Cook yogurt in a slow cooker. Cooking yogurt in a slow cooker: recipe with step by step photos

24.08.2019 Seafood

Yogurt is a dairy product that has long gained popularity among the population. It is delicious, it is diverse - in terms of flavoring and fillers, in terms of density, because there are drinking yoghurts and those that you need to eat with a spoon. Yoghurts are also used as sauces for various dishes, in particular, salads. Sweet yogurts are a wonderful dessert. But the main thing here is not even taste, but the benefits of the product. The abundance of microorganisms necessary for the digestive system makes this product especially valuable and necessary.

The composition of ordinary yogurt is simple - it is milk fermented with special bacteria. Having the right sourdough, you can cook such a product at home. A slow cooker makes this process simple and enjoyable. It observes the temperature regime necessary for the ripening process. The most convenient way to cook yogurt in a slow cooker in jars.

The basic principles of cooking yogurt in a slow cooker in jars

The program for preparing yogurt in a multicooker is called Yogurt. It can be replaced by the programs Preheating, Multipovar, you only need to set the temperature to 40 degrees.

Dishes - jars - preferably doused with boiling water.

Often, a little water is poured into the bottom of the bowl so that the jars do not scratch the slow cooker. You can put a silicone mat.

The main thing is to choose a quality sourdough - it is sold in the form of powder in stores, pharmacies.

Ready-made yogurt is also suitable as a starter culture - only for a short shelf life, such as Activation. And of course, it can be homemade yogurt.

It’s best to take homemade milk, but also store milk. If it is not pasteurized, milk must be boiled and cooled.

As additives to yogurts are fruits, berries, dried fruits, sugar, honey, bran, cream.

The classic recipe for yogurt in a slow cooker in jars

This is a simple yogurt - moderately sweet, moderately sour, suitable for both children and adults. If you remove the sugar, you get a great salad dressing. Learning how to do it, you can try more complex options.


A liter of milk, better than homemade, or store milk with a fat content of at least 2.5%

Standard packaging of 1 gram sourdough

A glass of sugar.

Cooking method

Boil milk, cool.

Pour in the leaven, stir well in a large bowl, add sugar.

Pour jars with boiling water, drain to water.

Pour the liquid into jars, almost adding to the edge.

Put in a slow cooker, set the Yogurt mode, time - about 7 hours.

The finished product is preferably placed for an hour in the refrigerator.

In special jars, yogurt can be stored for two to three days.

Apple yogurt in a slow cooker in jars

You can make apple syrup or take apple slices and add to milk before souring - this is an easy way to get apple yogurt. However, the proposed option will be much tastier and more aromatic, although two dishes are essentially being prepared here. But you can attract the baby at the stage of mixing plain yogurt and apple-honey-cinnamon dressing, so that he himself participated in the preparation of goodies.


Liter of milk

Sourdough bag

A pair of apples of any kind

Vanilla or vanillin to taste

Two tablespoons of honey - can be completely or partially replaced with sugar

A pinch of ground cinnamon.

Cooking method

Boil milk with a vanilla bean, cool, strain.

Combine with sourdough, stir.

Prepare jars, pour the mixture “on the shoulders” - so that there is room for the filler and put in the slow cooker to prepare.

Peel the apples and chop finely.

Warm with honey and a couple of tablespoons of water in a pan until everything is dissolved.

Add cinnamon and simmer over low heat for several minutes.

Apples should almost mashed.

Cool the jam.

Before serving, add a spoonful of applesauce to each jar and mix.

You can serve separately, each to himself add the right amount of apples.

Healthy yogurt with dried fruits in glasses from multvarka

Dried fruits are a source of nutrients. Together with bacteria from yogurt, they will make a wonderful duet of benefits and taste. Dried fruits can be chosen to taste.


Liter of milk

Sourdough package

Glass of sugar

About seven berries of dried apricots and prunes

A handful of pitted raisins.

Cooking method

Soak dried fruits in warm water for an hour.

Sort raisins, dried apricots and prunes cut into pieces.

