What does oatmeal look like? What is healthier than rolled oats or oatmeal

24.09.2019 Lenten dishes

A rare person since childhood has warm feelings for porridge. Usually they are eaten without pleasure and mood, because "mom told me." However, porridge can be delicious and certainly nutritious. You just need to find "your" cereal and learn how to cook it. Oatmeal is especially popular among weight watchers. But when choosing one in a store, a logical question arises: how does "Hercules" differ from oatmeal? Maybe the taste will be different? Or is it less useful? Should you buy?

At first sight

Let's put it bluntly: it is difficult to get warm feelings for this porridge. Even visually, it looks very unpleasant. And the taste does not justify the appearance. However, it is this porridge that is recommended for food for small children, the elderly, the sick, and just business people who should have a hearty and high-quality breakfast early in the morning. Alas, there are no absolutely healthy people among us, so in your kitchen you most likely have oatmeal. This porridge is prepared very quickly and easily. In addition, it is very harmoniously combined with various "enhancers" of taste, be it honey, berries, jam or condensed milk. But at the same time, you need to comply with the norm so as not to turn a healthy dish into a storehouse of fats and sugars.

Young children are often unable to compose their own diet. They are dependent on their parents and therefore proper nutrition of children depends on the elders. From a young age, it is worth reminding a child that a healthy lifestyle is impossible without an abundance of vegetables, fruits and cereals in the diet. But the child is bored to eat only what is useful. Taste is also important to him, and this "naked" boiled oatmeal, to put it mildly, does not please. We'll have to get out and, replacing familiar products with healthy ones, not sacrifice the taste component. And in order to support their child, it is worthwhile for parents to join proper nutrition. Making a family breakfast based on oatmeal is not only easier and faster, but also more economical as it is a versatile long-lasting product that can be combined with both sweet and savory ingredients.

There is a problem of choice

This is not so much a problem as a difficulty in the procurement process. The stores offer a rich assortment of oatmeal, which can be made from whole grains of oats or from flakes. There is also a special variety - the same "Hercules", which is gaining more and more "points" due to its easy digestibility and speed of preparation. However, the audience mostly does not know how "Hercules" differs from oatmeal, and, accordingly, is lost when buying. Indeed, the products do not differ visually. So is there a fundamental difference, or can you randomly throw a pack into your grocery basket?

Let's understand the essence

Before answering the question, how does "Hercules" differ from oatmeal, you need to understand, what is "Hercules"? This is an incredibly popular product made from oats, but using a special technology. In fact, this is a semi-finished product. It is often served for breakfast in kindergartens, hotels and sanatoriums. The ancient Romans and Greeks were the first to introduce oats, but they fed only livestock with oats. And only in the 13th century in Scotland, oats were allowed to cook stews with vegetables, meat and herbs. It was this dish that became known as oatmeal porridge. The name comes from the name of the hero of myths Hercules-Hercules. There is a hint here that the lover of porridge will be strong and hardy.

Cooking porridge was easy, because by 1877 there was a special technology for cutting the movable layer of oat grain. In this way, flakes were obtained. This is no longer a whole grain product, and there is less benefit from it, since the flakes are heat treated. During the preparation process, the grains are cleaned, steamed and flattened. It takes about 10 minutes to cook oatmeal porridge. For comparison: oatmeal will take at least 40 minutes.

About the composition

What is rich in Hercules oatmeal? Firstly, it should be noted that the flakes are obtained from natural oats, and they retain the lion's share of all nutrients. Secondly, the flakes are rich in B vitamins, which, by the way, are responsible for the production of glucose carbohydrates from the state of the human nervous system. Thirdly, oat flakes "Hercules" are a storehouse of vitamins A and E, various microelements, including potassium, zinc, phosphorus and others. The composition contains betaglucan, which purifies the blood. Flakes are much lighter than whole grains. They are very airy and take no more than a quarter of an hour to cook. This is a great way to have a light bite or a heavy refueling if you get a little fancy during the cooking process. "Hercules" does not harm the body. However, it is worth seeing the difference between plain and flavored cereals, which are often seen in stores. This type of product can include cream, vegetable fats, flavors, colors, and other inferior ingredients. You can not expect much benefit from such a snack.

