How to make fresh cherry jam. Wonderful cherry confiture with lemon, strawberry, almond

Jam is no less popular with housewives than ordinary jam, but still the process of making this sweet delicacy takes longer than making jam. There are many interesting recipes for making thick pitted cherry jam, the delicacy can be closed in jars and left to be stored for the winter.

Usually, a traditional composition of cherries, the required amount of granulated sugar and a gelling agent is used for cooking. But you can supplement the recipe with other types of berries and flavors. The best options for making jam based on cherry berries will be described below.

Cherry Jam with Pectin

The recipe is simple to execute, every housewife can handle it, even if she does not have special cooking skills. Pectin, on the other hand, helps to thicken the sweetness.

Required products:

  • pectin - 5 grams;
  • fresh cherries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 800 g;
  • lemon juice - 50 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. To make thick seedless cherry jam, you should prepare jars, as the delicacy will be closed for the winter.
  2. After that, the seeds are removed from the berries, and the finished cherry is sent to the meat grinder. You can use any other method to puree the cherries. Pour 800 grams of sugar into the cherry mass and leave the mixture to infuse for about an hour and a half.
  3. After the allotted time, the container with the berries is placed on the stove and the maximum heating is turned on, on such a flame the cherries are brought to a boil. Only after that, the intensity of heating is reduced, continuing to cook everything for about twelve minutes.
  4. Juice from and 6 grams of pectin is added to the cherry puree, everything is mixed and cooked until the desired consistency of jam is obtained.

G Hot treats are poured over small cans and tightly closed with lids. The result is a very thick jam that can be stored at room temperature.

"Traditional" cherry jam

A fairly simple option for making cherry jam for the winter, this recipe involves boiling seedless berries, but it is worth considering that the delicacy will not turn out so thick. To obtain the desired consistency, the jelling agent "Confiture" is used.

Required products:

  • jelling mixture "Confiture" - 1 sachet;
  • granulated sugar - 850 grams;
  • ripe cherries - 1 kg.

Cooking steps:

  • The cooking process begins with washing the berries and removing spoiled fruits. Any cherry can be used, but if you want to get a more acidic preparation, then the berries should also have more acidity.

  • The cherries are dried and the seeds are removed from the berries. The prepared fruits are sent to a blender bowl and crushed to a puree state. And to get rid of the skin, you can pass the puree through a fine sieve. The result is a homogeneous mass. The finished puree is transferred to a saucepan to start cooking.

  • Sugar is poured into the cherry mass, after which the future jam is placed on the stove and begins to boil.
  • The cooking process takes about half an hour, you should sometimes stir it with a spatula, and when the specified time has elapsed, pour the substance for gelling into the puree and mix the mass again.

  • Leave the mixture to simmer for another 25 minutes over low heat, during this period the cherry mixture will become thicker. It is impossible to digest the mass, as the jam will become much thicker after cooling.

The finished dessert is transferred to small jars and immediately sealed tightly with lids.

Chocolate cherry jam

Many people remember the famous "Cherry in chocolate", this pitted cherry jam will also contain chocolate. And to make the preparation for the winter thick, a gelling agent called "Zhelfix" is added to it.

Required products:

  • ripe cherries without pits - 1 kg;
  • ripe orange - 1 piece;
  • vanilla sugar - 10 grams;
  • boiled coffee - 450 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 850 grams;
  • gelatinous gel - 1 pack;
  • powdered cinnamon - on the tip of a knife;
  • bitter chocolate - 50 grams.

Cooking steps:

  1. To begin with, the cherry is pitted, the orange is cut into slices and all the juice is squeezed out of it. Orange juice is poured over cherry berries, granulated sugar and sugar with vanilla are sent there. At the last stage, the gelling component is introduced and everything is mixed. The mass is left to stand for two hours.
  2. When the allotted time has elapsed, the container is placed on the stove and the heating is turned on. As soon as all the granulated sugar dissolves in the jam, 450 milliliters of coffee is added to the delicacy, it is better to use brewed, not instant coffee.
  3. Break the bitter chocolate into small pieces, and as soon as the jam starts to boil, you can put the pieces of chocolate into dessert. After five minutes of cooking, add cinnamon powder. Cook the jam further until the desired thickness is obtained.

It is worth considering that the finished product can be stored for no more than four months, and only in the refrigerator compartment.

    What jam do you like the most?

