Biscuit infusions. Custard Biscuit - Basic recipe! Sponge cake preparation

It seems like coconut water is still in vogue these days, but the store-bought pasteurized version is quite expensive. Why not try to open it yourself to extract its milk juice? It will have a richer flavor and as a bonus you will get delicious pulp on the inside, perfect for cooking and baking. Both tasks are much easier than they seem, just follow the basic tips and tricks of our home cooking.

Ripe coconuts are a popular fruit in health food stores. They do not need refrigeration or other similar methods to maintain their freshness. They can often be found on non-refrigerated food counters in grocery stores or health food diets.

One quick hit with the machete, and the nut will break in one or two. True, you need to be careful and experienced enough to do it this way. But if you are a beginner and are trying to break a coconut for the first time, then you need to have some knowledge. First, understand that a coconut is made up of several parts. Outside, it is covered with a hard fibrous husk. A coconut shell is a thin, round shell to which the pulp is attached and the juice is inside. The husk is inedible and must be removed.

In addition, there are 3 different stages of nut ripeness. A coconut plucked straight from a palm tree is a fresh fruit, bright green on the outside and relatively heavy. It contains a large amount of juice and a thin, flexible layer of pulp. Within a few weeks, the fresh fruit will turn into a younger, duller in color. A few additional weeks later, the nut will mature into a so-called ripe coconut. On the outside, it will be a matte dark brown color. This fruit contains a large amount of firm, firm pulp and a small amount of water.

The first thing you need to cook in order to open the coconut and use it for food or is the right tools.

The best combination is a screwdriver or sharp object (large nail), hammer, knife, and a bowl to hold the juice. As we already know, we are dealing with a brown coconut shell, which is really tough on the outside.

Tools you may need to open a coconut:

  • screwdriver;
  • hammer and nail;
  • a bowl;
  • towel;
  • plastic bag;
  • saw;
  • screwdriver or electric drill;
  • oven.

Choose a heavy fruit with no visible damage, especially in the area of ​​the three dark dots at the top. Shake it to check for a gurgling sound inside. As we already know, we are dealing with a brown coconut shell, which is really tough on the outside.

Hammer and nail

As you might expect, not everyone keeps a supply of machetes at home, but many love fresh coconut flakes. Find three eyes where the stalk of the coconut used to be. Use a nail to test which one is the softest. Hit the nail with a hammer to punch the hole through. The movement should be fairly accurate, but not too wide so as not to miss. Do this for each of the three eyes. After all the manipulations, do not forget to remove the nail. You do not need to swing too much, because the dimples are already quite malleable and can be pierced without problems even with an ordinary screwdriver. Prepare dishes in advance where you can pour fresh juice. Then, holding the coconut in one hand, beat the nut, turning it around the perimeter with a hammer. You need to be tagged exactly in the middle until it breaks into two parts. The pulp can be rinsed under water before serving.

With a towel

Another common method is to hit several times with the blunt edge of a large knife. To do this, use a towel, wrapping it on top of a coconut. So it will be more confident to hold in your hands, besides, this method is the safest, because you will not drop the nut, do not splash the juice or get dirty. It is best to prick the ripe fruits with this method, in which there is little water, but a lot of tasty and ripe pulp.

No towel

You can take a chance and break the nut without the aid of a towel. Although you need to perform this technique extremely carefully so as not to get on your fingers. Hold the coconut over a container at the same time, otherwise you will lose all the water. If you hit the same area several times, it will begin to crack. A good way to quickly get to a tasty drink and cut the pulp straight away.

Freshly harvested coconut from a palm tree contains the most juice, but it has a salty flavor and bears little resemblance to the taste and smell of coconut. Young coconut water is very sweet and pleasant. While mature, it is much less tasty, but has a characteristic tart nutty taste.

Plastic bag

Another reliable way to collect the juice right after opening the nut is to put it in a plastic bag. The thicker the bag, the more likely it will not break from the load you apply to open the coconut.


You can cut the fruit in half using a special vice and a table on which it will be firmly fixed. It is not recommended to do this with bare hands, even with the help of a friend, because the nut rolls too much on the surface. When working, an innocent victim of a gastronomic addiction can easily fall under the teeth of the tool.

