How to cook lazy cabbage rolls at home. Lazy Cabbage Rolls in a Pot with Rice and Minced Meat Layers - Cabbage Casserole

26.07.2019 Lenten dishes

Despite the fact that the set of ingredients is almost identical, they are seriously distinguished from the classic stuffed cabbage rolls by their "lazy" counterparts. cooking procedure... First of all, it is aimed at significantly reducing the time of the hostess to prepare a tasty and satisfying dish - hence the name "lazy cabbage rolls". In this article, we suggest different ways to prepare this super meal.

A step-by-step recipe for making delicious lazy cabbage rolls with gravy in the oven

This section is dedicated to cooking lazy cabbage rolls in the oven: out of hundreds of recipes, we have chosen the laziest and most delicious! In the oven, cabbage rolls are cooked much faster and are healthier than fried in oil.

To make lazy cabbage rolls in the oven with sour cream, you need the following ingredients:

  • 0.5 kg of minced meat (pork, beef, chicken, turkey);
  • 0.4 kg of fresh cabbage;
  • 3 tbsp. l. regular (uncooked) rice;
  • medium-sized onion;
  • egg;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • for sour cream sauce: 1 tbsp. l. flour, 150 g of 15% sour cream, 2 tbsp. l. tomato sauce or ketchup, a glass (250 ml) of water, seasonings to taste (salt, dried or fresh herbs, pepper).

Products for making lazy cabbage rolls

Cooking method lazy darlings with gravy step by step with a photo:

  1. The upper leaves are removed from the head of cabbage and finely chopped, after which they are rubbed a little in a bowl to extract juice.

Finely chop the cabbage

2. Rice is washed and cooked until semi-cooked.

3. Finely chop or chop the onion in a blender.

4. Minced meat, cabbage, rice, onion, egg are combined in a dish suitable for the volume. Pepper and salt, mix well until smooth.

Minced meat for lazy cabbage rolls

5. With hands soaked in water (so that the resulting mass does not stick), stuffed cabbage rolls are formed in their traditional form - oblong cutlets with slightly pointed tips.

6. The stuffed cabbage rolls dipped in flour are fried in a frying pan and then laid out in a baking dish.

7. Preparation of the sauce: after frying, pour water into the pan, add sour cream, tomato sauce (or ketchup), flour, herbs, salt and pepper to taste. Mix gently and bring to a boil.

8. Stuffed cabbage rolls laid out in a mold are poured with sauce, baked in the oven at 180 ° for half an hour.

Below is a photo of the finished dish. Put the darlings on a plate, pour with sour cream: such a dish will be appreciated by everyone, without exception!

Lazy stuffed cabbage rolls cooked in the oven

The recipe in the oven without frying eliminates the step of frying the prepared cutlets in a pan: they are immediately laid out in a baking dish, poured with sauce and placed in the oven. This cooking method will take even less time.

How to deliciously cook a casserole of lazy cabbage rolls in layers in the oven?

The ingredients are calculated for 6 servings:

  • white cabbage - 1 head of cabbage;
  • minced meat (pork, beef, poultry, combined) - 0.4 kg;
  • rice (not parboiled) - 1 cup;
  • two onions;
  • sweet bell pepper;
  • tomato - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream (25%);
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l., butter - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • seasonings to taste: ground black pepper, paprika, salt.

Cooking method(everything will take 1.5-2 hours):

  1. The stump is removed without cutting the cabbage. Boil the head of cabbage in salted water until the leaves are lightly separated - no longer than 7-8 minutes, remove the cabbage from the water and leave to drain and cool.
  2. Meat filling for puff casserole: one onion is finely chopped and fried in vegetable oil, rice is boiled in salted water and reclined in a colander. Rice and fried onions are added to the minced meat, mixed well, seasoned to taste.
  3. Vegetable filling: washed peppers and tomatoes are cut into strips, fried with a second onion in vegetable oil with the addition of butter. Tomatoes are blanched and chopped in a blender, added to the vegetable mixture. Add a quarter glass of water and simmer for 10-15 minutes, add tomato paste at the end.
  4. Lubricate a tall baking dish with a volume of 2.5-3 liters and assemble the casserole in layers:
  • 1st layer: we separate the leaves of the boiled head of cabbage and divide them into four piles - the first pile for the first layer, which we iron on the bottom of the form;
  • 2nd layer: a third of the meat filling, grease with sour cream;
  • 3 layer: a third of the vegetable filling;
  • 4 layer will become the next pile of cabbage leaves, etc. until the end of the ingredients;
  • the last layer there should be cabbage leaves.

