Christmas tree recipes for the New Year's table. Delicious Christmas trees for the New Year's table: a collection of recipes, tips and ideas Christmas tree from products for the New Year's table

10.09.2021 Fish dishes

Let's make a delicious Christmas tree?

A real decoration of the New Year's table is a Christmas tree made from different products. A wide variety of food components makes it possible to prepare such Christmas trees from sweets and fruits, vegetables and citrus fruits, even from meat and other products. You can even, having set yourself the goal of making the New Year's feast extraordinary, cook all the dishes in the form of Christmas trees and then put such an edible Christmas-tree pandemonium on the table. So - let's start!

Christmas sweets

No meal is complete without sweets, including the Christmas table. Therefore, we do it simply: we collect candies in green or blue wrappers, better than shiny ones, and tie them either to a strong wooden stick, or to a bottle of juice. Such Christmas trees will decorate even an office space for a long time, will give a festive look to any table.

From cookies in the form of different-sized stars, you can also form an elegant Christmas tree by painting it with white icing or cream. The accent of such a Christmas tree will be given by bright small berries or multi-colored candy-dragee.

A creative Christmas tree made from several types of fruits will pleasantly enliven the New Year's table and give it a stylish look and bright elegance. For example, a composition consisting of slices of kiwi, white and blue grapes, several bright strawberries, slices of cheese and a cheese star on top has a very festive and even solemn look.

Similar to the above rules, Christmas trees are formed from peeled kiwi, cut into thin ovals of lemons and limes. To decorate them, you can sprinkle them with viburnum or mountain ash, and be sure to hide the base in a scattering of scarlet berries such as pomegranate seeds. Difficult, but you can try to create a dessert from chocolate and strawberries. To do this, we apply slightly softened chocolate in the form of a cone on a metal base, and then stick strawberries into it, forming a herringbone. It looks very smart and tastes absolutely amazing.

Vegetable Christmas trees

But delicious Christmas trees can be made not only from sweets and fruits. For example, such a Christmas tree can be cheesy. Cut the cheese into isosceles triangles and carefully pass them through a tall wooden or plastic stick with a pointed end. We strengthen the bottom on a half of an apple, and on the top we place a star made of bright bell pepper.

Trees made of green salad peppers look beautiful and almost "Christmas tree". To do this, cut each peppercorn lengthwise into 3-4 segments and attach them to a long skewer in the same way, with a slight downward slope. Decorate the top with a triangle of red pepper - the composition is ready.

Salted and fresh cucumbers will look spicy and beautiful if they are cut slightly at an angle, in the form of an elongated oval and also placed on a stick, pierced slightly asymmetrically towards the center. Similarly, you can cut smoked sausage (preferably dry-cured and hard varieties to keep their shape well) and decorate the table with it as well.

On a rectangular or even round dish, a Christmas tree arrangement of slices of kiwi cut in half with a star of tomato or red pepper will look beautiful. A simple still life of green pea pods (if you can find it in winter), a cheese star and a trunk of straw pieces will also look funny.

A real masterpiece of beauty can be considered a vegetable garden laid out in the form of a Christmas tree, where peculiar Christmas tree garlands are created from different varieties of lettuce, small oval or oblong tomatoes, dill and lush bushes of greenery like basil and parsley.

Baking in the original form

Beautiful Christmas trees are obtained from a round cake, if you cut it into triangular segments while hot, and decorate on top with pates, thick sauce, various fruits and vegetables. For a better imitation, we stick a barrel into each still hot piece - a small piece of straw. By the way, you can also make several Christmas trees from pizza and decorate them more prettily - with slices of yellow and red peppers, cottage cheese or egg whites. Or, before baking, we cut out the pizza itself like a Christmas tree, making the most of the area of ​​the baking sheet. will be good too.

For housewives who love creative presentation of dishes, you can offer the option of laying out triangular sandwiches of different sizes on a plate in the form of a Christmas tree. For a better imitation, decorate the composition with dill sprigs, cherry tomatoes, olives or olives - one or more pieces on the protruding parts of the sandwiches. Such Christmas trees made of products will look joyful: especially since the Sheep loves elegant dishes decorated with herbs.

