Recipes with photos. What to cook for the New Year

21.09.2021 Meat Dishes

Closer to the winter holidays, women begin to think about what to cook for the New Year 2019, especially if the celebration takes place at home and guests are invited. There are countless options, but experienced housewives recommend combining complex dishes with simple ones, so as not to overestimate your capabilities, to have time for everything and meet the New Year in a good mood.

Since next year will be the year of the Yellow Pig, astrologers do not recommend putting pork dishes and any products from it on the table, so as not to offend the hostess of the next year. But if you do not strictly adhere to this rule, remember that the New Year according to the Eastern calendar begins a little later, then there are no special prohibitions. Unless, of course, among those invited there are no people adhering to the fast, because on New Year's holidays there is a Christmas fast, during which it is forbidden to eat food of animal origin.

Salads: with and without mayonnaise, with chicken, mushrooms, fish, meat

Salads are the first courses of a festive dinner. With the number and volume of salads, it is important not to overdo it, so that they do not become the final chord, but cooking very few salads by number, for example, only Olivier, is not worth it for a large company. The table should be varied, but moderate.

Mayonnaise and chicken salad

The recipe requires 170 g of boiled potatoes, 200 g of boiled chicken, 80 g of onions, 150 g of pickled or pickled cucumbers, 0.5 b. corn, 120 g of boiled carrots, 3 eggs, 120 g of mayonnaise.

Beginning the preparation of the corn salad, first cut the onion into small cubes.

Transfer it to a bowl, pour boiling water over it and leave for 5 minutes.

Eggs are rubbed finely.

Boiled carrots are also rubbed.


and the cucumbers are rubbed coarsely. If the cucumbers give off a lot of liquid, the excess juice must be drained.

Fillet is taken into fibers.

Now they start assembling. First, lay out the grated potatoes, distribute them over the bottom of the dish. Lightly salted, put onion on top, distribute it

and apply a mesh of mayonnaise. Sauce the sauce a little with a spatula, flatten.

Then come pickled cucumbers, again apply a net of mayonnaise,

put chicken, grease with mayonnaise.

Pour corn, apply a little mayonnaise.

Spread the grated carrots, align the sides in a circle.

Apply the sauce, smear it

and lay out grated eggs. Coat the sides with eggs, trim the edges of the salad with a spatula, apply a mayonnaise pattern

and decorated with corn grains.

Salad with fish, mushrooms and nuts

Any fish can be used in this salad. Lean fish - hake, pollock or pike, fatty - pink salmon, salmon, tuna.

You will need a piece of fish, in this case it is boiled hake, 2 eggs peeled from the shell, boiled carrots, several branches of green onions, a jar of pickled mushrooms, mayonnaise

and roasted walnuts.

The fish is boiled in salted water with lavrushka (you can take any fish). Bones are taken out of it and fillets are taken apart.

Boiled eggs are chopped into small cubes, sent to the fish.

Carrots are finely chopped, its quantity in the salad can be adjusted to your taste.

Green onions are finely chopped,

cut the mushrooms into pieces,

the husks are removed from the nuts

and grind in a blender: not into powder, but in small pieces.

Pour into a common dish, add finely chopped dill,

salt and put mayonnaise to taste.

You can decorate it with figures of boiled carrots and dill.

Chicken salad with pickles

A delicious and satisfying salad will turn out from simple ingredients: chicken, eggs, cheese, canned peas.

For a rustic salad, you will need 4 boiled eggs, three lightly salted cucumbers, about 150 g of hard cheese, mayonnaise, boiled chicken, two legs or a similar amount of breast fillets, 2 tooth. garlic and a jar of canned peas.

Chicken meat should be chopped into cubes or strips. Eggs should be peeled, cut in half, and yolks taken out. Squirrels are cut as finely as possible.

Knead the yolks with a fork.

The cheese is grated with large holes.

Cucumbers can be cut into half rings: first cut the cucumber in half, and then chop each half.

The garlic is peeled and cut into very small cubes.

Lay out the salad in layers. Green peas go first. It is leveled and poured with sauce.

The second layer is the yolks. They are sprinkled with garlic, coated with mayonnaise.

White spills out on top of the yolk.

Distribute the chicken on top, coat with mayonnaise.

Pour grated cheese, and then cucumbers.

The layers are leveled, tamped and once again made a layer of mayonnaise. Decorate to taste. You can add green onions to this dish, for example, sprinkle them on top. In this version, dill sprigs are laid out along the edge. Before serving, the ready-made salad must be insisted for 1-1.5 hours.


French salad with ham will taste tender. For cooking, you will need the following ingredients: 200 g of hard cheese and ham, one onion, 3 boiled eggs, one boiled carrot, one fresh apple and mayonnaise. The onions will be pickled. For the marinade, you need 0.5 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. water and 1 tbsp. vinegar.

First of all, the onion is chopped and pickled. It is cut in half and thinly chopped in half rings.

Before pickling, the onion should be mash a little so that it lets the juice out. Pour sugar, salt into a bowl, add vinegar 9% and 1 tbsp. boiling water.

Cut the ham into small strips or cubes.

Rub the carrots on a fine grater. It is important that it is juicy and tasty.

The cheese is also finely grated. The apple must be peeled before rubbing.

Boiled eggs are rubbed on the same grater.

Now the salad is being harvested. Spread the onion (the liquid is completely drained from it).

Next, lay out the ham, make a mesh of mayonnaise.

Distribute eggs

then cheese, make a mayonnaise mesh on top.

Pour in the carrot, then the grated apple.

After the apples, lay out the ham again and pour over with mayonnaise.

Put the onion again, sprinkle with grated eggs on top of the onion and make a mayonnaise mesh.

Then again put a layer of carrots and the last layer - cheese.

Let the salad stand in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours before serving.


Not everyone loves salads with mayonnaise, so we suggest making a salad without it.

To prepare a Chinese salad, you will need a bell pepper, preferably a bright color, 150 g of beef, 6 small fresh cucumbers, 6 cloves of garlic, a bunch of dill, red pepper, 1 tsp. sugar, coriander, onion, soy sauce and salt.

Cut the cucumbers into strips, then transfer them to a bowl.

Vegetables are well salted and mixed by hand. Leave them on for 20 minutes.

A piece of lean beef is cut into pieces and fried.

A little oil is poured into the pan and the meat is spread. There is no need to salt the meat, since the cucumbers will be quite salty, plus soy sauce is added to the salad. The meat is fried for 5-7 minutes until cooked, turn off the heat and allow the meat to cool.

Bell peppers are peeled, cut into 4 pieces and cut into strips.

Onions are cut into quarter rings,

finely chop the dill.

Grind 1 tsp in a mortar. coriander.

In the meantime, the cucumbers will be salted. You need to drain the juice from them and add bell peppers, onions, 1 tsp to them. sugar, a little red hot pepper, ground coriander. Garlic is passed through a press, fresh herbs are added

and spread the meat along with the gravy that has formed.

Add 1.5-2 tbsp. soy sauce and mix well.


It is a famous salad that is beautiful and easy to prepare.

You will need 20 pieces of quail eggs, cherry tomatoes 170 g, 2 cloves of garlic, fillet of baked turkey or chicken, 3 slices of rye bread, 200 g of salad, 100 ml of low-fat kefir, 5 g of mustard powder and 3 g of some seasoning.

Bread croutons are prepared. For this, rye bread is cut into small squares and a pan is prepared in which they will be dried. Rub it with garlic, then rub this clove of garlic there on a grater. Spread the bread, send it to the stove, stirring occasionally until crisp.

While the croutons are being prepared, prepare the dressing. Take kefir, add 5 g of mustard powder to it,

3 g of spices, salt a little and mix well.

Then the fillet is cut into slices. The fillet must first be boiled or baked in the oven in foil. Quail eggs, cherry tomatoes are cut in half.

First of all, lettuce leaves are spread on the dish, pour them with sauce on top,

put fillet pieces, crackers, watered again with dressing.

Lay cherry, eggs. If desired, grate grated cheese on top.

Salad with beans and crab sticks

You can quickly prepare a salad for the arrival of guests from ready-made ingredients.

To do this, you need red beans in their own juice - 200 g, 2-3 boiled eggs,

crab sticks - 200 g, sour cream, salt, pepper, herbs.

Finely chop the crab sticks

do the same with the eggs and send the eggs to the crab sticks.

Chop the greens finely

spread the beans to the mixture of ingredients, salt, pepper, season with sour cream, mix, and the salad is ready.

It turns out an appetizing and nutritious salad in a hurry.

Vegetable salad

This is a delicious and elegant salad for the holiday that guests will like, despite the fact that it is prepared exclusively from vegetables.

Vegetables for him are better to take multi-colored.

For the salad, you need fresh cabbage, which must be finely chopped.

Tomatoes are cut into cubes and put on a sieve for a while so that the excess liquid is glass.

Cut cucumbers into strips

yellow bell peppers are also cut into strips.

Now it remains to chop the greens. Dill and green onions go well with this salad. Mayonnaise is used for dressing. Put it in a bag and cut off a small corner.

The first layer is laid out with cabbage. If it is harsh, you should first crush it. Salt the cabbage on top and make a net of mayonnaise.

Next, lay out a layer of cucumbers, add some salt and make a mesh of mayonnaise again.

Tomatoes are added, mayonnaise is redistributed. Spread pepper, add a little salt, add mayonnaise.

Sprinkle everything with chopped herbs and make a decorative net of mayonnaise on top.

Hot and cold snacks

Snack dishes significantly expand the variety of the table and whet the appetite. They can be hot or cold, served in portions in the form of rolls, canapes, sandwiches, balls and more.

