Pancakes with milk and soda. Lush pancakes in milk recipe with soda

They say that the smell of pancakes in the house guarantees the settlement of happiness and the desire of family members, wherever they are, to return to their native "nest" faster. And what else does a woman need to understand how much her family values ​​her ?! They also say that pancakes with milk and soda are the most delicious and fragrant.

This dish has been a signature dish for our nation from time immemorial. It even has a personal holiday - "Maslenitsa". The hostesses argue whether it is necessary to add soda to the pancakes. On the Web, you can find thousands of recipes for this delicious flour dish. Meanwhile, each of the housewives has her own thematic "life hack" that turns the flat cakes into a work of culinary art. Most often, all this mystery is associated with the already mentioned ingredient - sodium bicarbonate.

Pancakes, as soon as they come into view, are never impossible to refuse, right?

The gastronomic experience of many chefs confirms: pancakes with soda always turn out to be more beautiful - delicate, and pancakes - fluffy and airy.

The secret of the action of sodium bicarbonate is simple: when combined with acid (citric acid or contained in kefir, vinegar), air bubbles appear, which give the dough airiness, loosen and improve the taste of products, and also make the dish more appetizing.

So it is not necessary to cook pancakes with soda, but with this component they win both in appearance and in taste.

How to extinguish soda correctly

Often housewives ask themselves the question: is it necessary to add soda slaked with vinegar to pancakes, or just pour the powder into the base. In all cases, with the exception of kefir dough, sodium bicarbonate must still be extinguished. Otherwise, you will not achieve that the mass "rose", and the products turned out to be porous, airy, lacy, tasty and attractive in appearance.

The quenching reaction can be triggered by lemon juice or vinegar. You already understood about the kefir mentioned above: it itself contains an acidic product, this is enough for the reaction to proceed.

As for the volume of sodium bicarbonate and the product for its quenching, it is worthwhile to exactly adhere to the weight or proportions indicated in the recipe you have chosen.

See how beautiful pancakes can be on the water

Just connect the components and wait for the bubbles to stop forming and the hissing stops.

It is worth paying attention! Quenching sodium bicarbonate in a spoon directly above the bowl with the base is considered not the best step - you risk inadvertently spilling more vinegar than the intended volume, spoiling the dough. The best dish for carrying out a reaction is a glass.

Powder addition rules

We have already figured out why add soda to pancakes, let's talk about some of the tricks of adding powder to the dough. What does the cooking process basically consist of?

Step 1. Acquaintance with the recipe.

Step 2. Preparation of ingredients.

Step 3. Separation of the required volume of components.

Step 4. Connection.

Step 5. Mixing.

Step 6. Cooking.

Step 7. Adding the filling (this item is optional - be guided by the tastes of the family).

At what stage is sodium bicarbonate added? If kefir acts as a base, then the powder can be added at any stage of step No. 4. If you decide to cook not on a fermented milk product, then sodium bicarbonate slaked in a separate container should be added to the dough at the very end of this step.

This is an approximate cooking scheme, but there are also recipes that deviate slightly from the outlined case of actions.

How to calculate the proportion? Correct manipulation of weight and the ratio of soda and acid is the key to success in cooking. These doses should be indicated in each of the recipes, but you can still be initiated into the "unspoken" culinary rule. The formula is simple: for every 2 cups of flour, it is customary to add a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate. But housewives love to try to change something, developing "their" method, you are also free to experiment.

Pancake lover video - proprietary recipe

Simple Pancake Soda Recipes

And now about the main thing - the options for cooking yummy. Let's talk about the most popular recipes for this delicious flour dish.

Custard pancakes with soda

This type of delicacy is one of the most appetizing to look at. Products are made with small holes, which creates a lace effect. The softness and delicate taste of the dish will delight you no less.

The secret is simple: boiling water added at a certain stage of cooking.


  • milk - half a liter,
  • water - a quarter of a liter,
  • eggs - 3,
  • flour - 350 g,
  • sugar - to taste (a couple of spoons),
  • sodium bicarbonate - half a small spoon,
  • salt - a pinch.