And here is the idea stolen from Greek chefs to make meat trees. To do this, prepare minced cutlet meat, not very wet, fill it with a cone made of parchment or foil (the base must be fixed). It is better to put such a composition on rice in a heat-resistant cup or plate and send it to the oven for baking. The base of the tree should cover the rice (this is snow), but if it doesn't work out, then you need to place pieces of butter on top of the rice on top of it. Depending on the size of the tree, it takes from half to one and a half hours to bake. Then we take out the Christmas tree, remove the packaging, grease it with mayonnaise or very thick cream and decorate it with leaves of parsley, dill, cilantro, basil and other favorite greens. If you are trying to reduce the calorie content of a dish, we recommend trying this one.

Real men will be delighted with a very nourishing "tree" made of longitudinally cut pieces of salted or baked podcherevka. To do this, cut the underwire into pieces of different lengths and insert, starting from the bottom: the widest slices from the bottom, at an angle and further up, overlapping. We also make an underline from the remains of the trunk, laying them out rectangularly. also very tasty: do not be surprised if they are instantly snatched at the table.

And of course, Christmas trees can be made from different salads, forming beautiful triangular beauties on a platter - like from a fur coat, Olivier, salads like "Mimosa" and so on. Creative and original serving of dishes will only increase the appetite of the guests gathered at the table, so happy experiments! Do-it-yourself Christmas trees will increase the mood of all those present and, undoubtedly, will stimulate appetite with their one look. Therefore, we get down to creativity and turn on our imagination at full power!

By tradition, special attention is paid to the design of the New Year's table. For the holiday to be a success, the treats must be not only tasty, but also beautiful. Creative ideas of experienced chefs will help surprise guests and please loved ones, guided by which you can create truly bright and original jewelry.
Today we will tell you how to quickly and easily make an edible Christmas tree, which makes it possible to interestingly serve cheeses, fruits, vegetables and desserts for a festive feast. This design option will certainly be appreciated by fans of unusual solutions, because it allows you to add fresh and juicy notes to the standard design of the New Year's table.

So let's get started.
For the cheese composition, prepare:

  • a cookie cutter in the shape of a star,
  • wooden skewer for barbecue,
  • cutting board,
  • big green apple,
  • bell pepper,
  • lettuce leaves, cherry tomatoes (optional).

1. Cut the apple into two halves (we only need one of them for the Christmas tree).

2. Insert a wooden skewer into the middle of the apple with the cut facing down.

3. Cut the cheese slices into triangles so that you get shapes of different sizes.

4. Now you can collect the Christmas tree. To do this, string cheese cocked hats on a skewer with the sharp ends outward, moving in a circle. At the bottom, place large slices, gradually moving to smaller ones, so that the Christmas tree is of the correct shape.

5. Use a cookie cutter to cut a star out of the pepper.

6. Place the star on top of the tree, securing it to the base of the skewer.

That's all! To make the composition look elegant and festive, decorate it with lettuce and cherry tomatoes. The cheese tree will turn out to be more colorful if you alternate several types of cheese and shift layers with olives or cucumbers.

In the same way, you can arrange sausage and vegetable cuts.

Fruits can also be decorated in the shape of a herringbone. Such a decoration is prepared according to a similar principle, but has some performance features, which we will discuss below. For work we need the following ingredients and tools:

  • toothpicks,
  • curly molds for cookies and cutting vegetables,
  • one big apple,
  • carrot,
  • fruit mix (kiwi, grapes, tangerines, pineapples, melon, blueberries, etc.).

1. Cut the kiwi into cubes.

2. Using a special device for curly cutting of vegetables and fruits, cut out various decorative elements (hearts, stars, etc.) from pineapple slices.

3. Prepare the rest of the fruit (cut off the stalks, peel the skin) and arrange them into bowls.

4. Cut off the top of the apple so that the fruit is firm and peel the carrots.

5. Using a knife, carefully cut a round hole in the apple that will serve as a support for the carrots.

6. Place the carrots in the apple base. Try to keep the vegetable tightly in the resulting groove. If the hole turns out to be too large, the carrots can be strengthened in the apple with the help of blueberries, which will serve as a kind of support.

