Spices for medicinal and culinary properties. Practice Report: Spices: Characteristics, Standards, Expertise

24.07.2019 Lenten dishes


1) Introduction.
2) Nutritional value of spices.
3) Classification of spices.
4) Characteristics of spices.
5) Characteristics of herbs.
6) Characteristics of spices and their use.
7) Seasonings. Seasoning classification.
8) Market overview: spices and condiments.
9) Conclusion.
10) Bibliography.


Whatever it was, but today spices and seasonings have become so deeply embedded in the culinary and even cultural traditions of many peoples that it is difficult to imagine their existence without them. Eating spices and herbs from the culinary tradition has gradually become a vital necessity.

For example, rice has long been the only available food for the poor in the East. Only the addition of various spicy plants to it made it possible to somehow diversify the taste of rice dishes and not feel serious health problems associated with a lack of substances and microelements necessary for the body.
Many spices and herbs were also known in Europe. Anise, mustard seeds, cumin, coriander, cinnamon, mint, wormwood, saffron, etc. were used in the preparation of dishes. In ancient Babylon, ajwan, cardamom, sesame, garlic, dill, fennel, etc. were added to food. But at the beginning of our era, when Christian culture gradually replaced the ancient one, many spices and spices fell out of use.
Spices gained popularity again in Europe only in the 15th century, with the beginning of the circumnavigation of the world. In the late 15th century, Vesco da Gama brought black pepper, cloves, ginger and cinnamon to Europe. With the discovery of the American continent, Europe learned the taste of vanilla, allspice Jamaican and red capsicum.
In the 16th century, oriental spices and spices became known in Belarus. Pepper, cardamom and saffron were delivered from Persia and India. Star anise, galangal (nalgan root), ginger, Chinese cinnamon (cassia) and black pepper were brought from China. Spice mixtures, which were added to confectionery products, were especially popular in Russia. They were called "dry spirits" and were used to bake gingerbread and Easter cakes. Most often, these blends consisted of anise, star anise, vanilla, cloves, ginger, cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, cumin, and saffron.
Most of the spices have preventive and medicinal properties. For example, in Europe, spices and spices were sold in drug stores for a long time. But the use of spices for medicinal purposes is a real art.
For example, Turmeric has diuretic properties and purifies the blood, Fennel has a beneficial effect on digestion and stimulates milk production in nursing mothers, etc. Asafoetida was very popular as a medicine in the Roman Empire. It is believed to restore the function of the adrenal and gonads, as well as to soothe nervous system and relieves headaches.
Spices and herbs are natural biologically active additives that can make food healthy and perfect. Spices are the seeds, leaves, roots, stems, bark, and flowers of herbs. They contain vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body for full life.

Natural dietary supplements.

In addition to black pepper, mustard and bay leaves, there are many more spices and herbs. Here are just a few of them: asafoetida, vanilla, star anise, garam masala, cloves, ginger, cardamom, cayenne pepper, coriander, cinnamon, cumin, turmeric, poppy, juniper, nutmeg (matsis), fenugreek (shambhala), paprika, seeds celery, sumac, Sichuan pepper, tamarind, cumin, dill, fennel, saffron, allspice Jamaican pepper and many others.
Spices and herbs not only give an unusual taste and aroma to familiar dishes and products, they have many healing properties and enrich our nutrition with vitamins and minerals. Eating a variety of spices and seasonings allows you to maintain health and prolong youth, improves mood and well-being.

Spices- these are flavoring substances that are added to food to give it the appropriate smell, taste, color, which contributes to a better perception and assimilation of food.
In our country, spices are especially widely used in the national dishes of the republics of Central Asia, Transcaucasia, Ukraine, Moldova.
Acting on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, spices promote the secretion of digestive juices. Specific substances that have a sokogonic effect are essential oils, glycosides, alkaloids, acids, flavonoids, tannins, dyes, minerals and other substances.
Spices are used for various purposes:
- to emphasize the specific properties of the product;
- to give the finished product an appropriate aroma;
- to mask an undesirable smell in a product or dish;
- change the appearance, smell, color, taste of the product;
- to enhance the safety of products;
- to promote a better perception of food and thereby increase its nutritional value.
A number of spices (for example, parsley, dill, celery and various peppers) not only improve the appearance and taste of dishes, but also vitaminize them.
Spices are irreplaceable for the preparation of marinades, pickles, ferments, compotes, syrups, tinctures, kvass.
A good environment for them are various sauces (butter and vegetable oil, vinegar, sweet) and syrups.
It is advisable to add spices to those products that have a weak taste and aroma (for example, beet dishes). It is necessary to skillfully combine spices with each other and table salt. Sometimes spices of one kind are not enough to drown out unwanted aromas or improve the taste of a dish, then a “bouquet” or a mixture of different spices is made. This makes it possible to diversify the aroma, get different shades of color and taste of food. For example, you can get dozens of variations of the same vegetable dish by adding different mixtures to it.
Spices should be stored ground in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid to prevent oxidation by air and loss of specific properties and aroma.
Spices are used in small quantities, usually finely chopped, so as not to spoil the appearance of the dish. The finer they are fragmented, the more effective they are. Many spices are recommended to be added to dishes and culinary products 5-10 minutes before their production. They are added to flour, confectionery and bakery products when kneading dough.

    Classic (coriander, pepper)
    Local (used where they grow)
    Spicy vegetables (usually used fresh, pickled - onions, garlic, wild garlic)
    Spicy herbs (dill, parsley, mint)
    Combined or mixtures (vanillin)
    Artificial spices (vanilla)
    Seeds - mustard, nutmeg.
    Fruits - anise, star anise, vanilla, cardamom, pepper, coriander.
    Flowers - carnation, saffron.
    Leaves - bay leaf, rosemary.
    Roots - ginger, turmeric.
    The bark is cinnamon.
    The most commonly used spices include star anise, vanilla, ginger, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, bay leaves, nutmeg, pepper (black, white fragrant, pod), zest (orange, lemon, tangerine), saffron, anise, basil, hyssop , cumin, coriander, marjoram, mint, thyme, dill, parsley, celery, savory, parsnip, sage, tarragon.
    Seasonings used in food include: table mustard, table horseradish, capers, olives, food acids (acetic, citric), table salt.

Nutritional value of spices
Badian is the fruit of a tropical evergreen tree. It is marketed mainly in the form of a yellow-brown coarse-grained powder. The taste is bittersweet. It is used in the production of buns, gingerbread, bread kvass, sauces (onion, sweet and sour), compotes, jelly. In sweet dishes, star anise is introduced before the end of their cooking. An excess of star anise can add bitterness to the dish.

