Plum jams and confitures, preparations for the winter. Pitted plum jam - a simple recipe for a delicious treat for the winter

21.10.2019 Meat Dishes

Have you already prepared for the future use and jam, and jam, and jams? Don't forget to boil the plum jam too. This sweet preparation can be used not only on its own, but also used for baking pies, pies, bagels ...
Recipe content:

Jam is a kind of sweet preparations for the winter ahead. In fact, this is an ordinary jam, but with a jelly-like consistency. Any products can be used for the basic base. But especially popular are jams made from apples, pears, and, of course, plums. You can diversify the workpiece with all kinds of spices and herbs. Plum goes well with cinnamon, cloves, star anise, cardamom, citrus zest. And instead of water, you can use red or white wine, or orange juice.

Ready-made plum confiture has an amazing, sweet and sour rich taste. In addition to the fact that it has pronounced taste characteristics, it also contains certain useful properties. The blank will be valuable for those who have difficulties with natural bowel motility. Plums are also useful for people with problems with the work of the digestive tract. In a word, this is a winter delicacy, the most natural medicine.

Making plum jam is not difficult. In the finished form, the workpiece will have a dense, puree-like consistency. And if you like it when whole pieces of "main" fruits come across in jams, then part of the fruits can not be ground with a blender, but used whole.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 288 kcal.
  • Servings - 1 can of 400 ml
  • Cooking time - 2 hours


  • Plums - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 400 g
  • Water - 100 ml

Step by step preparation of plum jam:

1. Selected ripe, even overripe fruits of plums, put in a sieve and wash well under running water. Then pat dry with a paper towel.

2. Carefully break the plum in half and remove the pit.

3. Place the fruit in a saucepan and cover with drinking water. Place them on the stove, boil and simmer. Boil it for about half an hour until a soft consistency.

4. Grind the softened fruits through a fine iron sieve or grind with a blender. You can also twist raw plums through a meat grinder with a thick grill. If you want to feel the pieces of fruit, then you do not need to chop some of the plums.

5. You should have a smooth fruit puree.

6. Pour sugar into the resulting mushy mass and stir.

7. Boil the jam over low heat for 40 minutes after boiling, stirring occasionally. Drop the blank onto a plate, if the drop does not spread, then it is ready. If not, continue cooking for another 10 minutes and test for readiness again. Pack the hot piece in sterilized jars and seal hermetically with lids. Turn them upside down, cover with a warm blanket and leave to cool completely. Move the jars to the pantry where you can store them until next spring.

Fruits and berries


Plum jam This simple recipe with step-by-step photos differs from homemade plum jam in its thick and rich texture. Such an amazing delicacy is very convenient to use as a filling: with it amazing pies, rolls, and also muffins come out. In addition, plum jam makes a good filling for ice cream, especially if it is a vanilla ice cream. It is imperative to harvest plums in this way without pits, therefore, try to use those fruits that are easily separated from them for the preparation of this dessert. For a variety of tastes, plums can be combined with apricots: this will make the plum treat even more delicious.

Never preserve the jam made from frozen plums for the winter. Such a dessert will need to be consumed in the near future, since its term will be short due to the preliminary freezing of the fruit. You can make delicious plum jam at home both in a slow cooker and on a regular stove. Some skilled housewives manage to make it incredibly tasty even in a bread machine. It doesn't matter in what way this treat will be prepared, believe me, it will turn out to be divine in any case.

So let's get down to cooking!



    In this recipe, we will reveal two ways to make plum jam for the winter. In the first case, we suggest making jam from peeled plums, and in the second - from plums along with the peel. To do this, we will take fruits of two varieties: kabardinka and prunes. Immediately thoroughly rinse the first grade fruits and separate them from the seeds.

    We also separate plums of the Prune variety from the seeds, because the correct jam must be prepared without this part of the plums.

    To make the plum jam with a twist, we will prepare it using the kernels that are inside the plum seeds.

    Then we separate the plum from the kabardinka from the skin. To make it easier to do, preheat the fruit in the microwave until softened..

    Those plums that we will use with the peel, beat with a blender or pass through a meat grinder to obtain a homogeneous mass.

    Place the prepared fruits in a deep container, add the kernels extracted from the seeds to them and bring the resulting mixture to a boil. In the photo below, you will see a peeled plum dessert..

    And this is how the boiling mass of plums should look like with the peel.

    Attention! If after a ten-minute boil the fruit mixture does not form a sufficiently large amount of juice, then the plums used were unripe. In this case, one hundred grams of granulated sugar from the total amount will need to be added to the dessert. Also, the mass can be diluted with water, but this is optional. In any case, the delicacy will need to be thoroughly mixed and boiled for forty minutes.

    After the specified time has elapsed, add the rest of the granulated sugar to the future jam, after which we bring the dessert to a boil.

    After boiling, boil the plum treat until thickened over medium heat. Attention! In the process of boiling, foam will appear on the dessert, it must be removed periodically.

    You will see in the photo below how the plum jam with peel should look like at this stage of cooking.

    Now let's check the degree of readiness of the dessert: take a tablespoon, dip it into the boiling mass of plums, then take the spoon out of the dessert and turn it down. If the mass begins to collect on the edge of the spoon in two drops, this means the jam is ready. Otherwise, the plum treat will need to be cooked up, periodically checking it for readiness in such a simple way.

    At this stage, we will prepare glass jars: we will thoroughly wash them in a soda solution and sterilize them. It is recommended to take a half-liter container for canning plum jam.

    Pour the prepared hot mass from the plums into previously prepared jars. To simplify the process, we will use a special watering can. Advice! To prevent air from remaining in the workpieces, lightly tap the cans on the table while filling them.

    Roll up the filled cans hermetically and turn them upside down. It is not necessary to cover this conservation with a blanket, therefore, upside down, we will leave it to cool. Homemade plum jam for the winter is ready. It is not necessary to store it in a cool place because it can easily be stored at room temperature for two years.

    Bon Appetit!

In the 17th century, after a long journey across Europe, a visitor from Western Asia, a beautiful plum, came to the Russian land. At first, she only decorated the royal feasts, but soon, having adapted to life in cold conditions, she settled in the peasant gardens. Nevertheless, the plum remained a southern, thermophilic plant. The best-tasting varieties grow in the south.

From wood to jam

Home plum- a close relative of cherry plum and blackthorn, it is believed that it was bred by crossing these wild plants. From them, the plum received a high yield and a useful set of vitamins. Since plum trees are very fruitful, there are enough berries to eat fresh, and to prepare delicacies from them for the winter, for the northern relatives. A good plum can be used to make a variety of dishes for different occasions. The most suitable for workpieces is the "Hungarian" plum. This is the name for all varieties that have a familiar appearance: elliptical violet-blue fruits with a waxy coating and pulp from green to golden color. These plums are juicy and dense and make the best jams, preserves, marshmallows, sauces and liqueurs.

Plum jams and confitures have a rich taste and a beautiful appearance. Due to the high pectin content, this jam does not need to add gelatin. It will turn out to be quite thick.

Jam is considered to be a homogeneous mass of fruits or berries of average density, between jam and jam. But in fact, and jam and confiture(a French variety of jam) may contain pieces of plums, or even whole pitted fruits. The scope of application of plum jam is extensive: it is filling for pies, and morning sandwiches, and decoration for semolina. The sweetness of the jam can be controlled by the amount of added sugar, and the taste can be adjusted with the appropriate spice sets. You can come up with many others based on the usual recipe. Jars with plum delicacies of different shades and aromas will delight home all winter.

Jam from plums for the winter, recipes

Here are some of the most popular recipes for making jam for the winter from pitted plums.

Recipe one: ordinary jam

Rinse the Hungarian plums, break them in half, remove the seeds. You can additionally grind the fruit into pieces, or grind it in a meat grinder. Weigh the resulting mass and take the same amount of granulated sugar. Better if you get no more than 4 kg of both, otherwise it will be difficult to mix. Put a wide dish on the fire, put plums. If the fruits were not very juicy, you can add a third or half a glass of water, but not more. As soon as the juice that comes out starts to boil, reduce heat to medium and detect for 20 minutes.

Then the main thing is not to fall asleep! Cook, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula. After 20 minutes of cooking, start adding sugar, a glass every three minutes. Stir continuously. Continue simmering the sugar-plum mass for another 20 minutes. As soon as the jam has the desired consistency (it will not spread on the saucer or the bottom of the dish will be visible when stirring), turn off the heat. Overcooking will ruin everything. Pour the jam hot into sterilized or just clean jars. Can be rolled up or refrigerated. In the process of cooling, the winter delicacy will thicken even more.

Recipe two, union with chocolate

An interesting and "fashionable" taste is obtained by adding chocolate to plum jam. For this you should put less sugar for example, 700 g of sugar per kilogram of pitted plums. Break a bar of dark chocolate into pieces. Chop or grind the plums, put on fire. Boil, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes. Dissolve the sugar in the mass and cook the same amount. Add chocolate towards the end of the process. Wait until it is completely dissolved and pour the jam into sterile jars.

Recipe three, in the company of spices

Plum jam for the winter with a warm and "cozy" taste. Collect Ginger Root, Star Anise Stars, and Cinnamon Sticks. Wash a kilogram of plums, free from seeds, chop, put in a cooking utensil. Do not put on fire until the ginger syrup is ready.

To prepare the syrup, pour 1 kg of sugar, grated ginger root into a separate bowl and pour in a glass of water. As soon as the whole thing boils, take it off. Now plums are sent to the fire... When the fruit mass is heated, pour the syrup into it and put 3 cinnamon sticks and 6 pcs. star anise. Cook, stirring occasionally, for 30 minutes. Before loading the ready-made jam into the jars, the mass must be slightly cooled and the cinnamon and star anise removed from it.

The fourth recipe, in friendship with apples

For two kilograms of plums, prepare a kilogram of apples and no more than 1 kg of sugar. Wash the fruit, peel it, tails and cores, cut into pieces. Stir in sugar and wait about an hour until juice appears. Then put on the fire and simmer, stirring constantly, you can add a little cinnamon or lemon zest. After half an hour, remove from heat and grind with a blender. Boil again and you can roll up for the winter.

Fifth recipe, sugar-free lekvar

Appoint two or three responsible persons on duty, since this delicacy is being prepared for almost 12 hours. Lequar (sugar-free plum jam) is national Transcarpathian dish, they even organize competitions for its preparation at home. The recipe is simple: purple plums, ripe well, are pitted, broken in half, put in a copper basin and simmered for 11-12 hours, stirring constantly with a spatula. Ready-made jam without sugar is similar in thickness to jam.

It is laid out in sterilized jars, covered with circles cut from parchment, and tied with twine. Store in the cold in winter, without access to sunlight. Lekvar is used to make a filling for pies; it is perfect as a spicy sauce for meat.

Sixth recipe, sweet dream

In the process of making this jam, you can finally get some sleep. because it is cooked in a slow cooker and it doesn't need to be disturbed. Finely chop a kilogram of plums, mix with 250-500 g of sugar, pour into a multicooker container and put on the "stewing" mode. Since there is not enough sugar in this recipe, it is better to roll up the finished plum jam in sterile jars.

Plum confit

Like everything French, confitures are complex. Prepare them better in small amounts to highlight the sophistication of a plum dish. Unlike jams, confiture is more like jam, it can contain whole fruits, and the juice released from the fruit during cooking is like jelly.

  • Plums - 1 kg
  • Sugar - up to 1 kg
  • Pectin - 10 g

Wash the plums, remove the seeds, break them into halves. Put in a bowl, cover with sugar and simmer after boiling the juice for 5-8 minutes. Remove foam... Cool slightly and heat with a pestle. Rub through a colander to remove the skin. Return the resulting homogeneous mass to the fire, bring to a boil and dissolve the pectin. Boil with pectin for no more than 2 minutes and immediately pour into jars.

  • Plums - 1 kg
  • Large raisins - 100 g
  • Sugar - 600 g
  • 1 orange and 1 lemon

Scald the raisins with boiling water, put them in a cup, pour with rum or brandy. Soak for a day. Prepare plums in the usual way, cut into not too small pieces. Remove the yellow zest from the lemon and orange with a fine grater. Squeeze out the juice. Pour the juice into a bowl with a thick bottom, pour the zest and boil everything with sugar. Put the raisins and plums there. simmer for 40-60 minutes. Immediately roll up in jars.

Greetings, dear readers and friends! I continue to publish winter preparations 🙂 Plum jam, in fact, is a regular jam, but with a more jelly-like consistency. This texture can be obtained in two ways - with a large portion of sugar or by adding a gelling agent. Prepare plum jam for the winter at home according to my recipe.

Plum jam has a rich, sour-sweet taste. Like other fruit preparations, the dish contains not only pronounced taste qualities, but also a certain set of useful properties.

Plum jam for the winter: a recipe at home

Plum jam can be safely supplemented with other fruits. The most popular combination is plum with apple or pear. But the imagination is not limited to this, you can safely try a variety of fruits and berries, getting other tastes.


What is necessary:

  • 500 grams of plums;
  • 350 grams of sugar;
  • 25 grams of gelling substance "Confiture";
  • 100 milliliters of water.

How to make plum jam for the winter

Step-by-step recipe for plum jam:

Wash the plum thoroughly, divide each piece into two halves, remove the seeds, cut the pulp into small pieces.

Load the slices into a blender bowl, pour a little water into it. The amount of liquid may vary depending on the juiciness of the selected fruit.

Turn on the kitchen machine and turn the contents into a plum puree. To grind the skin as much as possible, repeat the procedure several times.

Transfer the homogeneous mixture to a saucepan or saucepan, set on the stove with low heat. When the boiling stage comes up, foam will actively appear on the surface of the mass, which must be removed with a slotted spoon.

Next, add the norm of granulated sugar, distribute it according to the composition.

I ended up with a relatively homogeneous mixture without peel particles, so I did not grind it through a sieve. If you have a low power blender and cannot completely break the skin, you can get rid of it by passing the mixture through a fine sieve.

Pour the gelling substance "Confiture" into smooth puree, at the same time stirring it into the mass. With this substance, the mass does not need to be boiled for a long time, 10 minutes is enough for it to completely thicken.

Distribute the jam into sterile jars, seal with lids, cool.