Tomato paste: composition and benefit. Tomato paste at home

26.09.2019 Beverages

Probably it is difficult to find the hostess, which would not know about the existence of tomato paste. It is used to improve the quality of cooked dishes by adding it to them. This applies to both the first and second dishes. The same thing is done if there is a need to improve the color of the finished dish.

The paste is a semi-finished product, not the final product. Therefore, it is unlikely that someone will become eating it without conducting preliminary processing. This differences consist of this, say, with ketchup.

What is this product?

It is obtained by thermal processing of tomatoes. For production use only mature brown or red tomatoes. Initially, seeds are removed from fruits. After that, they are welding them to obtain the consistency of the required density. Naturally, the product loses a substantial part of moisture. At the same time, the concentration of dry substances becomes significantly higher. Practically, the concentrate of tomatoes is obtained.

The quality of tomato paste is determined by its degree of her density. What it is higher, the product is better in its nature. Tomato paste is the highest and first grade. But the highest quality is the "Extra" grade. Some mistaken is observed that the production of tomato paste is the achievement of modernity. In fact, it is none. She began to prepare the Italians two more centuries ago. Tomato paste was successfully used by Italian chefs. Initially, it was received, and then they already brought to mind. Various sauces prepared, olive oil and spices were added to the paste.


The presence of various components in a certain amount in the product is regulated by a document that is called GOST. According to this document, only the salt and the tomatoes themselves should be present in it. The presence of sugar, vinegar, other ingredients is not allowed. If some other components have been added to the tomato paste, which improves flavoring qualities, it automatically turns into Ketchup.

The proportion of dry matter in the product varies from 25 to 40%. The remaining share of water is accounted for. Some manufacturers, its number is indicated on the label. There is no fat fraction in tomato paste at all, and the share of protein components accounts for the most small amount. It usually does not exceed 5%.

The product is derivatives of tomatoes. Therefore, its composition is marked by the content of a variety of minerals. There are quite a lot of vitamin substances here. Significant values \u200b\u200breaches ascorbic acid content. It is 45 mg per 100 g of product. Many in the composition of the tocopherols and vitamins of group A.


The useful qualities of the product under consideration can be reduced to the following points:

  1. The main advantage of tomato paste is to attach ready-made appetizing appetizers with a characteristic taste. After all, it is not a secret for anyone that the digestion process launches from the type and smell of food, serving the table and everything else is connected with this. The form of dishes prepared using tomato paste excites appetite, contributes to the intensive release of digestive juices. All this, in turn, necessitates good digestibility. The tomato paste actually contains the entire benefit that the tomatoes themselves are used to prepare.
  2. The usefulness of the product is due to the large content of vitamin substances. Vitamin C has powerful antioxidant properties. It is a leading component involved in the complex of measures to improve immunity, which protects the body from the action of representatives of pathogenic microflora and other negative impacts.
  3. A sufficient content of beta-carotene in collaboration with ascorbic acid helps to increase stress resistance and deal with the consequences of stressful situations. It also plays a certain role in mitigating the influence of the radiation factor.
  4. Thiamine related to the Vitamins of the B Group accelerates all those processes that are associated with metabolism. In addition, he prevents extra kilograms. Thiamine is required to work normally the digestion system and the device of the heart and its vessels.
  5. Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) does not give "to break" low molecular weight cholesterol. In addition, it is necessary to generate some hormonal substances. This also includes sex hormones.
  6. The list of beneficial properties will be far from complete, if nothing to say about such important substances as lycopins. By the number of these substances, the paste obtained from tomatoes occupies a higher place on the podium podium. In a kilogram of the product (difficult to even imagine) contains 1600 mg of lycopins! They are natural pigments, thanks to which the tomato acquires such a characteristic color. These substances are used in the complex therapeutic correction of many diseases. Malignant neoplasms are no exception.

A proven scientific fact is that the lycopins inhibit the formation of cancer cells. Their action has a positive effect on the work of the heart. Such substances contribute to a decrease in the level of low molecular weight cholesterol. Characteristic is the fact that the active use of the Italians of tomato paste led to the fact that they have the lowest rates of morbidity of the pathology of the heart and vessels. The positive effect of the lycopene is also on the skin. To extend the skin youth, cosmetologists recommended daily use of tomato paste in the amount of 50 g.

Currently, going practically in any supermarket, can acquire a sufficiently large number of types of tomato paste. All of them are represented by different manufacturers. However, not all of them have those characteristics that are installed in the quality and safety standards of food products. If we talk about responsible manufacturers who are ill for the quality of their products, then you can note such a brand like "tomboy". This brand is absolutely natural products. Such a paste is characterized by good indicators in terms of ecology and does not contain GMOs. There are no dyes and flavors. It does not add thickeners and other synthetic components. Pasteurization is carried out carefully, which contributes to the preservation of all useful substances. All products of this brand have a huge kaleidoscope of tastes.

In itself, the tomato paste can harm the body can not. But on the part of some manufacturers in order to reduce the production of products, various additives are introduced into the composition. That's it, they can harm the body. The list of additives is very extensive and represented by substances for the flavor, the impressions of a more thick consistency, preservatives for long-term storage. Production of such products is much cheaper. Despite the fact that on tasteings it is not reflected, the benefits of such products becomes an order of magnitude less.

Signs of product naturalness

Choosing a tomato paste, you should be guided by certain criteria:

  1. The absence of thickeners.
  2. The introduction of components to impart fragrance and smell is not allowed.
  3. The product should not contain coloring pigments. Naturalness characterizes the brown color with a reddish tint. The presence of bright red is talking about making dyes.
  4. Tomato paste should not contain sodium glutamate. It is made by some manufacturers to enhance taste.

By purchasing the product, it is necessary to study the label to determine the composition. Natural tomato paste must contain exclusively tomatoes and salt. The presence of additional components puts naturalness for a big doubt.

Tomato paste is a product manufactured from ripe tomatoes (tomatoes). In the process of preparation, it is wiped and boils, obtaining a concentrated mass, in which the content of dry substances is about 40%.

According to GOST, in tomato paste nothing should be, except for tomato, water and salt. Despite the long process of deterioration, a lot of useful vitamins and trace elements remain in the paste.

There are two types of tomato paste: salty and unall. The miserable is usually packaged into glass and tin cans, and the salty can be sold at all for a routine in barrels.

Quality product can be determined by color: orange-red - the product of the highest grade, brownish - the first grade. In general, the darker the color of the product, the grades below.

Properties of tomato paste

Scientists have repeatedly proven strong antioxidant properties, as well as the possibility of the product to prevent the appearance of prostate tumors in men, and in women - cervical cancer. Such therapeutic peculiarity of the tomato has a licopin pigment. It ceases to divide the cells, prevents DNA mutation. The rooted mass of tomatoes has a large concentration of lycopene, so it is more useful.

In turn, antioxidants are fighting with free radicals that appear in the process of oxygen processing by cells. Antioxidants also positively affect the work of the heart, warning the heart attack by 50%.

The dietary property of tomato paste makes it possible to eat it in food to full people. But when choosing a product, you must be careful and look at the composition of the paste. It should not be starch, which manufacturer loves to add to reduce the time for boiving. Starch significantly increases the nutritional value of the product.

The benefits of tomato paste

With the cultivation of tomatoes without fertilizers, harm organisms and pesticides, a vegetable has a lot of useful properties. And even after thermal processing, it does not lose important and nutrients. Toman product has antioxidants, magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc, cobalt, potassium, nickel, vitamins C, A, group V. In addition to useful chemical elements and vitamins, it contains essential oils, acids of organic origin and many other biological substances that use which Positively affects human health.

Tomato paste and its drain effect, which removes extra liquid and bad bacteria from the body, and, it means, the kidneys work normally. Also reduces blood pressure, reduces the inflammatory joints of the joints, helps with rheumatism and gout.

After using tomato paste in the body, a tiramine is produced, which turns into serotonin (hormone of happiness) and helps a person to cope with depression and stress, that is, tomatoes increase the mood.

Regular use of tomato paste will increase the elasticity of the skin and will relieve from the first signs of its aging - wrinkles.

Application of tomato paste

Tomato Pasta perfectly proven itself in cooking, especially in the Mediterranean cuisine, where it is used in various sauces. Tomato paste is served to pasta, meat, fish, add to soups, used for cooking pizza, stew.

In our kitchen, tomato paste is used to prepare borsch, in refueling for cold dishes, stew, Harcho.

Such a variety of use means that the paste is a non-skin cooked product as a ketchup or sauce, so it can be safely attributed to the discharge of additives or raw materials for cooking.

Harm tomato paste

Harm to a healthy person can only apply a paste cooked with various chemical additives: thickeners, preservatives, flavors, dyes, etc.

Even if the product is qualitatively prepared, it can harm the health of people with such diseases:

The ulcer of the stomach and the duodenal intestine.


Increased acidity of gastric juice.

With such diseases, the paste can cause heartburn or be an impetus for inflammation and exacerbation of the disease.

Allergies can also be a contraindication for the use of tomato paste, since the tomato is a high-caliped product and even a slight addition to food can cause skin itching and rash.

It is not recommended to use in large quantities of the tomato product to people suffering from gout and arthritis having stones in the kidneys and a rated bubble. In abuse, it is possible to deteriorate health and general well-being.

Tomato paste - a concentrated puree from tomatoes, obtained by reeling them. The proportion of dry substances in the product is 20-40%. Interestingly, the tomato is a biological relative and belongs to the family of the Parotnic. Motherland Tomatoes are considered to be Peru, where the plant was cultivated long before the appearance of Europeans.

Tomato paste is used to obtain products on a tomato basis: ketchup, juice, sauce and is widely in cooking. According to GOST, it can include water and tomatoes, without adding preservatives, dyes and taste amplifiers. The product is packaged into glass, tin cans.

The darker the color of the tomato paste and the fat consistency, the lower its variety. The highest quality product has an orange-red shade, a thick structure, and the lowest is brown and liquid.

Beneficial features

The main advantages of tomato paste is to improve the taste of the qualities and the appearance of dishes by giving them a sourness and staining in red. As a result, food becomes more appetizing, makes a pleasant fragrance, which contributes to the development of digestive juices that improve her assimilation.

Tomato paste contains the same vitamins as tomatoes. The greatest thing in it is concentrated ascorbic acid (45 ml per 100 g, which covers the daily need of the body in vitamin). It is a powerful, stimulating work of the immune system, helps to cope with pathogens of foreign microorganisms that penetrate the tissues and organs from the environment, with food. Ascorbic acid prevents a wide range of diseases, ranging from influenza, ARVI, colds and ending with oncology.

The efficiency of vitamin C increases in the presence of beta-carotene and tocopherol, which are concentrated in tomato paste and increase its antioxidant properties.

Thiamine accelerates metabolism, improves carbohydrate metabolism, helps to reduce body weight. Niacin contributes to the production of hormones, normalizes the level of bad. In addition, the composition of tomato paste includes leonic (160 mg per 100 g), which manifests antioxidant activity. The carotine-shaped pigment reduces the level of oxidative stress, protects DNA, slows down the development of atherosclerosis, prevents oncogenesis, improves the functioning of the heart muscle, normalizes blood pressure. Licopene reduces the risk of developing tumors of the stomach, lungs and prostate, ischemic and eye diseases, peroxidant processes in tissues (lens).

Chemical composition

The nutritional value of tomato paste - 102 kcal per 100 g. The energy ratio is 19%: 0%: 75%. This is a dietary product.

For thickening texture, unfair manufacturers are introduced into its composition an additional ingredient - starch, which increases the nutritional value of pasta. Therefore, before buying a product, it is necessary to carefully read its marking. If there are other components in the composition other than water, tomatoes and salts, refuse to buy such products. Most likely it is prepared with violations of production technology.

Safe daily dose of natural product - 50 g.

Table number 2 "Chemical composition of tomato paste"
Name The content of nutrients in 100 grams of the product, milligrams

Tomato paste is recommended to purchase in a transparent glass jar, which allows you to carry out the primary visual inspection of the product. It should be homogeneous consistency, reddish-red, thick. The shelf life of the clogged product in the glass container is 2 years from the date of manufacture (at a temperature of 0-25 degrees), metallic - 1 year, aluminum - 6 months. An open jar is stored in the refrigerator no more than 2 weeks, then its top is covered with mold.

If the tomato paste smells with fresh tomatoes, it means that there are flavors that hide errors in cooking. Do not eat such goods in food. In addition, for giving the "bouquet" of taste and odor, the desired consistency with the product, unscrupulous manufacturers add dyes, taste amplifiers, starch, exotic carrageenan, fruit puree, not related to tomatoes. The result is a commercial product at the exit that attracts the attention of the consumer, however, which does not provide values \u200b\u200bfor the human body.

Potential harm

The composition of tomato paste includes organic acids (,) that cause irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive organs. In the abuse of the product increases the acidity of the stomach and the person is experiencing heartburn.

In addition, chemical ingredients (thickeners, taste amplifiers, preservatives, stabilizers, flavors, dyes have been added to tomato paste, it cannot benefit human.

Contraindications for use: ulcer of the stomach, individual intolerance, bile disease.

Remember, tomatoes, like citrus, are the strongest allergens capable of calling anaphylactic shock, side reactions (rash, itching, redness of the skin, tear of the eyes, runny nose, cough). In the event of these reactions, immediately exclude a vegetable from the diet and consult a doctor.

How to cook yourself

To create tomato paste, only ripe treasures of good quality are used. Brown, with a novel, broken and fractures are not suitable.

Tomato Pasta Cooking Recipes

"Classical dietary"

Ingredients: cream grade tomatoes - 5 kg.

Preparation principle:

  1. Tomatoes wash, cut into 4-6 parts. Fold into a container with a non-stick coating.
  2. Press to put on the middle fire, cooking half an hour before the softening of vegetables.
  3. Remove from the stove. When the peel goes away from the pulp, the ruled tomatoes roll through the sieve to eliminate seeds and skins.
  4. The resulting tomato juice re-put on fire, boil to thickening. So that the workpiece is not burned, it is periodically stirred. Tomorrow 4.5 hours before getting thick paste.
  5. Banks sterilize, boil covers. Dispatch the paste on tanks, hermetically close, wrap, leave for a day.

To improve taste to tomatoes (40 g), ground red pepper (5 g), grated (1 head).

"Acute for the winter"


  • tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • salt - 20 g;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • bulb - 3 pcs;
  • red ground pepper - 2.5 g;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Tomatoes scream with boiling water, clean from the peel.
  2. From Luka and garlic to remove the husks, the first to chop, the second to skip through the press.
  3. Tomatoes turn through the meat grinder, pecking with a bow for 20 minutes, wipe through the sieve.
  4. To the resulting mass add vegetable oil, garlic, spices, salt. Peaf to slaughter for another 15 minutes.
  5. Banks to handle steam, caps sterilize.
  6. Tomato paste decompose on glass containers, tighten, hide a day. In order to avoid the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, preservation is stored in a warm place (at a plus temperature) not more than 2 years.

Tomato Paste - Universal Product in Cooking, which is used to prepare sauce to vegetables and meat products, adjusts, ketchup, gravy and refueling for pasta, borscht, pizza, dovets, harrot, goodwood, saltwood, home blanks (stuffed pepper, eggplant Icres, ledge).

Interestingly, the tomato was previously considered a decorative plant with poisonous fruits, it was grown in pots or gardens exclusively for decorating the local area. In 1822, the myth of the toxicity of tomatoes was dispelled and the product began to rapidly gain popularity.


Tomato-paste is a canned mass obtained from the rubbed welded tomatoes. The higher the concentration of dry matter in the product (30-45%), the more qualitative. This indicator means the number of used tomatoes for cooking paste. For the first time, the prototype of tomato puree appeared in the XIX century in Italy, when local cooking was mixed with garlic, pepper and olive oil.

Currently, the peasant of tomatoes is produced by the following varieties: the first, higher and extra. The latter is distinguished by a saturated orange-red, thick consistency and provides the greatest value for the human body.

The high-quality natural product includes exceptionally 3 components: tomatoes, water, salt.

Tomato Paste - Food Fire Fishing, Organic Acid, Licopin, Vitamins A, E, C, Macro- and Microelements. According to scientists, the product has a strong antioxidant effect, protects the cells of the body from premature aging and a detrimental environmental impact, helps to overcome stress, reduces the risk of developing oncological and heart disease. For better effect it is recommended to combine the reception of fresh tomatoes and sauces based on them.

Remember, antioxidant lycopene can only be understood in the presence of fats.

Pasta improves digestion, stimulates the production of gastric juice, improves metabolism. It is contraindicated to people with ulcers, gallstone disease, gastritis and increased acidity of the stomach.

Without tomatoes and products prepared with their use, it is difficult to imagine the usual diet. In the summer, the most popular guest on the table is a vegetable salad from tomatoes and cucumbers, and in winter, workpieces are underway: canned tomatoes, ketchups, adjika, sauces and, of course, tomato paste. Tomato paste saves the owners when there are no fresh tomatoes at hand, and the recipe preparation presupposes their presence. Let us try to figure out what is a tomato paste, the benefits or harm to health lies in this product.

Tomato paste: composition

Tomato paste is obtained by thermal treatment of tomatoes. Ripe red tomatoes are used as raw materials, which are cleaned of seeds and peel, grind and boil up to a certain consistency. Welding allows you to increase the percentage of dry substances and reduces the amount of moisture, that is, the concentrate of tomatoes is obtained. What it is thick, the higher the quality of the product.

The production is regulated by the conditions of GOST. The product involves the content of only two ingredients: tomatoes and salt. Vinegar, spices, sugar and other taste enhancers and preservatives in classic tomato paste are not allowed. When the product contain ingredients except tomatoes and salts, this is an already concentrated tomato sauce or ketchup.

Historical reference

In most of us, the phrase "manufacture of tomato paste" causes an association with industrial production. Those who think that the paste is the product of modernity is mistaken. The first began to boost tomatoes Italians still in the last century. The billet walked as refueling to the paste and pizza with the addition of spices and olive oil.

Benefit and harm

Now consider everything "for" and "against". In the tomato concentrate there are almost no fats and a small amount of protein (up to 5%). Carbohydrates in 100 grams contain up to 25%. The benefits of tomato paste lies in the content of useful minerals and vitamins: ascorbic acid, group vitamins (in 1, B5 and B6), tocopherol (E), beta carotene (a). In addition, all vitamins and minerals are preserved in tomato paste, which are present in fresh tomatoes: potassium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, magnesium, zinc, iodine.

Pasta gives dishes appetizing color and taste. This contributes to the active production of gastric juice, which contributes to normal digestion, and the food is well absorbed. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, which has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, including the immune system. This affects effective combating viruses and bacteria. Beta carotene is the best assistant in the fight against stress.

The most important advantage of fertilized tomatoes is a high level of lycopene content (up to 1600 grams per kilogram). In fresh tomatoes, for comparison, this component is contained in minor quantities. Licopene, which gives the characteristic color to tomatoam, is a natural healing agent. It affects the cessation of growth of malignant tumors, and its meaning in cancer prevention. Modern medicine considers significant. In addition, Licopean stimulates the work of the heart muscle, so the Italians suffer much less often with cardiovascular diseases than residents of other countries. Cosmetologists are recommended to include tomato paste in the diet, as the lycopene has a positive effect on the skin condition.


Is a tomato paste harmful to figure? Its calorie content ranges from 75 to 125 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. Considering that the product is used in a diluted form, it does not affect the type of weight. Moreover, the group vitamins in accelerate the processes of metabolism and contribute to incineration of unnecessary calories.

Like any product, tomato paste has its own characteristics that have a negative impact on the body. It has a high content of organic acids: apple and lemon. Therefore, with an increased acidity of the stomach, it can cause heartburn, provoked irritation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

By itself, tomato paste harm to health can be brought, problems arise when manufacturers are trying to reduce the cost of production. There are not the most useful ingredients: stabilizers, preservatives, carrageal, starch, flavors and taste amplifiers. Such a product has a lower cost, but in appearance is practically no different from high-quality paste. If a long storage period is specified and the list of ingredients consists of more than two components, then it is better to refuse to buy such goods. Harm from it will be more than good.

Even on the quality of tomato concentrate influences the initial raw materials. If unripe tomatoes are used, the finished product will contain solonin. This component is better not to eat.

Tomato Pasta "Tomators" is a sought-after product that is often used in the kitchen. It is put on both first dishes and second. The paste is added to get a special tomato taste and color. Thanks to her, it turns out amazing, beautiful and original dishes.

From the article you will learn what is part of tomators' tomato paste, what kind of feedback about her consumers and how to prepare it for the winter at home. After all, the product made by your own hands is always tastier than the purchase.

A little about the brand "Tomato"

This high-quality and well-known product in Russia produces a company called "Desan". It imports fruits and vegetables since 1996. Brand "Tomato" quickly became known to many consumers for high quality.

They produce it in the south of Russia in the city of Maykop. Not only the product itself is excellent quality, but also packaging for the carriage of goods. Therefore, tomato tomato paste is delivered to any corner of Russia in the whole package, without any damage. If there are dents, then they are insignificant.

The company "Desan" is proud of the trademark "Tomators", where the tomato paste leads. She held the first place in terms of sales. They even conducted the "blind tasting" to understand the tastes of end users. And all the same, the tomato paste occupied the first place.

Distributors argue that each manager TM "Tomato" finds an individual approach to its customers.

Composition of tomato tomato paste

Obviously, the recipe is developed, first of all, based on the interests of customers, and then for the money. Of course, it is impossible to say that tomato paste is very cheap, but you can not be afraid to consumers. After all, it consists of natural ingredients.

The Tomato Paste "Tomato" does not include different preservatives and artificial additives. It does not add dyes, thickeners and other chemistry. It is preparing exclusively of purified tomatoes. The whole moisture is evaporated, and it turns out thick, beautiful, red tomato paste.

Products have strict quality control begins with the collection of tomatoes, and ends at the preservation stage when the product is fully packaged in the bank and sent. Therefore, manufacturers are not worried, since they are 100% confident in the manufacture of tomato paste.

Some mistresses do not know why the product is called "Tomato Pasta 25". The manufacturer explained that there are 25% of dry tomato substances in the composition, thanks to which the products are better and meets GOST standards.

Consumer reviews

When a survey was conducted from ordinary people who buy tomato tomato paste, many spoke only from a positive side. Some hostesses believe that it is very convenient when there is a different packaging. You can buy both a small jar and big.

Others like the naturalness of the color. Therefore, we are confident that the tomato tomato paste does not include dyes and chemicals.

Although there are consumers who do not understand how to preserve the product without vinegar, sugar and chemicals, and it can stand for a long time and not to deteriorate. So the riddle remains. Some consumers are still confused that the bank is not written about the absence of GMOs.

But some people claimed that tomatoes are truly so strong heat treatment, from which products do not spoil. Of course, it is impossible to prepare such a tomato paste at home. But every mistress will be able to approach this task.

The first recipe of tomato paste "Tomato"

As a rule, many hostesses make billets for the winter. The same applies to tomato paste. After all, I want preservation to always be at hand. You can cook at home and tomato tomato tomato. The taste is identical, and in terms of cost is cheaper. However, the home preservation still needs to add vinegar. Then he just for a long time.

How is tomato tomato preparing for the winter preparing? We will look at two recipes. For the first option, prepare 5 kg of tomatoes and 0.5 kg of bow. These are the main ingredients.

All tomatoes lower for two minutes in boiling water, and they are easily cleaned from the peel. Arbitrarily cut them out, put in the pan and put on fire. While tomatoes are digested, cut down the onions and lower it to tomatoes. Vegetables will be allowed and need to boil about 30 minutes. There should be an extra liquid.

When 30 minutes passed, tomatoes and onions became very soft. Turn off the burner, give vegetables cool, then overload them by a blender. Now put on fire again.

Still often so that the paste is not burned. As soon as the mass boils, add 50 g of vinegar (apple or table approached), 0.5 tbsp. l. Salt and 100 g of sugar. After 10 minutes of the boil, turn off the burner, run over to banks and sunk.

Second recipe

It requires the same products as in the first version. Only 0.5 kg of apples add in this recipe. They must be cleaned from the peel, tails and cores. Apples along with onions lower in tomatoes.

Only in this case cook the ingredients need longer than in the first version, since the apples are more rigid. When they become completely soft, then you can beat the blender. Sometimes apples are not cleaned from the peel. You can simply cut them and put in the cooking container.

You will have a very tasty tomato tomato pasta for the winter, which has an unforgettable taste, and dishes are amazing.

And it doesn't matter what you cook, borsch or stew. The dishes will turn out not only delicious, but also bright.

Cooks often improvise and fantasize that dishes are more original. Add pepper to tomato tomato pasta. It can be fragrant or mixture.

Only put it is needed at the beginning of cooking. Then the tomato paste will become more fragrant and slightly acute. It greatly harmonizes with all dishes.

If the pepper put at the end of the cooking, then it needs to be filled out of the pan, which is not very convenient. Plus, the tomato paste will not receive the desired effect and fragrance. You can add some sharp peppers. It all depends on your desire.

Apples, onions and tomatoes can be cut arbitrarily. Do not forget that they still need to grind a blender. However, the collar is dependent on the thickness of vegetables. The thinner they cut, the faster they will prepare. This means that more vitamins will remain in conservation.


From the article you learned that it is part of tomato tomato pasta, two recipes, about consumer feedback and advice of experienced cooks. As it turned out, the manufacturer prepares products exclusively from natural products and does not add any dyes, thickeners and chemicals.

Yet is better tomato paste to learn how to prepare at home, where you will be sure of 100% as products. Whatever it was, but his creation has always been and remain the best.

Experiment, create your own unique recipes and delight your loved ones with new, original tastes.