Put dried fruits in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar, add a couple of tablespoons of water and bring to a boil.

Mix milk, boiled and cooled, mix with sourdough.

Pour a couple of spoons of fruit syrup with pieces of dried fruit into each jar, fill with milk to the top.

Put in the multicooker on Yogurt or other suitable mode.

Yogurt in a slow cooker in jars with bran and prunes

A useful component of some yoghurts is bran from various cereals. This can be cooked at home in the slow cooker. Prunes will add both benefits and taste. Such yogurt improves digestion. And as a basis, you can take a ready-made live store product.


Milk - one liter with a fat content of 3.5% or more

Activia yogurt bottle

A glass of bran - you can adjust the amount

Spoon of sugar

Ten pitted prunes.

Cooking method

Boil milk and cool to about 40 degrees.

Hold the prunes in boiling water for about ten minutes, dry, cut into cubes.

Add sugar and bran, mix until sugar dissolves. You can increase its quantity, with one spoon yogurt will be a little bit sweet.

Pour Activation, mix.

Pour jars with boiling water or sterilize, you can in the microwave.

Pour the milk mixture into jars and add prune slices to each.

Jars send to the bowl of the multicooker.

Set the mode for yogurt and wait for the end of the cooking time.

Strawberry-banana yogurt in a multicooker jar

The traditional sweet-fruity combination is banana and strawberry. This taste is perfect for various dairy products: cocktails, ice cream, yogurt. With a slow cooker, preparing a treat is very simple.


Liter of high fat milk

Glass of sugar

Vanillin on the tip of a knife

Activation Bottle or Yoghurt Sourdough Pack

One banana

A glass of strawberries.

Cooking method

Boil milk, if not pasteurized, cool to a warm state.

You can beat the banana and strawberries with a blender, chop them into pieces - at will, as much as you like.

Add sugar, vanillin to milk, pour in the leaven, mix.

Add fruit to the common dish or later, when the yogurt is already in jars - this way you can adjust the amount and combination of fruits.

Place the jars in the bowl of the multicooker and send the yogurt to prepare.

Delicate creamy apricot yogurt in a slow cooker in jars

Cream will add density and tenderness to yogurt. They can be added to any yogurt, but they go especially well with fruits such as peach and apricot.


800 ml of milk

Glasses of fresh cream

5-7 apricots

Glass of sugar

Dry sourdough bag

Vanillin at will.

Cooking method

Stir the boiled cooled milk with sourdough.

Pour sugar, add vanillin and cream, mix again.

Wash apricots, peel off the skin if it is too hard. Remove the stone and cut into cubes.

In each jar put a portion of apricots.

Pour the milk mixture and put to cook in a slow cooker.

At the end of an hour stand in the refrigerator.

Jar of orange yogurt in a slow cooker

A light aftertaste of exoticism in a healthy milk dessert gives a combination of orange, spices and yogurt.


    Liter of milk

    Glass of sugar

    One orange - you can take mandarin

    Pair of carnations

    Ground Cinnamon Slice

    One or two peas of allspice

    Bottle of Activation.

Cooking method

Boil milk with cloves, cinnamon, pepper. Strain and cool.

Wash the orange, peel, take slices by the number of jars.

The peel can be thrown into still hot, un-filtered milk to give off the aromas.

Peel the orange slices from the skins and seeds and, dividing into parts, warm to a boil over a fire.

Then put the pieces in jars.

Mix milk with Activ and sugar until dissolved.

Pour a mixture of oranges in jars.

Cook in a slow cooker in yogurt or multi-cook mode.

After aging in the refrigerator, serve with an orange slice.

  • Tricks and tips for cooking yogurt in a slow cooker in jars
  • If there are no special jars that come with a slow cooker, you can cook in ordinary small jars of baby food, adjika, mustard and other products. They must be thoroughly washed and sterilized.

    If yogurt comes out liquid with the right amount of sourdough, you need to use more fat milk or take another sourdough.

    Serum on yogurt is not something unacceptable, it can be drained or simply mixed with the bulk.

