Carrot casserole recipe in the oven. Carrot casserole - orange dessert for children and adults

30.10.2019 Lenten dishes

They have come into fashion relatively recently, and the "advanced" cosmetology direction, called chocolate therapy, is victoriously conquering the leading salons of the Old and New Worlds.

It is based on the miraculous effect of chocolate on the eternal "problem areas", overgrown with legends and won a lot of adherents. Lightweight, pleasant and painless body wraps to reduce cellulite, reshape the body, freshen up dull color and stop skin aging.

True, the high cost of these procedures is "annoying" (salons usually refer them to the premium class), which, in order to achieve the result, need to be carried out in a course (7-10 sessions). An alternative is a home-made sure way to work on women's "pain points" without significant material losses.

How to make a chocolate wrap at home

    The first step is to prepare the skin for the procedure, cleanse it of keratinized cells with a soft scrub. We do this with the help of our preferred cosmetics.

    On problem areas of the body (or those that seem to be), apply a layer of chocolate mass prepared in advance. Make it easier with a cosmetic brush. Any soft flat brush can be used.

    To prevent the chocolate from drying out, we wrap the body with a film on top of it. Convenient to use wrapped film for food storage.

    A pleasant stage is rest and relaxation. 30-40 minutes of light naps or good soft music. A good movie or book.

    We wash off the chocolate under the shower at a comfortable temperature. With a fluffy towel, gently blot the body. Homemade chocolate wrap does not require the use of additional creams or oils afterwards.

    To enhance the effect of the procedure, you can add a little (2-4 drops) of natural oil to the chocolate, the quality of which is chosen in accordance with the set goal. Also, the anti-cellulite effect will be enhanced if a whisper of pepper (any) is added to the cocoa powder.

    How does chocolate wrap work at home

    The beneficial properties of chocolate are determined by its composition.

      Cocoa butter, which is part of chocolate, is one of the most famous and used in cosmetology products that nourish, moisturize and soften the skin. It is this that is one of the ingredients that make up the basis of high-quality creams. It is especially noted for the ability of this substance to improve the color of the skin, giving it freshness and radiance.

      In whatever form chocolate is consumed, the amino acid tryptophan, contained in it in large quantities and "responsible" for a good mood, will paint the world in pink tones.

    Only dark chocolate has all these advantages. For its dairy representatives, all of the above is true in a ratio proportional to the percentage of pure chocolate in them.

    Chocolate wrap at home, how to prepare the mass

    To prepare the mass for wrapping, you need cocoa powder that does not contain impurities, which should be reported on its packaging.

    In a convenient bowl, the powder is gently mixed with hot water in the following proportion: approximately 200 grams of cocoa to 500 grams of water. You should get a fairly homogeneous substance (not liquid), which is cooled to a pleasantly hot temperature (35-37 degrees).

    So that the finished chocolate does not cool down during application to the body, hot or water is placed under the bowl with the mixture).


    Chocolate is one of the foods that cause allergies in a large number of people. For those who fall into this group, neither homemade chocolate wrap nor salon wrap is shown.

    As you can see from the description, this is not such a troublesome business. It can be difficult to apply the mass to areas of the body that are “hard to reach”. These inconveniences can be overcome with the help of household members.

    Arranging a chocolate wrap at home, you can have a good time and get an excellent cosmetological effect, avoiding significant material costs.

Body wrap is a common procedure used by many women. To complete it, it is not necessary to go to the salon, but you can do everything at home. It helps to get rid of excess sentiment in problem areas, eliminate cellulite, relax and even improve your mood. This is because chocolate stimulates the production of endorphins, the hormones of happiness.

The peculiarity is to create a greenhouse effect under the film. The body temperature rises, sweating increases, which helps to remove excess moisture from the subcutaneous layer, and with it - and fatty deposits. For wrapping, dark chocolate with a solid fraction of cocoa beans is used. They contain polyphenols that block the action of free radicals, preventing aging.

Cocoa beans have other beneficial properties that will also affect the body:

  • promote vasodilation and increased blood circulation;
  • cocoa butter has a cosmetic effect - it moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin, making it smoother;
  • caffeine contained in beans stimulates metabolism and accelerates the breakdown of fat cells;
  • which saturates with trace elements such as sodium, iron, magnesium, calcium, as well as vitamins A, B1 and B2;
  • antioxidants in the composition prevent rapid aging.

