like this: cook sugar syrup from 1/4 cup of water and sugar on a small flame; when the sugar dissolves, pour in the second 1/4 cup of water in which the flour is well mixed. Cook, stirring occasionally, until thickened. Let cool to room temperature, add butter and whisk.

    Cover the bottom cake with the top one.

    Decorate the top cake to your taste. You can grease it with the rest of the cream and sprinkle with grated chocolate, or melt the chocolate and pour over the icing.

    Lay out the strawberries beautifully on top of the glaze. Chocolate sponge custard cake is ready!

    Sponge cake with chocolate icing and compote fruit

    Wenceslas sponge cake with chocolate

    For a chocolate sponge cake with fruits you will need:

    • Chocolate sponge cake - 480 g, Czech cream - 745, crumb crumb - 135, fruit from compote - 130, chocolate glaze - 10 g.
    • For the cream: granulated sugar - 190 g, butter - 440, whole milk - 200, starch - 30, cognac or wine - 20 g.

    Cooking method:

    The chocolate sponge cake is baked in round tins. After cooling, it is cut out of the mold and cut horizontally into three layers. To prepare the cream, milk is boiled with sugar, brewed with starch, previously diluted milk, and cooled. Beat the butter, add the chilled mass, brandy or dessert wine and beat again for 10-15 minutes. The finished cream is mixed with a part of the fruit.

    For crumb crumbs, caramel is prepared by boiling the syrup to 165 ° C. Toasted nuts are poured into hot caramel, poured onto a table or a sheet, greased with fat, allowed to solidify, then crushed (378 g of molasses, 378 g of dried nuts and 0.0003 g of vanillin are taken for 756 g of sugar).

    Biscuit layers are glued together with cream. Lubricate the surface and sides with cream and sprinkle with roasted nuts.

    The surface of the sponge cake with chocolate icing and fruit is decorated with cream and chocolate.

    Chocolate sponge cake with custard "Sever"

    Composition for biscuit dough base: flour - 1.5 cups, eggs - 6 pcs., fine granulated sugar - 1.5 cups;

    for shortbread dough base: flour - 2 cups, granulated sugar - 0.5 cups, butter - 300 g, egg yolks - 3 pcs., sour cream - 2 tsp;

    for custard: butter - 200 g, egg - 1 pc., milk - 1.5 cups, sugar - 1 cup, vanilla sugar - 1 sachet, flour - 1 teaspoon, starch - 1 teaspoon;

    for chocolate cream: chocolate - 200 g, butter - 600 g, eggs - 4 pcs., granulated sugar - 3 cups, vanilla sugar - 1 sachet, milk - 0.5 cups.

    The cake is prepared from two types of base and two types of cream.

    Prepare a biscuit dough and bake a cake of the desired shape from it in a medium-heated oven until the surface of the biscuit is lightly browned. Cut the finished chilled biscuit into two horizontal cakes.

    Preparation of a sand base. Mix flour and sugar, add chilled butter, cut into pieces and chop everything together well with a knife so that you get butter grains. Add sour cream and yolks, knead the dough, divide it into three parts and refrigerate for 10-15 minutes. In the same form in which the biscuit was baked, bake shortbread cakes one by one, placing the dough in the form and slightly pressing it to the bottom of the form, also until lightly browning. Carefully remove the cakes from the mold and refrigerate. Prepare custard from all the ingredients of the recipe.

    Cooking chocolate cream. Grind the softened butter well with sugar and, without stopping to grind, add eggs one by one and pour in a little boiled warm milk. Put vanilla sugar in the almost finished cream and add softened chocolate. Beat the cream thoroughly again and cool.

    Put a shortbread on a prepared flat dish, greased with custard, grease it liberally with custard, put one layer of biscuit on it, grease with chocolate cream up to 1.5 cm thick, cover with the other half of the biscuit, grease with custard. Put a shortbread on a layer of cream and grease with chocolate cream. With the same cream, grease the sides of the cake with a solid mass or from a cornet, applying it in strips. Grind the third shortbread cake, which is slightly more browned during baking than all the other cakes, with a rolling pin into crumbs and pour it diagonally over the cake so that stripes are obtained. Place strips of custard in between the strips. Chill the chocolate sponge cake with custard for at least 5 hours.