    It’s nice to cover the jars with lids, just don’t twist them. This will protect the yogurt from condensation.

    A natural product with live bacteria is stored in the refrigerator for five days, the optimal period is three days.

    The term for preparing yogurt is 6-8 hours, so it will be great to set it in the evening and breakfast in the morning with a delicious tasty treat.

    If there are no Multi-Cook and Yogurt modes in the slow cooker, the Heating mode is suitable. Only use it in a special way. Heating up to 40 degrees turns on for 15 minutes. Then for an hour, the milk just stands in the slow cooker. Then - a new inclusion also for 15 minutes. Repeat turning on and waiting five times. So in the multicooker the necessary temperature will be maintained. With the Yogurt mode, all this is done automatically, and without it you will have to regulate the heating yourself.

  • 1 liter of milk (using ultra pasteurized milk, you can skip the first step, since the milk was already heated before the bag was sealed);
  • 1/2 cup skimmed milk powder (optional);
  • 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt (optional);
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of finished yogurt with live cultures (or a bag of lyophilized bacteria).

Cooking process:

Heat the milk to 85ºC.
  It is best to do this by placing a smaller pan of milk in a large pan of water, creating a “steam bath”. This will save milk from burning, you just have to mix it from time to time.
  If you cannot make a “water bath” and will heat the milk directly, then it is better to keep an eye on it constantly, stirring all the time.
  If you do not have a thermometer, then look at the surface of the liquid: at a temperature of 85ºC, the milk begins to froth. But it is better, of course, to purchase a thermometer with a range of 10-150 gr. C, especially if you plan to cook yogurt on an ongoing basis.

  Cool pasteurized milk in this way to 43 g. C.
  The best way to do this is to put it in a cold water bath. This quickly and evenly lowers the temperature, you just need to mix periodically.
  If you just leave the pan to cool at room temperature, you need to mix more often. Do not refrigerate below 32 ° C; but in general, 43 g. C are the optimum temperature.

  Add 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of finished yogurt or bacteria, which in turn cultivate more bacteria in your product. Ready yogurt should be at room temperature when you add it to milk.
  Do not buy plain yogurt in soft or cardboard packaging for this purpose.
  It’s better to buy a small jar such as Activia or another (just make sure that the label says “active cultures”).

  In addition, you can use lyophilized cultures of bacteria (sold in specialized or online stores). They are more reliable as a culture that forms yogurt.

  When using a bifido culture, stir it in milk using a sterile blender so that the powder is evenly distributed in a liquid medium.

  Add skimmed milk powder if you decide to use it.
  If you add half a glass of skimmed milk powder per liter of liquid, this will increase the nutritional value of yogurt.
  Pour milk into a plastic dish and cover with a lid or cling film.

  Now you need to let the bifido bacteria grow in order to create ready-made yogurt from milk.
  To do this, we use a slow cooker as a thermos, capable of ensuring a uniform temperature as close as possible to 38 gr. C for a long time.
  The longer the mixture stays in the slow cooker, the thicker and sharper the final product will turn out.

Pour 3 liters of boiling water into the multi-pan and let it cool to 45 ° C, then drain the water (so that the multi-cooker warms up).

  Place the plastic dish with the milk mixture in the multicook and close the multicooker lid tightly.
  Leave it in the slow cooker for at least 7 hours. You can do more - yogurt will become thicker.

  After 7 hours, check the mixture for density. If you used good bacteria, they will multiply quickly, weaker ones, respectively, will grow longer. Milk can reach the consistency of yogurt in just 2 hours, and maybe in 12 hours or more.
  If the consistency seems liquid to you, leave the milk mixture in a warm thermos for a few more hours.

  Remove the plastic container from the multicooker.
  Make sure your yogurt is ready. Try to gently shake the plastic container in your hands - the finished yogurt will not move.
  After that, put it in a refrigerator for storage or to cool to a temperature of consumption.

  Many in-store products include a thickener such as pectin, starch, gum or gelatin. Your homemade yogurt will be a little more fluid without these thickeners.
  But there is a way to make it more dense.