Cherry Jam with Citric Acid

A fairly simple option for creating seedless cherry jam, but it is worth considering that the preparation for the winter will not turn out too thick, since the gelling agent will not be used.

Required components:

  • lemon zest - 5 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 950 grams;
  • citric acid in granules - 5 grams;
  • ripe - 1 kg.

Cooking steps:

  • The berries are pre-prepared by removing the seeds from them.

  • The cherries are transferred to a deep saucepan, granulated sugar is poured there and the zest from the lemon is put. Dessert is left to infuse for one hour.

  • Next, the container is placed on the stove and the treat is boiled for at least 40 minutes. During cooking, the dessert is constantly stirring, otherwise the sugar will burn. A foam will form on the surface, which should be removed.

  • After the allotted period of time, check the readiness of the jam. It is enough to drop the composition on a cold dish, if the drop does not spread, then the workpiece can be poured into jars.

Cherry jam with the addition of Amaretto

The composition of this delicacy will include the famous Amaretto liqueur, it gives the dessert an unusual taste and aroma.

To make seedless cherry jam, you should additionally prepare lemon, it will give the preparation for the winter a pleasant taste, and will help to achieve thickness.

Required products:

  • ripe cherries without pits - 1 kg;
  • Amaretto - 1 spoon;
  • fresh lemons - 2 pieces;
  • granulated sugar - 850 grams.

Cooking steps:

  1. For a start, it is recommended to tackle the cherries, they are washed and all spoiled fruits are removed. The seeds are immediately removed from the berries.
  2. All the berries are chopped into pieces with a knife, but if you don't have time to cut, you can just use a meat grinder. In the prepared fruits, put the zest from two lemons and squeeze the citrus juice there.
  3. The future jam is placed in a deep saucepan, after which the delicacy is sent to boil over medium heat. The cooking process continues for twenty minutes.
  4. In twenty minutes, the cherries become quite soft, when the berries are well boiled, granulated sugar is added to them in the required amount. After adding sugar, you should wait until the berry mass boils.
  5. After three minutes of cooking, you can conduct a test, just drop a drop in cold water or on a dish, if it has not spread, then the jam is ready.

In the last minutes of cooking, add a spoonful of Amaretto liqueur to the dessert and mix. After that, you can pour the blanks into jars and insulate them well.

Cherry-strawberry jam

Cherries have low gelling qualities, so a gelling agent is usually used to make pitted cherry jam. To close such a thick dessert for the winter, there is no need to use gelatin, it is enough to take strawberries as an additional component.

Required products:

  • ripe pitted cherries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar 950 grams;
  • purified water - 350 ml;
  • ripe strawberries - 550 grams.

Cooking steps:

  1. With the help of a meat grinder, grind together with the cherries, the seeds are preliminarily removed from the cherries.
  2. The ingredients are transferred to a saucepan and water is poured into it, everything is boiled for no more than twenty minutes, after which the mass is allowed to cool.
  3. After the mixture has cooled, granulated sugar is added to it and again placed on the fire, the sugar grains are heated to dissolve.

The dessert is cooked until the required thickness of the dessert is obtained. After that, you can immediately roll up and wait in jars and insulate the blanks.

Recipes without a gelling agent require a longer cooking time, so you should make sure that the treat does not burn.

We sort out the cherries and rinse them under cold water. We spread the berry on a dry clean towel to remove all moisture.

Only after that we begin to extract the bones. In the absence of special devices, it is convenient to use a paper clip or a pin to remove the seeds from cherries. We pick up the bone with a round head and take it out. Fill the cherry with a little sugar and leave it for 5-6 hours to let the juice out.

Peel the apple and remove the seeds. Cut into small pieces and place together with the cherries in a wide saucepan. Bring the contents of the saucepan to a boil and cook for about 3 minutes. Then remove from the stove and cool.

When the berry has cooled down, remove it from the pan using a slotted spoon. Using a hand blender, grind to the desired state. You can chop it in mashed potatoes or leave some of the berries in small pieces.

Add the rest of the sugar, cinnamon and vanillin to the syrup remaining in the saucepan. We put on the stove and stir periodically, cook until thickened. When the syrup begins to foam with a large head, it is almost ready. During this time, it is necessary to stir frequently so that the syrup does not burn.

Add berry puree to the thickened syrup and boil for another 3-5 minutes.

Pour the thick cherry confiture while still hot into sterilized jars. Depending on the degree of thickening of the syrup, about 1 liter of jam is obtained.

