Calorie borscht per 100 grams with chicken. How many calories are in chicken borscht (with and without roasting)

04.11.2019 Lenten dishes

It is impossible to imagine Russian cuisine without borscht. But it is generally accepted that this dish must necessarily be rich and fatty, that is, cooked on the basis of pork or beef broth. However, fans of healthy food and people who monitor their weight will definitely not include it in their diet. Therefore, a dietary version of the dish cooked in chicken broth is quite acceptable for them. borscht with chicken will be an order of magnitude lower, and it can be considered more useful in many respects. After all, chicken meat is one of the most protein foods for nutritionists because of its nutritional value and high content of valuable substances with a low calorie content.

How many calories are in chicken borscht?

There are no fundamental differences in the methods of cooking classic and chicken borscht. Except for the chicken broth, the rest of the ingredients are the same as in the pork and beef platter. Therefore, only the amount of vegetables used and the degree of fat content of the meat itself will affect the value of the calorie content of chicken borscht. Because, as you know, chicken breast broth will be obviously less high-calorie than, for example, broth cooked from backs or legs. If, in addition, carrots and onions fried in oil are added to the soup, this further increases the energy value of the borscht. Therefore, for the preparation of a dietary dish, you can completely abandon the classic dressing and add only fresh and greens to the borscht: cabbage, beets, onions, carrots, potatoes, peppers, parsley, dill. In such a chicken borscht, there will be very few calories - about 38 kcal per hundred grams. If you replace potatoes with beans and carrots with pumpkin, then the calorie content can be reduced even more - up to 28 kcal per hundred grams. It is quite possible to add a spoonful of sour cream to this dish before serving.

For each person, the most delicious food is the one that is familiar and familiar to him from early childhood. At the genetic level, love for the Motherland, for the native home, for the national cuisine is laid. For a Russian person, borscht is not just food, it is a cultural heritage. We will talk about this "historical" dish today.

Borscht and porridge ...

Borscht is considered a primordially Russian national dish that has been feeding entire nations for centuries. It is loved and cooked in different countries even by those who follow their figure and each time carefully count the calories in the portion eaten. There are several types of food: Russian, Ukrainian, lean, cold and others. Since ancient times, borscht has been served on tables in every home. The calorie content of the plate was of little interest to our ancestors, but in modern society, the nutritional value of a dish is important.

Russian borsh

Let's analyze the composition of borscht, because it has its own specific ingredients: beets, white cabbage, sauteed roots, onions and tomato puree, which can be replaced with fresh tomatoes. The first dish is necessarily acidified, for example, with vinegar or cabbage brine, and sugar is added to it, which, together with the acid, gives the dish a sweet and sour taste. Borscht can be cooked with boiled or raw beets. It is chopped into strips, sprinkled with vinegar and sautéed in fat. The vegetable is processed so that it does not lose its beautiful burgundy color when stewing. Then add broth, sugar, tomato puree to the beets and, closing the lid, simmer over low heat. A young root vegetable is stewed for 30 minutes, and an old one - from one to one and a half hours. Some time before the end of stewing, add browned roots and onions.

Meat broth, which consists of pulp and bones, is cooked separately. It is salted only after it boils, as this improves the flavor of the borscht base. It is important to remove foam and fat from the broth several times, only then it will be transparent. It is cooked over low heat, otherwise it will have an unattractive appearance, and the taste will noticeably suffer.

Fresh raw cabbage is placed in a boiling broth, and after boiling again, stewed beets with roots are added and boiled for about 30 minutes. At the end of cooking, browned flour diluted with broth, spices, salt, sugar are added to the borscht and boiled for ten minutes.

If sauerkraut rather than fresh cabbage is added to the dish, then it is first stewed. You can cook borscht with boiled beets, then add it in the same way as other vegetables. It is good to serve cheesecakes, cereal or other stuffed dough products with the dish. True, this will increase its nutritional value.

This recipe is used to prepare a classic borscht. Its calorie content depends on the ingredients that are included in the composition. For example, replacing beef with poultry makes the dish easier to digest. The calorie content of chicken borscht is an order of magnitude less than with other meat.

Ukrainian borsch

Let's analyze the Ukrainian borscht, the calorie content of which is found in the table below. Potatoes, fresh white cabbage cut into strips are added to the finished broth. To prepare the dish, beets are stewed with onions, carrots, vinegar, sugar, as for the classic version. Vinegar can be substituted with lemon juice. Sometimes beets are placed separately in a dish, and onions and carrots are stewed along with bell peppers and tomato paste, which can be replaced with fresh tomatoes. Before the end of cooking Ukrainian borscht, put black peppercorns, herbs, bay leaf. Dill, parsley can be both fresh and dried - the taste of the dish will not deteriorate from this. After the pot of borscht is removed from the heat, a few cloves of garlic are placed in it. Such borsch, the calorie content of which in the finished form will be about 90 kcal per 100 grams, is called Ukrainian.

Lenten borsch

Lean borscht, or vegetarian, which is prepared in the same way as everyone else, but only without meat and in vegetable broth, is low in calories. Beans can be added to it, which contains vegetable protein that increases the nutritional value of the dish. Let's calculate the calorie content of borscht without meat: in the lean version with beans there will be about 25 kcal per 100 grams, and without it - 23 kcal per 100 grams. However, the vegetable broth does not impair the taste and does not harm the figure. That is why many women are interested in vegetarian borscht - the calorie content is minimal, and in terms of usefulness it is not inferior to the classic version.

Cold borsch

Cold borscht can be called okroshka in another way, because they are similar in the way of cooking. Beets, potatoes, eggs for cooking are boiled, cut into cubes. Cucumbers, greens are cut and added to the mixture of vegetables. Boiled meat can sometimes be replaced with pork or beef tongue, sausage, sausages - then you get a "country" version of the dish. The main difference between cold borscht and okroshka is that it is prepared on the basis of beet broth, which gives it a beautiful color and original taste. Beetroot is more often cooked in the summer, when the body can hardly accept heavy food. Everyone who is losing weight should cook cold borsch at least once - the calorie content of the dish is 72 kcal per 100 grams of the dish.

Cooking rules

Borsch is not an easy dish. When preparing the legendary first, it is important to adhere to certain rules and follow the technology relentlessly.

  1. All products should be placed in a boiling liquid, be it broth or water. The sequence in which vegetables are added to the dish depends on the time of cooking.
  2. All acidic foods, such as vinegar, sorrel or pickles, are added after the potatoes are cooked halfway through.
  3. Carrots, onions, tomato puree are sautéed and added to the boiling liquid. Beets and sauerkraut are stewed in any fat so that the carotene is more easily absorbed.
  4. The borscht is seasoned with flour sautéed to give it a thicker consistency. Flour sautéing stabilizes vitamin C in vegetables and protects it from oxidation.
  5. Pepper and bay leaves are added to borscht before the end of cooking.
  6. Cook the dish with a low boil.

Borscht: calorie content depending on the ingredients

The nutritional value of a dish depends entirely on what products are used in the cooking process and how it is prepared. It is known that during frying, the calorie content of a product increases, especially when using animal fats. Stewing is healthier, it retains a maximum of nutrients, with this method of processing food loses a minimum of vitamins. It is clear that the calorie content of borscht in pork broth is maximum, but it can also be reduced by replacing one ingredient with another. The borscht contains vegetables, which have their own calorie content.

Calorie table of some foods, per 100 grams

Product, 100 g



Bulgarian pepper

beef, brisket

lean beef

lean pork

pork, neck

chicken breast with skin

skinless chicken breast

Strict counting

Let's count calories and find out the nutritional value of borscht. If the broth is cooked on pork ribs, then the nutritional value will be 100 kcal per 100 grams of product. In pork broth - 40 kcal per 100 grams. It turns out that a portion (300 grams) of borscht, taking into account all the ingredients, is approximately equal to 150 kcal. If you cook a broth on beef bones, then the nutritional value will be 60 kcal per 100 grams, and the nutritional value of the first one based on pork will be 77 kcal per 100 grams.

Least of all calories in chicken broth - 50 kcal per 100 grams. It is actively recommended by doctors to patients during the recovery period after illness, childbirth, surgery. Poultry meat is considered dietary, and the calorie content of chicken borscht will be significantly reduced if the latter is cooked without the skin. The finished dish will have only 34 kcal per 100 grams. This is the healthiest broth to cook.

What is the tastiest thing in the world?

Borscht is a very tasty and healthy dish, and the calories that are included in its composition normalize the work of the entire digestive system. In the winter season, this is an ideal dish, because it will warm the body from the inside and give strength to the eater.

Surprisingly, borscht, the calorie content of which is quite high, does not in any way harm the figure and health. It is not for nothing that there are many varieties of dishes, among which everyone can choose the right one. It is more useful to cook chicken borscht - the calorie content of the dish is small, and the benefits are enormous.

Russian national cuisine suits the “domestic” stomach like no other. The genetic connection with our great-grandmothers is preserved, for whom not a single day passed without a plate of borscht. Cook and eat to your health!

Calorie content of borscht: 50 kcal *
* average value per 100 grams, depending on the composition of the ingredients and the method of preparation

Hot first courses are essential for a healthy diet. When choosing between soups, broths and borscht, it is important to pay attention to the energy value of the dishes.

Borscht - nutritional value and calorie content of ingredients

Borsch is a hearty, perfectly balanced dish. It contains all the trace elements necessary for a person: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals. A large amount of fiber helps to eliminate toxins, nitrates, heavy metals, radionuclides from the body.

With the regular use of borscht, immunity increases, the work of all organs improves.

The classic recipe includes meat, cabbage, potatoes, beets, carrots, onions, tomatoes. In some regions, beans are added, fresh cabbage is replaced with sour cabbage, and so on. How many housewives, so many cooking methods. Well, and the final touch - a spoonful of thick sour cream lies in the bowl. The result is a complete, nutritious meal that has been highly prized for centuries.

How many calories in different types of borscht (with chicken, beef, pork)

People who are worried about their figure always pay attention to the calorie content of food. As for the vegetable soup, this indicator depends primarily on the broth in which it is cooked. For example, the calorie content of beef bone broth is only 28 kcal per 100 ml. Details of the table can be found in our publication.

This vegetable soup, cooked with pork, is considered the tastiest, but also the most nutritious (~ 50 kcal). And if, in the course of cooking, sauerkraut is added to the broth instead of fresh, then this indicator almost doubles.

A spoonful of sour cream bought on the market adds 90 kcal to the dish. If you buy a lactic acid product in a store, this figure increases by only 35 units.

Beef borscht is considered dietary (~ 30 kcal). It has little cholesterol, but a lot of amino acids and vitamin B. Regarding chicken, this vegetable soup is especially recommended for those who are trying to lose weight, since its calorie content is relatively low (~ 45 kcal). At the same time, it strengthens the body well, which makes it an almost irreplaceable dish for people suffering from any diseases.

Calorie content of borscht in 100 grams

This figure depends entirely on what products were used and how they were processed. If the hostess fries carrots, onions, beets during the preparation of this vegetable soup, the calorie content of the dish will be much higher than when such vegetables are simply cooked.

How many calories are in one plate of borscht?

When calculating the calorie content of a vegetable soup, one should take into account its ingredients and the method of preparation. First, you should calculate this indicator for one hundred grams of the dish, then increase it accordingly in portions. That is, when you cooked a recipe for pork, with beets, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, then in one hundred grams of soup there will be approximately 60 kcal. Moreover, if one portion is three hundred grams, then there will be 180 kcal in the plate, with sour cream - 270 kcal.

Probably, there is no person who would not like hearty, rich borscht. The peculiarity of this dish is also that you can add any ingredients to your taste, and it will always be very appetizing.

To have good health, you must adhere to certain rules, one of which is adherence to the diet. In this case, the first course must be present on the menu.

Borscht is a fairly ancient dish that was invented many centuries ago. It is prepared on the basis of broth, most often meat, with the addition of a variety of vegetables. The main ingredients are potatoes, cabbage, beets, carrots and onions. As for meat, you can use not only chicken to prepare such a dish, but also other varieties.

Each hostess in our country has her own unique recipe. As a rule, it is prepared from pork or beef, which means that it cannot have a low calorie content and is undesirable when fighting extra pounds. Let's find out more about such a dish as chicken borscht and its benefits or harms for the figure and health in general.


Borscht is a source of a large amount of vitamins and other useful substances, such as carotenoids, micro and macro elements, amino acids, fiber, protein. It saturates the body with all the substances necessary for its full-fledged work, as it has a balanced composition. Another important property is the ability to remove toxins and toxic substances, cleanse the blood and kidneys, and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines. The food has practically no harmful properties if it is cooked in compliance with all the rules. May only be contraindicated for those allergic to any of the ingredients.

Nutritional value, BZHU

How many calories are in chicken borscht is primarily influenced by what part of the poultry is used for cooking. The most dietary one will come out of the breast, and if the calorie content is not so important to you, then you can take the chicken legs. But for those who are watching their weight, it is better to refrain from this most delicious, but not low-calorie part of chicken.

100 grams contains:

  • Calories: 46.3 kcal
  • Proteins: 4.1 g
  • Fat: 1.6 g
  • Carbohydrates: 3.9 g

One serving contains about 132 kcal. Thus, it can be eaten on a diet, which will also be a useful source of protein.

During the diet

Borscht made with chicken is more dietary than with other types of broth. Therefore, it can be used by everyone who wants to lose weight, but in reasonable amounts.

How to reduce calories

You can additionally reduce the number of calories in borscht if you cut off all the fat from the chicken before cooking. It will be better if you do not use frying when cooking it.

In addition, another way to reduce energy value is to replace traditional potatoes with beans, add pumpkin or zucchini to the composition. This approach will allow you to get the most lean version of food that can be eaten even with a strict diet.

You should pay attention to the dressing and use low-fat sour cream or just sprinkle the soup with herbs. It is also worth using another vegetable oil, such as olive oil, instead of sunflower oil when frying onions and carrots.

Borscht is one of the world's most popular national varieties of soup. The number of borscht recipes that exist today is truly enormous, and it is difficult to find two chefs who would cook it in exactly the same way. It is usually cooked with meat (beef, chicken, pork), using well-cooked broth and vegetables, as well as various spices and herbs.

The traditional ingredients of the vegetable portion are beets, parsley root, potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage, beans, and tomato. For a richer and more interesting taste, you can add other ingredients, for example, celery (tubers or shoots), bell peppers, mushrooms.

By the way, adding mushrooms and beans, you can prepare a dietary lean borscht, which, in terms of nutritional value and amino acid content, will practically not be inferior to a meat-based recipe.

It should be noted that first courses are rarely as balanced in terms of vitamin, protein and carbohydrate composition as borsch. If your top priority is eating healthy, don't skip the former, just try to use the right recipes.

In particular, knowing how many calories are in borscht with meat can be frustrating, but this is not a reason to ignore it - just cook a lean version of the dish, rich in vitamins and fiber, with a minimum of fat.

Calorie content of different types of borscht per 100 grams of finished dish

The energy value of borscht directly depends on the characteristics of a particular recipe: someone adds animal fat, someone prefers a healthier vegetable oil, and the amount of ingredients, the presence of which, in fact, determines the calorie content of borscht, can vary depending on the personal preferences of the cook.

These are the following components:

  • meat (how many calories it contains depends on the type of product);
  • potatoes (about 77 kilocalories per 100 grams);
  • vegetable oil;
  • beets (49 kilocalories per hundred grams of root vegetable).

Otherwise, the calorie content of products added to borscht is relatively low: boiled carrots, for example, contain no more than 40 kilocalories per 100 grams, onions - up to 41 kilocalories, etc. Therefore, do not be afraid to put as much garlic and cabbage as possible in the pan , celery and other vegetables - they are unlikely to greatly affect the final energy value of the dish, but the benefits from their consumption will be enormous, even despite the fact that during the heat treatment a certain part of the vitamins is destroyed.

The densest option among the existing ones is, of course, borsch, cooked in pork broth.

If you prefer to cook it on pork ribs and other parts of the carcass that provide maximum richness, the calorie content of one serving of pork borscht (300-350 grams, or a large plate) will be about 250-350 kcal. The figure, no doubt, is impressive, but with one "adult" portion you can eat well and feel full for at least a couple of hours.

Using beef broth, you will slightly reduce the energy value of the dish; Chicken broth is considered an even more dietary and healthy basis (the calorie content of chicken borscht usually does not exceed 50 kcal per 100-gram portion, therefore, a large portion will contain approximately 160-200 kcal).

But if this figure, in spite of everything, seems high to you (especially if you are used to dine not only with soup and want to start your meal with a light, non-binding stomach food), cook lean ( "vegetarian") borscht in vegetable broth. Even if you add red or white beans for satiety, the calorie content of lean borscht without meat will not exceed 30 kcal per 100 grams (accordingly, an impressive portion of the former will pull a maximum of 100-120 kcal, which cannot but please the adherents of the concept of healthy eating).

If your diet is based on strict restrictions on the energy value of consumed foods, try not to add sour cream or mayonnaise to the finished borscht: the temptation is great, but remember that just a couple of tablespoons of sour cream in your plate will instantly add at least 50 kilocalories.