  Sometimes a clear liquid, like whey, forms in the container. To get rid of it, strain the yogurt through cheesecloth, this will give it a thicker consistency.
  To do this, put gauze in a colander and put a colander in a large bowl to collect the serum.
  Put the yogurt in a colander, cover the colander with a plate and put it all in the refrigerator.
  If you leave it on gauze overnight, you will get very thick yogurt, almost like soft cottage cheese.

  Serve it with jam, fruit, vanilla, cinnamon - to your taste.
  I hope this article will be useful to you, and you will often delight loved ones by preparing an excellent, tasty, inexpensive homemade yogurt in a slow cooker without artificial colors, thickeners and flavorings.
  Enjoy your meal!

Yogurt, of course, can be cooked and without resorting to using a slow cooker, there are enough recipes. If you want to cook yogurt in portions, then this is done in the following sequence. First you need to sterilize the jars in which it will be prepared, and all the devices that you will use. Then boil the milk or use ultra-pasteurized and pour it into jars. Finally, measure out an equal amount of leaven and mix it thoroughly in each serving of milk.

Honestly, this trouble with boiling appliances and other vanity is not for me, I prefer to cook yogurt in a slow cooker. I make it from fresh milk (pasteurized) in the evening. This is very convenient: as soon as the yeast is stirred, immediately close the lid and go to bed. The multicooker itself will do the rest, and even if more than 8 hours pass, the closed unit will, like a thermos, retain heat for some time, making the yogurt even thicker.

On a note.  Yogurt in a slow cooker can be prepared from any milk: pasteurized, rustic, ultra-pasteurized, choosing the percentage of fat content that you like.

Preparation time: 2 minutes
  Cooking time: 8 hours
  Servings Per Container: 5 Pieces

Recipe ingredients

In order to cook yogurt in a slow cooker, you will need:

  • pasteurized milk packet 900g
  • activia yogurt natural 150g

In work the multicooker Brand 502 is used.

How to cook yogurt in a slow cooker

Pour fresh milk of any fat content into the multicooker bowl and set the mode “boiling yogurt” for 8 hours.

This time includes:

  • boiling milk (15-20 minutes)
  • cooling it to a temperature of 37-40 degrees (40 minutes)
  • maintaining this temperature for ripening yogurt all the remaining time

With the lid closed, the slow cooker will boil milk faster, but there is a risk that it can “run away”, although most likely this refers to large volumes of milk (2 liters or more). Just in case, you can remove the steam valve, but I usually am near the multicooker and hear the moment of boiling milk, at which I try to open the lid. Even if you leave the slow cooker to boil milk alone, be sure that with the given volumes the milk will not run away.

The next step in preparing yogurt is cooling the contents of the multicooker to a temperature of 40 degrees, it, of course, will pass faster if you open the lid for this, manufacturers even calculated the approximate time of 30-40 minutes. The fact that milk has reached the desired temperature will be notified by a sound signal, try not to listen to it.

Rinse a tablespoon with boiling water and remove the foam, and then stir the sourdough. Close the cover of the multicooker and do not open until the end of the mode.

After the allotted amount of time that can be adjusted (from 6 to 10 hours), you will get a fairly thick natural yogurt, which will make an excellent salad dressing or a healthy dessert.

Yogurt should be stored in the refrigerator in a clean glass dish.

For example, such beauty can be served from yogurt cooked in a slow cooker.

Before we go directly to the step-by-step recipe, let's figure out what yogurt is useful for. Firstly, it is necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive tract. The lactobacilli that it contains suppresses the pathogenic microflora of the intestine. Secondly, it contains calcium, which strengthens the skeletal system. It has also been proven that people who often use sour milk are less likely to get bowel cancer.

If you eat only 300 ml. sour milk per day, you can strengthen the immune system + will improve the work of the digestive tract

And a sour milk like Acidolact will protect your digestive tract when taking antibiotics. It does not allow the beneficial intestinal microflora to die from the harmful effects of antibacterial drugs. Plus, daily use of this product allows you to get rid of indigestion and diarrhea.

This product is suitable even for those with lactose intolerance. It has been proven that yogurt is digested better than milk. Living bacteria stimulate lactase production. It is this enzyme that is lacking in people with lactose intolerance.

Selection of starter for cooking

For the independent preparation of a fermented milk product, ferment is needed. They contain probiotics - a set of beneficial bacteria. By the way, a new series has recently been released.

The basis can be taken:

  • Natural yogurt  - the shelf life of a living product should not be more than 5-7 days. And in the composition should not be sugar, dyes, slices of fruit.
  • Liquid sourdough  - She is also for sale in the store. Most known to me under the brand name "Prostokvashino."
  • Previously cooked portion  - as a basis, it is better to use no more than a couple of times. If you do this more often, the useful properties of the product are lost. And also its taste worsens, it becomes sour. This method of preparation of sour milk is called "without sourdough." Those. prepare the next batch of yogurt without buying special powder or liquid bases.
  • Dry lactic acid bacteria  - they are sold in a pharmacy. These are probiotics, they contain 1.5 - 2 billion live bacteria with specific polysaccharides. In addition, they contain,. Plus vitamins and B2, B6,. The base is enriched with trace elements: calcium, magnesium, iron.

The most famous dry bases: Narine, Vivo, Evitalia, Good Food. They are all good. So far I have tried Evitaliy and Narine, I like both. Best of all, store pharmacy sourdough in the refrigerator.

Yes, probiotics are sold even for babies. Therefore, I recommend to young mothers. The price of the foundation justifies itself - because you get natural products. And not the dead bacteria that make up most long-stored yoghurts.

The advantage of homemade yogurt

Sour milk products contain various ingredients. Most of which are not at all useful - they are preservatives to increase shelf life. As well as various dyes, substitutes for taste to reduce its cost. The maximum natural that can be added is sugar or fruit.

And homemade yogurt contains only milk and bacteria. From one serving of sourdough, you can make sour milk up to 3 times. The first time you use the foundation itself. Then make yogurt "without sourdough." From the fermented milk product that you have. The third time again, take the resulting yogurt as the basis. It turns out very profitable.

Do you want to improve the intestines or restore the body after taking antibiotics? Then take a 2-week course. During which, consume homemade yogurt 3 times a day before meals.

The principle of cooking homemade yogurt

Many people think that fermented milk products can only be made in a multiquark with the function of yogurt. This is not true. It doesn’t matter which company you have - Polaris, Redmond, Philips, etc. Even without the function of sour milk yogurt, you still succeed.

If homemade or pasteurized milk, it must be boiled. If the milk is ultra-pasteurized, it does not need to be boiled. The main thing before adding the sourdough is that it should be at room temperature

If you took pasteurized milk, boil it, then let it cool. The optimum temperature is 40 degrees. But at my place there is no thermometer for determining the temperature of products. Therefore, I try with a finger. It should be a little warmer than the temperature of my finger 🙂

Then take the sourdough. Dry and liquid substrates should be diluted separately in a clean glass. Pour in warm milk, then add bacteria. Mix the contents of the glass well, and then add to the main volume of milk.

We are preparing a fermented milk product without jars, so the whole mixture is in our clean multicooker capacity. Choose a warm-up mode, leave for 6-8 hours. How quickly the mixture turns sour - depends on the basis and fat content of milk. Usually advised to take with a fat content of 1.5-2.5%. Although I prefer to use 3.2% more fat milk. Then the yogurt is thicker. So, try different types and choose what you like - a more liquid product or to keep the spoon 🙂

Still the leaven time may depend on the amount of leaven that you added. If you add 250 ml of finished yogurt per liter of milk, then such a yogurt will be ready in 4 hours.

