Apple puree for the winter step by step recipe. When you can give apples puree to babies and how to cook it

24.08.2019 The drinks

Vegetable and fruit purees are one of the first complementary foods in the baby's diet, they can be given from 6 months. On the shelves of stores - slender rows of various jars from different manufacturers, eyes widen from choice! But why buy (be that as it may, but store products are store products), if you can do a lot yourself! Make and be sure of the freshness, quality and naturalness of the product!

Making applesauce is simple and not very troublesome. Judge for yourself.


  • apples are delicious
  • water - purified drinking


Take local apples for mashed potatoes, even if they are not very beautiful in appearance, the main thing is that they are not imported with a glossy peel, God knows what chemistry.

Wash and cut the skin thoroughly.

Remove the seed box and cut into small cubes. The finer the sliced, the faster the apples are stewed.

Pour some water into the pan (at the rate of 1 tbsp.spoon per 1 apple). Water is needed so that apples do not burn at the very beginning of cooking, then they will be stewed in their own juice.

Put on a very small fire, cover and simmer until cooked. During cooking, be sure to stir occasionally and monitor the amount of liquid, it may be necessary to add a little bit. Cooking time from 5 to 30 minutes if the apples are hard.

Punch in a mashed blender or rub through a sieve.

Let the mashed potatoes cool and feed the baby with delicious apple puree.

Do not put sugar in mashed potatoes; if apples are sweet, then mashed potatoes will turn out to be sweet enough. But, if you still want to sweeten, then put a pinch of powdered sugar, it will dissolve faster than sugar. You can take honey if the child does not have an allergy to it.

To enjoy delicious mashed potatoes from your apples, you can prepare it for the future. Cook and arrange in sterile jars that need to be stored in the refrigerator. Or put them in containers and freeze them.
  For older kids in mashed potatoes, you can add a little cinnamon - it is very tasty and fragrant.

And by the way, the apple peel that is cut can also go into business.

It is rich in vitamins (and we already have it), so we put it in a bag and freeze it (you can dry it in the oven or microwave). And in the winter we will add to tea or make an apple pattern with honey. The smell of apples will remind you of summer, cheer you up and help overcome gloomy rainy winter days.

Say, in the winter there are apples in stores? But I assure you, no winter variety of this fruit will ever bring you into the summer mood and provide so many vitamins for your child.

Apples of the Antonovka variety, although not very attractive in appearance, are considered the most useful. Compotes, jam, marmalades, jams and, of course, mashed potatoes are prepared from them. I propose to talk about this gentle delicacy in more detail.

Let's look at the technology and recipes for making homemade puree from Antonovka. I’m sure you will find exactly your recipe.

Antonovka apples are sour in taste, which is especially appreciated for making homemade mashed potatoes. It is best to use fruits from your own garden or bought at the local market. If you plan to purchase the product in the store, then it is better to take unprepossessing-looking specimens. Beautiful glossy apples are most likely crammed with chemicals and the skin is waxed.

First of all, apples should be thoroughly washed. To do this, they are laid in a large pot or basin with water. Then each fruit is washed under running water. If necessary, you can wipe the particularly contaminated area with a clean sponge or cloth.

Before cooking apples, it is desirable to dry with towels. Pure fruits peel and seed boxes. If you plan to grind mashed potatoes through a sieve, then the apples can not be thoroughly peeled, but only cut into 6 - 8 parts.

Mashed potato technology

The average ratio of the number of products boils down to the following: 100 grams of granulated sugar and 100 grams of liquid are taken per 1 kilogram of unrefined apples of the Antonovka variety. Sugar, in mashed potatoes for baby food, can be completely eliminated or replaced with fructose.

Apple slicing must be softened using heat treatment. This can be done in the following ways:

  • On the stove. Apples are placed in a pan and poured with water, according to the recipe. Stew fruits for 20 minutes after boiling the liquid.

  • In the microwave. Large pieces of apples are placed on a flat dish. At the bottom of the container add a couple of tablespoons of water. 5 minutes are cooked at maximum microwave oven power.
  • In the oven. Fruits are spread on a baking sheet with the slice up to maintain the maximum amount of juice. Cooking occurs at a temperature of 180 degrees. Usually it takes 20-30 minutes to soften the fruit. To preserve apple juice during baking, it is convenient to use silicone or metal muffin baking dishes as a fruit stand.
  • In a slow cooker. You can put out apples until cooked using a slow cooker. Fruits with water are laid in the main bowl and stewed with the lid closed for 15 minutes. Depending on the model of the unit, the “Extinguishing” or “Steam” function can be used.

Watch the video from TheVkusnoetv channel - Delicate apple puree on the stove

The boiled apples are punched with a blender and filtered. If the fruit was cooked without peel, then the stage of filtering through a fine wire rack can be skipped. A child up to a year more will have to taste completely homogenized puree, without the slightest bite, so it is better to grind a dish that is prepared for baby food through a sieve. Sugar is added to the smooth fruit mass.

Before packing in clean sterile jars, the sweet mass is boiled over medium heat for 5 to 7 minutes. Be careful: mashed potatoes can “spit” with hot drops!

The hot workpiece is closed with sterilized lids, and closed with a warm cloth until it cools completely. Store applesauce in a cool place until fresh.

The “Cooking at home” channel shares a detailed video recipe for preparing mashed potatoes from antonovka baked in the oven

A selection of the best recipes

Cream Puree

  • antonovka - 1/2 kilogram;
  • granulated sugar - 150 grams;
  • cream - 100 grams.

Apples are baked in the oven, and then mashed, grinding through a sieve. Sugar and cream are introduced into the mass. All products are boiled together for 3 minutes, and then laid out in jars.

Antonovka puree with banana

  • apples - 3 pieces;
  • bananas - 2 pieces;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tablespoon.

The fruit is peeled and punched with a blender until smooth. Sugar is added and the mass is heated over a fire until the grains dissolve.

Pumpkin with apple

  • apples of the Antonovka variety - 1 kilogram;
  • nutmeg pumpkin - 1 kilogram;
  • granulated sugar - 200 grams;
  • lemon juice - 3 tablespoons.

Apples and pumpkin are cut into thin plates and heat treated until soft in any of the ways described above. Sugar and lemon juice are added to the fruit and vegetable mass. The mass is put on fire and warmed for 5-10 minutes.

Apple with cinnamon

  • apples - 1 kilogram;
  • granulated sugar - 150 grams;
  • cinnamon to taste;
  • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons.

Pre-cooked apples are mashed and the remaining ingredients are added. Cinnamon can be used both in powder form and in the form of a tube of bark. In this case, the cinnamon stick is placed in a container in which the fruits are cooked before chopping, and the powder is added to the grated mass.

Tricks of experienced chefs

  • Long-term heat treatment minimizes the amount of vitamins. To reduce the heat treatment time, it is better to cut apples into thin strips.
  • Lemon juice added to apples during cooking will not allow the pieces to oxidize and darken.
  • Those who protect the figure and try to limit the consumption of granulated sugar in their diet can eliminate sugar from mashed potatoes or replace it with fructose.

I have been harvesting the most delicate, lightweight, aromatic apple puree for the winter for more than a year. In terms of taste, it is not only not inferior, but also significantly superior to purchased. Sometimes guests do not even believe that this apple puree is prepared for the winter at home. The recipe is quite simple. Apples puree doesn’t take as much sugar as jam or jam, and cooking it is simple and easy. I will introduce you to all the necessary nuances of how to make mashed potatoes very light and without impregnation of pulp. The secret here is only one thing - the right choice of apples. Apples should be loose, juicy, but not dense. Antonovka is a great option! This apple variety also has its own special, unique taste. If you took other varieties and the taste of the finished apple puree seems too banal and uninteresting to you, then you can "decorate" it with the addition of cinnamon (ideal company for apples). A small amount of the inside of the soft vanilla bean added to the applesauce will also add a very subtle and elegant flavor. Even condensed milk can be put so that the puree acquires a creamy aftertaste and becomes even more tender. This puree can be served with most sweet dishes: pancakes, cheesecakes, pancakes, or you can just eat with spoons right from the can. Perfectly mashed potato goes as an additive to oat, rice, corn porridge.

Would need:

  • 1000 g loose apples
  • 200-300 g of granulated sugar
  • citric acid - at the tip of a knife
  • pure water - 1-2 tbsp.

How to cook applesauce for the winter

First you need to rinse the apples, cut them into quarters, remove the core and cut the skin. Weigh the slices prepared in this way, be sure to write down the weight, place the apples in a saucepan where mashed potatoes will be prepared.

Removed parts of apples, if they do not rot without wormholes and do not throw away, cook compote from them. This will be a very reasonable and economical use of such "waste".

