How to keep vitamins in raspberries for the winter. How to quickly prepare raspberries with sugar for the winter: methods without cooking and with heat treatment

23.06.2020 Lenten dishes

Raspberry jam for the winter has always been prepared, at all times, because raspberry was considered and is considered a special, medicinal berry. And for its taste and special aroma, they like to eat raspberries not only for prevention and treatment, but also just like that, for pleasure. They learned to make a lot of delicious and healthy products from raspberries for the winter: jam, jam, jelly, jams, confitures, marshmallow and marmalade. Moreover, raspberries go well in blanks with other berries, for example, black and red currants, cherries, gooseberries. By her mere presence in a jar or in a plate on the table, she decorates any dish. Try it and you will replenish your stocks with this wonderful berry, be sure to prepare some products from it for future use. There are different options from which you can easily choose the one you like: raspberries with sugar for the winter, raspberry compote for the winter, raspberry jelly for the winter, etc.

Experts advise making those products from raspberries, during the production of which the berries are least exposed to heat treatment. For example, raspberries have proven themselves well for the winter without cooking, but simply grated with sugar. Or raspberry five-minute jam. For the winter, this option is very valuable, since it saves a maximum of nutrients in the berries. Mashed raspberries for the winter - a storehouse of vitamins, will help support the body from the cold season.

And there is also frozen raspberries, which are used in winter as a base for making compotes, fruit drinks, pies, etc. According to experts, it is in frozen raspberries that its beneficial properties are best preserved. As you can see, raspberry blanks for the winter are very diverse, there are recipes for sweets and desserts for every taste, you just have to choose the one that you like the most. There are also various recipes from raspberries for the winter on our website, use them to your health.

Nevertheless, we will try to give you some useful tips for working with raspberries:

Raspberries need to be picked in dry weather, moisture quickly spoils the berry;

You don't need to wash raspberries from your garden, but rinse the purchased ones with a colander and slightly salted water. Then the raspberries should be dried well;

The best dishes for preparing raspberries are glass jars, which are also thoroughly washed and sterilized;

You need to boil raspberries in a copper basin, a saucepan. The use of enameled dishes is undesirable, the raspberries stick. Also, aluminum cookware is not suitable;

For freezing, use small plastic bags, one-serving size, to avoid double freezing and defrosting;

It is advisable to cook raspberry jam in two or three approaches with an interval of 8 hours. If the berries have not lost their shape, and have become a little darker in color, then the jam is cooked correctly;

Many insects love raspberries. Therefore, it is necessary to identify bugs in the harvest in a timely manner. For this, salted water is suitable, in which you need to immerse the collected berries. After 15 minutes, all insects in the raspberry will float to the surface. You just need to delete them.

Summer is the standard time to prepare for the winter. Preservation is always useful in the cold season. Thanks to her, you can diversify the diet when fresh vegetables and fruits are not available to everyone. Canned food can be used for cooking or simply eaten separately. But almost all workpieces are heat treated. And this subsequently does not reflect in the best way on their vitamin content.

There are products that can be prepared without heat treatment. For example, raspberries. There are several recipes for raspberries for the winter without cooking. So it will preserve the maximum amount of mineral nutrients and vitamins that our body lacks in the winter.

Recipe number 1. Grated raspberries

This is one of the most common options that many housewives know about. Such a jam is not complicated and does not require much effort. So let's get down to cooking.

We need a kilogram of raspberries and two kilograms of granulated sugar.

  1. We prepare the berries. We iterate over them, delete everything unnecessary. We put the berries in a colander and put them in water. Then let the raspberries drain well and dry.
  2. We pass the berries through a meat grinder. You can grind in a blender or use a mortar for this. At the final stage, we get a homogeneous mass.
  3. We measure out a kilogram of granulated sugar . You can use powdered sugar. It dissolves faster.
  4. We mix the resulting berry mass and sugar. You should get a homogeneous mixture, which we send to a warm place. The sugar should dissolve completely.
  5. After a few hours, mix and place in sterilized containers. You need to pour a spoonful of sugar on top so that the raspberries are stored longer.
  6. We close the lid and put in a cold place.

