Marbled beef - a delicacy among meat products - Intras-Krasnoyarsk. Meat in marble

13.10.2019 Lenten dishes

There are many varieties of meat products. But not all of them are equally valuable and useful. An important role in the modern diet can be played by marbled beef, therefore consumers need to clearly understand what its features are.

What is it and how is it obtained?

Real marbled beef is notable for its high cost: if "something like that" is sold at a minimal price, they are surely offered a fake. This type of meat got its name because of the way it looks. Fat streaks form a kind of ornament that evokes associations with the appearance of a marble slab. But the high popularity and excellent culinary ratings are not only due to the unusual appearance.

This type of meat has an extraordinary taste - ordinary beef simply cannot be so tender.

Agrarians do not make "marble" pork, lamb or other meat. Only scammers sell such a product.

But there is one more nuance: knowing the name of the breed of cows ("Altai" or some other), which gives marbled meat, is not enough for success. It is imperative to create special conditions. In the past, only Japanese farmers produced marbled beef. For this purpose, they raised gobies and cows of a strictly defined breed. The importance of these animals was the source of the ban on their export. Only in recent decades has the ban been violated. And yet, the practice accumulated over the centuries makes itself felt - Japanese marbled meat remains the most valuable in the 21st century. The method of raising livestock, as already noted, means a lot.

A carefully developed technique includes:

  • special food;
  • minimization of motor activity of cows;
  • special manipulations that are not practiced with other breeds.

Cows stand in as narrow stalls as possible: the less space they have, the less often they move. Therefore, the proportion of muscles is reduced and the tasty part of the carcass increases. But bedsores and other manifestations of lack of mobility can also negatively affect the finished product. Therefore, in the cowsheds where marbled meat is produced, vibration massage is mandatory for animals. Some farms even play classical music to keep the cows calmer.

But the containment regime is not everything. Unlike conventional farms, there is no desire to transfer livestock to "adult" feed as soon as possible. In the first 6 months of life, cows are given exclusively milk and are carefully monitored so that there are no other components in their diet. When the time comes for full grazing, only wild meadows are used for this purpose. There, at rest and away from sources of pollution, it is possible to achieve an optimal result.

Later, the cows are moved to special pens. Now they are given first-class grain, and to stimulate their appetite, they are given alcohol to drink. This is, in general terms, the standard technology. However, all firms have original approaches that will certainly not be publicly disclosed. The secret of those treatments that are used after the slaughter of livestock is even more carefully guarded.

In addition to the Wagyu and Aberdeen Angus breeds, other types of cattle - Aquitaine and Hereford - can be used to obtain marbled meat. In addition to Japan, marbled beef is also produced in large quantities in Argentina, Australia, the United States of America and New Zealand. Recently, this production has been mastered in Russia as well. True, due to the specific features of the technology, only large agricultural holdings can develop such a product. Specialists in the field of culinary have long found out where products of unsurpassed quality are obtained. They are supplied not even from all of Japan, but only from the vicinity of the city of Kobe, which gave the name to this variety.



Owners of elite restaurants and chefs are ready to pay $ 200-700 for 1 kg of such marbled meat. And such a deal is clearly profitable. You can grow a goby for marbled meat in at least 2 years and 6 months. And the direct preparation for slaughter - grain feeding, lasts from 200 to 300 days. The whole process is closely monitored by veterinarians and other specialists.

Types of marbling

In any case, marbled meat is not something homogeneous, it is divided into different types. The most fattened young animals make it possible to obtain prime grade beef. There is a lot of fat in it, in addition to being uniformly distributed over the volume of the piece. This is the most expensive product in most restaurants. Marbled beef of this grade is recommended for grilling, roasting or other dry heating methods.

The meat of the "choice" category is somewhat inferior to it. It can also be considered very high quality, but the marbling is already noticeably less. The cut and chois steaks are always juicy, tender and fragrant. It is especially recommended to use pieces cut from the back and loin of the cow.

In principle, this meat can also be heated dry. However, the time limits must be strictly observed.

Choice grade marbled beef, if taken from other parts of the carcass, should be stewed or simmered. For this purpose, a frying pan is used, onto which a small volume of liquid is poured. The pan must be completely covered with a lid. As for the marbled meat of the select group, the opinion of professional chefs is unambiguous - only the most tender parts are suitable for dry heat treatment. Everything else should be soaked in marinades in advance, while avoiding the proportions indicated in the recipes is undesirable.

It is important to understand that "Choice", "Prime" and "Select" are the levels of the American classification of marbled meat (other states have their own approaches). In the US, there are also standard and commercial beef. However, these two categories are not recommended for steak cooking by professional chefs. It is theoretically possible to do this, but the result is unlikely to cause delight. The taste of such a dish can hardly be called special.