Kebabs in a jar

This is a convenient way to cook meat. It will be served on the table hot on small skewers.

We need to prepare the meat. It should be pre-marinated overnight in any marinade: vinegar, mayonnaise, juice along with onions. The pieces should be small. Skewers are soaked in water in advance, a three-liter jar is prepared.

A little dill and parsley, bay leaves and peppercorns are added to the jar.

Meat is strung on skewers, alternating with onions,

and put them in a jar.

Add 1/4 tbsp there. water,

covered with a foil lid and sent to the oven for an hour. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, the jar must be opened so that the kebabs are browned.

Baked potato

We suggest cooking potato halves with bacon pieces. The dish is baked in the oven on a baking sheet or in a frying pan.

Cheese roll

It will require 3 eggs and 100 g of cream, 250 g of hard cheese, Philadelphia cheese 200 g, a bunch of dill, 1-2 pickled cucumbers, salt, pepper.

Eggs are broken into a separate bowl and mixed with cream.

Add a pinch of salt and mix. Black pepper is also added there.

Mix with grated cheese.

The mixture must be baked on a baking sheet (it is previously covered with parchment paper) and sent to the oven for 10-12 minutes.

Remove the finished omelet from the oven, wait until it cools down. The cooled cheese roll is smeared with a mixture of Philadelphia cheese and finely chopped dill. Pepper and salt are also added to the filling.

Finely chopped pickled cucumber is spread over the spread.

Roll the omelet into a roll.

Roll in chopped greens. It remains only to cut it.

Cheese balls

This is a spicy appetizer that is a classic combination of cheese and garlic.

Grate two processed, pre-frozen curds,

chopped garlic is added to two grated eggs

and mayonnaise.

Balls are formed from the resulting mass and rolled in grated yolk.

Transfer to a dish decorated with lettuce leaves.

Sandwich rolls

Rolls made from slices of bread with cheese and ham or sausage will be interesting and tasty.

Cracker mousse

This appetizer uses a salty cracker instead of bread, which gives the dish a crispy texture.

You will need a cracker, boiled chicken in spices and boiled egg whites.

Grind chicken and proteins in a blender.

Add dill, salt and white pepper there. If the mass is dry, you can dilute it with cream, butter or mayonnaise.

The mass is transferred to a bag, a corner is cut off and the mousse is squeezed onto a cracker.

The appetizer is garnished with quail egg slices, a parsley leaf and half an olive.

Salad in tartlets

Another salad option can be served in snack tartlets. It is both convenient and tasty.

You will need green onions, boiled chicken, cheese, eggs, cucumber.

The cucumber is chopped, transferred to a common dish. Boiled chicken is cut into cubes, added to cucumbers.

Eggs are rubbed on a coarse grater.

Cheese is also rubbed on a coarse grater.

Add pepper and season with mayonnaise.

The salad is put into tartlets

and garnished with onions or other finely chopped herbs.


Canape is an appetizer for buffets, but there is also a place for it on the New Year's table. You can make canapes of several types for different alcoholic beverages.

Vegetable cuts are also prepared to decorate the table. These are multi-colored peppers, green onions, cherry tomatoes, radishes or other vegetables. Here's what a snack table turned out.

Hot meat, fish, minced meat

Without a hot, gala dinner would be incomplete. It can be played by fish, whole baked poultry in the oven, chops and much more.

Salmon in creamy sauce

In the recipe below, the amount of food is calculated per serving.

You will need 150 g of fish, 100 ml of low-fat cream, 3 tbsp. vegetable oil, one onion, 100 ml of dry white wine, a couple of lavrushka leaves, salt, black pepper and French mustard - 20 g.

First, prepare salmon. Meanwhile, the oven is heated to a temperature of 190 degrees.

Salmon is cut in half without going through the skin,

and turn the steak inside out. Bones and scales must be removed.

Unfold the parchment, grease with vegetable oil and put the fish steak on it. The fish is only salted on four sides. The steak is baked in the oven for 6 minutes.

While the fish is baking, prepare the sauce. Dice the onion

and sent to a frying pan in vegetable oil, fried until a light golden hue.

Prepare cream, bay leaf. As soon as the onion is golden, white wine is poured in, the alcohol is evaporated. When the alcohol evaporates, add lavrushka leaves, 5-6 black peppercorns and cream, a little French mustard, salt and pepper. Then the sauce is cooked for a few more minutes over low heat.

The finished sauce is filtered through a sieve. Only liquid should remain.

Put the salmon in the sauce or pour the sauce over it.

If you wish, you can bake the salmon in this sauce in the oven.

Duck with oranges

Duck baked in the oven is exactly the dish that is associated with the New Year holidays. To cook baked duck, you need to marinate the bird for a day.

The duck is prepared: it is washed well, cleaned of all feathers, the extreme parts on the wings are cut off and the sebaceous glands on the tail are necessarily cut off. If this is not done, then the duck will have an unpleasant odor.

For the marinade, you will need freshly squeezed orange juice - the juice of one orange, 100 ml of soy sauce, 3-4 tbsp. honey, zest of one orange and 30 g of finely grated ginger with juice.

Pour soy sauce, orange juice into a bowl,

add ginger

zest and honey. Mix everything well to dissolve the honey.

The duck is poured with this marinade: it is poured a little inside, watered on top.

Cover the bowl with cling film and send it to the refrigerator, but periodically, at least several times, you need to take out the duck and turn it over so that it marinates on both sides. The duck should stand in the marinade for a day. Next, you need green apples for stuffing and oranges for decoration, 2 tsp. dry garlic, black pepper, a little honey and cinnamon.

Ground black pepper is added to the garlic powder to taste and the duck is rubbed with this mixture.

A pillow is made from an apple, on which the duck will fit. The apple is cored and cut into rings. Lay on foil.

The duck is taken out of the marinade and the orange peel and ginger are peeled off by hand. Lay back on apples.

The remaining apples need to be cut into 4 pieces by cutting out the core. They are transferred to a bowl, sprinkled with a little cinnamon, honey is added and mixed by hand.

The duck is rubbed with a mixture of dried garlic and pepper both outside and inside. There is no need to salt the duck, as it was marinated in salted soy sauce.

After that, the duck is filled with prepared apples, then you need to collect the skin on a bamboo skewer and close the hole.

The duck is covered with foil on top and sent to bake. The duck is baked under foil. The bird is placed in an oven well preheated to 180 degrees for an hour and a half. After an hour and a half, the duck is taken out, the foil is removed, and the resulting juices are poured on top. If the tail starts to burn, cover it with foil.

Pour about 10 tbsp into a bowl. l. juice, again cover the duck with foil and send to the oven. To prepare orange sauce, you will need 10 tablespoons. fat, the pulp of one orange without pits and films, full 1 tsp. starch, orange juice (this is about the juice of 2 oranges), 1 tbsp. lemon juice, 1 tbsp. honey, 50 ml of pure water and a pinch of cinnamon. The sauce should be rich and sweet and sour.

Pour duck fat into a saucepan, add lemon juice, cinnamon, honey, mix well and bring to a boil.

The starch is added to the water, mixed well and poured into the sauce. Stir and bring to a boil. If the sauce turns out to be liquid, then a little more starch can be added. When the sauce boils, you need to add the orange there, let it boil and remove from heat.

Then they take the duck out of the oven, remove the foil from it, wrap the wings and the edges of the legs with foil and send it to the oven for another 20 minutes so that it is browned. Then they are removed, the pieces of foil are removed and the duck is checked for readiness, piercing with a skewer. It is important that the juice from the duck is clear. Then the duck is covered with foil and left to rest for 15 minutes.

Cut into pieces, pour over the sauce and serve.

Video: baked goose and New Year's menu

Bear Paw

A pork or beef bear paw is a great substitute for French meat.

For 350 g of pork (beef), you need to take 3 eggs, 500 g of potatoes, 150 g of hard cheese, 3 cloves of garlic or a few pinches of dry garlic, vegetable oil and any seasoning for meat.

Peel potatoes

and rubbed on a coarse grater.

Squeeze juice from potatoes, ridding the mass of excess starch.

Pour it with cold water and proceed to preparing the meat.

Pieces of meat are covered with cling film, beaten with a hammer. Then salt, pepper, add dry garlic. Turn over to the other side, follow the same procedure.

Squeeze out the potato mass,

add two eggs, salt, pepper and dry garlic to it,

2-3 tbsp flour.

Break the third remaining egg into a meat bowl, beat it with a fork.

In advance, turn on the oven at 180 degrees. Put the pan on medium heat, pour sunflower oil on it and lay out a potato cake about the same size as a piece of meat. The meat is dipped in eggs and placed on top.

The top is also covered with potato mass.

Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper and put the cakes there. The cakes are baked in the oven for 20-25 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, sprinkle the cakes with hard cheese.

Served to the table.

Caucasian language

The tongue, although it is a by-product, is considered a delicacy. When cooked properly, it will be soft and juicy.

The Caucasian language is a truly festive dish that will turn out to be tender and rich in taste.

Required ingredients: beef tongue weighing about 1 kg, 3-4 onions, 1 tbsp. walnuts, 300 g sour cream, 300 g champignons, a bunch of cilantro (instead of cilantro, you can use parsley), 50 g butter, 4-5 cloves of garlic, 1 tsp each. salt and pepper.

Boil the tongue for 2 hours in salted water, covered, over medium heat.

Then they are removed from the heat and left in the same broth for half an hour. During this time, the broth cools down and the tongue is easier to clean.

To begin with, the onion is cut into half rings, and the mushrooms are cut into rather large pieces.

Melted butter in a frying pan. To prevent butter from burning, you can add a little vegetable there.