You can eat such jam immediately, or you can wait until winter to enjoy the aroma of summer. Such a delicacy will be stored all winter in the basement or refrigerator.

Recipe number 2. Raspberry with lemon

Raspberries for the winter without cooking go well with lemon. The sweet taste of the berries is complemented by lemon sourness.

We take a liter jar of raspberries, two kilograms of granulated sugar and a medium lemon. From such a volume of products, two liters of jam will be obtained.

  • We clean the raspberries, sort through and rinse. Let them dry. Grind the berries in any convenient way. The main thing is that the mass is homogeneous.
  • Rinse the lemon well, scald with boiling water. Then grind it with a meat grinder together with the peel and bones.
  • Combine raspberry and lemon puree and add sugar.
  • Mix well until smooth and transfer to sterile jars.
  • We scald the nylon caps with boiling water and close the jars tightly.

This jam will keep in a cold place for two years.

Recipe number 3. Alcoholic

This jam has a special heady taste. The mixture contains vodka, but very little of it is required. Here she will play the role of a preservative.

A kilogram of raspberries requires a kilogram of granulated sugar and three tablespoons (tablespoons) of vodka.

  1. Sorted, peeled and washed berries are covered with sugar. We put this mixture in a warm place. Stir it periodically. When the raspberries give juice, and the sugar is completely dissolved, you can proceed to the next step.
  2. Pour vodka into a homogeneous mass and mix everything thoroughly.
  3. We spread the mixture in sterilized jars. We close with sterile nylon lids and send the jars into the cold.

The resulting mixture can be stored for a long time. It has an original taste and does not exfoliate.

Recipe number 4. Raspberries with currants

For this recipe, you need a kilogram of granulated sugar and raspberries, as well as 300 g of black currants.

  1. We clean, sort out and rinse the raspberries.
  2. Freeze the currant berries, and then gently defrost them so that they are whole. This method will allow the currants to absorb the necessary sugar.
  3. Grind raspberries with a blender, in a mortar or pass them in a meat grinder.
  4. Add sugar and currants to the resulting berry mixture.
  5. Mix all ingredients gently.
  6. We put it in sterilized containers, close with sterile nylon or tin lids. We send to the basement or refrigerator.

The combination of raspberry and currant flavors, as well as the original color of the jam, will appeal to many.

Recipe number 5. Raspberry jelly

For a kilogram of berries, you need to take one and a half granulated sugar, half a glass of water and a bag of dry gelatin.

  1. Put the peeled and washed raspberries into a container, pour out the sugar and put them in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
  2. Then we grind this mass with a wooden spoon until smooth.
  3. Dissolve gelatin in water. We put on fire to warm up the liquid. It is not necessary to bring to a boil.
  4. Add gelatin to the raspberry-sugar mixture and mix.
  5. We put the jelly in sterilized jars, close with sterile lids and put in the cold to freeze.

Raspberry jelly can be stored all winter in a cellar or refrigerator.

Recipe number 6. Frozen raspberries

An excellent way to cook raspberries for the winter without cooking is to freeze them. The berries will not lose their taste, they will retain their shape and vitamins.

  1. Choose strong, overripe berries. Go through them, peel, rinse and let dry.
  2. It is better to freeze in small portions, about one glass at a time.
  3. We put the raspberries in a bag, tie them and place them in another one. Tie so that some air remains in the bag. This way the berries will not wrinkle and will retain their attractive appearance.
  4. Place the bags in the freezer and freeze.
  5. Before use, the bags must be removed and left to defrost at room temperature.

Frozen raspberries can be used in baked goods, compotes and can be eaten for pleasure.

Raspberries prepared in any of these ways will remain an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. It can not only brighten up the winter time, but also help to strengthen the immune system, avoid colds and inflammations.

In folk medicine, raspberries are used to treat colds. This is understandable: this berry contains substances that lower the temperature, and vitamins that strengthen the immune system. However, after heat treatment, not all vitamins are preserved, therefore, raspberries, ground with sugar for the winter, are healthier than ordinary jam. This dessert has only one drawback - it can only be stored in the cold.

Cooking features

Raspberries, ground with sugar, will turn out delicious and will not sour for a long time, if you know a few secrets of its preparation.

  • Raspberries are best harvested during the day when the weather is sunny. This berry is the sweetest and healthiest.
  • Grind the harvested raspberries on the same day they were harvested, best of all, immediately after picking. The fact is that raspberries quickly turn sour.
  • Before preparing "cold jam" raspberries need to be poured with slightly salted water (one or two teaspoons of salt is enough per liter) and leave for a quarter of an hour. During this time, all the bugs will float up, and all that remains is to rinse and sort the raspberries in order to prevent spoiled berries from getting into the workpiece.
  • The washed berry must be allowed time to dry - water entering the workpiece will reduce its shelf life.
  • Ready "cold jam" should be laid out in absolutely clean sterilized jars, closed - with the same lids. They can also be made of polyethylene - such lids should be boiled for 5 minutes.

You can choose any recipe, taking into account that the safety of the berry depends on the amount of sugar: the more it is, the longer the "jam" will be stored.

The classic recipe for raspberries, grated with sugar

  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • icing sugar - 100 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Immerse the collected raspberries in cool water for a quarter of an hour, dissolving a little salt in it (10 g per liter).
  • Remove emerging bugs, blades of grass.
  • Rinse the berries by dipping them into clean water in a colander several times.
  • Sort out the berry, removing the spoiled one, removing the adhering leaves and all kinds of litter. Rinse again in the same way and let the water drain.
  • Cover the berries with sugar and mash with a wooden pestle. You can use a blender if you like, making sure it is clean.
  • Leave the berry for a couple of hours so that the sugar melts and dissolves in the berry juice.
  • Sterilize small jars. This can be done in any way: steamed, in the oven, or simply by boiling them.
  • When the jars are dry, spread the raspberries, rubbed with sugar, over them, leaving a little space to create a "sugar jam".
  • Cover the raspberries with the powdered sugar.
  • Close the jars with boiled lids. When the jars are warm, put them in the refrigerator, in which the raspberries, grated with sugar, should be stored.

The storage place for raspberries prepared according to this recipe can be a basement or an unheated pantry, but in this case it will have to be eaten in 2 months. In the refrigerator, she will calmly stand until the summer.

Delicate raspberries, grated with sugar

  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Prepared raspberries, well washed and dried, cover with sugar, mix.
  • Mash with a "crush" or grind in any other way.
  • Fold a large piece of gauze in 4 layers, put the berry mass in it. Tie the corners of the gauze and hang over the enamelware for 10 hours.
  • Pour the syrup that has flowed through cheesecloth during this time into small jars, which must be sterilized shortly for this.

In fact, it is not even a berry, but the syrup is very delicate and tasty. It can be given in small spoons to children as medicine. It is also suitable for preparing delicious drinks - you just need to dilute it with water.

Frozen raspberries, grated with sugar

  • raspberries (fresh) - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Sort out and rinse the raspberries thoroughly, removing spoiled berries, insects, leaves and other debris.
  • Grind the berry by crushing it with a stainless steel spoon or wood pestle.
  • Mix with sugar and place in clean, small plastic containers.
  • Close with clean lids and place in the freezer.

In order for raspberries not to lose their useful properties, you need to defrost them gradually, without heating them. A container with a thawed berry can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days. It is no longer possible to freeze it again. If you do not have time to eat, use it for making desserts.

Jam from raspberries, grated with sugar without boiling

  • raspberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • gelatin - 15 g;
  • water - 0.25 l.