The Japanese system identifies 5 groups of marbled meat. The 5th grade is considered the most solid.

A similar product is only shipped to high-end restaurants. Moreover, the orders of establishments in the Land of the Rising Sun itself are first executed. Only then the goods are sent abroad. The 3rd and 4th categories are the same marbled meat that can be mainly found in Europe and Asia. The last two categories are the most affordable.

But a product of comparable quality grown in other countries is even cheaper. Therefore, such meat is not in great demand. The Australian food industry uses a classification of marbling in 9 groups. The best among them is the ninth group. Naturally, a higher-end product is less common.

How is it different from the usual one?

But marbled beef, of whatever grade it may be, has significant differences from ordinary meat. As you might guess, this product is obtained only from meat breeds. In this case, the slaughter of livestock is carried out at an early age. The characteristic pattern, similar to noble marble, is not the only advantage of such beef. It cooks extremely quickly, you can get excellent steaks in a few minutes.

In Russia, mainly bulls "Aberdeen Angus" are used for the production of marbled meat. They are kept in the cleanest areas where they are fed with meadow grasses.

Animal nutrition does not contain any hormonal supplements, and there are no medicines either. After all, the cattle are completely healthy and are in ideal conditions for life. And therefore there is simply no need to treat him. Often before being sent to retail outlets and restaurant kitchens, marbled beef undergoes special processing for full maturation.


100 g of marbled beef contains 10 g of fat and 18 g of protein. This is, respectively, 22.7 and 12% of the daily allowance for adults engaged in moderately hard work. But besides the main components, meat contains other substances, trace elements. The concentration of saturated acids reaches 3.25 g.

In 100 g of marbled beef, 41 mg of cholesterol is concentrated, therefore, its presence cannot be ignored.

This type of meat is saturated with water - its concentration is 69.3%. Thanks to 20 mg of calcium, the product turns out to be quite useful for the skeletal system and nervous tissue. 207 mg of phosphorus will help improve the functioning of the brain, which is extremely important in these turbulent times. Since meat contains significant amounts of magnesium and especially potassium, it helps to improve heart function.

Among other trace elements, it is worth noting the presence of:

  • copper;
  • Selena;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;
  • gland;
  • zinc.

But apart from inorganic substances, marbled beef also contains quite a lot of vitamins. Among them it is worth noting:

In smaller quantities, vitamins are present there:

  • choline.

Benefit and harm

Due to its low nutritional value, marbled beef belongs to the dietary meat products. The concentration of cholesterol in it is noticeably lower than even in lean cow meat. Therefore, this type of food does not increase blood pressure, excludes the likelihood of the formation of vascular plaques. The fat that occupies the spaces between the muscles is mainly composed of unsaturated fatty acids. Therefore, it does not harm even with a significant likelihood of atherosclerotic and cardiovascular disorders.

The protein that is part of marbled meat is considered complete. That is, it contains 100% of the vital amino acids.

Therefore, there is no need to compensate for the need for them by using other (less useful) products. Choline, aka B4, plays an important role in metabolism. This substance also improves the functioning of the autonomic nervous system, promotes the conduction of electrical impulses.

Thanks to cyanocobolamine, marbled meat activates hematopoiesis. Therefore, this product is deservedly considered useful for anemia.

As for vitamin B12, it helps to normalize the intestinal microflora and strengthen the immune system. Nicotinic acid has a positive effect on the state of various vessels. It is especially valuable for the vital functions of the heart and brain.

Due to its high phosphorus content, marbled meat helps to improve the production of various enzymes and hormonal regulation. This chemical element is extremely valuable in the production of proteins, lipids, and other substances that form cell walls by the body. Therefore, the recovery of the body improves even after serious illnesses or debilitating operations. Iron in marbled beef differs in an accessible form for assimilation.

An excellent balance of substances, coupled with a limited calorie content, makes marbled meat a very healthy type of food. For those suffering from heart disease, it is attractive not only because of the reduction in cholesterol levels. This product helps to stabilize the contraction rate of the tireless muscle. In addition, the expansion of peripheral vessels relieves some of the load from it. In neurological disorders, the optimization of blood circulation in the brain turns out to be a very serious advantage.

It has been proven that eating marbled meat can increase the reaction rate. In some cases, it is possible to cope with disturbances in the transmission of the nerve signal.

It is noted that this product contributes to an increase in hemoglobin levels.

Marble meat helps to recover sooner from burns and serious infections. It is useful when hormonal dysfunction develops (if the work of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland is abnormal or diabetes occurs).

For those and others, it will be attractive to enrich the body with useful substances as a whole. Whether marbled meat protects against malignant neoplasms, experts have not yet figured out. Some sources answer this question positively. Professionals point out that this may be due to the high concentration of vitamins.