Screwdriver or electric drill

A screwdriver or electric drill is used in the same way as a hammer and a nail. The main thing is to skillfully use these devices so that the round fruit does not accidentally "run away" from the table while drilling a hole. At first, it is more convenient to pierce the eyes to drain the juice. After that, 7-8 through holes are made around the perimeter in the shell equator. Then, with a light blow, the nut is crushed into two equal parts.

Throw on the floor

Tossing coconut on hard surfaces is 100% effective method for splitting it. Unsurprisingly, he assumes that the juice will spill all over the floor, and the nut itself may become dirty. But it will be a lot of fun! It is better to take care and drain the liquid first. You can cover the fruit in advance with a towel or bag.

How to break without a hammer?

To break a coconut at home without a hammer, hold the fruit in one hand and hit the blunt side of the knife blade against the thickest middle part of the shell. At the same time, it must be rotated slowly so that the shell cracks in several places. After 4-5 strokes, the fruit begins to crack and eventually splits in two. With a little practice, you can easily chop a coconut with just a skillful (light) hit in the center with any handy tool. And sometimes you don't even need to look for anything specifically for this. Enough perseverance and a little patience.

Leaning against the wall

One way is to firmly grip the coconut with both hands from each end and lean it against the wall. Or find a curb or a step and pile on with all your weight. So that it cracks into two approximately equal halves. If you did not succeed the first time, then try to swing it well and crack it harder, the main thing is that you hit exactly the equator of the shell, where it is very vulnerable. If you are afraid to stain everything around and smear yourself, then before hitting the coconut, cover it with some kind of dense cloth.


Before using this method, be sure to drain all the liquid from the nut into a bowl. Shake the coconut well over the container, if necessary. Once you have all the juice, move on to the pulp. To do this, you need to preheat the oven to 200 ° C. Place the coconut on a baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes, or until the hard outer shell cracks. Then wait until it cools completely, you can put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Then wrap the coconut in a kitchen towel, holding the nut with one hand, tap it with the back of a knife or cleaver, you can even hit it with a hammer. You need to do this several times in the same place until it cracks. The slightly melted pulp will be easier to separate from the shell with a tablespoon.

How to clean easily?

Most people find that peeling coconut at home is the most difficult part in making fresh coconut. Here are alternative methods to do this. Place the coconut halves, meat side down, on the table. Press down on the entire shell area to loosen the pulp. Or hit the outside with a hammer several times to loosen the flesh from the shell. Don't worry if the shell just breaks into smaller pieces. Then insert a small knife between the piece of shell and the pulp and move them apart. Repeat this with each piece.

Carefully! Use only a dull knife, for example for butter, to avoid injury to your hand and body.

If desired, peel the brown top rind with a vegetable peeler. This method is used to make it easier to get coconut for baking, which is usually grated before adding.

How to properly drain the liquid?

After a long and exhausting day in the sun, it is very pleasant to drink a cool, sweet drink made from coconut water. You may prefer fresh, salty juice over sweet juice, but you should definitely love natural coconut water.

Before opening the coconut, it is best to carefully pour out the juice and put it in the refrigerator beforehand. If you immediately start chopping a nut, then debris from the shell will get into the liquid, which will have to be caught by hand. You can make your own juice from the juice, which involves mixing the pulp with the juice and adding water or milk.

Drain off the liquid by punching a hole in one of the three dark spots at the base of the nut. You will need a long, narrow knife or a clean screwdriver. Check each eyelet with a knife to find the softest one. Use the knife in the softest first to cut the 1.5cm hole. If it's hard, hit it with a hammer. It is better to punch all three holes at once, this will go faster. Flip the coconut over the bowl and drain, or shake the fruit slightly. It is a source of nutrients for our body. Pour the water through the punched holes (you can drink it or add it to your smoothie or recipe).

How to cut the pulp?

The white nut flesh near the shell is covered with a thin dark crust that is edible. The easiest way to cut it up is with a knife, peeler, or cheese grater. Use the same care as when peeling other vegetables. Cutting the firm firm flesh is easiest with a sharp knife or grater. Fresh coconut flakes will form when blended in a blender.

You can use it to make yogurt, salad, or add it to many recipes. In addition to being a delicious ingredient, coconuts are rich in many important vitamins and minerals, and you can use the extracts for a wide variety of cosmetic purposes. So don't let their hard shell put you off! The pulp is rich in fiber, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus, as well as folic acid. But the most important value, as mentioned at the beginning, is saturated fatty acids. We hope that our advice will help both women and men, weak or strong.