7. Attach toothpicks to the apple so that they are evenly distributed over the surface of the fruit.

8. Use scissors to shorten other toothpicks to use for the top of the composition.

9. Place short toothpicks on all sides of the carrots, and place a whole stick on top of the vegetable. You should have the following basis for your future fruit composition:

10. Decorate the tree with fruits, trying to alternate fruits of different colors and shapes.

11. Now it's the turn of the main element of any New Year's tree - the festive star. To cut this piece, use a cookie cutter that can be used to make a pretty melon shape.

The original Christmas tree is ready. Now you can serve it to the table.

If you wish, you can use any fruits and berries to decorate this decoration, creating your own edible decor design. Vegetables are also suitable as a basis for the composition.

An unusual decoration can be made using only strawberries. To do this, use a cardboard cone installed on a plate as a base. The sequence of registration in this case will be as follows:
1. Wrap the cone with wax paper and attach it securely to the plate.

2. Prepare the strawberries by removing the stalks and melt the chocolate in the microwave. Dip each berry in chocolate and strengthen the fruit on the cone.

3. Gradually decorate the base completely with chocolate covered strawberries for a neat composition.

4. Using a pastry syringe, squeeze the star-shaped parts onto the waxed paper and set aside.

5. When the stars grab, place them on top of the tree, securing them between the berries.

Don't want to mess with cones and toothpicks? Use the most basic way to create an edible Christmas tree - just lay it out on a plate. For example, in this way you can arrange a cheese platter. Cut the different types of cheese into equal cubes and shape them into a neat wood on a cutting board or wide platter. For a beautiful and vibrant composition, add several rows of cherry tomatoes and fresh thyme sprigs. Decorate the top of the improvised Christmas tree with a champignon hat, having previously squeezed out a star on it using a stamp.

This method is also suitable for decorating other snacks. For example, a Christmas tree laid out from sushi turns out to be very effective.

And here is an option based on a vegetable mix.

The original Christmas tree is also obtained on the basis of New Year's salads, which are an obligatory part of the festive menu. Form a cone out of any mayonnaise salad (after chilling the appetizer in the refrigerator) and decorate it with sprigs of herbs, nuts, cut into thin plates and vegetable cubes.

You can also make a Christmas tree from desserts. There are many options for this design. An interesting decoration is obtained from biscuit biscuits of different diameters, folded in the form of a herringbone. Use any cream or chocolate icing to connect the layers.

Another way is to lay out the Christmas tree from the sand, securing the composition with culinary fondant.

We've got such interesting decorations for the New Year's table. Use these simple instructions to make your holiday feast bright and original. Holiday greetings!

New Year is getting closer and closer every day. We offer several ideas for decorating dishes for the holiday. See what beautiful edible Christmas trees can decorate your New Year's table! The creation of such edible beauties will not take much time, but it is guaranteed to become a festive highlight of the table!

A delicious Christmas tree for the New Year's table can be made from sweets, cookies, fruits or vegetables. Or you can even bake a pizza or a pie in the shape of a Christmas tree, or serve a salad, laying it out in a slide and decorating it with an asterisk. To create an edible beauty, use whatever you like, and to give it a green color, do not forget about dill, parsley, cucumbers, broccoli, spinach, kiwi, green apples. Food coloring will help you in baking. But the New Year tree can be multi-colored, like the real one - decorated with multi-colored toys, tinsel, garlands.

Imagine with what delight your children will help to create and then “destroy” such a New Year's beauty! We've put together some delicious Christmas tree ideas for you. We hope that among them you will find the one that you really like and will decorate your New Year's table! Or, perhaps, you will have your own - special, unique idea? ...

Craft: DIY Christmas tree

Today in stores you can see a large variety of Christmas trees. However, it is not at all necessary to buy a Christmas tree, it can be made with your own hands from almost any available means. Of course, you simply cannot do without a live Christmas tree at home on New Year's holidays, and a handmade Christmas tree will perfectly decorate the house or be suitable as a gift to friends and family.

Craft: DIY Christmas tree

Christmas tree from magazine pages

To make a cute Christmas tree from magazine pages you will need:

  • old magazine;
  • PVA glue;
  • cardboard;
  • pen or pencil.

First of all, you need to make a cone out of cardboard and fasten it with glue. Neat circles or flowers of the same diameter should be cut out from the pages of an old magazine.

The resulting circles need to wrap a pencil. Thus, they will turn out a little twisted. Then you can start gluing the circles to the cone, starting from the bottom. The circles should be glued by pressing them tightly together so that the cone itself is not visible. You can make a small cone out of one circle and stick it instead of the top. The tree is ready.

New Year tree from old magazines.

Video: DIY Christmas tree craft

Christmas tree made of wrapping paper

It is very easy to make a Christmas tree from wrapping paper.

For this you need:

  • wrapping;
  • cardboard;
  • Scotch;
  • scissors;
  • decorations.

As with most Christmas trees, the first step is to make a cone out of cardboard or thick paper. If the wrapping paper you are going to use is thick enough, you can make a cone out of it.

The resulting cone can be secured with tape. Then you need to cover the cone with wrapping paper. To do this, put the paper on a flat surface with the beautiful side down. Then tape the end of the paper to the cone, and slowly turn the cone completely wrap the wrapping paper around it.

Cut off excess paper with scissors. It remains only to decorate the paper tree. To do this, you can cut stars and decorate them with sparkles, you can glue buttons, beads, tinsel, stickers or lace to the tree.

DIY wrapping paper herringbone

Crafts with children: glowing tree for the new year

The glowing tree looks very original and beautiful. In order to make such a Christmas tree with your own hands you will need:

  • floristic mesh;
  • floristic wire;
  • cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • cellophane;
  • PVA glue;
  • pins;
  • decorations.

First, make a cone out of cardboard. Wrap the finished cone with cellophane. Then cut the floral mesh into small pieces and coat with glue. Glue the resulting mesh pieces onto cellophane. Secure the resulting structure with pins and wait for the glue to dry completely. After the cone is dry, repeat this process one more time. After the glue is completely dry, remove the cellophane from the cone. Secure the garland inside the cellophane with pins. You can decorate the Christmas tree to your taste.

The process of making a glowing Christmas tree

DIY glowing Christmas trees

Original Christmas tree made of pasta

In order to make an original Christmas tree from pasta you will need:

  • foam cone;
  • gouache, acrylic paints or spray paint;
  • pasta of various sizes and shapes;
  • PVA glue;
  • brush.

First paint the styrofoam cone any color you like and let it dry. Then glue the pasta well to the cone. The design can be absolutely anything. Then paint over the pasta, carefully painting all the details. It is better to cover the pasta with paint in two layers. Let your tree dry thoroughly.

The process of making a Christmas tree from pasta

Fluffy Christmas tree made of colored paper

A Christmas tree made from ribbons of colored paper turns out to be very elegant. To independently make such a New Year's beauty you will need:

  • a cone made of thick cardboard;
  • colored paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • double sided tape.

First, you need to make a base for the Christmas tree, for this we take a thick sheet of cardboard, fold it into a cone shape, securing it with glue. Then we make thin strips of colored paper, the same length and width. Christmas trees made of green, red, silver and gold paper look very impressive. With the help of glue, we glue the stripes along the edges, obtaining loops from them. We attach the resulting loops to one side of the tape, and attach the other side to the cone in the direction from bottom to top. Thus, it turns out a funny fluffy Christmas tree.

The process of making a Christmas tree from strips of colored paper

DIY fluffy Christmas tree

Craft Christmas tree: 40 photos and master classes

Decorated homemade Christmas trees made of tinsel and balls

Children's craft: green Christmas tree made of cardboard or paper

New Year's craft with children: a tree made of cones and balls made of fabric or yarn

Diy multi-colored Christmas trees made of yarn

Children's craft: Christmas tree made of felt and buttons

Flat Christmas trees from dishes - an unusual idea

How to sew an elegant Christmas tree - an idea for the New Year

How to weave a beaded Christmas tree with your own hands

Flat Christmas tree made of twigs for wall decoration

Beautiful Christmas tree made of lace with your own hands

Master class: a volumetric tree made of paper using the quilling technique

Stylish Christmas tree made of jute and beads

Craft a Christmas tree from plastic forks and other dishes

Miniature beaded Christmas trees

Beautiful Christmas trees made of ribbons

How to make a Christmas tree from yarn and buttons with your own hands - master class

Small Christmas trees made of lace

Crafts - Christmas trees from burlap and spices

Christmas tree made of coffee, beads and satin ribbons

Two Christmas trees made of pine cones

Knitted Christmas tree - photo

How to sew a Christmas tree from scraps of fabric

Unusual Christmas tree made of plastic spoons

Gift idea: Christmas tree made of sweets and tinsel

Christmas tree made of beads - a beautiful craft

Decorating a bottle of champagne in the form of a festive tree

Christmas tree made of satin ribbons for the new year

Flat Christmas trees made of twine and lace

Bright Christmas trees from colorful balls

Homemade Christmas tree made of wrapping paper

DIY fluffy yarn trees

Small Christmas trees made of fabric and buttons

Christmas tree crafts made from natural material: cones and feathers

Simple Christmas trees made of yarn, beads and buttons

Transparent Christmas trees made of Christmas balls suspended in the air

DIY Christmas tree made of wine corks

Funny Christmas trees made of twine and ribbons

Simple children's craft - paper Christmas tree

Curved sisal Christmas trees

New Year is getting closer and closer every day. We offer several ideas for decorating dishes for the holiday. See what beautiful edible Christmas trees can decorate your New Year's table! The creation of such edible beauties will not take much time, but it is guaranteed to become a festive highlight of the table!

A delicious Christmas tree for the New Year's table can be made from sweets, cookies, fruits or vegetables. Or you can even bake a pizza or a pie in the shape of a Christmas tree, or serve a salad, laying it out in a slide and decorating it with an asterisk. To create an edible beauty, use whatever you like, and to give it a green color, do not forget about dill, parsley, cucumbers, broccoli, spinach, kiwi, green apples. Food coloring will help you in baking. But the New Year tree can be multi-colored, like the real one - decorated with multi-colored toys, tinsel, garlands. Imagine with what delight your children will help to create and then “destroy” such a New Year's beauty!

We've put together some delicious Christmas tree ideas for you. We hope that among them you will find the one that you really like and will decorate your New Year's table!

1. Fir-trees from vegetables and fruits

The idea is quite simple to implement, so every housewife will be able to cope with it. You can make such Christmas trees from anything, and on the New Year's table they will look elegant, spectacular and natural. Such trees (especially small ones) can decorate various dishes and snacks.

To create such Christmas trees you will need:
- fruits and vegetables to choose from: pickled or fresh cucumbers, cheese, bell peppers, cold meats, oranges, lemons ...
- additional decor at will: fresh herbs, olives, olives, bright vegetables ... - half an apple for the base
- wooden skewer (about 20-25 cm long)

The process of creating Christmas trees from vegetables and fruits:

First of all, let's prepare the base of our Christmas tree. To do this, cut the apple in half lengthwise. Take one half and turn it over on a plate, and stick a wooden skewer in the center (the sharp end should point up!).

Next, slice a snack, such as pickles or pickles. One tree will take about 2-4 cucumbers. You need to cut it obliquely and not very thinly (this applies specifically to pickled snacks, since they are soft). Thus, the branches will not sag and a beautiful shape should be obtained.

Now begin to string a slice of vegetable on a skewer in a circle. Start with the largest pieces, gradually working towards the smaller ones. String in such a way that the most beautiful edge looks out. It will look more beautiful if the skin on the outer edge of the piece is facing up.

Take the smallest cucumber, cut it in half and use it as the crown. Anything will do here! You can cut a star out of a carrot, plant a small cherry tomato or an olive.

Decorate the plate itself, for example, fresh greens will look great in this case. By analogy, you can create a Christmas tree from fresh cucumbers, only you need to cut it a little thinner, as they will keep their shape well.

Create Christmas trees not only from vegetables, but from fruits. You can use them as decoration for desserts.

Such Christmas trees are quite convenient both in movement (only it is important to take it by the apple, and not by the stem), and in use. It is enough to remove the top of the Christmas tree and it is ready for use.

2. Baguette herringbone

For a salad, three cheese, eggs, cucumbers, chop the nuts and crush the garlic + mayonnaise, mix well. Cut the baguette in half and dry in the oven, stuff with salad and put together on a plate, put some salad. We hoist our sandwich vertically and coat it with salad. Now we are making a Christmas tree - we begin to fasten (stick at an angle) dill, bring the dill to the top.

We insert a needle into a long thread, at the end we tie a toothpick. We string alternately tomatoes, grapes, shrimps, cheese and mussels. We stick one end of the toothpick at the bottom, then wrap the Christmas tree and stick the second toothpick on top. We make snow with squirrel and stick a cheese star into the top.

3. Chocolate herringbone

For real magic for the New Year's table, you can prepare a real chocolate Christmas tree. The recipe for this delicious dessert is very simple. But it will truly delight not only guests, but also the smallest sweet lovers.


  • 500 g dark chocolate (the bars should be just chocolate, no additives)
  • 60 g Extra dark chocolate
  • 250 g of roasted nuts (you can take both walnuts or hazelnuts, and almonds or even cashews),
  • 1 nut for decoration (almond or Brazilian),
  • Powdered sugar (for decoration) - 20-30 grams


Prepare in advance a metal tray for making "spruce branches". To do this, wrap the tray with foil. It is important that the surface is level so that the branches do not sag. You can also use a wooden board wrapped in foil, but then the mass will harden longer. Mark 9 crosses on the foil, leaving 2.5 cm between each cross. Cross sizes: 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 cm.
You also need to prepare the base of the tree: it can be a dense, rigid cardboard circle, etc. with a diameter of 20 cm, wrapped in foil. Mark an 18 cm cross on it.

Break the chocolate into pieces and place in a water bath. When the chocolate is completely melted and smooth, remove from the water. baths, stir with coarsely ground nuts. Stir everything well.
Important: you cannot use a blender to chop nuts, because nuts are needed in large pieces.

With the help of teaspoons, put the soft chocolate-nut mass on the cross of the base of the tree and on the rest of the crosses and allow to harden.

Do not freeze! If the kitchen is cool, you can cool it there. If it's warm - in the refrigerator. In the room, the mass takes longer to cool, but has a stronger shine.
Then carefully separate the finished branches from the tray (do not touch the base of the tree, we will glue the rest of the branches onto it).

Melt 60 g of Extra chocolate until soft and add about half of 1 tsp into the middle of the cross of the base of the tree. On this "glue" carefully place the largest cross-branch. Press down slightly and allow the glue to dry. Further in the same order.

Drop chocolate on the last branch in the center and stick a nut for decoration. Sprinkle the finished Christmas tree with icing sugar.

Such a Christmas tree can decorate any festive table as a New Year's dessert!

4. Fruit and berry Christmas trees

New Year's trees from grapefruit, orange, lime, lemon, kiwi are harvested in the same way as from cucumbers. Cut the fruit into circles (about 0.5 cm thick). If they are large, cut in half. Lemon and lime Christmas trees, in addition to tea, are served with cognac and fish dishes.

Sweet assorted Christmas trees made of apples and pears will be a pleasant surprise for kids and adults. The principle of their manufacture is the same, but pear and apple half rings must be sprinkled with lemon juice immediately, otherwise they will darken. Finished Christmas trees are poured with sugar syrup and decorated with raisins.

You can prepare this version of the fruit tree: Cut 2 apples into thin circles. Cut hexagons using shapes of different sizes. Fold them on top of each other, you can pierce with a skewer for stability. You can use a pear instead of an apple. To do this, cut the pear in half lengthwise, remove the middle, then cut into slices (they are almost triangular). Lay them out with an asterisk on a plate. Decorate with grapes.

Another fruit tree made of 1 pear and 1 apple, sealed with cream:

5. Cheese Christmas trees

For a delicious cheese tree, you need 300 g of hard cheese, 4-5 tablespoons of mayonnaise, 1-2 cloves of garlic, fresh dill, lettuce. Cheese is grated, chopped garlic and mayonnaise are added to it. The products are mixed well and form small cones from the resulting mass.

Dill greens are finely chopped. In it, carefully, so as not to lose their shape, the cones are rolled: the fluffy Christmas trees are ready. They are placed on a large flat plate lined with lettuce leaves.

