Apricot jam with orange: cooking recipes. Apricot and Orange Jam

24.08.2019 Snacks

Apricots can be enjoyed fresh, and you can also prepare many delicious preparations from them. Now we will tell you how to make apricot jam with orange.

How to cook apricot jam with orange?


  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • orange - 250 g;
  • sugar - 800 g.


We choose strong, perhaps even slightly ripened fruits. We wash them, divide in half, and extract the bones. We fill the apricots with sugar, shake the dishes so that it evenly covers the apricots, and leave the watch for 10-12. Then twist the orange in a meat grinder. In this case, the zest does not need to be removed. The resulting mass is sent to apricots. By this time, the sugar will dissolve and get a lot of syrup. We will cook apricot jam with orange in 3 sets of 5 minutes each. We bring the jam to a boil over high heat, then make the fire slightly less than average and, stirring, boil for 5 minutes. Then let it cool for about an hour and repeat the procedure again. After the last approach, immediately pour the jam in hot form over the prepared ones, roll them up, turn them over, wrap them up and leave them to cool. As a rule, 4 liters of aromatic jam are obtained from such a quantity of products.

Apricot Jam with Orange and Gelatin


  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • instant - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 750 g;
  • water - 100 ml.


Wash the apricots thoroughly, remove the seeds, and fill the flesh with sugar. Gently mix and leave the mass for an hour at 3 - during this time a lot of juice will stand out and the sugar will dissolve well. We put the mass on the fire and boil the jam for half an hour. At the same time, we bring the mass to a boil over medium heat, and then we turn it down and cook the jam over low heat. After that, let it cool. And if time also allows, then leave it for a day. After that, boil the jam for another 20 minutes and be sure to remove the resulting foam. Cool again. Now we breed gelatin with cold water and leave to swell. Meanwhile, we pass the orange and zest through a meat grinder and add the resulting mass to apricot jam, mix and boil for another 20 minutes. Then pour the dissolved gelatin, mix and stand for 3 minutes on low heat. After that, pour it into jars and roll it up. This jam has a rather thick consistency and is well suited for various desserts and pastries.

I have no idea who invented making jam in general and apricot jam with aromatic orange in particular. But honor and praise to this smart and thrifty person with excellent taste. Why is this workpiece so good that I praise it so much? Count for yourself. Tasty - this time. Ready-made filling for baking or dessert for tea drinking - these are two and three. It is useful (despite the presence of a lethal dose of sugar) - four. Not troublesome - five. Need to further list? I think no. Therefore, read the recipes, buy more apricots and citrus fruits and prepare jars.

Five Minute Apricot Jam (recipe with orange)

This amber jam, smelling of summer and orange marmalade, is prepared in three sets of 5 minutes. Fast, isn't it? In fact, you only need to prepare apricots. Turn the fire on and off several times. And then roll up the incomparable summer jam for the winter.

From which we will cook apricot jam with aromatic orange:

Exit: 2 half-liter jars + a little left for tea drinking

Making apricot jam with orange:

Choose sweet, ripe but firm apricots. Soak them in clean cold water for an hour or two. Wash thoroughly. Throw it in a colander. Dry on a waffle towel. Gently halve and remove the seeds. In this recipe for apricot jam with the addition of orange, seeds are not involved. Throw them away. And put the halves of apricots in a container for cooking jam.

Sprinkle apricots with sugar. If the fruits are sweet, 800 grams will suffice. But sweet tooth can put more granulated sugar. Leave at room temperature overnight.

Wash the sweet, thin-bodied orange well in the morning. Pour boiling water over it. Cut into small pieces of arbitrary shape. Take out the bones.

Twist the orange with the peel in a meat grinder. Or use a blender. You should get a porridge-like aromatic mass.

Back to our rams. That is, to apricots. Juice stood out from the neat halves and mixed with sugar.

Add the orange gruel to the apricots in the jam container.

Shuffle. Turn on a moderately strong fire. Bring the treat to a boil. From this moment, detect 5 minutes and turn off the stove.

Is the jam cool? Repeat the procedure 2 more times. The last time you can cook it longer, bringing to the desired consistency and color. Readiness using a saucer. Put some jam on it. Swipe in the middle with a spoon. Did you get a groove? Delicious apricot jam with a fragrant orange is ready. If the hollow immediately filled, continue cooking.

