Chinese tincture on a snake. How vodka with a snake is made and what are its medicinal properties

The Vietnamese became the discoverers of the scary drinks. It was they who began to add real snakes to bottles with wine, and only then this exotic method of production migrated to other countries of Asia.

Many connoisseurs of alcohol go to eastern countries precisely in order to taste these unusual drinks, because their import is prohibited in many countries of the world, including, for example, the USA.

The recipe for such drinks can be very diverse. It is believed to be obtained from live reptiles. A snake, say, a viper is placed in a bottle and poured with alcohol - wine or rice vodka, leaving a certain amount of air so that for some time after the bottle is closed, the snake can still breathe and die gradually, releasing poison and other substances useful for the human body into alcohol ...

According to another recipe, a cut snake, along with poison and blood, is added to a bowl of rice wine, drunk with the meat and entrails of the snake.

Often, scorpions, lizards or insects are also added to bottles with unusual drinks. This is done for a purely decorative purpose; these creatures do not impart any special properties to wine.

In Japan, they prepare the drink mamushizake sake, infused with the only poisonous snake that can be found in this country - mamushi. From China to Japan, they deliver the habu sake drink, which contains 13 different herbs and spices and, of course, the habu snake. It is believed to be a medicine for the joints and spine.

How and why they drink

In this case, you should not be afraid of snake venom - it is a protein substance in composition, and the protein is neutralized by alcohol. True, there were times when the snake inside remained alive, and it did not end very well for the owner of a bottle of alcohol.
A resident of the Chinese city of Sizhou, who brought a bottle of snake wine to Moscow, was bitten in the neck by a hungry snake after uncorking it. The poison did not hit the wound, so the Chinese remained alive.

For the most part, such foods are not even alcohol in the usual sense. More often these are balms sold in pharmacies. And you need to drink them not like ordinary alcohol, stack after stack, but very dosed or rub in externally. If you buy wine or vodka with a snake in Asian markets or liquor stores, be extremely careful before consuming this product.

In some countries, alcohol with snake venom is believed to cure almost all diseases. To check it on yourself or not is everyone's business.

When I served in the GDR, I happened to visit the famous Leipzig Fair. What was not there! The eyes were wide. But the biggest impression on me was the bottles of Vietnamese rice vodka. The bottles were of different shapes, and a snake was placed inside each. It was located in the form of a spiral, with its head resting on the neck. I have never seen such a thing. The wife was also shocked by what she saw.
- Why is there a snake? - somehow frightenedly asked me.
- What do you mean why? You don't need to take a snack with you, - I joked. - They realized, for example, drunks for three, right there around the corner of the store they drank and ate a snake. The wife almost vomited from these words.

Later I learned that the Vietnamese consider such vodka to be medicinal. The snake's venom gradually dissolves in vodka, alcohol neutralizes this poison, makes it harmless, and vodka becomes a cure for various diseases. This tincture is very popular among Asians.

It is said that snake vodka first appeared in Vietnam about two thousand years ago, and soon gained popularity in many Asian countries.
According to one legend, a girl fell ill with leprosy. With grief, she went to the distillery, drank plenty of wine and fell asleep. The next morning she felt that she was completely healthy. It turned out that the reason for the sudden healing was the wine, into which a poisonous snake fell and drowned in it. Since then, they allegedly began to insist on vodka with poisonous snakes.

To make such vodka, you need to catch a snake and starve it for thirty days. During this time, she will get rid of excrement. Then it is washed and placed in a vodka bottle. The bottle is well sealed. Such vodka is infused for a long time, from three months to a year.

Moreover, vodka must be made of high quality rice alcohol. The snake is a tenacious creature, it dies for a long time. If the vodka is of poor quality or not sufficiently matured, then when the bottle is opened, the snake may "revive". Cases have been recorded when the bites of such snakes led to death.

One Chinese woman living in the town of Harbin was bitten by a rattlesnake, which was soaked in vodka for 3 months. After 3 months, when the woman was sure that the snake was definitely dead, and opened the bottle, the reptile stung her. But nothing happened, the woman survived. But the other Chinese was out of luck. In 2011, he was bitten by a cobra, which had been pickled in a bottle for a year, after which he died.

