How beautiful to decorate the cake with protein cream. Putting the components together

24.07.2019 Lenten dishes

The sweet delicate protein cream especially pleases the housewives with its versatility. It goes well with cakes, pastries and even sweet pancakes. Very often, everyone's favorite eclairs are filled with this cream.

Protein custard

Ingredients: 3 raw proteins, 320 g of granulated sugar, 120 ml of filtered water, half a packet of vanillin, 1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

  1. Since it is the custard that is prepared according to this recipe, the first step is to properly cook the syrup. To do this, water is combined with sugar and sent to the fire. After boiling, the mixture is cooked for 8-9 minutes.
  2. While the syrup is preparing, the whites are whipped. You need to try to combine your actions in such a way that a lush foam has already formed in a bowl with raw eggs by the time the syrup is fully prepared.
  3. Without stopping whipping, syrup is poured into the protein mass in a very thin stream. It is not required to cool it beforehand.
  4. Immediately after the syrup, the rest of the ingredients specified in the recipe are added to the mass.

Beating continues until the protein custard holds its peak well.

Water bath recipe

Ingredients: whites of 4 chicken eggs, a full glass of powdered sugar, a pack of fatty butter, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of lemon juice.

  1. Proteins are poured into dry, clean dishes. They must first be cooled. Begin beating with a mixer at medium speed. Gradually, powdered sugar is added to the raw eggs in small portions. As a result, a light, airy foam will appear in the bowl.
  2. The container with the base of the cream is sent to an already prepared water bath for 4 minutes. During this time, the powder should dissolve. The cream in the water bath is constantly interfering.
  3. The mass is removed from the fire, combined with citrus juice, melted butter and whipped for a couple of minutes.

It remains to decorate the prepared desserts with cream.

How to prepare filling for eclairs?

Ingredients: 120 ml of filtered water, a faceted glass of granulated sugar, 3 chicken egg whites, a pinch of table salt.

  1. Sugar dissolves in water. The liquid is sent to the fire for 15-20 minutes. A bowl of cold water is placed next to it. After the specified time, you need to add a drop of syrup to it. The result is a soft sugar ball? The syrup is completely ready.
  2. Eggs (whites) are beaten separately with salt. Steady peaks should form in the bowl.
  3. Syrup that has just been removed from the heat is poured into the whipped mass. This is done in a very thin stream and with continued beating of the mass. At first it will settle, and then it will become lush again.

Read more on the site: What to cook with turkey fillet: breast or thigh?

Beat the protein cream for eclairs until it cools completely.

Protein-butter cake cream

Ingredients: 160 g quality butter, 130 g granulated sugar, 2 chicken egg whites.

  1. The butter is left at room temperature to soften. To make this happen faster, it is better to cut it into small pieces beforehand.
  2. Raw proteins and sand are sent to a dry, clean stewpan. You do not need to whip the components. It is enough just to mix.
  3. A water bath is being prepared in advance. With continuous stirring, the mass warms up well. When all the sweet crystals dissolve, and the proteins begin to cloud slightly, you can remove the container from the heat and beat the base of the cream until smooth and airy.
  4. Next, the container is placed in a bowl of cold water and whipped for another 6-7 minutes. Oil is introduced into the already completely cooled mass.

Whisk the protein-butter cream for the cake until it is fully cooked for a couple of minutes.

With the addition of gelatin

Ingredients: 5 chicken egg whites, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of quality gelatin, 1 small spoonful of citric acid, 10 tbsp. tablespoons of boiled water, 1.5 tbsp. granulated sugar.

  1. First, gelatin, according to the instructions, is filled with water. It should be boiled and cool. The product mixes well in liquid and is left to swell.
  2. Next, the gelatin must be heated until it is completely dissolved. The main thing is not to bring the mass to a boil.
  3. Cold egg whites are whipped separately with the addition of "lemon" and sugar.
  4. When the sweet grains dissolve in the mass, and it becomes quite lush, you can pour in the cooled gelatin in a thin stream.

A variety of desserts are decorated with the finished cream.

Protein-creamy delicacy

Ingredients: half a standard pack of fatty butter, 20 ml of liqueur or white wine, 2 chicken egg whites, 130 g of granulated sugar.