    Cherry Chocolate Sponge Cakes Recipes

    Chocolate sponge cake with cherries


    • 5 yolks
    • 180 g sugar
    • 125 ml vegetable oil
    • 60 g cocoa powder
    • 170 ml water
    • 220 g flour
    • 2 tsp baking powder
    • 0.25 teaspoons of baking soda
    • 8 proteins
    • 0.25 tsp citric acid
    • 50 g icing sugar.

    Ingredients for the cream:

    • 500 ml cream (33-35%)
    • 350 ml low-fat yogurt
    • 200 g icing sugar
    • 2 tsp vanilla sugar
    • 20 g gelatin
    • half a glass of water.

    For cherry filling and impregnation:

    • 600 g pitted cherries
    • 150 g sugar
    • 2 tbsp. spoons of starch
    • half a glass of water.

    For decoration:

    • 50 g of chocolate.


    Biscuit baking.

    Separate the whites from the yolks. With a blender, beat the yolks with sugar until light fluffy. In several steps, pour vegetable oil into the prepared mass, stirring well with a spoon.

    Dilute cocoa with warm water and mix thoroughly. Add the diluted cocoa to the yolk-butter mass.

    Mix flour with baking powder and baking soda. Sift the flour into a bowl with the prepared mass and mix the dough thoroughly with a spoon.

    Beat egg whites in a food processor with powdered sugar until firm peaks. Gradually add the whipped egg whites to the prepared dough and stir gently with a spoon.

    Cover the bottom of a 26 cm split baking dish with baking paper. Pour the biscuit dough into a mold. Bake at 160 degrees Celsius for about 50 minutes. Leave the baked sponge cake to cool for about 10 minutes. Then turn the cake pan upside down and place on 4 glasses or cups. Leave in this position until it cools completely. Then remove the biscuit from the mold.

    Butter cream preparation:

    Beat the cream in a food processor with powdered sugar and vanilla sugar until fluffy. Add yogurt and stir on low speed.

    Soak gelatin in cold water and let it swell a little. Heat the mixture until the gelatin dissolves, but do not bring to a boil. Add a few tablespoons of cream to the dissolved gelatin and mix. Then put this mixture in the cream and stir at low speed.

    Cherry filling and impregnation preparation:

    Wash the cherries and remove the seeds. Put the cherries in a saucepan, add sugar and starch. Stir, heat over low heat until boiling and boil for 2-3 minutes. Cool and discard the cherries in a colander.

    Leave 13-15 cherries to decorate the cake. Divide the rest of the cherries into two equal parts.

    Dilute the syrup with boiled water and use to soak biscuit cakes.

    Assembling the cake:

    Cut the biscuit into three cakes. Trim the cakes by cutting off irregularities from them. Grind the cuttings into crumbs for sprinkling the sides of the cake.

    Place one cake on a platter. Saturate it with the third part of the cherry syrup. Put the cream in a pastry bag and squeeze out in small piles onto the cake, starting from the edges of the cake.

    Lay a row of cherries in a circle. Fill the entire surface of the cake with cherries and cream.

    Place the second cake layer. Soak it with syrup, then, like the first cake, fill its surface with cherries and cream.

    Place the third cake on top and saturate it with syrup. Grease the top of the third cake with cream. Lightly grease the sides of the cake with cream and sprinkle with biscuit crumbs. Decorate the top of the cake with cream and cherries. Sprinkle grated chocolate on the cake. Let the chocolate sponge cake with cherries stand for 2-3 hours at room temperature, and then put in the refrigerator.

    Sponge cake with chocolate cream and cherries on Goose foot cognac


    Sponge cake - 195 g, cream of chocolate cream - 622, chocolate icing - 109, cherry on cognac - 115 g.

    For the chocolate cream cream: butter - 318 g, icing sugar - 250, 35% cream - 64, cocoa powder - 33, vanillin - 8 g.

    Biscuit is prepared in a cold way, baked in round tins. After cooling, it is cut out of the mold and cut horizontally into two layers. Use only one for the cake. Canned cherries are freed from pits, poured with brandy (102 g of pitted cherries and 16 g of brandy) and left for several hours. Then the cherries are laid evenly on the biscuit layer. Put a metal ring in the shape of a cake on the blank and fill it to the brim with chocolate cream, level the cream with a knife and put the cake in the refrigerator to cool the cream. Then cut it out of the mold with a knife.

    The surface and sides are glazed with chocolate, preheated to a temperature of 30 ° C and combined with cocoa butter. After the chocolate has set, the surface is decorated with a border of chocolate cream and chocolate in the form of crow's feet.

