The best good quotes about the morning. Morning is wiser than evening: a selection of quotes and statuses about morning

30.10.2019 Lenten dishes

Good morning is the key to a good day. And to make the morning good, read the statuses about good morning!)

Good morning! Happy new day! Good luck to everyone in everything today!))

Good morning
Gently sweet
Delicious tea - aromatic,
The sky is blue, the sky is clear,
A wonderful day - wonderful ...

Let this day begin with kindness
and with someone's amazing smile
Someone, someone will bring flowers
Or send a note on a postcard
And someone will make strong tea
adding a couple of lemon slices
and say “Don't be bored anymore ...
When you are so sad, I feel bad too "
And someone will kiss gently on the forehead
hugs fragile palms tightly
and dissolving the morning chills
in dreams and in tenderness and in happiness a little bit
Let this day begin with warm eyes
and blooming with joy in the heart
Let someone smile at you now
smile, helping you keep warm.

“GOOD MORNING!” - you say to someone.
And he will be very good morning.
And the day will be good.
And good meetings.
And good, of course, the evening will fall.
How important and necessary that right in the morning
They wished you well!

And happy is he who at dawn
I managed to realize once
That he is alive! Healthy! That the sun is shining!
And there will be a new day again!

Cheerful morning! Have a good day! Kind smiles! I kiss you!

Morning is getting closer and closer ... Deathly silence, not a sound! On the face of the alarm clock I see ... Calling going, bitch!

In the morning I'm glad ... just like that.
And why? I do not know.
But life is beautiful - that's a fact!
And I adore this fact.

Give up on your past failures
Forget that you were unlucky yesterday.
Today! Today! Everything will be different today!
And you're lucky, all past failures are out of spite!
Good morning! Have a great day!

Every morning is the time to start life again. (Paulo Coelho)

Do you think that this is just another day of your Life? This is not just another day: this is the very Only Day that is given to you today.
It is given to you. This is a gift. The only Gift that you have right now.

When you wake up in the morning, think of the precious privilege of being alive again — breathing, thinking, enjoying, and loving.
(Marcus Aurelius)

Good morning, happy new day!
May it bring joy and success
May love and happiness be in it
And the warm sun will enter the house!

Let the sun in your window remind you of me. And he will say: “Darling, stop sleeping. It's morning outside, you have to get up! "

The message received in the morning doesn't just mean "Good morning" ... it means I think of you when I wake up!

It's not enough to get up early in the morning, you still need to stop sleeping.

Every morning I star in the fantasy thriller "Sleep in 5 Minutes"

If in the morning the cat smiles mysteriously, then it is better not to wear slippers ...

Often looking at a woman in the morning, you realize with horror that the fact that you seduced her yesterday was not yours, but her merit.

Who gets up early ... he enrages everyone, slams the doors, rattles the kettle and walks like an elephant!

Dear men, always kiss your wife in the morning! Well, at least to be the first!

Waking up in the morning, looking in the mirror ... You see ... There is no one to go to work ...

Good morning, homosapiens. Drink coffee and run to evolve.

Morning begins not with coffee, but with an attempt to realize who I am, where I am and where I slept today….

To get up on time, the alarm should be set not an hour earlier, but on the closet ...

Every morning I say to myself: "Wake up, beauty, great things await us!" But an inner voice whispers: "If they are waiting, then they love, and if they love, then they will wait!"

I just wish you well!
Anyone who reads these lines
So that there is a mood in the morning
So that your sons and daughters love you !!!

I want to wish you good morning!
Let the sun shine tenderly through the window
May joy and happiness settle in your heart
And it will be infinitely light in the soul!

The sun rose from behind a cloud, extended its arms to you, hugged you, kissed you and wished you good luck! Good morning!

The sun's ray of cheek tickles, Good morning to tell you wants. Good morning, wonderful day from the sun and from me!

Morning. The sun. A cup of coffee.
Do you want, instead of milk,
Passing the road through the heavens,
Will I add clouds? ..
I will add happiness to a spoon,
If you want, not even one.
Your feelings in the palm of your hand
I will hold out with the coffee.
I'll add a handful of smiles.
And your dreams come from dreams.
Music of flower violins
And also ... my love!

Good morning everyone! It's time to part with your favorite pillow and start a new day! We have selected a wonderful selection of morning statuses that will help you wake up faster and charge you with positive emotions for the whole day. Share aphorisms, sayings and phrases about the morning with your friends, let every day begin with pleasant and fun moments.

