Chicken liver cutlets step by step recipe with photo. Hearty chicken liver cutlets

29.09.2019 Lenten dishes

Text: Evgeniya Bagma

Even if you don't like offal, chicken liver cutlets will surely suit your taste. More like liver pancakes, these patties go well with any side dish.

How to cook chicken liver cutlets?

To cook chicken liver cutlets, it is recommended to pre-rinse the liver, and then pour over boiling water until it turns white. This procedure will relieve the cutlets from bitterness.

Minced meat for liver cutlets turns out to be liquid, so they are fried like pancakes in heated oil. If the minced meat is too juicy, the cutlets will spread. To avoid this, add more flour to the minced meat. Chicken liver cutlets cook very quickly, so try not to overcook them, otherwise they will turn out dry.

Chicken liver cutlets recipes

Chicken liver cutlets.

Ingredients: 300g chicken liver, 2 eggs, 2 onions, salt, pepper, herbs.

Preparation: grind the liver and onions in a blender, add spices, salt, finely chopped herbs, eggs. If the minced meat is too runny, add flour or breadcrumbs to it. Fry the cutlets like pancakes.

Chicken liver and heart cutlets.

Ingredients: 250g chicken liver, 250g chicken hearts, 2 eggs, 5 tbsp. flour, 2 onions, 2 carrots, 4 potatoes.

Preparation: chop the liver, offal, onions, carrots, add eggs, spices, salt, seasonings, stir well, fry.

Chicken liver cutlets with rice.

Ingredients: 500g chicken liver, 200g rice, 2 eggs, 1 onion, 1 carrot, salt, black pepper, 2-3 tbsp. flour.

Preparation: boil the rice until tender, cool, finely chop the onion, grate the carrots. Fry onions in vegetable oil until golden brown, add carrots, fry for another 2 minutes. Chop the liver, mix with vegetables, add eggs, salt, pepper, flour, mix well. Fry the cutlets like pancakes.

Chicken liver cutlets with lard.

Ingredients: 1kg chicken liver, 2 eggs, 1 onion, 100g lard, 5 tbsp. flour, salt, pepper.

Preparation: chop the liver with a blender, then chop the onion and lard, add to the liver. Add eggs, salt, pepper to the minced meat, mix, gradually add flour. Stir well so that there are no lumps left, fry the cutlets like pancakes.

Serve chicken liver cutlets with mashed potatoes, buckwheat or pasta, garlic or cheese sauce, or just sour cream.


  • for minced meatballs:
  • chicken liver - 600 g;
  • semolina - 175 g (7 tablespoons);
  • onions - 70 g (1 medium onion);
  • carrots - 150 g (1 medium carrot);
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • sunflower oil - 60 ml;
  • salt;

For kefir sauce:

  • kefir - 200 ml;
  • curry seasoning - 1 tsp. spoon;
  • ketchup - 2 tables spoons;
  • dill or parsley.

Cooking time - 1 hour.

Exit - 25 cutlets.

Nutritionists advise from time to time to include in your diet dishes from the liver, since this by-product is very useful for health. For example, chicken liver contains a lot of protein (about the same as chicken fillet), B vitamins (especially high in vitamin B9) and the daily value of iron. Therefore, we advise you to cook chicken liver cutlets.

The recipe with the photo will tell you step by step how to do it. Especially tender chicken liver cutlets with semolina, so this product is present in the ingredients instead of flour. In order for animal proteins to be better absorbed, we recommend adding vegetables - onions and carrots to the minced meat, and to serve the dish to the table - prepare an original and low-calorie kefir sauce.

How to cook chicken liver cutlets with semolina

Pick up all the products necessary for making chicken liver cutlets with semolina. Especially carefully you need to choose the liver, because both the taste and the benefits of the dish depend on it. Signs of a fresh liver are: a dark brown color, a smooth surface without blood clots or pronounced blood vessels, and no unpleasant odor.

In addition to onions and carrots, you can add a chive to the minced meat. For frying cutlets, it is better to use refined sunflower oil. For the sauce, kefir of any fat content is suitable. If curry is not available, you can add ground black and red pepper, turmeric, ginger, coriander, or other spices to your liking. You can also add garlic. You can use tomato sauce or tomato paste instead of ketchup.

