Russian pancakes classic recipe. Pancakes - Russian national dish How to make Russian pancakes recipe

10.09.2021 Beverages

Guryevsky, "Lacy foam" and others

Pancakes ... at this very word, festive Shrovetide fun immediately arises in front of your eyes: with rolling on a hill and pink-cheeked beauties serving these pancakes with fervor - with heat! Mmm, delicious! .. By the way, as you know, pancakes are also a symbol of the sun - ruddy, round and hot. And they are baked not only from wheat, but also from buckwheat flour - it is also very tasty and healthy. Real Russian "Pancake week" pancakes are cooked in dough, but thin pancakes without yeast are no worse. And also - pancakes "with hot", that is, with a filling, are very tasty. It can be anything - finely chopped apples, eggs or onions, pieces of herring or other fish ... Imagine - you will succeed! And let "the first pancake not be lumpy"!

Pancakes "According to my mother's recipe"

1 liter of milk
5 eggs
1/3 tea. l. salt
2 table. l. Sahara
1/2 spoonful of baking soda
A little citric acid (on the tip of a knife)
2-3 table. l. Vegetable oil
One and a half glasses of boiling water

1. First, beat the milk with eggs, add sugar and salt to the beaten mixture, beat again. Then add soda and citric acid.
2. Add flour to the mixture until it looks like sour cream. The amount of flour will depend on the size of the eggs. It usually takes about 4 cups (at first, the dough is slightly thicker than regular pancake dough).
3. Add vegetable oil to the resulting mixture and bring to the desired consistency with boiling water.
4. Leave the dough to rest for 15 minutes. Then, as usual, bake pancakes on both sides.

Cunning: We grease the pan with oil only once. Pour in a spoon, heat it and pour it into the dough (in addition to the already added one). Thanks to this trick, the pancakes do not stick to the pan. Which, by the way, should be a special pancake.

You choose the filling according to your own taste. You can stuff it, you can sprinkle with sesame seeds or spread honey on pancakes.

Guryev pancakes

wheat flour - two glasses
egg - 5 pieces
butter - 100 g
sour milk (kefir) - 2 1/2 cups
salt, sugar to taste.

Pour the egg yolks into a saucepan and, adding salt and sugar to them, grind well. Then add flour, add butter, milk and knead a fairly thin dough. Beat the dough very well. The better the dough is beaten, the tastier the pancakes will be.

Russian pancakes

Wheat flour - 600 g.
granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
butter - 5 tsp
eggs - 1 pc.
yeast - 25 g.
salt - 1 tsp
milk - 4 glasses,
olive oil - 3-4 tbsp. l.

Heat 3 cups of milk, dissolve yeast in it, add 1/2 tbsp. tablespoons of granulated sugar, salt, yolk and melted butter, mix and add 300 g of flour.

Knead the dough. Cover the dishes with the dough with a towel and place in a warm place for fermentation (25-30 hours). After 2 hours, when the volume of the dough doubles, dilute it with the remaining milk warmed up to a temperature of 50 ° C, add the remaining flour and sugar and gradually pour in the well-beaten protein. Knead the dough again and let it rise. The dough should ferment for a total of about 3 hours.

Grease the pan with a thin layer of vegetable oil and heat until the smoke disappears. Using a pouring spoon, carefully scoop up a portion of the dough and pour over the pan. When the underside of the pancake is browned, dip the brush in vegetable oil, grease the upper side and turn the pancake over.

When the other side of the pancake is browned, grease the top side with vegetable oil again and transfer the pancake to a pan wrapped in a towel. Do not stir the dough during baking.

Serve hot or warm, pouring with honey, sour cream, jam.