The benefits of a chocolate wrap are as follows:

  • prevention and elimination of cellulite;
  • nutrition and hydration;
  • relieving stress, getting rid of depression;
  • increased integument tone;
  • the acquisition of smoothness and silkiness;
  • elimination of skin defects;
  • elimination of toxins, toxins and other poisons from the body;
  • effective breakdown of fats, weight loss;
  • pronounced rejuvenation;
  • fighting depression;
  • sculpting the body, improving its outlines.

In order to get the maximum benefit, you need to conduct a course of 12 procedures with a break of a couple of days between sessions.

Indications and contraindications for use

The indications are:

  • various defects - pigmentation, acne and acne;
  • metabolic disorders, cellulite;
  • dryness and wilting;
  • depression, stress;
  • restoration of the skin during the period after pregnancy and childbirth.

The procedure is prohibited for the following violations:

  • thrombophlebitis;
  • allergic reactions to chocolate and other components of the wrapping mixture;
  • varicose veins;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • gynecological problems;
  • the presence of benign or malignant formations;
  • poor tolerance to high temperatures;
  • exacerbation of hypertension;
  • colds;
  • period;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • disruption in the work of the endocrine glands;
  • exacerbation of viral, infectious or inflammatory diseases;
  • bleeding tendency.

If there is a suspicion of a contraindication, it is best to consult a doctor.

Instructions for wrapping with chocolate

An allergy test should be done before starting the procedure. To do this, a small amount of the mixture is applied to the elbow bend or to the back of the wrist. The composition is kept for a quarter of an hour and washed off. If, after 6 hours, redness does not appear at this place, then you can use it.

Home wrapping is carried out in stages:

  1. First, you need to warm up the skin by taking a warm shower, and also cleanse it with a scrub. So useful substances better penetrate the epidermis.
  2. The scrub is washed off and chocolate is evenly applied to the problem areas with a thin layer. It is preliminarily melted in a microwave oven or in a steam bath. Instead of a bar of chocolate, you can use cocoa; it is diluted with boiling water. For 150 g of powder, take 2 cups of liquid. They mix everything, and when the mixture cools down to 40 degrees, apply it to the skin.
  3. The body is carefully wrapped in foil.
  4. They are insulated. You can put on sweatpants and wrap yourself in a blanket for 1.5 hours.
  5. After this time, the composition is washed off.

After the first procedure, the result will appear - the skin will tighten and become more elastic. But it is better to conduct a course of chocolate wraps, and each time you can use different recipes.

Best mix recipes

Some of the most are the following:

1. For wrapping, take a bar of dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 50% and cut it in a water bath. Then add 1.5 tablespoons of olive oil and a few drops of essential oil with anti-cellulite properties. Citrus, rosehip, cedar, cypress, patchouli, geranium, or sage oils work well. The finished mixture is applied to the problem area, the body is wrapped with a film and wrapped. The exposure time is about half an hour. It is recommended to complete the procedure with a contrast shower.

2. You need to combine 2 cups of warmed milk with 200 g of cocoa. The composition is stirred and allowed to cool, then applied to problem areas and left under the film for half an hour.

3. The following recipe is very effective against cellulite and excess weight. Mix 150 g of cocoa powder with 100 g of grated ginger root. All this is poured into 0.5 liters of hot milk. The mixture is left to infuse for a quarter of an hour. Then a bandage is moistened in it, which is wound tightly over the problem areas. From above, everything is wrapped in foil and insulated with a blanket. Rinse off the chocolate-ginger wrap after an hour.

4. Algae wrap has strong anti-cellulite properties. To do this, take 150 g of spirulina and soak it in cold water for several hours. Then the seaweed is crushed in a blender or rolled through a meat grinder. Add 150 g of cocoa powder and mix everything thoroughly. The composition is impregnated with bandages, which are wrapped around the body. From above, everything is wrapped in plastic wrap. Keep warm for an hour and then rinse.

All four recipes have powerful anti-cellulite properties, promote weight loss and improve the appearance of the skin.

Feedback on the procedure

“I decided to try chocolate wrapping myself at home, as my neighbor's reviews were very enthusiastic. I prepared the composition by mixing cocoa with boiling water. I added cinnamon to the mixture, as I heard that it contributes to better warming up, which means that weight loss will be more pronounced. I did not notice any radical changes in my body. But the skin really looks better. She pulled herself up, acquired velvety. I think I will continue to do it. "

Eva, Moscow.

“I read about chocolate wraps on the Internet and decided to give it a try. I took a shower and did a full body exfoliation. Then I applied pre-melted dark chocolate and wrapped it in a film. She waited an hour under the covers and washed everything off in the shower. After that, I noticed that the cellulite smoothed out a little, and the skin became especially tender. There was no slimming effect. But most of all I liked the smell that remained on the cover. "

Tatiana, Yekaterinburg.

“Having learned that anti-cellulite wrap can be done at home, I decided to give it a try. Before that, I tested it only in the salon and I really liked it. I bought several bars of dark chocolate with 70% cocoa, melted them and applied them to pre-steamed and cleansed skin. I have already performed 5 such procedures with a small interval, the result is amazing. Cellulite smoothed out, and measurements on the thighs showed minus 2 cm. "

Svetlana, Minsk.

“Thanks to the feedback from my masseuse, I learned about the chocolate wrap. I added ginger to the mixture to enhance the warming effect. After two weeks, the result was noticeable. The skin on the thighs has become elastic, cellulite has decreased, as well as the volume. I decided that I would undergo the procedures in courses to lose even more weight. "

Alena Ryazanova, St. Petersburg.

“Having tried the wrap in the salon and evaluated its effectiveness, I decided that I could do just as well at home. I used domestic cocoa powder, diluted it to the desired consistency with hot water and applied it to the waist, hips and buttocks. Then she wrapped herself in plastic, dressed warmly and went to sweat under the covers. After half an hour, I washed off the composition in the shower. After the first time, I noticed how the skin had changed. She became smoother and more beautiful. I will continue the course to lose weight. "

Olga, Moscow region.

Calorie content: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Carrot casserole with semolina will become for you one of your favorite desserts, which will often appear on your table. It is very easy to cook it. Pre-boiling makes the carrots soft and the casserole is tender and tasty. The semolina adds volume to the casserole, and you will immediately feel it when you start eating it. Usually my family eats such a casserole in one meal. It goes well with milk, and even with regular fruit juice. Take note of my recipe with a photo of carrot casserole with semolina, and you will use it more than once, I'm sure of that.

- carrots - 350 grams,
- granulated sugar - 100 grams,
- water - 1 liter,
- semolina - 150 grams,
- vanillin - 1 pinch,
- salt - 1 pinch,
- chicken eggs (large) - 2 pcs.,
- butter - 1 tsp. l.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Peel and rub the carrots with a coarse grater. It turns out carrot shavings that are suitable for our casserole.

I fill the carrots with water and cook until tender. This will take approximately 20-25 minutes. Grated carrots are quickly cooked.

I drain the water from the carrot, let it cool a little. Then I beat with a submersible blender until puree.

I drive chicken yolks into the carrots. Mix the resulting mass with a spoon.

To enhance the taste, add granulated sugar and immediately stir the dough.

I sprinkle the semolina, let the dough stand for about 20 minutes so that the semolina swells.

Beat the remaining proteins and a pinch of salt with a mixer. Beat until a firm foam forms.

I add fluffy proteins to the dough, start slowly introducing them and stirring them so that the splendor does not settle.

I coat the baking dish with a piece of butter. I spread the casserole with a spoon and immediately level the entire surface with a spoon.

I bake the carrot casserole for 35 minutes. Thanks to the semolina, a crispy crust forms on top. The view is already appetizing. I also want to point out that my oven baked the casserole at 180 °.

When the casserole has cooled down, it is easy to remove from the mold. I cut it into medium pieces and serve it to the table. Bon Appetite!
It will be no less tasty

Carrot casserole in the oven is another, which can be prepared immediately for the whole family. The recipe for this carrot casserole can be described as follows: One friend of mine, having tried this carrot casserole, exclaimed: I usually don't eat carrots, but it's delicious !!!

We sell carrots all year round, so this delicious carrot delicacy can be classified as an all-season dish. But! Now we have the opportunity to cook fresh carrots, just pulled from our garden. Don't miss the moment!

And one more interesting fact! Scientists from the Linus Pauling Scientific Medical Institute have carried out numerous studies trying to find out in which form carrots have the greatest luteal and antioxidant activity.

carrot casserole from the oven - a tasty and healthy dish

They subjected carrots and some other vegetables to heat treatment (baked, boiled, steamed). And so it turned out that the amount of carotenoids in thermally processed carrots decreased, but its overall antioxidant and luteal activity increased, especially the beneficial activity increased in boiled carrots!

Lyrical digression:
Two girlfriends meet:

You've lost so much weight! Is this a new diet? - Yes: potatoes, carrots, beets ... - Boil or fry? - Dig !!!

And here is our recipe for a carrot casserole, cooked in the oven.

Carrot casserole in the oven: a recipe with the addition of an apple

You can also cook:

Carrot Casserole Ingredients:

  • per pound of carrots
  • 1 egg
  • sugar to taste (I took 1 tablespoon, because my carrots were very sweet)
  • 3 tbsp semolina
  • 2 pinches of salt
  • 20 gr. butter
  • 1 apple (peeled, apple is not required in this recipe, but adding it makes the taste of the carrot casserole more interesting)
  • 1 pinch of nutmeg and cinnamon

How to make a carrot casserole in the oven:

  1. Boil the washed whole carrots over medium heat, then peel, mash with a fork or in a blender with an apple (you can rub the apple separately on a fine grater).
  2. Beat the egg lightly. Combine carrot puree with grated apple, semolina and egg, add salt and spices. Mix.
  3. Grease the heat-resistant form with butter. Put the prepared mixture for making carrot casserole there. Smooth the surface and put thin pieces of butter on the surface.
  4. Bake the carrot mass in the oven at 180 degrees for 30 -40 minutes.

When serving, the carrot casserole can be sprinkled with icing sugar and garnished with nuts.

Another recipe for carrot casserole

Carrot casserole recipe in the oven

For the recipe we need:

Carrots 6 pieces, milk 500g. , sugar to taste, chicken egg 4 pieces, salt 3 pinches, flour and butter 2 tablespoons each,

How to cook a carrot casserole in the oven:

  1. Rub the peeled and washed carrots on a coarse grater.
  2. Slightly simmer the grated carrots in a frying pan in butter, add a little boiled water so that the carrots are covered with water and simmer until soft.
  3. Beat eggs lightly and mix with milk.
  4. We are waiting for the stewed carrots to cool down, and combine them with the egg-milk mixture.
  5. Finally, add salt, sugar and flour.
  6. Grease the heat-resistant form with butter, put the prepared carrot mass there.
  7. Cooking carrot casserole in the oven for 35-45 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.
    We focus on the golden brown crust on top. The carrot casserole is ready!

With what to submit? Alternatively with jam, sour cream, Greek yogurt, milk or alternatively you can use it.

This carrot casserole in the oven will appeal to all lovers of healthy and tasty food. The casserole turns out to be sweet, aromatic and very healthy. We need the simplest and most affordable products, which, as a rule, can be found in any kitchen. Instead of prunes, you can take raisins, dried apricots or add a little of everything at the same time. Serve the casserole with powdered sugar, sour cream or honey. A carrot casserole is a great idea for a tasty and healthy breakfast, or for a light lunch or late afternoon snack. Not only adults, but also children eat it with pleasure, I recommend preparing this wonderful vitamin dish for a change!


  • 500 grams. sweet carrots.
  • 4 chicken eggs.
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of semolina.
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar.
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder.
  • 0.5 teaspoon of ground cinnamon.
  • 1 bag of vanillin.
  • 100 grams of pitted prunes.
  • 2 teaspoons of powdered sugar.
  • Servings Per Container: 8.

Carrot casserole in the oven step by step recipe with photo:

Three carrots on a medium grater. Add a small amount of water to it and simmer under the lid on the lowest heat for about 7-10 minutes until soft. If you want to give the casserole a more uniform texture, you can punch the carrots in a blender. For this recipe, it is advisable to take carrots of not very large and sweet varieties so that your casserole does not turn out tasteless.

Then we transfer the stewed carrots to a deep bowl and let it cool slightly.

Then add the eggs. Semolina. Sugar, baking powder, vanillin, and cinnamon to taste.

Mix everything well and add prunes. Before this, prunes must be soaked for a few minutes in warm water, rinsed well and cut into four parts.

Mix everything again and transfer the carrot mass to a greased form. The bottom can be covered with baking paper. I have a form with a diameter of 19 cm, if you take a larger form, then it is better to increase the amount of ingredients.

Cook the casserole at 180 * C for about 30-40 minutes in a preheated oven.

Let it cool slightly so that it keeps its shape better and serve. When serving, garnish with powdered sugar, whipped cream, sour cream or honey. Oven casserole with carrots turns out to be moderately sweet, with an incredible aroma and delicate structure. Such a dish can be an excellent dessert for those who adhere to proper nutrition, as well as for those who want to diversify their menu with a delicious and healthy dish.

Bon Appetit!!!

Best regards, Oksana Chaban.