What can be baked with fresh raspberries. Fresh raspberry pie recipes

24.08.2019 Vegetable Dishes

“Berry raspberries beckoned to us ...” - this is how Valentina Legkostupova sings about a delicious and fragrant summer berry. And do you argue with that? How many recipes can you count with raspberry as an ingredient? Lot? Of course! After all, this is a very popular berry in the summer. It is especially widely used for the preparation of a wide variety of pastries. Fresh raspberry pie - known in many countries. Mistresses cook it not only as a simple home-made delicacy, such pastries successfully decorate any holiday feast. The versatility of the berry and its pleasant sweet taste with a slight acidity gives such a field of activity that sometimes you can get lost. Indeed, you can use almost any dough: fresh, yeast, and shortbread, and biscuit. Put the berry both inside the pie and decorate the surface with it. Well, is this not a holiday for any housewife, as the most important experimenter in the kitchen? Sponge cake with raspberries in this "modest" list takes pride of place. Do you know why? For the preparation of biscuit, not every housewife boldly undertakes. This is a rather specific baking. But very tasty. And that is precisely why such a cake is very popular, because biscuit cakes are the basis for almost the majority of all known cakes, even the most expensive. In general, all the complexity is only at first glance. In fact, if you first clearly follow the instructions, then you can easily and simply cook a raspberry sponge cake. And over time, this simple recipe will become beloved and unpretentious.


  • 5 eggs;
  • 1.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 2.5 tbsp. flour;
  • a small pinch of salt;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 2 tsp baking powder for dough;
  • 300 g of fresh or frozen raspberries;
  • 2 tbsp starch (preferably corn).

A simple raspberry pie recipe

1. First, let's take care of the berry. We sort through the raspberries, remove the spoiled instances that are able to ruin the result at once. Next, rinse the raspberries under a gentle stream of cool water, remove excess liquid with a paper towel, or let dry. Now put the berry in a suitable bowl and cover it with half a glass of sugar. Shake to mix. Raspberry is a delicate berry, so we do it as carefully as possible. Leave to stand for some time to drain the juice that will stand out. Next, pour raspberries with starch and again gently shake until it is evenly distributed. In the process of baking, he must absorb the excess liquid and prevent the future biscuit from getting wet.

2. In deep dishes, break the eggs, add sugar according to the recipe.

3. Using a mixer, beat the eggs with sugar into foam. After all, the airier the dough is, the tastier and more tender the biscuit cake with raspberries will turn out.

4. Now we begin to introduce wheat flour. Gently, slowly, pour a spoon or two, mix, lifting the dough from the bottom. We also introduce a baking powder for the test.

5. When all the flour has been added, stir it with a mixer at medium speed. The readiness of the test will show the bubbles formed on the surface.

7. Mix with a mixer. As soon as the dough begins to gather on the corollas, it means that it is ready. Its consistency is exactly as needed. The dough should be a little thicker than sour cream or a simple sponge cake dough.

8. Pour the finished dough into a baking dish. It is better to use silicone. It does not need to be lubricated. Finishing a pie from it is quite simple.

9. On top of the dough in the form we spread raspberries, which were previously mixed with starch.

10. If the berry still gives off a lot of juice, then you can sprinkle the pie lightly on top with starch or flour. This will absorb excess liquid and the cake will not be wet on top. We send the form to the oven preheated to 180 ° C for 35-40 minutes.

11. The readiness of the cake is checked with a wooden skewer. If it is dry, the baking is ready. Fresh raspberry pie is preferably removed from the mold when it has cooled slightly.

12. Sponge cake with raspberries is ready! Baking is incredibly tasty and aromatic. In the process of preparation, the berry gives such a smell that you have to count every minute before opening the oven door. Raspberry pie is, in fact, a very simple recipe for homemade baking, but the result exceeds all expectations. Enjoy your meal!

I am not averse to fussing with baking for half a day, but my weakness is simple cakes. In the midst of July, I decided to bake a raspberry pie. Extremely easy to prepare: just beat everything, pour raspberries, put the cake in the oven and spend an hour in the enchanting cloud of raspberry-biscuit aromas. I put a lot of raspberries in the pie - as much as a pound, so it turned out to be very juicy, tender, with a tiny crispy sugar crust. But I love that there are more berries, and less dough. If you want harmony, then three hundred grams is enough.


  • 300 g of fresh raspberries (500 g for special lovers of berries),
  • 100 g butter,
  • 2 eggs,
  • 150 g flour
  • 150 g sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  • a bag of vanilla sugar.

