Meat sausages recipe. Homemade minced sausages

03.03.2020 Lenten dishes

If at least once in your life you try properly cooked fried fresh porcini mushrooms, then other mushroom dishes will simply fade in the light of this delicious delicacy. The mushroom season is in full swing, friends, and today I want to tell you how to fry porcini mushrooms correctly so that they turn out incredibly tasty, aromatic and juicy. Cooking porcini mushrooms is not at all a complicated process, as it might seem at first glance.

And I have prepared for you a detailed excursion on this topic so that you can easily fry porcini mushrooms on your own in your kitchen. My grandmother taught me how to cook mushrooms in this way, she also told me how much it is necessary to fry the porcini mushroom in time and whether it is necessary to cook the porcini mushrooms before frying.

Ingredients for the recipe

  • 1 kg. porcini mushrooms
  • 1 small onion
  • 2-3 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • ½ bunch of parsley
  • salt and black pepper

Cooking instructions

For frying, we need any porcini mushroom, including a substandard one with a green cap on the inside, which is not suitable for preservation.

Pour porcini mushrooms with cold water, clean them from dirt, cut off rotten areas, inspect for worms. Cut porcini mushrooms for frying into large pieces, similar to mine in the photo.

Boil or not?

Next, you are probably wondering if you need to cook porcini mushrooms before frying? I believe that the porcini mushroom needs to be boiled, and my grandmother thinks the same way. In porcini mushrooms, in 90% of cases, there are worms. Even if you don't see them, they are still there. Therefore, in order not to fry porcini mushrooms with "meat", we boil porcini mushrooms in salted water for 20 minutes. Bring the water to a boil, salt, put the porcini mushrooms in boiling water, bring to a boil, and cook for 20 minutes.

How to fry in a pan

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan (preferably with a non-stick coating) and add butter.

Fry chopped onion in melted butter until translucent. Porcini mushrooms fried with onions are tender and juicy, so if you fry the porcini mushroom without onions.

Add boiled porcini mushrooms to the fried onions and mix thoroughly. Further attention: we set the temperature of the stove to the maximum, and fry the porcini mushrooms in a pan, stirring constantly with a spatula.

The answer to the question: how long to fry porcini mushrooms in time will look like this: all the liquid should evaporate from the mushrooms, a golden crust will appear and the oil will begin to "sizzle" in the pan. For 1 kg of fresh boiled porcini mushrooms, it will take about 15 minutes.

At this stage, add salt, black pepper and chopped parsley to the fried porcini mushrooms.

I must say that mushroom dishes are undoubtedly a national treasure of Russian cuisine.
Of course, in other countries, they pay tribute to these gifts of nature, but they often use a very limited set of types of mushrooms for food - roughly speaking, champignons and truffles, these are almost edible "western mushrooms". In our country, mushrooms are eaten by almost everything, except for the pale toadstool. Even fly agarics are used.

Over the past millennia, when the ancient people collected and ate mushrooms along with other plant foods, mankind has invented many ways to cook them. If at the very beginning people ate mushrooms only in dried and fried form, then over time, mushrooms became an indispensable product for cooking, frying, drying, salting, pickling, and so on. Mushrooms have become a favorite dish of folk cuisine and even a delicacy for the high society.

One of the popular dishes of Russian cuisine, for example, is fried mushrooms. This is an excellent dish both in the daily and on the festive menu.
Champignons, porcini mushrooms, honey mushrooms, mushrooms, butter mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, boletus mushrooms are well suited for frying - the list goes on for quite some time.
In general, the mushrooms are recommended to be pre-boiled until half cooked in salted water, and then fried. You need to fry the mushrooms until a small crust forms.
Mushrooms are most often cooked with vegetables - onions, carrots, cabbage, potatoes - they go well with various types of mushrooms. Traditionally, fried mushrooms are served with sour cream sauce, often with garlic.
Fried mushrooms are served as a main hot dish, or as a side dish or cold appetizer.

In addition to their excellent taste, mushrooms are also a very valuable food product. In terms of the content of some minerals (sulfur, phosphorus and potassium), mushrooms are even superior to fruits.
In terms of protein content, mushrooms are significantly ahead of all plant foods, which sometimes allows them to be used as a substitute for meat. Moreover, in porcini mushrooms, for example, digestible proteins are 2 times more than in beef, and 3 times more than in fish.
In addition, mushrooms contain many amino acids necessary for a person, anticancer substances are also present, not counting bacteria that have a detrimental effect on tuberculosis and Escherichia coli.

However, for all their merits, eating mushrooms can be associated with a certain risk if you picked up unknown mushrooms or improperly processed them and violated the shelf life. Collected and pre-processed mushrooms can be stored for no more than a day, and raw mushrooms are not recommended to be stored for more than 2-3 hours.

But, most importantly, nevertheless, it is good to understand mushrooms. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to repeat a few immutable rules:

Mushroom Picker Brief Memo

In order to calmly eat fried mushrooms with potatoes, for example, you should be firmly confident in the mushrooms that you have collected.
While in the forest for mushrooms, do not forget the golden rule of the mushroom picker, which says: If you don't know the mushroom, don't take it! A mushroom you don't know is not your mushroom!

Death cap differs from champignon and green russula in white plates with a greenish tinge, absence of mushroom smell, bag-like wrapping at the base of the leg. Pale toadstool is the only poisonous mushroom in all cases and in all species. No amount of processing can make it edible.

Satanic mushroom unlike white, it turns pink on the cut and then turns blue, a similar oak tree turns blue immediately.

False value does not have a ribbed edge, and the pulp smells like radish or horseradish.

Have false mushroom- greenish or brown plates and flesh with an unpleasant odor.

Poisonous Pepper Mushroom turns red (edible flywheels similar to it turn blue, but the oiler does not change color).

Poisonous gall mushroom turns pink, does not change white, and the boletus darkens over time.

Poisonous False Chanterelle it is more brightly colored, it has large red-orange plates.

All without exception fly agaric species and pale toadstools the lower part of the leg has a pronounced spherical shape of the bulb, while (which is important to remember) the lower part of the leg is, as it were, in a bag, wrapped in a thin white film with torn edges. Such "decorations" are never found on the legs of edible mushrooms.
False honey mushrooms, unlike edible ones, do not have a ring on the stem, the legs are thin, sinuous, usually hollow, and the underside of the cap is greenish-gray, even dark olive.

This is a very short guide and cannot cover the entire spectrum of toadstools. Therefore, the main thing: if you don't know - don't take it!

And one more question, almost according to Shakespeare, - to cook or not to cook?

Do I need to boil mushrooms before frying?

The most summertime recipe is fried wild mushrooms with new potatoes!
Do you already feel the magical taste and aroma?
Are you sure you know how to properly and safely prepare such a dish?

The main question is whether it is necessary to boil mushrooms before frying them? Let's see what kind of trophies of the quiet hunt ended up in our kitchen.

Remember that all mushrooms go bad very quickly. Any mushrooms, you need to immediately, having brought from the forest, cleaned of adhered blades of grass, leaves, cut off the legs, damaged areas of the caps, wormy and softened places. Then rinse 2-2 times in cool water. It is important to remember that all mushrooms have the qualities and properties of sponges. Therefore, so that the mushrooms do not absorb excess liquid and, in fact, all the dirt that was on their surface, it is necessary to wash quickly. Without soaking!

Such mushrooms as boletus (porcini mushrooms), chanterelles, mushrooms are known to many, and are considered the most noble and proven, they are called - certainly edible.
Experienced mushroom pickers believe that all of the above "noble" mushrooms do not need preliminary heat treatment before frying.
This is true, because during cooking, some of the useful microelements are lost, and the aroma of forest extraction weakens.
Indeed, without boiling the noble mushrooms, you can not be afraid of serious food poisoning. But it's still worth it to play it safe. All representatives of the mushroom kingdom are known for their ability to absorb various toxins and other substances of little use for the human body.
It is unlikely that porcini mushrooms were collected in the protected area. Today, the nature and environment are not as healthy as, say, 15-20 years ago.
Therefore, it will not be superfluous to boil the above-mentioned mushrooms for 10-15 minutes.

Now, let's figure it out: Do edible and most common mushrooms need to be boiled before frying? Such as: boletus, boletus, boletus, goat, fly?
The answer is you need to. Necessarily.

Firstly, because they are unlikely to be collected in an ecologically ideal place.
Secondly, because pretreatment allows you to destroy substances and microorganisms that are unsafe for human health. These mushrooms also need to be pre-washed and removed from adhering leaves and other forest debris. In addition, for boletus and aspen mushrooms, the skin must be removed from the cap. In boletus, it is advised to remove the pulp of the cap, where the spores and the lower part of the leg are located.
Boil the mushrooms in a sufficient amount of water, making sure that they do not stick to the bottom or sides of the pan. Moreover, it is advised to boil mushrooms in two waters. The first cooking - the mushrooms are dipped in boiling water, brought to a boil and removed after 3-5 minutes from the heat, drained through a colander.

Second: how to cook mushrooms? Mushrooms can be poured with cold water and gradually bringing to a boil, leave on fire for another 10-15 minutes. The flame of the burner should be such that the broth boils, but not too much. Remember to stir the mushrooms and remove the foam that forms with a slotted spoon.

Finally, how to process conditionally edible mushrooms before frying - russula, milk mushrooms, violins, talkers, serushki? Be sure to cook! This group of mushrooms is considered conditionally edible, which means that it requires more attention and responsibility.
Obligatory (!), Preliminary heat treatment allows you to reduce the concentration of toxic substances to a safe level, and eliminate the bitterness that is inherent in some of these types of mushrooms. Conditionally edible mushrooms are recommended to be boiled in at least 2 waters before frying, for 25-30 minutes. Remember that cooking conditionally edible mushrooms will require a larger pot and more water (this will reduce the concentration of substances that we are trying to get rid of during cooking).
By the way, many conditionally edible mushrooms, for example, milk mushrooms, are also soaked for 10-12 hours before heat treatment.

Some housewives add salt and spices during cooking. But this can be done later when frying.
There is an opinion that if you put an onion head in a saucepan where mushrooms are boiled and it turns blue, then among the mushrooms there are poisonous ones. However, onions can turn blue from quite decent, edible mushrooms. It is much better to check the forest crop even before sending it to the pan. Not sure about some kind of fungus? Don't tempt fate - throw it away!

You can cook mushrooms in a metal, or even better in an enamel container. Never use an aluminum pan!
Remember that when boiling, the mass of the mushrooms is significantly reduced.
In order for the mushrooms to turn out appetizing, golden, after cooking they need to be thrown into a colander and allowed to drain off excess liquid. Otherwise, you will end up with stewed mushrooms, not fried.
Advice: there are a lot of aromatic substances in forest mushrooms, even after preliminary boiling, there are still enough of them. Therefore, you should not overuse spices while cooking mushrooms - they can “kill” the unique taste and smell of forest gifts.

And finally: any mushrooms are a perishable product. Therefore, dishes cooked with them are undesirable to store and subject to secondary heat treatment (reheat).

How to process and properly fry mushrooms is shown in a step-by-step recipe -

Porcini mushrooms, or, as they are also called, boletus, are considered one of the most valuable food products. They have high nutritional value and low calorie content. Pleasant taste and unique aroma make dishes from them very popular. Many housewives know how to fry porcini mushrooms in a pan, but in fact there are so many recipes for cooking fried boletus that it will never be superfluous to replenish your cookbook with a new one.

Cooking features

Boletus belongs to the first category of mushrooms, they do not require complex preliminary preparation. But still, knowing some of the intricacies of cooking fried porcini mushrooms will not hurt.

  • Not the least important is the place of gathering boletus. Like any other mushrooms, they cease to be safe if they grow near industrial enterprises, highways, as they absorb toxic substances. Therefore, it is better to go on a "quiet hunt" deeper into the forest, but at the same time, of course, taking measures so as not to get lost.
  • Before cooking, the collected boletus must be sorted out, wormholes cut out, or worm mushrooms must be discarded altogether. Overgrown boletus is also better not to use.
  • Selected mushrooms should be cleaned of debris, cut into pieces of equal size, rinsed and rinsed with boiling water, and then dried.
  • It is not necessary to boil the porcini mushrooms before frying in a pan, but it is still advisable to do this. Firstly, this will make them even cleaner, and secondly, their volume will decrease and thanks to this, much more mushrooms will fit in the pan. It is still not worth boiling boletus mushrooms for a long time so that they retain their aroma: 5-10 minutes will be quite enough.
  • When adding spices and spices, you should know when to stop so that they do not kill the aroma of porcini mushrooms.

You can fry in a pan not only fresh boletus, but also dried and salted ones.

Fresh porcini mushrooms fried in a pan

  • porcini mushrooms (fresh) - 1 kg;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • onions - 0.2 kg;
  • allspice peas - 5 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Boil the prepared porcini mushrooms, already cut into pieces, in slightly salted water (10 g of salt per 1 liter of water) for 10 minutes.
  • Throw in a colander and wait until the water from the boletus drains completely.
  • Melt the butter in a skillet and place the mushrooms on it. Grill for 20 minutes, uncovered, over medium heat, stirring frequently.
  • Peel the onion, cut into half rings, add to the mushrooms and stir.
  • Fry the mushrooms and onions for 5 minutes. Salt if necessary, add allspice and laurel leaves.
  • Reduce heat, cover the skillet with a lid, and simmer the boletus for another 10 minutes.

How to fry dried boletus

  • dried porcini mushrooms - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Rinse the dried mushrooms, fill with two liters of clean water and leave for 4-6 hours to swell and regain their original shape.
  • Rinse the mushrooms again and boil for 10 minutes, fold in a colander and let the water drain.
  • Heat oil in a frying pan and add boletus mushrooms. Fry them over medium heat, stirring vigorously, for 25 minutes. You do not need to cover the pan with a lid at this time.
  • Cut the onion into half rings and add to the mushrooms. Salt them, stir and fry for another 10 minutes.
  • Reduce heat, cover the skillet with a lid and simmer the boletus over low heat for 10 minutes.

If desired, at the last stage, you can add spices to taste and a couple of tablespoons of sour cream.

How to fry salted porcini mushrooms

  • salted porcini mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • onions - 0.2 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Remove the boletus from the brine, rinse thoroughly in running water. Fill with cold water and leave for an hour, then rinse well again and wait for the water to drain from the mushrooms.
  • Fry the mushrooms in oil in a skillet without a lid until the excess moisture has evaporated.
  • Cut the onion into small pieces and place in the pan, fry with the mushrooms until the onion is golden brown.
  • Cover and simmer for 5 minutes.

You should not add spices, spices and salt, since enough of them were used when salting boletus.

Porcini mushrooms fried with potatoes

  • fresh porcini mushrooms - 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • onions - 0.3 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • sour cream - 100 g;
  • green onions, dill - wish;
  • salt, black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the porcini mushrooms, cut, boil for 10 minutes, discard in a colander.
  • Heat oil in a frying pan, put boletus mushrooms and fry them for a quarter of an hour.
  • Peel the potatoes, cut into strips and place in the pan with the mushrooms. Cook the dish for another 15 minutes.
  • Chop the onion and add to the mushrooms and potatoes. Cook for another 10 minutes.
  • Season with salt and pepper, add chopped dill and green onions, pour over sour cream, stir and simmer covered for 10 minutes.

If you fry boletus with potatoes according to this recipe, then the dish will be saturated with their aroma. However, there is another way to fry porcini mushrooms in a pan with potatoes, when all the ingredients (mushrooms, onions, potatoes) are fried separately, and then mixed and sprinkled with green onions and dill. In this case, sour cream is served separately with the dish.

Porcini mushrooms fried with egg

  • fresh or reconstituted from dry porcini mushrooms - 0.5 kg;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • salt and herbs to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Boil the mushrooms in salted water for 10 minutes.
  • Place in a skillet with oil and fry the boletus for 20 minutes.
  • Beat the eggs with milk and salt and pour the mixture over the mushrooms.
  • Place the pan in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 5 minutes or fry under the lid until the eggs are tender.
  • Sprinkle with chopped herbs before serving.

Porcini mushrooms fried with eggs are one of the traditional dishes, but they are not prepared very much, so it may well surprise your guests.

Porcini mushrooms fried in sour cream with wine

  • fresh porcini mushrooms - 0.5 kg;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • sour cream - 0.2 l;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • dry white wine - 50 ml;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Peel, wash the boletus, cut them into small pieces and boil in salted water for 10 minutes.
  • Melt the butter in a frying pan, put the mushrooms on it and fry them for 10 minutes over medium heat, stirring vigorously.
  • Pour in the wine, after 2 minutes, reduce the intensity of the flame and cover the pan with a lid.
  • Mix sour cream with finely grated cheese, pour the boletus with this mixture, stir.
  • Simmer under the lid, removing it from time to time and stirring the mushrooms until the sour cream thickens. This will take 15–20 minutes.

Mushrooms fried according to this recipe can be served as a hot snack even for a festive table. Sprinkle with chopped herbs before serving.

Whichever recipe for fried porcini mushrooms you choose, you can be sure that you will end up with an appetizing, aromatic and very tasty dish that will not leave anyone indifferent.

When you want something special and simple for lunch or dinner, mushrooms fried with onions will be an excellent solution. Their preparation requires almost no effort, it is enough to grind and fry the components.

Anything else will do the amazing mushroom flavor and aroma. Most often, hostesses cook champignons, milk mushrooms, aspen mushrooms or porcini mushrooms. Thanks to easy recipes and cooking techniques, making fried mushrooms is easy!

Simple recipe

Required Ingredients:

  • champignons - 900 gr;
  • butter for frying - 2 tbsp. l;
  • 2 large onions;
  • sugar - 0.25 g;
  • salt.

Cooking time: 35 minutes.

Caloric content: 61.68 kcal.

Porcini mushrooms fried with sour cream and onion

Required Ingredients:

  • porcini mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • onions - 200 gr;
  • butter or ghee - 2 tbsp l;
  • sour cream 15-25% fat - 3 tbsp. l;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking time: 35-40 minutes.

Caloric content: 93 kcal.

  1. Rinse porcini mushrooms, peel, boil. Cut them into thin slices or quarters.
  2. Cut the onion into rings. Place it in a preheated pan. Simmer the onion until soft.
  3. Add porcini mushrooms to the onion, stir and fry over high heat.
  4. When the mushrooms settle well in the pan, they need to be salted to taste and seasoned.
  5. When the contents of the pan are browned, add the rate of sour cream. Cover and bring with sour cream until tender.
  6. Serve hot with boiled potatoes or buckwheat.

Recipe for fried milk mushrooms with onions and meat

Required Ingredients:

  • pork or veal - 700 gr;
  • onions - 150 gr;
  • milk mushrooms - 450 gr;
  • butter or vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l;
  • vinegar 9% - 0.5 tsp;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking time: 50 minutes.

Caloric content: in 100 grams 164.5 kcal.

  1. Cut the pork into pieces, season with salt, pepper and vinegar. Let the meat marinate a little.
  2. Peel the norm of the onion, cut it into cubes or half rings.
  3. Rinse the milk mushrooms, blanch with boiled water, drain and chop.
  4. Put the meat squeezed from the marinade into a preheated frying pan with butter. Allow the meat to brown slightly so that the juice evaporates in the pan.
  5. Add onion, fry until slightly softened.
  6. The next step is to add the mushrooms. Mix everything thoroughly. Cover with a lid on top. Cook, stirring occasionally.
  7. Salt to taste, add pepper if necessary. Bring to readiness.
  8. Serve with boiled potatoes, buckwheat or pasta.

How to fry mushrooms with onions and minced meat

Required Ingredients:

  • mushrooms - 800 gr;
  • onions - 200 gr;
  • minced meat - 350 gr;
  • frying oil - 2 tbsp. l;
  • spices, salt.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Caloric content: 99.7 kcal.

  1. Rinse mushrooms, if forest mushrooms, boil them first. Cut into thin slices.
  2. Pour oil into a frying pan, heat it, add minced meat with chopped onions.
  3. Fry the minced meat, season with salt, add pepper.
  4. As soon as the juice evaporates from the minced meat, add the vegetables and fry them until tender.
  5. To prevent the dish from getting dry, the main thing is not to overcook it. You can cook under the lid for juicier results.
  1. You can fry absolutely any mushrooms. If you use champignons, it is not necessary to boil them beforehand. But forest ones, in order to get rid of the sand and bring them to half-readiness, must first be boiled.
  2. Fried milk mushrooms love a lot of onions, there is never a lot of it.
  3. Fry the mushrooms until golden brown. For those who do not like heavily fried dishes, you can stew them until cooked under the lid.
  4. Sour cream goes very well with mushrooms; if desired, it can be easily replaced with cream. In rare cases, mayonnaise is added.
  5. You can enhance the taste of greenhouse champignons with the help of mushroom seasoning.

By combining different varieties of mushrooms, you can get a delicious assortment with a pleasant aroma!

Mushroom treats are very popular not only during the fasting period, but also in the daily diet, as well as in the holiday menu.

If you know how much to fry mushrooms in a pan in time and know how to do it correctly, then you simply cannot find a dish tastier than mushroom frying. Such a dish will not only perfectly complement any side dish, will become a chic filling for pies, zraz, pancakes, dumplings, but will also be an ideal hot and cold snack.

When it comes to the benefits of mushrooms, then you can talk a lot, because forest gifts are real treasures of minerals and protein. In a lean diet, they are quite capable (almost completely) of replacing meat, and even making healthy competition for vegetables.

But, with all this, it is worth noting that mushrooms consist of more than 90% of ordinary water, which makes them an excellent dietary product. However, such a watery texture requires the right approach to roasting different types of mushrooms.

How many minutes to fry mushrooms in a pan


The most popular mushrooms today are champignons. They are aromatic, tasty, and very quick and easy to roast.

  • Fry the caps cut into slices or slices in a frying pan over moderate heat for no more than 10 minutes. You do not need to cover the container with a lid. If you like mushrooms fried to a crunch, then the fire can be increased.
  • Frozen mushrooms should be cooked for 10 to 15 minutes. First, over medium heat, wait for the liquid to evaporate, and then slightly increase the gas, add oil and fry until blush.
  • Before frying, canned champignons from canned food must be rinsed from the marinade, discarded in a colander, and then fry over high heat for 5 minutes.

Honey mushrooms and chanterelles

  1. Fresh mushrooms and chanterelles must be thoroughly cleaned of sand, films and rinsed under water before cooking. After that, in a well-heated and oiled frying pan, fry the mushrooms for 15-20 minutes, without covering. The main sign that mushrooms are fried is clicking and "shooting".
  2. As for frozen mushrooms, then the cooking time is increased by 5-10 minutes. First, evaporate the resulting liquid, and only then fry the mushrooms until tender for 10-15 minutes.

  • The most favorite and best trophies for most mushroom pickers are porcini mushrooms. You can cook them at home very quickly, literally in 10 minutes. Fry the caps and legs, cut into arbitrary slices, over medium heat until a delicious crust appears.
  • After freezing, porcini mushrooms take more than 10 minutes to cook. As soon as the liquid is released, add fire and evaporate the water, and then reduce the flame to medium again and fry the dish for another 10 minutes.

Shiitake, enoke, eringi

Exotic mushrooms can be eaten not only in traditional Asian restaurants, because you can easily make an original dish with your own hands and at home using the following step-by-step recipe.

  1. Wash and dry the shiitake mushrooms.
  2. Pour oil into the pan and set the container to heat on the stove with a strong flame.
  3. After 2 minutes, pour the chopped mushrooms into the pan and, stirring actively, cook them for 10 minutes.
  4. If you are cooking enoki or eringi, then they should be fried over medium heat for literally 5 minutes.

Oyster mushrooms and russula

  • Oyster mushrooms and russula should be fried for no more than a quarter of an hour over moderate heat, without covering the pan with a lid.
  • If you decide to make a fragrant creamy mushroom dish, then after 10 minutes of frying mushrooms with onions, add 2-3 tablespoons to the container. sour cream, ¼ st. water, salt and spices to taste, and then simmer russules (oyster mushrooms) for another 10 minutes on low gas under a lid.

How to fry boletus and boletus

  1. Such mushrooms need to be fried for a rather long time - about half an hour over medium heat. We do not put the lid on the pan, and salt the dish only at the end.
  2. For frozen boletus and boletus boletus, you should set aside 40 minutes for frying.

As a rule, the forest "catch" is quite voluminous and it is impossible to eat or pickle all the trophies at once. Therefore, many mushroom pickers boil peeled mushrooms and store them for up to 2 days in the refrigerator or up to six months in the freezer.

If you also decide to fry already boiled mushrooms, then the cooking time may differ from the method of frying fresh fruits.

Milk mushrooms and waves

Milk mushrooms and volushki have a specific bitter taste, therefore, before boiling, they should be soaked for 48 hours, regularly changing the water.

  • After that, the mushrooms should be cut and boiled in salted water for 25 minutes. And after boiling, you can send milk mushrooms (waves) to a frying pan preheated at medium heat. 10-15 minutes for a golden brown crust will be enough.

Flywheels, boletus, aspen

  • The most popular forest "inhabitants" - aspen, boletus and flywheels should always be boiled before frying.
  • Boil peeled and chopped mushrooms in salted water for 20 minutes, then put them in a colander.
  • While the mushrooms are draining, put a frying pan on medium heat, pour oil into it and heat well.

  • As soon as the smoke starts, put the mushrooms in a skillet and fry them for 15 minutes.

We will add salt to such a dish at the end, so as not to oversalt. If you want to add onions, you can add them 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

Chanterelles, honey agarics, boletus

  1. Butterlets require a short 10-minute boil, or they can simply be stewed in a pan under the lid until the liquid evaporates over low heat, and only then, adding gas, fry them for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Boiled chanterelles and mushrooms should be fried for only 10 minutes.

Dried mushrooms have a richer taste, but do not have the tenderness inherent in fresh fruits.

  • In order to fry dried mushrooms, they should first be soaked in hot water for at least 2 hours.
  • After that, we wash the mushrooms in several waters so that there is no sand left, and put them on a sieve.

If you want something tasty and not quite ordinary, you can cook mushrooms. Mushrooms are a natural product with a high content of vegetable protein. They can be stewed, boiled, baked and fried. Let's talk about frying. How to fry mushrooms? Basically, all mushrooms are fried in the same way.

How to fry mushrooms properly

  1. Clean and wash the amount of mushrooms you will be cooking.
  2. Boil the mushrooms in salted water halfway through (about 10 minutes, depending on the type of mushroom).
  3. Then you can start frying. Now there are many recipes for cooking fried mushrooms: with carrots, cabbage, onions, potatoes, garlic. Mushrooms can also be cooked in batter, with potatoes, with breadcrumbs, or baked in an omelet. Often mushrooms are cooked in sour cream or tomato sauce. Choose any method, find the recipe, and go! We will consider the most classic option.
  4. After boiling, use a colander to free the mushrooms from the water.
  5. Take three medium-sized onions and finely chop them.
  6. Grind two carrots with a coarse grater.
  7. Heat a frying pan on the stove, add vegetable oil and fry the onions for five minutes.
  8. Next, add the carrots and sauté until golden brown.
  9. Add mushrooms, pepper, salt to taste. Cook for 15 minutes, stirring constantly.
  10. After 15 minutes, remove the pan from the stove, sprinkle the mushrooms with finely chopped herbs (dill or parsley).
  11. Cover the dish with a lid and leave to infuse for 10-15 minutes.

Champignons are special mushrooms. Frying champignons for dinner means pleasantly surprising your family and friends.

How to fry mushrooms champignons

  1. Rinse the mushrooms well.
  2. Boil the mushrooms in salted water for 10-20 minutes.
  3. Next, chop the mushrooms into slices. Start with legs, end with hats.
  4. Transfer the crumbled mushrooms to the pan and fry until golden brown and the excess moisture evaporates.
  5. When golden brown, add butter to add a delicate flavor to the mushrooms.
  6. Fry the mushrooms for about 7-10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  7. Season the mushrooms with salt a few minutes until they are ready.

You can also fry frozen mushrooms.

How to fry frozen mushrooms

Follow this instruction:

  1. First, you need to place the mushrooms in salted boiling water for disinfection. Disinfection time is 5-10 minutes. If you personally have frozen mushrooms and are sure of their purity, you can skip this point.
  2. Pour the mushrooms into the pan, fry them until all the water has boiled away.
  3. When the liquid has evaporated, add the sunflower oil, finely chopped onions, salt and pepper.
  4. Fry the mushrooms for 10-15 minutes over medium heat.
  5. Add sour cream and simmer mushrooms for 7 minutes.
    That's all! So you can fry frozen mushrooms deliciously!

And finally, we will give you a couple of recipes with mushrooms for an unusual dinner.

Recipe 1 - Stew with honey agarics

You need to cook this dish according to the following algorithm:

  1. Boil honey mushrooms for a few minutes and cut them into large slices.
  2. Chop the onions and fry in oil until golden brown.
  3. Fry the mushrooms in a skillet for 3 minutes.
  4. Take two glasses of water, mix tomato paste with liquid (a few spoons). Add one spoonful of sugar and one spoonful of vinegar to the mixture.
  5. Put honey mushrooms in a baking dish, top with sweet peppers, previously cut into strips. Pour all this over the already prepared tomato sauce. After all this, pepper and salt your dish.
  6. Cover the future stew with foil or a lid and bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 40 minutes.

Recipe 2 - Porcini mushrooms in batter

  1. In this recipe, porcini mushrooms can be replaced with champignons.
  2. As in the previous recipes, boil mushrooms (you can take frozen ones) in salted boiling water.
  3. While the mushrooms are undergoing primary processing, prepare the batter. To do this, beat the following ingredients: a glass of milk, a couple of eggs, 2 tablespoons of flour, a pinch of salt.
  4. Remove the mushrooms from the pan and cut the larger ones in half.
  5. Spoon the breadcrumbs into a separate dish.
  6. Then follow this algorithm: add a large amount of vegetable oil to the pan, heat it; Dip each mushroom in batter, then in crackers and fry in a pan until golden crisp.

Here's how you can cook mushrooms in different ways! We hope that now you know how to fry mushrooms, and our recipes will definitely be useful for you.

Many housewives who have the opportunity to pick mushrooms are concerned about the question: How to keep these gifts of the forest fresh? In this age of modern household appliances, when there are freezers with dry freezers, this is not a problem. The problem is how to properly prepare these products for long-term storage, so that you can safely eat it later. Cooks advise: mushrooms should be boiled before freezing, because when frozen, they are considered semi-finished products that can be used as a filling in any flour dishes. All this is understandable, but how long does it take to cook mushrooms before putting them in the refrigerator?

What to do with mushrooms? Discussion

At the forum on the Internet, letters from a young mother appeared, whose son collected mushrooms in the camp, soaked them in salty solution and put them in the freezer. Leaving, he took the creation of his own hands, but the road was long, so an incomprehensible lump came home. The woman is afraid to eat her son's gift. Of course, she is right, and the child needs to be explained the essence of the freezing process, and that mushroom poisoning is very difficult to treat. Social media users who have joined the discussion and say that boiled mushrooms need very little space in the refrigerator, and boiling them is not difficult at all. Clean from debris and herbs, chop large and cook for only fifteen minutes. Then, taking it out of the water, the mass is cooled, laid out in portioned sealed bags and sent to the freezer. Such a product can lie there for six months, while they do not lose their aroma and taste.

A conversation about storing mushrooms

As a rule, avid mushroom pickers do not know how to freeze mushrooms, so they cook them fresh or salted in a strong salt solution. Culinary experts believe that freezing is an excellent way to preserve the product, but it must be boiled first. Some argue that this process takes only ten minutes and then, only in order for it to decrease in volume. Cooking rules do not accept this statement and advise you to familiarize yourself with the heat treatment table for different types of spore. Most of the time is spent on boletus: they boil for about fifty to sixty minutes. Slightly less white - thirty - forty, and even less boletus - twenty. Champignons can be cooked for only five minutes, russula and mushrooms - about twenty. But the morels and stitches must first be soaked in cold water, then squeezed out and re-filled with cold water, put on the stove. In the process, you need to change the water two to three times.

Clarification: why should they be boiled?

The problem has several points:

  1. Mushrooms are frozen for one purpose, so that there is an additional product from which you can quickly prepare a dish. Based on the foregoing, the mushroom needs to be boiled.
  2. Some housewives claim that on one of the shelves in the refrigerator, they put food, which is later "cooked from scratch." With this approach, the mushrooms need to be sorted out, rinsed several times, dried - and only then sent for storage.
  3. This product is perishable, so some species (honey mushrooms, chanterelles) are recommended to be eaten immediately. If there is a desire to freeze, then this variety must be cooked and half cooked.

General rules for processing mushrooms

A hostess who decides to freeze mushroom fillets for the winter should use the general rules:

  • The collected products must be inspected and re-sorted, removing all low-quality, unfamiliar, wormy ones.
  • Next, you should put the gifts in a large container and cover with water for a while - so that they float freely in the water. It has been proven that water flushes out harmful substances from the body, penetrating into the mushroom with rain streams and from the soil. Drain water together with floating debris and rinse again.
  • If necessary, cut into portions; in some species, separate the cap and cook it separately from the leg.
  • The prepared parts should be put into an enamel pan of a suitable size, filled with water, adding a pinch of salt, mixed and put on high heat. Some housewives boil mushrooms with citric acid.
  • Periodically skim off the rising foam; at the beginning of the boil, it can be abundant. In the future, you need to reduce the heat so that the contents do not boil much. Many housewives do not keep track of the time, but determine the degree of readiness of the product by the disappearance of foam and as the product is lowered to the bottom of the pan.
  • Throw the cooked mass on a sieve, wait, it will cool, and the water will drain.
  • There is one more thing to do - to place the mushrooms in the freezer, but so that the mushrooms do not freeze in a lump, they need to be kept in the cold by spreading them out one at a time on a baking sheet, and only then laid out in the existing container.

If you have a multicooker in the kitchen, you can process the collected gifts in it. The product should not be tamped, the placed volume should occupy half of the pan. Set the timer for the required time (thirty minutes) and do other things. By the way, the process is accelerated in a pressure cooker: it takes only a quarter of an hour.

Various options

Culinary experts believe that different types of mushrooms need to be prepared in different ways for long-term storage:

  1. The porcini mushroom is the king of the mushroom kingdom, surpassing all others in taste. It is not easy to find it, you need to know special signs, but the dishes prepared from the fleshy forest beauty are unsurpassed. Mushroom pickers can distinguish the porcini mushroom from other species with their eyes closed. The fact is that it has a special aroma that is not lost during any food processing, including freezing. Prepared mushrooms, if they are large, should be cut into portioned pieces, while the medium ones are cooked whole. The boil time is about twenty minutes.
  1. Experienced housewives have learned how to freeze mushrooms and oyster mushrooms brought from the forest. The washed gifts are poured with cold water and brought to a boil. After that, the water is drained, clean is poured, and the heat treatment continues. Its duration is half an hour. City dwellers do not try to stock up on oyster mushrooms, because you can always buy this product in any supermarket.
  1. Chanterelles are inhabitants of Siberia. They are the cleanest, because they grow on the stumps of old trees, they are very tasty, so they can be harvested for the future in any quantity, especially since they are practically not damaged by worms, and all kinds of insects avoid them. An experienced mushroom picker does not take "false chanterelles", which he recognizes by the shade of color and a special putrid smell. With the collected chanterelles, the hostesses do the same as with other species:
  • mushrooms are sorted out and washed;
  • cut into desired pieces;
  • boiled over low heat for twenty to thirty minutes;
  • thrown off in a colander, time is given to drain the broth;
  • laid out in small containers and sent to the camera.
  1. Gathering honey mushrooms, an inexperienced mushroom picker may be mistaken, because this name, like the previous one, is false, poisonous. You can distinguish it by looking under the cap - the surface is dark, gray or black. Mushroom pickers, however, do not bother themselves with this procedure, but look at the leg. A real honey mushroom has a lace film ring on it. The third way to check is to break off a small piece and taste it. False honey is bitter. The preparatory stage of processing honey agaric consists not only in washing the collected mushrooms. It is necessary to separate the caps from the legs. If the upper part of the mushroom can be boiled for about twenty minutes, then the legs are much harder. The boiling time for them should be increased by fifteen to twenty minutes. Real honey mushrooms in any form retain a pleasant smell.
  1. Boletus mushrooms are also valuable. On the market, they are considered mushrooms of the second category, since, in terms of taste, they almost do not differ from white ones. You need to collect them only when young, because the more time the mushroom grows, the longer it takes to cook. The leg is especially hard. If the caps need to be boiled for forty minutes, then the legs can boil for up to an hour or more. A sign that the mushroom has cooked will be a change in the color of the mass: it darkens.
  1. But in butter, after any processing, the pulp remains light. Mushrooms are boiled for thirty minutes in cold water. The preparation process for this species is a little more complicated. You should not only sort out, wash, cut, but also remove the upper mucous film that covers the cap. Butterlets are also poisonous. Having created an inedible mushroom, nature took care of its differences. Experienced mushroom pickers know that poisonous boletus has a purple color and a loose cap, while ordinary mushrooms are elastic and durable.
  1. The mushroom kingdom is very rich. Here is another inconspicuous mushroom - a flywheel. Its taste is inferior to butter and whites, but, however, the mushroom picker will always bend down to cut off the flywheel hidden in the grass. Do not be alarmed if during processing the pulp of the mushroom turns slightly blue. The product should be poured with cold water and boiled for about twenty minutes. Carried away by the collection, you can put in the basket and a false flywheel. When sorting out mushrooms, you can smell something you don't like - it will not have a specific smell, its cut does not change color.

From the experience of housewives

  • Spore ones are frozen in a portioned volume, which can be consumed at a time, because it is not worth re-putting them in the freezer - this will already be an unsightly mass.
  • The product is thawed slowly, in the refrigerator, where it is kept overnight. If during this time it takes the form of a fresh product, then the process can be continued by taking it out of the refrigerator.

Freezing will help preserve the harvested forest harvest. In winter, you can cook any dish from a semi-finished product, those to which fresh ingredients were added in the summer: "julienne", fried potatoes with mushrooms, mushroom casserole, pies, pies, pancakes. There are many recipes, but many experienced housewives use different types of mushrooms for different dishes, for example, sauces, soups are cooked from frozen porcini mushrooms, and baking filling is made. A lot of spices are added to it, which depends on the taste of the cook. Salads and snacks are made from other varieties. Completed "mushroom orders" of family members will be delicious and delicious, and will become a worthy decoration of the winter table.

The most popular forest mushroom is considered white, because it has an attractive appearance, a huge number of useful properties and a pleasant taste and aroma that persists even after processing. Boletus is delicious in any form: fried, frozen, salted and pickled. In addition, they are often included in various dishes and caviar is prepared from them.

Naturally, in order for the porcini mushroom dish to be tasty, boletus must be properly prepared. The main step is cooking, which is practiced with any cooking method. In this article, we will look at how to cook porcini mushrooms correctly and how long this process will take.

How long does it take to cook porcini mushrooms

Before heat treatment, boletus must be properly prepared. That is, they must be cleaned. To do this, the leg and cap are pre-cleaned of large particles of debris: remnants of forest soil, adhering leaves and needles.

Note: Next, it is advisable to soak the product in cold water for 1 hour, but if you are going to dry boletus mushrooms, it will be enough to simply peel them. In this case, you cannot wash or soak them.

Soaking helps to naturally remove small debris from hard-to-reach areas. After that, you need to remove all the darkened pulp, and in older specimens, you should additionally remove the thin skin from the leg. Next, it remains only to cut the mushrooms into pieces of the required size. Small boletuses can be cooked whole (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Preparation for heat treatment

Boiling porcini mushrooms is a mandatory step in their preparation. And although this process has some general principles, the duration and method of heat treatment largely depends on how you will cook them in the future. So that you do not have any questions regarding cooking, we will consider each option in more detail.

How much to cook before frying

Boletus belongs to the highest category, that is, they contain many useful substances, have a pleasant characteristic aroma and pronounced taste. However, this does not mean at all that you can skip the stage of careful heat treatment.

Often they prefer to fry them with onions and then add them to boiled potatoes or cereals. To make the pulp tasty and dense, boil mushrooms must be properly boiled before frying. For this, the prepared product is poured with water so that it completely covers the pulp. Put the saucepan on the fire and bring the liquid to a boil. Foam forms on the surface: it must be removed with a slotted spoon, then add salt and spices to taste and continue cooking until tender. Typically, this process takes about 30 minutes for small specimens, and 45 minutes for large ones (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Preparation for frying

Since in the future the product will undergo additional heat treatment in the form of frying, it makes no sense to change the water or cook mushrooms for longer. The overcooked pulp will lose its firmness and will simply fall apart when frying.

How long does it take to cook porcini mushrooms for freezing

Note: Despite the fact that some housewives prefer to freeze boletus raw, it is better to boil them first. The fact is that such pre-processing will help not only to reduce the cooking time of the dish in the future, but also to preserve the density, taste and aroma of the pulp.

If you plan to freeze them, the first step is to sort them by size. Large specimens are cut into pieces, while small and medium ones can be boiled and frozen whole. As in the case of processing boletus mushrooms before frying, they are boiled only once before freezing, and it is better to do this in different pots, since small pieces are cooked much faster than large ones.

Figure 3. Cooking before freezing

Pour the prepared and sorted boletus with water and bring to a boil. When the mixture boils, remove the foam from the surface of the liquid, add salt and your favorite seasonings to taste and continue cooking over medium heat. It will take 35 minutes for the flesh to cook on for small pieces and whole mushrooms, and 45-50 minutes for large pieces.

How much to cook for soup

One of the most delicious dishes is mushroom soup, and if you add forest porcini mushrooms to it instead of ordinary champignons, its taste will become completely exquisite.

Naturally, to prepare such a soup, you need to properly prepare the main ingredient - boletus. According to the rules, they are added to the soup dried or pre-boiled, but you can also use a frozen product (Figure 4).

To pre-boil the product for adding to the soup, you must:

  1. Peel fresh boletus and rinse them under running water.
  2. Put the prepared product in a saucepan and fill with clean water so that it completely covers the pulp.
  3. Add salt to the water. On average, 2-3 liters of water requires a level teaspoon of salt.
  4. Bring the liquid to a boil over high heat, and then reduce the heat so that the water does not boil too intensely.
  5. After boiling, the duration of boiling fresh boletus is 35-40 minutes, and dried - 20 minutes.

During cooking, foam will constantly form on the surface of the liquid, which must be removed. The mushrooms are ready when they settle to the bottom of the pot. After that, they can be thrown into a colander, allowed to drain off the remaining moisture and added to the soup.

Figure 4. Cooking boletus for soup

When such preparatory activities are completed, you can proceed to the direct preparation of the soup. When using pre-boiled fresh boletus, they are added to the soup about 20 minutes before cooking is complete. If you use frozen ones and did not have time to defrost them in time, you can add them 30 minutes before the end of cooking, along with potatoes.

How long does it take to cook dried porcini mushrooms

Typically, dried boletus is used as a separate ingredient in stews, soups, or casseroles. Unlike fresh ones, dried ones must be properly prepared for heat treatment (Figure 5).

First, they need to be soaked in water for 2-3 hours. This will not only allow the pulp to swell, but also remove small debris that may have accumulated on the surface. Secondly, it is advisable to boil dried boletus before adding it to dishes. To do this, pour them over with water, add a little salt and cook over medium heat until cooked within 20 minutes after boiling.

In most cases, it is recommended to use the same water that was used for steeping, since it is this liquid that gives the finished dish a rich taste and aroma. However, if you notice large particles of debris on the surface, it is better to replace the liquid.

The above recommendations are relevant if you need to add dried mushrooms to the finished dish already pre-boiled. But, if you are stewing potatoes or stews, you can add the dried boletus directly to the pot immediately after soaking. In the process of cooking, extract the pulp juice, which will give the finished dish a characteristic taste and aroma.

How much to cook for pickling

Marinating is a process in which the density of the pulp, taste and aroma of boletus is preserved with the help of preservatives - vinegar and citric acid. With this method of harvesting, boletus must go through a full cycle of heat treatment, since when pickling, the pulp is simply soaked with brine. Accordingly, they must be completely ready-to-use.

There are several options for cooking before marinating. First, boletus mushrooms are cooked separately, and only after they are completely ready, they are poured with brine and sterilized. According to the second option, they are boiled together with brine. In terms of taste, the advantage should be given to the second option, since with such preparation, the workpiece acquires a rich taste and aroma.

Regardless of the method chosen, boletus must be cooked so that their pulp is completely cooked, and this depends on the size of the fruit bodies. For example, whole small mushrooms or pieces are boiled for about 35 minutes from the moment of boiling. Large specimens take much longer to cook: they are boiled 45-50 minutes after the brine has boiled.

Figure 5. Preparation for pickling

It is possible to determine that the mushrooms for pickling are completely cooked by several signs. First, the fruiting bodies must sink to the bottom. Because of this feature, you need to stir them periodically in a saucepan so that they do not stick to the bottom. In addition, you need to constantly remove the foam formed on the surface of the liquid.

Secondly, the color of the brine is also a sign of readiness. It should be completely clear, although the mixture will appear cloudy when you mix the ingredients directly.

Regardless of the chosen method of cooking for marinating, it should be borne in mind that for long-term storage at room temperature or in the refrigerator, it is advisable to sterilize such a workpiece. This process will destroy pathogens, but at the same time preserve the taste and smell of forest boletus. On average, the sterilization time is 30-40 minutes for half-liter cans, and 45-50 minutes for liter cans.

How long does it take to cook porcini mushrooms for pickling

The preparation of fruit bodies before salting is carried out in a similar way. By the way, salting boletus is considered one of the best ways to preserve this product during the winter.

As in the case of pickling, before salting, boletus must undergo a complete heat treatment and be completely ready for use. Only then are they salted in jars or barrels. Naturally, before that, the mushrooms are sorted by size, cleaned, and large specimens, if necessary, are cut into pieces. Slicing before salting not only helps to make the slices more even, but also inspects the inside of the pulp for worms.

In the future, they are boiled in slightly salted water. It is not necessary to heavily salt the liquid, since in the process of salting in jars, the pulp is saturated with aromatic brine. On average, 2-3 liters of liquid will require a flat teaspoon of table salt. If you are afraid to oversalt the workpiece, you may not add salt to the water at all. In addition, experienced mushroom pickers advise to cook large and small boletus in separate containers. Because they have different cooking times, you run the risk of overcooking small pieces or undercooking large ones. In the first case, the workpiece will lose its taste, and in the second it may even deteriorate.

To cook high-quality porcini mushrooms before salting, they are sorted, washed under running water and cleaned. Small specimens can be simply cleaned of large debris, while large specimens need to additionally remove a thin skin from the leg. If you are not sure about the cleanliness of the boletus, you can soak them in clean, cold water for several hours. This removes even the smallest particles of debris from the pulp. After that, the mushrooms are boiled in water, whole or in pieces. The cooking time directly depends on the size of the fruit bodies. Small ones cook no more than 35 minutes after boiling, and for large specimens this time is 45-50 minutes. In the process, it is imperative to stir the product so that they do not stick to the bottom of the pan, and also remove the foam formed on the surface, as it can spoil the taste of the finished dish.

If you are interested in the details of boiling porcini mushrooms before preparing various dishes, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video, which shows not only the secrets of heat treatment of boletus mushrooms, but also the nuances of their cleaning and preparation for cooking.

You will find useful tips for the heat treatment of porcini mushrooms in the video.

Without the slightest doubt, the porcini mushroom is the most coveted prey of any mushroom picker and the most coveted mushroom of every lover of home cooking. A higher place in the entire culinary and mushroom hierarchy is occupied, perhaps, only by truffles. But will you go after them with a basket? That's just it! And the porcini mushroom can please both the mushroom picker and the eater. Excellent taste, wide distribution area, and impressive size - all these qualities make porcini mushroom an excellent trophy and a welcome guest in our cuisines. And, of course, a special mushroom requires special preparation. How often housewives who are not quite confident in their abilities think about what is special to cook from porcini mushrooms, so that they can please their loved ones with an unusual dish, and not spoil the taste of a delicate mushroom. To everyone who wants to understand this issue, today we invite you to think with us and decide how to cook porcini mushrooms.

The valuable nutritional and even medicinal properties of porcini mushrooms are well studied and known to almost everyone. But boletus deserves real popularity and love due to their excellent culinary qualities. The pronounced taste and bright aroma of porcini mushrooms makes them an ideal product both for preparing independent dishes, and for using as an additional ingredient in dishes with a complex composition. What is not prepared from porcini mushrooms! Appetizers and salads, soups and main courses, pies and marinades. Porcini mushrooms are boiled, fried, stewed and baked, dried, pickled and salted. Simple fried porcini mushrooms, stewed with sour cream, and good-quality hearty buckwheat porridge cooked with boletus mushrooms, and simmered in the oven or oven, and refined mashed potatoes with porcini mushrooms, cooked according to a French recipe, are equally tasty. The aroma of porcini mushrooms, like no other, will be able to subtly emphasize the aroma of fried beef or baked chicken, stewed lamb or fried goose. And in the cold winter at times, a pickled or salted strong young boletus will accompany a misted glass of vodka in such a way that it is impossible to dream better.

As is the case with most other mushrooms of the first category, the preparation of porcini mushrooms is not fraught with special secrets. However, in order to choose the right boletus and prepare a truly tasty and aromatic dish from them, you still need to know little tricks and culinary secrets.

Today "Culinary Eden" carefully collected and carefully wrote down for you the most important tips and secrets, as well as a small selection of the best recipes that will surely tell even the most inexperienced housewives how to cook porcini mushrooms.

1. The most delicious dishes are obtained from the freshest, personally picked mushrooms. Moreover, picking porcini mushrooms is easy and pleasant. Our boletus grows both in coniferous and deciduous forests. The main collection time should be attributed to August - October. It is best to pick the youngest porcini mushrooms, no more than seven centimeters high. However, older, large mushrooms are no less tasty than their young relatives, but the misfortune is that in most cases they are worms. So when picking large mushrooms, be sure to cut the stem to make sure your mushroom is not overly eaten by worms. However, even the youngest mushrooms can easily end up with a wormhole. And it's okay, you just need to cut off the lower part of the leg, and soak the mushrooms in cool salted water, and the worms will leave the mushroom within half an hour.

2. When buying fresh mushrooms in the market, be careful and careful. Try to buy mushrooms from trusted sellers, in order to be sure that mushrooms were gathered in a forest far enough from large cities and highways with heavy traffic. Do not forget that any fungi very easily absorb harmful substances and salts of heavy metals from contaminated soil. Be sure to inspect and feel the mushrooms before purchasing. Make sure they are fresh. Fresh, young porcini mushrooms have characteristic firmness, strength and light crunchiness, but not brittleness. Press lightly on the fungus with your fingers, bringing it close to your ear - a nice fresh boletus will crunch slightly under your fingers. Remember to sniff the mushrooms before purchasing. Fresh, recently harvested mushrooms will have a pronounced mushroom aroma, with an admixture of the smell of forest, foliage or pine needles and a little earth. If the mushrooms offered to you seem to you too soft and flabby, if the smell of such mushrooms has ceased to be pleasant, but has begun to include sour notes of decay, refuse to purchase. You won't be able to cook a tasty dish from such mushrooms, but you can easily get poisoned with them.

3. Fresh porcini mushrooms, like any other mushrooms, cannot be stored for a long time. It's best to recycle them right away. NS Rinse the mushrooms in cool water, cut off the lower part of the mushroom leg, and cut the large mushrooms into pieces. Then, soak your mushrooms in cool salted water for 30 minutes. During this time, all the worms in the mushrooms must leave them. Rinse the soaked mushrooms thoroughly again and start preparing the dish of your choice. If, for some reason, you cannot process your mushrooms right away, then carefully shake off the remnants of soil, grass, needles and leaves from them, put your mushrooms in a wide wicker bowl or paper bag and put them in the vegetable section of your refrigerator. But remember that even after such preparations, fresh mushrooms can be stored for no more than a day and a half.

4. The most common mushroom snack, julienne, turns out to be especially tasty when cooked with porcini mushrooms and sour cream sauce. Rinse thoroughly, peel and cut into coarse 500 gr pieces. porcini mushrooms. In a deep skillet, heat 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, add the mushrooms and simmer over medium heat for 10 minutes, until the mushroom juice is released. Drain the mushroom juice into a separate bowl, and add one large onion, cut into half rings, and two more tablespoons of oil to the mushrooms. Cook the onion and mushrooms over medium heat for 15 minutes. Put 200 gr. In a separate bowl. sour cream, add 1 tbsp. tablespoons flour and mix thoroughly with a whisk, then add mushroom juice, salt and black pepper to taste and mix everything thoroughly again. Pour the sour cream sauce into the mushroom pan and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring frequently. Grate the cocotte from the inside with garlic, fill with mushrooms in sour cream sauce, sprinkle with a little grated Parmesan julienne and bake in an oven preheated to 200⁰ for 15 minutes.

5. A very simple salad with porcini mushrooms and pumpkin seeds will delight you with its fresh taste and undeniable health benefits. Clean and rinse thoroughly with 100 gr. porcini mushrooms, blanch them in boiling water for two minutes, drain and cut into thin slices. Heat 1 tbsp in a skillet. a spoonful of pumpkin seed oil, add one chopped garlic clove and mushrooms, stir and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and cool. Fry two tablespoons of peeled pumpkin seeds in a dry skillet until lightly browned. 50 gr. Pick up arugula leaves and lettuce with your hands. Fold lettuce leaves into a salad bowl, add mushrooms, mix. Season the salad with a mixture of 3 tbsp. tablespoons of pumpkin oil, 1 tbsp. tablespoons of dry white wine, 1 teaspoon of white wine vinegar, ½ teaspoon of paprika, salt to taste. Sprinkle the pumpkin seeds over the salad and serve immediately.

6. Delicate soup of porcini mushrooms and semolina will surprise you with its bright aroma and original taste. Clean and rinse thoroughly with 300 gr. porcini mushrooms. Grate mushrooms, three potato tubers and one carrot on a coarse grater, finely chop one onion. Heat 2 tablespoons in a saucepan. tablespoons of vegetable oil, add mushrooms and vegetables, stir and simmer for 10 minutes, then remove from heat. Boil 500 ml separately. milk mixed with 500 ml. water. Add milk and water to mushrooms and vegetables, mix thoroughly, salt and pepper to taste, bring to a boil and cook everything together for 7 minutes over low heat. Cut another 3 small porcini mushrooms into thin slices and fry until golden brown in vegetable oil. Add the sautéed mushrooms to your soup, bring to a boil and cook for another 5 minutes. Then add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of semolina, stirring constantly, and cook on the lowest heat for another 10 minutes. Remove soup from heat, cover and let stand for 10 minutes. Serve with finely chopped dill.

7. Spicy soup with porcini mushrooms and eggplants will appeal to all spicy lovers. Peel, rinse and cut into large pieces 400 gr. porcini mushrooms. Place the mushrooms in a saucepan, pour 2 liters of cold water, add one small carrot, one parsley root, one onion, two bay leaves, salt to taste. Cook everything together for 15 minutes, strain the broth, discard the vegetables, and set aside the mushrooms. Heat 2 tablespoons in a skillet. tablespoons of vegetable oil, add one large diced eggplant, one minced garlic clove and fry all together for five minutes. Then add boiled mushrooms to the eggplant and simmer for a couple of minutes. Transfer the vegetables and mushrooms to the broth, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Peel one small hot pepper from seeds, cut into circles and add to the soup. Cook for another five minutes, then add 150 gr. finely grated cheese, stir and heat everything together for a couple of minutes without boiling. Remove soup from heat and serve, sprinkled with parsley.

8. It is very easy to cook porcini mushrooms in cream. Peel and cut into large pieces 400 gr. porcini mushrooms. In a deep skillet, heat 2 tbsp. tablespoons of ghee, add mushrooms, one finely chopped onion, one pinch of black pepper and ground cloves. Fry, stirring often, until golden brown. Then add 200 ml. cream 10% fat, salt to taste. Simmer everything together, stirring often, for another 10 minutes and serve. Serve boiled rice for a side dish.

9. The most fragrant buckwheat porridge with porcini mushrooms and bacon will delight you with its rich taste, and it is not at all difficult to cook it. In a deep skillet, heat 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, add one finely chopped onion, 100 gr. bacon, cut into small pieces; and one carrot, cut into cubes. Stirring often, fry everything together until golden brown, then add 200 gr. porcini mushrooms, cut into large pieces, and fry all mushrooms until golden brown for 10 minutes. Add salt and black pepper to taste, stir, add one glass of buckwheat, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of finely chopped parsley, mix again and cover all with three glasses of hot water or broth. Bring the water to a boil, cover the skillet with a lid, reduce heat, and cook everything together for 30 minutes, until the water has completely boiled away. Remove the prepared porridge from heat, add 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, stir and let stand warm for 15 minutes. Serve with parsley or dill.

10. Pickled white mushrooms will serve as a real decoration of any festive table. Thoroughly peel two kilograms of the smallest porcini mushrooms, rinse and put in a deep saucepan. Pour the mushrooms in hot salted water and cook for 20 minutes over low heat. Throw the finished mushrooms in a colander and dry slightly. Prepare the marinade separately. To do this, boil 4 cups of mushroom broth, add one cup of white wine vinegar, ½ cup sugar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, 1 tbsp. spoon of mustard seeds, 1 teaspoon of black peppercorns, 4th clove bud. Bring the marinade to a boil, cook for 5 minutes, and remove from heat. Arrange your mushrooms in jars, add a small dill umbrella and one bay leaf to each. Pour the hot marinade over the mushrooms, cover the jars with lids and sterilize in boiling water for 20 minutes. Roll up the lids, turn the cans upside down, wrap them in towels and leave to cool completely. Store at room temperature.

And on the pages of "Culinary Eden" you can always find even more interesting ideas and proven recipes that will definitely tell you how to cook porcini mushrooms.