Wash and sterilize jars. Arrange the hot jam in prepared containers. Seal with sterile caps. Wrap tightly. After cooling, send to storage in the designated place.

Well, if a little goodies did not fit in the jars, you can mourn. And immediately evaluate the results of your efforts. And I also propose to prepare a couple of jars of delicious apricot compote for the winter, his photo recipe can be viewed.

Amber apricot jam (recipe with orange and lemon)

And in this recipe, lemon and apricot kernel kernels come into play. Jam takes on a barely perceptible bitterness, and you - an incredibly tasty treat. You won’t pull your ears!

Essential Ingredients:

Output: 1 liter (a little more)

Apricot jam with bright orange and lemon is prepared like this (recipe with photo):

Sort apricots. Pour cold purified water. Let them sour for a few hours.

Drain the water. Dry the fruits. Divide each apricot in half and take out the seeds. But do not throw them away, they will still be needed. Fold the apricot slices in a bowl or other container for jam.

Wash citrus fruits well. Scalp with freshly boiled water. Cut into small pieces directly with the peel. But be sure to remove the bones.

Grind with a blender or meat grinder.

Add chopped citrus fruits to apricots in a jam bowl.

Shuffle. Pour in sugar. Gently mix or shake to evenly distribute granulated sugar over the future jam. Leave it in a secluded place for a couple of hours. You can cover with a clean towel from those who wish to feast on sweet insects.

Check how apricots, orange and lemon “feel”. Has sugar turned into a clear syrup? Excellent! You can cook apricot jam further. Put it on the stove and turn on a moderate fire. Is it boiling? Reduce the intensity of the fire to a minimum. Depending on the desired shade and density of the jam, cook it for 15-20 or 7-10 minutes. Stir the treat so as not to burn. And do not forget to remove the foam. Then remove the apricot jam with the orange and lemon supplement from the stove. It should “rest” for 8-12 hours. Therefore, it is better to cook the workpiece in the afternoon.

Now the highlight ... That is, the bone ... Rather, the nucleolus ... In general, use a hammer or a chopping device to chop the apricot kernels. Only kernels are needed.

Add them to the jam. Repeat the procedure from the first part of the recipe, this time boiling the jam to the ideal, in your opinion, color and density.

Arrange hot apricot jam on prepared sterile containers.

Seal with sterilized lids. Cool with a blanket. Dip in the cellar or rearrange in the pantry.

The sweetest, apricot appetite!

If apricot jam with orange  If you cook from year to year, it’s not surprising that it becomes boring over time and you want something else. Today's recipe is a compromise in taste. It has a lot of apricots, but with them in the company of a large orange. He plays a major role here. It sets not only a taste symphony, but is the best flavor enhancer for a sweet workpiece.

Since citrus fruits have such a strong smell and taste, they easily interrupt the tastes of other berries and fruits. This is the main reason that recently jam with oranges and lemons at the peak of popularity. Citrus fruits can be added to almost any sweet workpiece (preserves and jams). Each time something special, tasty and interesting will turn out.

Jam with the addition of citrus opens up the opportunity to get new tastes. Here's how in this recipe. Bright sunny apricots go very well with the same bright and sunny orange. The harmony of color and taste is obvious here. For balance, you can play with the flavors of the ingredients. If your apricots are sweet, then you can choose sour oranges for making jam. If apricots are sour, then take oranges that are ripe and sweet. As a result, the jam will turn out to be sweet and sour and bright not only in color, but also in taste.

2 kg of apricots

1.6 kg of sugar

1 large orange or 2 medium-sized oranges

Cooking time: about 1 hour

Difficulty: very easy

Apricot jam with orange: recipe

Apricot jam with orange is really very easy to cook.

To start, wash the apricots and remove the seeds.

We pass the apricots through a meat grinder with a fine mesh.

Add sugar to apricot puree.

Dip the orange with boiling water and rinse under running water. Since citrus fruits are treated with special solutions during transport to prevent spoilage, it is imperative to wash oranges, as well as pour them over with boiling water.

Cut the orange into pieces together with the peel.

We pass the orange through a meat grinder with a fine mesh.