Onion is fried in this oil with the addition of salt and pepper until golden brown, mushrooms are added, mushrooms are fried until half cooked. You can salt and pepper them a little.

Now you need to cut the tongue into relatively large pieces,

cilantro is finely chopped.

Need to refuel. For this dish, the walnuts should be finely chopped, preferably with a blender.

To them add garlic, passed through a press, the remaining salt and pepper and mix well again. Spread sour cream in the nut-garlic mass, add half of the chopped greens and stir until smooth.

Now put the tongue on the bottom of the baking dish, spread the fried mushrooms and onions on top and cover it with sour cream dressing. The dishes must be covered with either foil or a baking lid.

You need to bake the tongue in the oven at a temperature of 150-160 degrees for about 30 minutes. The sauce should not boil, if it boils, the oven temperature should be further reduced. Before serving, the dish is stirred and served, garnished with fresh herbs.

Georgian chicken

Georgian chicken - shkmeruli. You will need chicken, for example, thighs, adjika, 2-3 cloves of garlic, salt and pepper, 1 tbsp. milk or 10 percent cream.

The chicken is blotted with a paper towel so that there is no excess moisture. This will create a crispy crust.

Rub the pieces with salt, pepper - not much.

Peel the garlic, one clove for each piece of chicken. Rub the garlic on a fine grater, add 4 tablespoons there. adjika, if it is not very spicy. If it is sharp, then less.

Pieces of chicken are smeared with this sauce from all sides. Prepare a baking dish. Pour some vegetable oil into it, distribute it along the bottom of the mold and transfer the chicken pieces. The pieces must not touch each other. The dish is baked in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 40 minutes. Better to focus on readiness. During the cooking process, the chicken is periodically watered with the resulting juice.

The finished chicken is taken out of the oven, poured into a mold of hot milk, then the dish is sent to the hot, but already turned off oven for 5-7 minutes.

The meat will absorb the sauce and become tender and juicy.

Hot minced meat

This hot minced meat dish is perfect both for a family dinner and for a holiday.

It looks very appetizing.

You will need minced chicken, beef or pork, to which add the onion minced through a meat grinder (2 onions). In addition, you will need 2 large tomatoes, 100 g of cheese, mayonnaise.

Prepare the ingredients: grate the cheese on a fine grater,

cut tomatoes into thin slices,

minced meat is salted, a little pepper is added, koloboks are formed from it, which are transferred to a form greased with sunflower oil. They need to be flattened a little - to form a pillow on which the tomato and cheese will fit.

First lay out the tomato, cover with a mayonnaise net,

and sprinkle with grated cheese on top. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees until tender (about 30 minutes).

Video: stuffed pike in the oven

Garnish of vegetables, cereals

As a side dish to the main hot dish, you can serve many favorite potatoes or rice with Asian vegetables.

Whole potatoes

Whole oven baked potatoes covered with a golden crust are an aromatic and appetizing dish.

You need to prepare raw medium-sized potatoes - 8 pieces, olive oil, garlic right in the husk, dry adjika and paprika, salt to taste.

First, you need to boil the potatoes for 10 minutes until half cooked.

After 10 minutes, the water is drained and the potatoes are placed in a deep dish in one layer. Salt and grease on top.

Cover the form with foil and put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees to bake for 20 minutes.

While the potatoes are in the oven, prepare the dressing. Pour 2 tablespoons into a cup. olive oil, wine vinegar, put unpeeled garlic cloves, paprika and adjika. Mix. The dressing should be infused.

After 20 minutes, the potatoes are taken out, the foil is removed and the prepared dressing is poured over it.

Set to bake for another 30-40 minutes, so that the potatoes are golden.

Rice with vegetables

A delicious and rich side dish - fried rice with vegetables - is suitable for a holiday, and for every day.

To prepare the side dish, you will need boiled rice - 400 g, broccoli - 90 g, 90 g of oyster mushrooms, champignons or others, 70 g of carrots, 70 g of bell pepper, chili (you can use different colors for beauty), a small piece of ginger - about 10 g , 4-5 cloves of garlic, greens, green onions, bunch of cilantro, green frozen peas - half a cup.

From the spices, you need salt and black pepper to your taste, one anise star, one dried chili pepper, coriander seeds, about 0.5 tsp, 1 tsp. dried garlic and 1/4 tsp. turmeric.

All vegetables are prepared. Cut the bell pepper into small cubes, transfer it to a plate.

Cut broccoli into slices

mushrooms - cubes,

chop raw carrots finely so that they are quickly fried.

Chili peppers are cut into small pieces. Do not use whole pods - you need half of both peppers.

Ginger is cut into thin strips,

chop the garlic finely.

The white part is cut off from the green onions. Green - cut into small pieces diagonally,

the white part of the onion is crushed with a knife and cut in half lengthwise.

Cilantro is finely cut, thick branches are removed.

A wok is a great way to cook this dish, but you can use a regular one as well. Vegetable oil is poured into the pan, it is heated a little. When the oil warms up, add anise, coriander seeds, dried peppers and add garlic and some ginger (about half, as well as chopped chili peppers.

Fry lightly, then add carrots.

Fry the carrots a little so that it becomes a little softer. The fire must be high, so the cooking process is fast. After about a minute, the mushrooms are added, they are fried for 1-1.5 minutes and sent to the broccoli pan. Broccoli is fried quite a bit.

Add black ground pepper, the remaining spices. These are garlic and turmeric. Pour in bell pepper, green peas. All are mixed.

Add rice almost immediately and mix again. If the rice is a little dry or if you are using frozen rice, you need to add a little water to the pan and turn the heat down to warm the rice well.

The dish is almost ready. You should try it, add salt if necessary. Pour green onions, cilantro and ginger into the pan.

Then the fire is turned off and all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed. Shifting dishes onto a large platter is how rice is served in Asia.

Video: side dish of vegetables

Light holiday desserts

Salads and hot dishes are followed by desserts. For the New Year, it is better to prepare light desserts that you can eat on a full stomach.

Meringue with chocolate

This is a light and airy dessert that looks great and is very quick to prepare.

For making the "Floating Island" dessert

a minimum of ingredients is required: 70 g of sugar (powder), 30 g of chocolate and proteins from 2 eggs.

The eggs must be divided into whites and yolks. The first ones are whipped with a mixer or blender with a whisk, gradually adding granulated sugar or powder. Beat until firm.

Chop chocolate with a knife into small pieces,

pour into the beaten egg mass and mix a little.

Place the mixture in a cup and fill it with about 2/3 of the volume.

Now they take a knife and separate the mass from the walls of the cup so that the dessert can then be easily pulled out.

Put a cup with dessert in the microwave, set the maximum power and time - 30 seconds. The dessert is completely ready.

You can decorate it with chocolate melted with the addition of cream, a spoon of which is poured onto a dish, and dessert is laid out on top. The “Floating Island” is decorated with a cocktail cherry on top. Instead of chocolate, you can use jam or confiture. The dessert tastes like bird's milk.

Cake "Bird's milk" without baking

And another option for a light dessert is soufflé. The cooking process will be lengthy, but on the other hand, many portions will turn out at once from the specified amount of products.

Soufflé "Bird's milk" is prepared quickly enough and without baking, if it is cooked without a biscuit base. This option is on gelatin.

For the base, you need to take sugar, milk, chilled cream (they must be in the refrigerator before that), gelatin, vanilla extract and sour cream. The number of ingredients is shown in the picture.

The milk is poured into a small saucepan.

Pour gelatin, put 1 tsp there. vanilla in the form of an extract or sugar.

Mix slightly and heat, but not much, so that the gelatin is completely dissolved, but does not boil. Then the mixture is removed from the heat and set aside to cool.

Prepare a dish for dessert. It should be smeared with vegetable oil on the bottom and sides, this action prevents the dessert from sticking later.

Chilled cream from 33% and above is sent to the whipping bowl.

First, use the average speed of the instrument. When the mass increases slightly in volume, the speed is increased to maximum. Whisk until soft peaks.

Put 20 percent sour cream into another container, add granulated sugar and rub thoroughly with a whisk. Achieve complete dissolution of granulated sugar. You will get a thick, sweet mass.

Combine sour cream and cream.

Turn on the minimum speed of the mixer and, whisking all the time, add gelatin with milk. It is necessary that all the components are combined, but it is not required to mix thoroughly.

Immediately pour the air base into the mold. Before you put the dish in the refrigerator, you need to cover it with cling film so that the soufflé does not absorb unnecessary odors.

While it hardens, you need to make a chocolate frosting. And it will require: sugar, water, milk, gelatin, cocoa (regular, no sugar).

Pour gelatin into a small ladle,

add 5 tbsp to it. cold milk.

Water, sugar and cocoa powder are mixed in a separate ladle.

Stir so that there are no lumps.

Now, kneading all the time, bring the cocoa to a boil.

Gelatin with milk is separately heated to a temperature of 60 degrees. It should completely dissolve.

Cool the cocoa slightly. To speed up the process, you can immerse the ladle in cold water. And then add milk with gelatin there and mix well.

When the chocolate frosting has reached room temperature, you need to take out the soufflé and pour the chocolate icing over it. Then re-cover the soufflé with a film and put in the refrigerator until the top layer solidifies completely.

Cut the cake into portions and serve chilled.

Video: light version of the Paul Robson cake

Delicious menu for the New Year 2019 recipes for cooking new and interesting things in the Year of the Pig

On the eve of the New Year, each hostess begins to compose a menu for the festive table. I would like to make the evening unusual, fabulous and bright, so the dishes should be selected both delicious and beautiful.