Anise- The seed extract of this plant was included in a cough mixture. This plant was cultivated many centuries ago in the Middle East region. Anise seeds collected unripe are used as a spice. Anise is a spice that has a unique property to neutralize any unpleasant specific odor. In the East, it is customary to chew anise after eating, because he fights off bad breath. Even such a nuisance as burnt food can be overcome with the help of anise. To do this, just put a pinch of anise grains in the dish. After the unpleasant smell has disappeared, the anise seeds are removed and the dish is seasoned according to the recipe. In hot weather, dishes containing anise do not deteriorate or dry out for a long time.
Fresh anise leaves are used in salads and side dishes.
The seeds are used in the manufacture of bakery products, some sauces, compotes, jelly, and fermented milk products. Anise is added to hot dishes 3-5 minutes before being cooked, to cold dishes - when serving
Vanilla- fruits of a tropical plant in the form of pods (sticks) from 10 to 30 cm long, dark brown in color with a persistent spicy aroma. The content of essential oils is 3%. Currently, the food industry produces a synthetic white powder - vanillin, which successfully replaces natural spice. Vanilla and vanillin are used in the production of dough products, finishing semi-finished products (creams), compotes, jellies, mousses, soufflés, parfaits, puddings, and cottage cheese products. Spice is introduced into the dough during kneading, into compotes and creams - after they have been prepared. Vanilla has a strong aroma and bitter taste, so an excess of it can impart bitterness to products. For a better dosage, the spice is mixed with sugar and stored in a tightly sealed container.
Substitute - vanillin - white or slightly yellowish, crystalline powder and powdered sugar.
Ginger- one of the oldest spices known to mankind.
Pliny wrote about this plant. The homeland of ginger is India, but today ginger is grown in several regions of the world. In cooking, ginger is primarily used for preserving meat and fish. Ginger gives a pleasant taste to ear, soups, fried poultry and mushrooms. A drop of ginger added to black coffee makes it taste unique. But, of course, ginger is included in many spices. They are also flavored with gingerbread and cookies. Ginger is introduced into the dough while kneading, and into hot dishes - 15-20 minutes before cooking.
Ginger dry rhizomes of a tropical plant from the ginger family. Available in powder form. It has long been used in the production of products of Russian national cuisine: gingerbread, buns, liqueurs, kvass, tinctures. Currently, it is added to vegetable and fruit marinades, sauces, muffins, compotes, sweets, and jams. Ginger is introduced into the dough during kneading, and into the rest of the dishes after heat treatment.
Cardamom- unripe dried fruits of a tropical plant with a delicate spicy aroma and a slightly pungent camphor flavor. It is used to flavor flour confectionery and curd products, as well as vegetable, legumes and cereal dishes. In hot dishes, cardamom is introduced before the end of cooking, in cold dishes - before serving.

Cardamom is one of the spices that made India famous.
It is in the Cardamom forests in southern India that this amazing plant grows. Cardamom fruits are harvested unripe and are not separated from the capsules so that the aromatic essential oil does not evaporate. The fruit is a capsule and is supplied all over the world. In cooking, cardamom is actively added to pies, gingerbreads, strudels. Cardamom is one of the few spices that does not lose its aroma, even with prolonged heating.
Cardamom is an essential ingredient in the famous Bedouin coffee. And, of course, cardamom enriches fish, rice, marinade and even minced meat dishes. Handle cardamom with extreme caution - it is a very strong seasoning.
Do not add more than one box of cardamom per kilogram of minced meat or dough.
Whole grains are put in soups and jelly.
For baked goods, sauces, minced meat and coffee - ground.
Carnation- buds of an evergreen carnation tree. The aroma is burning, pungent, spicy. It is usually consumed as a whole, as it quickly loses its aroma during grinding. Cloves can be used as an infusion.
To do this, it should be poured with cold boiled water (3-7 buds per 1 liter of water) and kept for 5-10 minutes. Cloves are used in the manufacture of pickles (mushroom, fruit, vegetable), compotes, jelly, puddings, flour confectionery, curd and sour milk products. It is added to marinades during their preparation and are not subjected to prolonged heat heating.
Cloves are widely used in oriental cuisine. It has the ability not only to flavor the dishes to which it is added, but also to keep them fresh for a long time. In Israeli cuisine, cloves are used mainly for the preparation of mushroom, meat, vegetable, fish, and fruit pickles. It is rarely added to hot dishes, because in case of an overdose, the dish acquires a bitter taste.

Cinnamon- dried bark of young shoots of an evergreen cinnamon tree. Ceylon (real) cinnamon has a subtle aroma, while Chinese cinnamon is more pronounced. It is released in the form of powder or sticks. They are used mainly in the manufacture of products from dough, fruits, cereals. It goes well with apples. It can be recommended as an additive in the manufacture of vegetable and fruit marinades. In hot dishes, cinnamon is introduced before the end of cooking, in cold dishes - before serving.
My grandmother's house smelled of pies and cinnamon, and I was even allowed to wrap a pretzel and sprinkle it with cinnamon and sugar. Yes, first of all, cinnamon is used in confectionery: cookies, pies with fruit filling, homemade gingerbread. Add cinnamon to ice cream, fruit soups and salads, especially with apples. In oriental cuisine, cinnamon is added to coffee and fruit broths.
But cinnamon is also good as an additive to meat, poultry and fish, and even in marinades, it is appropriate. True, cinnamon does not tolerate long-term culinary processing. It is recommended to add it to the dish 10-15 minutes before cooking.