Coconut is quite tasty and exotic. And how easily and simply it splits into two even halves in the old, but very famous Bounty ad, revealing its snow-white pulp. And whenever there is a desire to enjoy the incredible taste of this pulp, the question arises, how to open the coconut correctly.

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You can twirl the coconut endlessly, hammer it hard with something sharp, and as a result, the shell fragments will fly in different directions, the nut itself will clumsily fall to the floor, and the milk will simply spill out.

Such a picture is far from the grace that the commercial shows us. Let's see how you can open a coconut at home.

How to crack a nut?

Many are wondering how to open a coconut and at the same time save their nerves. To do this, you should stock up on several tools, which will be discussed in this section.

Coconut pulp

Hammer and nail

This tip will help those who do not know how easy it is to open a coconut. In addition to a hammer (kitchen or carpentry), you should take an ordinary nail (it can also be replaced by a drill, the diameter of which should not exceed the size of dark inclusions on the nut itself).

To know how to split a coconut, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. The walnut is placed on a hard surface, then turned so that dark blotches are clearly visible.
  2. Since the spots are a rather pliable part of the nut, in this case a nail or a drill is applied to them.
  3. Then you need to make a clear blow with a hammer on the nail. Pounding with anger is not worth it.
  4. The tool easily slides into the shell.
  5. The nail is pulled out of the hole made.
  6. Attention is focused on other spots. In the same way, two or three more holes should be made.
  7. The fruit must be rotated carefully so that the milk in it does not spill out.
  8. When everything is done, in this case, coconut liquid is drained from the holes. There is no need to rush.
  9. Now you need to find out how to open a coconut. To begin with, you need to mentally imagine a line passing between the perforated top and the bottom itself.
  10. Moving in a circle, the coconut is struck along this very imaginary line.
  11. The nut will begin to give in and crack completely.

With a towel

There is also a way to split coconut at home. You can wrap the walnut in a towel, put it on a hard surface, and hit it with all your might with a hammer. The coconut will be smashed.

No towel

How else can you properly crack a coconut - of course, in the same way, only without a towel. To do this, you need to hit the coconut with a hammer, and with the help of a knife, push the cracks to the sides.

Plastic bag

Hit a nut wrapped in a plastic bag with a hammer. It will not look quite aesthetically pleasing, even frightening. Just having an idea of ​​how difficult it is to open a coconut correctly, you can use any means.


This tip is for those who are curious about how to open a coconut with a knife:

  1. A line is outlined, the so-called "equator". In this case, you should resort to the trick described in the first method.
  2. Coconut is taken in hand.
  3. Holding the fruit in weight, you should tap the "equator" with a knife.
  4. A crack should appear, into which the knife blade is then placed.
  5. Since it will be easier to cut a cracked coconut with a knife, the nut will soon crack.


There is one good method of how to properly open a coconut at home using a saw:

  1. The juice is drained in the same way that was described at the very beginning.
  2. A towel is spread out on the table. This is necessary so that the fruit does not slip.
  3. It is best to hold the coconut firmly in a vise. If there is no such tool, then you will have to do without it.
  4. The "equator" stands out on the coconut. Mentally or with a marker.
  5. The nut is sawn.

Screwdriver or electric drill

If you know how to open a coconut using a power tool, you can do it very smoothly and neatly:

  1. The juice is poured out.
  2. The "equator" is being found.
  3. Holes are drilled along the equatorial line with an electric drill or a screwdriver. This should be done every two to three centimeters.
  4. The nut should be hit on a hard surface, it is better that it is concrete.
  5. The fetus is split.

If there are few holes, then the shell will not open as smoothly as we would like, rather into pieces. And many holes too close together will cause the fruit to crack while drilling is still in progress.

How to break without a hammer?

It so happens that there are no available means. Then there are doubts about how to open a coconut at home without a hammer. But there is always a way out.

Throw on the floor

I want to try coconut, but not everyone knows how to open it while at home, without a hammer and drill. In this case, you can use a simple but barbaric method, more like a cry of despair than a calm and prudent cracking of a nut. Here's how to break a coconut properly - you should throw it on the floor.

Due to the impact, the fruit will crack. Knowing how to break a coconut at home, it will not be superfluous to take care that liquid does not leak out of it.

It is better to drain the liquid from the coconut through the holes.