  1. The butter is softened beforehand. To do this, it will be enough to leave it at room temperature for a couple of hours. By this time, the butter will be ready for whipping. If you need to speed up the process, you can use the microwave.
  2. The butter is whipped well with a special blender attachment.
  3. Cold egg whites are whipped in a separate bowl. A minute later, sugar begins to pour into them. Gradually, the speed of the device increases.
  4. Further, non-hot oil is gradually poured into the sweet egg mixture. Liqueur is added. Whipping continues all this time. After another couple of minutes, the cream will be completely ready.

Read more on the site: Sponge cake dough - 11 recipes for making sponge cake

You should not replace the liqueur with cognac, otherwise the delicacy will acquire an unappetizing gray tint.

Condensed milk

Ingredients: 140 ml of condensed milk, a pound of granulated sugar, a pack of fatty butter, 4 eggs, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of gelatin, a full glass of filtered water. How to make a protein cream with condensed milk is described below.

  1. Gelatin is soaked in water until it swells.
  2. Then sugar is added to the mixture and it is sent to a water bath. The mass is left on the stove until the gelatin and sugar are completely dissolved.
  3. Separately, the condensed milk is whipped with softened butter until smooth.
  4. In another bowl, whisk the whites until fluffy. They need to be connected to the components from the second and third steps.

It remains to whip the cream until smooth and decorate the desserts with it.

With sour cream

Ingredients: 4 chicken egg whites, a full glass of powdered sugar, 12 g of vanilla sugar and 60 g of sand, a glass of very fatty thick sour cream.

  1. It is very important that the whites are as fresh as possible without blotches of yolk. They are whipped with powder until fluffy. This process will take 3-4 minutes.
  2. Sour cream is whipped with two types of sugar. It takes 14-16 minutes to work with a mixer. Only in this case the cream will turn out to be really lush.
  3. Both masses are gently mixed with a spatula.

You need to use the ready-made cream immediately, since it is very poorly stored even in the refrigerator.

Protein cream is one of the main pastry creams, which, as the name implies, is prepared on the basis of egg whites and sugar. Most of us are familiar with its taste since childhood, because it was the protein cream that was traditionally filled with the famous cakes-baskets.

The main recipe involves the use of proteins from fresh chicken eggs and sugar, which are beaten until a fluffy thick mass is formed. In addition to the main one, there are other methods of making cream - in a water bath, with the addition of cream, butter and other ingredients.

Use protein cream for filling cakes, eclairs and other desserts. In addition, it can be used to decorate cakes and as a stand-alone dessert.

Protein cream - basic recipe step by step

This cream is also called "raw". The fact is that the ingredients do not undergo any heat treatment, but are used raw. Therefore, it is imperative to choose the freshest and cleanest eggs.

Taste Info Syrup and cream


  • egg whites - 3 pcs.;
  • icing sugar - 130 g;
  • a few drops of lemon juice.

How to make a protein cream at home

Place the cooled proteins in a bowl and beat them with a mixer, first at low speed, then gradually increase it.

When the proteins form stable peaks, without stopping whipping, add sifted powdered sugar to them in small portions.

Along with the last portion of the powder, add a few drops of lemon juice and beat until the powder is completely dissolved. The cream is ready!

Protein cream in a water bath

This type of cream is safer than the previous one, since proteins are amenable to heat treatment here. Therefore, if not perfectly clean and fresh eggs are used for cooking, then it is better to opt for this recipe.


  • proteins of large chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 cup (about 200 g);
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • citric acid - a large pinch.


Prepare a water bath - pour some water into a saucepan and set it over medium heat to boil.

Place all the ingredients in a clean and dry bowl and beat them with a mixer for 1.5-2 minutes until the mixture becomes homogeneous.

Transfer the bowl to a water bath and continue whisking at low speed.

When the mass becomes fluffy enough, move the mixer to a higher speed and continue beating for another 5-6 minutes.

Then remove the cream from the water bath and beat for another 2-3 minutes.

When the peaks on the surface are very persistent, the cream is ready. It can be used for cakes and pastries, it keeps its shape perfectly, you can make beautiful decorations on the cake with the help of culinary attachments.

Protein cream for eclairs

Eclair is a dessert of French origin, which is a choux pastry with a hollow interior. Traditionally, they are filled with cream. Custard or chocolate cream is most often used, but protein can also be used. Then the dessert will become lighter and more airy.