Who can't live without porridge?

Oatmeal is a healthy and fairly light porridge. The last statement directly depends on the cooking method. Be sure to include oatmeal in your diet for people associated with mental work. This breakfast calms down, concentrates attention, improves brain and memory function. Besides "Hercules" helps with chronic fatigue, drowsiness, asthenia and even depression. It would seem that this is a universal way to cure all diseases in one fell swoop ?! But no! The subtlety is that you need to get used to the oatmeal gradually. The taste will seem painfully insipid after fatty, sweet and salty delicacies. A portion of porridge for breakfast is enough to charge the body and set it up for fruitful work.

It is highly recommended that "Hercules" porridge on the water is for those people who have suffered myocardial infarction or suffer from hypertension. Oatmeal contains a lot of fiber, and it helps to eliminate toxins and toxins. Thanks to this, the level of cholesterol in the blood is significantly reduced and the blood vessels are cleansed. As a preventive measure, doctors advise people living in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions to eat oatmeal.

It is impossible to do without oatmeal for people suffering from gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers. After all, porridge literally envelops the stomach and intestines, protecting against the aggressive effects of gastric juice. By the way, "Hercules" helps with constipation. It improves the functioning of the liver, kidneys and pancreas.

Who won't hurt?

Essentially, Hercules and oatmeal are one and the same. So it doesn't really matter which bag you grab in the store. Another thing is that the product in any form is very useful and will not harm your diet. In particular, porridge helps to treat colds! Especially if it is accompanied by a severe cough. Cook porridge in milk and add honey in this situation. Such a medicine, by the way, is quite tasty, but do not mix it with high-fat milk, otherwise you can cure a cold to the detriment of the figure.

But oatmeal is an excellent product for those who are on a diet. Oatmeal energizes and keeps you feeling full. If you want quick results, then you can spend a couple of unloading days on oatmeal.

Porridge is recommended for hepatitis, as it is rich in antioxidants that prevent premature aging and the growth of malignant tumors. So even in the process of eating, you can take great care of your health. If you do not seek to find fault with the little things, then "Hercules" and oatmeal - this is the same thing. The purchase will be successful in any case!

Who should abstain?

Of course, it is convenient to prepare breakfast in 10 minutes, but there are groups of people who are contraindicated in Hercules porridge. On the water, it is not so satisfying, but in combination with milk, you get a full-fledged dish, which, alas, is rich in fats and carbohydrates. Excessive consumption of such food can provoke the onset of diabetes mellitus, since fat formed due to excess sugars is deposited on the internal organs. However, if there is not so much porridge in your diet, then a negative effect on the body is not expected. By the way, even the seemingly fresh "Hercules" porridge on the water can be very tasty if you add a spoonful of honey, a little pine nuts and mint leaves to it. If you have an early breakfast, then you cannot send marshmallows into the ready-made porridge. This dish will appeal not only to adults, but also to children.

Free choice or necessity?

Recently, healthy lifestyle has become a fashion trend. And, on the one hand, this is wonderful. But on the other hand, many things have become mandatory for people who want to get in shape. As a result, we all began to love low-fat kefir, push cottage cheese into ourselves and fill in water. However, not everyone should eat the same things to lose weight. Any product can be delicious if you use a little imagination in the process of its preparation. If oatmeal causes the most negative emotions in you, then try the oatmeal jelly from "Hercules". The cooking process will take five days, as it includes three stages - fermentation of the grain, standing and separation of the fermented culture. In addition to cereals, you will need kefir, water and crushed oat grains. If you drink oatmeal jelly from "Hercules" regularly, you can forget about stomach ailments, drowsiness and problems with the figure. Kissel gives vigor and perfectly saturates, so you can easily spend work days on it.