Leaning against the wall

There is a way how you can quickly open a coconut:

  1. The coconut is leaning "equator" against the wall. Ordinary brick or curb is also suitable.
  2. Then you need to put your own weight on the nut.
  3. The fruit must be slightly turned in the process.

This method requires a lot of patience, but if you really want to enjoy the incredible taste of this overseas delicacy, you should consider all the methods of how to break a coconut at home, especially without a hammer.


You can also use a different, more hygienic and sensible method that will teach everyone how to open a coconut at home using the least amount of force:

  1. To begin with, holes are made in the blotches and the juice is drained.
  2. The oven heats up to 180-200 degrees.
  3. A nut is placed in it.
  4. Ten or fifteen minutes later, the first crack should appear. If this does not happen, you need to heat it longer.
  5. When the result appears, the nut is taken out of the oven.
  6. Cool (you can even in the refrigerator) and wrap in a towel.
  7. Now you need to figure out how you can open the cooled coconut correctly. You need to knock on the fruit until it cracks completely.

If in this case the nut does not crack completely, then the shell should be loosened with a knife in the hole of the crack itself.

We must not forget that in no case do they put a coconut filled with liquid. In this case, it will boil, and the shell will explode from the steam, and this threatens disastrous consequences for the oven, for the kitchen as a whole, and first of all for those who want to eat coconut.

How to clean easily?

Little knowledge of how to break a coconut, you still need to separate the flesh from the shell. In fact, it should be called like this - copra. Many people do not know how to properly peel a coconut, so they separate the copra with a spoon. However, this is rather tedious, since the pulp is quite tough and does not lend itself too easily.

To get an idea of ​​how best to peel your coconut, follow this advice:

  1. A knife is taken.
  2. Then a line is drawn with a knife between the copra and the shell itself. Thus, it is necessary to do around the entire perimeter.
  3. Not everyone understands how to clean a coconut at home if it is split into pieces. In this case, it is necessary to make similar cuts with each piece separately.
  4. Then half of the nut should be knocked on the floor or on something hard.
  5. Copra comes off the peel easily, and there is really nothing complicated in how to cut a coconut.

Some craftsmen peel coconut like potatoes

How to properly drain the liquid?

In order for the coconut water not to splash in vain at the moment when the fruit opens, it should be properly drained. It is easy to do this:

  1. At the top of the nut, where there are dark spots, a recess is made with a sharp knife, metal pin, knitting needle or nail.
  2. Any of these sharp objects are inserted into the malleable blotch.
  3. A hole is made.
  4. A glass is taken.
  5. The coconut is turned over so that the hole is above the glass.
  6. The liquid flows independently into the prepared container.
  7. To make sure that all the water has drained out, shake the fruit.

How to cut the pulp?

Many already have an idea of ​​how best to peel a coconut at home. The separated copra is now washed under water and cut with an ordinary knife. It is most convenient for slices. Since it is tough, you should take a sharper knife for this purpose, preferably for peeling vegetables. Some people want to know how to peel coconut pulp smoothly and beautifully. In this case, it is best to use a slicer. In this case, the copra will be cut very neatly.

It can be eaten raw or grated on a fine grater. Copra also freezes. To do this, put the resulting slices in freezing bags. First, it is necessary to remove air from the package so that later the slices do not freeze.

The benefits of coconut for the body are quite extensive. It contains such useful trace elements:

  • vitamins of group B, E and C;
  • mineral salts;
  • sucrose;
  • fructose.

Thanks to such a rich and healing composition, the nut helps to improve vision, helps to restore strength, and also has healing properties. It is not for nothing that the inhabitants of Asia have always considered the fruit to be a vital elixir, which not only nourishes the human body, but also helps to restore water balance.

One hundred grams of coconut milk contains enough fats and proteins, energy value is 395 kcal. Milk is able to inhibit the aging process of the skin. The juice is also good for digestion.

Also, the juice of this fruit is actively used in cosmetology, adding it to lotions and shampoos. It disinfects, soothes, tones and moisturizes the skin. There is even one legend according to which the Queen of Sheba performed ablutions exclusively with coconut milk, adding goat milk to it. Thus, she remained young and beautiful for a long time.

Also, milk is indispensable for the treatment of various rashes, which may appear due to allergies.

Useful video

Open the coconut with a regular kitchen knife:


  1. Coconut is not so easy to crack if you do not know some secrets. As a rule, you cannot do without the help of a hammer, knife or saw.
  2. The main thing is not to hammer unreasonably and with spite, but to make clear and uniform blows.
  3. Surprisingly, you can divide the fruit into two halves without any tools at hand, using the oven. But the pulp is best separated with a knife, not a spoon.

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Useful Tips

Those who buy a coconut for the first time face several challenges.

Being very strong, these so-called nuts (coconut is actually a stone fruit, just like cherries or plums) are difficult to crack, which means you need to be smart to get it.

We'll go over several ways to open a coconut, starting with the most popular.

How to break a coconut - method I

Despite the fact that this method takes some time, it is not at all difficult, since only a couple of tools will have to be used. Prepare a towel, hammer, and large nail.

If you look closely at your coconut, you will find 2-3 dark indentations on the side of the nut. It is they who are its weak points, and it is them that we use to pour out the juice of the nut so that we can split it further.

Use a hammer and a large nail to poke a hole in one, preferably each, of the dark spots of the coconut.

* A screwdriver can be used instead of a nail.

* The time this process can take depends on the coconut, but it is usually a few minutes.

* If the coconut is quite ripe, you can take regular scissors and poke through one of the eyes on the top of the coconut.

Flip the coconut, holes down, over the container to drain the juice.

Now place the empty coconut in the center of the towel spread out on the floor or table.

Wrap the walnut all the way around so that the edges of the towel are at the bottom, which will prevent the pieces of coconut from flying in all directions when you start breaking it.

* A plastic bag can be used instead of a towel.

So we got to the most interesting part - grab the hammer and hit the nut.

* The blows will have to be done several and quite strong. Better hit on the floor, but brick or concrete is the best option.

When the nut is cracked, break up the largest pieces to make the process of separating the pulp even easier.

Use a knife to separate the flesh from the shell of the nut.

* This process will also take some time, but take your time and be careful not to get hurt.

* A thin layer of the shell can cling to the pieces of pulp - you can cut it off or scrape it off with a knife.

Wash the pulp and you can use it.

How to open a coconut at home - method II

A hammer is also used here.

From the eyes of the coconut we measure about a third of the height of the nut and begin to tap with the sharp part of the hammer.

* You need to tap around the entire circumference, gradually turning the coconut. The blows should be washed not weak and clear, and when you hear that the nut is cracked, you will understand that you are doing everything right.

If all is well, then the nut should crack around the circumference that you marked, and you can split it, and then separate the pulp, as in method I.

* You may need to separate the skin from the pulp, it's not difficult, just be patient.

How to Open a Coconut Correctly - Method III

You can use heat or cold to make the coconut split more easily.

Place the coconut in the oven at about 90C and wait 15 minutes.

* Instead of heating, you can use the cooling method by placing the coconut in the freezer for 15 minutes as well.

* This method will help to separate the flesh from the inner walls of the coconut more easily.

Then just use a hammer to tap the coconut's equator while you twist it in your hand. Continue tapping until the coconut cracks and splits in two. (See method I and II)

You can remove the pulp - it will not be difficult, since you have previously heated or cooled the coconut.

How to open a coconut (video)

How to store coconut

Coconut can be stored in the refrigerator, or better in the freezer. But for the longest time it can be preserved with you if you rub it and dehydrate it.

In the refrigerator from 2 to 7 days.

In the freezer from 1 to 3 months.

Grated and dehydrated coconut from 6 to 12 months.

How is coconut eaten

Coconut, or rather its pulp, can be used for making desserts, various salads, baked goods, or you can just eat it.

You can chop the coconut flesh with a knife, use a food processor, or use a grater to chop.

By the way, grated coconut can be put in a plastic bag and stored in the freezer for about a month.

It is also worth noting that the pulp of the coconut used with fish, chicken, put in exotic soups and sauces.

Grated and dehydrated coconut can be used as powders of various confectionery.

If you pour fresh coconut pulp with warm milk, you can get coconut milk... And if you chill the milk and let it brew, then mix it with the pulp of the coconut, then you will have coconut cream.

How to crack open a coconut with a machete

Biscuit dough is the classic and most common version of cake layers and other desserts that we are used to using. In fact, there is nothing difficult in making a biscuit, and any culinary specialist will be able to make it on his own at home with a minimum of effort.

This biscuit dough is suitable for almost all types of cakes.

What you need:

  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp.