With all the positive characteristics of marbled beef, a certain risk cannot be ignored. A significant concentration of protein can increase the concentration of purine bases in the body. If it grows, then you can be afraid:

  • renal colic;
  • gout attacks;
  • exacerbation of osteochondrosis.

An oversaturation of the diet with fats sometimes exacerbates cholecystitis and pancreatitis. Since elite meats contain many active substances, increased secretion of gastric juice is likely. Therefore, the condition of patients with peptic ulcer disease may worsen. The principal contraindications for the use of marbled beef are allergic reactions and intolerance to certain components. Taking into account these subtleties, 99% of negative consequences can be eliminated; another 1% can be associated with the choice of low-quality meat and with its improper storage.

Nutritional value and calorie content of meat

The energy value of marbled beef is 170 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, this portion allows you to cover 8% of the daily energy requirement. But it is important to understand that this is only an average figure. The actual value may depend on the specific source, the method of production and the breed of livestock, and even on the shelf life. But there is no particular difference in nutritional value for marbled beef dishes.


You can buy marbled beef only in large retail chains. The minimum product cost starts at $ 25 per kg. Russian products may be cheaper than imported ones, but by a maximum of 5-8%. Experts recommend purchasing only lumpy food that has been vacuum packed. It is necessary to carefully look whether the characteristic pattern is clearly visible, therefore it is advisable to buy marbled meat in a transparent container.

Experienced chefs and nutritionists also advise reading labels. There, manufacturers must certainly indicate:

  • what breed of cattle was used;
  • in what area (not the country as a whole!) did the animals grow;
  • how long ago cows or bulls were slaughtered;
  • the category of marbling;
  • the way in which the meat is brought to maturity.

Dry maturation predominantly involves the processing of meat along with the hides. The pieces are hung in the refrigerator at a temperature strictly from 1 to 4 degrees Celsius. The processing time is 15-28 days. When maturity is reached, skin and subcutaneous fat are removed, the product is divided into cuts. The wet technique includes:

  • exsanguination;
  • cooling to 0 degrees;
  • storage in a vacuum package in an industrial refrigerator (from 10 to 20 days).

Regardless of the production method, it is recommended to store beef at temperatures from 1.5 to 0.5 degrees.

This mode prevents freezing and at the same time guarantees optimal cooling. Strict adherence to these requirements still allows 100% to restore the original culinary characteristics of the product. The development of pathological bacteria is excluded, which is extremely important for food safety.

Cooking recipes

Just storing marbled beef isn't enough. You still need to properly process it and get a delicious dish. The approach depends largely on the type of cut that you plan to use. So, the pulp of the thigh is quite stiff. Therefore, it is necessary to cook this part of the carcass longer than usual, then it will become significantly softer and tastier.

Experienced chefs advise baking the beef thigh. This processing method will significantly improve the taste and get an appetizing crunchy crust. But even before cooking, it takes some time just to leave the meat alone. When it is removed from the vacuum package, saturation with atmospheric oxygen should occur.

If you do not comply with this requirement, it will not be possible to reveal its taste properly.

Later, the baked beef is left to "relax" under a layer of foil. The residual heat will allow the juices to be evenly distributed throughout the entire piece. The temperature will also become even. Such techniques are invariably used by chefs of haute cuisine, even if they are in a great hurry to serve the dish on the table. This is how beef is cooked, which is truly tender and juicy; but it is still worth improving its taste by making the sauce of your choice.

Many are interested not only in baking, but also in the preparation of marbled beef in a slow cooker. With it, you can get an excellent steak. To do this, take a cut with a layer of 1.5 cm. The degree of roasting of the steak can be different. In any case, you can get a fragrant, tasty dish, if only you strictly follow all the standard rules. Processing a beef steak seasoned with coriander and rosemary will take a maximum of 20 minutes.

For work, you need 250 g of meat and 25 g of vegetable oil. Marinating a piece grated with a mixture of spices and salt lasts about 30 minutes. The multicooker is given the command to work in the mode of frying meat. You do not need to close the lid, it is required to turn the piece 10 minutes after the start of cooking.

The Provencal processing method involves languishing in its own juice. This method is attractive in that there is no need to continuously monitor the state of the piece and periodically rotate it. The timer takes over control of readiness. In this recipe, 500 g of meat should have 60 g of sunflower and olive oils.

Beef meat according to the Provencal recipe is cooked in portions. Pickling takes place in a film under the influence of a mixture of olive oil and a selection of Mediterranean herbs. It takes 24 hours to marinate a piece. It takes 4-5 minutes to fry marbled beef on 1 side. If your goal is to achieve a crispy crust, you need to fry for 7 minutes. Serve the dish on the table already slightly cooled.