According to statistics, from such accidents in China alone, about 100-150 people die annually. These are such tenacious creatures. They may well live in a bottle of vodka for up to a year or more. So that such vodka does not harm the body, you can drink it no more than 50 ml per day and in small sips.

It's good that such vodka is not made in Russia. A Russian man cannot drink 50 grams, and even in small sips. A bottle for three is the minimum norm.


Thank you, Seraphim, for your feedback.
And the bottles come in different sizes. I remember in our post-war years vodka was sold in "quarters" - such large bottles, you can't take more than one. A boa constrictor will climb into such a bottle)
Wishing you success

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Eastern countries have many unusual gastronomic features. Some local traditions surprise the inexperienced tourist, others frighten. It was here that they invented such a drink as vodka with a snake. This oriental drink is especially popular in countries such as Vietnam and China.

In the article:

The history of vodka with a snake

It is impossible to say exactly when and under what conditions snake vodka appeared. Different countries have their own assumptions, theories and stories on this topic.

According to one Chinese legend, many centuries ago, a girl suffered from leprosy. In those days, it was believed that in order to completely get rid of the symptoms of the disease, it was necessary to infect your husband. They began to prepare the girl for the wedding. However, she did not want to be cured of the disease in this way. She fled to the room where alcoholic beverages were then brewed, hid there, began to drink and fell asleep.

The next morning the girl woke up completely healthy. Only in the morning did she notice that there was a snake in the bottle from which she was drinking. It is believed that it was after this incident in ancient China that vodka with snakes began to be regarded as a remedy. Since then, the popularity of this liquid has only grown.

According to another version, the snake first appeared in Vietnam. There are records indicating that this recipe was used during the reign of the Zhou Dynasty. It is believed that at that time such vodka preparation began to spread throughout the southeastern countries.

Features of the "poisonous" drink

Vodka with a snake is a special tincture using poisonous reptiles. Most often, these drinks are made at home.

There are many recipes for preparing this tincture. Each province, region, country adheres to its own standards and traditions. The main technique is as follows: a live snake is kept for 1-2 months in one container, then transferred to another, filled with a strong alcoholic drink and corked for one year.

The recipe was originally based on the use of rice vodka. It is this component that gives the product its characteristic taste and delicate aroma. However, today most snake recipes include alcohol or.

In some countries, it is customary to add some aromatic herbs to the recipe, adding zest to the drink.

The peculiarity of this product lies in the fact that, in addition to its unusual taste, it has a lot of useful properties. This is due to the technology of production of the drink. Since the snake is corked in a tincture in a live form, its body continues to produce various useful substances. Elements such as bile and poison are released, but these are neutralized with alcohol. Thus, only healing substances remain in the drink, making it an excellent medicine.

Remarkable is the fact that a snake in a tincture can be reused. As soon as the vodka is drunk, the container is again filled with alcohol and left to infuse for several months. It is believed that this cooking procedure can be repeated about 5 times.

Snake vodka is in demand for a variety of reasons. Some consumers buy it to drink. Others are for medicinal purposes. Many people buy a snake as a souvenir.

The import of this drink to many countries is prohibited.

Useful properties of snake vodka

Snake tincture has a number of medicinal properties. Chinese vodka with a snake has the following effects on the human body:

  • maintains the tone of the body;
  • gives energy and strength;
  • helps to improve potency;
  • strengthens the protective functions of the body;
  • has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system;
  • promotes cell regeneration;
  • performs a rejuvenating function;
  • raises testosterone levels.

Also, with regular use of the tincture, you can get rid of the symptoms of arthritis. In some countries, it is customary to use this tincture in order to get rid of a cough.

In addition to the listed properties, the tincture helps to normalize blood pressure, relieves the vascular system from plaques and blood clots, and prevents their development. You can use this healing product for diseases of the spine, joints, rheumatism, headaches.

Many girls use tincture to improve the condition of their skin and hair. With the help of vodka with a snake, you can get rid of acne, mimic wrinkles, make the skin elastic and smooth.

However, when using a tincture with reptiles as a remedy, you must first consult a doctor. For therapeutic purposes, this drink is drunk in an amount of no more than 50 ml per day.