Pancakes "Lacy foam"

2 eggs
3 tbsp Sahara
1 tsp vanilla sugar
100 ml vodka
0.5 tsp salt
1 liter of kefir 1% fat
1 tsp soda
3 tbsp rast. oils

1. Beat eggs with sugar until froth. Add vanilla sugar, vodka, salt and beat again.
2. Pour in kefir, stir.
3. Sift the flour and, while stirring, gradually add to the mixture until the dough acquires the consistency of thick sour cream.
4. Add soda slaked with vinegar and vegetable oil to the dough. Stir, let stand for 20 minutes.
Then, whisking the dough, gradually pour in boiling water until the dough resembles liquid sour cream.
5. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan. Pour in a little dough, spread it in a circular motion throughout the pan. Bake. Turn the pancake over and cook for another 30 seconds. Bake all the pancakes.
6. Lightly grease each pancake with butter, sprinkle with granulated sugar. Collapse four times. Put the pancakes in a saucepan, sprinkle with 2 tablespoons on top. sugar and put 100 grams of butter.
Cover tightly and place in a warm oven for 15 minutes.

Interesting facts about pancakes

The oldest recipe for pancakes in English dates back to the 15th century.

The world record for the biggest pancake was set in Rochdale in 1994. The pancake was 15 meters in diameter, weighed three tons and two million calories.

The world's largest pancake breakfast is held annually in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA. Hundreds of volunteers are taking part in the event, and since 1999, over 71,233 servings have been submitted by over 40,000 people. If all these pancakes are stacked, it will be over 3.5 km.

Ralph Lau from Leipzig set the world record for throwing pancakes in the air - in two minutes he threw it 416 times. And Mike Kucakre ran a marathon, constantly tossing a pancake, for 3 hours, 2 minutes and 27 seconds.

Pancakes are a traditional delicacy of the Russian people, one of the most beloved and revered dishes, both in the days of ancient Russia and now. They occupied a worthy place on the table of every housewife, and are considered one of the very first flour dishes that appeared in the diet of our ancestors around the 9th century AD.

In many countries of the world there are varieties of this ancient flour tortilla, in Ancient Egypt it was sour, in America it was called pancake, its diameter is smaller than our pancakes and they are thicker, in Asia they made thin unleavened pancakes that were used instead of bread, the ancient Chinese made Rice flour pancakes with tea powder, seafood and onions. Each country has its own history of creating certain dishes, is proud of its traditions and customs.

For the Russian people, pancakes were and are some of the favorite delicacies, we are ready to eat them day and night, enjoying the taste and aroma, as well as a variety of fillings, which can be either sweet (berries, jam, jam, cottage cheese) or not sweet (meat, mushroom, fish, with red and black caviar).

The history of the origin of pancakes in Russia

The history of the origin of this dish has several versions. Some historians claim that the word "pancake" comes from the Slavic "mlin" - to grind. According to this version, pancakes appeared after the ancient Slavs learned to grind flour and add water from the dough to bake pancakes lush and blush. There is another version of the origin of this dish, when oat jelly, popular at that time, was accidentally forgotten in the oven, it burned a little, and a delicious, appetizing crust appeared on it, and it itself turned into a flat cake. This was the first pancake that everyone liked very much.

In ancient, still pagan times, pancakes were a ritual of treating the spirits of ancestors, people believed that they could treat their souls, appease them so that they would contribute to a good harvest for the coming year. This is how Maslenitsa appeared, which at first was not a holiday, but a pagan ritual tradition. They baked a lot of pancakes, fed them to the poor, the poor and the wanderers, considering them to be intermediaries between the two worlds.

Also, according to some historians, pancakes were a sacrificial type of bread, which, before the baptism of Russia, was baked in the shape of a circle as a symbol of worship of the ancient Slavic supreme god Perun and the sun god Yarilo, bringing it as a gift to the gods for their patronage and intercession.

How pancakes were baked in Russia

Each housewife in Russia had her own recipe for baking pancakes, kept secret and passed on from mother to daughter. To make the pancakes lush and tasty, the dough for the dough (the pancakes were yeast-based) was kneaded late at night, far from prying eyes.

Flour was added mainly buckwheat, which gave the pancakes a slightly sour pleasant taste, the basis of the liquid in the dough was yeast, milk and water, the finished pancakes were notable for their splendor, ruddy and were a little loose.

Pancakes were baked in the oven, always on birch logs, using cast iron pans carefully calcined with salt, greased with a piece of unsalted lard. The filling for pancakes could be very different from meat and mushrooms, to herring cottage cheese, and even porridge (buckwheat, semolina and wheat).

Traditions to bake pancakes for the holidays

Previously, pancakes were baked everywhere throughout the year, serving as both an everyday and a festive dish. Since the 19th century, pancakes have become the main symbol of the bright, cheerful winter holiday of Maslenitsa, personifying the ruddy spring sun, they participated in the farewell to winter and the meeting of Spring-Red.

Maslenitsa week:

First day of oil week Monday, called "Meeting", the hostesses begin to bake festive pancakes, the rolling of snow slides begins, a scarecrow is installed - a symbol of the past winter.

On the second day, Tuesday or "Flirt" large-scale festivities begin, people go to visit each other, tasting the most important dish of the holiday - ruddy, fragrant and hearty pancakes with a wide variety of fillings.

Third day Wednesday or "Gourmet"... On this day, tables both on the street and at home were supposed to burst with treats, it was believed that the more a person ate pancakes in a whole day, the better!

Thursday - "Take a walk" involved riding in troikas, fist fights, various games, gulbis, and of course the increased eating of the main dish - delicious pancakes in the heat of the heat.

Friday - "Mother-in-law's Day", mother-in-law bake their most delicious pancakes for guests and beloved son-in-law.

Saturday - "Cousin's gatherings", the girls gathered for fun girls' gatherings or went to visit relatives, again treating themselves to soft, ruddy, incredibly hearty and tasty pancakes.

Sunday "Forgiveness Day", burned a scarecrow of winter, asked each other for forgiveness for all the insults, meeting the onset of a new, spring life and celebrating its arrival rejoicing, having fun and of course eating the main festive dish in huge quantities - Russian pancakes.

Pancakes are one of the oldest dishes known to mankind. They are loved in many countries, but everywhere they cook in their own way. Today we will tell you 3 ways in which you can make real Russian pancakes.

This is the most popular Russian pancake recipe. These pancakes are not difficult to prepare and are perfect for both dessert and main course.

We need:

  • milk - 500 ml;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 200 grams;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - 1 pinch.

Now let's start preparing the dough:

  1. First, we need to drive the eggs into a bowl and mix them with sugar and salt. It is best to take eggs out of the refrigerator in advance so that they have time to warm up to room temperature;
  2. Add milk and mix well;
  3. Pour out the flour. This should be done gradually, constantly mixing the dough, so it will turn out to be homogeneous and of the desired consistency;
  4. And finally, add the vegetable oil and mix everything thoroughly again.

We start baking:

  1. First, heat the pan well and add a little vegetable oil, just a couple of drops. Distribute it evenly throughout the pan with a brush;
  2. We put the fire in the middle;
  3. Pour 90 ml of dough into the pan. The pan must be tilted slightly so that the dough spreads itself in a circle;
  4. Fry the pancake for 2-3 minutes, then pry it with a thin spatula and gently turn it over, then bake for another 2 minutes;
  5. Put the finished pancake on a dish and cover with a lid.

Any filling of your choice will suit such pancakes. You can spread them with jam and get a wonderful dessert for tea, or wrap fried minced meat in them - an excellent and hearty dinner will come out. Also, it is these pancakes that are most often served with caviar and red fish.

This option is suitable if you don't have milk in your kitchen, or if you want to prepare a light, dietary meal. Such a dough is prepared in almost the same way as a dough in milk.

We need:

  • water - 500 ml;
  • flour - 320 grams;
  • egg - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - 1 pinch.

Kneading the dough:

  1. Drive eggs into a bowl, add salt, sugar and mix well;
  2. Pour water and mix everything thoroughly again;
  3. Gradually add flour, constantly stirring the dough.
  1. Heat the pan well and add quite a bit of vegetable oil; Distribute it evenly over the pan;
  2. Reduce heat to medium;
  3. Pour about 90 ml of dough into the pan, tilt it so that the dough spreads evenly;
  4. Fry a pancake for 2-3 minutes on each side;
  5. We spread the finished pancake on a plate and cover with a lid;

That's it, the diet pancake dough is ready. The baking process is no different from pancakes with milk. This dish is perfect as a light snack or dessert. Pancakes on water are low in calories and go well with berries and fruits.

These are traditional pancakes that are prepared in Russia for Maslenitsa. They are thicker, fluffier, and go well with sweet fillings.


  • sugar - 60 g
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • egg - 3 pcs.
  • dry yeast - 7 g
  • vegetable oil - 70 ml
  • flour - 300 g
  • milk - 300 ml
  • water - 200 ml

Making the dough:

  1. Add eggs, sugar and salt to a bowl. Beat with a whisk until foam appears;
  2. Pour milk into a bowl (it should be warmed up a little beforehand), add yeast and flour. Pour flour gradually, stirring the dough;
  3. Pour in oil, water and mix everything again;
  4. We put the dough in a warm place for about 1 hour. During this time, it will increase by about 2 times;
  5. We stir it to release the air and set it to rise again.
  6. When the dough rises again, in no case should it be stirred, we need to keep its airiness, so we handle it carefully.
  1. Preheat the pan and grease it evenly with oil;
  2. Gently scoop the dough with a scoop and pour it into the pan, letting it spread. You need to scoop the dough from above, without lowering the ladle deeply, so we will preserve the splendor of future pancakes;
  3. When the surface of the pancake turns golden, turn it over with a spatula and fry the other side to the same state;
  4. Put the finished pancakes on top of each other, greasing them with butter.

What do they eat pancakes with?

In Russian cuisine, pancakes are a very versatile dish. A huge variety of fillings have been invented for them, both sweet and salty. Therefore, Russian pancakes can be both a hearty main course and a sweet treat.

As a meat filling for pancakes, as a rule, beef or poultry is used. For this, both boiled meat and fried minced meat are perfect, which goes well with mushrooms. Traditionally, these crepes are served with sour cream, which makes the dish less dry.

You can also wrap cottage cheese with dried fruits or berries in pancakes, for example, blueberries. Such a dish will become a delicious and hearty breakfast.

For dessert, along with pancakes, it is customary to serve jam, fruits and berries. In modern recipes, sliced ​​bananas topped with liquid chocolate are wrapped in pancakes. This delicacy goes well with tea.

Pancake snacks are no less loved in Russian cuisine. Pancakes with red and black caviar are a traditional Russian vodka snack. In addition to caviar, pancakes can be stuffed with red fish.

These are just classic examples of toppings, feel free to experiment and create your own dishes! We hope you will like our recipes for Russian pancakes. Cook, try, and write in the comments what you did!

Pancakes are a Russian national dish that has come to our homes from time immemorial. What varieties of this culinary delight did not come up with our ancestors. In each house, the hostess had her own special recipe passed down from generation to generation. Of course, it cannot be denied that other peoples also have flour products similar to their counterparts. But the most famous are the delicate and fragrant Russian pancakes, so reminiscent of the gentle spring sun. They are served in many restaurants around the world with caviar and sour cream, with honey and cottage cheese.

Thin golden flour tortillas are not only a delicious snack, but also one of the most economical dishes of their kind. To make pancakes, you need a small amount of flour, because the main ingredient is liquid.

Milk is most often used, but it is possible to bake pancakes both in water and kefir. It turns out a batter that easily spreads over a heated frying pan, which makes it possible to bake very thin cakes with holes. To make more pancakes, because there are never many of them, yeast is included in the ingredients. According to a tradition borrowed from Europe, they can be replaced with soda, but this is alien to Russian national cuisine.

It is Russian pancakes that are famous for their special consistency, which makes it possible to cook soft, fluffy, spongy and loose culinary masterpieces like a light sponge. The method of preparation, regardless of the content of the dough, is always the same, and in order to achieve the desired effect, you need to try very hard. But the process of use can be different for everyone, differing in variety. Ready-made pancakes can be dipped in ghee or honey, greased with sour cream or jam, stuffed with caviar or minced meat, and each of these methods brings constant delight to a true gourmet. A primordially Russian dish was served with many additives, but it was especially common to use it with cottage cheese in various variations. The pancakes intended for the filling were baked very thin, while for dipping, on the contrary, they were fluffy.