We mix oranges with apricot puree and sugar, and send the pan with a sweet preparation to the fire. After boiling, reduce the fire and cook the jam for 15 minutes. As soon as it begins to change color and becomes dark, turn off the fire, since it is important not only to weld the workpiece, but also to maintain a sunny beautiful color.

Good summer day to you, my dear guests!

Apricots - 0.7 kg
  Sugar sand - 0.4 kg
  Orange - 1 piece
First of all, I draw your attention to the choice of raw materials for apricot jam. I used a large, fleshy, fleshy and sweet apricot with a pit that was easily separated from the pulp.
  When buying, you should definitely try the fruits to make sure that they do not have hard veins that can ruin any of your apricot harvest for the winter.
  First, of course, you need to wash the fruits very carefully, and put them in a colander so that all the glass water.
  Then open the apricot with your hands or with a sharp knife and remove the stone. Our apricot jam with orange does not need seeds.

  Pour the prepared halves with sugar and shake so that sugar falls on all the apricots. So they will begin to secrete juice faster.

  We leave our blank until it looks like this. This can take a couple of hours.

  As soon as we get the desired result, we can prepare our citrus ingredient. Orange should be washed very thoroughly with hot water and preferably with a washcloth, as we will use it together with the peel. After all, it is the zest that will make our apricot jam with orange for the winter unusual and fragrant.
  Cut the orange into small pieces.

Next, we take a suitable dish for cooking jam (stainless steel or copper), put apricots in it in our own juice and chopped orange.

  We send to a small fire and monitor the heating process. As soon as our jam begins to boil, a foam appears, which must be carefully collected.

  Boil for about 5 minutes and turn it off.

  Allow time to cool completely and set on low heat again. Mix with a wooden spoon or spatula. Be sure to touch the bottom of the pan. Cook from the moment of boiling for 5 minutes. You will see that apricot jam changes its consistency and becomes thicker.

  The last third time we boil the jam for another 5 minutes and then spread it over the jars that are still hot and sterilized over the steam and roll them with sterile lids (rinse and boil).

Jam with the addition of orange turns a familiar treat into a fragrant and unique dessert. Each component brings its own flavor, combining in a pleasant taste range. This jam is a great topping for ice cream or cottage cheese dessert. And it gives the classic a new taste.

For apricot-orange jam, choose the largest citrus fruit with a beautiful bright peel, such a fruit will be very fragrant. If desired, an orange can be replaced with one lemon.

Recipe Information

Cooking method: cooking.

Total cooking time: 3-4 days h

Servings Per Container: 1.35 - 1.45 liters.


for jam:

  • apricot 2.5 kg
  • sugar 1.3 kg
  • water 2-3 tbsp
  • orange 1 pc.


  • hand blender.

Cooking method

  1. Pour all the sugar into the peeled apricots. We put on a small fire and pour 2-3 tablespoons of water. Let the jam boil, remove the foam, boil the jam for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Let the jam cool completely.
      Boil it again.
      Cook jam in 3-4 approaches, each time allowing the jam to cool completely.

  3. Prepare cans and lids. Wash with soda, scald with boiling water or warm in the oven.

  4. Wipe the orange with a brush or wash with a stiff brush.

  5. Cut the orange into slices, cutting out jumpers and extracting seeds.

  6. Grind the orange well with a hand blender.
      Do not allow large pieces of zest - the jam will be bitter.
      You should get an almost uniform mass.

  7. Put the grated orange into an almost finished jam.

  8. Stir the mass and cook, stirring constantly, for 25-30 minutes. Jam can burn, so do not leave it unattended.

  9. Pour the hot jam into the jars and roll up the lids.
  10. Cool the jam in the air and put in a pantry or cabinet for storage.

  • Choose a large, juicy orange for jam.
  • If the orange is very sweet (such is extremely rare), add 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice to the jam.
  • Chopping the orange zest is a crucial step. If you don’t have a blender, use a meat grinder. If there is no meat grinder, grate the orange part of the peel on a grater, and chop the pulp very finely with a knife.
  • What to do if jam starts to burn? Stir the jam during the cooking process - otherwise you risk getting burnt jam. If you just felt that the jam began to stick to the bottom - immediately stop cooking, and pour the jam into another container. So you will save the bulk of the jam.