The layers laid out in the form are filled with water, covered with foil and installed in the oven. The casserole is cooked for about an hour at 180 °, for about twenty minutes the foil is carefully removed, the flaky lazy cabbage rolls are brought in the oven until fully cooked.

Photo recipe for cooking in a saucepan at home

The way how to do lazy cabbage rolls in a saucepan, differs from the previous one in the following:

  1. The cooking container will be a 2.5–3 liter pan.
  2. For spreading on the bottom of the pan, leave a few sheets, the rest of the cabbage is chopped and stewed in a pan in vegetable oil until soft. Prompt: it is not necessary to stew young cabbage - its delicate leaves are already quite soft, you can simply chop it and put it in the desired layer in the pan.

Fresh cabbage for lazy cabbage rolls

3. The finished meat filling is combined with stewed vegetables.

4. Tomatoes are blanched, crushed in a blender to a liquid mass (in winter, you can use tomato paste or juice).

Tomato sauce

5. The meat filling mixed with cabbage with vegetables is laid on the leaves, and the liquid tomato paste is poured on top.

6. Cover the saucepan with a lid and set on medium heat for 30–35 minutes.

Cooking in a saucepan

No exotic products are required for this dish, and cooking does not take much time: the cook spends most of the time only on the preliminary preparation of minced meat and vegetables.

You can also cook lazy cabbage rolls with meat and rice. For such a recipe, you will need ordinary, not parboiled rice (about 100 g, half a glass), which is boiled in salted water. The cooled rice is then added to the minced meat, in all other respects the preparation remains traditional.

How to cook lazy cabbage rolls with minced meat in a saucepan in layers at home?

This method differs from the previous one in that the following layers are laid out in the pan: cabbage leaves, part of the stewed cabbage, minced meat, the remaining stewed cabbage, tomato puree is evenly poured onto the top layer. It takes the same amount of time, about half an hour.

Published by Elena.♌ (@prusenkoelena) Aug 26 2017 at 5:47 PDT

Step-by-step recipe with rice, cabbage and minced chicken in a slow cooker

We will not repeat ourselves: the basic ingredients for the dish under discussion remain the same (rice, cabbage, we use minced chicken as the meat component). We cook this dish in a multicooker:

  1. The meat is passed with an onion through a meat grinder, carrots into a coarse grater, cabbage is finely chopped.
  2. Put cabbage, minced meat, carrots in a deep bowl, add washed rice. Stir well; seasonings and salt are added to taste.
  3. Pour a little vegetable oil on the bottom of the multicooker bowl, lay out the cabbage with minced meat, pour sour cream, ketchup and water mixed in a separate container, add adjika if desired. One or two glasses of water.
  4. Lazy cabbage rolls in a slow cooker are cooked in the "baking" mode for about an hour (if the cabbage is tender young, then only 40 minutes), after which they "reach" on heating for another half an hour.

Lazy and tasty stuffed cabbage rolls in a slow cooker

Here is such a simple recipe for the most delicious lazy cabbage rolls step by step, bon appetit!

How to cook lazy cabbage rolls in a pan video

Even a novice hostess can cook lazy cabbage rolls with fresh cabbage in a frying pan according to a recipe and with a photo, but it's even easier to watch this video - it's simple and very tasty!

Of course, each housewife has her own recipe - perhaps you will simplify something in it or make your own adjustments: over time, this cooking method will become so popular in your family that many generations will know how to make very lazy stuffed cabbage rolls in a pan.

How to make lazy cabbage rolls with stewed meatballs?

Army-style lazy cabbage rolls with stew- even lazier than the classic ones: instead of minced meat, stew is added to fried cabbage. And the ingredients, in fact, remain the same, but with their own nuances:

  • long grain rice is better;
  • beef stew;
  • onion;
  • the cabbage in our recipe is not fresh, but sauerkraut;
  • vegetable oil;
  • seasonings and spices: salt, black pepper, bay leaf.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Diced onions are fried in vegetable oil or fat.
  2. Sauerkraut is added to the pan, after the cabbage is practically ready - tomato paste, fry for another couple of minutes.
  3. The next component will be stew - simmer all the contents of the pan with it.
  4. Rice is poured evenly over the entire area of ​​the pan. Salt, pepper, add spices to taste.
  5. Fill the contents of the pan with water - it should cover the rice by 1 cm.
  6. Bring to a boil, cover the pan with a lid, simmer for half an hour. Sour cabbage, which gives an acidic environment, does not allow the rice to boil, but it takes longer than usual to cook.

If you wish, you can spend a little more time and form cutlets from canned food, mixed with stewed vegetables and rice, from passed through a meat grinder. They are fried in a pan or baked in the oven.

Recipe for lazy cabbage rolls without rice

This cooking method differs from the previous ones by the absence of rice among the ingredients. Some in the dish under discussion only get by with minced meat and cabbage, others replace rice with:

  • small bread crumbs - most often, a loaf soaked in milk or water;
  • potatoes and beaten eggs;
  • buckwheat;
  • small white beans.

As a cereal, you can use not only buckwheat - it is only recommended to take into account the cooking time

Diet recipe for lean lazy cabbage rolls without meat

Minced meat can be replaced with mushroom; according to some recipes, a little semolina can be added to the meat filling - the dish will become softer and more fluffy.

V cabbage rolls for vegetarians or adhering to unloading diets, it is recommended to use greenhouse mushrooms. In all other respects, the lean recipe of our dish practically does not differ from the classic one with meat and goes well with tomato sauce. Such cabbage rolls can also be cooked in a pan, in the oven, in a slow cooker - let each housewife choose the least laborious and pleasant way for herself.

Recipe for lazy cabbage rolls like in kindergarten

Yes, there is also such a way to prepare this delicious and satisfying dish! In addition to the standard ingredients (white cabbage, round rice, onions, tomato paste and spices), the recipe for children includes necessarily boiled lean meat (or chicken) rolled in a meat grinder. For a beautiful presentation, a boiled chicken egg is cut into slices and laid out on a plate.

There is nothing tricky in cooking:

  1. The cabbage is finely chopped.
  2. Saute the onions for babies until they become golden transparent and immediately add to the saucepan with cabbage.
  3. Cabbage and onions are poured with water (half a glass) and stewed under a lid over medium heat with occasional stirring.
  4. Salt, add bay leaf and (if desired) tomato paste or juice.
  5. It is important to work properly with the rice: it spills out over the cabbage without stirring, evenly covering the entire upper surface. Add water to cover the rice, leave to simmer under the lid for another 15 minutes.
  6. We also put boiled minced meat on top. To prevent the dish from burning, you should stir it a little later. Leave covered over low heat until the rice is cooked, adding water as needed.

Like in a kindergarten!

Recipe for sour cream sauce for lazy cabbage rolls

In addition to tomato sauce, sour cream is also recommended for this dish, its recipe is simple:

  1. 1 sweet pepper and a medium-sized onion, finely chopped.
  2. Carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater.
  3. Vegetables are fried in vegetable oil, flour (1 tablespoon) and sour cream (200 g) are added.

Cabbage rolls are a meat or vegetarian mince with rice wrapped in cabbage leaves. This process is very laborious, and people have come up with an alternative to it, these are lazy stuffed cabbage rolls. They are cooked in a saucepan, skillet, or oven.

In Russia, cabbage rolls have their origins in French cuisine. At the time when it was customary to serve whole roasted pigeons. Around the same time, they came up with the idea of ​​cooking "false" pigeons, the meat of which was wrapped in cabbage leaves. It was usually minced meat. They gave out such a dish for roasted pigeons in order to better sell it.

The history of lazy cabbage rolls dates back to ancient Greece. It didn't work out on purpose. An ancient Greek chef wrapped chopped meat in a cabbage leaf, then mixed all the ingredients - and we got lazy cabbage rolls. There are other stories of the occurrence of stuffed cabbage, but this one is the most true.

Lazy cabbage rolls are a tasty and inexpensive dish that can feed a large family. It is prepared quickly and extremely easy. They can be served as a separate dish or with a side dish.

Lazy cabbage rolls can be either meat or vegetarian. Everyone can find stuffed cabbage to their taste, having familiarized themselves with our recipes. Be sure you will not remain indifferent.

The main ingredients for making lazy cabbage rolls are:

  • Minced meat - chicken, pork, beef or just a mixture of pork and beef.
  • Rice - usually used Krasnodar, round-grain, non-steamed.
  • Onion.
  • Carrot.
  • White cabbage.