  • egg whites - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • drinking water - 100 ml;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a few drops of lemon juice.


Mix water with sugar and put on high heat.

Stirring the syrup continuously, boil it for 10-15 minutes. You can check the readiness by dropping the syrup into cold water. If you can roll a ball out of it, then the syrup is ready.

Combine the proteins with salt and lemon juice, beat them until stable peaks are formed.

Continuing to beat, pour boiling syrup into the cream.

Beat the cream until it cools completely, and then fill the eclairs with it.

Protein and cream cream

This version of the cream will have a delicate creamy taste, and it is as easy as shelling pears to prepare it. It is important to keep in mind that raw proteins are used here, as in the main recipe. Therefore, special attention must be paid to the quality of the eggs.


  • fresh proteins - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - one and a half cups;
  • heavy cream (at least 25%) - 1 glass.


  1. Mix whites with sugar and beat until fluffy.
  2. Without stopping whipping, pour the cream in a thin stream.
  3. As a result, you will get a smooth glossy mass - this is the protein-creamy cream. It is perfect for decorating desserts.

Teaser network

Protein-oil cream

Delicate and delicious, reminiscent of ice cream, the cream is mainly used to decorate various desserts. Let's figure out how to make a protein cream with butter.


  • proteins - 3 pcs.;
  • icing sugar - 150 g;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • lemon juice - a few drops.


Prepare butter - take it out of the freezer so that it warms up to room temperature.

Place the squirrels in a clean and dry bowl, then mix them slightly with a whisk (it should also be clean and dry).

Add a few drops of lemon juice to the whites and beat together at a low mixer speed for 3-4 minutes.

Increase the speed a little and gradually add the powdered sugar to the whites, continuing to beat.

When stable peaks begin to form on the surface of the protein mass, slightly reduce the speed and add softened butter piece by piece, without ceasing to beat.

When all the butter is in the cream, continue beating for another 1-2 minutes until smooth. Cake cream is ready!

Protein cream dyes

Quite often, you can see decorations made of colored protein cream on confectionery products. Fillers for various cakes, tubes and, of course, patterns on the cake can be colored. Making a colored protein cream at home is not difficult at all. For this, ready-made or natural dyes are suitable, which you can make yourself.

To color the cream, the following ingredients are suitable:

  • Carrot juice. He will color the finished cream in a bright yellow color.
  • You can also make orange dye from carrots. To do this, you need to grate it on a fine grater, and then fry in a large amount of butter (the ratio of oil to carrots is 1: 1). When the carrots become soft and the oil turns orange, put the mass on cheesecloth and squeeze well. The resulting liquid is the dye.
  • Saffron or turmeric will give the cream a rich yellow hue. To do this, the spice powder must be diluted in a small amount of water and insisted for a day. This will create a natural dye.
  • Beets, as you know, intensely color products in a rich pink color. To make a natural dye out of it, you need to grate the beets, pour a little water (to cover) and boil for 30-40 minutes. Strain the finished broth. He will be the dye.
  • The juice, syrup and red berry puree will turn the cream into a red color.
  • Pomegranate juice and red wine will also turn red.
  • Red cabbage decoction is a blue dye.
  • Juice made from blueberries or dark grapes will give the cream a blue and purple hue.
  • You can make green coloring from spinach. To do this, squeeze it through cheesecloth and use the resulting juice as a coloring agent. Or you can grind the spinach leaves to a puree - it will also color the cream green.
  • The coffee or melted chocolate will color the cream in matching brown shades.

In addition to the ingredients described above, any jam can be used to give the cream the desired color.

Protein cream with jam

The cream according to this recipe is somewhat more difficult to prepare than the usual one, but the result will certainly please. The finished product will not only have a beautiful color, but also a fruity or berry flavor. You can use jam or jam.


  • proteins - 3 pcs.;
  • gelatin - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 90 g;
  • a few spoons of any jam (depending on the desired color of the finished cream and taste).


Soak gelatin in a little water to swell.

Put this mixture on the slowest heat and stir constantly until the gelatin dissolves.

Heat the jam, rub through a sieve and dissolve the sugar in it.

Boil the jam over low heat for 5-6 minutes, add the gelatinous mass to it and mix.