The recommended side dish is made with fresh vegetables. In an effort to enhance and diversify the taste, you can combine different sets of seasonings, their proportions. But at the same time, one must remember about the compatibility of individual products and the fact that excessive flavor saturation can spoil the impression. When choosing the cooking duration, it is worth considering the power of the multicooker.

Some lovers of original dishes prefer red wine-based sauce. For him take (for 1 serving):

  • 130 ml of wine;
  • 200 ml of meat broth;
  • 70 g cream;
  • 100 g of brandy.

The onion is cut relatively finely and fried. Having introduced cognac, pepper, the mixture is set on fire. As soon as the fire goes out, the cream is poured. The mixture is boiled. Salt is the last thing, the severity of the salting is adjusted to your liking.

It should be noted that you can also fry a chop from marbled beef, cook schnitzels, cutlets and many other dishes. Therefore, it would be unreasonable to limit ourselves to only one steak. You should definitely try completely different options at least once. First of all, we are talking about goulash with gravy. It is prepared using pieces of meat with a thickness of 3 to 5 cm. Seasonings are used a little, but be sure to take a mixture of aromatic herbs and olive oil. The amount of oil, pepper and salt is selected individually. Frying in a pan on one side takes 3 minutes. Therefore, after 6 minutes, you can transfer the meat to the oven for another 5 minutes.

If, when piercing with a knife, a weakness of frying is found, it is necessary to finish the beef in the oven at the same mode for another 2 or 3 minutes. But it should be borne in mind that the weakest and strongest roast for marbled meat cannot be used.

You can use this product to prepare classic European dishes such as tartare and carpaccio and even regular roasts. However, with marbled meat, even the usual food is transformed.

For information on how to make a delicious marbled beef dish, see the next video.

Marbled beef is rightfully considered the queen of meat delicacies. This is probably why there are many legends about this type of meat. For example, to obtain marbled beef, bulls are suspended from the ceiling on reins, sealed with beer, and to maintain a good emotional state, they are massaged. Moreover, the whole process of growing takes place to the sounds of classical music. Production technology marbled beef really difficult, but still not to the extent that many might think at first glance.

Marble beef

Marbled, beef meat, is called because in its appearance it really looks like marble, speckled with white interlayers. These fatty patches are formed in the muscle mass of certain breeds of bulls as a result of a very complex rearing process. The more fatty inclusions in the structure of meat, the juicier and better it is, because when cooked, this fat enters the structure of the meat, and it becomes soft, juicy and tender. This meat is just beginning to appear in our country, but many restaurants are already working with this meat.

A bit of history

It is curious that Nikita Khrushchev was the first in the Soviet Union to discover the taste of marbled beef. On his first trip to the United States, the Soviet Secretary General tasted real American steak. Khrushchev was so impressed by his taste that he challenged the Kremlin chef to learn the recipe and cook a steak in the Soviet Union. The chef completed the task - he learned and cooked. Khrushchev was disappointed: the dish did not live up to his expectations. It was then that it became clear that the matter was not in the recipe, but exclusively in the meat. For the preparation of the steak, the Americans used marbled beef, produced from special breeds of cattle.

Marbled Beef - Delicious Meat

And then, by order of Khrushchev, a strictly classified farm was equipped in the north of Ukraine, where gobies of a special breed were brought from Great Britain, and the technology of their cultivation was learned in the United States. According to her, calves up to 8 months were not separated from cows, they grew up on free grazing, and the grown bulls were transported to a farm located in the Crimea. Here, in warmer climates, gobies were fed in stalls with strictly balanced feed based on corn and wheat. The meat was sent by plane straight to the Kremlin ...

What breeds are marbled beef from?

There are many different breeds of cattle. However, it is impossible to get real marbled beef from dairy breeds, it is produced exclusively from meat cattle breeds.

The best breed suitable for obtaining marbled beef is the beef breed of black hornless bulls of the Aberdeen-Angus breed. She was bred in the north of Scotland in the counties of Aberdeen and Angus in 1879. In the UK, this delicacy has become a cult food, and the Americans very quickly adapted it to their culinary culture. Now the Aberdeen Angus breed is bred all over the world.

Beef gobies

Another British beef breed is the Hereford (or Hereford). These white-headed red bulls were bred in Herefordshire and also spread throughout the world.

Calf fattening and maturation

The second component of the production of high quality marbled beef is the fattening of bulls. Throughout the entire cultivation (such bulls are slaughtered at a young age), the feeding must be correct and balanced. Particular attention is paid to the last 3-4 months: then a certain complex diet is developed and maintained for animals, including grain, corn, alfalfa and many other components.

But in order for the beef to meet the highest requirements, it must go through a maturation process. It is then that the meat becomes softer and tastes great. Ripening can be wet or dry.

Gobies need special care for the production of marbled meat.

During wet maturation, the meat is packed in vacuum bags without the presence of blood. Before packing, it is cooled to 0 ° C. The process takes place without oxygen and lasts from 10 to 21 days, depending on the manufacturer's technology.

The dry maturation process is more laborious: the meat is suspended from the bone in a refrigerator at the right temperature. At the same time, fat or skin should remain on it, which will then be removed.

Countries producing marbled beef

Just a couple of years ago, virtually everything supplied to the CIS countries was imported from North America. It was there that the technology of growing meat bulls with intramuscular fatty inclusions was developed to the end.

American farmers are very scrupulous about the production of beef. They divided its marbling into several categories. The highest category in America is prime. Next comes choice. Angus is also divided into prime and choice. And then select, standard, commertion follow. The meat is classified by independent experts. The work of marble classifiers is very prestigious and highly paid.

The Americans have described and standardized literally every beef part, from cuts and steak sizes to offal. They have released specialized catalogs on this subject. Therefore, it was very convenient to work with the USA: orders could be made simply from the catalog. Most of the Russian companies started ordering exactly American marbled meat.

Marble meat is considered a dietary product

But in the fall of 2003, mad cow disease was discovered on one of the US farms, and virtually all countries closed their borders to American beef. In December 2003, a ban on the trade of American beef was introduced in Russia.

Marbled beef is also produced in Japan, but this is a small country in terms of area, it is there that all myths can be realized, and it is there, according to the old Kobe technology, gobies can be raised hanging, giving them beer for appetite. And although the cost of marbled beef is high even without it (it starts from 1,000 rubles per 1 kg), the cost of meat grown using this technology is incredibly high even by restaurant standards: the price of 1 kg reaches $ 500 and more. Australia is the leader in the supply of marbled beef to the CIS markets today.

What is done with marbled meat

Australian marbled beef Green Fed (grain-fed) is also classified according to the degree of marbling (Marbling, abbreviated MB) from 1 to 9, but the market mainly includes the categories MV 1/2 or MV 3/4 (the cost of 1 kg of such a tenderloin is 1200 rubles .). It is extremely rare for restaurants to order marbled meat of the category MV 5/6 and 7/8. It is very expensive - up to $ 200 per 1 kg.

Cuts also have their own categories: tenderloin (tenderloin), ribeye (thick edge), striploin (thin edge) and T-Bone steak. The T-Bone steak combines meat that is different in structure and degree of marbling: it is portioned meat on a T-shaped bone, where a thin edge passes on one side, and a tenderloin on the other.

Marble meat must be defrosted in packaging and in a chilled chamber and absolutely must not be in a microwave oven. It only needs to be thawed a little, not completely, and portioned right away so that all the juice remains in the meat.

The marbled meat dishes are delicious and varied

There are several degrees of roasting meat. Very rare and Rare (fry at about 55 and 60 ° C, respectively) - the steak is very raw or raw, the meat is red in color, with blood. Medium rare and Medium (frying temperature about 63 and 71 ° C, respectively) - medium raw and medium steak, medium-rare meat, grayish-pinkish in the context, with a translucent blood ooze. Well done and Very well done (temperature about 77 and 82 ° C) - the steak is completely ready and overcooked, the meat is completely fried, in the context of gray, with a transparent juiciness. Since marbled beef meets all sanitary standards, it has passed all the checks, it can be safely eaten with blood.

This meat is served in restaurants of the highest category, it is prepared to order - it is fried only when the guest has said what degree of frying he prefers. Most often they order an average degree of readiness.

Nowadays, there is a growing trend towards the development of beef farming for the production of marbled beef... It has become fashionable, because now a lot of people travel abroad, try marbled beef there and want to see it here.

Marble steaks are absolutely exceptional in the world of meat, highly appreciated by gourmets around the globe. What is marbled beef?

Marbling of meat is determined by fatty layers located in a piece of meat and muscle fibers. A high-quality steak is distinguished by a high marbling, while a lean cut is, on the contrary, small. The fat should be pure white and evenly distributed throughout the steak! It would be wrong to claim a steak to be highly marbled simply because of the presence of a large lump of fat on the side.

Most are located in the dorsal part of the animal, the muscles of which receive minimal stress during its life, if compared, for example, with the legs or shoulders. All calories, which are rich in the diet of a bull, accumulate here.

When cooking marbled beef, the fat inside is melted, making the meat tender and flavorful. These layers of fat provide the recognizable texture of a high-quality steak and its unforgettable taste.

Without the marbling, our steak would have come out dry. However, even with high marbling, it is important not to overcook the meat in order to preserve its juiciness. The best way to cook a steak, which we talk about often, is in a preheated cast iron skillet. Another method that we like is to quickly fry at a high temperature, and then bring it to the desired degree of doneness in a preheated oven.

№ 1

Grilling season is the most wonderful time of the year when the aroma of juicy steaks spreads throughout the area. Now is the time to uncover the secrets of marbled beef selection that will make you the barbecue king.

According to the US Department of Agriculture classification, beef meat is divided into three categories by marbling: Prime, Choice and Select... Qualified specialists with the help of modern equipment take into account several factors at once that determine the category of beef, depending on the distribution and number of marble veins.

The correct choice of marbled beef guarantees the chef's success with the guests. Frying methods differ depending on the amount of fat in the piece. According to the classification we mentioned, the Prime category is assigned to the most marbled steaks, followed by Choice. The Select category assumes low marbling. This type of meat can be grilled, but must be gentle if you want to keep the meat juicy and tender. Prime steaks should be roasted over high heat until medium rare-medium well for excellent results. And cuts such as tenderloin or top blade remain tender and with a low degree of marbling.

Why are we telling you about the USDA meat classification? In fact, no political motives. The USDA grading is generally accepted by the top butchers around the world. Wholesale buyers, restaurants and even governments are guided by it when purchasing marbled meat. We are also guided by her to supply you with beef, in the quality and taste of which you can rest assured.

№ 2

Marbled meat is a special type of red meat that has been nicknamed "marbled" for its pronounced fatty layers.

Marbling is achieved through selection. Cattle breeds such as Angus, Hereford, Murray Gray, Short Horn, Wagyu, and dairy breeds such as Jersey, Holstein Friesian and Brownwiech have significantly higher marbling than other breeds.

The marbling of beef also depends on the feeding. Grain-fed bulls (corn or barley) change the color of the fat from yellowish to white, and increase the chances of obtaining a higher marbling class according to the USDA peer review. For example, a ribeye cut is compared with reference templates, and based on this, a certain category is assigned to it.

Marbling affects several factors, in particular the texture and color of meat.

The physiological, not biological, age of the animal is taken into account. The fact is that the biological age of a bull is almost never known for sure, so experts use such a parameter as biological maturity. The indicators are the condition of the bones, cartilage, the color and structure of the ribeye muscle.

The United States Department of Agriculture's worldwide grading system has eight different marbling categories: Prime, Choice, Select, Standard, Commercial, Utility, Cutter, and Canner.

Prime- the highest degree of marbling of beef. A selection of the best restaurants and luxury supermarkets. Choice is also a popular choice for many meat eaters. Select is a more budget-friendly option, but just as nutritious. For these three categories (as well as for the Standard category), young bulls less than 3 years old are used.

Cattle of beef breeds are distinguished by their early maturity, characteristic constitution (wide body, well-developed muscles of the back and lower back). Young animals reach a weight of 450 kg by 15–20 months of age, and with intensive fattening - up to 600 kg. Slaughter yield of meat from carcasses of meat direction is 52–58%. Unlike other breeds, in beef cattle, fat is deposited not only under the skin, in the omentum and around the kidneys, but also in the intermuscular space. As a result, the meat of such animals, with good fatness, acquires marbling, i.e. cut view, reminiscent of the texture of a noble stone.

Marbling is achieved by a special technology of cattle feeding (except for cattle, pork and even lamb are marbled). The diet of animals includes a special feed mixture containing a large amount of corn, grain, alfalfa. Marble meat is obtained from animals of various meat breeds, which are grown in many countries of the world: in the USA, Australia, Japan, France, South America (Argentina, Chile, Ecuador), etc. Beef cattle in Russia is represented by such breeds as Kalmyk, Kazakh white-headed , Hereford, Shorthorn, Charolais, Limousine, etc.

Properties of marbled meat

Marble meat rightfully belongs to delicacies, as it has a special taste due to intramuscular fat, evenly distributed in the form of fatty layers between muscle fibers. During the heat treatment of products from such meat, fat layers melt, filling the meat with juice, and it acquires a unique softness and tenderness. Marbling has its own gradation depending on the intensity, i.e. the frequency of white blotches in the fibers. The higher the marbling, the more tender the steak. American statisticians have calculated the steak quality coefficients depending on the degree of marbling of the raw meat. The American grading of meat assumes three degrees of marbling (in order of increasing): select, choice, premium.

Japan is the main consumer and homeland of marbled meat

Marble meat appeared in Japan in the 1860s. The Japanese use animals called Wagyu to feed on marbled meat. The term Wagyu refers to gobies of a family of several breeds that are genetically predisposed to intense marbling of meat. Etymology of the word Wagyu: Wa means "Japanese", gyu - cattle; together it turns out Wagyu - "Japanese cow". The most famous Japanese breeds of the Wagyu group are Tajima, Tottori, Shimane, Kochi and Kumamoto. These breeds are genetically predisposed to the appearance of fatty layers in meat. Gobies of "marble" breeds are especially inactive, complacent and phlegmatic. The breeds of the Wagyu group are bred by crossing local beef cattle breeds with British ones.
It is from Tajima bulls that Kobe is made - ready-to-eat marbled meat of animals that have been raised and killed under certain conditions. Japanese cattle breeders explain that a live goby cannot yet be called a Kobe, it should be called a Tajima, but a piece of raw meat is already a Kobe. Thus, Kobe is not a breed, but an old Japanese technology: a set of methods for raising and slaughtering Tajima gobies.

Secrets of the production of marbled meat

The Japanese achieve the exclusivity of "marble" meat with the help of a special technology for raising gobies - Kobe. According to this technology, calves are fed milk for up to 4-6 months, and then they are transferred to pasture grazing, where they live a free life, practically without human intervention. Gobies that have grown on pastures to a certain body weight are placed in individual rooms with soundproof walls and suspended on reins. This is done so that the bulls cannot move, but also do not lie, since the muscles of the animal must be in tension for an even distribution of fatty layers in the muscle tissues.
During this period, bulls are fed with selected grain and watered with high-quality beer to improve their appetite. The combination of vitamin B1, contained in the feed with low alcohol, enhances fat deposition. The longer the bull is fed with grain, the more "marbling" of its meat. Average grain-fed standard: 200-300 days. In order for the fat to go deep into the muscles and form thin veins in the muscle tissue, the goby is given vibration massage, the techniques of which are reminiscent of beating. Indoors, Japanese classical music is played to improve digestion in animals.
But in all other countries of the world this technology is prohibited by law: it is impossible to buy real marbled meat in stores in Russia and Europe. In addition, this technology is very complex and expensive (according to some sources, even in Japan itself, the price of such meat can exceed $ 500 per kg). Therefore, there is no need to talk about the industrial scale of marbled meat production.

Marble meat in the world

The main suppliers of marbled beef to the world market are the USA and Australia. Farms in these countries use a feeding system that is simpler and cheaper than in Japan. The same free grazing of young stock on pastures is used. Then the animals are immobilized and fed with grain (not always with wheat, more often with corn and mixed feed). The average grain-fed standard is 120–150 days.

Sometimes dry wine, milk and even honey are added to the diet (at least in ecologically clean Australia). Honey fattening determines the accumulation of substances in the muscles that contribute not only to greater "looseness" and softness of meat, but also to the formation of a crust during frying, which leads to a greater preservation of nutrients in the finished product. True, the world leaders in the production of "marbled" meat use cheaper chemical additives to achieve the same goals. It should also be said about grass feeding, when animals are fattened on pastures all the time after weaning from a cow before slaughter. In this case, the meat turns out to be leaner. In this case, the focus is mainly on a genetic predisposition to marbling. The cost of marbled meat produced using this technology does not exceed 200 euros / kg.

In most cases, American-style marbled meat is the meat of young gobies of specially bred meat breeds: Angus, Aberdeen, Hereford, Charolais, limousine, which are grown in ecologically clean meadows and fed with corn grain according to a special program. The most popular marble species is Black Angus. Animals of this breed are undemanding, adapt well to external conditions, are resistant to diseases, obedient, fertile.

Post-mortem maturation of marbled meat

After the slaughter of an animal, marbled meat is not immediately ready for sale and consumption. Intramuscular fat, distributed in meat tissues, becomes clearly visible only if fresh meat is kept in refrigerated rooms for at least 24 hours. With a longer exposure (for 2-3 weeks), at temperatures from 0 to +2 ºС, enzymes, present in meat, activate chemical processes that destroy muscle fibers. Under the influence of enzymes, the meat becomes more tender, and its flavor "bouquet" is finally formed. After ripening, the carcass is cut into parts according to accepted standards, all parts of the cut are packed under vacuum and sent to the consumer either frozen (in sea containers) or chilled (in air containers).

Modern knowledge of marbled meat

Modern medical research shows that "marbled" meat is significantly ahead of ordinary beef in terms of the content of nitrogenous extractives, pantothenic acid, biotin. These substances enhance the secretory function of the digestive system and promote better digestibility of foods.

"Marble" meat contains iron in an easily digestible form, as well as compounds that prevent the formation of cholesterol. "Marble" meat actively promotes the elimination of substances that provoke cancer from the body. It is not for nothing that the administrations of all children's educational institutions in Japan are obliged to feed children with meat products only of increased "marbling".