Bay leaf- dried leaf of noble laurel. The industry also produces laurel tablets, powder and essential oil. They are used in the process of preparing first and second courses, as well as canning and pickling vegetables. It is recommended to introduce into the first courses before the end of cooking, into sauces - when they are cooled, after which the bay leaf should be removed from the finished dish, since otherwise it acquires a tart taste and too spicy aroma.
Bay leaf is widely used in cooking and is familiar to very many, although not everyone knows that it has a very beautiful legend. The ancient Greek god Apollo fell in love with the beautiful Daphne and pursued her. The girl did not like Apollo and turned to Zeus for help, and he turned her into a beautiful fragrant tree. The Greek name of the laurel - Daphne, was transferred to Hebrew, and in Russian we use the Greek word "laureate" - crowned with laurel - in memory of the ancient tradition of laying a laurel wreath on the heads of the winners and the best poets. Who would have thought then that today no housewife can do without the leaves of this wreath when canning fish, mushrooms, vegetables, when cooking meat, for pickling herring, when picking vegetables and when making homemade pickles. Bay leaves are found in many sauces and spice mixtures. It is recommended to put bay leaves in hot dishes 20-25 minutes before cooking, and remove from the dish when it is ready. Store the bay leaf in a closed container in a dry place.
Nutmeg- dried seeds of the fruit of the nutmeg. It is ovoid and gray-brown in color. Available in whole or ground form. In culinary practice, it is widely used in the manufacture of jams, compotes, cottage cheese, flour confectionery and other sweet products. It can be successfully used for various vegetable dishes and marinades. In hot dishes, nutmeg should be added before the end of cooking, in salads - before serving, after carefully chopping.
Pepper- it is used of various types: black, fragrant, red in whole grains and in ground form. The pungent taste and smell of black pepper is due to the content of essential oil in it in the amount of 2.1% and piperine 7.3%. Allspice has a spicy smell due to its essential oil content (4.3%). Red pepper (paprika) contains capsancin, which gives it a pungent, pungent taste. Pepper is used to make marinades, soups, sauces, vegetable and egg dishes.
Zest(orange, lemon, tangerine) - the outer layer of citrus peel. Contains essential and orange oil, aromatic, coloring and pectin substances, vitamins C, B1 B2, provitamins A and organic acids. Many of these substances have a detrimental effect on various microorganisms.
To prepare the zest, citrus fruits are thoroughly washed, scalded with boiling water, the peel is removed with a thin layer and dried in an oven at a temperature of 70-80 ° C until it becomes brittle. The zest can be used in powder form in the manufacture of confectionery, curd and cereal products, as well as in the preparation of sauces, jelly and compotes. At the same time, the product acquires a beautiful orange or yellow hue and a pleasant citrus aroma.

Saffron cultivated in Central Asia, Crimea, Azerbaijan, Dagestan. Saffron colors dishes or foods yellowish and gives them a subtle aroma.
It is used in the form of an alcohol solution, which is diluted with water and added to dishes, flour confectionery, creams, fruit mousses. Saffron goes well with beans, rice, eggplants. It can be recommended as an additive to various sauces for vegetable dishes. To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to introduce saffron when kneading the dough or at the end of cooking. Saffron is the king of spices.

Literally and figuratively. In the Middle Ages, saffron was 15 times more expensive red pepper ... And today it remains one of the most expensive spices. This plant is very capricious and does not occur in the wild now. Saffron is cultivated on special plantations, the flowers that have just blossomed are picked by hand, always in dry weather, from 10 to 11 in the morning. On the same day, the stigmas, which are actually a spice, are plucked out of the flowers, and dried for exactly 30 minutes at room temperature. More than 100,000 plants need to be processed to obtain 1 kilogram of dry saffron.
Trace amounts of saffron added to food give it an amazing golden color, enhance and refine its natural aroma and add a piquant taste. The annual consumption of saffron should not exceed 1.5 g per person. Therefore, the saffron is first dissolved in alcohol or water, then this tincture is diluted with water and introduced into the dish 5 minutes before cooking, and into the dough when kneading.
Saffron is usually not used in combination with other spices, but sometimes it allows
red pepper and garlic.
In cooking, saffron is added to transparent fish soups, to stewed fish, to sauces for meat and poultry dishes. Rice with saffron is very beautiful.

About spicy herbs (celery, parsley, coriander, chervil, fennel, cucumber, cumin, hyssop, tarragon, mint, lemon balm, marjoram, oregano, savory, basil, thyme, etc.) were learned in Europe only in the XIII-XVII centuries.
Many herbs in fresh, dried and canned form are widely used in the Caucasus, Ukraine, Moldova and Central Asia. Most herbs use flowers, stems and leaves for food. Often they are not only spices, but also medicinal agents.
Characteristics of herbs
Tarragon (tarragon) owes its name to the bizarre shape of its roots, which resemble a little dragon. In French - "esdragon", i.e. little Dragon. Tarragon has a strong odor, a bit like anise .
In cooking, tarragon stems and leaves are used for homemade pickles.
Fresh tarragon leaves are added to fish dishes, vegetables, side dishes, salads, sauces, cheese and sour milk.
Tarragon is added to hot dishes 1-2 minutes before cooking.
In cold dishes - just before serving.
Grate meat and poultry well with tarragon before cooking.
Dried tarragon leaves are added to borsch, fish soup, meat and chicken soups 3-5 minutes before cooking.
The stems and leaves of tarragon added to the vinegar make it flavorful.

Fresh greens, wash with cold water and wrap in a damp cloth. In winter, it is consumed in dried form. To do this, herbs are tied in bunches and dried in a well-ventilated, low-light room, then ground into powder and placed in dark jars with tightly screwed lids to prevent oxidation by air and loss of aroma.
Celery and parsley widely used in food in many countries of the world. Three varieties of celery (root, salad and leaf) and two varieties of parsley (root and leaf) are grown. All parts of plants are used for food. The roots, fresh and dried, are introduced into soups, as well as dishes made from vegetables and grain products. They are preliminarily cut into thin slices and sautéed in vegetable oil. At the same time, essential oils, aromatic and coloring substances dissolve in fat and, when added to first courses, give a persistent delicate aroma. Raw salad celery is added to cold and main dishes, as well as soups. Grated celery goes well with carrots, apples, lemon.
Celery (seleri, carp-s) was known to the ancient Egyptians, and it seems that they domesticated it. Since time immemorial, carp-s has been an integral part of the Jewish Passover table. In ancient Rome, celery, like most spicy plants, was used both as a spice and as a medicine. The dried roots are grated, mixed with table salt and sprinkled on sandwiches with butter or soft cheese.
Celery leaves are used in soups, meat and fish dishes. They go especially well with tomatoes and potatoes. Boiled celery makes good salads with potatoes, beans, beets. Celery stewed in sour cream is good.
Celery seeds are added to sauces, soups, fish and meat dishes.

Parsley is sung by the great Homer. The famous Greek heroes who won the victory were put on wreaths, into which parsley was woven. The ancient Greeks cultivated parsley for these purposes on purpose, and they did not eat it.
But on the table of the ancient Romans, parsley meant that very important guests were invited to the house.
Today, parsley is grown everywhere. The roots, stems and seeds of parsley are also used for food. The range of uses of parsley in cooking is very wide. Fresh parsley is added to meat and fish dishes, soups,
salads ... Parsley is often included as a flavoring agent in sauces, gravies, cheeses, and cottage cheese. Parsley seeds, roots and greens are used to make homemade pickles
Dill is used as a seasoning for various dishes. Its stems are widely used for salting and pickling vegetables.
In the Middle Ages in Europe, dill was considered not only a spicy, but also an ornamental plant. Breathing in the scent of dill was believed to help clear the mind. In the luggage of the first immigrants to America, among other expensive things, dill seeds were carefully kept.
Fresh and dried dill is used in cooking.
Fresh leaves are added to soups, sauces, vegetables
salads , meat, fish, dairy, mushroom dishes.
Umbrellas of inflorescences add a delicate flavor to sauerkraut, pickles and tomatoes, pickled onions.
Dry ground dill is added to sauces, meat and fish soups, roast, vegetable stew.
Dill goes well with all vegetables, cheeses and cottage cheese

Basil has a spicy aroma and a pungent taste. Fresh and dried leaves are used in the manufacture of salads (vegetable, fruit), sauces, vegetable soups, marinades, cottage cheese and egg dishes, as well as in salting and pickling vegetables. Basil is introduced into the first and second courses 5-10 minutes before they are ready. Fresh and dried hyssop leaves are used to flavor salads, soups and second vegetable dishes.
In Europe, basil is "regal", in the East, Reikhan - "fragrant" in cooking is widely used. This plant is unpretentious and grows even in a box on the windowsill. The cut leaves and stems of the Reyhan should be stored in the refrigerator, preferably in cellophane. You can prepare basil for future use by drying its stems and leaves in the shade at room temperature. It is recommended to store dry basil in a glass container. Basil is an exquisite seasoning for meat and fish dishes, typical for both Eastern and Western European cuisine. Reyhan is also good at soups, salads , cold dishes and as an addition to rice, cheese, eggs.
Cumin leaves added to salads or used in cooking vegetable soups. The seeds are used in the production of bakery products, salting and pickling vegetables, and also used as a seasoning for various dishes, especially cabbage, cottage cheese, feta cheese, cheese.
Coriander used in the form of fresh or dried herbs, which are often called cilantro, and the seeds are coriander. Used in the manufacture of salads, soups, rice, egg and curd dishes. Pounded seeds are added to the dough when baking baked goods.
At the marjoram use dry leaves and flower buds. Used in the manufacture of vegetable and mushroom salads and soups, cottage cheese and cheese products.
Marjoram in Ancient Egypt served as a symbol of admiration, delight and other strong emotions. The object of admiration was presented with a bouquet of marjoram stalks. Its gentle scent spoke of love and admiration. Through Greece, marjoram spread throughout the Mediterranean. In the Middle Ages in Europe, it was considered indecent to serve dishes for guests that were not seasoned with marjoram.
In classic cooking, marjoram is added to minced meat. It is good to sprinkle marjoram powder with mushroom, tomato, pea soups, roasts, omelets, fried mushrooms, sauces. Brewed like tea, marjoram is a great drink for the hot season. In addition, it perfectly calms the nervous system.

Cucumber herb has a pleasant scent of fresh cucumber. Leaves are consumed mainly fresh. Cucumber herb goes well with vegetables and mushrooms. It can be used to prepare first courses.
Mint pepper is used in cooking in the manufacture of salads, soups, vegetable dishes, stewed fruit, jelly. Fresh and crushed dried herbs are added to many national dishes (lactic acid products, vegetables). Adding mint to milk slows down its souring.

Mint, like many other spicy plants, owes its name to the heroes of Greek myths. The lord of the underworld Pluto fell in love with a nymph named Menta. Pluto's jealous wife Proserpine turned the nymph into a nondescript weed. Pluto tried to disenchant his beloved, but failed. Then he gave the plant a wonderful smell.
There are many varieties of mint: lemon, curly, pubescent,
peppery, lavender etc. In Israel cultivated varieties are grown - peppermint and lavender mint.
Peppermint is used for flavoring confectionery products and in the medical industry.
Lavender mint is used as a condiment. It has a milder taste and smell and almost no bitterness. Mint leaves are used for making drinks, added to salads, fish, meat and vegetable dishes. Mint leaves are also good in sour milk soups and in legume dishes.
Mint leaves can be dried and crushed. As such, they are added to marinade for meat, roast beef or veal, mashed potatoes and other potato dishes, and baked goods.

Thyme fresh and dried are added to potato and vegetable salads, sauces, soups, borscht, grain products, egg dishes. Thyme is especially good in dishes made from beans, peas, soybeans, lentils. It is also used for pickling tomatoes and cucumbers.
The ancient Greeks were very fond of the smell of thyme and burned its fragrant stems in front of the images of the gods. In ancient Judea, thyme was used to disinfect homes. In many Mediterranean countries, the property of thyme to disinfect indoor air is still used today.
In cooking, dried tops of stems with buds, flowers and leaves are used as a spice. Less commonly, fresh leaves and flowers. Thyme goes well with


Rice. 1.3. Starch grain structure:

1 - the structure of amylose; 2 - the structure of amylopectin; 3 - starch grains of raw potatoes; 4 - starch grains of boiled potatoes; 5 - starch grains in raw dough; 6 - starch grains after baking

When heated from 55 to 80 ° C, starch grains absorb a large amount of water, increase in volume several times, lose their crystal structure and, consequently, anisotropy. The starch suspension turns into a paste. The process of its formation is called gelatinization. Thus, gelatinization is the destruction of the native structure of the starch grain, accompanied by swelling.

The temperature at which the anisotropy of most grains is destroyed is called the temperature gelatinization... The gelatinization temperature of different types of starch is not the same. So, the gelatinization of potato starch occurs at 55-65 ° C, wheat - at 60-80, corn - at 60-71 °, rice - at 70-80 ° C.

The process of gelatinization of starch grains is carried out in stages:

* at 55-70 ° C, the grains increase in volume several times, lose optical anisotropy, but still retain their layered structure; a cavity ("bubble") is formed in the center of the starch grain; a suspension of grains in water turns into a paste - a low-concentrated sol of amylose, in which swollen grains are distributed (the first stage of gelatinization);

* when heated above 70 ° C in the presence of a significant amount of water, starch grains increase in volume dozens of times, the layered structure disappears, the viscosity of the system increases significantly (the second stage of gelatinization); at this stage, the amount of soluble amylose increases; its solution partly remains in the grain, and partly diffuses into the environment.

With prolonged heating with excess water, starch bubbles burst, and the viscosity of the paste decreases. An example of this in culinary practice is the liquefaction of jelly as a result of excessive heating.

The starch of tuberous plants (potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke) gives transparent pastes of a jelly-like consistency, and cereals (corn, rice, wheat, etc.) - opaque, milky white, pasty consistency.

The consistency of the paste depends on the amount of starch: when its content is from 2 to 5%, the paste turns out to be liquid (liquid jelly, sauces, mashed soups); at 6-8% - thick (thick jelly). An even thicker paste forms inside potato cells, in cereals, pasta dishes.

The viscosity of the paste is influenced not only by the starch concentration, but also by the presence of various nutrients (sugars, mineral elements, acids, proteins, etc.). Thus, sucrose increases the viscosity of the system, reduces salt, proteins have a stabilizing effect on starch pastes.

When starch-containing products are cooled, the amount of soluble amylose in them decreases as a result of retrogradation (precipitation). In this case, aging of starch jellies (syneresis) occurs, and the products become stale. The aging rate depends on the type of products, their humidity and storage temperature. The higher the humidity of the dish, culinary product, the more intensively the amount of water-soluble substances decreases in it. Aging occurs most rapidly in millet porridge, slower in semolina and buckwheat. An increase in temperature slows down the retrogradation process, therefore, dishes from cereals and pasta, which are stored on bain-marie with a temperature of 70-80 ° C, have good organoleptic characteristics for 4 hours.

Starch hydrolysis. Starch polysaccharides are capable of breaking down to the molecules of their constituent sugars. This process is called hydrolysis, as it goes with the addition of water. Distinguish between enzymatic and acid hydrolysis.

The enzymes that break down starch are called amylases. There are two types of them:

α-amylase, which causes partial degradation of starch polysaccharide chains with the formation of low molecular weight compounds - dextrins; with prolonged hydrolysis, the formation of maltose and glucose is possible;

β-amylase, which breaks down starch to maltose.

Enzymatic hydrolysis of starch occurs when making yeast dough and baking products from it, boiling potatoes, etc. Wheat flour usually contains β-amylase; maltose, formed under its influence, is a breeding ground for yeast. In flour from sprouted grain α-amylase predominates, the dextrins formed under its influence give the products stickiness and unpleasant taste.

The degree of hydrolysis of starch under the action .- St. Petersburg, 2011 .- 230 p .: ill. RSL OD, 61 11-5 / 1720 ">

480 RUB | UAH 150 | $ 7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR," #FFFFCC ", BGCOLOR," # 393939 ");" onMouseOut = "return nd ();"> Dissertation - 480 rubles, delivery 10 minutes, around the clock, seven days a week

Irinina, Olga Ivanovna. Development of technology and range of culinary products with functional properties on the basis of minced fish: dissertation ... Candidate of technical sciences: 05.18.04 / Irinina Olga Ivanovna; [Place of protection: St. Petersburg. state un-t of low temperatures. and food technologies] .- St. Petersburg, 2011.- 230 p .: ill. RSL OD, 61 11-5 / 1720


1. State of the problem for the production of culinary products with functional properties based on fish mince 10

1.1 Characteristics of fish raw materials 10

1.2 The Role of Functional Ingredients in Combined Food Formulation 14

1.3 Ways to Improve the Nutritional Value of Minced Fish Culinary Products 19

1.4 Technological factors affecting the structural and mechanical properties and quality of minced fish 24

1.5 Characteristics of ingredients for the creation (design) of minced products of increased nutritional value 33

1.6 Modern requirements for the optimization of recipes 40

2. Objects and methods of research, setting up an experiment

2.1 Subjects of research 50

2.2 Research methods 52

2.3 Setting up an experiment 57

3. Development of formulations and technology of fish-plant masses with functional properties based on minced fish

3.1 Analysis of fish raw materials 59

3.2 Preparation of ingredients with functional properties 63

3.3 Development of basic formulations and technologies of fish-plant masses 69

3.4 Development of a rating scale for quality indicators of fish and vegetable masses and semi-finished products of them 74

3.5 Optimization of multicomponent fish plant masses by amino acid composition 77

3.6 Evaluation of fatty acid composition of multicomponent fish plant masses 87

3.7 Study of the effect of vegetable additives on the change in peroxide value during heat treatment of fish semi-finished products 90

3.8 Determination of functional and technological properties of fish plant masses 92

3.8.1. Evaluation of rheological parameters of fish stock with various ingredients 93

3.8.2 Investigation of the adhesion properties of fish-growing masses 95

3.8.3 Investigation of water-holding capacity (WUS) and fat-holding capacity (LUS) of fish-plant masses depending on the type of ingredients 97

4. Development of recipes and technologies for culinary products with functional properties based on minced fish

4.1 Marketing Research 102

4.2 Development of recipes, technology and assortment of semi-finished and finished products 104

4.3 Organoleptic assessment of the quality of culinary products 109

4.4 Nutritional value of culinary products from fish-growing masses 112

4.5 Evaluation of the nutritional value of culinary products from fish-plant masses with functional properties for compliance with the formula for a balanced diet 116

4.6 Safety performance indicators for culinary products with functional properties 121

4.7 Development of regulatory and technological documentation 124

Conclusions 128

References 130

Applications 143

Introduction to work

... The relevance of the work.

In order to improve the nutritional structure of the country's population, it is necessary to create new products with a targeted change in the chemical composition that meets the needs of the human body. The need to expand the assortment and increase the volume of production of fortified products is provided for by the main directions of the national concept "Policy of healthy eating in Russia", approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

An actual solution for the production of functional products is the use of raw materials of animal and vegetable origin, which, as a result of technological influences, forms a homogeneous system with a directionally formed composition.

Among the products of animal origin, fish occupies a significant place in human nutrition. Fish proteins have a high biological value, are easily digested and assimilated by the body. Fatty acid, mineral, vitamin composition is largely determined by the type of fish. A promising direction in fish processing is the production of minced fish. The technology of its production allows the use of non-standard fish with mechanical damage, defects in cutting. The expansion of the production of minced meat and products from it on an industrial scale is facilitated by the availability of modern technological equipment.

Problems for technologists for the production of minced fish and products based on it
the works of a number of domestic and foreign scientists are devoted to, incl. L.S.Abramova,
L.S. Baidalinova, V. M. Bykova, T. M. Boytsova, L. I. Borisochkina,

A. T. Vasyukova, O. I. Kutanoi, G.V. Maslova, A.M. Maslova, T.M. Safronova, L.T. Serpupina, V.V. Shevchenko and others.

The main research is aimed at the use of additional components in minced meat in order to improve the technological, structural and mechanical properties, increase the content of certain nutrients (protein, minerals, dietary fiber, etc.), and increase the shelf life.

The accumulated experience and modern data from the science of nutrition make it possible to create multicomponent structures with the simultaneous use of several types of raw materials with functional properties (cereals, vegetables, vegetable oil, skimmed milk powder, etc.).

Thus, the development of recipes and technologies for culinary products of a complex raw material composition based on minced fish with several components of natural origin, mutually enriching, complementing the chemical composition of each other, is an urgent task.