Cooking method:

  • Sort out the raspberries. Rinse a good berry.
  • Cover the raspberries with sugar and refrigerate for 4 hours. During this time, the raspberries will give juice.
  • Grind raspberries with a spoon or crush. You can also use a blender. If you grind the berry with a wooden pestle through a sieve, then the jam from it will turn out to be as tender as possible.
  • Pour gelatin with cool water, leave to swell for half an hour.
  • Place the gelatin in a water bath and, stirring, achieve its complete dissolution.
  • Pour the gelatin into the raspberry puree, stir well.
  • Sterilize small jars, spread jam over them, roll up.

Raspberry jam, mashed with sugar, is stored under the same conditions as "cold jam", but its shelf life is shorter. However, it is much more difficult to refrain from eating it without waiting for winter. I must say that jam is as useful as fresh raspberries with sugar, since you do not need to cook the berry for its preparation.

Good afternoon dear friends. Despite the fact that today we decided to talk about how raspberries are harvested for the winter, you still cannot help but focus on the berry itself. Raspberries cannot be considered a common plant. I would even venture to say that the conversation is about the real symbol of the Russian land.

Having looked through interesting facts about raspberries, you are convinced that the truth is somewhere nearby. There are even three pieces of evidence to support this belief:

  • Russia is considered the largest producer of raspberries. So in this part, indeed, the berry can be considered Russian, and there are no main contenders in this direction.
  • The term raspberry has become closely related to the life of the Russian people and their folklore:
    • Raspberry is often mentioned in popular songs.
    • So, for some reason, they call a gangster den.
    • Raspberry-sweet is a popular expression.
  • The first crimson gardens, which means the beginning of industrial production, were laid in the XII century by Yuri Dolgoruky. And not just a small raspberry plant, but a real forest with live wild bears. And this is already a historical fact, confirmation of Russian origin.

As you can see, this berry is in demand by us and is waiting for a round of applause. Let's start with this applause.

Raspberry properties

The berry is traditionally considered the first cure for. He copes with the disease with a bang: the temperature will drop due to its diaphoretic effect, while curing acute respiratory infections and colds, relieve fever. And, on the contrary, it will strengthen, so that in the future it was discouraging to be ill.

Less known is the ability of the berry to reduce high blood pressure, eliminate hypertension, ward off heart attack and stroke. To fight these diseases, raspberries are essential, they can improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the brain.

Even with gynecological diseases, it is recommended to do douching. A little more about women's problems. A tasty berry, no worse than an expensive cream, is able to even out the color, moisturize and nourish it with its useful vitamins and minerals, and protect it from wrinkles.

There is one more property of raspberries that is little known, but very important: it manages to burn fats, activate metabolic processes. The ability to activate oxygen and lipid metabolism, the work of the gastrointestinal tract, makes the berry an indispensable product for dietary nutrition. It can not only be eaten, but also needs to be consumed in order to lose weight while eating. Agree, not many products can boast of such properties.

In addition to these abilities, the berry has a diuretic effect, removes excess water together with toxins, bile and toxins. Little is known, but this does not detract from its importance, the ability of raspberries to solve other problems, such as the prevention of allergies and asthma.

It is interesting:

  1. The famous expression, crimson, gives the berry a red hue. Less useful, but there is also a yellow berry. And the best in properties is considered to be black raspberry bred in the United States.
  2. One bush can give a person up to 1.5 kg of berries per season, it should be noted that this is a good harvest and a generous gift.
  3. It is not surprising, but the best therapeutic effect is observed from wild varieties of berries, they seem to concentrate the medicine in themselves, but the garden ones are large in size.

What to cook for the winter

Many products are prepared from raspberries. It is used for preserves, jams, wine, liquor, dried leaves and fruits. It is believed that raspberry wine is one of the best berry wine, this is due to its ability to retain the aroma and taste of a fresh product.

A little about the storage, or rather, the preservation of its useful properties. If you want to get the maximum supply of nutrients by winter, grind it with sugar, just put sugar not one to one, but add 200-300 grams more sweetness for each kilogram. Then, when stored in the refrigerator, all the summer properties and taste qualities will be available to you. When boiled, vitamin C is still lost.

Any mother and housewife knows that raspberries need to be saved for the winter. What can help you survive cold times without raspberry support in the form of jams and dried berry teas? How to serve pancakes on? With what to drink tea. This is what we will do with you. Will begin to prepare a sleigh, or rather, jam in the summer. To make it sweet and healthy in winter.

Raspberry jam

There are many recipes for making raspberry jam. All of them differ only in time, in the amount of sugar and water:

  1. To make jam without water, you need to take the ratio of berries and sugar 1 / 1.5. For 8 hours, the berries covered with sugar are placed in the refrigerator to let the juice out. Bring to a boil and boil for 15 minutes. The jam is put into sterilized jars and rolled up.
  2. For 1 kg of berries, 2 kg of sugar and 400 g of water are added. All ingredients are cooked one time until tender. At the last stage, 2 teaspoons of citric acid are added.
  3. To begin with, a syrup is cooked at the rate of 1.5 kg of sugar per half liter of water per 1 kg of raspberries. Pour the berry into the syrup, boil for 5 minutes and cool. Boil for 10 minutes, cool. The third time is left on fire until tender.

After cooking, hot boiling is laid out in sterilized jars and closed. In the overturned state, the cans are cooled in the purchased state. Needless to say, our fur coats are in demand both in winter and summer.

Sugar-free for the winter

To prepare a 3-liter jar of sugar-free jam, you need 6 kg of raspberries. The berries are harvested from the bush, do not wash. Place it tightly in a jar, shaking occasionally and ramming.

Place the jar on several layers of fabric in a pot or bucket, into which the container can fit completely. The water level in the bucket should be up to 2/3 the volume of the can.

Prepare jam over low heat. Gradually pouring berries into the jar. The result should be a full 3 liter can of raspberries in their own juice.

The jam is boiled for another hour, the jar is rolled up, kept wrapped up until it cools.

And in you will find delicious recipes for preparations for the winter from black currant, and from red currant.

With sugar without cooking

To make jam that will not boil, use only unwashed, but sorted berries. The amount of sugar can be from 1 kg to 2 kg, depending on the shelf life. It is better to chop the berries with wooden objects.

Put the jam in sterilized jars, not reaching the top by 1.5 cm. Sugar is poured 1 cm from the top, which subsequently forms a protective crust. I cover the jars with lids or special paper.

Five minutes

There are several five minute recipes. The first two are prepared with sorted high-quality berries. For the second, you can use unconditioned.

Berries before any preparation, in order to get rid of bugs and spiders, are kept in slightly salted water. Then washed.

Five-minute jam - video

There are several time-tested recipes:

  1. For cooking, use syrup. For 1.5 kg of sugar and raspberries, add 1 glass of sugar. First, the syrup is cooked. After boiling, add the berry. Boil for five minutes. The main thing is not to interfere with the raspberries, just shake them.
  2. According to the second recipe, the jam is prepared without water. An equal amount of sugar and raspberries is taken, it takes about 6 hours for the berry to release the juice. The mixture is heated over low heat until all the sugar is dissolved. Next, the jam is cooked over high heat for 5 minutes.
  3. The third recipe is the simplest. For 1 kg of berries, you need to take a glass of water. Bring the ingredients to a boil, grind, add sugar at the rate of 300 g per 1 kg of berries. Next, boil the jam for 5 minutes, from the moment it boils.

Attention: Cooking over low heat will cause the color of the jam to change to dark. It is better to cook jams at high temperatures.

Dried raspberries

It belongs to juicy berries, you can't dry it so easily. Hard unripe berries are harvested for storage. It is better to dry in an electric dryer or a preheated oven.

In order to completely get rid of moisture in the oven, they should be kept for 2 to 4 hours at a temperature of 50 0 C. At the last stage, the temperature is increased to 60 0 C for 15 minutes. It is necessary to store dried berries in a dry, ventilated container, for example, in a cotton bag. glass jar in a cool dry place.

I'll add a gorgeous recipe on my own. When the whole crop has already been harvested and cold weather is expected from day to day, cut off the upper part of the raspberry branches, I still have them right with green unripe berries. Here they can be collected and arranged in bouquets in the room, or hung in the kitchen by the stem. Berries, even completely green, dry well, acquire a red color. Then you put them in clean cotton bags and store them. Raspberries dried in this way are not so tasty, but they help great in the treatment of diseases, you can use berries and leaves as a tea leaves, it goes well with honey.

Mashed raspberries

In order for the grated raspberries to be well stored, it is necessary to add sugar. If the berry is stored in the refrigerator, the sugar should be equal in weight to the raspberry. When stored in a cellar, they take twice as much sugar.

Combine clean sorted raspberries with sugar. You can grind it right away. It is good to put in the refrigerator for 3 hours, give the berry time to let the juice. Chopped berries are placed in clean sterilized jars, sprinkled with sugar on top. Store in a refrigerator or cellar.

In its own juice

For this dish, the berries are well sorted out, washed and put in jars, sprinkling with sugar successively. For a half liter jar, you need about 6 tablespoons. In the covered state, the jars are kept for about 6 hours to extract juice from the berries.

The sterilization process lasts 15 minutes, closed, then turned over and cooled according to the traditional scheme.

How to freeze

There are several ways to keep berries frozen:

  1. The easiest way. Arrange ripe whole berries on a plate and send for preliminary freezing. After a few hours, take out the berries, transfer them to plastic bags and store in the freezer.
  2. Pre-mashed raspberries mixed with sugar at the rate of half a glass of sweetness per kilogram of berries are well stored in the freezer in containers.
  3. All raspberries are crushed in a blender or food processor, mixed with sugar. Sugars are taken half as much by weight as berries.
  4. The aroma and properties of the product are well preserved if half mashed and whole berries are mixed for storage. In this case, 150 g of sugar are added per kilogram.

Raspberry and currant compote

First recipe

For the preparation of compote, fresh, possibly overripe, berries are selected. After they are well washed, the berries are placed in jars, observing the proportion: raspberries and currants should occupy a third of the volume.

The syrup is prepared separately. For two cans of 0.8 liters each, you need to prepare about a liter of syrup, this volume requires 1 glass of sugar.

A jar with compote is sterilized for 10 minutes in a loosely closed state. Then it closes, turns over, and stays in a warm place until the end of cooling.

Second recipe

I don't really like sterilization, lately I've been making compotes only according to the second recipe. The exception is berries with seeds, but that's another article.

For one three-liter jar of compote, you need to take a half-liter jar of raspberries, the same amount of sugar.

We cook the syrup from 2.5 liters of water and sugar, you just need to boil and let it boil for 5 minutes.

Pour raspberries into a jar and fill with boiling syrup, immediately tighten with an iron lid and put under a fur coat until it cools.

Other berries, blueberries, currants, and strawberries can be added to raspberries. You will get a new taste.


The peculiarity of the juice is its good digestibility, which allows it to be taken by weakened people and those in a state of illness. Kids love juice simply because it is delicious, sweet and odorous. In this regard, raspberry juice is an ideal medicine, which they happily gobble up on both cheeks.

Raspberry juice - video

They get a lot of juice from the berry, it is 90% water. It is best to take a freshly squeezed product, after 10-15 minutes a lot of nutrients evaporate.

Juice preparation is very simple. Overripe, but not damaged berries are placed in the container. Raspberries are pounded well and placed under a press to obtain juice. The resulting pulp is poured with water at the rate of 1 liter per 5 kg of raspberries, mixed and squeezed again.

After combining all the raspberry juice, 150 g of sugar is added for each liter of liquid, and the juice is brought to a boil. Poured into a sterilized container and closed with lids. The product keeps well in a cool, dark place.

Harm - contraindications

There are contraindications to the use of raspberries, like any potent medicine.

  • Raspberries are used with caution in case of a tendency to allergies, in this case professional control is necessary.
  • A high diuretic effect requires careful administration in case of kidney disease, urolithiasis or gout.
  • Traditional medicine, in contrast to folk medicine, suggests not using raspberry juice for gastritis and ulcers.
  • Old people do not recommend eating a lot of fresh raspberries - a headache. It has been verified that this is indeed the case.

The recipes listed above will help you prepare enough berry for a sweet and healthy winter.

Bon appetit, my dears and good mood! If the article was useful to you, share with your friends, click the buttons of social networks.

Many people associate the raspberry berry with childhood. It is mentioned in most folk tales, songs and epics; jam from this berry is excellent for colds. In this article, we will look at the preparations from this berry for the winter and the beneficial properties of raspberries.

It has a composition rich in useful substances: salicylic and ascorbic acids, minerals, phytoncides and vitamins, tannins, pectins and many other elements.

Due to its composition, the product has a wide range of useful properties:

  • antioxidant;
  • antiseptic;
  • anitoxic;
  • antipyretic;
  • hemostatic;
  • pain reliever;
  • expectorant;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • tonic.

For freezing, mainly large varieties are chosen, for example "Krepysh". Raspberries can be frozen whole, but we will consider freezing by crushing berries.

Did you know? Raspberry as a cultivated plant is mentioned by such great scientists of antiquity as Cato and Guy Pliny. The Greeks and Romans used it as a remedy, and not only for colds, but also against snake and scorpion bites.

For cooking we need:

  • raspberries;
  • sugar.

Video: frozen raspberries for the winter

One of the popular and quickest ways to harvest berries is cold jam or grinding with sugar. We will need:

  • raspberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

Before starting cooking, select berries that have retained their shape, not crumpled, set them aside. Further sequence of actions:

Did you know? Raspberry flowers are one of the few, the nectar of which bees can feed on even in the rain. The fact is that the inflorescence looks down, and the bee, clinging to its paws, is reliably protected from raindrops by petals and stipules.

They store cold jam in jars in the refrigerator, and cups in the freezer.

Video: how to cook grated raspberries with sugar

Raspberry jam is one of the most delicious winter recipes. We will cook it without pits, which gives a wide range of product applications.

For example, as a topping, sauce for desserts, impregnation of baking cakes and much more.


  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • citric acid - 2 g.

Cooking in stages:

Important! Citric acid helps preserve the fruit's gelling properties as well as its vibrant color.

Video: how to make raspberry jam

Homemade compotes cannot be compared with juices from packages either in taste or in useful composition. It is not difficult to cook raspberry compote; first you need to prepare the jars. It is best to take three-liter containers.

The main components of compote:

  • raspberries - up to 300 g per can;
  • sugar - 250-300 g per can of 3 liters;
  • water - up to 3 liters per can.

Our actions:

Video: how to make raspberry compote

Berry or fruit syrup is a multifaceted product: it can be used as a medicinal syrup for colds, as an impregnation and dyeing for desserts, diluted with boiled water for compote, and so on.

We prepare the syrup from the following ingredients:

  • berries - 1 kg;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • sugar - 1 kg (per liter of juice).

We cook as follows:

Video: how to make raspberry syrup

Important! Be sure to turn the rolled up cans upside down. This will allow you to check if the lid is tightly closed and reduce the risk of spoilage of the preservation.

In conclusion, advice for beginners in cooking: raspberries are tender berries, you need to keep them fresh in the refrigerator for no more than two or three days. When preparing for the winter, it is imperative to sort out the raw materials and remove the spoiled specimens, otherwise they will spoil the taste and affect the shelf life.