Pour clean water (about 1-2 tablespoons) into a pan with apples. Put the pan with apples on the fire, cover and begin to slowly heat. When the water makes a noise, reduce the heat to a minimum and boil the apples until a mushy mass is obtained. It will take a little time, about 10 minutes, depending on the variety of apples.

Grind the boiled apples into a smooth smoothie with a hand blender. (If there is no blender, then wipe the mass through a fine sieve - this will give the perfect “silk structure” puree.)

Add granulated sugar to the resulting puree. Pour 200-300 g of granulated sugar per 1 kg of peeled apples, plus or minus depending on the sweetness of the apples themselves. Add a little citric acid in the puree so that it does not darken and does not acquire a slightly appetizing shade, then constantly stirring the puree with a spatula and bring it to a boil. Gently, hot boiling mashed potatoes can be sprayed !!!

Arrange the hot mashed potatoes in pre-prepared sterile jars, seal them and leave them to cool completely in an inverted form under the covers. Further mashed potatoes can be stored at room temperature.

Harvesting apple puree for the winter, you, first of all, take care of your loved ones, who in the autumn-winter period are lacking in eating fresh fruits. The dessert is not only tasty, but also very useful, because it will preserve all the advantages of fresh apple fruits. Jars with apple blanks will always be at your fingertips if you want to bake apple puffs or a pie with fruit filling.

Apple puree for the winter: recipe

Getting ready   homemade apple puree for the winter   quite simply, but as in any other recipes, there are secrets and subtleties that the hostess must know about. First of all, you should worry about the right choice of fruits for this recipe. Fruits of autumn varieties are best suited, they are sweeter, which means that you will have to add less sugar.

If at the initial stage of preparation, grind the fruits in as small slices as possible, or even pass them through a meat grinder, then the heat treatment will take less time, and therefore the finished apple product will retain more benefits: more vitamins and trace elements that are destroyed during prolonged heat treatment.

There are certain subtleties regarding cooking applesauce for children for the winterin particular, you cannot add too much granulated sugar. And for the recipe, it is best to select fruits with green or yellow skin, and if you use red fruits, then in some cases there is a high probability of an allergic reaction after using this product.

Of course, we must not only choose the right sweet variety, but also make sure that the fruits are not rotten or spoiled. Rotten fruits can spoil the taste of the finished product, it will have a characteristic smell. It doesn’t matter if there are spoiled places on the apples, they must be carefully cut before cooking.

If you buy fruits in a supermarket, and not at an agricultural fair, it is better to completely peel the fruits before starting the cooking. Often in supermarkets, in order to give the presentation of the fruit, they are covered with a thin layer of wax, which is not washed off with running water. Buying apples at a seasonal agricultural fair, you can be sure that the fruits were not covered with anything, so they just need to be washed with running water and put in a saucepan with skins.

If you have already chopped apples, but you have other things, so now you can not finish cooking, be sure to sprinkle the slices with lemon juice. Thanks to the acid, the slices will not darken, and the puree will have a “healthy”, appetizing color.

When the cooking is finished, you must lay the mashed potatoes in prepared jars, they must first be washed and sterilized. Metal covers must be pre-boiled so that the product can be stored for a long time and does not deteriorate. Knowing, you can prepare a delicious and healthy dessert for the whole family.

   Homemade apple puree for the winter

When you cook, you need to achieve a uniform consistency: without pieces of skin and pits, the same rule applies when preparing mashed potatoes. You will definitely need a small metal sieve to grind the fruit mass, separating seeds, peel and other solid particles, which can ruin the taste of the finished puree and its uniform consistency.

The most popular recipe is puree from apples for the winter "Sissy"which fully justifies its name. The taste really turns out to be unique - tender and rich. The product can simply be eaten with a spoon, opening a new jar, you can add it to milk porridges, and also use it as a filling for homemade pastries - puffs and pies.

In the classic recipe there are only two ingredients: apples and water, but there are more original options with the addition of other fruits, spicy spices, etc. but we will start with the classic version, which can be called the most universal in culinary terms.

Fruits - 2 kg
   Water - 250 ml
   Sugar - 250 g
   Lemon Juice - 20 ml

First, all purchased fruits must be washed with running water. Then cut them into quarters and cut the seed crust, and cut each quarter into smaller slices. For cooking mashed potatoes you will need a large enameled bowl where all the fruit slices would fit. The bowl should be set on fire and cooked for half an hour, during which time the fruit slices should become soft. First, you need to pour a little water into the bowl so that the slices do not burn out at the very beginning of cooking, and after the apples they put in enough juice.