    The cream for a chocolate sponge cake according to this recipe is prepared as follows: powdered sugar, cream and 1/3 of the butter are mixed, boiled at high heat for 3-5 minutes. Then cooled to 20 ° C. Beat the remaining butter, add the prepared mass, cocoa powder, vanillin and beat for 10-15 minutes until a fluffy homogeneous mass is formed. Canned cherries are pitted and soaked in cognac or wine for 4–5 hours. The chocolate glaze is tempered before use.

    Quality requirements: cake - biscuit, covered with chocolate, a layer of cherries and chocolate cream is visible in the cut.

    Homemade chocolate sponge cake with curd cream


    • 6 eggs
    • 1 tbsp. Sahara
    • 50 g butter
    • 1 tsp baking powder
    • 1.5-2 tbsp. l. cocoa
    • 1-1.5 tbsp. flour


    • 250 g cottage cheese
    • 1 tbsp. sour cream
    • 1 tbsp. Sahara
    • 1 bag of vanilla sugar


    1. First, prepare the biscuit. Beat the eggs with sugar until they increase 5 times, not just into a foam, but into a thick foam. It will take 8-10 minutes. But if you have a super powerful mixer, it might be faster.

    2. While the eggs were beating, melt the butter in a water bath. Add to the beaten eggs, stir.

    3. A glass of sifted flour, mix with baking powder and cocoa.

    4. Pour into eggs. If the mass turns out to be thin, you can add more flour. The dough should be like thick sour cream.

    5. We put to bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

    6. Bake for 30 minutes. Then we reduce the heat a little and bake for another 15 minutes. Then take it out of the oven, take it out of the mold not immediately, but after 10-15 minutes.

    7. Refrigerate and only then cut lengthwise into three parts.

    8. If you have time, then it is better to cut the biscuit not immediately, but after a few hours, so that it infuses and cuts better.

    9. While the biscuit is baking, prepare the curd cream. To do this, mix cottage cheese, sour cream, sugar, vanilla and beat with a mixer.

    10. Grease each cake with curd cream, decorate with chocolate sprinkles. You do not need to insist on such a chocolate-sponge cake with curd cream.

    Sponge-cake chocolate cake with condensed milk and jam "Zhuravushka"


    • Sponge cake - 429 g, cream - 380, lipstick - 100, cocoa powder - 25, jam - 50, fruit or candied fruits - 15 g.
    • for cream: butter - 190 g, yolk - 50, condensed milk with sugar - 150, fried nuts - 30, vanillin - 0.5 g.

    Cooking method:

    For the cake, biscuit is prepared in the main way, but butter and nuts are used for its preparation. The nuts are fried and combined with flour, and the butter is melted and added after kneading with flour and nuts. They are baked in round tins. After aging, cut into three layers.

    When preparing the cream, add 1/3 (by weight of water) of beaten egg yolks to condensed milk and boil until thickened for 2-3 minutes in a water bath. Rub through a sieve, cool to 20 ° C. Beat the butter, add the mass, chopped roasted nuts, vanillin and beat for 10-15 minutes. Biscuit layers are glued together with this cream.

    The surface and sides are smeared with jam and glazed with lipstick with the addition of cocoa powder, decorated with fruits or candied fruits. When the lipstick hardens, a drawing in the form of a crane is applied to a biscuit chocolate cake with condensed milk and jam using a stencil with cocoa powder.

    Chocolate sponge cake recipes with nuts

    Sponge cake with chocolate, fruits and nuts "Zdenka"


    Biscuit - 150 g, biscuit with cocoa powder - 350, jelly - 240, Czech cream - 740, fruits - 150, roasted nuts - 50 g.

    Cooking method:

    The biscuit is prepared in the main way, in the usual way and with cocoa powder. They are baked in round tins. After aging, cut into two layers. The cream is prepared as for the Wenceslas cake.

    For the cake, use two pieces of biscuit with cocoa and one of the usual biscuit, put it in the middle. The layers are glued together with fruit cream. The surface and sides are smeared with white cream. Sprinkle the sides with fried chopped nuts. On the surface, they make a border of white cream and decorate the cake with fruits. A chocolate sponge cake with nuts is placed in the refrigerator to cool the cream and poured with tinted jelly on top.