By differences

To sum up, how does Hercules differ from oatmeal? First of all, the cooking time. It takes about an hour for oatmeal, and the flakes will be ready in 5-10 minutes. You can even do it in a minute if you use flavored flakes. These can be poured with cold kefir and immediately eaten. Also, oatmeal differs from "Hercules" in calorie content, however, quite a bit. In oatmeal there are 80 calories, and in "Hercules" - 84. But on the glycemic index "Hercules" is higher by 18 positions (60 against 42). This means that oatmeal digests more slowly and keeps you feeling fuller longer. There are few differences in BZHU, except for about, 2 grams more fat in the flakes. The flakes taste more delicate, but oatmeal contains more healthy fiber.

Have to choose

If your choice is instant oatmeal, then feel free to take "Hercules". It is prepared simply and perfectly combined with fruits, vegetables, spices and herbs. This is a good and quick snack. Conveniently, instant oatmeal in bags fits in any purse, which means it can be at hand on a trip, business trip or during the deadline period. However, if your choice is a healthy and healthy breakfast and you are in no hurry, then choose whole grain oatmeal. It is much more nutritious and satisfying.

Oat flakes are flattened grains of oats, which grows almost all over the world. This product is especially appreciated by the residents of Great Britain and Ireland, since in these countries, due to the short summer period, another type of cereal does not ripen.

The flake production process is quite long. First, the highest grade oats are selected. Then, using a special apparatus, it is cleaned of litter and various impurities. After that, the grains are sorted by size, washed and steamed. The last procedure is carried out in order to simplify the process of separating the film from the oats. Next, the steamed raw materials are dried to a moisture content of eight percent, cooled to a temperature of forty degrees and finally cleaned of dust. After carrying out all the necessary manipulations, flakes are made from oat grains. For this, the prepared raw material is passed through a special roller machine, which flattens the oat kernels. As a result, flattened cream-colored flakes are obtained, the width of which is four millimeters (see photo).

Many people wonder how oatmeal differs from ordinary oatmeal. There is a difference between these products, and it lies in two factors:

  • production technology - ordinary oatmeal is unpeeled whole flakes, oatmeal is a product that has passed special stages of hydrothermal treatment;
  • cooking time - you need to cook oatmeal for at least an hour, while for oatmeal, twenty minutes is enough.

The difference between these two products lies in the biological value. Processed flakes are less beneficial than unprocessed oats.

How to choose and store rolled oats?

To choose high-quality oat flakes, oat flakes, first of all, you need to carefully consider the packaging of the product. It should be intact, without any damage or signs of moisture. Remember that mold will form in high humidity. Of the ingredients of rolled oats, only flakes should be indicated.

Be sure to look at the table below. In it we will describe all the technical requirements that, according to the current GOST, such flakes must meet.

The shelf life of rolled oats depends on the container in which it is sealed. In cellophane, the product can be stored for one year, and in cardboard packaging, no more than four months.

To maximize the shelf life of the flakes, they must be stored in a dry place!

Cooking use

In cooking, rolled oats can be used as a separate type of porridge and as an additional ingredient to many dishes. In the first case, the product must be brought to readiness. This can be done in two ways: by boiling and steaming. To boil the flakes, they only need to be poured with water, put on fire and brought to readiness. You can also cook oatmeal porridge in a multicooker on the "Porridge" mode. This usually takes no more than ten minutes. You can also use milk instead of water.

If you don't want to cook the rolled oats, just fill it with some liquid (water, milk, yogurt, kefir, etc.) and leave it for twenty minutes. After this time, you will receive a very tasty and satisfying oatmeal porridge, which is an ideal breakfast for a person of any age category.

These flakes can be used to make delicious traditional oatmeal cookies at home with various fillings, ranging from chocolate to orange jam. In the Baltic States, it is customary to cook sweet desserts with this product. To prepare one of them, take butter and granulated sugar (150 g each). Melt these ingredients, add a glass of rolled oats, mix thoroughly and place on a plate in the form of a pyramid. When the treat hardens, serve it along with the baked apple slices. Despite the simplicity of preparation, the dessert comes out very tasty and appetizing!

Any type of soup (vegetable, meat, and even dairy) can be thickened with processed oatmeal. Some culinary experts use this product as an unusual breading for fish and meat patties. Also, using rolled oats, they make various cheese snacks, amazing cakes, diet pancakes and more.

Benefit and harm

The benefits of such oat flakes primarily lie in the fact that they contain very important organic compounds that facilitate the absorption of amino acids. That is why oatmeal is often recommended to be included in the diet of sports nutrition.

It should be noted that oatmeal is rich in vitamins B, E, PP and H, as well as a whole list of minerals, among which selenium, iron, iodine and phosphorus dominate.

Oatmeal is incredibly useful for acute gastrointestinal diseases, as they tend to envelop the stomach walls.

Hercules can only harm the body with excessive use.... In this case, the product will have a bad effect on bones and nails. They will become brittle due to poor calcium absorption.

Hercules oatmeal is a very tasty and healthy product for both adults and young children!

We all know about the beneficial properties of cereals, which should be consumed not only by children, but also by adults. However, it is difficult to find a fan of proper nutrition who prefers porridge. In most cases, adults use porridge as a dietary food or during certain diseases.

The most popular cereals are oatmeal and rolled oats. Some people believe that these cereals are no different and represent the same thing. In fact, rolled oats and oatmeal have different nutritional properties and different cooking processes.

What is the difference?

It takes about 30 minutes to cook the oatmeal porridge. Such a long cooking process is due to the fact that the porridge consists of whole grains, which are somewhat similar to rice.

Hercules is oatmeal that has undergone a special heat treatment and has been flattened. You can cook such porridge in 5 minutes, and sometimes it is enough to pour boiling water over the flakes.

Some manufacturers produce flakes that have not been fully processed and will take a little longer to prepare. But in any case, cooking rolled oats is much faster than boiling oatmeal porridge.

Oatmeal is a natural product that has gone through a minimum of processing, and the flakes lose most of their nutritional properties. Instant porridge, which takes about 5 minutes to cook, is not recommended for daily use.

Benefits of oatmeal

Oatmeal is rich in minerals, vitamins and fiber. It contains phosphorus, chromium, potassium, iron, iodine, zinc and manganese. These components make oatmeal an essential dish for the normalization of cardiac activity and muscle tissue.

Vitamins of group B, as well as A, K and E are useful for the nervous system and skin. Oatmeal contains enough fiber to help normalize digestion. That is why oatmeal is good for people who have problems with the digestive system. With the help of oatmeal, you can remove all the toxins and harmful substances that have accumulated in the body over a long time.

Oatmeal is recommended for people with anemia. Eating porridge will also help lower cholesterol levels and prevent cardiovascular disease. Oatmeal also has a positive effect on mental abilities, therefore it is recommended to be consumed by people of age.

In order to get rid of a couple of extra pounds, it is enough to arrange fasting days on oatmeal a couple of times a month. Despite the fact that porridge is quite high in calories, it is absorbed very quickly and is a fairly satisfying product. Oatmeal can be consumed with fruits and dried fruits to increase the nutritional value of the cooked meal.

When asked what is healthier than oatmeal or rolled oats, the unequivocal answer is that you should give preference to a product that has undergone minimal processing, namely oatmeal. It will take a lot of time to cook porridge from oatmeal, however, there will be a truly valuable product on your table, which will allow not only to prevent diseases of the digestive system, but also to replenish the lack of nutrients.

There is no need to convince anyone of the benefits of cereals today. But with such a wide range of modern assortments, consumers may have difficulty making a choice. Standing in front of a store shelf, they may, for example, ask themselves the question: oatmeal and oatmeal - what is the difference between these products? And which of them is better to choose so that the dish is as healthy as possible?

Many people are mistaken in thinking that rolled oats and oatmeal are one and the same. Of course, they have one "progenitor" - oats, but still they differ, and quite significantly. The difference between the two is very important to know for people who make sure that they often end up on their plates with healthy, nutritious food.

Our good old friend - oats - came to us in due time from Mongolia and northeastern China. This annual herb is today used as a raw material for cereals, flakes and even flour. It has a reputation for healing even with the filing of Hippocrates, at the time of which it was used to cleanse and strengthen the body.

Hercules and oatmeal - what's the difference?