First of all, we prepare all the necessary ingredients. We take a form of small size and a diameter of 20 centimeters, grease it with oil and cover the bottom with parchment paper. The flour must be sieved a couple of times so that there are no unnecessary impurities in it. The whites are separated from the yolks. Be very careful when doing this.

Mix the yolks in a separate bowl with 75 g of sugar and vanilla. We rub them with a whisk until they increase noticeably in volume. Beat the whites with a mixer at low speed until a peak is formed. After that, we begin to gradually pour the remaining sugar into it, while the mixer does not turn off.

Add 1/3 of the whipped protein to the yolks, mix gently with a spoon and add flour there. Mix well again, add the remaining proteins and knead the dough. Do not overdo it on time, otherwise air bubbles will disappear and the biscuit will not rise. Pour the dough into a mold, level and bake for half an hour. Temperature 180 gr.

In a multicooker

And again, owners of multicooker can rejoice, because they are able to make biscuit dough using a miracle of technical thought. Multi-glasses are indicated as a measure of weight in the ingredient list.

What you need:

  • flour - 1 glass;
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • drain. oil - 20 g;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp.

Separate the yolks and beat the latter until peaks form. Add the yolks, both sugars one by one, and at the same time continue to beat with a mixer. Gently pour flour into the mixture, mix with a spoon or spatula.

After that, grease the multicooker bowl with a piece of butter and carefully pour the dough into it, leveling the surface. The biscuit cakes are cooked in the "Bake" mode for about an hour. The result is a lush base that can be used to create any dessert.

Sponge cake for 4 eggs in the oven

To make a 4-egg sponge cake dough, you will need the following ingredients:

  • flour - 1 glass;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • rast. oil - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.

All eggs are broken into a bowl at once, and sugar spills out. An important point: the surface of the dishes and any objects in contact with the dough must be dry. Even a drop of moisture is not acceptable in the biscuit, otherwise it will not rise.

Beat the mixture until the sugar is completely dissolved, and in parallel, add a little flour there. Gently knead the dough. We cover the parchment in a greased baking dish, pour the dough into it and put in the oven for 40 minutes.

On sour cream for the cake

What you need:

  • flour - 2 cups;
  • sour cream - 1 glass;
  • chicken eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • drain. oil - 20 g;
  • soda - ½ tsp.

The yolks are separated from the proteins and mixed with the sugar. After that, sour cream is added to them. The mixture is thoroughly mixed. Pour flour into the resulting mass. Beat the whites separately until they reach stable peaks and combine them back with the yolk component.

In a greased form, bake a biscuit for about 45 minutes at a given temperature of 180 grams. The finished dessert can be divided into several identical cakes and used to make a cake with any filling.

Custard on boiling water

Choux pastry on boiling water is one of the non-standard options for making biscuits. Be sure to give it a try with the following step-by-step recipe!

What you need:

  • chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • flour - 1 glass;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • rast. oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • boiling water.

First of all, we set the oven to warm up to 180 grams, since the preparation of the dough will not take much time. The form is covered with parchment. Flour is mixed with baking powder. Eggs are beaten with sugar until white foam appears.

Flour and baking powder are sifted through a fine sieve into an egg-sugar mass. Beat the dough, pour in vegetable oil and 3 tablespoons of boiling water. Beat again, then transfer the dough to the mold. We wrap it in a circle with a cold towel, and on top with foil. This is necessary so that the biscuit rises evenly in all places. Cook for 40 minutes, periodically checking the cake with a toothpick.

Whipped biscuit cakes in 5 minutes

Even a kitchen amateur will make a biscuit in 5 minutes. This recipe is so simple that it is almost impossible to spoil it.

What you need:

  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • drain. oil - 50 g;
  • sugar - ½ cup;
  • flour - ¾ glass;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanilla sugar - 2 tsp.

Eggs are beaten with sugar. At the same time, you need to melt a piece of butter in the microwave or on the stove. Add vanillin, cocoa powder, melted butter and baking powder to the mixture. At the end, sifted flour is placed.

We take a special glass that can be used in the microwave and put it right in the middle of a bowl of biscuit dough, after having filled it with water. This will help the biscuit bake evenly.

We put the microwave oven on the most powerful mode and send the workpiece there for 5 minutes, after which we keep it on heating for a couple of minutes. The finished biscuit can be greased with honey or chocolate.

How to make with kefir?

Kefir biscuit is a simple and delicious homemade baked product that can be served with a festive table or regular tea drinking.

What you need:

  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • drain. oil - 100 g;
  • flour - 2 cups;
  • kefir - 1 glass;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1 pinch.

Beat eggs, melted butter and sugar in a bowl until smooth. This is followed by flour mixed with baking powder, a pinch of salt and vanilla sugar. Beat the mixture again with a mixer at medium speed. Pour kefir last, mix with a wooden spatula. The result should be a dough with a consistency similar to that used to make pancakes.

Do not forget to preheat the oven to 200 degrees. The mold is oiled, covered with parchment paper and the dough is poured into it. We make sure that it is evenly distributed over the surface. We bake for 40 minutes and at the same time constantly check readiness with a skewer or a toothpick.

No added eggs

Need to make biscuit cakes urgently, but there are no eggs at home? Do not despair! After all, you can use a recipe where you can not add them.

What you need:

  • flour - 200 g;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • rast. oil - 100 ml;
  • lim. juice - 2 tbsp. spoons.

First of all, we heat up to 180 gr. oven, and cover the bottom of the form with parchment paper. Mix flour, sugar and baking powder in one bowl, butter, lemon juice and 200 milliliters of warm boiled water in another.

Gently pour the liquid component into the dry one and mix thoroughly.

As soon as the mass becomes homogeneous, immediately pour it into a mold and set it to bake for half an hour.

A delicious sponge cake without eggs is ready!

Chocolate sponge cake dough

What you need:

  • chicken eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • flour - 100 g;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp;
  • drain. oil - 20 g.

Separate the yolks and beat them together with sugar. Please note that the fresher the eggs, the tastier the biscuit will be... When the mixture turns white, add flour and vanilla sugar to a bowl. Mix gently with a spoon or spatula.

Beat the whites in parallel. Separate one third part and add to the yolks with sugar, beat at low mixer speed or with a whisk. At this stage, it is necessary to be extremely careful, otherwise the protein will settle and the biscuit will not rise. The resulting dough is poured into a greased form. Chocolate biscuit is prepared for half an hour at a temperature of 200 gr.

  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • drain. oil - 50 g;
  • flour - 1 glass;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1 pinch;
  • fat sour cream - 0.5 kg;
  • boiled condensed milk - 1 can;
  • milk chocolate - 50 g;
  • walnuts.

We mix melted butter, a tablespoon of sugar, honey and eggs in a bowl, then we send them to boil in a water bath, stirring constantly. When the mixture visually increases in volume, the dishes are removed from the stove. Add flour and start kneading the dough. When the mass becomes plastic, we divide it into 6 equal parts.

To prepare the cream at medium speed, beat the sour cream and the remaining sugar. We heat the oven to 180 gr. and alternately bake the cakes for 10 minutes. They must be very thin, therefore, when rolling out the dough, we visually control the size. Each new cake is smeared with cream, and the third and sixth in a row with additional boiled condensed milk. The sides of the cake are smeared with leftovers. Decorate the resulting dessert with grated chocolate and walnuts on top.

With the help of creams, you can not only make an interlayer for the cakes, but also decorate the dessert itself.

Below you can find a list of the most popular supplements.

  1. Butter cream. Its preparation will not be difficult. You will need heavy cream (33, 35%) and a mixer. Beat the product at the highest speed, then fill it into a pastry syringe.
  2. Protein cream. It is also very easy to prepare. You need a couple of egg whites and sugar. With a mixer at medium speed, beat the eggs until they form peaks and after that they can be used directly for the layer of the cake.
  3. Custard. If you are afraid to take raw proteins, then you can try this option. In addition to sugar, a teaspoon of lemon juice and a little water are added. The mixture is cooked over medium heat. Determine the degree of readiness by pouring the cream into a teaspoon. The thicker the jet, the better.
  4. Sour cream. This cream is tastier than creamy and not so high in calories. However, for its preparation, it is necessary to use sour cream, where the fat content is at least 30%. The recipe is outrageously simple - just whisk the product on a high mixer speed. Experienced pastry chefs advise using the cream immediately after preparation.
  5. Butter cream. This option is used more for decoration than for use. Just take fatty butter, a couple of eggs, milk or condensed milk and powdered sugar, beat the resulting mixture with a mixer until a thick, homogeneous mass is obtained.