    Sponge chocolate cake combined "Red and black"

    Composition for the biscuit base of the cake: egg yolks - 6 pcs., sugar - 1 cup, sour cream - 1 cup, soda slaked with vinegar - 1 tsp, vanilla sugar, flour - 1.5 cups, cocoa powder - 0.25 cups;

    for a creamy cake base: egg whites - 6 pcs., sugar - 1 cup, butter - 100 g, sour cream - 1 cup, chopped walnut kernels - 1 cup, soda slaked with vinegar - 1 tsp, flour - 1.5 cups, vanillin, red berry juice.

    To prepare a chocolate biscuit for a cake according to this recipe, grind the yolks with sugar, add sour cream, soda slaked with vinegar, cocoa powder and flour. Knead the dough (thick as pancakes), pour it into a greased deep frying pan and bake in the oven with low heat for 40–45 minutes.

    Preparation of a creamy base. Beat the whites until a steep, stable foam, add sugar, red juice from the berries (the color of the workpiece depends on the amount of juice) and grind well. Mix together melted butter, sour cream, chopped walnuts, vanillin and flour. Carefully add the prepared proteins into the dough, mix well and bake in the same way as a dark crust.

    Cream preparation. Erase 2 cups of fine sugar with 2 eggs, gradually pour in 0.5 liters of warm boiled milk, mix thoroughly and bring to a boil over very low heat, without stopping whipping the cream. Cool quickly and, adding in small portions 300 g of softened butter to the cream, mix well. Stir the cream only in one direction - then it will turn out to be airy.

    Allow ready-made cakes to cool, cut them into horizontal layers. It turns out two red and two dark layers of the dough base. Align the edges of the layers with a knife, sandwich the layers with cream, and, alternating in color, lay on a flat dish also greased with cream.

    As you can see in the photo, according to this recipe, a chocolate biscuit cake should be generously coated with cream and sprinkled with crumbs made from scraps that turned out when leveling the layers:

    Sponge cake with chocolate and fruit jam "Birch log"

    Composition for the test: eggs - 4 pcs., granulated sugar - 100 g, flour - 80 g, potato starch - 30 g;

    • For filling: fruit jam - 200 g;
    • to cover: vanilla cream - 175 g;
    • for decoration: cocoa powder - 10 g, water - 15 g, chopped nuts.

    Prepare a biscuit dough and bake a square biscuit on a baking sheet, cover it with jam on top and roll into a tight roll. This roll should be slightly thicker and shorter than a regular biscuit roll. Cut the edges of the roll diagonally at the same angle. Cover the surface and edges of the roll with the prepared vanilla butter cream. Mix cocoa with 2 teaspoons of hot water, dip a wooden stick with a thin end into the mixture and then apply dashes with it on a layer of white cream so that the pattern looks like birch bark. Decorate the cake with chopped nuts.

    Sponge cake with chocolate filling "Smuglyanka"


    • For the test: 130 g margarine, 200 g sugar, 6 eggs, 100 g chocolate, 180 g flour, ground cinnamon, cardamom and salt on the tip of a knife.
    • For filling: 200 g, 400 g icing sugar, 120 g butter, 2 tbsp. l. cognac.
    • For decoration: 1 tbsp. l. cocoa, 1 tbsp. l. icing sugar.

    Cooking method:

    Combine softened margarine, half of the indicated amount of sugar, salt, cinnamon and cardamom. Grind with a whisk, adding yolks one at a time. Add chocolate melted in a water bath, whites whipped with the remaining sugar and sifted flour, knead a homogeneous dough.

    Put it in a dish greased with margarine, bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 20-30 minutes.

    Cool the finished biscuit, cut lengthwise into 2 cakes.

    To prepare the filling, grate the chocolate on a fine grater, add brandy and softened butter, whipped with powdered sugar. Mix everything thoroughly.

    Grease biscuit cakes with cream, lay on top of each other. Sprinkle the chocolate sponge cake with sifted powdered sugar mixed with cocoa.

    Chocolate sponge cake with sour cream-chestnut cream "Prince"

    Ingredients for the sponge cake base: eggs - 12 pcs., sugar - 1 cup, lemons - 2 pcs., starch - 0.75 cups, flour - 0.5 cups;

    • for the chocolate base of the dough: almonds - 400 g, eggs - 20 pcs., chocolate - 100 g, sugar - 400 g, flour - 3 tbsp. spoons, ground cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
    • for chestnut cream: cooked in milk and finely chopped southern chestnuts - 200 g, honey - 100 g, butter - 60 g, egg yolk - 1 pc., thick homemade sour cream - 100 g, chocolate - 20 g, vanilla sugar;
    • for rum glaze: freshly sifted icing sugar - 200-250 g, hot water - 3 tbsp. spoons, rum - 2 tbsp. spoons.

    Preparation of a biscuit base. Grind the yolks white with sugar, add the zest of lemons, add starch and flour. Gently add whipped whites into the dough and mix from top to bottom. Transfer the dough to the prepared mold and bake the biscuit.

    Cooking the chocolate base. Crush peeled almonds with five eggs. Beat 15 whites, add sugar, beat well again, add prepared almonds, chopped chocolate, flour and cinnamon. Knead the resulting mass well and bake in the same form in which the biscuit cake was baked.

    Cooking chestnut cream. Mix chopped chestnuts with honey, sour cream and egg yolk and beat until frothy. Separately grind the butter, vanilla sugar and slightly moistened chocolate. Mix both masses together and beat.

    Rum glaze preparation. Mix the icing sugar with hot water and, adding rum, continue stirring until the desired glaze density.

    Cool the finished biscuit base, soak in sugar syrup with rum, grease with chestnut cream, sprinkle with finely crushed nuts or almonds. Cool the finished chocolate cake as well, place it on top of the biscuit cake. Cover the surface of the chocolate sponge cake with sour cream chestnut cream with the rum frosting.

    Cakes with chocolate biscuit and butter cream: recipes with photos and videos

    Sponge cake with chocolate cream "Christmas Tale"


    • For the test: 250 g chopped almonds, 250 g icing sugar, 8 egg whites, 3 tsp. butter.
    • For buttercream: 250 g butter, 100 g sugar, 100 ml milk, 1 tbsp. l. cognac, 1 egg yolk, 1 bag of vanilla sugar.
    • For chocolate cream: 100 g butter, 100 g sugar, 1 tbsp. l. cocoa powder, 3 tbsp. l. milk, 2 tsp. cognac, 1 egg yolk.

    Cooking method:

    Beat the whites. Mix almonds with powdered sugar and add to the protein mass. Divide the dough into 3 equal parts. Grease a baking sheet with butter and bake the cakes in an oven preheated to 220 ° C for 15–20 minutes. Cool the finished cakes.

    To prepare butter cream, grind the yolk with sugar, pour in milk and, stirring, cook over low heat for 5 minutes, then cool, add softened butter, cognac, vanilla sugar and beat with a mixer.

    To prepare the chocolate cream, grind the yolk with sugar, pour in milk, add cocoa and, stirring, cook for 3 minutes.

    Then cool, add softened butter, brandy and beat with a mixer.

    The cakes made according to this recipe for a biscuit chocolate cake at home, gently grease alternately with butter and chocolate cream and combine.

    Sponge cake with "Stefania" chocolate-butter cream


    Sponge cake - 444 g, chocolate cream cream - 888, cocoa powder - 18 g.

    Cooking method:

    The sponge cake is prepared in a cold way. They are baked at a temperature of 210-220 ° C on sheets dusted with flour, leveling round cakes with a knife on a stencil. The cream is prepared as described for the Houndstooth cake.

    Six round biscuit cakes are sandwiched with chocolate cream and cream. The top and sides of the cake with chocolate biscuit and butter cream are sprinkled with cocoa and a mesh pattern is applied with a knife.

    Sponge cake with chocolate-butter cream and Dobosh caramel


    Sponge cake - 438 g, cream of chocolate cream - 762, caramel - 148 g

    Cooking method:

    The biscuit and cream are prepared in the same way as for the Stefania cake.

    Six round biscuit cakes are sandwiched with chocolate cream. The top of the cake is glazed with caramel. The sides are coated with cream and sprinkled with biscuit crumbs.

    The cooked caramel is applied to the top cake with a layer of 2–2.5 mm, leveled with a knife and, without letting it harden, make radial notches with a knife. The cake is divided into 16 pieces.

    The quality requirements are the same as for the Stefania cake; the top is decorated with caramel.

    Now watch the video of biscuit-chocolate cakes for the recipes presented above:

    If you love chocolate cakes, you are in the right place at the right time. We will now show you how to prepare the base for your favorite dessert. There are many recipes for chocolate biscuits awaiting you. You can choose the one you like to make the cake of your dreams.

    The recipes are very similar, but still they are different in complexity and final result. Some are wetter, some more fluffy, and some more chocolatey. To figure out which recipe is your favorite, you will have to try each one.

    General cooking principles

    Eggs have always been and will always be a key ingredient in a biscuit. It is on them that splendor depends. Therefore, it is important that they are fresh. It is important to beat a dense foam from fresh eggs. If you beat the whites and yolks poorly, consider that you get a pie, but not a cake. You can add a little salt or lemon juice to whisk it easily.

    The second important item in our recipes is chocolate. In our case, this is ground cocoa. If you want a chocolateier, richer, deeper flavor, choose chocolate over cocoa.

    Classic chocolate biscuit

    Cooking time

    calorie content per 100 grams

    Classics are always in fashion, everyone knows that. Today it is a chocolate sponge cake, which already really wants to be on your table and to be supplemented with some delicious cream of your choice.

    How to cook:

    Tip: If the whites do not whip well, you can add a pinch of salt to them.

    Egg-based chocolate sponge cake

    In a sponge cake, eggs are always very important. If they weren't there, you would have to use baking powder or baking soda to raise the dough. But we decided to knead the dough for a chocolate sponge cake with eggs so as not to spoil the taste.

    How much time - 1 hour and 10 minutes.

    What is the calorie content - 310 calories.

    How to cook:

    1. Divide the eggs into separate bowls as usual.
    2. Put the container with proteins in the refrigerator, so they beat better.
    3. Pour half of the sugar into the yolks, turn on the mixer and begin to beat the mass.
    4. Whisk until creamy in color and texture. It should be very fluffy, light and delicate.
    5. The oven at this stage can already be turned on at two hundred degrees Celsius.
    6. Take out a bowl of egg whites, beat them into a fluffy, standing foam.
    7. When the whites are almost beaten, add the other half of the sugar, beat until all the crystals are dissolved.
    8. Stir the whites into the yolks in several stages.
    9. Each time, knead until smooth, gently prying the mass with a spatula.
    10. Next, stir in the flour, passing it in parts through a sieve.
    11. After that add cocoa in the same way.
    12. Grease the cake pan with butter, pour out the dough and bake it for about forty minutes at a temperature of 170 degrees until a dry toothpick.

    Tip: If you are unsure of your shape, cover it with parchment paper.

    Multicooker baking recipe

    If you have a multicooker in your kitchen, consider yourself a winner. You just need to knead the dough onto a chocolate sponge cake, and the assistant will do the rest. Isn't it wonderful?

    How much time - 1 hour and 25 minutes.

    What is the calorie content - 291 calories.

    How to cook:

    1. Break fresh eggs into a deep bowl.
    2. Add sugar and start whisking the mass until a dense, but at the same time, light foam.
    3. In the adjacent bowl, combine the cocoa, vanillin and flour.
    4. Visually divide the dry mixture into several parts, inject it to the eggs.
    5. It is advisable to use a sieve.
    6. Each time the mass must be brought to a uniform consistency using a spatula.
    7. Grease a bowl of a multicooker with oil, pour the dough into it.
    8. Spread it out and turn on the baking mode for one hour and five minutes.

    Tip: you can beat the eggs separately if you wish. Many believe that this is how the biscuit can become even more magnificent.

    Baking with added coffee

    A very unusual sponge cake with chocolate and coffee. Its aroma will drive you crazy while still raw, what can we say about the finished cake? Neighbors will gather at your door without an invitation, rest assured!

    How much time - 1 hour and 50 minutes.

    What is the calorie content - 288 calories.

    How to cook:

    1. Pour water into a saucepan, place it on the stove, turn on the fire.
    2. Let it boil and then remove from heat to cool slightly. In this case, the water must necessarily remain hot.
    3. Dissolve cocoa and coffee in it, stir and let cool.
    4. Mix sugar (180 grams) with salt, baking powder and baking soda.
    5. Place the yolks in a bowl, beat them until creamy and increase in volume.
    6. Add butter and cooled chocolate-coffee base, mix until smooth.
    7. Add prepared dry ingredients to the resulting mass.
    8. Mix everything thoroughly with a spatula or whisk.
    9. Pour the whites into a deep bowl, add the rest of the sugar.
    10. Beat them with a mixer or whisk until light, airy foam.
    11. Divide the proteins into four parts visually.
    12. Mix them in one part into the chocolate mass, each time bringing to smoothness.
    13. Pour the finished dough into a mold, distribute it with a spatula.
    14. Bake for 55-60 minutes at 160 degrees Celsius.

    Tip: The vegetable oil in this recipe can be replaced with butter.

    Baking with dark chocolate

    Everyone who makes a cake dreams of the most lush and light sponge cake. So, this biscuit will also be as chocolatey as possible, because we have added dark chocolate!

    How much time - 1 hour and 40 minutes.

    What is the calorie content - 248 calories.

    How to cook:

    1. Pour flour, starch, and baking powder into a bowl.
    2. Break the chocolate into cubes and melt. It will be better, of course, if you have chocolate drops, not a bar.
    3. To melt, you can prepare a water bath, or you can put a bowl of chocolate in the microwave for two minutes.
    4. Divide the eggs into two bowls into whites and yolks.
    5. Pour water into a saucepan, put on the stove and turn on the fire.
    6. As soon as it boils, remove from heat and stir with sugar and vanilla sugar.
    7. Introduce the already slightly cooled sweet water to the yolks.
    8. Beat them until fluffy with a mixer or whisk.
    9. Pour in the chocolate and bring the mixture until smooth, stirring gently with a spatula.
    10. Cool the proteins a little, removing them together with the container in the refrigerator for about fifteen minutes.
    11. Then take out and beat until fluffy, airy foam.
    12. Add a third of the mass to the chocolate, connect with a spatula.
    13. Then add the free-flowing components prepared at the beginning (flour, baking powder and starch).
    14. You need to add in parts and preferably with a sieve.
    15. It is important to mix the ingredients thoroughly after each use.
    16. When all the flour has been added, stir in the rest of the proteins.
    17. Knead well and the dough can be poured into the mold.
    18. Distribute and put in an oven heated to 200 degrees for 35-40 minutes.

    Tip: You can use milk instead of water. It will be even tastier this way.

    Easy cake biscuit recipe

    The simplest, classic recipe for chocolate biscuit. Suitable for both cake and pie. It can be served in all its glory to guests or cut to relatives for tea.

    How much time - 1 hour and 20 minutes.

    What is the calorie content - 346 calories.

    How to cook:

    1. First you need to mix cocoa with flour and pass the mass through a sieve.
    2. Break the eggs into a bowl, add the yolks to them.
    3. Add sugar and mix thoroughly.
    4. Turn on a mixer or an electric whisk, beat eggs with sugar into a fluffy, light and airy foam.
    5. In three stages, stir in flour with cocoa, each time kneading the dough with a spatula.
    6. Place the butter in a saucepan, remove on the stove and turn on low heat.
    7. Bring to complete dissolution, cool slightly.
    8. Take some biscuit dough, mix it with butter and return to the base.
    9. Pour the finished dough into a mold and bake at 190 degrees for 30-35 minutes.

    Tip: You can use vanillin instead of vanilla sugar.

    Filling - preparing the best sponge cake cream

    Chocolate cream drives everyone crazy for the first time. If you haven't tried it yet, get started quickly. If you've tried it, chances are you already have a bowl of half the ingredients in your hands.

    How much time - 20 minutes + cooling.

    What is the calorie content - 548 calories.

    How to cook:

    1. Place the egg yolks in a saucepan, pour cold water.
    2. Beat the ingredients a little (!) With a whisk.
    3. Pour in condensed milk and put on the stove, turn on the fire.
    4. While stirring, boil the mass until it becomes thick.
    5. At this stage, pour in cocoa, mix thoroughly.
    6. Stir in the butter until the cream is smooth.
    7. Cool and use as directed.

    Tip: You can cut the butter into cubes to help disperse the butter.

    When the biscuit is already in the oven, do not open it for the next 30-35 minutes. If you open it, there is a high probability that it will fall due to a sharp temperature drop. Unfortunately, once the dough has fallen, it will no longer be able to be lifted.

    The finished product must be taken out of the oven and cooled at room temperature. Then you can remove it from the form. Then let it cool completely (!) And only then cut to fill with cream or filling.

    A chocolate sponge cake recipe is something that every housewife should keep. In a notebook, blog, notebook - it doesn't matter. With such a recipe, you will always win. It is very tasty, incredibly aromatic and moderately sweet!