Any infectious diseases prohibit the intake of Chinese vodka. With hypertension, you must use this drink with caution.

Chinese vodka with snake

In China, vodka with a snake has a specific smell. This fortified liquid has a yellowish tint and a rich consistency. A variety of reptiles are used for tincture. Moreover, both one reptile and several small snakes can be put in a bottle.

In addition to the main ingredient, it is customary to add ginseng, herbs and various berries to the local tincture.

Tinctures in China are made not only on the basis of snakes. In the central region, it is customary to prepare vodka with wasps. In Harbin, autumn flies are used for this purpose.

Here, snake-based alcoholic tinctures can be purchased not only in bars, but also in pharmacies.

Vietnamese vodka with snake and scorpion

Vietnam is also famous for its exotic drinks. Here, in addition to tinctures with snakes, rum and cobra are made here. Cane rum, unlike other strong products, has an incomparable taste and pleasant mild aroma. This remedy is used for various ailments associated with internal organs.

In Vietnam, it is recommended to purchase snake drinks directly from pharmacies.
In this case, you can see how the remedy will be prepared.

Various ingredients are added to the Vietnamese vodka recipe to achieve a richer aftertaste and unusual aroma. Components such as snake venom, barberry, ginseng, spices, lizards, insects can be used. In some provinces, mice, geckos, and seahorses are included in the recipe. Rum can be prepared using a salamander.

Vodka with a snake has a delicate aroma, in which flowers, roots and leaves of various plants are placed. This component can be used both dried and naturally. Herbs make vodka even more useful, giving it tonic, antibacterial properties.

Vietnamese vodka with snake and scorpion is very popular. This recipe has an unusual production technology. To prepare this drink, you will need the following ingredients: cobra, scorpion, ginseng, barberry, vodka.

First you need to take a reptile, keep it closed for 10-15 days. Then the snake is moved into a container with a narrow neck. Pour in a strong drink. Rice vodka is preferred. The container is tightly closed so that air does not penetrate into it. In this state, the tincture is kept for 5 days.

The main stage in the production of this drink is the following action: the container is opened, and at the moment when the cobra opens its mouth to take a breath of air, a scorpion is placed in its throat with a quick movement of the hand. The tincture is again tightly closed and removed to a dry, warm room. The duration of the infusion is six months.

This drink is famous for its wide range of medicinal properties. Here it is used for a wide variety of health problems. In addition, vodka with such unusual ingredients has a mild deep taste and tart aroma.

Vodka with a snake is a wonderful drink that can not only decorate a feast, but also cure a huge list of diseases. And if you don't want to use this exotic vodka, you can use an unusual container with a reptile as a souvenir.

China is known for its alcoholic culture and offers a wide variety of drinks. Many tourists are attracted by a kind of souvenir - Chinese vodka with a snake. On the shelves you can also find other alcohol, differing in strength and technology of preparation. Consider all the features and varieties of Chinese vodka.

Vodka with a snake

Vodka with a snake inside appeared about two thousand years ago. Sources indicate that the first mentions of the drink are found in treatises from the second century AD. There is a legend about the creation of vodka. It is believed that in ancient times, a girl was healed of leprosy thanks to drunk wine, into which a snake accidentally fell. For this reason, vodka with a snake is credited with a lot of healing qualities.

Chinese healers claim that snake bile and blood are incredibly useful, with their help you can get rid of any disease. If you drink such an alcoholic tincture, you can increase vitality and even increase potency. It is believed that the "snake" relieves the following ailments:

  • arthrosis, arthritis, joint problems;
  • problems with the central nervous system;
  • weak immunity;
  • difficulty remembering information;
  • coughing.

Local residents are sure that Chinese vodka relieves fatigue, rejuvenates the skin, and increases testosterone levels.

Reference! The export of "snakes" is illegal in many countries. Sometimes snakes are used for the production of vodka, which are listed in the Red Book and their extermination is pursued.

Features of the snake vodka recipe

The recipe for manufacturing varies based on the region, but the general scheme is the same. A live snake is kept in an empty container for several weeks, during which time the animal gets rid of excrement. Then the reptile is placed in a bottle, filled with strong alcohol. The snake is still alive during this period. Herbs are sometimes added. A bottle with a snake is infused from two months to a year.

What are the options for snake vodka?

Drinking tincture

In this case, it is not the snake that insists on alcohol, but its insides, bile or blood. The drink can be drunk, it tastes quite pleasant, it can differ in peculiar aromas. Another way of preparing the tincture is that the body of the cobra is cut, its juices are added to the container with the drink just before consumption.

With rice vodka

The snake, placed in a glass vessel, is poured with rice vodka. Sometimes several snakes are placed in the vessel.

Reference! Snake venom is neutralized under the influence of alcohol, but at the same time it retains its beneficial properties. Prolonged contact with alcohol deactivates the poison, since it has a protein base.

Vodka with ginseng and snake

In China, vodka is considered traditional, it has a special composition. Main components:

  • Scorpion
  • Barberry
  • Cobra
  • Rice vodka
  • Ginseng

How is it prepared? A live snake is placed in a bottle, into which rice vodka is poured. The bottle itself is closed with a porous stopper that allows air to pass through. The snake at this time is in a coma, so it is kept for 5 days. The organs of the snake at this time produce healing substances. After five days, the bottle is opened, the animal takes a breath of air. At this moment, with the help of tweezers, they thrust the scorpion into the neck. After that, the bottle is tightly closed, this time tightly. A kind of drink is infused for at least six months.

Dangers of snake vodka

If vodka is prepared in compliance with all technologies, then it is not dangerous. Alcohol must be of high quality, otherwise there are a number of threats.

1. The snake belongs to tenacious creatures, it dies for a long time, it can fall into a kind of coma. If the vodka did not last for the right time or low-quality alcohol was used, then the reptile can "resurrect". There are recorded cases of snake bites from a bottle leading to death.

2. If the technology is not followed, the snake venom may not completely decompose. Some of its dangerous properties will remain. It is hardly possible to die from this, but it is possible to get sick.

Reference! China has statistics on accidents following the infusion of vodka with a snake. For example, in 2009, a man died after being bitten by a tiger snake, which he insisted for about two months. Such cases are recorded every year, not all of them are fatal.

Chinese vodka Maotai

All over the world, Maotai is one of the strongest alcoholic drinks. For manufacturing, the gaoliang cereal plant is used. The vodka got its name in honor of the town located in the Guizhou region. Today a large beverage production facility is located there.

Maotai is one of the most expensive vodkas found in China. Its price is in the range of $ 750 per bottle. But despite the price, Maotai is in demand both among the local population and among tourists.

The strength of the Maotai product is 54 degrees, while alcohol does not upset the stomach and does not quite hit the head. Maotai is recognized as the Chinese national drink, such vodka should be present at any banquet.

One of the secrets is the fertile soil and climate of the settlement where the drink is produced. The village has about 7 thousand inhabitants. Half of the people are employed in the production of local liquor.

The production process of local vodka takes about 5 years. Each stage of production takes a certain amount of time. Thus, the initial stage lasts nine months. Production scheme:

  1. Grain is poured into the container, after 30 days it is distilled. The event is held 8 times over several months.
  2. The resulting mixture is stored in the basement for three years.
  3. Then the production process continues, the drink is sent to preservation for another year.

Thanks to such an intricate cooking scheme, Maotai is distinguished by its softness, aroma and pleasant taste. The taste of this unusual product is also appreciated in Europe. In 1986 in Paris, the original spirits won three gold medals. The product began to be considered a unique class of alcohol. Maotai has been awarded at other international exhibitions as well.

White alcohol

Another type of Chinese alcoholic beverages is popular - Baijiu. The drink is classified as strong. The strength of white alcohol is 60 degrees, and sometimes the mark reaches 70 degrees.

According to the chronicle data, Baijiu has been tracing its history for four thousand years. The main raw material for this product is the cereal crop sorghum. Other cereals are also used, in particular corn, wheat, kaoliang. The drink is not widespread outside of China, it is not in great demand due to its high strength. In addition, the product has a specific smell, which complicates its tasting.

So, Chinese vodka is very specific, it differs from the usual alcohol. The drinks are exotic and have unusual taste. Not all alcohol can be tasted outside of China, some varieties are found only in this state. All connoisseurs of elite drinks should taste Chinese alcoholic beverages. It is important not to fall for a fake, as some products can be hazardous to health.

Snake vodka - ingredients: cobra, scorpion, ginseng, barberry and rice vodka. It is made quite curiously. A live snake (it is better not to read for members of the green party) is placed in a bottle, poured with strong rice vodka and sealed with a porous cork, partially letting in air. Cobra gets drunk in vodka, and is in a coma for five days. During this time period, the internal organs intensively produce healing substances that support life. After five days, the concentration of nutrients in the cobra's blood increases several times. The cork is opened, and the snake, having sipped clean air for the last time in its life, awakens from alcohol fumes. At this moment, quickly, so that the cobra does not bite, a live imperial scorpion is pushed into the neck with tweezers. The snake bites the scorpion, at this moment the bottle is closed with a tight cork. There were cases when the cooking masters mistakenly closed the vodka with an old cork. The buyer, opening the bottle, and thus letting in a portion of air, was quite surprised, to put it mildly, when the reptile jumped out of the bottle like a devil from a snuffbox.

Cobra venom in combination with scorpion venom, and other useful substances contained in the heart, liver, spleen, blood, when infused, passes into vodka. You will not find such medicines on pharmacy counters. The therapeutic spectrum is so wide that it is too long to describe the process. I can only say that it has a strong healing effect on the entire body. Raises immunity to such heights that no diseases can reach you. Powerfully increases the overall energy, you feel at least 10 years younger. I recommend it to everyone over 30 years old who does not suffer from acute illnesses. Do not drink the tincture like regular vodka. Take 20 grams 1 time per day before dinner. After the tincture is drunk, fill it with ordinary vodka and leave for two weeks in a dark, warm place. Drink as indicated above for another course. For the third time, you can use the vodka bay as an exotic souvenir.

The number of cobras in the wild is limited, the tincture is definitely not enough for everyone, draw the right conclusions. By the way, I highly recommend the representatives of the stronger sex if he wants to stay with

strong and sustainable. In China, even grandfathers, regularly using such a tincture, preserve masculine strength.

Many tourists, traveling around China, saw such beautiful glass bottles of different sizes with a snake inside in shops and === pharmacies. This is the national Chinese drink - vodka with a snake.
If you went to China, it doesn't matter on business orrelax, bring the famous Chinese souvenir - vodka with a snake.

The vodka itself resembles moonshine - a yellowish color with a very specific aroma. If this smell can be called aroma. Inside is a twisted snake, whole, with eyes, tail and head, everything is as it should be. The size of the snake depends on the size of the bottle, there are very small snakes, and there are also huge snakes. What breed, I don't know.

There is also ginseng root in vodka with a snake. I do not know if this is real ginseng, it looks like it. But real ginseng is very expensive, and a bottle of vodka with a snake costs an average of 500 rubles.
There are also some berries floating in the vodka. In general, the spectacle is beautiful. Many people take this Chinese snake vodka as a souvenir and gift. Usually bottles are packed in a red velvet box and such a gift looks presentable. But you need to be sure that the person to whom you are going to give vodka with a snake has a strong heart and will not have enough condrat after he unpacks the gift box.

They say that snake moonshine helps to increase male strength, enhances immunity, strengthens the heart and, in general, has an extremely beneficial effect on the body. By the way, in Vietnam, we also met similar bottles with snakes. Only there, besides snakes, there were scorpions and frogs. Delicious, in general! Read about how we ate a snake .

So you can not only put such a souvenir on the shelf and drink a glass every day. The Chinese do just that. And when the vodka runs out, you can pour a fresh portion of vodka into the same bottle and let it brew for three months. Chinese tea can also be brewed several times.

In border China, in particular in Suifunehe, there used to be Chinese cafes everywhere, where in a huge bottle with a tap there was vodka with a huge snake and roots. The cafes were buffet style. You pay a certain amount of admission and take any food you want. Plus, you can approach this bottle with a tap an unlimited number of times and pour yourself some heroic snake vodka. My husband and I tried, how could it be without it. Moonshine moonshine, nothing special, although it looks creepy.

Only now it seems that such cafes have no, they closed three or four years ago. It's a pity.