We seal the jars and, after cooling, put them in storage. This cherry dessert can be kept at room temperature, but after opening the cherry blank, it is better to store it in the refrigerator.

I love cherry jam very much, we have always had it at home as long as I can remember. And my grandmother cooked it, and my mother. Last season, I wanted to make jam from cherries, because compared to jam, it turns out to be thicker and it is convenient to spread it on bread. For me, this is the tastiest jam I've ever tried. This season, I also wanted to make a small batch of this jam.

Cherries contain very few pectin substances, so even if you boil them, the jam will not be thick. I use a small amount of agar as a thickener.

To prepare pitted cherry jam for the winter, prepare the necessary products from the list.

Rinse the cherries with running water and remove the seeds using a special tool.

Transfer the cherries to a blender and chop with the metal knife attachment.

Then pour the cherry puree into a saucepan, add sugar and put on fire.

Stir occasionally, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes, skimming off the foam.

Mix agar-agar with a teaspoon of sugar, pour rain into a saucepan to the cherry puree and stir.

Cook the jam, stirring occasionally, for 8-10 minutes, until it begins to thicken, but the hot jam will still run thin. Pour hot jam into a dry sterile jar, screw the lid back on.

Turn the jam upside down and leave to cool, uncovered. As it cools, the jam will begin to thicken.

I ended up with a 200 ml jar of delicious pitted cherry jam with a little left to sample.

Bon Appetit!

Cherry jam is a great independent dessert for tea, an ideal sweet filling for pies or a component of all kinds of desserts. At the time of ripening of fresh berries, do not miss the opportunity to prepare such an amazing delicacy for the winter.

How to make cherry jam?

You can make cherry jam for the winter in an enamel saucepan, in a frying pan, in a saucepan, or using kitchen gadgets such as a slow cooker or a bread maker.

  1. Before use, the berries should be sorted out, washed and pitted using a special device or just a pin.
  2. Jam often has a thick texture, achieved by boiling down the berry mass or by adding pectin, gelatin, or agar.
  3. The amount of sugar offered by the recipe can be adjusted based on your taste preferences. When reducing the amount of additive, it may be necessary to increase the cooking time to achieve the desired thickness of the workpiece.
  4. The preparation of cherry jam is completed by sealing the hot billet in dry sterilized vessels with steamed lids.

Seedless cherry jam - recipe

Cherry jam, unlike classic jam in the original, has the most homogeneous texture that can be achieved by passing the boiled berry mass through a sieve or punching it carefully with an immersion blender. Lovers of sweet preparations should increase the portion of granulated sugar by 1.5-2 times.


  • pitted cherries - 1 kg;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg.


  1. The berries are sorted out, washed, and pitted.
  2. Place the cherry mass on the stove, add water and boil for 7-10 minutes.
  3. Puree the berries with a blender or grind through a sieve.
  4. Add sugar to the puree, boil for 10 minutes or until the desired thickness is obtained.
  5. Seal ready-made seedless cherry jam for the winter in sterilized jars.

Cherry jam with gelatin for the winter

You can get the desired density without long-term boiling of the workpiece by cooking cherry. At the same time, the amount of sugar can be minimal, which will not affect the texture, but will give everyone the opportunity to adjust the taste in their own way. The berry mass can be left as it is, or grind with a blender or sieve before adding sugar.


  • pitted cherries - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • gelatin - 1 tbsp. a spoon with a slide;
  • sugar - 300 g


  1. Selected berries get rid of seeds.
  2. Gelatin is soaked in two tablespoons of water.
  3. Syrup is boiled from the remaining water and sugar, poured over the cherries, and the container is placed on the stove.
  4. Heat the berry mass to a boil, boil for 10 minutes, if desired, puree with a blender.
  5. Add soaked gelatin, stir until all the granules are dissolved.
  6. Warm up the berry mass with stirring for 2 minutes, but do not let it boil.
  7. Delicious cherry jam is spread on sterile jars, hermetically sealed and wrapped until it cools.

Cherry jam with pectin - recipe

It will be no less effective to transform the thickness of the workpiece by adding pectin to the cherry jam. Before adding it to a boiling delicacy, the dry component must be mixed with a portion of sugar or powdered sugar. Only in this case the additive will be evenly distributed in the berry mass, and will not stick together in a continuous lump.


  • pitted cherries - 1.5 kg;
  • pectin - 15 g;
  • sugar - 750 g.


  1. The berries are pitted, covered with sugar, leaving 4 tbsp. spoons, and let stand for 4 hours.
  2. Place the container with the workpiece on the stove, boil for 10 minutes.
  3. Mix the left sugar with pectin, pour in a thin stream into the cherry boiling mass, stirring occasionally.
  4. Cherry jam with pectin is boiled, removed from the heat, laid out in sterile jars, and sealed.

Cherry Jam with Agar Agar - Recipe

Moderately sweet, thick, rich in taste and color, you get cherry jam with agar-agar. The additive acts as a thickener and provides an opportunity to get rid of the long-term boiling of the berry mass. This not only saves time, but also preserves the maximum amount of vitamins that berries are rich in.


  • pitted cherries - 1.2 kg;
  • agar-agar - 15 g;
  • sugar - 750 g.


  1. Seedless berries are ground with a blender until smooth.
  2. Add sugar, boil the berry mass for 5 minutes.
  3. Mix agar-agar with a teaspoon of sugar and pour it into the cherry base in a thin stream.
  4. Boil the fresh cherry jam for 7 minutes with stirring.
  5. The delicacy is laid out in dry, steamed jars, sealed and turned over on lids until it cools.

Cherry jam through a meat grinder

You can get a thick and rich in taste cherry jam using the following recipe. The berry mass is twisted here through a meat grinder, and then boiled for at least 40 minutes. The presence of soda reduces the excessive acidity of the berry mass and promotes high-quality thickening of the workpiece.


  • pitted cherries - 1.5 kg;
  • soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg.


  1. The pitted cherries are twisted in a meat grinder.
  2. Place the berry mass in an enamel container and boil for 40 minutes.
  3. Add baking soda, stir until the color evens out.
  4. Pour sugar into the cherry puree and cook the jam for another 40 minutes, stirring from time to time and skimming off the foam.
  5. The hot delicacy is laid out in a sterile container, hermetically sealed.

Sugar-free cherry jam - recipe

Sugar-free cherry jam is made from berries alone, without the participation of other components. You only need water for a steam bath and two containers of different diameters. The result will be a completely unsweetened jam, which can be used as an addition to tea, as a filling for sweets or as a component for making desserts. You can puree the finished berry mass or cherries before cooking.


  • pitted cherries - 600 g.


  1. Cherries are placed in a container of a smaller diameter, placed in a larger container with water in a water bath.
  2. During the first hour, the workpiece is boiled over high heat.
  3. Then tighten the heat to medium and evaporate the sugar-free cherry jam for another two hours.
  4. Purée the cherry mass with a blender, heat for another 2 minutes.
  5. Transfer the delicacy to a jar, and after cooling, place it in the refrigerator.

Strawberry and cherry jam

Cherry Jam is a recipe that can be made with strawberries. The latter will enrich the taste and aroma of the workpiece, provide an opportunity to add less sugar. Its amount is determined by taste depending on the natural sweetness of the berries used. May be supplemented with mint leaves or lemon zest for added fragrance.


  • pitted cherries - 600 g;
  • strawberries - 600 g;
  • sugar - 450 g


  1. Strawberries get rid of stalks, and washed cherries from seeds.
  2. Place the berries in an enamel container, sprinkle with sugar, leave for 5 hours.
  3. The berry mass is boiled for 10 minutes, left to cool.
  4. Puree the cherries and strawberries in syrup with an immersion blender and heat again to a boil.
  5. Boil the jam for 15 minutes, pack it in sterile jars, seal it, let it cool upside down under a blanket.

Cherry jam in a pan

Making cherry jam at home according to the following recipe will eliminate the need for long-term boiling of the treat to obtain the desired thickness. In this case, the berry mass is fried with sugar in a pan, during which after 30 minutes the moisture will evaporate and a thick delicacy will be ready without any additives.


  • pitted cherries - 300 g;
  • sugar - 200 g


  1. Cherries are sorted out, peeled, chopped in an accessible way.
  2. Mix the berry mass with sugar and put it in a frying pan.
  3. Heat the contents of the container over medium heat, stirring occasionally.
  4. When the jam is ready, it is transferred to sterile jars, sealed with steamed lids, and after cooling it is stored.

Cherry jam without boiling

It will be possible to prepare the most useful and delicious cherry without subjecting the berry mass to any heat treatment. The use of metal gadgets for chopping cherries is also unacceptable here. The pitted specimens are ground with the addition of sugar using a non-metal mortar.


  • pitted cherries - 700 g;
  • icing sugar - 700 g.


  1. The cherry is sorted out, poured over with cold water for 30 minutes, then drained, allowed to drain.
  2. The berries are dried, pitted, mixed with powdered sugar and ground with a mortar.
  3. Transfer the resulting vitamin jam over sterile jars, cover loosely with lids and put in the refrigerator for storage.

Cherry jam in a bread maker

Perfectly!" a bread maker will cope with the preparation of jam. Before placing in the bucket of the device, berries can be chopped using a meat grinder or blender if desired. It is easy to diversify the classic sweet taste by adding a pinch of cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom or a little vanilla to the composition.


  • pitted cherries - 800 g;
  • sugar - 700 g;
  • spices and flavorings - to taste.


  1. The washed berries get rid of seeds, if necessary, they are crushed and, together with sugar, are placed in a bread machine in a container.
  2. Add additives to taste and set the device to the "Jam" or "Jam" program.
  3. Cherry is cooked until the signal, laid out in a sterile container, and sealed.

Cherry jam in a slow cooker

It is no less convenient to cook cherry. The workpiece will not "run away" during the heat treatment, if you select a program with the ability to set a temperature regime of 60-70 degrees. You can bring the mass to a boil in the "Steam cooking" mode or in the "Multipovar" program by choosing the desired temperature of 100 degrees and controlling the process.

Among all winter berry preparations, cherry jam takes a special place. Delicate and at the same time dense in consistency, the delicacy is often used in cooking to create real confectionery masterpieces or simply as a filling for delicious baked goods. Cherry jam has a rich color, incredible taste, so you should definitely prepare it for the winter.

Seedless cherry jam for the winter

Jam is a delicious treat with the nutrients that cherries are rich in. Jam can be served as a stand-alone dessert or used as a filling for other sweet dishes.

To make the jam tasty and high-quality, you will need ripe cherries plucked with stalks, desired dark color.


  • a kilo of cherries;
  • 755 g of sweet sand;
  • half a glass of water.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the cherry berries into a saucepan, pour half a glass of water and boil for seven minutes. This will allow you to quickly and easily peel the fruit from the seeds and skins.
  2. Now pour the berries (in parts) into a sieve and grind. Combine the resulting mass with a sweetener, put on fire and after boiling, cook for ten minutes. This time will be enough for the jam to thicken, but at the same time retain its color and nutrients.
  3. Pour the finished jam into sterile jars and roll up.

Pitted cherry jam

Fragrant and delicious cherry jam is a favorite treat for both children and adults. It is quite simple to prepare it, even easier and faster than jam.


  • 2 kg fresh cherries;
  • a kilo of sweet sand;
  • one lemon;
  • h. spoon of soda.

Cooking method:

  1. We wash the berries, be sure to remove the stalks from the fruits, pour them into a saucepan and put on high heat.
  2. As soon as the mass boils, we reduce the heat, add soda and cook for 40 minutes.
  3. After that, pour in the lemon juice and put its slices, add a sweetener, stir, keep on fire for another 40 minutes and roll the finished jam into sterilized jars.

Cherry Agar Recipe

An ingredient such as agar agar is often used to make jams and marmalades. It shortens the boiling time of berries and thereby retains most of the vitamins that berries are so rich in.


  • a kilo of berries;
  • 16 g agar agar;
  • 745 g granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the seeds from the berries and send them to the blender bowl, grind them so that you get a berry puree.
  2. Put the cherry mass in a saucepan, cover it with sweet sand and cook after boiling for five minutes.
  3. Mix the agar-agar with a teaspoon of sweet sand and pour it into the sweet berry mass in a thin stream.
  4. Cook the jam for another seven minutes (stir constantly) and roll it up in steamed jars.

With gelatin in a slow cooker

You can also cook a cherry delicacy with the help of modern kitchen appliances, for example, cherry jam in a slow cooker. During heat treatment, your workpiece will not run away anywhere, the main thing is to choose a program with a suitable processing mode. For jam, you can use one of two programs: "Steam" or "Multipovar", setting the temperature to 100 degrees.


  • a kilo of cherry berries;
  • a pound of sweet sand;
  • Art. spoon of gelatin.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind the cherry berries with a blender to a puree consistency and send the resulting mass to the bowl of the electrical appliance.
  2. We turn on any mode so that the mass boils.
  3. Then we select the “Multipovar” mode, set the temperature regime to no more than 70 degrees and boil the berry mass for half an hour.
  4. After that we add sweet sand and gelatin, which must first be soaked in water, once again bring the puree to a boil, boil for five minutes and put the jam in clean sterile jars, cork and store in a dark place.

Cherry and apricot jam

Jam can be cooked not only from cherries, but also with the addition of any fruit. Cherry and apricot delicacies are especially tasty. The color of the dessert turns out to be as bright as the taste itself.


  • a kilo of cherries;
  • kilo apricot;
  • 2.5 kg of sweet sand.

Cooking method:

  1. Free the apricots from the seeds and cut into arbitrary pieces. How you cut the fruit does not really matter, since we do not preserve the integrity of the fruit.
  2. Put chopped apricots in a bowl and sprinkle with sweet sand, take 500 grams.
  3. Then we carefully take out the seeds from the cherry berries, the juice that will produce the fruits, we try to save, since we will need it for the syrup.
  4. Now pour the juice from the apricots into the cherry juice, add the remaining sweetener. You should have at least 750 ml of liquid, so add water if necessary.
  5. Boil the syrup until the sweet granules are completely dissolved and pour the cherries and apricots with a hot solution, mix, leave for three hours, and then boil for three minutes from the moment of boiling.
  6. Next, we withstand the berry-fruit mass overnight, and the next day we boil the mass for another five minutes, but not longer, otherwise the jam will become dark and not appetizing in appearance.
  7. We roll up a sweet dessert and store it in a dark room.

Frozen cherries

Frozen berries are an opportunity to cook aromatic compote, jam or jam at any time of the year.


  • 320 g frozen berries;
  • 425 g of sweet sand;
  • any thickener (gelatin, agar-agar);
  • half a lemon.

Cooking method:

  1. If you have already frozen pitted cherries, but you should not completely defrost them, it is enough to bring them to such a state that you can easily grind them in a blender.
  2. We send the resulting gruel to the pan, fill it with sweet sand and any thickener. You have it gelatin, then you must first soak it in water. We also squeeze the lemon juice, put it on the stove and cook for half an hour (counting down from the moment of boiling).
  3. We fill sterile jars with hot jam. At first, the jam will be watery, then as it cools, it will begin to thicken.

With the addition of currants

Cherry and currant jam will surely please even the most capricious sweet tooth. At the same time, even with high heat treatment, the berries retain most of their valuable substances. And as you know, currants are rich in vitamins B and C, as well as a lot of iron, calcium and other trace elements. You can cook jam with both red and black currants.

With red

For jam we need both ripe cherries and ripe currants. From unripe berries, the jam comes out too sour.


  • 420 g red currant;
  • 420 g cherries;
  • a pound of sweet sand.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove seeds from cherries, clean currants from stalks and small debris.
  2. Put the berries in a blender and grind the ingredients until you get the berry puree. If your device does a poor job at the task, then you can use a conventional meat grinder.
  3. Pour the resulting berry mass into a deep container and mix with sweet sand.
  4. You can cook jam in a regular saucepan, but you should be careful, as the mass can burn. Therefore, it is better to use a slow cooker, in which, according to the "Stew" program, you can cook jam for half an hour without any fear.
  5. Roll up the finished delicacy in jars and store in a cool dark place.

There is a lot of pectin in currants, so the jam can be cooked without any thickener.

With black

Very tasty jam is obtained with the addition of black currant. For the recipe, we also select ripe berries, clean them of debris and stalks.


  • a kilo of ripe cherries;
  • a kilo of black currant;
  • kilo of sweetener.

Cooking method:

  1. We put the currant berries in a bowl and knead with an ordinary wooden pestle, mix with half of the sweet sand and send them to the cooking container, preferably with a thick bottom. We send them to the fire and from the moment they boil, we cook the berries for 15 minutes.
  2. We take out the seeds from the cherries and put them together with the remaining sweetener in a separate cooking container. We also put on fire, wait for a boil and boil for five minutes.
  3. Then we combine the two berry masses, boil for ten minutes and lay out the jam in clean sterile jars, roll it up and, after cooling down, put it in storage in a dark room.

If you want to get cherry jam with almond flavor, then boil the berry mass for a few minutes with the seeds. As a thickener, you can use not only gelling additives, but also put fruits, which are high in pectin.