Whisk the whites as usual until firm peaks.

Add the jam mass to them in small portions, without stopping whipping.

You will get a colored protein cream with a fruity taste.

If you wipe the jam through a coarse sieve or grind it in a blender, then the finished cream will have small inclusions of fruit, as in the photo.


  • Squirrels will beat better if they are cooled beforehand.
  • The bowl and whisk should be perfectly clean and dry. It is also advisable to cool them beforehand.
  • At the final stage of whipping the proteins, you can add a little liquor to them - this will give the finished cream a unique aroma.
  • It is better to choose fresh eggs. Whites from old eggs do not beat well.
  • To whip the whites well, add a pinch of salt, a few drops of lemon juice or vinegar to them.
  • Choose a container several times larger than the initial volume of proteins, as they will increase greatly during the whipping process.
  • For whipping, it is better to choose a glass or enamel bowl. You should definitely not use aluminum dishes - because of them, the cream will turn out to be gray.
  • Beat the whites first at a low speed, and then gradually increase it.
  • It is important to ensure that the whisk touches all the protein (along the sides of the bowl and at the bottom of the bowl) during the whisking process.
  • The finished cream is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 36 hours.

In the traditional sense, a protein cream is a cream made from egg whites and sugar. However, there are many other ways to prepare it: the technology may change - for example, the cream is brewed; add other ingredients - butter, jam or cream, etc.

Whatever recipe the hostess uses, protein cream is always tasty and even healthy enough. Use it to fill cakes and rolls or decorate desserts. It can also be served as a stand-alone dessert, garnished with fruit. But for smearing the cakes, it is better to choose another cream, since the protein one will be too airy.

Cake cream

How to make a protein cream for decorating a cake and filling cakes - see the answers to the question in a step-by-step cooking recipe.

1 h 30 min

150 kcal

5/5 (2)

Kitchen appliances: the preparation of this cream is impossible without a blender with the ability to adjust the speeds. Alternatively, use a 500-600 ml deep bowl. and another one with a volume of 200-500 ml, spoons (tea and tablespoons), a whisk, measuring dishes or scales.

We often saw cakes beautifully decorated with various creams in stores, and more than once we wondered: how do they do it? My grandmother, who worked in a bakery in her youth, once told me how to make a protein cream commonly used in bakeries for decorating a cake.

It turned out that the recipe is quite simple even for beginners and can be easily implemented at home. This cream has lush and air consistency and rarely falls off even the next day after production. And most importantly, it can be used not only as a decoration, but also as independent filling for cakes such as baskets, eclairs or rolls.

It was my grandmother's advice that I took when I decided to write for you a step-by-step guide on how to make protein and sugar cake cream.

I have been asked many times: how to achieve the desired consistency of the mass so that you can decorate the cake with homemade protein cream? The answer is very simple: try to relate neat to detail in the process, and read this recipe carefully and without haste. Surveys on culinary sites confirm that rush and inadequate ingredient choices often cause your cream to be too runny or poorly curvy.

You will need

The basis of any variant of protein cream is sugar and eggs. Only the freshest and most chilled eggs "straight from the store" will give you the opportunity to prepare the perfect cream. Sugar should not be raw, crumbly and without lumps.

How to make protein cake cream

The cream is ready! Now you will have no problem choosing a cake decorating: your airy protein cream and our simple recipe made it possible to cook at home a real masterpiece... Let the cream sit in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes, then fill the pastry syringe or bag with a fluffy mass and start decorating your cake or filling the cakes.

The light and sweet protein cream has become my perfect decorating option, literally any cake... I usually use two or three nozzles: the first is for applying continuous longitudinal stripes around the outer circumference of the cake. The second, thinner, neatly draw in the middle a congratulation for the birthday person or something else that is relevant for the current moment. Third, in the shape of a heart or an asterisk, carefully apply the remaining small strokes. This is how my cakes are always decorated with fun and decorated for a sight for sore eyes.

Cream recipe video

The answer to the question of how to properly prepare a protein cream for decorating cakes can be seen in the video below. All the secrets of cooking in a video that lasts only a few minutes.

Protein cream is one of the main pastry creams, which, as the name implies, is prepared on the basis of egg whites and sugar. Most of us are familiar with its taste since childhood, because it was the protein cream that was traditionally filled with the famous cakes-baskets.