Cooking method

I want to warn you right away, if you still decide to take a pound of raspberries for the pie, then you should not expect special splendor from it. Raspberry gives so much juice that for success it will be enough only for the cake to bake. It looks quite flat, but you will not have to admire it for a long time. This specimen was eaten in five minutes. I didn’t even have time to blink. And yes, with this ratio of dough and berries, the cake feels more like a light dessert. Well, very tasty. My husband has already ordered a second pie of the same :) It is good that I have large supplies of raspberries.

So, we are armed with a mixer. Beat butter at room temperature with sugar for a couple of minutes.

Add the eggs, set the time and beat them together with the oil for 5 minutes until the formation of a lush cream. You can, of course, not be so zealous, but then you won’t get that special tenderness that pleased us all in this pie.

Pour flour, vanilla sugar, baking powder, mix with a mixer for about a minute.

It turns out such a creamy biscuit dough.

We spread it in a detachable form with an even layer. Pour raspberries on top.

As you can see, the berries are completely hidden from view of the dough. But in the oven, the dough will certainly rise, and raspberries will be inside the cake. Put the pie in the oven for an hour. The baking temperature is 170 degrees.

Such a good raspberry pie turned out. I repeat: his smell is unimaginable. I don’t know if frozen berries can be used for it. They are still inferior in taste and aroma to fresh ones. But you can always try. For the first time, just take fewer berries. Gram 200. Then, I think, a slip will not happen.

And the last thing I would like to say. The dough on the cake is sweet enough, but the berries come in different tastes. If your raspberries are sour, sprinkle the cake with icing sugar. This is just a jumble!

Enjoy your meal!

Raspberry pie - general principles and methods of preparation

The taste of raspberries is known and loved by many of us. It is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Her healing properties were used by our grandmothers, mothers for medical, cosmetic and, of course, culinary purposes. Traditionally, raspberries are used to prepare a variety of desserts, including sweet cakes.

There are many recipes for raspberry pies. This is due to its versatility and pleasantly sweet taste. You can cook such pies on the basis of any test: be it yeast, fresh, shortbread or some other. Berry can also be used as decorations for such products.

Raspberry pie - preparation of products

Before baking a raspberry pie, it must first be prepared. To do this, we discard the washed berry into a colander and let it drain excess moisture. Let the raspberries lie down a little and dry. Frozen berries should be handled in a similar way. Defrost it at room temperature, gently, so as not to damage its structure. Now you can begin to conjure. Do not forget to stock up with chicken eggs, butter, good flour, sugar and powdered sugar for sprinkling.

Raspberry pie - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Cheesecake with Raspberries and White Chocolate

Cheesecake - a gentle dessert, which includes cream cheese or cottage cheese. It can be done with any sweet filling: berries or fruits. And white airy chocolate combined with light cheese is a grandiose “something” worthy of the main place on the festive table!


- 300 gr. Cookies "Baked milk" (you can "Anniversary")
- 50 gr. butter
- 600 gr. cream cheese (or cheese cream)
- two table. tablespoons of flour
- 150 gr. Sahara
- two to three eggs
- one yolk
- 150 gr. oily sour cream
- 150 gr. White Chocolate “Air”
- 300 gr. raspberries (fresh or frozen)

Cooking method:

1. Grind cookies into small crumbs. Melt the butter and pour it into the crumbs. We mix everything. We take a removable round shape and begin to ram the mass on the bottom and sides, so that the crumb sticks around the entire inner surface of the form.

2. Heat the oven to 160 C, send the crumbs there and bake for ten minutes. Then we take it out, put it aside. We leave the oven on.

3. Put the cheese in a bowl, add sugar and sour cream to it, stir with a whisk until smooth. Next, break into a mixture of 2-3 eggs one at a time and one yolk, knead. We start pouring flour, stirring constantly. We got a creamy mass. Having opened there white porous chocolate and add raspberries, leaving a few berries for decoration. Once again we mix everything (carefully).

4. Next, pour the resulting cream into the base of the cookies. We put in the oven and bake for fifty minutes. After which we take out the cheesecake, let it cool. Then we extract the dessert from the mold using a knife, drawing it between the sides of the mold and the base of the cookie. Put the cake in the cold for at least four hours. Serve it with whipped cream and coffee.

Recipe 2: Shortcake with raspberries and cottage cheese "Raspberries in the snow"

Such a pie can be made with any berry. But our goal is to cook it with raspberries, so we recommend yogurt, which is part of the dessert, to choose with the appropriate taste.


For the test:

- 170 gr. flour
- 100 gr. butter
- 55 gr. fine sugar
- a pinch of salt
- one egg

For filling:

- 400 gr. fat cottage cheese
- 400 gr. thick yogurt
- two eggs
- one spoonful of starch
- icing sugar
- raspberries
- vanilla to taste

Cooking method:

1. We start shortbread dough. To do this, grind all the ingredients and pour in the flour, kneading a soft dough.

2. Make the filling. We mix cottage cheese, raspberry yogurt, eggs, sugar into a homogeneous creamy mass. You can beat slightly with a mixer. Add a handful of berries and starch, mix. We grease the form with butter or margarine, put the dough on it so that the bottom is flat, just do not forget to leave the sides on the sides (about 3 cm). Pour the cottage cheese and berry filling on the dough.

3. Send the cake to the oven and bake at 200 C until the filling becomes elastic. After which we spread the berries on top, put the dessert again in the oven, but already at the top level so that the dough from the bottom does not burn. Reduce the heat and bake another 15-20 minutes. When the cake is baked, take it out and let it cool. Sprinkle with powder and serve. Powdered sugar creates the illusion of snow. The result was a delicious cake - "Raspberries in the snow."

Recipe 3: Fragrant Raspberry Pie

A tasty and healthy treat, which includes fresh raspberries, dark chocolate, boiled condensed milk and walnuts. All the sweet tooth will definitely like it!


- a glass of premium oatmeal
- a glass of flour
- baking powder 1 tsp.
- 50 gr. Sahara
- 100 gr. drain. oils
- one egg
- half a can of condensed milk (boiled)
- 50 gr. of chocolate
- 50 gr. chopped nuts
- 150 gr. raspberries

Cooking method:

First, prepare the dough. Mix oatmeal, sugar (fine), egg and butter. Sift the flour mixed with a baking powder and pour it into the mixture. Knead a soft, homogeneous dough. Lubricate the mold and put the dough into it, leveling it with your hands. Leave the sides on the sides. Next, we begin to lay out the ingredients in layers:

1 - grease the dough over the entire surface (including the sides) with boiled condensed milk
2 - a uniform layer of raspberries
3 - sprinkle with chopped chocolate
4 - sprinkle with a little fried walnuts on top

We heat the oven to 180 C, send a pie into it, which we will bake for about twenty minutes. Next, open the oven, cover the dessert with foil and bake for another fifteen minutes. We get, cool and drink with warm tea. Enjoy your meal!

Pie with raspberries - the hostess

- Harvested raspberries can be kept in the refrigerator for no more than two days, otherwise it will start to mold;

- Berry should be washed just before the start of processing;

- Be sure to sort through raspberries, throwing spoiled berries. Such fruits can seriously ruin your masterpiece;

- Raspberry pie will be much tastier if served with whipped cream or ice cream;

- For added taste, a little sourness in the form of a small amount of lemon or orange juice can be added to the raspberry filling.

More recipes for pies and pies

  • Bomb pies
  • Pie dough
  • Fried pies
  • Puff pastry
  • Meat pies
  • Kefir pies
  • Pies with egg
  • Pies with apples
  • Pies with cabbage
  • Manna
  • Snack pie "Guests on the doorstep"
  • Fish pie
  • Mushroom pie
  • Jellied pies
  • A pie with cabbage
  • Puff pastry with chicken
  • Meat pies
  • Pie with meat and potatoes
  • Puff pastry pie with meat
  • Ossetian pies
  • Blueberry pie
  • Pie with apples
  • Cherry pie
  • Raspberry pie
  • Kefir pie
  • Berry pie
  • Jam pie
  • Currant pie
  • Chocolate pie
  • Lemon pie
  • Sponge cake
  • Chicken pie
  • Pumpkin pie
  • Charlotte Recipes
  • Charlotte with apples in a slow cooker
  • Charlotte with Cherry
  • Charlotte with strawberries
  • Charlotte with apples step by step recipe with photo
  • Charlotte with apples in the oven
  • Lush Charlotte with apples
  • Charlotte on kefir

Cookies and Cakes Recipes

  • Potato cake
  • Shortbread
  • Chocolate chip cookies
  • Oat cookies
  • Gingerbread Cookie
  • Fortune cookie
  • Custard cakes

You can find even more interesting recipes on the main page of the Cooking section.

A floury loose product with any berries is a wonderful treat, especially popular in the summer, when raspberries, blueberries, lingonberries, currants and other types ripen, attracting to themselves.

Interestingly, such seasonal recipes are known all over the world (take the same raspberry pie from England or the Tatar sour cream), and all the pies have their history since very ancient times, when they prepared hard baked pastries from ground beans in a mill.

Over time, of course, the recipes all improved, became juicier and tastier, with the discovery of products such as sugar; started to add an egg.

Such a sweet is suitable for absolutely any event: from a simple cozy tea party to any holiday, whether it is a state one or not.

You can cook it very quickly and easily, and all guests, relatives and friends will be absolutely delighted, praising your work. Any form, any filling, any appearance - this is all to your taste and your preferences!

All About Frozen Raspberries

Raspberry itself is not very well known in cooking, and even more so in baking. Here, fruits such as currants, strawberries, cranberries and lingonberries are more common.

At a special seasonal moment on the shelves, bazaars and various markets it is found many times less, but of course there is a great alternative - shops.

There, not only can the berries on the pie be found in their original form, but also frozen, so that the housewives or the owner have less trouble.

To begin with, canned raspberries not only retain all the vitamins, form, aroma, but also, of course, taste.

As mentioned above, freezing allows you to maintain the shape of the berries. But, if you use too high a temperature, then raspberries will “float”, and excess moisture will only aggravate everything.

It is important that any recipes say this: just before defrosting, clean raspberries from the snow that has formed and separate from each other (you need to shake it well) - this way the form will definitely remain.

Defrosting time is not important: before or after use in cooking. Below I will present some recipes with photos and tell you how to cook this or that simple raspberry pie in the oven.

Raspberry jellied cake can be made on the basis of both puff, biscuit, and yeast dough. Raspberry pie is one of those types of baking that are completely open for experimentation.

That is, you can cook with a wide variety of tastes, combining types of berries, and create culinary products also with fermented milk products (a great example: raspberries and cottage cheese).

It captivates not only the taste, but also the usefulness of such a dessert. Good luck Learn recipes and surprise your family and friends!

Raspberry recipe: open pie with a photo on a yeast dough

So, this is the first of the “berry cake recipes” list. If your soul lies with yeast for baking, then this recipe is what you were looking for! It’s not just simple, but extremely easy to cook, and the great taste this raspberry pie has ...

For the final touch (the departure is baked in the oven) you will need a special form with high sides, which also needs to be greased with butter or as an option to cover everything with baking paper.

Absolutely everyone will like it!

You will need these ingredients:

wheat flour - 3 and a half cups; frozen berries in 2 and a half cups; ½ cup regular sugar; ⅓ from a glass with brown sugar; one and a half tsp salts; butter - 160 grams; 3 pieces of chicken eggs; one and a half glasses of selected milk and 2 tsp. (measured) dry yeast without pea.

We start cooking:

  1. All almost recipes are built according to one algorithm: in a saucepan with a thick bottom (or in a water bath) I, on low heat, melt about 100 grams of butter, not boiling, then pour in the milk and pour in white sugar.
  2. When the butter melts and the sugar dissolves, I first leave it to cool, and then I throw the yeast there and wait a while for them to “activate” (rise with characteristic bubbles).
  3. I beat all the eggs separately in another bowl, and in another bowl I have flour mixed with salt.
  4. I knead the dough by combining flour with eggs and an oily mixture with milk. I mix everything thoroughly.
  5. I pour the resulting homogeneous dough into the mold, cover it with some polyethylene on top, then leave it for one hour in a warm and not blown place - let it fit. Alternative option: put up to 8 hours in the refrigerator compartment, and then warm up at room temperature and continue to work.
  6. I defrost raspberries, drain the excess juice and lay the berries on a fully finished dough.
  7. Brown sugar was taken for sprinkling, so just at this stage I cover them with berries. Also pour another liquid butter.
  8. I send the “raw” raspberry pie into the oven for up to 40 minutes at 190 degrees. The formation of a golden crust will serve as a signal that the goodness is ready.

Voila, the dessert is baked and ready to eat. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe with photo - raspberry pie with nuts

This wonderful and closed cake with frozen raspberries can be served both on holidays and on a regular cozy tea party. If you have children, then you can safely connect them to the creation of baking - it will be fun and exciting!

You will need such products:

300 grams of wheat flour; canned berries - 250 grams; brown or white shortbread sugar - 100 grams; fresh yeast - 11 grams; sunflower oil - 50 grams; walnut or almond - 50 grams; half a glass of plain warm water.

How to make raspberry pie:

  1. First, I mix the butter and sugar in a bowl.
  2. In warm water I leave the yeast until dissolved. Then I add a mixture of butter and sugar, then add flour.
  3. I leave in a warm and not blown place up to 2 hours. If you have a microwave, you can put the dough there, and warm it up for about one minute at a power of 20%. Then you just need to leave for 20 minutes in the same warm and not blown place at room temperature.
  4. While the dough is waiting in the wings, it is time to thaw raspberries, without forgetting to sprinkle some sugar on it (so the berries will let the juice).
  5. I grease a special baking dish with butter, and then send the dough into it, but only part. Of course, making the sides.
  6. I also sprinkle the base with nuts, before which they are chopped, and raspberries.
  7. I roll out the dough that is left with a rolling pin (the thickness is not more than half one centimeter) and cover it from above, covering up the edges (“pinching”). The second option: cut a layer of dough into some kind of tape and spread these lattice.
  8. I leave up to 50 minutes to insist.
  9. I bake a raspberry pie at 200 degrees for half an hour. If convection oven, set 190 degrees Celsius.
  10. After the dessert has cooled, it is a good idea to sprinkle it with grated chocolate or powdered sugar.

Well, a simple treat, like its varied recipes, with raspberries ready, bon appetit!

Delicious recipe: raspberry pie in a slow cooker

You can cook from pies to cookies and muffins using a wide variety of kitchen appliances: both in a pan and in an oven.

Soft baking in an electric multicooker is simple in that you only have to set the time and the “baking” mode, and then do not worry about the safety of the dessert. Actually, such, say, a property, contains all the recipes that are prepared in this household appliance.

This recipe is already wonderful, but I advise, among other things, to add others to the frozen berry (blueberries, lingonberries, etc.), or use a mixture of species.

Seasonal raspberry pie consists of:

250 grams of canned berries; 200 grams of regular sugar; 250 grams of wheat flour; 3 pieces of chicken eggs; 1 packet of baking powder and vanilla sugar; literally a pinch of salt; 30 grams of starch; 1 tbsp. l butter.

How to make a cake with juicy raspberries:

  1. Beat eggs with sugar until the last ingredient is completely dissolved and the mixture is splendid.
  2. Without stopping mixing, slowly pour flour, baking powder, vanillin.
  3. The peculiarity is also that raspberries can not be thawed at all. I just put it in a bowl and mix it with starch.
  4. I pour the berries rolled in the starch into the dough and gently mix, and then shift the dough into the form of a multicooker, before that, be sure to grease it with butter.
  5. I put the cake to bake in the “baking” mode for up to 60 minutes.
  6. After, let the dessert cool. You can sprinkle with powdered sugar, grated chocolate, and use whipped cream.

A delicious pie of frozen raspberries, the recipe for which is extremely simple, is ready. Enjoy your meal!

Pie with fresh raspberries on puff pastry

On a puff pastry, any cake, whether it is with raspberries, a mixture of berries or with anything else, is prepared very quickly, saving not only time, money, but also energy, because puff pastry can be bought in a store (it will be enough work to prepare it).

By the way, from such a test you can whip up not only a pie, but also the same wonderful raspberry pies.

A very brief recipe: the dough layer is divided into one square size, one tsp is invested in each. sugar with berries, the edges are plucked and baked for up to 25 minutes, like the cake itself.

You can bake sweets in a short time if you are not catastrophically in time, and the guests will be very, very pleased.

Pie with canned raspberries consists of:

500 grams of berries themselves; ½ cup regular sugar; bought 2 layers of puff pastry; 3 tbsp. l corn or potato starch; 1 piece of chicken egg.

We begin to prepare a pie with raspberries:

  1. Before forming the dessert and the baking itself, I thaw the dough and berries at room temperature.
  2. Then sprinkle raspberries with sugar, leave to give juice for up to 15 minutes, after which I drain the excess.
  3. Gently, so as not to deform, I roll them later in starch.
  4. One of the plates of puff pastry will become the basis for goodies with raspberries, which I roll out with a rolling pin to the desired size (more baking dish - the edges will become “sides”).
  5. I roll the top layer of the pie to a smaller size and make various decorative cutouts on the bed. To make the incisions visible and look better, you should stretch the entire layer a little with your hands.
  6. The basis for dessert with raspberries can already be laid in a special baking dish and fold the sides, which I did.
  7. Berries are distributed over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe base.
  8. I cover it with a top with cutouts and squeeze the edges of the layers together.
  9. I grease the whole pie with whipped chicken yolk.
  10. Sending to bake for up to 25 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius.

A very quick and tasty recipe is ready - a soft crumbly cake with sweet raspberries. Enjoy your meal!

My video recipe