Today, too, many people respect oatmeal and start their day with it. There are numerous recipes in which oats are an ingredient in cookies, pancakes, muesli, first courses, etc. In other words, this cereal is still held in high esteem with us, you just need to understand its various hypostases. Let's fill in the gaps - compare oatmeal, rolled oats and oatmeal and understand the difference between them based on a number of criteria.

  • Features of the production process

Oatmeal is oatmeal, an unrefined whole grain of cereal. When preparing it, there is no milling stage, which means that the germ, bran and endosperm (and with them the benefits) remain in place. The grains for the preparation of cereals are divided into several parts, but they are not subjected to rolling and flattening.

Speaking about the difference between oatmeal and rolled oats, one cannot fail to mention their "third brother" - cereals. They can have different thicknesses, denoted by the name "Extra" and numbers - 1, 2, 3 (the thinnest go first in the numbering). Hercules is a cross between flakes and cereals, as it is thicker and rougher than extra 3, but still more delicate than cereals.

To prepare this product, which received its original name back in Soviet times, the grains of the cereal are cleaned of the coarse outer layer, and the shell and embryo (at least most of them) are preserved.

It should be borne in mind that today the name “Hercules”, which is familiar from childhood, associated with healthy, energizing porridge, is speculated by some manufacturers. They call them regular "flattened" flakes that don't have the same nutritional value.

  • Cooking time

"Classic" oatmeal is cooked for 30-40 minutes. Even after this time, the grains remain "in shape", they will have to be chewed. Hercules usually requires 10-20 minutes of cooking.

  • Properties

The cooking technology directly affects the presence of valuable substances in the final product, and cereals are no exception. In oatmeal, there are immeasurably more useful elements than in flakes, while rolled oats occupies an intermediate position.

Which is better to buy?

If we are talking about saving time due to the speed of cooking and less hassle, then many housewives give the palm to oatmeal (and most likely to cereals). But when it comes to nutrition that gives and maintains health, then oatmeal is better than other forms.

Fiber is one of its most valuable ingredients. These dietary fibers have won a brilliant reputation for successfully cleansing the gastrointestinal tract, stimulating its activity, in particular, having a positive effect on motor function. Boiled oatmeal removes not only toxins, but also "bad" cholesterol, normalizes blood sugar levels.

Oatmeal from whole grains and vitamins B, PP, E is valuable. Those who regularly eat porridge from "real" cereals are unlikely to complain about the poor condition of their hair and skin. It is also less stressful because B vitamins are known for their positive effects on the nervous system. Calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, also present in this cereal, contribute to the beauty of appearance and good physical condition of a person. That is why rolled oats (and even more so - flakes) are advised to be consumed only occasionally, when there is no time to mess around with cereal porridge. But the latter can be eaten, if not every day, then at least much more often than other types of processed cereals.

It is a product made by processing oats. Mongolia and China are called the cradle of healthy oatmeal. Currently, many countries are engaged in the cultivation of this cereal.

Useful cereals store a significant amount of calcium and are so necessary for a person to create good growth and formation of bone tissue and as a preventive measure against anemia.


  • The oat product has enveloping and anti-inflammatory properties, therefore, it is necessary for flatulence and abdominal pain.
  • It does an excellent job of cleansing the intestines, removing both toxins and toxic substances.
  • Based on the latest scientific experience, it was revealed that oats have beta - glucan - an element that helps to reduce the number of bad cholesterol.
  • In addition, this cereal corrects blood sugar levels.
  • The content of this product contains biotin, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and reduces the risk of dermatitis.

Healthy oatmeal is an excellent product for humans!

  • Useful oatmeal activates the gastrointestinal tract, acting as a prophylactic agent against the formation of oncology in this part of the human body.
  • In addition, porridge does not allow the development of stomach ulcers and gastritis. This product contains antioxidants - elements that help the body to resist infections of various etiologies and the harmful effects of our environment.

Magnesium and methionine found in cereals are important for proper central nervous system function. And the proteins and fiber that are abundant in this cereal help to grow muscle tissues and the correct course of metabolic processes.

How to choose cereals for a good porridge?

To prepare a nutritious breakfast, it is necessary to have information about which of the cereals is more useful, since the most valuable porridge containing the necessary vitamin and mineral set will be considered porridge made from natural oats.

The choice should be made in favor of whole grains, although cooking porridge from such cereals will take more time.

Oat flakes

When choosing cereals, you should carefully consider the container, where the name is indicated "Extra" or "Hercules"... As a rule, Extra flakes are divided into three grades, depending on the level of processing:

  • Real tender oatmeal is in a container with number 3. These cereals are prepared for children and people with a weak stomach. They do not need to be boiled, it will be enough to cover them with boiling water or milk and within five to seven minutes, it is ready.
  • The package with the name "Extra" and number - 2 also contains oatmeal made from chopped cereals. It takes about ten minutes to cook porridge of this kind.
  • "Extra 1" - differs from the previous ones, with a large composition of carbohydrates. This product will need to be cooked within 15 minutes.

Popular Hercules - how is it made?

  • Hercules - flakes for instant cooking. During processing, the whole grain is cleaned, the top shell is removed.
  • Then the grain is subjected to hydrothermal action. Further, with the help of rollers, the oats are flattened, turning them into thin plates.
  • To reduce the duration of cooking porridge, during their production, the surface of the flakes is cut to break the fibers.

As a result, it will take 4-7 minutes to prepare the dish, this will depend on the level of processing.

How do oatmeal and Hercules differ?

  1. Oatmeal is a whole, unprocessed grain, Hercules is flakes that have undergone special processing;
  2. Biological significance - thanks to a special technology, oatmeal has more useful elements than flakes;
  3. Cooking time - oatmeal - 45-60 minutes, Hercules - 5-20 minutes;
  4. Consumption rate - oatmeal - every day, but Hercules is often undesirable to use;


Oat grain is the most easily digestible cereal, which stores many beneficial nutrients in its composition. In addition, it belongs to foods with dietary characteristics.
What is oatmeal good for?
Experts came to the conclusion that the daily use of such porridge has a healing effect on the body and the life of a person.

It is advisable to eat such porridge for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, VSD and heart dysfunctions.

The inclusion of oatmeal in the diet helps:

  • Improve memory and thought process;
  • Restore the activity of the thyroid gland;
  • Normalize liver function;
  • Get rid of colitis;
  • Get away from indigestion and constipation;
  • Decrease the level of stomach acidity;
  • Increase the degree of attention.

250 - 300 grams of oatmeal, allow you to provide 25% of the body's daily need for fiber, and the full daily need for it is guaranteed by three quarters of a glass of dry product.

Vitamins and minerals in oatmeal

Vitaminsin 100 g of product
B10.5 mg
B20.1 mg
B31.1 mg
B494 mg
B50.9 mg
B60.27 mg
B929 mcg
E3.4 mg
Mineralsin 100 g of product
Potassium362 mg
Phosphorus349 mg
Magnesium116 mg
Sulfur81 mg
Chlorine70 mg
Calcium64 mg
Silicon43 mg
Sodium35 mg
Manganese5 mg
Iron4 mg
Zinc2.7 mg

The nutritional value:

Proteins - 12.3 g;
Fat - 6.1 g;
Carbohydrates - 59.5 g;
Water - 12 g;
Dietary fiber - 8 g;
Unsaturated fatty acids - 4.51 g;
Gold - 2.1 g;
Saturated fatty acids - 1 g;
Mono- and disaccharides - 0.9 g

The energy value of oatmeal is 342 kcal. In 1 tbsp. / L. with top - 61.6 kcal.

Potential harm

The usefulness of this cereal is indisputable, but it should be remembered that it is not always good.

  • Excessive consumption of oatmeal will lead to loss of calcium. Its assimilation is disturbed, like vitamin D. Their lack will subsequently serve as the basis for the formation of serious diseases: bone deformation, osteoporosis.
  • It is forbidden to eat oat porridge with a diagnosis of "gluten enteropathy".


For better preservation of the necessary and valuable substances in the cereal, it should be stored in a tightly closed container.

This will prevent moisture and insects from entering. Containers with cereals should be placed away from sunlight.
To prevent insects from entering, you can place it next to a container or mint.