Step by step cooking guide:

  1. Combine half of the milk with sugar, salt, eggs.
  2. Beat the mass with a mixer.
  3. Pour flour into the mixture.
  4. Mix everything again with a mixer. Make sure there are no lumps left.
  5. The rest of the milk with soda is also added to the base.
  6. The final step is to add boiling water.

If you plan to fill the pancakes with not sweet, then do not add more than 1 tsp to the dough. soda

Pancakes with milk

Milk-based technology also firmly holds the palm among the favorite recipes of culinary specialists. The products are thin and fragrant. It is convenient to fill them.


  • milk - ¾ liter,
  • flour - half a kilogram,
  • eggs - 3,
  • sodium bicarbonate - a teaspoon,
  • citric acid - a teaspoon,
  • sugar - 2 soup spoons,
  • salt.

How to prepare the dough?

  1. Eggs, seasoned with a pinch of salt, beat with sugar.
  2. Combine the mixture with half a liter of warmed milk and flour.
  3. Beat the base with a mixer.
  4. Pour soda into the rest of the milk.
  5. Mix the whipped mixture, milk with sodium bicarbonate and citric acid.

Correctly calibrated proportions of ingredients are the key to a successful dish

Recipe for kefir-milk mixture

As they say, the truth is in the middle, so with this cooking option. The dough includes both kefir and milk, which guarantees an unforgettable taste of the dish. And the brew method is also used, but not with water. The products are also laced, the consistency is so delicate that households will ask for more.

Products for the recipe:

  • kefir - ½ liter,
  • milk - ¼ liter,
  • flour - 300 g,
  • egg,
  • sodium bicarbonate - a small spoon,
  • oil (vegetable) - a couple of spoons,
  • sugar - a couple of spoons.
  1. Warm up kefir.
  2. Add everything except milk and butter. It is better to add flour gradually in order to avoid lumps.
  3. Boil milk.
  4. Pour it slowly into the mass, stirring constantly.
  5. Add oil.
  6. Bring the mixture to a homogeneous state (with a whisk or mixer).
  7. Let the dough cool.
  8. Bake.

You can also roll stuffed pancakes in different ways - pay attention to this romantic option

Kefir-based option

This option is for busy people, as it is the leader in speed and ease of dough preparation. Without sacrificing taste.

For a glass of kefir in the form of a base you will need: ½ tsp. sodium bicarbonate, a spoonful of sugar and sunflower oil, a pinch of vanilla and salt. When all of the above is mixed, you can add flour - gradually, achieving the consistency of sour cream (it will take about a glass or more - it all depends on the fat content of kefir). Make sure that there are no lumps of flour, they spoil the taste of the finished product.

The dough needs to "come up" a little, at this time you will prepare the dishes for cooking and storage and heat the pan.

If the filling is difficult, just twist and pour, decorate the pancakes, because the filling may not be according to the rules - on top and unusual

Thin pancakes with milk with the addition of soda

Pancakes with milk and soda are a "classic" proven by generations. You will get excellent taste, enviable splendor, magical aroma. The products are as thin as possible, therefore, they "ask" for fillings. And you can stuff such tender pancakes with whatever your heart desires.


  • milk - ½ liter,
  • flour - 300 g,
  • eggs - 2,
  • oil (vegetable) - soup spoon,
  • sodium bicarbonate - ½ teaspoon,
  • vinegar - ½ teaspoon,
  • salt, vanilla, sugar - to taste.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Beat eggs with salt and sugar.
  2. Dissolve vanilla powder in milk.
  3. Connect the masses.
  4. Add slaked sodium bicarbonate.
  5. Pour in oil.
  6. Sift flour through a sieve or sieve-mug.
  7. Gradually add flour to the base.
  8. Stir the mixture until smooth.
  9. Fry pancakes on a drop of oil (one minute on each side).
  10. Grease the products with butter, fill if desired.

This is important to know! If the dough seems thick, does not spread, as required by technology, add milk or water to the base.

Video: recipe for pancakes 3 in 1

Unusual recipes for custard pancakes

On beer and milk with soda

This option is "with a twist", which, just imagine, is beer. This low-alcohol drink, so beloved by many, is also "liked" by the dough. From beer, pancakes turn out like lace - beautiful, delicate, impeccable in appearance.


  • beer - glass,
  • milk - a glass,
  • flour - a glass
  • eggs - 2 pieces,
  • oil (vegetable) - 50 ml,
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons
  • sodium bicarbonate - a small spoon,
  • salt, vanilla to taste.

Step by step cooking guide:

  1. In a bowl, combine everything except beer, flour and butter.
  2. Then add flour, gradually stirring the mass.
  3. Pour beer into a smooth, lump-free (check) dough.
  4. Add oil last.
  5. Let the mass "brew".
  6. Bake.

It will not hurt to grease the finished products with melted butter, this will improve the taste of the treat.

This is important to know! If you go too far with sodium bicarbonate, deviating from the recipe, the situation can be corrected. Just increase the proportions of other products as well.

Photo bonus: if the pancakes are stuffed and cut in this way, you will get a newfangled dish - rolls

Lean thin pancakes on water

If you are fasting or want to lose weight, take "into service" the option with a base of water.

First, prepare:

  • water - a glass,
  • flour - a glass
  • sodium bicarbonate - a pinch,
  • vinegar (for extinguishing),
  • eggs - 2,
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml,
  • sugar - a couple of spoons.

You can go to the test:

  1. Combine flour with slaked sodium bicarbonate.
  2. Pour in water slowly.
  3. Beat sugar, salt, eggs separately into a homogeneous mass.
  4. Mix both masses.
  5. Add oil.
  6. Mix.
  7. Bake.

If you think the mixture is viscous, just add water.

This is important to know! Some people add baking powder or baking powder instead of sodium bicarbonate, but not everyone knows that it contains the same soda + citric acid + flour.

And here is the option with ice cream - "lick your fingers"!

On eggs and sour cream with soda

A recipe for those who love impeccable taste and quick satiety. Due to the fat content of the selected dairy product, the products melt in the mouth, it is very difficult to stop absorbing them.


  • sour cream - ½ cup,
  • flour - 1.5 cups,
  • milk - 2 glasses,
  • butter (butter) - 100 g,
  • oil (sunflower) - 70 ml,
  • eggs - 2,
  • slaked sodium bicarbonate - small spoon,
  • sugar - 100 g
  • salt - a pinch.

Recipe case:

  1. Heat the milk.
  2. Combine sour cream with eggs.
  3. Add half the milk, soda, sugar to the mass.
  4. Salt.
  5. Sift flour.
  6. Pour, constantly stirring, flour.
  7. Top up the rest of the milk, butter.
  8. Stir, kneading the lumps.
  9. Bake products.
  10. Brush the yummy with melted fresh butter.

This is important to know! Check the expiration date of sodium bicarbonate before cooking. We rarely buy baking soda, so it can go bad. Then the products will not become lush, the dish may have a rancid taste.

Video: openwork pancakes on kefir

Soda flavor in pancakes

Some housewives are afraid to use soda in pancakes. The explanations are as follows:

  1. The dish tastes bad.
  2. Kefir is enough for the dough to "rise".
  3. Soda is bad.

All statements are wrong.

Firstly, the taste of products with sodium bicarbonate can deteriorate only if they overdid it with the powder, did not extinguish it, or performed other actions contrary to the recipe. For example, the components were not heated or, on the contrary, overheated.

Secondly, kefir cannot "rise", because acid without alkali will not give a reaction. So the pancakes will either rise badly or "settle" afterwards.

Thirdly, sodium bicarbonate is not only a useful component, but also a natural medicine. Professor Neumyvakin studied the properties of this substance for almost 30 years and created a method of treatment with soda. Sodium bicarbonate, when used correctly, can even cure cancer. So there is no reason to be "afraid" of this product.

It is worth paying attention! If you are extremely negative about sodium bicarbonate, then you will have to replace it with yeast. But then the pancakes are unlikely to turn out thin.

Remember: serving a meal matters too.

As they say, everything new is well tested old. So it is with pancakes. Remember your childhood, however, the tastiest were those that you killed with your grandmother ?! And it's all about some secrets passed down through the generations.

If you adopt them, then your grandchildren will also remember how wonderful grandmother's pancakes were. Isn't that the best culinary compliment ?!

So, get acquainted - grandmother's pancake secrets:

  • Openwork. To make the products with "patterns", in a hole, with lace, it is important to bake them in a frying pan with an impressive bottom thickness. Ideally cast iron. The secret is that such dishes do not cool down when you put the next portion. There are no temperature drops, which are enemies for the delicacy of pancakes. If you cook products in containers with a thin bottom, you run the risk of getting flat cakes that resemble cardboard. An exception can be made only by krepnitsa - a know-how frying pan designed specifically for baking pancakes (in French - crepes).
  • Spread the dough into the pan in a circular motion, not just a flat cake. Move the dough spoon in a circle in any direction. The main thing is to do it smoothly.
  • The mixture should not be cold. If you have stored the dough in the refrigerator, then you should take it out a couple of hours before baking. The same rule applies to foods from which you plan to make pancakes immediately after preparing the mass. Food should also be at room temperature.

Pour the dough into the pan in a circular motion, and not just in the center.

  • Sodium bicarbonate must not be forgotten to extinguish. An exception can be made only by the kefir base, in which its acid is sufficient.
  • It is better to mix slaked sodium bicarbonate with a small amount of base (milk, water, etc.) before combining with the dough. Then the product will dissolve perfectly, and tasteless lumps of soda will not be found in the pancakes.
  • After preparing the dough, he needs to give time to "brew". Otherwise, there is a high probability that the products will tear when baking.
  • The ideal grease for a frying pan is lard. Simply pin the rectangle of this product onto a fork. And before each setting of pancakes, grease a frying pan with such a piece. This will prevent the products from sticking.

As you can see, soda guarantees the success of the dish. Remember this, but do not be afraid to experiment in order, like every hostess, to find "your" recipe that will make your household and guests crazy.

Today we are going to cook incredibly delicious thin pancakes with soda. Yes, yes, do not be surprised, I myself could not think that such pancakes could be made, but I assure you that absolutely everyone will definitely like them. They are extremely easy and quick to prepare, they fry beautifully and flip perfectly the first time.

And if you like pancakes with crispy edges, then this will be just a godsend for you. Of course, they are not entirely suitable for stuffing, but as a separate dish for breakfast or a snack, they are ideal. Serving such wonderful pancakes is best with sour cream, jam, jam or condensed milk.


  • 300 - 320 grams of wheat flour
  • 750 ml water (milk or whey)
  • 3 raw eggs
  • 50 - 70 grams of sugar
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp vinegar to quench
  • 20 ml vegetable oil + for frying

Cooking method

First of all, beat eggs with sugar, add water, add a little salt and add sifted flour in small portions. Knead a homogeneous, thin pancake dough until the lumps disappear. It is more convenient to do this with a blender at low speed. At the very end of the batch, add vegetable oil and soda, previously quenched with vinegar, mix thoroughly again.

We heat the frying pan, grease it with oil and pour in the dough (remember that the thickness of the pancakes directly depends on the quantity), distributing it over the entire area, slightly going over the sides to get ruddy edges. Fry pancakes in soda in the usual way on both sides until tender ruddy and full readiness. Bon Appetit.

There are a lot of pancakes made from dough mixed with milk.

They turn out to be different: thin, thick, soft, lush, with holes and without. But I am absolutely sure that each housewife has her own branded pancakes.

I suggest adding one more option to your culinary records. These are soda pancakes. And milk will be the main liquid on which the dough will be kneaded.

There are a lot of options for such pancakes. So let's get started right away.

Thin pancakes: recipe with milk and soda

Like all pancakes that are kneaded with milk and eggs, this version of the delicacy turns out to be very tasty. And thanks to the addition of soda, the pancakes are not dense and heavy, but light and thin.

In order to make great pancakes, you need to take the following set of products:

egg - 3 pcs.; milk - 750 ml; flour - 500 g; soda; granulated sugar - 1.5 tablespoons; citric acid - 1 tsp.

  1. Beat eggs at room temperature with granulated sugar. I add it.
  2. I add two glasses of milk warmed to a slightly warm state. I stir it.
  3. I add pre-sifted flour in small portions. Beat the dough with a blender or mixer until smooth.
  4. I add soda to the remaining milk, and citric acid to the milk dough.
  5. Pour milk into the dough and mix the dough well again. It should be of medium thickness, similar in consistency to low-fat sour cream.
  6. Let the kneaded dough stand for a while so that the gluten swells.
  7. Pancakes are fried in the usual way in a preheated and greased frying pan.

This recipe illustrates and proves step by step that pancakes with milk and soda are not just a delicious and beautiful dish, but very quick to prepare.

A simple recipe for thin pancakes

By adding sunflower oil directly to the dough, and not just to the pan, the pancakes are thinner and more tender. This is certainly not without the help of milk and a pinch of soda.

In order to prepare such pancakes, you need to take the following set of products:

milk - 0.5 l; flour - 1 glass; egg - 3 pcs.; sunflower oil - 4 tablespoons; granulated sugar - 1 tablespoon; soda.

The preparation method with a photo is as follows:

  1. I drive eggs with granulated sugar at room temperature. Beat until smooth.
  2. I add sunflower oil and soda. I add and mix.
  3. You can add a pinch of vanillin. It will add a pleasant aroma to baked goods.
  4. I add sifted flour in small portions, knead the dough in milk.
  5. I fry pancakes in milk with soda in the usual way in a preheated and greased frying pan.

Custard pancakes with soda: a recipe for milk

Just one glass of hot water added to the dough at a certain point can change the way you think about pancakes. The baked goods are very tender, soft with nice holes.

milk - 500 ml; flour - 350 g; water - 250 ml; egg - 3 pieces; granulated sugar - 1 tablespoon; soda.

The cooking method is as follows:

  1. In milk slightly warmed to a warm state (250 ml), I break eggs at room temperature.
  2. I add granulated sugar, add it. Beat until smooth.
  3. Gradually, in small portions, I introduce sifted flour. I knead a homogeneous dough. It is better to do this with a mixer.
  4. Dissolve soda in the remaining milk at room temperature. Add to the dough and knead again.
  5. I bring the water to a boil and pour it in a thin stream directly into the dough, stirring it vigorously.
  6. Let the dough cool slightly for a quarter of an hour.
  7. I bake pancakes in the usual way in a hot and slightly greased frying pan.

If you look at the photo, you can see how beautiful and fluffy pancakes are obtained. So I recommend that every housewife have this recipe in her cookbook.

Custard pancakes on kefir-milk mixture

This option also involves "brewing" the dough, but not with water. Boiling milk is used.

Thanks to the interesting combination of this product with kefir and the addition of soda, the pancakes are so delicate with large beautiful holes that you simply cannot take your eyes off.

At the same time, they come out quite thin and delicate. I'm sure they are worth trying. You definitely have not tried such pancakes.

In order to prepare custard pancakes, you need to take the following set of products:

0.3 kg flour; kefir - 2 glasses; milk - 1 glass; egg; sunflower oil - 50 ml; granulated sugar - 1 tablespoon; soda.

The preparation method with a photo is as follows:

  1. I warm kefir to a slightly warm state.
  2. I break the egg, add granulated sugar and soda, add salt. Beat until smooth.
  3. I add the pre-sifted flour in small portions. Beat the dough with a whisk.
  4. I bring the milk to a boil and pour it out in a thin stream, intensively kneading the dough.
  5. I add sunflower oil and let the dough cool a little.
  6. I fry pancakes in the usual way in a hot and slightly greased frying pan.

Pancakes with holes: the perfect recipe for milk

It is according to this recipe that you are guaranteed to get pancakes with neat identical holes. This is all thanks to the addition of soda and kefir. However, please note that they cannot be used together with the filling, because it will simply fall out.

In order to prepare custard pancakes, you need to take the following set of products:

milk - 500 ml; flour - 350 g; kefir - ½ cup; egg - 3 pcs.; sunflower oil - 75 ml; sour cream - 1 tablespoon; granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons; soda.

The recipe with a photo looks like this:

  1. Beat eggs with granulated sugar, add. I remind you that it is better to take eggs at room temperature.
  2. I add sour cream and kefir warmed to room temperature. I stir it.
  3. I also pour out milk at room temperature.
  4. I add sifted flour and slaked soda in small portions. I knead the dough.
  5. Pour out the sunflower oil and mix again until smooth.
  6. Pancakes are fried in the usual way in a hot and greased frying pan.

My video recipe