Softened apple slices should be wiped through a sieve, on which the whole skin will remain, you will have a homogeneous apple mass. It must again be transferred to an enameled bowl and sugar added. If you want mashed potatoes to get sour, you can add a few tablespoons of lemon juice. Juice will also slightly lighten the apple mass, and it will have a pleasant, appetizing appearance.

The bowl must be put on fire, and after boiling the mass, cook it for another 15 minutes. The finished product can be laid out in jars and hermetically sealed with prepared iron lids. Despite the fact that the billet can be stored for two years, it is better to eat the product during the winter in order to exclude the possibility of the development of the bacterial environment in the can with preservation. But you can store 2-3 years without losing its taste and useful properties.

Apple puree for the winter

Not only important make mashed apples for the winter, but also guarantee its long-term storage throughout the year. To do this, you should carefully follow the cooking technology, listening to the advice of an experienced chef. In this recipe there will be only one difference from the previous one - we will carry out additional sterilization of the finished product in a jar, so your preparations will be stored for sure throughout the winter, and even longer, until the new fruit harvest ripens.

Sweet tooth who are often worried about their figure will also like this option of winter blanks. Mashed potatoes are very aromatic, delicate, have a pleasant sweet taste, and its calorie content is only 68 kcal in a 100 gram serving. At any time, you can treat yourself to a fragrant fruit dessert without worrying that it will cause the appearance of extra pounds.

You will spend less than an hour on a simple way of cooking, but you will get a tasty and healthy home-made product, the analogues of which you certainly won’t buy in a supermarket. Baby apples puree for the winter   can be used in the diet of preschoolers, but it is better to abandon this option of feeding for the baby. For babies, it is better to cook a small portion of fresh mashed potatoes every day using fresh apples and other fruits.

Apples - 1 kg
   Sugar - 1.5 cups
   Water - 150 ml

Fruits should be thoroughly rinsed at the very beginning with running water, cut off damaged areas. Then all the fruits must be peeled off the skin, for this it is convenient to use a special tool for cleaning vegetables and fruits. the fruits must be cut into four parts and remove the core with seeds and plates. Cut the pulp into small cubes.

For cooking, we will use an enameled pan, where you need to pour water and pour sugar, and mix the syrup thoroughly so that the grains dissolve in the liquid.

Next, put in a bowl apple slices and bring the mixture to a boil. The mass must be cooked on low heat for 20 minutes after boiling. During the cooking process, the apple mass should be regularly stirred to prevent burning.

Since in this case, to make mashed apples for the winter, we pre-peeled the fruit from the peel and removed the seed box, so you can not rub the fruit through a sieve, but chop it with a submersible blender or a regular potato crusher. After grinding, we will not bring the mashed potatoes to a boil again, but immediately decompose them into clean prepared jars.

At the next stage, sterilization awaits you: put the filled cans in a wide pan, the bottom of which will be lined with a towel, pour water so that it reaches the "shoulders", and put the pan on fire. Sterilize the jars for 10 minutes from the moment of boiling, while boiling should be medium, and so that drops of water do not fall into the inside of the tank, they must be covered with iron lids. After sterilization, the jars must be hermetically sealed, and for storage, pick up a dark, non-hot place. You can complement these simple ones with cinnamon, whose aroma goes well with the apple flavor. The dessert will be just awesome!

Mashed apples for the winter "Sissy"

Really surprise everyone applesauce with condensed milk for winterswhose taste definitely cannot be compared with any other recipes known to us earlier.

Apples - 4 kg
   Condensed milk with sugar - 1 can
   Sugar - 4 tbsp
   Water -<2 стаканов

In the presented recipe, often instead of condensed milk, condensed cream is used, in the composition of which there are no any herbal additives.

The initial recipe states that we need four kilos of fruit, but this is the approximate weight of whole apples, and after processing, when you peel them from the peel and seed, you should get three kilograms of processed fruit. If you took fruits with hard flesh, you need to cut them into small cubes, and softer flesh can be cut into larger slices.

To apples, folded in a large bowl, you need to add about one glass of water, and put on fire. Cook the fruit slices for about half an hour, during which time all the apple slices will become completely soft. Be sure to stir the mass, otherwise it will start to burn to the bottom of your dishes, just as when you are cooking. During cooking, do not cover the cookware with a lid so that the moisture gradually evaporates, in this case it will turn out more dense puree from apples "Sissy" for the winter, the recipe   can completely exclude the addition of water, then you can be guided by personal experience, evaluating the juiciness of the selected apple variety.

Softened slices should be mashed in any way - pass through a meat grinder, rub through a sieve or grind with a submersible blender. Then you can add sugar to your taste and add condensed milk, and put the bowl on the fire. Thoroughly stirring the dessert, it must be boiled for 20 minutes, but note that during boiling the mixture will be very sprayed.

Now you have a tasty treat ready, and it can be laid out in clean jars, hermetically sealed and turned upside down until it cools. Preservation should be kept in a cool, dark place, but in a city apartment you can choose a closet or pantry to prevent direct sunlight.

The most delicate apple delicacy can be eaten as a full breakfast, added to oatmeal or semolina porridge, in cottage cheese or to pancakes.

Baby apples puree for the winter

If you want to cook   applesauce for winter, recipe   You can choose with various fruit additives. Very interesting combinations with pears, plums, pumpkin. All the presented preservation options are prepared quickly, but they turn out to be very tasty, useful for all family members, especially in the autumn-winter period, when the body lacks fresh fruits and vitamins.

For the preparation of mashed potatoes, you can use the latest advances in kitchen technology, for example, you can soften fruit slices in a double boiler, thus, you can save more useful substances in the fruits.

For cooking, you can use a slow cooker, while you don’t have to worry that the fruit mass will burn. In the multicooker, the “Extinguishing” program is selected for cooking, but the process will take a little longer: for softening - about an hour, for finishing cooking a homogeneous mass - 10 minutes.

A bullseye is the fruit that is first introduced to complementary foods for young children. The vitamins and minerals that are in its composition are simply necessary for the normal growth and development of the child. Starting from four months, pediatricians recommend giving the baby puree from these fruits. Therefore, if in the autumn you harvested a good crop in the garden, you can prepare baby applesauce for the winter. How to do this correctly so that the product retains a maximum of useful elements, read in this article.

Cooking features

Before you start cooking from apples for the winter, it is important to consider the following nuances of its preparation.

  • Acid varieties are more suitable for this dish. They are characterized by a pronounced taste, aroma, all microelements and vitamins are stored in them longer.
  • For canning mashed potatoes, it is recommended to use cans up to 1 liter. In a larger container, the product may grow moldy and deteriorate during long-term storage after uncorking. It is better to open a small jar and eat its contents for 1-2 times.
  • How to cook applesauce so that it retains its aroma, taste and a pleasant golden color? To do this, you need to cook it in a pan with a thick bottom (cast iron, enameled). If the dish burns even a little, then its smell and taste will immediately change for the worse.

The recipe for baby applesauce


  • apples - 3 kilograms;
  • water - 400 grams;
  • sugar to taste.

Baby applesauce for the winter: cooking sequence.

  1. Wash apples under running water, peel, remove core, cut into slices.
  2. Put prepared fruits in a saucepan and add water. Warm up on fire for about half an hour.
  3. Drain the water and rub the apples that have become soft through a sieve or colander with small holes.
  4. Add sugar to taste to the resulting mass and mix until it is completely dissolved.
  5. In pre-sterilized jars, spread the mashed potatoes and cover with metal lids.
  6. We put cans in a large container with hot water. Turn on the fire and sterilize the mash: containers with a volume of 0.5 liters - 15 minutes, 1 liter - 20-25 minutes.
  7. Remove cans from boiling water one at a time and roll up with a can opener.
  8. Lay a towel on the table, put on it all the containers with mashed potatoes and wrap. Leave as it is until it cools completely.

How to make baby puree from apples for the winter without sugar?

Those who are contraindicated in the use of sweets can be prepared without sugar. The amount of fruit and water remains the same. Only the sterilization time changes: for half-liter cans it is 25 minutes, for liter - about half an hour. It is recommended to store such mashed potatoes in the refrigerator or in a cold basement.

Variations on the theme of fruit puree

You can preserve mashed potatoes for the winter, adding other fruits and vegetables to the base. Pumpkin, pear, carrot, quince go well with the apple in this dish. Only the latter have a solid structure, so they need to be boiled separately until completely softened, and only then combine everything into a fruit mass.

Having prepared applesauce for the winter, you will provide a supply of vitamins for yourself and your loved ones for the whole year. Bon appetit and be healthy!