The basic recipe involves the use of proteins from fresh chicken eggs and sugar, which are beaten until a fluffy thick mass is formed. In addition to the main one, there are other methods of making cream - in a water bath, with the addition of cream, butter and other ingredients. Use protein cream for filling cakes, eclairs and other desserts. In addition, it can be used to decorate cakes and as a stand-alone dessert.

This cream is also called "raw". The fact is that the ingredients do not undergo any heat treatment, but are used raw. Therefore, it is imperative to choose the freshest and cleanest eggs.


  • egg whites - 3 pcs.;
  • icing sugar - 130 g;
  • a few drops of lemon juice.

How to cook

  1. Place the cooled proteins in a bowl and beat them with a mixer, first at low speed, then gradually increase it.
  2. When the proteins form stable peaks, without stopping whipping, add sifted powdered sugar to them in small portions.
  3. Along with the last portion of the powder, add a few drops of lemon juice and beat until the powder is completely dissolved. The cream is ready!

Protein cream in a water bath

This type of cream is safer than the previous one, since proteins are amenable to heat treatment here. Therefore, if not perfectly clean and fresh eggs are used for cooking, then it is better to opt for this recipe.


  • proteins of large chicken eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 cup (about 200 g);
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • citric acid - a large pinch.


  1. Prepare a water bath - pour some water into a saucepan and set it over medium heat to boil.
  2. Place all the ingredients in a clean and dry bowl and beat them with a mixer for 1.5-2 minutes until the mixture becomes homogeneous.
  3. Transfer the bowl to a water bath and continue whisking at low speed.
  4. When the mass becomes fluffy enough, move the mixer to a higher speed and continue beating for another 5-6 minutes.
  5. Then remove the cream from the water bath and beat for another 2-3 minutes.
  6. When the peaks on the surface are very persistent, the cream is ready. It can be used for cakes and pastries, it keeps its shape perfectly, you can make beautiful decorations on the cake with the help of culinary attachments.

Protein cream for eclairs

Eclair is a dessert of French origin, which is a choux pastry with a hollow interior. Traditionally, they are filled with cream. Custard or chocolate cream is most often used, but protein can also be used. Then the dessert will become lighter and more airy.


  • egg whites - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • drinking water - 100 ml;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a few drops of lemon juice.


  1. Mix water with sugar and put on high heat.
  2. Stirring the syrup continuously, boil it for 10-15 minutes. You can check the readiness by dropping the syrup into cold water. If you can roll a ball out of it, then the syrup is ready.
  3. Combine the proteins with salt and lemon juice, beat them until stable peaks are formed.
  4. Continuing to beat, pour boiling syrup into the cream.
  5. Beat the cream until it cools completely, and then fill the eclairs with it.

Protein and cream cream

This version of the cream will have a delicate creamy taste, and it is as easy as shelling pears to prepare it. It is important to keep in mind that raw proteins are used here, as in the main recipe. Therefore, special attention must be paid to the quality of the eggs.


  • fresh proteins - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar - one and a half cups;
  • heavy cream (at least 25%) - 1 glass.


  1. Mix whites with sugar and beat until fluffy.
  2. Without stopping whipping, pour the cream in a thin stream.
  3. As a result, you will get a smooth glossy mass - this is the protein-creamy cream. It is perfect for decorating desserts.

Protein-oil cream

Delicate and delicious, reminiscent of ice cream, the cream is mainly used to decorate various desserts. Let's figure out how to make a protein cream with butter.


  • proteins - 3 pcs.;
  • icing sugar - 150 g;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • lemon juice - a few drops.


  1. Prepare butter - take it out of the freezer so that it warms up to room temperature.
  2. Place the squirrels in a clean and dry bowl, then mix them slightly with a whisk (it should also be clean and dry).
  3. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the whites and beat together at a low mixer speed for 3-4 minutes.
  4. Increase the speed a little and gradually add the powdered sugar to the whites, continuing to beat.
  5. When stable peaks begin to form on the surface of the protein mass, slightly reduce the speed and add softened butter piece by piece, without ceasing to beat.
  6. When all the butter is in the cream, continue beating for another 1-2 minutes until smooth. Cake cream is ready!

Protein cream with jam

The cream according to this recipe is somewhat more difficult to prepare than the usual one, but the result will certainly please. The finished product will not only have a beautiful color, but also a fruity or berry flavor. You can use jam or jam.


  • proteins - 3 pcs.;
  • gelatin - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 90 g;
  • a few spoons of any jam (depending on the desired color of the finished cream and taste).


  1. Soak gelatin in a little water to swell.
  2. Put this mixture on the slowest heat and stir constantly until the gelatin dissolves.
  3. Heat the jam, rub through a sieve and dissolve the sugar in it.
  4. Boil the jam over low heat for 5-6 minutes, add the gelatinous mass to it and mix.
  5. Whisk the whites as usual until firm peaks.
  6. Add the jam mass to them in small portions, without stopping whipping.
  7. You will get a colored protein cream with a fruity taste.
  8. If you wipe the jam through a coarse sieve or grind it in a blender, then the finished cream will have small inclusions of fruit, as in the photo.

Protein cream dyes

Quite often, you can see decorations made of colored protein cream on confectionery products. Fillers for various cakes, tubes and, of course, patterns on the cake can be colored. Making a colored protein cream at home is not difficult at all. For this, ready-made or natural dyes are suitable, which you can make yourself.

To color the cream, the following ingredients are suitable:

  • Carrot juice. He will color the finished cream in a bright yellow color.
  • You can also make orange dye from carrots. To do this, you need to grate it on a fine grater, and then fry in a large amount of butter (the ratio of oil to carrots is 1: 1). When the carrots become soft and the oil turns orange, put the mass on cheesecloth and squeeze well. The resulting liquid is the dye.
  • Saffron or turmeric will give the cream a rich yellow hue. To do this, the spice powder must be diluted in a small amount of water and insisted for a day. This will create a natural dye.
  • Beets, as you know, intensely color products in a rich pink color. To make a natural dye out of it, you need to grate the beets, pour a little water (to cover) and boil for 30-40 minutes. Strain the finished broth. He will be the dye.
  • The juice, syrup and red berry puree will turn the cream into a red color.
  • Pomegranate juice and red wine will also turn red.
  • Red cabbage decoction is a blue dye.
  • Juice made from blueberries or dark grapes will give the cream a blue and purple hue.
  • You can make green coloring from spinach. To do this, squeeze it through cheesecloth and use the resulting juice as a coloring agent. Or you can grind the spinach leaves to a puree - it will also color the cream green.
  • The coffee or melted chocolate will color the cream in matching brown shades.
  • In addition to the ingredients described above, any jam can be used to give the cream the desired color.
  • Squirrels will beat better if they are cooled beforehand.
  • The bowl and whisk should be perfectly clean and dry. It is also advisable to cool them beforehand.
  • At the final stage of whipping the proteins, you can add a little liquor to them - this will give the finished cream a unique aroma.
  • It is better to choose fresh eggs. Whites from old eggs do not beat well.
  • To whip the whites well, add a pinch of salt, a few drops of lemon juice or vinegar to them.
  • Choose a container several times larger than the initial volume of proteins, as they will increase greatly during the whipping process.
  • For whipping, it is better to choose a glass or enamel bowl. You should definitely not use aluminum dishes - because of them, the cream will turn out to be gray.
  • Beat the whites first at a low speed, and then gradually increase it.
  • It is important to ensure that the whisk touches all the protein (along the sides of the bowl and at the bottom of the bowl) during the whisking process.
  • The finished cream is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 36 hours.

In the traditional sense, a protein cream is a cream made from egg whites and sugar. However, there are many other ways to prepare it: the technology may change - for example, the cream is brewed; add other ingredients - butter, jam or cream, etc.

Every housewife should know the recipe for protein cream for decorating cakes and other homemade desserts. Indeed, with the help of such an egg mass, any delicacy can be beautifully decorated without much effort and without using many ingredients.

In this article, we will present you with several options for how you can do it yourself for

The easiest and fastest way to make protein cake cream

The presented recipe for protein cream includes a small set of ingredients. That is why he is so popular among housewives.

So, in order to independently cook for a homemade dessert, we need:

  • pre-chilled egg white - 3 pcs.;
  • fine salt - a pinch;
  • sugar - about 200 g;
  • drinking water - 1/3 cup;
  • lemon acid or lemon juice - use at your discretion.

Making sugar and water syrup

A protein cream recipe for decorating cakes can include completely different ingredients. We decided to make this sweetness using syrup. To prepare it, you need to pour granulated sugar into an iron bowl, and then add a little water to it. After that, the ingredients are required to be placed on low heat and cook for about six minutes. In this case, the sweet product should melt, and the syrup should become transparent. If you overexpose sugar and water on fire for longer than the prescribed time, then later the cream may acquire an unpleasant brownish tint, and also have a burnt aftertaste.

Beat the egg whites

The protein recipe requires the use of chilled eggs. After all, this is the only way you can get persistent and fluffy foam without much effort. By the way, before the whipping process, you should definitely add a pinch of salt to the proteins, as well as citric acid or juice.

Beat the ingredients at the maximum speed of the mixer.

Putting the components together

After the whites are whipped, pour sweet syrup into them in a thin stream. In this case, the ingredients must be beaten continuously by means of a mixer. It is recommended to carry out this procedure until it cools completely. If you leave it warm, then the proteins can quickly settle, which will ruin the whole appearance of the homemade cake.

How to apply for dessert?

Now you know how to make a protein custard for decorating cakes. The recipe for the sweet mass must be kept in a cookbook. If you want to make the dessert bright or colorful, then while mixing the components, you can add any dye to them.

Apply the protein cream to the cake with a brush. After that, the formed dessert must be placed in the refrigerator. After a few hours, the homemade delicacy can be safely served to guests along with tea.

Step-by-step recipe for protein cream for decorating cakes (photo)

If you do not want to separately cook the syrup and beat the egg whites, then we suggest using the recipe described below. Thanks to it, you can make a very long-lasting cream that is perfect for decorating any homemade dessert.

So, we need:

  • egg whites, pre-chilled (from four eggs);
  • granulated sugar - a glass;
  • vanillin - a small bag;
  • citric acid - ¼ a small spoon.

Protein processing

Before making another egg whites custard, they must be carefully processed. Having carefully separated the product from the yolks, it must be placed in the refrigerator for exactly 20 minutes. Next, you need to add a pinch of salt, citric acid and vanillin to the proteins, then you need to beat everything thoroughly using a mixer. In the process of mixing, add granulated sugar to the ingredients. As a result, you should get a fairly fluffy, but unstable foam.

Heat treatment of the cream

After beating the whites with sugar, they must be immediately placed in a water bath. After the water in a large container has boiled, the contents of the bowl should be mixed again with a mixer. It is recommended to carry out the described actions for ¼ hour. In this case, it is necessary to achieve the maximum lush and persistent mass. If desired, you can add any dye to it.

Homemade dessert decoration

The protein cream for decorating cakes, the recipe for which we discussed above, must cool completely after it is heat treated. Moreover, it should be continuously mixed with a mixer. Next, the air mass should beautifully cover the entire surface of the dessert, using a brush or a culinary syringe for this. After that, it is recommended to keep the homemade cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Making an unusual protein cream

How is the protein cream for cake decorating made? We will consider its recipe right now. For him we need:

  • white sugar - 1.5 cups;
  • large eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • low-fat milk - ½ l;
  • white flour - 3 large spoons (you can 4, at your discretion);
  • vanillin - optional.

Cooking process

Before preparing the cream for decorating cakes, separate the whites from the yolks, and then combine the first component with sugar (0.5 cups) and beat with a mixer. This should give you a long-lasting foam. Next, you need to pour milk into a bowl, add ½ cup of sugar to it and quickly bring the mixture to a boil. At this time, it is necessary to mix the remaining sweet free-flowing product along with the yolks and flour. They should be added to the milk as soon as it boils. In this case, all the ingredients must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous viscous mass is obtained.

Before the milk mixture with yolks begins to boil, it must be removed from the stove, and then slowly introduced into the fluffy protein mass. At this time, it should be beaten vigorously until the cream cools. At the very end, it is recommended to add a pinch of vanillin to the dishes.

Ready protein should be used as directed immediately after its preparation. In the future, it is recommended to keep the dessert in the refrigerator for an hour.

Secrets of making protein cream

Not all housewives manage to prepare a protein cream. To save yourself from trivial mistakes, we recommend remembering a few secrets: