Why bananas cannot be stored in the refrigerator. Bananas: Commercial storage

03.11.2019 Lenten dishes
  • Shelf life: 2 weeks
  • Shelf life: 2 weeks
  • Shelf life in the refrigerator: 2 weeks
  • Freezer term: 8 weeks
Storage conditions:
Store at temperatures from +10 to +14 ° С

Despite the fact that bananas do not grow in our gardens, this fruit has long become quite familiar to us. All people eat them, and, of course, like all fruits, bananas contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients. Bananas are fortified with the vitamins our bodies need to keep fit. Despite the fact that banana is not at all sour, but on the contrary, it contains a large amount of vitamin C, which helps fight diseases, as well as enhances immunity and strengthens cell walls and vascular walls.

In addition to vitamin C, this fruit also contains a special form of vitamin A and E, which are responsible for healthy and silky hair, as well as smooth skin. Just a few bananas a day will provide beauty and keep you young for a long time.

In addition to cosmetic properties, bananas have a good calming effect, which is why they should be consumed in a state of depression. This is due to vitamin B6, with the help of which the brain produces the pleasure hormone seratonin. If a person consumes one banana daily, then his irritability and nervousness will decrease.

Due to potassium, which is contained in banana, tension and muscle weakness pass, as well as the appetite improves and the amount of excess fluid in the body decreases.

Every year fruits from distant tropical countries cease to be exotic for our lands. And bananas are no exception. After all, it is these fruits that get into our diet, both in summer and in winter. And if in the summer you can give preference to more seasonal berries and fruits, then in winter you will not find a worthy replacement for bananas. It is they that contain such important for the human body trace elements as magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, selenium, iron and zinc. In addition, bananas are considered one of the healthiest and most beneficial sources of carbohydrates, B6 vitamins and nutrients. According to scientists, it is this golden-yellow tropical fruit that can completely replace the beneficial properties of chocolate. After all, it contains serotonin - the hormone of happiness. Therefore, it is recommended to start your morning with oatmeal with banana. They will enrich the body with energy and good mood for the whole day. The only significant drawback that will negatively affect the usefulness of these fruits is a rather short shelf life. Therefore, many often ask the question "where to keep bananas, how to store them, and how to prevent them from turning black."

Storing bananas

Currently, there is a lot of controversy about where to store bananas, in the refrigerator or just at room temperature. Bananas, like tomatoes, are best kept at room temperature, provided they are eaten within a few days. The temperature at which this fruit is best stored is at least 14 degrees. Bananas are best stored in a cool, dark place. As a rule, the room temperature is much higher than 14 degrees, which is why it is worth putting bananas in the refrigerator for a long time. But another problem awaits there, after a few days in the refrigerator the bananas begin to turn black. Bananas have a shelf life of no more than 2 weeks... If you take bananas for a long time and want them to be in good condition, it is better to take green bananas, they will ripen in a few days in the heat, and only then they will start to deteriorate.

Storing bananas in the refrigerator

Leaving bananas in the refrigerator is not the best option. How to store bananas properly so they don't turn black? As strange as it sounds, the refrigerator is not able to preserve these fruits for a long time. Bananas will look best if they are hidden in a paper bag and placed on one of the shelves in the refrigerator door. After all, it is there that the highest temperature remains. Sometimes up to +10 +12 ° C. So the banana will last not blackened about 2-3 days.

Storing bananas in the refrigerator will not affect their taste in any way. The only thing they will lose is their beautiful appearance. But the quality of bananas will not deteriorate, they will only ripen more. Thus, ripe fruits will be stored for one and a half two weeks.

How to store bananas at home, sliced ​​or whole? Bananas won't last long in the fridge. Within two days they will begin to turn black. But this applies to unpeeled whole fruits. When it comes to sliced ​​fruit, the storage time in the refrigerator is even lower. For bananas to last longer, sprinkle them with lemon, apple (or other sour juice) and place them in airtight containers. In this form, bananas will last no more than 12 hours.

Storing bananas in the freezer

The freezer is great for keeping overripe fruit that hasn't been eaten yet. In low temperatures, bananas will not turn black or spoil for months. So how do you store bananas in the freezer at home? The best way to freeze bananas is as follows:

  • You need to peel the fruit;
  • Without cutting into pieces - put them entirely in sealed bags with zip-fasteners;
  • They can be put in the freezer as they are.

Also, overripe fruits can be thrown into a blender and made into a delicious puree. Pour the resulting mixture into a container, close the lid and leave it on one of the shelves of the freezer. On average, bananas can be kept in the freezer. from two to three months.

Storing bananas at room temperature

The main problem with storing bananas is that they quickly turn black and spoil. So what's the right way to store bananas at home? If you cannot use the refrigerator or are looking for other options at all, then follow these tips:

We got acquainted with the rules of storage at home, now we will figure out how to properly store bananas on the road. Bananas are picky fruits that turn black quickly. When going on the road, you should place them in a paper bag or in a special sealed container. The fruit will last much longer in them.

If the road is going to be long, then it is better not to take overripe fruits. With obvious blackheads or specks. Better use fresh or slightly green fruits. During the trip, they will not have time to blacken and deteriorate.

Dried bananas

What's the best way to store bananas at home? Dried, of course. After all, dried bananas are very useful and can last for more than one month. Ripe, yellow bananas should be peeled and cut into thin discs. Their thickness should not exceed 4-5 mm. In a special bowl, mix the juice from 1 lemon with water. It should be about twice as much as juice. Put banana discs in the resulting mixture for about 20 seconds. Due to this procedure, the banana will not turn black and retain its beautiful appearance. Then dry all discs in a suitable fruit dryer. It will take about 17-19 hours.

Then place all dried bananas in a special container or airtight container. Store them in a cool dry place. Dried bananas can stand in the refrigerator. about 8-10 months.

How to store bananas so they don't turn black

How to store bananas so that they do not turn black is a question that worries everyone who likes these tropical fruits. Before deciding on a storage method, let's first understand why bananas turn black. There are a lot of complex carbohydrates in the peel and in the fruit itself. They actively interact with oxygen and in the process of chemical reactions decompose into less complex elements and sucrose. Because of this, the fruit changes its taste, and its rind becomes darkish.

Oddly enough, but a decrease in temperature will only accelerate the processes of decomposition of carbohydrates. Accelerated ripening starts already from +10 ° C. The peel of such a fruit will darken quite quickly, but the flesh itself will hardly change. But when the fruit, darkened in the cold, is placed in a bright and warm place, then all processes will occur even faster.

Also, do not pack these fruits in sealed plastic bags. It is better to take ordinary paper bags for this. Store banana separately from other fruits. And separate each banana from the bunch. And wrap the leg of the fruit with cling film. If you don't want to store bananas in the refrigerator, then the ideal place is a cool, dry and dark pantry.

Of course, you can even take green and slightly underripe bananas. Until they mature, it will take several days. And if you follow these tips, then the shelf life of bananas can be significantly increased.

How to store bananas to ripen

If you are wondering “how to store bananas so that they ripen,” then adhere to the following rules:

  • Place them with other fruits such as,. Together, these fruits release a large amount of ethylene during ripening, which only speeds up the ripening process.
  • Place them in a warm, dry place.
  • Never put green fruit in the refrigerator.

How to store bananas so they don't turn black at home? We will carefully consider the answers to these questions in this material. As a rule, bananas are brought to our country with not yet fully ripe fruits, because this process is very fast. Before the fruits are laid out on the counter, they are allowed to lie warm for a while, which contributes to their even ripening.

Bananas are among the foods that go bad quickly. But if you know certain rules and tricks for storing them, then these periods can be extended. When bananas start to turn black, this is a sure sign that they are starting to spoil.

Tips on how to keep bananas from blackening:
Do not store the fruits in the refrigerator: this leads to the fact that the skin turns black quickly.
Do not put bananas in plastic bags for storage, it is best to just leave them open on a plate;
You should not buy fruits in the store, on which defects (black dots and dents) are already noticeable.

Long-term preservation of bananas at home

First of all, you can try to create ideal storage conditions for yellow fruits. The air humidity should be within 90%, but the ambient temperature is only 13-14 degrees Celsius. We also know for sure.

If you put bananas in a cool room, cellar or basement, then the shelf life of the fruit will be doubled. Be sure to avoid direct sunlight on the fruits, otherwise, bananas will quickly and actively begin to darken.

About storing green bananas

Often in modern stores you can face a situation when half-green bananas are still sold. The degree of maturity of the fruit directly affects how long it is stored. So, green bananas have a longer shelf life.

For longer storage of bananas at home, it is advised to wrap the stem of the fruit with foil or plastic. This will prevent the flow of air, without which it is difficult for fruits to ripen quickly. It is important to constantly ventilate the room where these yellow fruits are stored.

Advice! A damp basement is ideal for storing unripe bananas, where the air temperature is between 13-17 degrees Celsius. If you keep the apartment cool and constantly ventilate the room, then the shelf life will also be long. Although, in comparison with storage in the basement, these periods will still be short.

Preserving overripe fruits

In various educational videos, you can find other ways to store bananas so that they do not turn black at home. I would also like to separately, within the framework of this material, talk about the preservation of a fruit that is already overripe. It will be difficult and there may be several options: immediately eat the fruit or, turning its pulp into puree, store it in the refrigerator or freezer.

Interesting! The option of storing mashed banana in the freezer is convenient and practical. This puree can be safely used for making puddings, pies and other desserts. Pay attention to .

About storing ripe fruits

If you bought fruits that are ripe and beautiful in appearance, then they still should not be stored in
refrigerator. These bananas are best hung in a cool room and kept hanging.

We emphasize once again that the fruits do not need to be wrapped in anything. They should be on a plate and preferably in a cool and dark place.

Can I refrigerate?

As part of this review article on how to store bananas so that they do not turn black at home, it has already been mentioned several times that the fruits are not recommended to be stored in the refrigerator. But there are desperate situations, what to do then?

When stored in the refrigerator, the fruits will definitely lose their neat appearance, but as for the taste, nothing will happen to them. You need to find the warmest place in the refrigerator: on the door or on the central shelf. Do not put fruits in a plastic bag. If you need to wrap them in something, then it can be paper.

About storing banana cocktails

So that bananas do not disappear, you can use them for consumption as soon as possible. For example, you can make a great refreshing cocktail. To keep it longer, it should be poured into a thick bowl, closed with a lid and sent to the refrigerator. In this form, the drink lasts up to three days.

Storing banana leaves

Since modern cuisine knows no more boundaries, many modern housewives in our country have the opportunity to buy banana leaves to cook Latin American dishes. They are best stored at 0 degrees Celsius and maximum humidity. How to make delicious

Banana has long ceased to be exotic for the inhabitants of Russia. These fruits come from Southeast Asia. They are quite healthy when consumed reasonably, contain many nutrients, and are readily available in supermarkets. But let's clarify some questions.

This fruit is a valuable source of vitamins, containing a large amount of carbohydrates. Thanks to this, they are suitable for nutrition for athletes and people who simply exercise. An important and important question is how to store bananas? Until the moment of maturity, it is better to store the fruits at room temperature, after which they can be placed in the refrigerator for storage for no more than a week. In general, it is better not to store these ripe fruits, but to eat them immediately, since this miracle of nature is a perishable product. And the taste of a ripe fruit does not favor long-term storage. I want to eat it right away. Store only when ripe and frozen for culinary use.

How to choose bananas

So how do you choose bananas? There is one rule, if you see black dots on a ripe fruit, then this is the “correct” fruit, not processed. You should refrain from buying green and unripe ones, they are clearly not ripe, solid starch without sugars, to taste - grass. Obviously tainted with rot is also not an option. Completely yellow (first grade) are not very good in flavor and are practically odorless. Fruits with a slightly spotted color have the best taste, such specimens are classified as second grade, and the aroma will be more pleasant. If the fruit has not been subjected to chemical or gas treatment and does not have dark spots, then it is unripe. It is strictly forbidden to take bananas on which mold has manifested itself. This means that the storage rules or transportation rules have been violated.

Banana storage standards

The shelf life of ripe bananas is not long. The average comfortable temperature for a person allows them to be stored for no more than five days. When storing the fruit in question in the freezer, the permissible periods are no more than three months.

How to store green bananas to ripen

It is not always possible to find fruits with normal maturity in provincial small towns. Sometimes you have to buy green, immature ones. And here the question arises, how to store green bananas so that they ripen?

Despite the fact that immature specimens have the same benefits as ripe ones, there is nothing to say about the taste, they need to ripen. Since the banana is a climatic fruit, it continues to ripen even after being picked. The optimum temperature should not exceed 16 degrees, the ripening time is about five days. At temperatures below 10 degrees, this fruit will no longer ripen. If it is not possible to create such conditions, then a bunch of bananas can be stored at room temperature in a suspended state (there are even special storage stands), preferably in the absence of sunlight. But in this case, the taste will differ for the worse compared to the first option.

Why do bananas turn black

Let's look at the question of why bananas turn black. There are several answers to this question.

  • The presence of black dots indicates maturity.
  • Banana starts to turn black at low storage temperatures.
  • After stripping, the ETR1 and CTR1 genes are blocked, this leads to the release of ethylene, which leads to the production of enzymes: pectinase (destruction of the cell structure), amylase (starch is converted into sugar), hydrolase (reduces the amount of chlorophyll, a color change occurs). The banana begins to deteriorate, loses its attractive appearance.

How to store bananas so they don't turn black

We figured out the reasons for the blackening of the fruit, now we will deal with the question of what to do so that the fruit does not turn black. When exposed to a heat source, damage will occur, and not the ripening process. Improper storage of bananas leads to both blackness and spoilage at the same time. Completely blackened fruits are no longer edible.

Where is it better to leave for storage

To avoid blackening, follow the tips below:

  • do not store fruits in packaging in the refrigerator, as the shelf life is noticeably reduced, they will simply deteriorate;
  • bananas will not ripen in the refrigerator;
  • temperature drops contribute to blackening;
  • ripe fruit is highly undesirable to store for a long time;
  • do not put ripe fruits in the refrigerator - the peel begins to become stained;
  • lemon juice will help keep the slices or slices fresh for no more than a day;
  • it is advisable to store ripe fruits not in a bunch, but separately;
  • storing ripe bananas and unripe apples together reduces the likelihood of blackening

Storage temperature

The optimal storage temperature for the hero of our article is considered to be the range from 14-16 degrees. In this case, blackening will not occur at such a fast rate. Suitable storage humidity is 85 to 90 percent. Direct sunlight is not allowed. According to this indicator, a cellar or basement is better. It is highly desirable that the premises have air circulation and sufficient ventilation. Providing these conditions will allow these tropical fruits to remain fresh, look and taste good. If you want to achieve faster ripening, then the fruit bunch should be stored near ripe apples. A sprinkle of lemon or pineapple juice is acceptable when storing slices or slices for about two hours, for example, when preparing a fruit salad or while you are waiting for guests.

Can bananas be kept in the refrigerator?

When asked whether it can be stored in the refrigerator, the answers are contradictory. You can answer positively in the case of short-term storage, a day or two, no more. In addition, it is highly desirable to store these tropical fruits in a special compartment (the so-called zero chamber), where the average temperature is about zero degrees. In addition, it is absolutely not recommended to store peeled and chopped fruit; during the oxidation process, the blackening of the pulp will occur quickly. The blackened pulp is no longer suitable for food.

It is believed that the temperature of the refrigerator is poorly suited for storing bananas. One tip for refrigerated storage is paper wrapping to prevent contact. But what if the fruit in the refrigerator does not darken? Most likely, you will think about what the fruits were processed and in what quantities?

How to store bananas in the freezer

Are bananas kept in the freezer? Yes, this is perfectly acceptable, although they are sold all year round in supermarkets. There are several methods. The easiest way is to wrap the fruit without peeling it in a special freezing bag and send it to the freezer without peeling. This action is not particularly expedient. Bananas are sometimes frozen without the peel, but mostly for use in culinary dishes. At the same time, before being sent to the freezer, the banana must lie in the air for a couple of hours. After a short defrosting, the fruit can be used in cocktails or baked goods.

Frozen slices or wedges are good for making ice cream. To do this, the frozen and peeled fruit is crushed using a mixer, blender, milk is poured in. Also, mashed potatoes are sometimes frozen. A little lemon juice is added to the gruel formed during whipping or chopping. Pineapple juice is also acceptable. Then this mass is packed in cups or molds, sealed with cling film and sent to the freezer. It turns out a great filler for porridge. The shelf life should not exceed three months for storing bananas in any form in the freezer. Thus, freezing tropical fruits is advisable only in the case of cooking culinary dishes, since bananas are always available in stores within walking distance.

Bananas are one of the most common fruits in the tropical climate, which have long migrated to the shelves of our stores. Their delicate flesh restores wasted energy and replaces a full snack. Connoisseurs of this tropical yummy should know how to store bananas at home in order to always be able to enjoy the intoxicating aroma of the sunny fruit.

Taste and benefits of tropical fruits

Banana, from a botanical point of view, is a berry, but we used to call it a fruit that not only delights in its sweet taste, but also brings great benefits to our body.

There are plenty of useful substances in bananas, and you can list them for a long time. For example:

Standard shelf life

The shelf life of bananas directly depends on the conditions of the fruit and on the ripeness of the fruit. How to properly store fruits at home:

  • You can equip special chambers and ensure the safety of the product for up to 50 days. Such chambers imply a refrigeration unit that works not only for cooling, but also for heating.
  • Green fruits at home can be stored for up to two weeks.
  • The maximum shelf life for bananas is several months in the freezer.

Important! At room temperature, without taking measures to preserve the fruit, a ripe banana will deteriorate in a day. If you correctly approach the question of how to preserve bananas so that they do not turn black, the result will be unequivocally positive. As a result, you will enjoy an almost fresh product.

Bananas for today and for future use

When choosing bananas, you need to focus on their appearance. But before choosing, decide where to store the bananas so that they do not turn black if you do not eat everything at once. Here are some helpful tips:

How to avoid blackening

If you're worried about where to store bananas so they don't go bad or turn black, you need to know what can cause the skin to darken.

The delicate skin of this tropical fruit protects the fruit from the breakdown of the enzyme polyphenol oxidase. When the temperature drops below 10 degrees, the cell membrane is destroyed, which leads to the blackening of the banana peel. If the blackened fruit is removed from the refrigerator, the process of destruction of the shell will accelerate, although the pulp will not suffer at all.

To avoid the unpleasant blackness of the sweet fruit, it is necessary to create optimal storage conditions. For this you need:

  • Wrap the fruit with a special film that will help to achieve the maximum shelf life (up to 7 weeks).
  • Maintain a stable temperature of the pulp inside the storage chambers (+ 12-14 degrees).
  • Provide continuous air circulation using forced air exchange systems.

More on correct content

In addition to the optimal temperature regime, it is necessary to protect bananas from direct sunlight in order to avoid darkening of the fruit. And also you should not place bananas near the stove and heating appliances. A cellar or basement is fine for exotic fruits.

Advice! For long-term storage, purchase bananas without dark spots, cracks, mold, or other damage. The skin must be firm and elastic. Small black dots are tolerated as this is a good indicator of a high sugar content in the pulp.

When transporting, be careful with these delicate fruits. Do not drop them or place heavy objects on top of the bananas. Take the bunch by the bunch knot, not by the fruit, otherwise you risk tearing them off at the base.

It is better not to put these fruits in plastic bags, since in such packaging the fruits will rot due to the accumulation of fumes. When you arrive home with your purchase, remove the fruits from the polyethylene and place them on a special stand, in a wooden bowl or paper bag.

Advice! If ripe fruits are placed in a paper bag along with an unripe avocado, apple or pear, you can delay the formation of dark spots for a day. At the same time, apples will ripen faster.

The intake of ethylene, which contributes to the rapid ripening of bananas, can be limited with the following simple trick:

The leg of each fruit or the entire bunch must be wrapped with cling film, and secured with tape on top. Plucking the bananas off the brush, rewind the common stem again.

Useful information! Why you can't take dark fruits. When buying bananas, you should pay special attention to the integrity of the skins. Pathogens and even Drosophila insects that get inside the damaged skin can negatively affect your health.

Cold storage

The question of whether it is possible to store bananas in the refrigerator, if their peel begins to become covered with a dark bloom (specks), worries many lovers of this exotic fruit.

To preserve the sweet taste and density of the pulp, while slowing down the circulation of ethylene, the refrigerating chamber will help, which will save delicate fruits from rapid overripening. Place the fruit in a paper bag. To save space, separate each banana from the common base, wrapping the tear-off site with tape. This will keep the pulp firm for a week.

Freezing ripe berries

Freeze bananas to extend the shelf life of yellow fruits to several months. Do not be afraid that after defrosting they will turn into gruel, as the fruit will not lose its beneficial qualities and taste.

Freezing bananas requires carry out the following procedures:

On a note! If you want to indulge in banana ice cream, you can eat the aromatic pulp of this fruit without defrosting.

Ripening green bananas

To ripen green banana fruits at home, you should leave them to lie down on the kitchen table for several days. To speed up the ripening process of tropical fruits, place ripe pears or apples with green bananas.

To prolong the natural freshness of the delicate fruit, you can sprinkle the banana wedges with apple or lemon juice to slow down the blackening process. Although this method will temporarily save the fruit from the inevitable browning, it is therefore best to store them in the freezer.

How to use overripe fruits

Overripe bananas are fine for making fruit salads, but loose sweet flesh is undesirable for slicing. Overripe fruits are often used for culinary delights.

Useful information! Bananas can be baked, fried, canned and served as a side dish to fish. You can also make a very delicate sauce that will be a delicious addition to any exotic dish.

For lovers of this tropical fruit, the following delicious dishes using this sunny product can be advised:

To make muffins, also called banana bread, you will need:

After baking a fragrant homemade creation, sprinkle with chopped nuts and chocolate.

To prepare a milkshake, beat 200 grams of vanilla ice cream, two ripe bananas and a half-liter mug of milk with a blender. Such a delicate meal will be very useful for babies and nursing mothers.

The recipe for making a banana with strawberries is to make a puree from a chopped banana and washed strawberries in a blender. Then slowly pour milk into it and beat until foam appears. Cinnamon is added to taste.

A fragrant fruit in a cheerful yellow package. You turn the peel gently on four sides, it looks beautiful, like they draw in cartoons, and inside there is sweet sugar cotton pulp. It melts in your mouth quickly, piece by piece and there is no banana, only the peel remains. So her hands itch to someone under her feet and see if she will slip or not. And then, perhaps, they deceive us in domestic and foreign cinematography, showing scenes with "flights" on a banana peel. I'm kidding, of course.

You can't surprise with bananas now, all year round in markets and store shelves. The hostess will bring home with a reserve so, for a week, so that you don't go shopping every day. Lo and behold - the yellow ones turned black, and did not have time to try. What's the matter, fruit or storage? How to store bananas correctly, let's figure it out, I suppose, it will come in handy.

By the way, a banana is a berry, from the point of view of botanical science, but in everyday life we ​​are used to calling it a fruit.

Is there any use in them, or maybe they are just sweet and fun?

Bananas contain a large number of substances necessary for the body, you can list it endlessly. Vitamins A, C, E, and group B, and this, by the way, helps not only health, but also beauty. They contain a lot of macro- and microelements, glucose, fiber, necessary for the intestines to work properly.

The peel is suitable not only for a traumatic rally, craftsmen have found a lot of opportunities for its use. Here is some of them:

  • You can fertilize the soil of indoor plants with dried and ground peels.
  • Wipe large leaves of flowers with it for shine.
  • Whitening with the inner surface of the banana peel will not harm your teeth.
  • It helps to remove warts, you just need to tie the peel to them for a few nights.

We choose: eat immediately or stocks for future use

There are no special tricks and tricks in choosing bananas. It is necessary to focus on the appearance. But before choosing, you need to decide when you are going to eat them.

If bananas hit the table today or tomorrow, then it is best to choose the fruits of an even yellow color. It is worth checking not only the color, but also the smoothness of the peel. If it is jagged, it means that the bananas were harvested too green, and there will be few nutrients in them.

A banana with a few brown specks is also good for eating soon. The more stains, the more ripe and sweeter it is, and the shorter its shelf life. It will be correct to eat it without delay after purchasing it.

But completely brown-gray bananas are not worth buying, unless, of course, this is a variety, it is possible that they were "frozen" during delivery or improper storage.

To purchase for future use, you will have to look for unripe bananas. The fruit should be greenish at the ends and more yellow at the center. The presence of dark spots in this case is excluded. It is better to buy bananas for long-term storage in a whole bunch, make sure that the cut is dry and clean with no signs of mold.

The Russian market is teeming with the amount of this tropical product rather than a variety of varieties, so the advice can be considered universal. They are suitable for the popular Robusta Maurice and miniature finger bananas. But in stores there are also varieties of "Barro" and "Manzano", and so they are eaten when they are completely blackened, this is a sign of the richest and sweetest taste.

We keep at home correctly


So, we bought elegant ripe or slightly overripe fruits - we eat today. A few pieces left, no big deal. To save the rest, do not put them in a plastic bag, wrap the tails (the place where they are held together in a bunch) in foil and put them in a closed cabinet or closet. The shelf life in this form will be 2-3 days. To prevent them from blackening even longer, you can put unripe pears or avocados next to them. There is a double benefit - both bananas are quite edible, and other fruits ripen faster.

The optimal storage temperature is considered to be 12-14 degrees, in an apartment it hardly drops to such marks. But on a closed loggia in the autumn-spring period it is quite. The temperature in the refrigerator on the top shelf will help preserve ripe bananas. Their taste does not deteriorate there for a sufficiently long period: from 5 to 7 days, but at the same time they turn black and their appearance deteriorates.


For long-term storage (10 days on average), buy green fruits so they can ripen at home. Leave them open on the table in a bamboo or wooden dish, but out of the sun, they will ripen in two or three days. To speed up the process, place ripe tomatoes and apples on top of them. This still life will liven up the kitchen and allow the green bananas to ripen even faster.

If you need them much later, find a dark place for storage where the temperature is lower, do not pack so as not to rot or blacken, and do not put other fruits in the neighborhood. Ideally, if the bundle can be suspended at the same time.

If the bananas still darken, and you don't want to eat them in this form, you should not be upset, they are quite suitable for a variety of baking.

Your brownie.