Each breeder takes care of beef gobies in its own way - for example, on some farms in Japan, wagyu bulls are massaged, poured beer to awaken their appetite, and even classical music is played. But there are a number of prerequisites that have a direct impact on the degree of marbling of the product:

1. Breed

First of all, the pattern on the meat, or marbling, depends on the genetic predisposition of animals to the accumulation of intramuscular fat. And you can't count on marbled beef from a dairy cow. The best is the marbled meat of the Aberdeen-Angus, Hereford and Wagyu breeds (in fact, this name combines the Japanese black, Japanese brown, Japanese hornless, Japanese Shorthorn breeds). Genetic "purity" is of great importance, therefore bulls with pedigree are especially appreciated. Suppliers of marbled beef carefully monitor the offspring, all animals are entered into herdbooks. Information, which includes all information from birth to slaughter, is stored on the farm for each copy.

2. Physical activity

Another important nuance that directly affects marbling is the effort that animals have to make during their life. Those who grow up in small stalls and lead a sedentary lifestyle give a very delicate product that literally melts in the mouth due to the fact that their muscles are not so "pumped up" as those of their free-walking counterparts. In the absence of movement, fat accumulates inside the muscles.

When the bulls gain a certain weight, they are moved into stalls or personal soundproof rooms, and sometimes even suspended on reins. All this is done so that the cattle cannot move, but at the same time do not lie: in a standing or hanging position, the muscles are in tension, and the fat layers are distributed more evenly over the pulp. But sometimes it requires vibratory massage to prevent cramps, you have to monitor your appetite and take into account other nuances, which significantly increases the cost of the final product.

However, Angus, on the contrary, are grown practically free-range. For them, open feedlots (feedlots) are created, where animals have minimal contact with people, can move freely and enjoy the fresh air.

3. Nutrition

Initially, calves of "marble" breeds are fed with mother's milk and kept next to the cows on free grazing with the slightest human intervention in the process.

From a certain point (upon reaching 6-8 months of age), young bulls are separated from the maternal herd and transferred to a special diet - the more competently the diet is selected, the more chances of getting a quality product. The diet of "marbled" gobies is high in carbohydrates and usually consists of barley or corn.

Corn fattening is considered the most preferable - it is it that allows you to achieve maximum marbling, while the meat has an unmatched sweetish taste, and the fat turns out to be white. But different manufacturers have their own secrets of how to raise cows for marbled meat: someone prefers compound feed, someone adds wine and honey to their food.

Where and how are cows grown for marbled beef in Russia?

Meat animal husbandry as such on the territory of our country is practically not developed. Most of the cattle livestock are dairy and meat and dairy cows, and they go to slaughter only after they stop giving milk (at the age of 7-10 years). And, in fact, no one asked how marbled meat was grown, because the emphasis was on the dairy industry, and there was no question of premium products. Accordingly, on the shelves of most supermarkets there is tough, dry and not at all tasty beef.

But in the last 10 years, the situation has begun to change for the better - largely thanks to the Zarechnoye Group of Companies, which is considered the pioneer of beef cattle breeding in the Russian Federation. In 2008, we were the first to bring purebred Aberdeen Angus beef cattle to Russia, and since then we have only been gaining momentum.

We created a brand PRIMEBIF - and soon this name became a household name. This is not just a trademark. It is a synonym for a quality product that has no analogues in our country and corresponds to the level of the most famous foreign manufacturers.We do not strive to operate globally and compete with competitors in the number of heads per herd - we just make marbled beef the way it should be.

Note that the question “how cows are raised for marbled meat” is incorrect, because male meat is suitable for the production of this product. For making marbled beef PRIMEBIF only young Aberdeen Angus gobies are selected. In the pedigree of our animals there are several generations of venerable world-class champions. In addition, our gobies are markedin the famous "American Angus Association", we operate our own Genetics Center and have the opportunity to select individuals of the most outstanding characteristics.

But the unique taste of marbled beef PRIMEBIF - this is the merit of not only good genetics. Correct feeding plays an important role. From birth to 10-12 months of age, our Anguses graze freely on the pastures of the Voronezh and Kaluga regions. There they feed on herbs that were carefully selected and sown by the specialists of the Zarechnoye Group of Companies. Subsequently, animals that have reached a weight of 300-350 kg are placed on a feedlot - a specially designed outdoor feedlot. Gobies spend about six months there.

The animals' diet consists of a carefully balanced four-component corn-based mixture, which is also cultivated in the fields of Zarechnoye Group of Companies. This 200-day corn diet helps to ensure maximum marbling and unrivaled taste in the final product.

The last stage is the aging of marbled beef. There are also different technologies in this matter, for example, when finished cuts are placed for maturation in specially designed chambers, where the optimal level of temperature and humidity is maintained, as well as the required air circulation rate. Wet maturation takes at least 2 weeks - and only after that the product goes on sale or on the table of a cook in a steakhouse.

We pack chilled meat in vacuum bags to exclude contact with bacteria and air during ripening, maximizing the effect of natural biochemical reactions. We recommend using marbled beef near the end of the shelf life - the third week after packaging and later when the marbled beef is perfect and delicious.