Lazy cabbage rolls with rice and minced meat in the oven in tomato-cream sauce

For cooking, we need ingredients:

  • Minced meat (pork + beef) - 200 grams
  • White cabbage - 200 grams
  • Krasnodar round grain rice - 1 glass
  • Onions - 1 piece
  • Carrots - 1 piece
  • Egg - 1 piece
  • Sour cream - 3 tablespoons
  • Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons
  • Flour - for boning
  • Sunflower oil
  • Garlic, salt, pepper - to taste


  1. Boil rice until half cooked.
  2. Cut the cabbage into small cubes, scald it, and squeeze it out to get rid of excess water.
  3. Peel the onions and carrots. Rub on a fine grater, cut the onion into small cubes, and fry in sunflower oil.
  4. Mix the resulting minced meat, rice, cabbage, carrots and onions, add the egg. Salt and pepper to taste and mix thoroughly. It is advisable to beat off the resulting minced meat, so that it becomes homogeneous.
  5. We form small cutlets from minced meat, and roll in flour.
  6. Put on a baking sheet, greased with sunflower oil. And put in the oven for 10 minutes to grab.
  7. Mix the tomato paste with sour cream, add a little water and fill in the cabbage rolls.
  8. We put in a preheated oven for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

We serve both with a side dish and as a separate dish. Bon Appetit!!

Lazy stuffed cabbage rolls in a pan


  • Minced meat (any) -300 grams
  • Krasnodar rice - 1 glass
  • Carrots - 1 piece
  • White cabbage - 200 grams
  • Onions - 1 piece
  • Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons
  • Sunflower oil (for frying)
  • Salt, pepper to taste


  1. We wash the rice several times and mix it with the prepared minced meat.
  2. Peel the carrots, three on a coarse grater. Peel the onion, cut it into small cubes.
  3. We also cut the cabbage into small cubes.
  4. We mix all the ingredients. We form cutlets from the resulting mass.
  5. Preheat the pan, add the sunflower oil and the resulting cabbage rolls.
  6. Fry over low heat for 15 minutes and add tomato paste.
  7. Fry for another 20-30 minutes, until the rice is cooked. At the end, salt and pepper.

Lazy stuffed cabbage rolls cooked in a pan are served as a separate dish.

Lazy stuffed cabbage rolls in a Redmond slow cooker


  • Minced meat (pork + beef) - 300 grams
  • Krasnodar rice - 1 glass
  • Carrots - 1 piece
  • Onions - 1 piece
  • Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons
  • Sour cream - 2 tablespoons
  • Water - 3 glasses
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Sunflower oil


  • We wash the rice several times.
  • We chop the cabbage finely, and wrinkle it with our hands.
  • Peel the carrots, three on a coarse grater.
  • Peel the onion, cut it into a medium cube.
  • We mix everything together with minced meat and salt, pepper to taste.
  • Mix sour cream, tomato paste and water until smooth.
  • We turn on the multicooker. Pour a little sunflower oil on the bottom and spread the minced meat either in the form of individual cutlets, or the whole thing. Fill the top with tomato paste with sour cream and level the minced meat. We turn on the multicooker for the "Baking" mode - 60 minutes. After that, we leave for another 20 minutes in the "Heating" mode.

Lazy cabbage rolls are served as a separate dish.

Bon Appetit!

Lazy cabbage rolls in a saucepan with cabbage and minced meat


  • Minced meat (any) - 400 grams
  • Krasnodar rice - 1 glass
  • White cabbage - 400 grams
  • Carrots - 1 piece
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Tomato paste - 2 tablespoons
  • Water - 0.5 cups
  • Sunflower oil


  1. We wash the rice several times and boil until half cooked.
  2. We clean the carrots, and three on a fine grater.
  3. Peel the onion and cut it into small cubes.
  4. Pour sunflower oil into a saucepan, put minced meat, carrots and onions. Cover and simmer.
  5. Cut the cabbage into small strips and add to the saucepan.
  6. We languish for 10 minutes.
  7. Mix the tomato paste with water and add to the saucepan. We mix.
  8. Then add rice, salt and pepper. And mix.
  9. When the cabbage is ready, turn off the pan.

Very lazy stuffed cabbage rolls are ready !!
Bon Appetit.

Lazy stuffed cabbage rolls like in kindergarten


  • Meat (boiled) - 300 grams
  • White cabbage - 300 grams
  • Krasnodar rice - 0.5 cups
  • Bulb onions - 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste - 1 tbsp (without it)
  • Sunflower oil


  1. We put the pan on the stove, add sunflower oil.
  2. Peel the onion and cut it into small cubes. Add to the pan.
  3. Cut the cabbage very finely and send it for the onion.
  4. Add some water and simmer.
  5. We put tomato paste. We mix.
  6. Then uncooked unboiled rice, without stirring, and add water to cover all the rice. Simmer for 15 minutes.
  7. Boil the meat and twist it through a meat grinder. Add it to the pan.
  8. Simmer until the rice is cooked, if damp, add a little water. Salt at the end.

Lazy stuffed cabbage rolls like in kindergarten are served with a boiled egg.
Bon Appetit!

Once such a dish appeared as lazy cabbage rolls. So who invented it and originally prepared it? That's right, super lazy chef. Name me at least one person who would never be overcome by a state of laziness. I think there are only a few such people. And there are definitely enough lazy cooks. But sometimes even laziness cannot prevent us from preparing a delicious treat. What actually happened. Now I will (with laziness ...) present a familiar recipe for lazy cabbage rolls to all of us. How to cook them deliciously and correctly.

Where did such an interesting name come from for this culinary creation, which is traditional for most of the peoples of the world? The first association that comes to everyone's mind is stuffed cabbage - is it a pigeon or pigeon mail, since stuffing is wrapped in stuffed cabbage rolls in the form of an envelope (although this can only be my association ...)?

In the article you will find:

But who came up with the first to wrap minced meat in a cabbage leaf is still unknown. Also unknown is the author (lazy ...) who once simplified this process by proposing to simply mix chopped cabbage with meat, thereby endowing the world with a new recipe.

Essential Ingredients for Simple, Lazy Cabbage Rolls

In short, if you are really too lazy to cook classic cabbage rolls, then you can make lazy ones. It is very simple and it is possible to prepare them using a variety of kitchen utensils. But the main components will be about the same. in all recipes. So, let's begin.

To prepare a hearty dish, we need:

  • half a kilo of minced meat (pork, beef, veal), can be assorted
  • four hundred grams of cabbage
  • two eggs
  • six medium carrots
  • three onions
  • a glass of washed rice
  • pepper, bay leaf, dry herbs if desired (basil, dill, parsley), as well as salt.

Not who does not exclude a fantasy on the theme "My lazy cabbage rolls". We boldly experiment and achieve the best result, possibly through failure.

Lazy cabbage rolls - a classic recipe

First, cook the rice until half cooked. Next, we take the minced meat, adding eggs to it so that the patties are not crumbly, mix everything thoroughly. We wash and peel the carrots and onions and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown, add washed rice to the fry and mix with the previously prepared minced meat. Then salt and pepper the filling, add herbs to taste.

Finely chop the cabbage leaves and pour boiling water for a couple of minutes so that the cabbage softens and does not taste bitter. We drain the water. We spread the cabbage in a large container, add the minced meat, eggs and mix all the ingredients well until smooth.

There are three main cooking methods, choose the one that seems easier to you and get started.

Cooking the laziest stuffed cabbage rolls in a pan

In a preheated pan with a small amount of vegetable oil, put the minced meat (eggs are not involved in this recipe ...). Fry. Gradually add onions and carrots to the pan. Fry for 2 - 3 minutes. Add chopped cabbage, salt and pepper. Fill with water, you can dilute it with ketchup or tomato paste. You can pour in any broth.

Very little water is needed so that it doesn't even cover the roast.

Simmer over low heat, all this for 10 - 15 minutes, under the lid. Next, put the semi-cooked rice on the frying. If necessary, add water, pepper salt, various spices, to taste and simmer until tender.

You can prepare it differently if you wish. We sculpt cutlets of any shape from a pre-prepared mixture. Dip them in flour and fry them on both sides until they have a delicious golden crust. The cabbage rolls are ready, you can serve them with a vegetable side dish or herbs.

Very fast - lazy stuffed cabbage rolls in the oven

If the oven is not included in the scrap in advance, then this method is also very unpretentious.

Pour a small amount of oil into a saucepan, put finely chopped cabbage with grated carrots, put ready-made stuffed cabbage rolls on top and pour thick tomato paste. Bake for half an hour in an oven preheated to 200 °. The prepared dish can be served with a variety of gravy, whether it be sour cream, ketchup, adjika, mayonnaise or herbs.

Puff cabbage rolls in a saucepan cooked by a lazy chef

It is even simpler. Put the cabbage in a thick-walled saucepan with a little water and oil, put a layer of minced meat with rice on top, alternate layers until the ingredients run out. But the bottom and top layers must be made of cabbage.

In a separate bowl, dilute the tomato paste with a glass of boiled water and grease our cabbage and meat casserole with this sauce. Add some black peppercorns and one bay leaf. Add greens, bring to a boil, put on medium heat and continue to simmer until tender (15-20 minutes). When the dish is ready, you can add sour cream.

How you can make delicious, lazy cabbage rolls in a slow cooker

Here, as they say, we are working according to plan. It's like in the cartoon "Vovka in the Far-Away Kingdom", who remembers, there are two fellows, identical in face, who did everything for Vovochka. So, in our case, the multicooker, such a kind of "well done", will cook us lazy cabbage rolls herself. We'll just put the food we need in there. True, look, do not overdo it, as in the same cartoon, Little Johnny loaded the stove ... do you remember how it ended? O! Plunged into childhood. I remembered a good cartoon.

So here's a good recipe:

Useful information about cabbage rolls:

And finally, I also give a few tips on how to prepare very tender lazy cabbage rolls. We take the components already known to us, only this time we pass the cabbage and onions through a meat grinder along with pieces of meat, mix with already prepared rice, then sculpt meatballs from the prepared mixture and fry until golden brown. Vegetarians can replace minced meat with potatoes, mushrooms or zucchini, it turns out very appetizing.

To prepare the sauce, you can mix tomato paste with sour cream, it turns out very tasty if you dilute the ketchup with boiled water and add fried grated carrots, pieces of tomatoes and chopped greens to it. Real jam! And if minced meat is done in a blender, cabbage rolls will be very tender.

Many housewives do not like to fry cabbage rolls, and after making cabbage cutlets, they bake them in the oven. Feel free to experiment and you can surprise your family with a new signature dish with unrivaled taste in relatively little time. And to surprise

The world famous dish has a number of advantages over others. Cabbage rolls are a relatively inexpensive and satisfying dish. But still, a lot of time is spent on the preparation of classic cabbage rolls, because first you need to prepare cabbage leaves so that the cabbage rolls come out tender, not bitter and tasty. And when cooking lazy cabbage rolls, this process is not required. Therefore, it is much faster and easier to cook them, while in terms of deliciousness and appetizing they are in no way inferior to the traditional recipe for making stuffed cabbage rolls.

Go for it. Good luck and all the best!

Lazy stuffed cabbage- one of the most favorite dishes in many families, because it is not only tasty, but also does not take much time to prepare.

Recipe for lazy stuffed cabbage rolls.

To cook lazy cabbage rolls in the oven, we need the following ingredients:

Minced meat, 350gr;
- rice, 200gr;
- flour;
- spices;
- cabbage, 250g;
- onion;
- garlic, 3 cloves;
- egg, 1pc;
- salt;
- vegetable oil.

Lazy cabbage rolls, recipe with photo.

1 ... Rinse the rice and boil until half cooked.

2 ... Wash the cabbage and chop it. Chop the garlic.

3 ... Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Chop the onion. Fry carrots and onions in vegetable oil.

4 ... Mix all prepared ingredients. Add salt, spices, to your liking.

5 ... We make stuffed cabbage rolls for their further processing. After that, roll them in flour and put on a baking sheet. It is advisable to bake in sour cream and tomato sauce.

Lazy cabbage rolls with rice and minced meat are ready! You can start your delicious meal!

VIDEO. How to cook lazy cabbage rolls.

Lazy cabbage rolls in a Redmond slow cooker.

Cooking lazy cabbage rolls in a multicooker is not difficult. We all know that thanks to the multicooker, our cabbage rolls will be stewed in their juice, which will give them even better taste!

To prepare stuffed cabbage in a multicooker, we need:

Minced meat, 500gr;
- cabbage, 800gr;
- carrots, 1 pc;
- bow, 1 head;
- round rice, 0.5 cups of a multicooker;
- water, 1 multi-glass;
-, 200ml;
- tomato sauce (ketchup), 200g;
- bay leaf, 1 piece;
- salt, spices to taste;
- vegetable oil, 4 tablespoons


1 ... Peel and wash the vegetables well.
2 ... Chop the onion finely, grate the carrots and chop the cabbage.
3 ... Take a deep bowl and mix the minced meat with vegetables and rice there. Don't forget to add the bay leaf there.
4 ... Season with salt and spices.
5 ... To prepare the sauce, you need to mix sour cream with tomato sauce. You can add spices.
6 ... Lubricate the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil.
7 ... First, put the minced meat with rice and vegetables in a bowl, pour a little water. Then you need to fill everything with sauce and turn on the multicooker in the "Stew" mode.

The cabbage rolls will be ready in 60 minutes! To give them a more pleasant look, after the multicooker signal, turn on the "Bake" function for 5-7 minutes.

Lazy cabbage rolls in a saucepan.

Layered lazy cabbage rolls are probably the fastest and easiest way to prepare this dish. For those who value their time and at the same time love cabbage rolls - this recipe is the best!

For cooking we need:

Minced meat, 1kg;
- cabbage, 1kg;
- carrots, 4pcs;
- onions, 2 pcs;
- rice, 200g.

1. First, let's cook minced meat with onions. Chop the onion and mix it with the minced meat.
2. Let's prepare the carrot. Let's grate it.
3. We wash the rice and put it on the minced meat.
4. Salt or add spices to your liking.
5. Shred cabbage, after salting it.
6. We take a large saucepan and start putting all the ingredients in there. We do everything in even layers.

Our steps:

Pour in 0.5 liters of water;
- put half of the prepared cabbage;
- put half of the prepared carrots;
- minced meat and rice;
- put the carrots back;
- cover all this with cabbage.

7. Add another 1 liter of water.

8. You can also add a little tomato sauce or ketchup on top.

9. We put our dish on fire.

In 1 hour our cabbage rolls will be ready!

Baby lazy cabbage rolls.

Everyone probably remembers how lazy cabbage rolls were prepared for us in the kindergarten. This unforgettable taste brings us joy even now, when we have become adults and serious people.

1. Pour vegetable oil into a saucepan and toss in finely chopped onion. We wait until the onion acquires a golden color.

2. Add shredded cabbage and simmer over medium heat. Stir occasionally!

3. Pour water and add 1-2 tsp. tomato paste, salt, bay leaf and mix well! We are waiting, let the cabbage stew a little more.

4. Pour unboiled rice on top. Do not mix!

5. Add water so that the rice is covered with water and simmer for 15 minutes.
6. Add the scrolled meat on top and bring it to readiness! We can add water from time to time.

Lazy cabbage rolls without meat.

Ingredient List:

Cabbage, 400gr.;
- rice, 200gr.;
- onions, 150g .;
- sour cream, 250gr.;
- ketchup, 200gr .;
- salt pepper;
- bread crumbs;
- vegetable oil.

1. Rinse the rice, place it in a pot of water and cook until cooked.
2. Rinse the cabbage, cut it into strips and place in hot water for 5 minutes.
3. Peel and cut the onion into small pieces.
4. When ready, mix all the cooked ingredients, salt and add spices.
5. Make small cabbage rolls and coat them in breadcrumbs.
6. Put the resulting cabbage rolls in a frying pan preheated with vegetable oil and fry them until golden brown.
7. Make a ketchup and sour cream sauce. To do this, you just need to mix these ingredients.
8. Transfer the cabbage rolls to a baking dish, pour over the sauce and place in the oven. Simmer at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

The cabbage rolls are ready! Enjoy your meal!

Anna: | March 8th, 2019 | 4:58 pm

Today I cooked some very lazy stuffed cabbage rolls. I just chopped all the ingredients from this recipe into large pieces and minced it twice, even rice. Fried onions were added so that half could be frozen and so that, after defrosting, raw onions would not spoil the dish. Previously, I just cut the cabbage and doused it with boiling water, but today there was no time to mess around. Probably, this is a matter of taste, but such lazy stuffed cabbage rolls, whose minced meat is brought almost to a homogeneous mass, liked me and my fastidious husband much more.
The only thing that I will change in the future is whether I will saute or blanch the carrots beforehand, because it crunched a little in all this tender mass, I want to fix it later.
Answer: Anna, thanks for sharing your cooking option.

Tatiana: | December 13th, 2018 | 5:46 pm

Thanks for the recipe! It turned out delicious and satisfying! Only a few cabbage rolls fell apart :(
Answer: Tatyana, thanks for the comment!
So that minced meat products do not fall apart, you need to beat it off well, then everything will hold on))

Alena: | June 17th, 2017 | 10:13 pm

Thanks a lot!

Alena: | June 17th, 2017 | 10:12 pm

Thanks! I have a holiday today thanks to your recipe! I haven't eaten this for a long time. Thank you for the tip. It's good to have someone to learn from.
Answer: Alena, bon appetit! Thanks for the kind words:)

Katya: | May 18th, 2017 | 6:45 pm

Dasha, and in what form to freeze lazy cabbage rolls: raw, fried or ready-made? And how long can they be stored?
Answer: Katya, lazy cabbage rolls can be frozen both raw and cooked (fried).
In raw form, the shelf life is 2 months at -18 degrees.
Fully cooked lazy cabbage rolls can be stored for 3 months in the freezer at -18 degrees.

Svetlana: | July 5th, 2016 | 8:31 pm

Hello! I want to cook these stuffed cabbage rolls for my family. Tell me, can you be lazy and pass all the ingredients through a meat grinder? Or can such a trick spoil the end result?
Answer: Svetlana, through a meat grinder - no. The cabbage must be sliced ​​exactly. You can use a knife, you can use a food processor. Then the cabbage rolls will turn out juicy and tasty.

Aaaaaa: | April 19th, 2016 | 9:41 am

A side dish is needed, what I did not understand?
Answer: Garnish - to taste and desire. But lazy cabbage rolls are a 2-in-1 dish - both the main dish and the side dish, that is, meat and cabbage. They can be served without a side dish.

Daria: | November 23rd, 2012 | 1:47 dp

Are they subject to freezing? If so, in what form?

Answer: I tried freezing, but in the end I didn't really like the taste. Freeze ready-made.

Tatiana: | November 11th, 2012 | 4:09 pm

prepared today! My all really liked it! Thanks for the recipe!

Elena: | September 7th, 2012 | 12:44 pm

Thanks for the recipe, I prepared lazy cabbage rolls for the first time, but now I will be once a week for sure! How tasty and not difficult! And my daughter ate with pleasure)))!

Ninchik: | August 30th, 2012 | 6:39 pm

Thank you very much for the recipe! I have long wanted to learn how to cook them. I cooked it on Monday - I'm happy! The eldest son eats two at a time, although I did not make them small. He doesn't eat ordinary cutlets like that.

Masha Mironova: | June 25th, 2012 | 2:22 pm

Awesome recipe, I'm really, really sorry that I didn't pay attention to it for so long! The cabbage was too lazy to cut, crumbled in a blender, it turned out so finely that I did not pour boiling water, since it was fresh. Rice used brown, unpolished. Well sooooo delicious! Highly! The finished minced meat was divided into 12 parts, ideally laid down in a baking dish. Thanks!

Answer: Masha, I'm glad you came back to us from Montignac :) Hurray!

Elena: | June 24th, 2012 | 10:10 pm

Daria, your resource is just a miracle and a godsend! You are such a good fellow. I'd like to follow your example. The cabbage rolls are delicious! Is it possible to cook from ground beef and, moreover, of our own preparation? Will it turn out as tasty? I came to you through the magazine “Have time with children”. Thank you very much for the book "Menu for the week"
Convenient to read! Can I forward it to other mothers?

Answer: ground beef should contain at least 1/4 of fatty tissue, then it will turn out delicious: rice and cabbage will be saturated with meat juices and will be juicy. And I will be very glad if you send the book to other mothers. There are convenient buttons at the bottom of the post for reposting to any social networks. Thanks!

Jeanne: | February 22nd, 2012 | 5:13 pm

The recipe is wonderful. The whole family liked the stuffed cabbage rolls. Only for me they turned out a little sweetish. Is it because of the carrots?

Answer: yes, it is possible. Carrots can add a sweetish flavor. Some manufacturers also add sugar to tomato sauce. So because of him, there can also be such an effect.

Natalia: | February 13th, 2012 | 3:58 pm

Yesterday I prepared lazy stuffed cabbage rolls, everyone was crushed by both cheeks. Very, very tasty !! The husband is also pleased.

Dasha: | November 27th, 2011 | 7:53 pm

Glad you liked. Thank you for telling me - it's always nice to receive confirmation that the recipes are being prepared and you like :)

Ekaterina: | November 27th, 2011 | 4:03 pm

Thanks for the recipe! My husband, in principle, did not recognize lazy cabbage rolls, but he ate these and praised them. I only scalded the cabbage before mixing, so that it is better stewed