The classic recipe for Russian pancakes

The classic recipe involves the establishment of a sponge, which must rise at least twice to make soft, airy and spongy pancakes. Modern housewives prefer a faster cooking method and do not add yeast. They are successfully replaced with soda, which also gives the desired effect. Very often even this baking powder is not used. Then the pancakes are thin and full of holes, which is a special chic and indicates the skill of the hostess.

To make truly classic pancakes, there are a few basic things to know.

  • The dough should be thin enough so that it spreads freely in a thin layer over the pan. But it is necessary to observe the proportions exactly, otherwise they will be "lumpy".
  • Pancakes must be fried on both sides. Housewives achieve special skill when they turn them over, tossing them in a frying pan. Although this is not the point, the main thing is to learn how to turn the pancakes carefully, without damaging the integrity.
  • When frying, you need to know the measure and prevent burning.

Pancakes are a Russian national dish that has features that are unique to them in the preparation of dough.

  • First of all, you need to start a dough, which is made on the basis of yeast. It must be done in advance.
  • In order for the dough to stand and come up, it is necessary to leave it for six hours. It contains a third of the products, all the rest are added after. The dough must include the following ingredients: flour, it can be corn, wheat, buckwheat; vegetable oil, salt and sugar. Everything is kneaded on the basis of milk, you can add it to the egg, but after that you must definitely let the dough stand again.
  • The liquid and flour content should be even, but the proportions can be adjusted during cooking.

In ancient times in Russia it was believed that a girl who knows how to bake pancakes is ready to become a wife and mother. This speaks of the high skill of the hostess preparing this dish. By the way, male chefs cook this dish very well too.

The preparation of the dough has several subtleties that every housewife should know.

  • Yeast is needed in the sour pancake dough. They must be fresh and in sufficient quantity. The important point is that there should not be too many of them, this can spoil the taste of the dish.
  • After adding each ingredient, the dough must be mixed very thoroughly, eliminating lumps, and bringing to a homogeneous mass.
  • Some recipes require boiling the dough with boiled milk. It should be about fifty degrees. To make the dough loose, you can add a mixture of proteins and cream. These subtleties help to improve the taste of the dish.

Baking Russian pancakes

A very important point in preparing pancakes is the choice of a frying pan. The best option would be medium-sized cast iron cookware.

Baking pancakes isn't difficult, but it takes practice. First, you need to pour oil into the pan. There should be not very much of it, otherwise the pancakes will be thick and uneven, this will ruin their appearance. With a small amount of oil, the dish may burn, which is also unacceptable. It is necessary to adhere to the golden mean. To do this, oil is not poured into the pan, but smeared with a bunch of feathers or an onion cut in half, you can also use half a raw potato. The dough should flow freely in the pan, then the pancake will turn out to be even and thin.

To make the pancakes soft and fluffy, they must not be overdried. When it is browned on one side, it is oiled and quickly turned over. This moment should not be missed so as not to harm the taste of the dish.

Types of pancakes by ingredients used and cooking methods

Pancakes are of different types, it depends on what kind of flour is the basis and how the dough is started. Depending on this, they also have different names. Semolina pancakes are made with the addition of semolina. They are very soft and crumbly. Accordingly, the dough for buckwheat, rye and wheat pancakes is made from the corresponding cereals. You can mix different flours in one dish, then they acquire a special taste and aroma. Pancakes made from different cereals differ not only in taste, but also in color.

There is also a different recipe for dough preparation. For example, you can make custard pancakes or yeast-free ones.

Each family has its own traditions of eating. Pancakes can be dipped in honey, sour cream, sugar, or ghee. They can be stuffed with salted fish, caviar, eggs and herbs, as well as minced meat or vegetables. Pancakes with baking are especially tasty and complex recipe. In the classic version, the first leaves of green sorrel, finely chopped eggs, onions, cottage cheese or cheese were used as a filling for such a dish.

Pancake pie was a very popular dish in the past. To prepare it, you need to pick up the filling and bake a few pancakes. Everything is collected on a baking sheet in layers, coated with dough on the sides and sent to the oven for five to ten minutes. It turns out a kind of pie with a filling.

There is no doubt that pancakes are a Russian national dish, because for centuries people have collected recipes with such love and kept the traditions of their preparation. No other dish can match their warmth and unique taste.