Purpose of the study- development of recipes and technologies for culinary products enriched with macro- and micronutrients based on minced fish. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: - to substantiate the choice of the main raw materials and additional components with functional properties;

To develop optimal technological modes for the preparation of cereals and vegetables
for combined fish-growing masses;

to establish the amount of introduced components based on optimization of amino acid, fatty acid and mineral composition;

to determine the influence of the introduced components on the organoleptic, physicochemical and structural-mechanical properties of fish-growing masses;

to develop basic recipes and technology for fish-vegetable and fish-grits based on pollock minced meat;

to develop an assortment, recipes and technology of culinary products based on minced fish pollock, pink salmon, pike;

Conduct comprehensive studies of the quality of finished products in terms of organoleptic, physicochemical and microbiological indicators;

Develop a set of technical documentation.
Scientific novelty of the work:

theoretically substantiated and experimentally confirmed the feasibility of using vegetable and cereal components to increase food, incl. biological value of molded culinary products based on minced fish;

shows the possibilities of an integrated approach to optimizing the developed recipes for molded culinary products in terms of amino acid, fatty acid and mineral compositions, in accordance with with modern requirements of nutritional science; the possibility of using a computer program to create recipes from fish, vegetables, cereals, cereal flour, skimmed milk powder, optimized for amino acid composition;

Dependences of the degree of swelling of cereals (cereal flour) on
water temperature and duration of soaking;

Equations have been drawn up that characterize changes in the dependence of stickiness, water-holding capacity (VUS) and fat-holding capacity (LUS) on the amount of introduced components with functional properties; - data were obtained on the effect of the composition of vegetable and fat compositions on the degree of lipid oxidation with various methods of heat treatment of fish and vegetable semi-finished products;

The influence of components with functional properties on organoleptic, physicochemical, technological, structural and mechanical indicators of finished products has been established.

The practical significance of the work. Formulations and technology for the production of molded fish-vegetable and fish-grain culinary products with functional properties, taking into account industrial production, have been developed. Possible production of a wide range of minced fish products with the addition of plant components based on basic recipes is shown.

A set of technical documentation for the production of fish and vegetable and fish meal (fish meal) culinary products has been developed and approved: TU 9266-001-00000000-07 “Fish and vegetable products and fish meal. Semi-finished meatballs, chilled and frozen. Technical conditions "and technological instructions to them; project of TU "Fish and vegetable and fish meal culinary products".

Methods for monitoring the quality of cutlet mass but rheological characteristics (VUS, ZhUS, PYS, effective viscosity) are proposed.

The adaptation of recipes and technology of culinary products to the high-performance modern equipment of the newly built school litany plant "Concord-Culinary Line" (posyanino, Leningrad region) was carried out.

Technical and technological maps for new types of culinary products (cutlets, meatballs, fish breads, etc.) from fish and vegetable and fish masses for practical use in educational institutions of the city have been developed and submitted to the Department of Social Nutrition under the Government of St. Petersburg.

Production approbation of the developed products was carried out at the Concord-Culinary Line food plant in St. Petersburg, in the school canteen of the Novinka food plant, the canteen at the Vladimirtepdomontazh manufacturing enterprise, the refectory of the Mother of God-Rozhdestvensky Monastery of G. Vladimir. The products were highly appreciated by specialists, approved and recommended for use in public catering enterprises, which is confirmed by the protocols of production studies, acts of tastings, acts of implementation.

The social effect of the work performed is determined by the expansion of the range of culinary products of increased nutritional value, which have dietary and therapeutic and prophylactic properties, as well as the economy of fish raw materials. Approbation of work. The work was carried out in accordance with the research topic of the department of technology and catering of GOU VPO SPbTEI "Improving catering in educational institutions of St. Petersburg" and within the framework of the contract with the Social Nutrition Department under the Government of St. Petersburg.

The main provisions of the work were reported and discussed at the I-V-th All-Russian forums "Healthy nutrition from birth: medicine, education, food technologies" in St. Petersburg, 2006-2010; at scientific and practical conferences on the results of research work of the teaching staff of GOU VPO SPbTEI (2008, 2009, 2010); at the International conference with elements of a scientific school for young people "Management of innovations in trade and public catering", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of GOU VPO SPbTEI on November 24-25, 2010, at scientific and methodological seminars to improve the qualifications of teachers of secondary educational institutions in St. College of Technology Nutrition (2006-2007); at a seminar for practitioners of school canteens, school food factories in the Department of Social Nutrition in St. Petersburg. Provisions for Defense:

Theoretical forecasting and experimental selection of components included in the combined fish-growing masses; determination of their functional and technological properties and optimization of preparation methods; - the results of analytical, theoretical and experimental substantiation of the optimal ratio of the components of the model minced meat system; - scientifically grounded recipes and technology of fish-vegetable and fish-grain (flour) masses;

Assortment, recipes and technological schemes for the production of culinary products based on minced fish, its nutritional and biological value, safety indicators.

Personal contribution of the applicant. The author of the thesis independently reviewed the literature, selected research methods, carried out experimental research, processing and analysis of experimental data. Publications. Based on the results of the completed dissertation work, 9 printed works were published, including 1 article in the edition recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation. The structure and scope of the thesis. The dissertation work consists of an introduction, an analytical review of the literature, an experimental part, conclusions, a list of references and applications. The material is presented on 128 pages, contains 38 tables, 27 figures. The list of literary sources includes 236 titles of domestic and foreign authors.

The Role of Functional Ingredients in Combined Food Formulation

The beginning of the XXI century is characterized by the increasing attention of scientists to nutritional problems. Interest in them is caused by a sharp deterioration of the ecological situation around the world in the second half of the last century, associated with technical progress, which also influenced the qualitative composition of food consumed by humans. In most regions, bakery, cereals and pasta, potatoes prevail in the structure of the population's nutrition, with an extremely low level of consumption of meat, fish, eggs, vegetables, fruits, and dairy products. As a result, with a lack of animal proteins, a carbohydrate nutritional model is formed that does not correspond to the physiological needs of the body.

Excessive consumption of animal fats and a deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids are typical for the nutrition of the population of the Russian Federation. All these factors contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, myocardial infarction, hypertension, strokes, which are called "diseases of civilization". These diseases are the cause of early and high mortality in the population. ...

In the nutrition of socially unprotected segments of the population, micronutrients are insufficient, and therefore anemia and diseases associated with iodine deficiency are widespread.

According to the latest data, in order to fully satisfy the vital needs, human food must contain more than 600 groups of various macro- and micronutrients, including over 20 thousand different food compounds of plant, animal and microbial origin.

In order to eliminate or reduce the severity of deficiency in food components, a variety of biologically active food additives (BAA) were proposed, and later functional food products (FPP). These include those products that, when consumed daily, have the ability to maintain and regulate physiological functions, biochemical and behavioral reactions, maintain and improve the physical and mental health of a person, and reduce the risk of diseases. In accordance with GOST R 52349-2005, the term "functional food" (FPP) means such food products that are intended for systematic use in the diet of all age groups of the healthy population in order to reduce the risk of developing diseases associated with nutrition, preservation and improving health due to the presence of physiologically functional food ingredients in their composition.