Multi-cooker step-by-step recipe

  1. First boil 2 liters of milk. Then wait until it cools down to 40 ° C. It is very important that it is not too hot. The fact is that fermented milk cultures die at temperatures above 50 ° C. If you pour them into such a liquid, there will be zero benefit.
  2. The milk foam must be removed before making the starter culture.
  3. Pour the cooled mixture into the capacity of the multicooker. Evitalia comes in glass bottles. Add some warm liquid directly there. Shake the bottle so that the cultures mix well with milk. Then pour the contents of the bottle into the capacity of the multicooker.
  4. If there is a "yogurt" mode, select it, set the time to 6-8 hours. Divide the finished dessert into 2 servings. 1.8 liters for eating, and 0.2 liters for further fermentation. Keep everything in the refrigerator.
  5. Pour the resulting product into a clean jar (or portioned jars) and leave it to “ripen” for several hours. Separately, everyone can add nuts, fruits or sugar to the serving.

From the obtained yeast, you need to cook yogurt as well as from dry. First boil the milk, cool. After, with a clean spoon, add 150-200 ml of the base. Mix everything thoroughly, leave for fermentation in the heating mode.

Recipe with Prostokvashino sourdough

You can prepare homemade sour milk on a liquid basis. Take the Prostokvashino sourdough. For cooking, we need 1 liter of milk, 100 ml of base, 100 g of sugar. Pour the prepared milk into a slow cooker. Shake the base well before mixing with milk. Mix all the ingredients, the sugar should dissolve. Select the yogurt function, set the time to 6 hours. For a thicker dessert, choose 8 hours.

Before use, the product should cool for 2-3 hours. Despite the fact that this recipe is immediately with sugar. I think it’s better to add it in portions when the dessert is ready. Sugar is not sterile. When we add it during the cooking process, excellent conditions are created for the propagation of undesirable microflora. Better not take the risk!

Recipe with natural Activia

For this recipe, prepare a liter of milk, 150 ml Activation. Add it to a warm liquid, mix everything thoroughly. Set the desired mode for 6 hours. In principle, after 4 hours, the mixture may ferment. Therefore, it is better to check. Before use, it is necessary that the product is in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Vivo Sourdough Recipe

Here's another great video explaining how to do everything when using Vivo Sourdough.

How to get a safe and healthy product

The main rule is the cleanliness on the table and the sterility of the dishes. If you do not comply with hygiene conditions and cooking rules, you can be poisoned. Since sour-milk dessert is an excellent basis for pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, I pour boiling water over all containers, glasses, spoons before cooking. And the glass jar, where I pour everything later, is quick.

The second condition is the good quality of milk and sourdough. These products must be properly stored before use. The next rule is compliance with the temperature regime. As I wrote above, the main thing is not to overheat the dessert.

An important role is played by the ripening time. On average, it is 6-8 hours. But since all multicookers are different, you may need 10-12. Here you should already regulate the process yourself. In addition to the “warm-up” and “yogurt” modes, you can select the “multi-cook” mode and set the maximum temperature there to 40 degrees.

After preparation, the product is stored for only a few days. It is advisable to drink it in 3 days. In our family there were no problems with this 🙂 I think you will not have it either. It is important to keep it in the refrigerator. After the expiry of the term, do not use, and especially not use as the basis.

I have selected for you a video on how the fermentation of yogurt happens in a slow cooker. Perhaps you have your secrets for making this dessert. Let's discuss. Do not forget, and join me on social networks. Bye everyone!

Yogurt is a healthy drink that boosts immunity, restores healthy microflora, and provides our body with the necessary nourishment. How to cook yogurt in a slow cooker? We will tell you about it.

How to make yogurt in a slow cooker?

For the preparation of yogurt, yogurt makers are usually used, but a slow cooker may well cope with this task. When preparing a drink, you will have to comply with certain conditions. Remember that the optimum temperature for the growth of bacteria is 40 degrees. In cool milk, the process either will not start at all, or it will proceed extremely slowly, and high temperatures are fatal for fermentation. As a starter culture, you can use either a dry bacterial culture or ready-made store yogurt (you should choose a product without additives). Ferment should be mixed well with the base. The fat content of milk can vary between 3.2-6%.

In what mode is it worth preparing a healthy drink? In a number of multicookers there is a Yogurt mode - in this case it is enough to select it and wait for the sound signal to complete the process. If this mode is not provided, then you can use the Multi-cook mode (set the temperature to 40 degrees). In extreme cases, heating is suitable. The cooking process takes about 6 hours. Since during heating the temperature rises above 40 degrees, it is recommended to turn on the mode for only 15 minutes per hour.

As containers should use jars of the same size, closed with lids. The jars should be perfectly clean, otherwise instead of yogurt you will get yogurt - the drink, although healthy, but not yogurt. Jars should be placed in a bowl filled with warm water - its level should reach the level of milk poured into the dishes. If it was not possible to find jars of the same volume, use different-sized dishes, but fill it to the same level. Do not close the lids tightly - just cover them so that moisture does not get into the dishes. Put the finished yogurt in the refrigerator for several hours. A recipe for yogurt in a slow cooker can have different fillers in it.

Milk, sugar

This homemade yogurt is considered classic. For 1 liter of milk, 100 g of sugar and a cup of yogurt or 1 bag of dry culture are consumed. For reference: in a portioned bag there is usually 1 g of powder, from which you can prepare 1-3 l of yogurt (the more milk you use, the less dense the final product will be). If you do not want to cook sweet yogurt, exclude sugar from the recipe.

Milk, Sugar, Coffee

From milk (1 l), sugar (100 g), instant coffee (3 tbsp), prepare a fragrant drink. Let it cool to 40 degrees and dissolve the leaven in it. The rate of sourdough remains the same (1 jar of yogurt or 1 g of dry sourdough).

Fruit syrup, milk

Combine sweet syrup (5 tbsp) with warm milk (1 l). Dissolve the leaven in the drink, whisk with a whisk.

Jam, milk

Combine warm milk (1 liter) with sourdough. Put sweet jam in each jar, add milk.

Canned Fruits, Syrup, Milk

4 slices of canned fruit (you can use peaches or apricots) cut, dilute with sweet syrup (5 tablespoons). Combine warm milk with sourdough. Arrange the fruit mixture in jars, add milk.

Milk fruit

How to cook fruit yogurt? Cut the sweet fruit into slices, sprinkle with sugar (100 g), add a little water and cook. Combine warm milk (1 liter) with sourdough. Add cooled fruit mixture to jars, add milk.

Milk, Sugar, Prunes

Take a few prune berries (according to the number of jars). Wash the prunes, cut, sprinkle with sugar (100 g), add 50-80 ml of water. Cook the berries for several minutes. Combine milk with sourdough (the proportions are the same). Pour the prune syrup into jars, pour in the same warm milk mixed with sourdough.

Milk, Vanillin

For 1 liter of milk you will spend 1 g of sourdough, 100 g of sugar, 2 bags of vanilla sugar.

Chocolate, milk

Melt the chocolate bar, combine with a liter of warm milk and sourdough. You can add sugar or chocolate syrup. Chocolate can be anything - black, milk, white.

Milk, Cream, Sugar

Combine milk and cream (500 ml each one, cream fat content - 11%). Heat the mixture, dissolve sugar in it, add the yeast.

Low Fat Yogurt

When using milk with minimal fat content, you will end up with pretty liquid yogurt. If this does not bother you, prepare the drink according to the usual recipe (1 liter of milk / 1 bag of dry sourdough). If you want a thicker product, use gelatin. Soak 2 tbsp. gelatin in a piece of milk, let it swell, melt in a water bath (temperature should not exceed 80 degrees), pour through a sieve, mixing, into the remaining milk (you can sweeten it, flavor it with vanilla or cinnamon). When the temperature of the liquid reaches 40 degrees, add leaven.

Bran milk

Add sourdough (yogurt or dry culture) to the milk. Put 0.5 tsp in jars. bran, pour in the milk, mix with a clean spoon.

It is better to cook yogurt in a slow cooker without any additives - you can always enrich the taste of the finished product (this is much more advisable). If you still decide to use fillers, choose those from which the milk does not exactly curdle.