New Year 2019 is the year of the Pig, and this animal is very peaceful. It is important that the table is rich, that it brings prosperity and creates a festive mood.

So that luck, happiness and prosperity do not leave the family and home for a minute, it is extremely important to know what should be on the New Year 2019 menu. The year of the Yellow Earth Pig is coming, and it is not so easy to please him.

Delicious recipes: menu for the New Year 2019

The festive New Year's menu may include the following recipes:

  • Boiled, smoked, baked or stewed meat. You can use beef, veal, rabbit, lamb.
  • Poultry dishes. Use chicken, goose, duck, or turkey meat.
  • Fish dishes (baked, steamed, fried).
  • Various vegetable and meat salads.
  • Vegetables and fruits in any form.
  • Various pastries, desserts, cakes.

This is important, the Pig is very picky about the female sex. Coax him with the following actions: discuss the assortment of dishes with all the participants of the feast; sketch out a preliminary menu and make a list of products; distribute to whom what and at what time to buy; involve assistants in cooking by appointing yourself as a chef; at the finishing stage, take a look at everything with a master's gaze and apply the final touches; set the table and in a good mood and celebrate the holiday. However, remember that Inude for a year of a pig should not be heavy either in calories or in terms of preparation. Pick up one hot dish, you can keep the traditional salads "Olivier" and "Herring under a fur coat."

Table setting for New Year 2019

Dishes for the New Year 2019 Traditionally, celebrating the New Year implies the smell of tangerines floating in the air, bubbles of champagne rising cheerfully from the bottom of the glass, a bowl of Olivier salad and, of course, a Herring under a fur coat. If desired, the New Year's menu can be significantly diversified by adding original recipes for very tasty salads for the New Year to it.

There is a lot to be served on the New Year 2019 table. For example,

  • bird,
  • salads,
  • meat,
  • fish,
  • snacks,
  • desserts.

In this article, you can also find recipes for the New Year's menu. With them, your table will surely become diverse. So, on New Year's Eve, there is one dish that is sure to be eaten first. This dish is dumplings. According to Chinese traditions, they are eaten first on the New Year. Below is a special recipe for this simple dish for you.

Choose recipes for the New Year of the Pig 2019 from the dishes you like. The menu can be supplemented or reduced as desired.

New Year of the Pig Snack Menu 2019

Snacks for the Year of the Pig (Boar) even more so. Most importantly, don't limit yourself to vegetables on the night of 2019. Pay attention to table decorations as well as vegetable salads. Firstly, they are very useful, especially when the food around is very heavy, and secondly, so the Pig will be absolutely happy, and will bring a lot of good things into your life next year. Experiment - add not only a basic set of vegetables to your salads: take a closer look at avocados, various herbs, spices, oils. You can add hard cheese, soft cheese, crackers, etc. to the salad. If you are running around and need an express option, then make a Christmas tree from vegetables.

Tartlets with cheese, mushrooms and corn

150 g ham
150 g fresh champignons,
200 g of grated hard cheese,
mayonnaise to taste.

Cut all the ingredients into small pieces, mix and season the finished tartlets with the resulting mixture.

Such a dish will decorate any New Year's Menu for 2019. The recipe itself is simple and affordable for a festive table.

Hot skewers appetizer

500 g chicken fillet,
2 tbsp grated cheese
100 g of Adyghe cheese,
10 small pickled onions,
1 stack. kefir,
5 pieces. dried apricots,
1 tbsp 3% vinegar
salt, pepper - to taste.

Combine kefir, vinegar, salt, pepper and pour over the chicken cut into cubes. Leave to marinate in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Then put on a baking sheet, put dried apricots on each piece of chicken, brush with a small amount of marinade, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 40 minutes. First string chicken, dried apricots, fried pieces of Adyghe cheese on skewers and garnish with an onion.

Lavash roll.


  • Thin lavash - 2 Pieces
  • Sprats in oil - 180 Grams
  • Boiled Egg - 2 Pieces
  • Bell pepper - 0.5-1 Pieces (depending on size)
  • Processed cheese - 100 grams
  • Mayonnaise - 100-150 Grams
  • Greens - 1 Bunch

Servings: 6-8

How to make a “Lavash roll for the New Year 2019” 1. For a roll, take two square pita bread. Boil eggs, open canned food. Let's get started. 2. Spread the first pita bread on the table. Brush it well with mayonnaise. 3. Cover with a second pita bread, which also needs to be greased with mayonnaise. Spread grated eggs on top. 4. Step back from the edge a couple of centimeters and lay out the grated processed cheese, it is not necessary to grate it, you can cut it into cubes. Cut the bell pepper into thin strips, spread over the pita bread. Spread the fish evenly. Garnish the roll with herbs. 5. Gently and tightly roll the stuffed pita bread into a roll. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 2-2.5 hours. During this time, the lavash will become softer, saturated and take shape. 6. Cut the roll into portions, garnish and serve. Happy and happy!

Chicken liver salad baskets for the New Year's table

Salad in baskets is a fairly popular appetizer today. Moreover, the salad can be anything you like. Alternatively, we suggest making it from chicken liver and mushrooms with carrots and onions. Hearty and tasty, we suggest including it in the menu for the new year 2019.


  • Liver (chicken) - 300 g
  • Champignons - 300 g
  • Boiled egg - 2 pcs.
  • Onions - 200 g
  • Carrots - 150 g
  • Baskets - 16 pcs.
  • Greens to taste
  • Vegetable oil (for frying)
  • Salt to taste
  • Mayonnaise to taste
  • Pepper to taste

Cooking method

  1. Boil the liver and carrots until tender.
  2. Finely chop the onion and mushrooms and fry.
  3. Chop the greens finely.
  4. Grate eggs and boiled carrots.
  5. Pass the liver through a meat grinder.
  6. Mix liver, mushrooms, eggs, carrots and herbs, salt and pepper, season with mayonnaise.
  7. Place the salad in baskets.

Second courses for the New Year's menu

Meat dishes for the New Year 2019 give endless scope for imagination, especially since the hostess of the year - the Yellow Pig - will be able to appreciate any culinary experiments with chicken meat with duck, with beef. This is where there is definitely to roam!

Chicken roll with vegetables


1 large lean chicken
1 red bell pepper
1-2 boiled eggs
100 g canned green peas,
200 g minced meat,
1 pack of gelatin,
salt, black pepper - to taste.


Make an incision along the back of the chicken and carefully remove the meat from the bones, being careful not to damage the skin. Put the resulting layer on the table skin side down, cover with a thick plastic wrap and beat off with the blunt side of the knife, giving it a rectangular shape. Season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with gelatin. Mix the minced meat with green peas and diced bell peppers, cut the eggs into cubes and also add to the minced meat. Spread the resulting mass over the surface of the chicken meat and roll into a roll. Refrigerate for a couple of hours, then wrap in foil and bake for 30-40 minutes at 180-200 ° C. Cool and serve, cut into slices. In the New Year's Menu 2019, the roll recipe will become a decoration for the festive table.

Baked fish

800 g fish
3-4 cloves of garlic
1 lemon
2 tbsp mayonnaise,
2 tbsp sour cream,
salt, black pepper, flour - to taste.

Mix mayonnaise with sour cream, add garlic, passed through a press. Season the prepared fish with salt, pepper and pour with lemon juice. Let marinate in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Then dip the fish in flour and fry in a pan with vegetable oil. Place on a greased baking sheet and brush over fish with mayonnaise mixture. Bake at 180 ° C for 30-35 minutes. The fish in this recipe can be cooked whole or in portions, if desired.

Stuffed chicken


1 chicken
2 eggs,
1-2 onions
1 clove of garlic
200 g chicken liver
50 g butter
½ stack. boiled rice
salt, pepper, mayonnaise, parsley to taste.


Cut the chicken carcass along the ridge and remove the rib bones and ridge, leaving the legs and wings intact. Grind the chicken liver in a meat grinder, add egg yolks, butter, chopped onion and garlic, boiled rice and stir. Salt to taste, add chopped herbs. Whisk the whites, gently add to the minced meat, stir and start the chicken. Sew up the incision, tie the legs and wings together to form a compact carcass, and place seam side down on the baking sheet. Brush with mayonnaise, sprinkle with pepper and bake for 40-450 minutes at 180-200 ° C. Check the readiness by sticking a wooden skewer into the thickest part of the thigh - if the juice is clear, the dish for the New Year's menu 2019 is ready.

Festive duck with potatoes

Rosy duck with potatoes, a real Christmas recipe. This dish with its appetizing aroma will bring together all guests for


  • Duck 1 pc
  • Potatoes 6 pcs
  • Head of garlic 1 pc
  • Provencal herbs 1/2 tbsp l.
  • Mayonnaise 1 tbsp l.
  • Salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste


Wash and dry the duck.

Rub with salt and pepper. Brush with mayonnaise and place in a deep baking sheet. Sprinkle garlic cloves over the top. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees C for 1 -1.5 hours.

Peel and cut the potatoes into halves. Season with salt and dry herbs. Take 2-3 tbsp from the baking sheet. tablespoons of melted fat and add to the potatoes.

Arrange the potatoes on the sides towards the duck. Cook for about an hour more.

Allow to cool and place on a dish. Serve with vegetables and herbs.

Delicious and unusual dishes for the menu for the New Year, which can be cooked in the 2019 year of the pig. We hope our article will help you create a New Year's menu. Dear readers, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Health, happiness to you and your loved ones!

Preparing for the New Year is not an easy task. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is necessary to prepare dishes that will please not only guests, family and friends, but also the symbol of the next year. Many housewives have no idea what the menu should be for the New Year 2019. What to cook new and interesting for the upcoming holiday.

General requirements

According to Chinese mythology, in 2019, the Dog cedes power to the Yellow Pig. This means that housewives can breathe a sigh of relief. This animal is not so demanding on food and therefore it will not be difficult to please it.

There is an opinion that it is omnivorous. However, do not forget that it is picky enough that you should not cook everything. In addition, this animal is not devoid of a sense of beauty. On this basis, dishes should be varied and beautifully presented.

You can cook any food for 2019:

  • all types of meat, with the exception of pork;
  • any fish;
  • all kinds of poultry;
  • game, with the exception of wild boar;
  • a wide variety of vegetable and fruit dishes;
  • any cereals (porridge);
  • baked goods and dessert.

The Pig's love for beauty has already been mentioned. It will be nice if all dishes are fresh herbs; dill, parsley, cilantro, green onions, etc. Also, do not forget that the Pig will be yellow. In this regard, yellow ingredients are suitable for decoration:

  • corn;
  • egg yolk;
  • citrus fruit;
  • yellow fruits, etc.

And, another important detail - all dishes should be as natural as possible. The use of fast foods and semi-finished products is not allowed. It will be very good if all the treats are prepared by hand, starting from a simple salad and ending with a cake.

It is worth noting that the hostess of the year also has her favorite dishes. It's about cereals. They should also be present at the festive table. For example, rice or millet can be used to make various salads. Buckwheat porridge can be stuffed with duck. Here is an example of a simple salad with millet that can appease the hostess of the year:

Ingredients Preparation
millet porridge - 100g.;
chicken fillet - 200 gr.;
hard cheese - 100 gr.;
sour cream - 150 ml.
honey - 2 tbsp. l .;
apple -2 pcs.;
lemon - 1 pc.; salt, pepper, herbs.
  1. Boil fillets, cool and set into small pieces.
  2. We peel the apples, set into squares and fry for one minute in vegetable oil, add honey, and then cool.
  3. We make the sauce by mixing sour cream, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, pepper and salt.
  4. Lay out the finished millet porridge and the rest of the ingredients in layers in the following sequence:
    grated cheese.
    All layers must be greased with a previously prepared sauce.
  5. Sprinkle the top layer with a mixture of red and black pepper and decorate with herbs.
    Before serving, the salad must be insisted in the cold for an hour.

An example of the New Year's menu 2019

Georgian Chanakhi


  1. Mode eggplant cubes, salt and leave for 20 minutes so that the vegetables let the juice out.
  2. Then we rinse the eggplants in running water and remove excess liquid.
  3. Cut into cubes: meat, potatoes, onions, tomatoes.
  4. Rub the carrots coarsely.
  5. We put in a ceramic pot: meat, potatoes, blue ones, carrots, onions and tomatoes. You don't need to add water.
  6. We place the pots in the oven for two hours.
  7. Pull the dishes out of the oven, add chopped 1 garlic, bay leaf, tomatoes and put them in the oven for another 20 minutes.
  8. Decorate the finished dish with chopped herbs.

Chicken fillet with apricots


  1. Marinate the fillet. To do this, sprinkle the meat with spices and salt and leave for half an hour.
  2. Rub the cheese on a fine grater.
  3. We make an incision in the middle of the fillet and turn the meat inside out.
  4. Put canned apricots on the fillet and sprinkle with cheese.
  5. We roll up the finished meat into rolls and fasten it with a toothpick.
  6. Fry rolls on all sides in a saucepan.
  7. The remaining apricots are cut into slices and put on the meat along with the juice.
  8. Simmer the dish for another 40 minutes.

Dorada with vegetables


  1. Mode with diced onions, tomatoes, bell pepper rings.
  2. Rub the carrots on a medium grater and chop the herbs.
  3. Fry vegetables in a small amount of vegetable oil for three minutes with the addition of spices.
  4. Prepare the sauce according to the indicated ingredients.
  5. We clean the fish: remove the insides, cut off the fins.
  6. Fill the fish cavity with prepared vegetables and grease with sauce.
  7. We bake the product in the oven for 50 minutes at 180 degrees.
  8. Before serving, decorate the dishes with citrus fruits.

Chicken salad with avocado


  1. Boil the fillets, cool and cut into cubes.
  2. Also mode cheese, cucumbers and rings - onions.
  3. Peel the avocado, remove the pit and dice mode.
  4. Prepare the dressing according to the ingredients.
  5. We tear the salad into small pieces with our hands.
  6. We mix them with all the ingredients and add spices.

Mushroom salad with chicken


  1. We wash the legs, rub with salt, add garlic and spices.
  2. Place the sage on the chicken and wrap it in foil.
  3. We put the meat in the oven and bake for one hour at 180 degrees.
  4. Cool the cooked chicken, separate from the bones and set into small pieces.
  5. Passing the onion in a little oil.
  6. Add mushrooms and fry until moisture disappears.
  7. Boil eggs and grate them.
  8. We mix all the ingredients specified in the recipe and season with vegetable oil.
  9. Decorate the finished dish with lettuce leaves.

The menu can be supplemented with a number of salads.

Since the hostess loves vegetables, various vegetable cuts will become a decoration of the New Year's table.

Banana sorbet


  1. Peel citrus fruits and grind in a blender.
  2. We do the same with bananas.
  3. Combine the two masses and fill with juice.
  4. Add sugar and dissolve it well.
  5. We place the sorbet in a special form and send it to the freezer for several hours.

Chocolate cupcake with pear


  1. Cut off the bottom of the pear and clear it from the inside of seeds. We save the ponytails.
  2. Beat butter with flour and baking powder using a mixer.
  3. Add coffee with cocoa to this mass.
  4. Put a small piece of chocolate in the empty cavity of the pear and close it upside down.
  5. Lubricate the pear with lemon juice to avoid browning.
  6. We pour the dough into refractory molds.
  7. Place the prepared pear in this shape.
  8. We bake the product in the oven.
  9. After cooking and cooling, sprinkle the cake with powdered sugar.

Are you planning to cook pork dishes for the New Year 2019?


On the eve of the New Year, each hostess begins to compose a menu for the festive table. I would like to make the evening unusual, fabulous and bright, so the dishes should be selected both delicious and beautiful. New Year 2019 is the year of the Pig, and this animal is very peaceful. It is important that the table is rich, that it brings prosperity and creates a festive mood.

Recommendations for drawing up a menu for a festive New Year's table 2019

The compilation of the menu for the New Year's table 2019 should be carried out taking into account the symbol of the year. It is worth considering that the Pig is not a greedy animal, perhaps it is moderately economical, but certainly not greedy. Of course, this does not mean that the table should be bursting with food and various treats, there should be everything, but in moderation.

  1. Fresh fruits and vegetables should be on the table. The pig is very fond of plant foods, and in order to appease her, be sure to prepare a larger container for cutting fruits and vegetables.
  2. Preferably leave room for a cup of grain. This is Piggy's favorite treat.
  3. Keep salads and appetizers simple, they should not be very satisfying.
  4. The pig will not forgive you if pork is present in the New Year's treats. For this reason, great care should be taken in menu planning.
  5. Sweet is the favorite treat of this animal. Make some kind of dessert - cake, pastry, cookies.
  6. When decorating a table, the main emphasis should be on rustic-style dishes. It can be clay pots, wooden spoons.

What to cook to please the Pig as the main mistress of the year

Before you start cooking, it is worth making a menu. You can write it on a piece of paper and hang it on the refrigerator, this will help you remember to prepare important treats that must be on the New Year's table.

The menu for the New Year 2019 should look like this:

  1. Snacks. They should be light, not satisfying. This is the reheat before the main courses. You can make them from vegetables, cheese, seafood.
  2. Salads. They are considered staple treats. They should be prepared from different components, try not to repeat the ingredients. The pig loves variety, so add a variety of vegetables, sausages, cheeses, seafood.
  3. Hot. This is the main treat that takes the main place on the table. For hot dishes, you can serve baked meat, kebabs, boiled pork with potatoes, roast, stuffed fish.
  4. Dessert. Sweet is served at the end. For dessert, you can serve cake, pastries, cheesecake, fruits, sweets, chocolate.

Additionally, you can prepare treats for a side dish, cold dishes and drinks. Self-made alcoholic drinks always turn out to be of high quality, strong, much better than store counterparts.

Hot dishes

Hot dishes on the New Year's table are considered the main ones. They can be made from various ingredients - meat, vegetables, fish, rice, mushrooms, seafood. The main thing is to remember that in the Year of the Pig, you cannot use pork.

Veal stuffed with vegetables and nuts

If you want to surprise your family and guests for the New Year, then be sure to prepare this treat. The meat turns out to be juicy, aromatic, and the filling additionally saturates its taste. For cooking, you will need the following components:

  • veal - 900 grams;
  • fat - 110 grams;
  • two onion heads;
  • vegetable oil;
  • a slice of hard cheese - 170-180 grams;
  • carrots - 2 pieces;
  • 60 grams of butter;
  • nuts - 160 grams;
  • salt, seasonings;
  • parsley - 7-8 branches.

Cooking time - 2.5 hours.

Calorie content - 380 kcal.

Cooking process:

  1. For cooking, you should use young veal. It should be the pulp.
  2. We wash thoroughly, cut off fat, films.
  3. Using a kitchen hammer, beat off from all sides.
  4. Rub the pulp on all sides with aromatic beef spices.
  5. Next, we roll up the meat in the form of a roll and leave it for a while.
  6. Put butter in a saucepan and put on fire. We melt it to a liquid state and remove it from the stove. Leave to cool to room temperature.
  7. Rinse the parsley, shake and chop into small pieces.
  8. Rinse the carrot roots, clean them from dirt and cut off the skin. Put in a saucepan, fill with water and set to boil until tender.
  9. Then cut the carrots into strips or grate them.
  10. We clean the bulbs, rinse and chop them into small cubes.
  11. Peel the nuts, put them in a dry frying pan and heat them over low heat, while stirring constantly.
  12. Pour them into a cup to cool.
  13. Chop the nuts into small pieces, pour into a container, add carrots, herbs, onions and oil to them. Stir everything well.
  14. Cut the bacon and cheese into small cubes.
  15. We unfold the veal and spread the bacon and cheese on its surface in a checkerboard pattern.
  16. On top, spread the mass of nuts and vegetables in an even layer.
  17. We roll up the meat in the form of a tight roll and tie it with threads.
  18. Pour oil into a frying pan, put a roll, sprinkle with spices and salt.
  19. Fry the meat on all sides until golden brown.
  20. Grease the baking dish with oil on all sides and put the veal roll with filling in it.
  21. We warm up the oven to 200 degrees and place the mold in it. Leave to bake for an hour and a half. Periodically, the roll should be watered with the released juice.
  22. As soon as everything is ready, remove from the oven, cut into pieces and serve.

Stuffed pike

If you love fish, then you can cook it successfully using this recipe. The pike will look like a king on the New Year's table, and its aroma will spread throughout the house.

For cooking, we will prepare the following components:

  • one pike weighing about 1 kilogram;
  • two medium-sized onions;
  • two carrots;
  • potatoes - 200 grams;
  • one chicken egg;
  • a piece of butter - 50 grams;
  • 2 slices of white bread pulp;
  • a glass of cow's milk;
  • salt to your taste;
  • if desired, you can add white pepper, fennel;
  • vegetable oil.

It takes 1.5 hours to cook.

Caloric content - 290 kcal.

Let's start cooking:

  1. We thoroughly wash the pike, clean it from the scales. We cut off the head, but do not touch the abdomen, it must be whole. Carefully take out the insides, rinse with cool water.
  2. We spread the carcass on a cutting board and lightly beat it with a hammer on all sides so that the meat moves away from the bones better.
  3. Remove the skin carefully. We start from the head and go down to the tail, cut off the spine with a sharp knife near the tail.
  4. Remove the meat from the turned out skin with a teaspoon, remove the meat from the ridge.
  5. We wash the carrot roots, clean them of dirt and skins. Peel one onion. Cut the vegetables into medium cubes.
  6. Put butter in a frying pan, put on fire and heat up. Pour vegetables onto the melted butter, sprinkle them with fennel and fry for several minutes.
  7. Peel the second onion and cut into 4 pieces. Cut off the peel from the potato and cut it into several pieces.
  8. Scroll vegetables together with pike meat through a meat grinder.
  9. Fill the bread with milk and leave to soak. Next, transfer the soaked bread to the minced pike and vegetables. Add a raw egg and knead thoroughly.
  10. We spread the fried vegetables, season with salt and mix well again.
  11. Stuff the pike skin stocking with the prepared minced meat. It is not worth stuffing very tightly, because during the baking process, the skin may burst. Cut open the baking bag, grease the carcass with oil and wrap it in the bag.
  12. We put the head on the fish and put it on a baking sheet.
  13. We preheat the oven to 180 degrees and remove the baking sheet into it. Leave to bake for 30-40 minutes.
  14. Take out the finished pike, cool it, cut it into pieces and put it on the table.

The video shows a simple recipe for making stuffed pike for the New Year:

The most delicious side dish for a holiday

You can cook potatoes for a side dish. There are a lot of recipes for cooking this vegetable. At the same time, it will go well with any treats of the New Year's table - with hot dishes, salads, appetizers.

To prepare a simple side dish, you will need the following ingredients:

  • potatoes - 10 pieces;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • olive oil;
  • salt;
  • seasonings to your taste.

Caloric content - 320 kcal.

How to cook properly:

  1. Peel the potatoes and rinse them thoroughly.
  2. Next, cut the tubers into medium slices.
  3. Put two egg whites in a cup and beat them well until they are foamy.
  4. Add salt, seasonings to the protein mass and stir.
  5. Put the potato wedges in the protein mixture, stir well so that the sauce is distributed over the potato pieces.
  6. Grease the baking dish in which the potatoes will be cooked with olive oil on all sides.
  7. We shift the potatoes with sauce into the mold.
  8. We heat the oven to 220 degrees and remove the form into it.
  9. We bake the potatoes for about 30 minutes, while stirring constantly.
  10. Cooked potatoes can be served with the main hot course.

Salads that will pleasantly stir your taste buds

Salads are an important part of the New Year's table. Cooking should be approached carefully, they should not contain chicken or pork. Preference should be given to options with vegetables.

Mixed vegetable salad

To prepare the salad, you will need the following components:

  • tomatoes - 2-3 pieces;
  • carrots - 1 piece of medium size;
  • several inflorescences of broccoli cabbage;
  • half a fork of red cabbage;
  • 2-3 leaves of green lettuce;
  • green peas - 1 jar;
  • a few tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • ½ lemon;
  • spices to taste;
  • a bunch of parsley.

Cooking time is 20 minutes.

Calorie content - 80 kcal.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Rinse the tomatoes and cut into slices.
  2. Wash the carrots, peel them and chop them into thin strips or rub them on a coarse grater.
  3. The broccoli should be boiled in lightly salted water and cut into cubes.
  4. Chop the red cabbage into strips.
  5. We transfer all the vegetables to a large salad bowl.
  6. Rinse lettuce leaves and tear into small pieces. We spread it with vegetables.
  7. Rinse the parsley and cut into small pieces. Pour into a salad bowl.
  8. Pour the juice of half a lemon and stir well. Open the jar of peas, drain the juice and pour the peas into the salad.
  9. Season with mayonnaise, mix and place on the table.


The following ingredients are required for the salad:

  • 300 grams of boiled beef;
  • a can of red canned beans;
  • chicken eggs - 2 pieces;
  • one onion head;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt to your taste;
  • if desired, you can add a little spice;
  • 1 large spoonful of starch powder
  • vegetable oil.

It will take 40 minutes to cook.

Calorie content - 270 kcal.

How to do it:

  1. Break chicken eggs into a cup, stir. Add starch, salt to the eggs and mix until smooth.
  2. Grease a frying pan with oil, place on fire and heat up. Pour the batter onto the surface of the pan and distribute over the surface.
  3. Fry the pancake on both sides and remove. If batter remains, then we make another pancake.
  4. Cut the boiled meat into strips. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Pour olive oil into a frying pan, heat over medium heat.
  5. Pour the beef meat, half rings of onion into the oil and fry for several minutes to soften the onion.
  6. Roll the pancakes and cut them like noodles. We open a jar of beans, drain the liquid.
  7. Put all the ingredients in a salad bowl, season with mayonnaise. Peel the garlic cloves and pass them through a press.
  8. Add garlic to the salad, stir and serve.

Hot appetizer "Mushroom hemp"

The hot appetizer is usually baked in the oven and served immediately. For the New 2019 Year of the Pig, mushrooms should not be ignored. You can use different mushrooms, they will perfectly complement hot dishes, salads and appetizers. Consider a recipe for an interesting mushroom snack.

  • 1 fresh baguette;
  • 250 grams of champignons;
  • one onion head;
  • bulgarian pepper - 1 piece;
  • a piece of hard cheese per 100 grams;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt to your taste;
  • a bunch of dill and parsley for decoration;
  • spices.

It takes 1 hour to cook.

Caloric content - 180 kcal.

How to do it:

  1. We wash the mushrooms, peel the caps and cut into slices.
  2. Rinse the pepper, cut and remove the seeds.
  3. Cut the pepper into small squares.
  4. Put the vegetables in a frying pan, add oil, salt, season with spices.
  5. We put on fire and fry for about 10-15 minutes.
  6. Cut the baguette crosswise into pieces measuring 2-2.5 centimeters.
  7. In the center, the pulp can be removed a little.
  8. Put the filling in the free space inside. You should get some kind of hemp.
  9. Rub a piece of cheese on a fine grater.
  10. Put the grated cheese on top of each penny.
  11. Grease a baking sheet with oil and put the hemp with the filling on it.
  12. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and remove the baking sheet there.
  13. We bake the appetizer for 10 minutes.
  14. Chop the greens into small pieces.
  15. Sprinkle the finished hemp with herbs on top. Serve hot.

Cold snacks for the New Year 2019

Cold appetizer is an obligatory attribute of the New Year's table. It can be made from a variety of ingredients. The main feature of this dish is that it does not need to be baked, it is served cold.

Lavash rolls with cod

To prepare a snack, we need:

  • one thin pita bread;
  • a can of canned cod liver;
  • three chicken eggs;
  • mayonnaise;
  • spices, salt;
  • a bunch of greens.

It will take 40 minutes to cook.

Calorie content - 190 kcal.

How to do it:

  1. Boil the eggs until steep. Next, put them in cold water.
  2. Knead the cod liver until smooth.
  3. We clean the eggs from the shell, separate the whites from the yolks. Rub separately on a fine grater.
  4. We wash the greens and chop them into small pieces.
  5. We unfold the pita bread and grease it with mayonnaise. He should cover it with an even layer.
  6. Next, lay out the cod and distribute it evenly.
  7. The next layer is the yolks, which we also smooth over the entire surface.
  8. We spread the proteins. Sprinkle with chopped herbs at the end.
  9. We roll up the pita bread in the form of a roll and wrap it with cling film. We put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  10. We take it out of the refrigerator, remove the film, cut it into small pieces. Put it on a plate and serve.

The video shows several options for making filling for pita rolls:

Appetizing cheese and ham canapes

What ingredients will be needed:

  • wheat white toast bread without crust - 4 slices;
  • processed cream cheese - 4 layers;
  • ham - 200 grams;
  • radishes of the same size - 4 pieces;
  • mayonnaise - 1 large spoon;
  • granulated mustard - 1 tablespoon;
  • 2 large spoons of green peas;
  • olive oil.

Cooking will take 30 minutes.

Calorie content - 160 kcal.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Sprinkle the slices of bread on both sides with olive oil.
  2. Put on a hot skillet and fry on both sides.
  3. Then remove the pieces from the pan and leave to cool.
  4. We wash the radishes, cut them into halves.
  5. In a bowl, mix mayonnaise with mustard. With this mixture, thinly grease pieces of toast.
  6. Place a layer of cheese and ham on each slice of toast.
  7. Cut into 4 identical squares.
  8. We prick a pea on a skewer, then a slice of radish and toast with cheese and ham.
  9. Put the finished canapes on a plate and put them on the table.

Dessert for a magical night

For the New Year 2019, there must be a dessert. His symbol is very fond of sweets, so you definitely need to pamper him with your favorite delicacy. A tender cheesecake made without baking is a good option.

Cheesecake without baking with a layer of jelly

For cooking, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 600 grams of curd mass;
  • cream cheese - 150 grams;
  • 2 large spoons of gelatin;
  • 1 pack of coca-cola flavored jelly;
  • 250 grams of tea biscuits;
  • 110 grams of butter;
  • granulated sugar to your taste.

It will take 3-4 hours to cook.

Caloric content - 385 kcal.

How to do it:

  1. Tea biscuits should be crushed to a crumb state. To do this, you can use a blender with a special attachment.
  2. It is better to remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance, it should be soft. Put it in cookie crumbs and stir well.
  3. We spread the film on the surface of the mold and put a mass of cookies and butter on it.
  4. We tamp and form the cake.
  5. We remove the round shape with the cake in the freezer for 10 minutes to freeze the mass.
  6. Put the curd mass in a cup and add cream cheese or sour cream to it.
  7. Using a blender, stir the ingredients until smooth.
  8. Next, add granulated sugar and beat well again.
  9. According to the instructions, we soak the gelatin, it is better to do this in advance.
  10. Put the coca-cola-flavored jelly into a separate bowl, fill it with water and leave to infuse.
  11. Pour gelatin into the curd mass, stir well.
  12. We take out the cake from the freezer, put the curd base on top of it and distribute it evenly.
  13. We put the form in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  14. Coca-Cola jelly should be warmed up over a fire to dissolve all the grains.
  15. After that, take out the cheesecake with a frozen curd base and pour jelly on top.
  16. We put the cheesecake in the refrigerator for 4 hours, during which time it will completely freeze.
  17. The finished delicacy can be served on the New Year's table with juice or tea.

Intriguing drinks

Don't forget to prepare your drinks. Although alcohol and juices can be purchased at any supermarket, several cocktails can be made for variety. We will just look at several recipes for these drinks.

With ice cream and champagne

For 6 servings of the cocktail you will need:

  • 300 ml of champagne;
  • ice cream - 600 grams;
  • rum or cognac - 150 ml;
  • ice - 12 cubes.

The cooking process will take 10 minutes.

Calorie content - 68 kcal.

How to do:

  1. Put two ice cubes in a deep glass.
  2. Next, place a ball of ice cream.
  3. Pour rum or cognac over ice cream.
  4. Pouring champagne.
  5. Decorate with a cherry or umbrella.

Cocktail with martini and grape juice

For 4 servings of the cocktail you will need:

  • martini - 440 ml;
  • vodka - 120 ml;
  • grape juice - 350 ml;
  • a few mint leaves;
  • ice cubes.

It will take 15 minutes to cook.

Calorie content - 59 kcal.

How to do:

  1. Pour 110 ml of martini into each glass.
  2. Then add 30 ml of vodka.
  3. Pour the grape juice equally and mix.
  4. We supplement everything with ice. You can put 2-3 cubes in each glass.
  5. Decorate with mint leaves.
  1. When preparing hot dishes, be sure to use spices and marinades, they will give the treat a pleasant aroma.
  2. As a side dish, you can serve not only potatoes, but also boiled rice with vegetables.
  3. For a snack, you can use ham, fish, vegetables. Small canapes can be made from these ingredients.
  4. Mayonnaise, lemon juice, olive oil are suitable for dressing salads.

The video shows an example of a menu for the New Year:

New Year 2019 must be celebrated correctly. Since his symbol is the Earth Pig, then the year should be fertile, rich, solid. But in order for it to bring prosperity and prosperity to your home, it is worth meeting it correctly, namely, preparing delicious and varied treats, also do not forget about the main preferences of the Pig.

New Year is a holiday that everyone, without exception, loves. Many of us come up with a New Year's menu in advance in order to prepare the most delicious, best and unique for the holiday. In this section you can find recipes for the New Year and include them in the menu for the New Year 2021. Here you will find a large selection of New Year's dishes: salads, pastries, cakes, snacks, main courses, drinks for the New Year and much more. Interesting, original, tasty, unique dishes are waiting for you in this section.
Almost all recipes have step by step photos. This means that cooking will become even easier for you, as you can see the whole process in the pictures. And the beautiful decoration of New Year's dishes will delight all your guests. Here are collected interesting, tasty and unusual dishes for the New Year, which can be cooked in the year of the pig in 2021. Recipes for the New Year with a photo - this is what we called this section and it is no coincidence. Many delicious, interesting and very beautiful recipes are waiting for you. Your New Year's menu 2021 will be a real sensation! Still don't know what to cook for the New Year? Then this section is for you.
What do we dream about on the eve of our beloved New Year holiday? Well, of course, about some fabulous miracle and about a real, delicious festive feast. But is it worth craving for the unattainable? A festive table laid with love with a huge number of delicious and appetizing dishes in the circle of loved ones and relatives - this is quite enough to meet the year in a good mood. Do you agree? Therefore, preparation for the New Year's celebration in almost all families begins long before the very onset of the holiday.
It is with great pleasure that we decorate the house, decorate the Christmas tree, and also prepare a festive table. As for the latter, each hostess treats the preparation of dishes for the festive table and drawing up a menu for the New Year with special enthusiasm. After all, each of us wants to make a menu for the New Year so that guests and relatives can eat every dish with great pleasure.
When composing the menu for the New Year's table, keep in mind that the dishes should be as healthy, tasty, appetizing and beautifully served as possible. Serving and decorating New Year's meals is of great importance. Such dishes additionally create a certain festive atmosphere. Therefore, in this category you can find recipes for the New Year's menu, which will be appreciated by everyone present at the festive table.
When choosing recipes to compose the New Year's menu, pay attention to the recipes for dishes that should be on the table in order to appease the owner of the next year - a pig. So, for example, it is believed that it is necessary to put at least a couple of hot meat dishes on the table, but not from poultry. As for meat, first of all pay attention to rabbit and hare meat, stewed or baked in the oven. Do not forget about light vegetable salads, fresh and original appetizers, as well as gourmet dairy desserts, which should also be on the menu for the New Year 2021.
To make the festive menu for the New Year absolutely no trouble for you, ask for help with simple and understandable recipes, which are supplemented with photographs. With such recipes, the New Year's menu 2021 will have the most delicious and original one.


"Mice" salad in cheese, with pineapple

Ingredients: pineapple, chicken fillet, onion, egg, vegetable oil, black pepper, turmeric, juice, lime juice, mayonnaise, hard cheese, boiled sausage, herbs

If you want to cook an unusual but tasty salad for the New Year's table, then we recommend making it from chicken and pineapple and decorating it as a piece of cheese with little mice. How and what to do, see this recipe.

- 3 pineapple rings;
- 250 g chicken fillet;
- 1 onion head;
- 4 eggs;
- 2 tbsp. vegetable oil;
- 2 pinches of ground pepper;
- 1 pinch of turmeric;
- salt to taste;
- lime or lemon juice;
- mayonnaise to taste;
-150 g of hard cheese.

For decoration:

- black peppercorns;
- 2 cups of cooked sausage;
- sprigs of greenery.


"Mouse" snack with cheese for the New Year 2020

Ingredients: cheese, egg, garlic, mayonnaise, salt, pepper

The "Mouse" cheese appetizer is perfect for the New Year 2020, so be sure to take note of our recipe, which describes how to cook it correctly.

- 150 g of hard cheese;
- 100 g of processed cheese;
- 2 eggs;
- 1-2 cloves of garlic;
- 1-2 tbsp. mayonnaise;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste.


Peking duck in the oven at home

Ingredients: duck, honey, sherry, soy sauce, olive oil, ginger, black pepper, salt

Peking duck will definitely please your guests - it is very tasty and beautiful. And it's easy to cook, especially with our recipe.
- 1.8 kg of duck;
- 4 tablespoons honey;
- 50 g of sherry;
- 4 tablespoons soy sauce;
- 1 tbsp. olive oil;
- 1 tbsp. ginger;
- 1 tsp black pepper;
- coarse salt.


Whole juicy baked duck in the oven

Ingredients: duckling, apple, sauce, syrup, dry wine, seasoning, salt, pepper, oil

I bake a duck with apples several times a year. Previously, it did not always turn out juicy for me, more often I overdried it. But this recipe has made my duck delicious for the past few years.


1-1.5 kg duck;
- 2-3 green apples;
- 15 ml. soy sauce;
- 25 ml. maple syrup;
- 200 ml. dry white wine;
- black pepper;
- Red pepper;
- thyme;
- vegetable oil;
- salt.


Duck with sauerkraut in the oven

Ingredients: duck, sauerkraut, onion, salt, pepper

Quite often I cook poultry dishes for the festive table. Duck with sauerkraut in the oven is liked by absolutely all my homemade ones. The duck turns out to be tasty and tender.


- 1 duck;
- 400 grams of sauerkraut;
- 150 grams of onions;
- salt;
- black pepper.


Pork head aspic

Ingredients: pork head, garlic, bay leaf, onion, salt, black pepper

If you want to please your family with delicious jellied meat, but at the same time do not spend a lot on ingredients, we advise you to cook this dish from a pork head. This is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance.
- pork head - 4 kg;
- garlic - 4-5 cloves;
- bay leaf - 2 pcs;
- onion - 1 pc;
- salt - 2-3 tablespoons;
- black pepper - 5-7 peas.


Salad "New Year's mask"

Ingredients: herring, potatoes, carrots, beets, mayonnaise, eggs, caviar, olives, cranberries, dill

Even such a familiar salad as Shuba can be decorated in New Year's style - in the form of a mask. It will turn out to be an interesting treat that everyone will certainly want to try.

- 1 slightly salted herring;
- 2 potatoes;
- 2 carrots;
- 2 beets;
- 250 grams of mayonnaise;
- 2 eggs;
- red caviar, olives, cranberries and dill for decoration.


Shocking seafood salad for New Year and Christmas holidays

Ingredients: crab sticks, pink salmon, shrimp, tomato, corn, mayonnaise, sausage, olives

Any salad, even with seafood, can be prepared in the shape of a pig, the symbol of 2019. Perhaps, salads can be decorated in this way not only for the New Year, but also for all subsequent days: it will still be interesting.
- 300 grams of crab sticks;
- 300 gr slightly salted pink salmon;
- 250-300 gr of boiled and frozen shrimp;
- 3-4 tomatoes;
- 0.5 cans of canned corn;
- 100 grams of mayonnaise;
- 2 slices of boiled sausage;
- 1-2 olives.


Peppa Pig salad for New Year

Ingredients: potatoes, chicken, cheese, pickled cucumber, boiled sausage, salt, beets, mayonnaise

Very little is left before the New Year 2019. It's time to think about what we will treat our guests. Since the year of the Pig comes, you can arrange a delicious salad in the form of your favorite cartoon character - Peppa Pig.

Products for the recipe:

- two potatoes;
- 100 g of chicken meat;
- 1 pickled cucumber;
- 50 g of cheese;
- 150 g of sausages or boiled sausages;
- salt;
- mayonnaise;
- 2-3 pieces of boiled beets.


Duck with apples and oranges in the oven

Ingredients: duck, apple, orange, honey, salt, pepper

Duck meat is delicious. Today I want to tell you how to cook a very tasty festive dish - a duck with apples and oranges in the oven.


- 1.2-1.5 kg. ducks,
- 1 apple,
- 2 oranges,
- 2-3 tsp honey,
- salt,
- black pepper.


Icing is a royal icing. Painted New Year's sweets

Ingredients: powdered sugar, food paint, butter margarine, granulated sugar, flour, soda, egg, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg

Today I will prepare a themed New Year's treat - gingerbread in royal glaze. It is not so easy to prepare and decorate desserts with icing, so we will immediately conduct a master class for you in our recipe to make it easier and easier for you to prepare this exquisite and beautiful treat. You will need patience and attentiveness. We are sure that you will succeed and you will please your family and friends with beautiful New Year's cakes.

For icing:
- 50 g of raw chicken protein;
- 300 g of icing sugar;
- food paint - red, yellow, cream;

For the test:
- 55 g creamy margarine;
- 75 g granulated sugar;
- 165 g of wheat flour;
- 3 g of soda;
- 1 egg;
- cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg;


Tiramisu with mascarpone and Savoyardi cookies

Ingredients: mascarpone cream cheese, cream, coffee liqueur, ground coffee, instant coffee, water, sugar, Savoyardi cookies, cocoa powder, grated chocolate

It is difficult to find a dessert that surpasses tiramisu in sophistication and sophistication. Absolutely perfect, with a subtle creamy aroma, this delicacy, it would seem, cannot be made even better. However, our culinary research does not stand still, we decided to prepare a coffee tiramisu.


- 200 g mascarpone cream cheese;
- 100 ml cream 35% fat;
- 40 ml of coffee liqueur;
- 2 tsp ground coffee
- 1 tsp. instant coffee;
- 100 ml of water;
- 3 tsp Sahara;
- 8-10 pcs. Savoyardi cookies;
- cocoa powder and grated chocolate.


Beef and pork jellied meat

Ingredients: beef, pork ribs, bay leaves, peppercorns, gelatin, salt, water

I suggest you cook a very tasty jellied meat. Beef and pork go well in this dish. I described the cooking recipe in detail for you.


- beef - a piece,
- pork ribs,
- bay leaves - 2 pcs.,

- gelatin - 10 grams,
- salt,
- water.


Beef jellied meat

Ingredients: beef, water, peppercorns, gelatin, salt

Jellied meat is a very tasty and satisfying dish. There are a lot of jellied meat recipes and they are all incredibly tasty. Today I have prepared for you an excellent recipe for beef jellied meat.


- beef - a piece,
- water,
- black peppercorns - several pieces,
- gelatin - 10 grams,
- salt.


Fast and tasty economy pizza on pita bread

Ingredients: lavash, tomato, salami sausage, cheese, mayonnaise, ketchup, salt

Pizza can be prepared in 10 minutes if you use ordinary thin pita bread instead of yeast dough as a base. It will turn out to be just as tasty and beautiful, but cooking such a dish is much faster and easier.


2 pcs of thin pita bread;
- 1-2 pcs tomato;
- 200 gr of sausages (like Salami);
- 100 grams of hard cheese;
- 2 tbsp. mayonnaise;
- 2 tbsp. ketchup;
- salt.


Fresh tangerine pie

Ingredients: tangerines, sugar, soda, flour, egg, butter, kefir, vanillin

What comes to your mind when they start talking about the New Year? A sparkling elegant Christmas tree, winking garlands, lace patterns on the windows and, of course, tangerines. The taste and smell of these citrus fruits are sent to distant childhood and bring only positive emotions. So why not treat the family to a delicious tangerine pie?

Required products:

- 6 pitted tangerines;
- 1.5 tbsp. granulated sugar;
- 1 tsp. slaked soda;
- 3 tbsp. wheat flour;
- 1 egg;
- 1/2 part of a pack of butter;
- 1 tbsp. kefir;
- a little vanillin.


Capital salad with meat

Ingredients: eggs, vegetable oil, mustard, lemon juice, salt, sugar, black pepper, beef, potatoes, onions, canned peas, pickled cucumbers, carrots, mayonnaise

Today we are giving you a double gift - we reveal the recipe for the wonderful classic Stolichny salad and tell you how to make mayonnaise at home. The sauce, made with your own hands and from proven ingredients, turns out to be unusually tasty and tender.

for mayonnaise:
- 1 egg;
- 220-250 g of sunflower oil;
- 1-1.5 tsp mustard;
- 1.5-2 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
- salt and sugar;
- 2-3 pinches of ground black pepper;

for salad:
- 200-250 g of boiled beef;
- 4 boiled eggs;
- 4 large potato tubers;
- 2 medium onions;
- 1/2 cans of canned green peas;
- 3 pickled cucumbers;
- 2 boiled carrots;
- 4-5 st. l. mayonnaise;
- salt.


"Herring under a fur coat" roll

Ingredients: lightly salted herring, beets, potatoes, pumpkin, hard cheese, sour cream, mayonnaise, dry gelatin, egg, olives, dill, salt

We are actively preparing for the holidays, and today we are preparing everyone's favorite salad with the eloquent name "Herring under a fur coat". However, this year we decided to use our imagination and serve the dish in a special way - in the form of a snack roll. What happened to us?

- 1 lightly salted herring;
- 2 baked beets;
- 2 baked potatoes;
- 110 g baked pumpkin;
- 50 g of hard cheese;
- 2-3 tbsp. l. sour cream;
- 3 tbsp. l. thick mayonnaise;
- 2. l. dry gelatin;
- 1-2 boiled eggs;
- 4 olives;
- 1 bunch of dill;
- salt.


Jellied pork legs, shank and beef

Ingredients: pork leg, beef, pork knuckle, onion, carrot, garlic, black peppercorns, bay leaf, water, salt

Jellied meat can be prepared from different meat components, but it is very successful from pork legs, shank and beef. Beautiful and tasty, this jellied meat will become a real decoration of any feast. See our recipe and be sure to cook it!

- pork leg - 1 piece;
- beef - 0.5 kg;
- pork knuckle - 1 kg;
- onion - 1 pc;
- carrots - 1 pc;
- garlic - 2-3 cloves;
- black pepper - 4-5 peas;
- bay leaves - 2-3 pcs;
- water;
- salt to taste.


Pine cone salad with almonds

Ingredients: chicken fillet, eggs, cheese, mayonnaise, almonds, salt, potatoes, pickled cucumbers

On the festive table, be sure to prepare this delicious and beautiful salad in the form of a cone. The roasted almonds in this salad will add a sophisticated flavor to the salad.


- chicken fillet - 300 grams,
- potatoes - 3 pcs.,
- pickled cucumber - 2 pcs.,
- eggs - 3 pcs.,
- hard cheese - 150 grams,
- mayonnaise or sour cream - 150 grams,
- roasted almonds - 200 grams,
- salt.