A food product can be classified as functional food (FPP) if the content of a bioavailable functional ingredient in it is within the range of 10-50% of the average daily requirement for the corresponding nutrient.

It should be borne in mind that the limitation of the quantitative content of the functional ingredient in the FSP is due to the fact that such products are intended for permanent use as part of conventional diets, which may include other food products with one or another amount and range of potential functional ingredients. The total amount of functional nutrients bioavailable in the digestive tract entering the body should not exceed the daily functional needs of a healthy person, since this may be accompanied by the occurrence of undesirable side effects.

Characteristics of human nutrition in the XXI century will include the use of products in the diet of four directions: -Traditional natural products; -natural products of modified (specified) composition; - biologically active additives; - genetically modified natural products.

In the 21st century, the science of nutrition is developing towards the individualization of the genetic structure of the human body. It can be expected that the further development of nutritional science will follow the path of creating an individual genetic passport for each person and an individual diet based on it. This is especially important due to the fact that the development of health care determines the state of health of the population no more than 10-12%, 50% - determines the way of life of a person, 25% - the ecological situation, 15% - hereditary factors.

The need and possibility of the emergence and development of a new concept of nutrition, namely functional nutrition, is due to many factors: - factors associated with changes in the health status of the population; -factors due to technological advances; -factors due to the development of scientific knowledge; - factors associated with changes in the ecological situation and the widespread use of factors of adverse effects on the body; -factors associated with a change in the nature of the diet of a modern person; A modern person, in connection with a change in the nature of labor activity, spends 2-3 thousand kcal per day. As a result, the need for the amount of food decreases. However, the need for vitamins and minerals is associated with biochemical processes in the body and is not compensated by a reduced amount of food.

Characteristics of ingredients for the creation (design) of minced meat products of increased nutritional value

As already noted in paragraph 1.3, to increase the nutritional value of minced fish, such traditional raw materials as vegetables, cereals, vegetable oil, COM, etc. are used.

Vegetables are low in calories; with a significant amount of fiber, they are a source of pectin substances that sorb and remove excess cholesterol from the body, toxic substances of organic and inorganic nature, participate in the metabolism of bile acids. It was found that the intake of pectin substances helps to reduce the concentration of lipids in the liver and blood.

Vegetables contain carotenoids - fat-soluble natural pigments, the most important of which are lycopene, alpha-, beta-carotenes, cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin. Karathioids affect metabolism, have antioxidant properties, are phytoprotectors, immunomodulators, and contribute to the maintenance of reproductive processes. A number of compounds (beta-cryptosanthin, alpha, beta-carotenes) have A-vitamin activity. Anthocyanins contained in vegetables are involved in redox processes in the human body and have a weak antiseptic effect. Their role in the prevention of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diseases associated with aging processes, protection of the retina from degenerative changes and visual impairment was revealed.

Vegetables are a source of biologically active compounds with antioxidant properties - bioflavonoids. Flavonoids belong to the C6-C3-C6 series, i.e. their molecules have two benzene nuclei (A and B) linked by a three-carbon fragment. Flavonoids prevent oxidative damage to DNA by binding superoxide anion, singlet oxygen, peroxy radicals, and stabilizing free radicals. These substances, showing an antioxidant effect, protect ascorbic acid and adrenaline from oxidation, reduce capillary fragility, and participate in redox processes. Flavonoids reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, have antiviral activity, and have the ability to induce phase II enzymes of biotransformation of foreign substances in the liver. The immunostimulating effect of flavonoids has been revealed, and therefore, in recent years, scientists have been investigating the anticarcinogenic effect of flavonoids.

Vegetables are a source of dietary fiber (cellulose, hemicellulose, protopectin), the prophylactic focus of which ensures the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, improves blood biochemical parameters. Dietary fiber stimulates the development of beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, enhances digestion and absorption of various nutrients, lowers blood cholesterol levels, and lowers blood glucose levels in diabetic patients. In addition, dietary fiber has a minimum calorie content. The daily requirement for dietary fiber is 30 g for an adult, 15-20 g for children, which is equivalent to 1.3 kg of fresh salads and fruits or 800 g of bread. The most common vegetables are carrots, beets, and white cabbage. Table 1.2 shows the data of their chemical composition.

Grain and its processed products are, along with vegetables, one of the products most often used as functional additives. In many countries of the world (Great Britain, Norway, Finland, USA, Peru, etc.), it is through grain and its processed products that large-scale programs are being implemented to improve the health of the population. Traditional grain processing technologies do not provide the human body with a balanced diet, which leads to a number of diseases, primarily of the gastrointestinal tract.

An analysis of previously created product formulations for various population groups, a contingent of patients with various types of diseases showed the priority of developing an assortment of products based on natural sources of micronutrients - wheat, rye, oats grains, which are distinguished by the highest bioavailability in comparison with synthetic additives. In this regard, in recent years, as a natural source of physiologically active functional ingredients (PI), much attention has been paid to cereals, since it was found that the regular use of whole grains, bran, coarse flour, cereals in food improves the activity of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, bowel function, restores the structure of the skin, prevents the development of a number of chronic diseases.

Whole grains of cereals are rich in easily digestible proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins (groups B, PP, folic acid, E, A, etc.), minerals (calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, iron), dietary fiber, etc. The cereals have a relatively low content of alkaline ash elements (calcium and magnesium) and a high content of phosphorus. The Ca: P: Mg ratio for buckwheat is 1: 14.9: 10; for buckwheat flour - 1: 5.95: 1.14; for oatmeal - 1: 5.45: 1.8; for oat flour - 1: 6.25: 1.96, which does not correspond to the formula of a balanced diet 1: 1: 0.4.

Optimization of multicomponent fish plant masses by amino acid composition

Frozen fish used in the production of minced products, due to denaturation of a significant part of muscle proteins, has a low water-holding capacity and does not provide a stable yield of finished products. Alaska pollock has a particularly low VAS (Table 3.2). In this regard, functional and technological indicators were determined for the developed masses with established quotas of FD (34.8% vegetable and fat compositions, 10.5% bone mineral supplement, 12% cereals or 12.9% cereal flour, 16% "SOM) (table 3.16). Studies have shown positive influence all FD for VUS and ZhUS for pollock minced meat.

VUS for all samples increased by 1.7-2.2 times compared to the traditional recipe (control). Moreover, for samples of minced meat with a vegetable-and-fat composition, this indicator is slightly higher, which is associated with the presence of a water-retaining component - dry mashed potatoes, as well as a shift in pH towards the alkaline side. Comparison of the pH and VUS values ​​shows a strong (0.89) correlation between the nature of pH and VUS changes, which is consistent with the literature data.

Increasing the water-slurry content of fish mince from pollock provides a decrease in losses during heat treatment (frying) up to 2.3 times in comparison with the traditional recipe.

The increase in VUS in minced meat compositions with cereals and flour is explained by an increase in the protein content (up to 118.7-143.8%) due to the introduction of cereals and COM and the state of the protein - in the form of a dry structureless gel, as well as due to swelling starch polysaccharides. Such proteins are capable of absorbing and retaining up to 200% moisture even at low temperatures.

There is an opinion that there is no correlation between the VES indicators and the mass fraction of starch, because starch does not swell in cold water. In minced meat compositions, cereals and flour were introduced after thermostating at temperatures close to gelatinization. Therefore, with the growth of starch-containing components, an increase in VUS is observed precisely due to the swelling starch polysaccharides. An increase in the VEG contributes to the strengthening of the structure, as evidenced by an increase in the PNS by 10-77% (see Table 3.14).

The protein in fish and vegetable mince is in a hydrated state, which contributes to the formation of emulsion systems (protein: fat: water). Consequently, most of the fat added to the product will be in the form of an emulsion, which allows it to be retained in the structure of the product after heat treatment.

From presented in table. 3.16 data, it can be concluded that the LHR of all samples is higher than that of the control: for vegetable compositions by 1.2-1.5 times, for cereals (flour) - 1.6-2.2 times and correlates with the VES indicators. A significant correlation dependence of -0.72 was established between the indicators of VUS and ZhUS. For vegetable compositions, the increase is explained by the high content of pectin substances, for cereals - partially kleisterized starch. In minced meat with vegetable and vegetable compositions, stabilization of the yield and better preservation of fat is facilitated by the introduction of dry potato semi-finished product into the formulations. Heat treatment loss is less than that of the control sample. High correlation dependences were established between the indicators of VUS, ZhUS and losses during heat treatment due to the introduction of starch-containing and collagen-containing raw materials.

Equations of the mathematical dependences of stickiness on the LHC and the amount of introduced functional additives have been obtained; stickiness from VUS and the amount of added functional additives.

The processing data of the multifactorial experiment and the mathematical dependences of stickiness on the VUS and LUS are presented in Appendix 4. The results of the multivariate experiment are presented in the form of graphs of the level lines (Figure 3.18), where each curve corresponds to a certain value of the resulting factor.

With this form of data presentation, they can be given a certain technological meaning: in Fig. A) all values ​​of LHC correspond to the same value of fat content for a certain level of stickiness. An exception is the zone near 20% fat content, which gives the same stickiness at several LHC values. Thus, the introduced vegetable and vegetable composition in the amount of 34% to the weight of the semi-finished product allows to provide the highest characteristics of semi-finished products and products from them. The proposed mathematical dependences make it possible to control this parameter during the technological process. The obtained structural and mechanical quality indicators (Table 3.14) can be used in the development of regulatory and technical documentation for products from fish-vegetable mince in centralized production.

Based on the studies carried out on the effect of ingredients with functional properties on organoleptic, structural and mechanical indicators, nutritional value of multicomponent systems based on minced fish, the basic formulations of fish-vegetable and fish-grain masses were developed and tested (Table 3.17).

Development of recipes, technologies and assortment of semi-finished and finished products

Based on the results of the implementation of the scientific concept, theoretical and experimental research, the following technical documentation was developed and approved: “Fish and vegetable products and fishmeal products. Chilled and frozen semi-finished products. Technical conditions. TU 9266-001-00000000-07 "and technological instructions for their production.

The developed documentation received a positive sanitary and epidemiological conclusion issued by the Office of the Federal Service for the Protection of Consumer Rights and Human Welfare in the Vladimir Region No. 33.VL.01.926.T.000549.10.07 of 11.10.07.

The proposed recipes and technologies have been introduced into the practice of social catering enterprises in the city of Vladimir and the culinary factory "Concord" in St. Petersburg. TU, TI, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, acts of production studies, acts of tastings, acts of implementation are given in Appendices 1 and 6. consumers.

The cost of raw materials is the most negligible component, therefore, the calculation of the cost was carried out for raw materials, as the most costly part. Table 4.14 and 4.15 show the calculated data of the cost of fish and vegetable and fish-large semi-finished products. The cost of semi-finished products was determined on the basis of the current wholesale prices of enterprises-suppliers of the public catering network in the city of Vladimir, established as of 01.01.2011.

The calculation of the cost of products according to the traditional recipe was carried out using water. The recipe provides for the use of milk or water. When using milk, the cost of a semi-finished product increases from 6-82 rubles to 7-92. The calculations showed that the cost of semi-finished products of the developed culinary products is slightly higher than the cost of products prepared according to the traditional recipe, with a significant increase in nutritional, biological value, and more stable structural and mechanical indicators. Thus, the calculations carried out confirmed the socio-economic feasibility of using the developed recipes for chopped culinary products from fish, first of all, when feeding organized groups. 1. Developed recipes for a wide range of molded fish and vegetable culinary products, technological schemes for their production, including industrial. 2. Organoleptic assessment of the finished product was carried out, its toxicological and microbiological safety was confirmed. For the developed assortment of culinary products, the correspondence of macro- and micronutrient compositions to the formula of a balanced diet was calculated. 3. Using the method of computer modeling, the ratio of components in model formulations has been determined, which ensures the maximum balance of essential amino acids in proteins. For the composition fish: groats (flour): skimmed milk powder, this ratio was (%) - 68:12 (12.9): 16. 4. The functional and technological properties of the main raw materials and additional components that form the structure of fish-growing masses were investigated. For fish and vegetable masses, VUS was 78-79%, ZhUS -36-46%, weight loss during heat treatment -7.0-9.0% (control-16.3%); for fish masses: VUS-67-70.5%, ZhUS-50-67%, weight loss during heat treatment-5.8-11.3%, depending on the type of cereals (flour). 5. Structural and mechanical parameters have been determined for fish and vegetable masses, providing the necessary formability of semi-finished products: for fish and vegetable masses - effective viscosity 710-730 Pa s (grad 1 s "), PNS -232-242 Pa, stickiness -73-75 Pa; for fish-and-vegetable masses - effective viscosity 880-890 Pa s (grad 1 s1), PNS -267-360 Pa, stickiness -85-125 Pa. b. Determined the optimal degree of swelling of cereals, depending on the temperature and duration of soaking, providing the required rheological properties: 59- 77% (to the initial mass) at a temperature of 70C for 30-40 minutes 7. The maximum possible quota of vegetable oil in the vegetable-fat composition has been established, which helps to optimize the fatty acid composition of fish and vegetable masses - 13.8% to the mass of semi-finished product or 24% to the mass of fish.

Walter, Gennady Fridrikhovich