For some people, morning is a real challenge. Indeed, in the morning you need to wake up and go to work, and in the morning hour no one and nothing seems so close and dear as a pillow and a blanket. To wake up easily and quickly, you need very little. Firstly, you need to go to bed on time, and secondly, you need to find an incentive in the evening that will help you wake up faster in the morning.

An irreplaceable morning attribute is coffee. Its aroma invigorates and inspires to go and conquer the world! Coffee helps to feel all the beauty of the morning and enjoy the notes of its cheerfulness and freshness.

Morning is the beginning of life, in the morning everything wakes up, nature is the first to awaken. And, perhaps, there is nothing more beautiful than looking at the dawn, at how the sun wakes up to give people light, smile and joy. Morning is a burst of vigor and desire to create and achieve your goals. All important decisions need to be made in the morning, then they will be the most correct.


The coffee ritual is a type of morning meditation. (L. Ulitskaya)

A coffee-free morning is not a morning, but just the beginning of the day.

If the morning begins with aromatic coffee, then this is a good sign for the people around me. (Nika Gardo)

Anyone who does not like coffee simply does not understand its taste.

Morning ... Ruthless morning - the destroyer of night illusions, vague dreams, sweet dreams. Morning is a convinced pragmatist, a sober practitioner, an arbiter who raised his hand and is ready to start a new race. (O. Roy)

Morning gives people a start for new achievements.

Morning without coffee is not morning.

So…. lingering dream.

Coffee in the morning is wise

coffee in the morning - like the law.

Morning without coffee is in vain

and somersault all day.

Coffee in the morning is a joy

and without it - rubbish.

Morning without coffee is unbearable -

like a flight, only down.

Coffee in the morning is cheerfulness.

Nothing invigorates in the morning like aromatic coffee.

Coffee in the morning is life.

Who loves coffee, he loves life!

People get more correct thoughts in the morning than in the evening. (S. Lukyanenko)

No wonder they say that the morning is wiser than the evening, so you need to go to bed in the evening and make decisions in the morning.

Every morning is the time to start life again. (Paulo Coelho)

In what mood you wake up, this will be the beginning of a new life ...

Saying "wake up" is positive, but "stop sleeping" is negative. (Wall Street)

The awakening should be positive, then the day will be successful.

Good morning brings good afternoon.

You need to wake up with good thoughts, then the day will be good.

What you don’t do in the morning, you don’t catch up in the evening.

Morning is the time to do the right things with renewed vigor.

It is believed that success comes to those who get up early. No: success comes to those who get up in a good mood. (Ashar Marcel)

Better yet, get up early in a good mood, then you are definitely guaranteed success!

Morning remains good as long as the chance is given to him. (Sabir Omurov)

For the morning to be good, there must be people nearby who will make it so.

It's not enough to get up early in the morning, you still need to stop sleeping. (Yanina of Ipohorskaya)

If you can get up at 5 am, then you can wake up by lunchtime. ..)

All that begins is not new. But every morning shines with freshness. (Ernst Bloch)

In the morning, look not for novelty, but for life!

You can't just pick up and get up early in the morning. This is always a difficult philosophical process. (Sergey Yasinsky)

The most difficult philosophical problem is "How to get some more sleep without being late for work?"

Thoughts are like flowers: Plucked in the morning, they stay fresh longer. (André Gide)

Morning is the best time to make new decisions.


Every morning I star in the fantasy thriller "Sleep in 5 Minutes" ...

Or "How to reset the alarm 5 minutes later and not oversleep ...")

If in the morning the cat smiles mysteriously, then it is better not to wear slippers ...

Or maybe he just brewed coffee?)))

Every morning we have to make a difficult choice - what to wear: not washed or not ironed?

Then it's better naked than smelly and dented ...))

Often looking at a woman in the morning, you realize with horror that the fact that you seduced her yesterday was not yours, but her merit.

Evening is the time of beauty, morning is the time of truth ...)

Here is the morning. I became richer for a day of my life.

Waking up every morning is the main wealth in life.

Dear men, always kiss your wife in the morning! Well, at least to be the first!

You will be the first every morning, so you will be the only one.

The message received in the morning does not just mean "Good morning" ... it means - I think of you when I wake up ...

Good morning wishes from a loved one are the key to a good day.

Good morning, homosapiens. Drink coffee and run to evolve.

Hey wait! Don't forget to get dressed!

Strong coffee in the morning? What are you doing ?! I won't sleep at work later!

It is immediately evident that a person loves his job ...))

It turns out that you can do a lot in the morning if you don't go online!

Or rather, if you do not pay for the Internet, you will hardly be able to enter it in another way))

There are only three types of morning - early, very early and too early!

Well, why, sometimes it is still too late ... It's too late to go to work, anyway, after all, they have already been fired ...

Every morning I say to myself: "Wake up, beauty, great things await us!" But an inner voice whispers: "If they are waiting, then they love, and if they love, then they will wait!"

The morning should start with coffee, not a spoiled mood.

The morning mood will be good until you ruin it yourself ...

Morning at the gypsies: whoever got up first, dressed the most beautifully of all!

And whoever got up last, you see, there is nothing to wear ...)))

Scientists have found that morning is always best when it starts in the afternoon.

Morning for that and morning, to start before lunch, otherwise it simply would not make sense.

Do not believe this video is either filmed from the hundredth take, or filmed at lunchtime!)))

A good morning is the key to a successful day. It is very important that you have a person next to you to whom you will say “Good morning!” Every morning. and to hear this wish addressed to you. After all, happiness lies in starting the day not alone, but next to a loved one and with good thoughts.

The world belongs to those who are happy with it. 13

To live and rejoice, you need only two things: firstly, live, and secondly, rejoice. 27

How good it is when everything is good! 36

Life is beautiful - that's a fact! And I adore this fact! 29

A happy person is one who looks into nowhere, smiles ...) 18

If you saw me without a smile, then it was not me. 28 - Statuses about good mood

Promotion: everyone who smiles - a good mood as a gift! 28

It's time to be friends with happiness! 15

And life is beautiful! (antidepressants are found in chocolate) 11

The sun is shining and there are no more clouds in my head. 23

Smile! Open your eyes wider! Not everything sucks in this world! 17

Wonderful age: the fool has weathered, the marasmus is still far away! 14

Take advantage of a good mood, it comes so rarely. 12

Smiling is the cheapest way to look your best. 21

Give this day a chance to become the most wonderful in life! 10

I want a variety to the point of disgrace ... Disgrace for a change ... 12

Smile in the morning, have a coffee, get dressed, turn on the spring with your headphones and go where it is good. 12

Don't let the world change your smile 18

Sometimes such dreams are dreamed that you can afford to sleep all day! 13

Music makes happy people even happier, unhappy people even more unhappy. 13

The mood for the letter X ... Good, good :) 26

Someone will surely spoil the good mood. The only question is how long it will last. 13

Easy on the heart from the music, from the salary, Friday night and vacation. 14

Music. 10,000 years in the good mood market. 16

Oddly enough, sometimes a good mood comes from somewhere, just like that, for no reason. 6

Smile, skirt, heels and good mood 19

It's amazing how music can absolutely change the mood. 11

For some reason, it is bad habits that contribute to a good mood. 4

Crazy good mood, I want to climb onto the roof and scream! 13

What did you do yesterday? - I was happy. 13

Perfect morning: you slept well, you are in a good mood and the sun is outside the window. 10

Even in the lousiest weather, the mood can be sunny if there are those you are happy to see nearby. 10

It turns out that my mood depends entirely on you ... 21

Laughing for no reason is a sign of great mood) 11

Business as usual - sometimes good, but sometimes great! 14

The mood is like Carlson's! I want something sweet and naughty! 13

Well, hello, mood, and I thought we won't see you this year! 7

Good mood is best transmitted sexually 13

Too good mood to stay at home. 10

Never give up what makes you smile. 17

The sun. Joy. Happiness. A smile on your face. Jeans. Positive. Love. 8

The day will come, and the cats in their souls will not scratch, but purr loudly with happiness. 11

The most important thing is to have a good mood. The rest is a matter of brains and money. 5

Enjoy this day, it will never happen again! 6

A sense of humor, optimism and a good mood will save the world. 9

Nice weather! Great mood! Happiness! 14

You are not quite dressed if you don't have a smile on your face. 15

In the end, everything will be fine. Sugar at the bottom! 13

Do you want life to smile at you? Give her your good mood first. 12

If there is no reason to have fun, have fun on credit! 11

The best decoration is a great mood 20

It's raining today, so I'll be the sun! 13

The morning should be good, the day should be useful, and the evening should be memorable! 10

The mood is sparkling ... 12

I lend, at interest, good mood. 8

The meeting included phrases and quotes about the morning:

  • I understood why people in the army wake up at 6 in the morning: because the only thing you want to do at 6 in the morning is to kill people.
  • And sometimes, you wake up, and everything is perfect. David Nichols
  • I'm not a masochist, but I always take a cold shower in the morning. It’s a great start to the day, because it’s not going to get any worse. Roman Polanski
  • God Sows New Words in Our Hearts Every Morning John Milton
  • This is always a difficult philosophical process. Sergey Yasinsky
  • In the army, the company commander in the morning liked to say: "Whoever gets up early, God gives him." I always had a question: "What does God give?"
  • What you don’t do in the morning, you don’t catch up in the evening. Proverb
  • In the evening of life - you can’t get enough of it, but you don’t want to live in the morning!
  • What do you know about desires, exploits and passions? Every morning I go out from under the blanket to Calvary ...
  • Here is the morning. I became richer for a day of my life. Sherboto Tokombaev
  • The closer to morning - the more interesting the dreams. Neyach
  • Still, getting up with the sun is a rare pleasure, and if this happens, it is already difficult to exchange it for something. Haruki Murakami, "Wonderland Without Brakes and the End of the World"
  • I want to make coffee every morning for two.

  • The day did not go well in the morning: the alarm clock rang.
  • The morning is already so crazy that it also allows itself to be cold.
  • For those who love solitude, an early morning walk is the same as a night walk, with the only difference that in the morning there is more joy in nature. Victor Hugo, Les Miserables
  • Morning remains good as long as the chance is given to him. Sabir Omurov
  • Good morning brings good afternoon. Proverb
  • The morning of the evening is lousier if the evening is a success. Anna Wind
  • If on weekdays the alarm clock is a tormentor, then on Sunday it is a joker. Vadim Sinyavsky
  • Morning is that part of the day when you are jealous of the unemployed.
  • If you woke up in the morning and found a beautiful girl next to you, then you didn't drink so much yesterday ...
  • The most religious item in our house is the bathroom scale. Every morning the wife stands on them and loudly shouts "Oh, God!"
  • I go to work one morning, walk calmly, I am not late. And then I understand that there is a blanket around, a pillow and I am in bed ... I understand: the dream was prophetic - to showdown.
  • You woke up with a desire to work, then you should still sleep.
  • Every woman has the right to wake up in the morning shamelessly happy and leave the house insolently beautiful!
  • Now I know that for those who get up early, God gives a drill and the desire to hammer the walls. Sergey Yasinsky
  • Every morning is a chance to start life from scratch
  • Judging by this morning, last night was a mistake.
  • Every morning I dream of staying under the covers. Sergey Yasinsky
  • One has only to get up, lean out the window, and immediately you will understand: here it begins, real freedom and life, here it is, the first morning of summer. Ray Bradbury, Dandelion Wine
  • Every morning, when the alarm goes off, the first thing I do is the desire to kill, and then me.
  • You get old - this is when, in the morning after drinking, you find not drunk beer in the fridge!
  • Every morning. For the first half hour, the body ignores the brain, the brain, the body. until you bump into the doorframe or step on the thorny bullshit.
  • The most beautiful morning is today, when you don't need breakfast in bed, but when it's just warm on the side.
  • What happiness it is when you wake up at 3 o'clock in the morning, and you are glad that it is not morning yet. Happiness! and you can continue to sleep!
  • In the morning it is sometimes very difficult to understand: are you just not getting enough sleep or do you really hate everyone?
  • When any external push generates an internal repulsion, a person has to look for reasons that will allow him to get out of bed in the morning - reasons, in any case, more fundamental than the fear of getting bedsores. Stephen Fry
  • Let it be better to be ashamed in the morning than bored in the evening!
  • The number of sexy girls on the streets directly depends on the morning testosterone level. Sherboto Tokombaev
  • I wake up. I remember ... Silence all around. Quiet, quiet. Probably, it was just as quiet after the St. Bartholomew's Night. Sergey Yasinsky
  • I went to bed at 20.00 and woke up at 8.00. Slept 12 hours and did not get enough sleep. That's the truth of life - I'm completely insatiable in bed. Sergey Yasinsky
  • I woke up early in the morning and thought: I’ll get up, I’ll move mountains ... turned on the other side - why invade nature, let them stand!
  • My alarm clock is my wife, who screams every morning on the scales.
  • Monday… morning…. Club of the green and easy-going ...

  • On the morning after a stormy graduation, the graduate Sidorov thought that the girl with the bell had moved from his shoulder to his head.
  • Nothing extra. Going to bed early and getting up early is what makes a person healthy, wealthy and smart. Benjamin Franklin
  • The morning greets us with brine!
  • You can't just pick up and get up early in the morning.
  • Coffee, morning, quotes from your favorite poet = good mood ...
  • Do not trust dreams - there will always be morning as long as you are alive. (Quotes about morning)
  • It is incorrect to say: "The woman had a bad morning" ... More correctly: "The whole family did not have a good morning!"
  • I don’t trust those who are drawn to philosophize so early. It’s like a drink for breakfast, the initial stage of insanity. In the morning you need to sleep, swim and not think about anything. Francis Scott Fitzgerald.
  • An incredible evening, a crazy night - anyone can do that. And you try to make an unforgettable morning ... Sergey Yasinsky
  • All that begins is not new. But every morning shines with freshness. Ernst Bloch
  • You can't just pick up and get up early in the morning. This is always a difficult philosophical process.
  • I also need to call psychics, let me look for socks every morning.
  • I slept with this thought - and in the morning I decided to sleep with him.
  • We would love the morning more if it started later ...
  • I looked at myself in the mirror in the morning and realized: Yeti is not a myth ... Oleg Kaipov
  • It's not enough to get up early in the morning, you still need to stop sleeping. Yanina of Ipohorskaya
  • I wake up and think what I will do today.
  • Who is Sleep? And why do I always want him in the morning?
  • When you wake up in the morning, ask yourself, "What should I do?" In the evening, before falling asleep: "What have I done?" Pythagoras
  • When will the morning start with exercises and jogging, and not with mineral water and an aspirin tablet?
  • With bated breath, he reads poetry in the evenings in order to wake up in tears in the morning. To be late. And running out of the house, forget somewhere under the pillow a good mood.

  • When, finally, will the time come when in the morning I begin to wake up, and not rise again?
  • In the morning, the stomach is so flat that it’s a pity to even have breakfast.
  • How unbearably difficult it is in the early morning to look for a thread from a tea bag in a mug, especially if you have made yourself some coffee ...
  • Today I got up on the wrong foot and it got stuck between the wall and the bed!
  • Every morning, after a party, you have to make a difficult choice - what to wear: not washed or not ironed?
  • Old age comes suddenly, like snow. In the morning you get up and see that everything is white. Jules Renard
  • Every morning I go through five stages of awakening: denial, anger, bargaining, humility, coffee.
  • Saturday morning was lovely. But then my memory began to return to me ...
  • Every morning I say to myself: "Wake up, beauty, great things await us!"
  • It is believed that success comes to those who get up early. No: success comes to those who get up in a good mood. Ashar Marcel
  • Every morning is the time to start life again. Paulo Coelho
  • The fact that there was no one to say "good morning" meant only one thing: that you did not have to start the day with hypocrisy.
  • From the experience of life it is known that someone who wakes up at dawn of his own free will or, if necessary, has to get up early in the morning, does not tolerate well if others in his presence continue, as they say, to sleep without hind legs. Jose Saramago
  • I had a favorite song, and then I set it on the alarm. There are no more favorite songs!
  • Do you know what infuriates the most in the morning at work? They are latecomers. And not because you can be a fan of punctuality, but because this creature slept more than you!
  • Mornings are such a part of the day when many people are naively jealous of the unemployed.
  • If every morning you wake up with the thought that something good will happen today, so it will be! Nina Dobrev
  • The morning was disgusting. Gray, dank through and through, like the slippery cap of some mushroom. Doorknobs on such days seem too hard, any food scratches the palate, larks are ugly active and do not allow them to calmly bask in bed, and owls are unhappy with everything and snap at every word. Mariam Petrosyan
  • It is enough to arrive at five in the morning in an unfamiliar city. It's all. Max Fry, "The Big Cart"
  • Morning is getting closer and closer ... Deathly silence, not a sound! On the face of the alarm clock I see ... is going to call ...!
  • A good half of the citizens on Monday morning look like they are generally unkind.
  • The morning started badly - the sun was shining in one eye, and in the other ... It felt like a spear had been stuck into it. The spear trembled finely. Sergey Yasinsky
  • To develop character, you must make a heroic effort at least twice a day. This is exactly what I do: every morning I get up and every night I go to bed. William Somerset Maugham
  • I don't have breakfast in the morning, because I think about you! I don't have lunch during the day, I think about you. I don’t have dinner in the evening - I’m thinking about you! I don't sleep at night - I want to eat!