Usually, cooking liver dishes begins with soaking this offal in milk, water or kefir. However, for the manufacture of chicken liver cutlets, a recipe with a photo step by step of which is proposed below, this operation can be omitted, which significantly saves cooking time. It is enough to thoroughly wash the liver under warm running water and remove the films. Immediately you need to prepare the vegetables: peel and cut the onion into several pieces, peel and grate the carrots.

Pass the liver through a meat grinder. Then do the same with the onion. Add grated carrots, salt and, if desired, a lot of pepper or garlic passed through a press to the minced meat. To mix everything.

Drive the egg into the minced meat and add the semolina. Mix everything well and leave for the semolina to swell for about 20 minutes. This time can just be used to wash the accumulated dirty dishes.

Pour oil into a frying pan and heat it up. If you are using a frying pan with a non-stick Teflon coating, then you need to proceed in this sequence: first - oil, then - heat. Otherwise, harmful substances are released from Teflon when it is severely overheated. Mix the minced meat again. As you can see, it has become noticeably thicker. Collect the minced meat with a tablespoon and put in the pan.

There is a little trick on how to make fluffy chicken liver cutlets. To do this, you first need to lay out an incomplete tablespoon of minced meat. Literally in a few seconds, when the "pancake" has already taken shape and has ceased to spread over the pan, put some more minced meat on top. Fry the patties with the lid open, over medium heat, about 2 minutes on each side.

Thus, fry all chicken liver cutlets with semolina, after which you can start preparing the sauce. To do this, add seasonings, tomato sauce or ketchup, finely chopped greens to kefir. Mix everything and taste it. Add a little salt or sugar if necessary.

Especially tasty hot chicken liver cutlets with semolina. They go well with any side dish - mashed potatoes, pasta, rice and salads. Kefir sauce will make them even more appetizing.

Now you know how to cook chicken liver cutlets.

Enjoy your meal!

The liver is a useful product that should be in the diet of every family. If fried or stewed it is not like homemade, then an excellent solution would be to cook chicken liver cutlets. Having chosen the right recipe, they can be made soft, juicy and tender.

Classic chicken liver cutlets

According to the classic recipe, the dish contains simple accessible ingredients, including: carrots, 2 onions, salt, 900 g of chicken liver, 2 selected eggs, 120 ml of milk, 9-10 large tablespoons of wheat flour, a pinch of salt and a mixture of ground peppers.

  1. The liver is washed, cut into small pieces and soaked in cool milk for half an hour.
  2. Carrots are grated with fine cells, and onions are cut into miniature cubes. Happy owners of a vegetable cleaner can take advantage of its features.
  3. Prepared liver with onions are passed through a meat grinder.
  4. Carrots and eggs are added to the mass. Minced meat is salted and peppery.
  5. It remains to add flour and leave the mass to infuse for 20-25 minutes.
  6. Spoon cutlets are laid out in a frying pan with hot oil and are traditionally fried on both sides.

Spreading the treat immediately after frying on a napkin can help rid it of excess fat.

Oven cooking recipe

The oven will allow you to make the discussed dish low in calories. It will include: large potatoes, 570 g of chicken liver, onion, salt, a large spoonful of oatmeal, black ground pepper, 90 g of hard cheese.

  1. First, with the help of a special attachment of the blender, oatmeal is turned into crumbs. Then onions, liver and potatoes are crushed with it.
  2. All ingredients are mixed. To them is added finely grated cheese, salt, pepper or any other spices.
  3. The minced meat is put into small silicone molds.
  4. The dish is cooked in a hot oven for 20 minutes.

You can serve the dish with any garlic sauce. Decorate with canned green peas.

With added rice

White rice grits will make the cutlets more satisfying and nutritious. In addition to rice (1 cup), you will need to take: a pound of liver, salt, half a glass of wheat flour, a chicken egg, a pinch of a mixture of peppers, an onion.

  1. The liver with peeled onions, salt and peppers turns into a homogeneous minced meat.
  2. Rice is cooked in salted water until tender.
  3. Ready-made cereal, egg and flour are added to the resulting mass. Its amount may differ from the declared volume. Falling asleep flour, you need to monitor the thickness of the dough.
  4. Cutlets are fried in any fat in a skillet without a lid.

The finished dish goes well with any vegetable side dish.

Lush liver cutlets

To make the treat lush, semolina is added to it. The groats absorb moisture, swell and make the cutlets lighter, airy. To prepare the dish, take: 340 g of chicken liver, onion, salt, 3 large spoons of semolina, an egg, aromatic herbs.

  1. The peeled vegetable is twisted with the liver, washed and dried with a paper towel.
  2. All other ingredients are added to the mass.
  3. After mixing, leave the minced meat to "rest" for half an hour. This will allow the semolina to swell enough.
  4. Cutlets are fried in hot oil until golden brown.

If, as a result, the treat turned out to be slightly damp, you need to put it in a pan, pour a little water and darken for 5-7 minutes under a closed lid.

Chicken liver cutlets in a slow cooker

Pots in a miracle saucepan always turn out to be less greasy than in a regular frying pan. In addition, the multicooker makes the whole cooking process easier. It will include: a pound of liver, selected egg, white onion, salt, 4 large tablespoons of wheat flour and the same amount of fatty sour cream, aromatic herbs. How to cook delicious liver cutlets in a slow cooker is described below.

  1. Peeled onions and liver are chopped with a blender.
  2. Sour cream, flour, salt, spices are added to the ingredients. After mixing, the mass is left in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes.
  3. The formed cutlets are placed in the oiled bowl of the device and are cooked on both sides in the "Fry" program.

Served with ketchup.

With semolina

With semolina, the dish turns out to be fluffier and softer. The recipe includes the following ingredients: 430 g of chicken liver, large onion, salt, selected chicken egg, aromatic herbs, 4 large tablespoons of semolina.

  1. The liver is thoroughly washed, gets rid of all excess (films, veins), after which, together with the onion pieces, it turns into a homogeneous minced meat. It is convenient to do this using a special blender attachment or a meat grinder.
  2. Semolina, seasonings, salt and a chicken egg are immediately added to the resulting mass.
  3. After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, they leave for about 15 minutes. During this time, the cereal should swell.
  4. It remains to fry the products on both sides until golden brown.

From the specified amount of ingredients, about 15-17 small cutlets are obtained.

With mushrooms

Mushrooms go well with chicken liver. For cutlets, it is best to use champignons (420 g). From the products taken: 920 g of liver, 2 medium onions, a large spoonful of sour cream, salt, dried dill, 80 g of hard cheese, 2 selected eggs, 3 large tablespoons of wheat flour.

  1. Mushrooms and onions are peeled and cut into small pieces. These components are fried in well-heated oil until tender, and then cooled.
  2. Hard cheese is rubbed on a grater with large cells.
  3. The liver is cleansed, cut, doused with boiling water. After draining the water, the meat also cools.
  4. The two masses are mixed, dill, salt, cheese, sour cream and wheat flour are added to them. After kneading, the minced meat is removed for half an hour in a cold place.
  5. When the specified time has elapsed, you can start frying cutlets. They are laid out in a frying pan with a spoon and slightly crushed.

Serve deliciously with any hot garlic sauce, such as unsweetened yogurt, chopped herbs, and granulated garlic.

With rice - a la meatballs

Such cutlets can be sculpted in different shapes. Or make them flat, standard, or roll them into balls to make delicious meatballs. A ready-made dish of any shape will surely please not only adults, but also the smallest family members. They are prepared from the following products: a pound of chicken liver, a large chicken egg, a white onion, a pinch of aromatic herbs, a large spoonful of potato starch, 160 g of rice, salt.

  1. Rice is boiled in salted water until tender.
  2. The liver is thoroughly washed, gets rid of all blood vessels and films, after which it is ground with a blender.
  3. The onions are peeled and cut into small cubes.
  4. Chicken egg, potato starch, vegetable, aromatic herbs and salt to taste are added to the offal mass.
  5. It remains to pour the finished cooled rice into the minced meat. If you wish, you can grind half of the cooked cereal at the very beginning together with the chicken liver.
  6. Small cutlets are formed from the resulting mass. They need to be fried in a little fat on both sides.

Step 1: Preparing the ingredients.

The taste of the finished dish is highly dependent on the freshness of the chicken liver. Therefore, it is important to approach her choice with all responsibility. When buying, we look carefully and be sure to smell.

So, the first sign is color. A good chicken liver should be maroon in color, and its surface should be free of greenish spots. They appear if the gallbladder was damaged when cutting a chicken carcass. Do not take a liver with a light yellow tint. Most likely, it was frozen.

The second sign is smell. Any unpleasant foreign smell signals a product that is not of the first freshness. Without a doubt, it is better to refuse such a purchase.

So we have a nice fresh chicken liver. It must be cleaned of films and rinsed under running water.

Peel the onion and chop finely. If you don't like large pieces, you can grate it.

Step 2: Cooking chicken liver cutlets.

The liver for cooking cutlets must be chopped. This can be done using a meat grinder, blender, or food processor. As a result, a homogeneous liver mass should be obtained.

Add an egg, onion, salt, pepper to it and mix. Then add flour. The amount in the recipe is approximate. Focus on the consistency of the mass.

Put the skillet on fire, add oil and heat well. Spread the patties with a tablespoon and sauté over medium heat on both sides until tender (about 5 minutes each). The liver cooks quickly, but do not rush to turn it over right away so that the shape is not disturbed. Transfer the finished cutlets to a dinner plate.

Step 3: Serve the chicken liver cutlets.

Chicken liver cutlets go well with various vegetables, fried, boiled or stewed, fresh vegetables and herbs. Their taste will be emphasized by creamy, milk, mushroom or tomato-soy sauce. However, with the usual estimate, it also turns out very tasty.

Bon Appetit!

In the liver cutlet mass, you can add not fresh onions, but sautéed (fried in a small amount of oil) with grated carrots, it turns out unusually and tasty;

Spicy vegetables and herbs can significantly change and improve the taste of the liver, therefore, in addition to black pepper, you can add other spices, for example, nutmeg, tarragon, marjoram, red pepper.

Liver patties are considered by many to be too simple a dish and they are not prepared so often. But today I offer my recipe with a photo, in which I will tell you step by step how to cook them so that you will appreciate their taste. If you add not only flour, but also semolina to the cutlets, you will get a completely new dish and the liver will become much tastier. Chicken liver cutlets will be tender, soft and very tasty. Despite all the simplicity of preparation, liver cutlets are considered a very healthy dish, since the liver contains a lot of iron, phosphorus, vitamin B and folic acid, so necessary for women. So, despite all the simplicity of the chicken liver, it is so rich in vitamins and minerals that you should not pass it by. It is very convenient to cook cutlets from such a liver, because they are fried very quickly, which means that a hearty and healthy lunch will be on your table soon. We will save special ones for special dates, but on weekdays, chicken liver is just suitable, which is always sold in stores and it is advisable to buy it chilled fresh. Let's start cooking.

Required products:
- 300 grams of chicken liver,
- 1 medium onion,
- 1 chicken egg,
- 3 tables. l. decoys,
- 1.5 tables. l. wheat flour,
- 0.5 teaspoon l. baking soda,
- 0.5 teaspoon l. salt,
- vegetable oil for frying cutlets.

Recipe with photo step by step:

I wash the chicken liver, cut off the films and connecting veins. Peel the onions for minced meat, then twist them together with the liver in a meat grinder.

I drive in a chicken egg and mix the minced meat several times. While the minced meat has a liquid structure.

I pour semolina and flour into the minced meat, I also salt it to make the cutlets tasty. I put the minced meat in the refrigerator for 20 minutes so that the semolina swell and the minced meat turns out to be thicker.

I heat the vegetable oil in a skillet, spoon the minced liver and begin to fry the cutlets. When the underside is fried, becomes a rich brown color, I turn the cutlets over and fry on the back.

I serve the finished cutlets to the table. Also try to cook delicious