Now you can take care of a beautiful outfit for the Christmas trees. At the top is a star made of lemon zest, in diameter there are beads of red caviar or pomegranate seeds.

You can use soft feta cheese to create small sandwich appetizers. Small cones are formed from soft cheese, rolled in chopped greens, set on a salted cracker or crouton, and decorated with a pomegranate seed or carrot star.

6. Edible gingerbread herringbone

In a large bowl, combine 600 g of flour, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, 2-3 teaspoons of ground ginger and a pinch of salt. Butter (200 g) is ground with 150 g of brown sugar using a mixer. A mixture of dry ingredients is gradually added to them. The mixer should be running at the lowest speed. The homogeneous dough is divided into two equal parts, each is wrapped in a plastic bag and placed in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Patterns-stars for the Christmas tree with dimensions of 20 cm, 15 cm, 10 cm, 7 and 5 cm are cut out of cardboard. One part of the chilled dough is rolled out between sheets of paper for baking into a thin cake (5-6 mm). With the help of templates, 3 blanks of each size, except for the smallest, are cut out of it with a sharp knife. They are made from the second half of the dough, as much as possible. A suitable cookie cutter will make the job much easier.

The stars are baked in the oven at 180 degrees until golden brown, 7-10 minutes. The baking sheet is not greased, the workpieces are laid out on special paper.

Whisk one egg white while they cool. Gradually, 1.5 cups of powdered sugar are poured into it (2 tablespoons each). This white "glue" is thickly smeared and the stars of the dough are connected. First, the largest ones are taken, 5 cm stars are placed between them, and their rays should not coincide. The structure is crowned with a small asterisk, placed vertically. The remains of the whipped protein are applied to the branches of ginger spruce, for beauty.

If desired, the Christmas tree made of dough can be decorated with dragee balls, small candies, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

7. Olivier salad - herringbone

Prepare an Olivier salad according to your favorite homemade recipe, but without cucumbers. Put it on a dish, giving it the shape of a Christmas tree. Grate cucumbers on a coarse grater. Cover the salad with cucumber needles on all sides. Decorate with cherry tomatoes on top, make a garland of corn or peas.

Or make it easy for yourself and place a herringbone of pickled green peas on top of the salad.

8. Sandwich Christmas trees

Use your imagination and make small Christmas tree-shaped toasts, then either garnish them with slices of fresh cucumber, or make small double sandwiches with different spreads.

Or you can simply fold the canapes with cheese in the shape of a voluminous Christmas tree, as in the middle picture:

9. Christmas trees - cupcakes

Cook up any chocolate muffins, place herringbone waffle cones on top and garnish with green cream (use food coloring to create the desired shade).

You can also make mini-cupcakes by decorating berries - strawberries with cream.

10. Crab salad

Crab sticks, corn, eggs, rice, mayonnaise. Stir, lay out in a cone, garnish with chopped leek stalks:

11. Christmas tree cookies

Bake cookies according to your favorite recipe. Cut out decorations from the same shapes, draw a garland with glaze:

12. Jellied

Meat or fish aspic can be made in a herringbone-shaped baking dish:

13. Cake

And your favorite cake is easily decorated with a Christmas tree made of kiwi slices:

14. Vegetarian broccoli Christmas trees:

15. Snack tree

Another vegetarian and very budgetary Christmas tree option is celery and carrots:

16. Pizza - Christmas tree

Roll the puff pastry into a roll and cut into small balls, put them on a Christmas tree-shaped baking sheet, decorate with the filling on top.

Or just bake a tree-shaped pizza according to your favorite recipe:

17. Pita Christmas trees

A beautiful Christmas tree is also obtained from pieces of ready-made pita. Let's decorate the tree with guacamole and bell pepper. If you don't have a ready-made Mexican guacamole sauce, you can make one. To do this, beat the pulp of one avocado with salt and a few teaspoons of lemon or lime juice in a blender. If desired, you can also puree chili peppers, tomatoes, herbs together. In a bowl, combine the guacamole, sour cream, and chopped parsley. Cover the prepared pita with the sauce, spread the bell pepper pieces on the pita in the form of a garland or Christmas tree balls.

And a few more options for edible Christmas trees with which you can decorate the New Year's table: