Dumplings with a surprise for any occasion. Dumplings with a surprise: the meaning of the filling and the recipe

21.09.2021 Desserts and cakes

We are all looking forward to the Old New Year 2020 holiday. Especially fortune-telling with dumplings with surprises. Making dumplings with a surprise for the Old New Year - this delicious New Year's tradition is liked by both adults and children. It is passed down from generation to generation. The most important thing in fortune-telling dumplings on the Old New Year's Eve is the meaning of surprises. This is what we are going to talk about today.

On what holiday dumplings with surprises are sculpted. What kind of filling to put in dumplings, how to make dough for fortune-telling dumplings and when you can guess on dumplings: on the night of January 13 to 14 or in the evening of January 12, 2020. We will also learn important signs and beliefs for the Old New Year.

Old New Year 2020 is a long-awaited additional New Year's holiday, which has historically developed due to a change in the chronology system. It is celebrated on the night of January 13-14, prolonging the joy and charm of the brightest, most beloved, family and merry holiday - New Year.

A traditional fascinating activity on the eve of the Old New Year - fortune telling about the future, fortune telling on dumplings. A nice custom is to look into your future - to treat yourself to dumplings with various fillings - a surprise.

What is cooked for the Old New Year on the table

On the eve of the old New Year, the Slavs celebrate a folk holiday - Generous evening, or as they say, a rich holy evening.

For a generous evening, the hostesses prepared the best and most delicious dishes for the table. The main dish on the festive table was considered to be a roast pig - a symbol of the fertility of livestock and the fertility of the earth.

Kutya was also cooked in a special way on the Generous Evening - at the appointed hour, at night, with conspiracies, if it turned out to be correct, it was eaten, and if not, it was poured into the river so that it would take all the troubles with it. But it is customary to make dumplings for the Old New Year with surprises - what gets to whom should be expected this year.

Holy time, or Christmastide, begins on January 7 and lasts until the 19th. These are the days of breaking the fast after the Christmas fast and the evening of fortune-telling.

The people consider this time to be a time of rampant evil spirits. On this evening, after sunset and until midnight, teenage girls go and generous, driving away all evil spirits with their songs and wishing the owners happiness, health and good luck in the new year.

At dawn on January 14, young guys went to sow grain to their godfathers, close relatives, and acquaintances.

According to popular beliefs, on the old New Year, a man was supposed to be the first to enter the house - it was believed that this would bring happiness to the house for the whole next year.

And they wished for wealth and abundance with special sayings. In response, the owners presented them with pies, sweets and other sweets.

It was believed that money should not be given to the sowers - with them one could give well-being in the house.

In some villages, such a rite is still preserved: on the night of the old New Year, they burn their old clothes and immediately put on new ones. This symbolizes the beginning of a new, better life.

In order to protect your home from all troubles in the new year, on January 14, you need to walk around all the rooms clockwise with three lighted candles and be baptized at the same time. Also, on the morning of January 14, you need to take an ax and knock it lightly on the threshold, saying “life, health, bread”.

There are things that do not change, despite all the achievements of civilization. And the main one is the desire to look into the future. It doesn't matter what you want to know: the name of your future husband or your business success, health or expected children.

In ancient times, answers were sought from the Pythias, priests, shamans and witches. In the 21st century, they turn to online fortune telling. And, of course, they continue to question fate at the traditional time for fortune-telling - Christmas evenings.

Among the methods of fortune-telling that have passed the test of time, the most fun and delicious ones are on food. Products (cereals, flour, vegetables, fruits, nuts) and specially prepared dishes are also used.

We only need to prepare the field for good spirits so that they can tell us about future events. And dumplings with surprises for the Old New Year 2020 are ideal for fortune-telling. Fun, interesting and delicious!

Dumplings with a surprise for the Old New Year 2020

When they make dumplings with a surprise

On the night of January 13-14, anyone can celebrate the New Year again. Moreover, for many believers, the Old New Year is more important than the New Year, since they can afford to celebrate it properly, because the Nativity Fast is already ending at this time.

The tradition of making dumplings on the eve of the Old New Year appeared relatively recently. It is difficult to say when and where exactly this tradition appeared, but today it is observed with great pleasure throughout Russia.

Somewhere they are molded in almost every home, paying tribute to traditions, and then they arrange noisy feasts with eating sticky dumplings, hoping to find the same cherished dumpling with a surprise.

This is a kind of comic fortune telling especially to the liking of children. Older people take dumplings with them to work, treating colleagues and colleagues.

And in the food industry, they produce dumplings with surprises, just under the Old New Year.

Before the change of chronology, this day fell on the 1st of January. And this day was called Vasilyev's Day, and the eve of it (December 31st, which later became January 13th) - Vasilyev's evening. On this day, tables were generously laid.

Special preference was given to pork dishes, since pork meat was the most important treat on Vasilyev's evening and during Christmas time.

Wealthy people had a pig's head on the table all week from Christmas to New Year (Old New Year).

How dumplings are prepared for fortune-telling

So, store-bought dumplings are not suitable for predictions. You need to roll up your sleeves and make wonderful dumplings with potatoes for

Old New Year yourself and hide riddles-fillings in them. And for starters, prepare dough for dumplings.

We will need:

  • three glasses of flour
  • one large egg,
  • two thirds of a glass of water
  • a teaspoon of salt.

We pour the dough on the table with a slide, in the middle we make a depression where we pour the egg, water and add salt. After that, carefully begin to knead. The longer you knead the dough, the more elastic it will be.

And no dough mixers, mixers and bread makers, in the dough kneading mode. We knead everything with our hands! Otherwise, the predictions will not come true.

After the dough becomes homogeneous and elastic, put it in a deep glass or porcelain bowl, cover with a damp cloth and let it stand for half an hour - forty minutes in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator.

After that, we begin to roll out the dough for dumplings on sheets, add the filling and surprises. How to sculpt is up to you. Each family has its own traditions.

If there are no traditions, or even a family, then you can search the Internet for methods of sculpting dumplings.

How to sculpt dumplings with surprises correctly: step by step instructions (several options)

How to make dumplings with surprises for the Old New Year

Do not cover the pan with dumplings with a lid when cooking, otherwise all surprises may come out of them, which will ruin the fortune-telling for the Old New Year 2020.

Now comes the fun part. What to put in dumplings for the Old New Year and what this or that surprise means, read below. Everything is detailed there. However, personally from me one little piece of advice - make all the dumplings the same as possible, so as not to cheat later!

Now let's move on to the filling, or rather to the surprises. For what is this dumplings for the Old New Year without surprises? It can be said, just nothing. I begin to reveal the meaning of the dumplings surprises.

What is put in dumplings with a surprise for the Old New Year for fortune telling

Yellow coin - for pleasure
White coin - to family strife

Meat - to well-being
Ring - to true love

Rice - business success
Millet - fruitless chores

Buckwheat - favorable and profitable news
Beans - for replenishment in the family

Dough (flour) - to a hard life
Cottage cheese - to new friends

Cheese - to win
Mushrooms - for a long and happy life

Potatoes - for a promotion at work
Bread - for a hearty year

Peas - home peace
Corn - joy for the success of loved ones

Cranberries - to unexpected changes in life
Raisins - to a dispute with neighbors

Dried apricots - to joy
Cherries - good luck

Apple - to a well-deserved reward
Orange - to delight

Carrots - to good health
Cucumber - to a strong man

Walnut - to soon joy
Peanuts - for a love affair

Hazelnuts - to successful acquisitions
Seeds - to new fruitful plans

Garlic - for a marriage of convenience
Salt - to tears

Sugar - to envy
Red pepper - to chagrin

Black pepper - to a quarrel with friends
Capsicum - for sexual pleasures

White thread - to a long road
Black thread - to a close road

A thread with knots - for a difficult year
Button - for a cherished new thing

The value of surprises in dumplings

To believe or not to believe the meaning of surprises in dumplings for the Old New Year is an individual matter. Actually, how to decide whether there are dumplings for the Old New Year or not. Anyway, Happy Old New Year! And may he be rich and successful for each of you!

Old New Year is a quiet family holiday. He does not like crazy fun with explosions of firecrackers and pouring alcohol. The Old New Year has its own traditions. One of them is to make dumplings with surprises. This is a long-standing tradition that originated from the custom of fortune-telling on Christmastide week. The filling in the dumplings symbolizes good wishes for the next year.

Dumplings are made with unusual, often inedible or unusual fillings: black pepper, coins, buttons, rings and so on are put in dumplings. Rather, the filling is made as usual - cottage cheese or potato, and when it is molded, "surprises" are added.

You don't have to endanger your guests' teeth and stuff the dumplings with oranges or cabbage - such fillings are also of particular importance.

Important! Be sure to warn your guests if you put solid objects in the dumplings!

The meanings of the surprise fillings

  • Orange - to delight
  • Peanuts - for a love affair
  • Cherries - good luck
  • Peas - home peace
  • Walnut - health
  • Buckwheat - favorable and profitable news
  • Mushrooms - for a long and happy life
  • Big money - to a big win
  • Grain - to wealth
  • Raisins - to a great temptation
  • Cabbage - for money
  • Caramel - for love
  • Potatoes - for a promotion at work
  • Cranberries - to unexpected changes in life
  • Ring - for the wedding
  • Red pepper - to chagrin
  • Dried apricots - to joy
  • Bay leaf - to fame (career growth)
  • Honey - health
  • Coin - a prosperous year in material terms
  • Carrots - to new acquaintances
  • Torment - to suffer
  • Meat - to well-being
  • White thread - long road (long and long journey)
  • The thread is green - the road abroad
  • A thread with knots - for a difficult year
  • Black thread - short and not very long trip
  • Cucumber - for a strong man, good sex
  • Walnut - immediately to two fans (admirers)
  • Pepper - thrill
  • Ground allspice - to "spicy", ie. eventful life, serious changes
  • Button - for a new thing
  • Millet - fruitless chores
  • Rice - well-being in the house
  • Sugar is a sweet life (easy, auspicious year)
  • Seeds - to new fruitful plans
  • Salt - to quarrels and failures (tears)
  • Capsicum - for sexual pleasures
  • Cheese - to win
  • Cottage cheese - to new friends
  • Dough, beans, or fish scales - to replenish the family
  • Dill - for good health
  • Hazelnuts - to successful acquisitions
  • Bread - the year will be full, good
  • Chain - strengthening family ties
  • Black peppercorns - to friends (to new friendly relations)
  • Garlic - for a marriage of convenience
  • Apple - to a well-deserved reward
  • Dumplings recipe

    If there is very little time, then you can use the purchased fresh frozen dough and stick dumplings from it.

    4 cups flour

    1 glass of water

    4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

    2 tsp Sahara

    Step 1. Mix flour with sugar and salt, make a slide.

    Step 2. Make a depression on the top and break an egg there, pour water and oil.

    Step 3. Knead the tough dough, knead until smooth and smooth.

    Step 4. Put in the refrigerator for two hours, covered with foil so as not to dry out. In the meantime, prepare the filling.

    Step 5. Sprinkle the table with flour, roll out the dough in a thin layer, cut it into circles with a glass.

    Step 6. Put the filling in the middle of the mug, fold the dough in half, pinch the edges. Cook - by throwing it into boiling water.

For many residents of Morozov, the Old New Year, despite all the paradox, is a real family holiday.

Some on the Old New Year dress up in some unusual costumes and go caroling or generous. According to tradition, on January 13, it is customary to generous in the evening. Generosity is a Slavic New Year's ritual of going around houses with the performance of songs of good wishes and receiving rewards from the owners of the house.

And if only a few people in Morozovsk now know how to give generosity, most families of the city will make dumplings with "surprises". The base filling of such dumplings is usually potatoes (although other options are possible). In addition to it, on the Old New Year, dumplings can contain anything: edible "goodies" and inedible "surprises". By these fillings, people usually guess what awaits them in the coming year.

"Notepad Morozovsk" introduces you to the traditional meanings of "surprises". You can also come up with the meanings of the fillings and write them down in advance.

  • Peanuts - for a love affair
  • Banana - for exotic pleasures
  • Cherry - to luck
  • Pea - to home peace
  • Nail - to repair or purchase new equipment
  • Walnut - for good health
  • Buckwheat - to well-being and prosperity in the house
  • Mushrooms - for a long and happy life
  • Money, coins - to money
  • Wood (piece) - to a new home
  • Spruce (spruce branch) is your year, everything you want will succeed
  • Acorn - for an unexpected big surprise
  • Grain - to abundance
  • Raisins - to a great temptation
  • Strawberries - to unexpected changes in life
  • Ring - for the wedding
  • A coffee bean - a stormy social life
  • Dried apricots - to unexpected joy
  • Bay leaf - to fame and career growth
  • Carrots - for reproduction (ideas, offspring, etc.)
  • Meat - for well-being and stability
  • White thread - to a long pleasant road (journey)
  • Colored thread - for a trip abroad
  • A thread with knots - for a difficult year, with obstacles
  • Black thread - for a short and not very long trip
  • Cookies - for inexhaustible bread and salt on the table throughout the year
  • Button - for new clothes, in the wardrobe and in everyday life
  • Millet - for hard work. which will give good results
  • Rice - to well-being and supplies to the house
  • Fish - to a successful "catch" in all spheres of life
  • Sugar is a sign of a sweet life (easy, auspicious year)
  • Seeds - to bad gossip
  • Paperclip - good news in the workplace
  • Salt - to quarrels and failures (tears)
  • Capsicum - for sexual pleasures
  • Cheese - to win
  • Dill - for good sexual health
  • Beans - for replenishment in the house: it can be a child, or someone will acquire a husband-wife, a new home, new major acquisitions.
  • Hazelnuts - for successful purchases at home
  • Bread - for a satisfying good year
  • Chain - to strengthen family ties
  • Black peppercorns - to new friends
  • Garlic - to life's difficulties
  • Skin - to a new coat
  • Sorrel - to good health
  • Apple - to a well-deserved reward
  • Sour berries (such as cranberries, currants, bird cherries, mulberries) - to love without reciprocity
  • Egg with rice - for offspring
News on Bloknot-Morozovsk

Old New Year is a quiet family holiday. He does not like crazy fun with explosions of firecrackers and pouring alcohol. The Old New Year has its own traditions. One of them is to make dumplings with surprises. This is a long-standing tradition that originated from the custom of fortune-telling on Christmastide week. The filling in the dumplings symbolizes good wishes for the next year.

Dumplings are made with unusual, often inedible or unusual fillings: black pepper, coins, buttons, rings and so on are put in dumplings. Rather, the filling is made as usual - cottage cheese or potato, and when it is molded, "surprises" are added.

You don't have to endanger your guests' teeth and stuff the dumplings with oranges or cabbage - such fillings are also of particular importance.

Important! Be sure to warn your guests if you put solid objects in the dumplings!

The meanings of the surprise fillings

Dumplings recipe

If there is very little time, then you can use the purchased fresh frozen dough and stick dumplings from it.

4 cups flour

1 glass of water

4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil

2 tsp Sahara

Step 1. Mix flour with sugar and salt, make a slide.

Step 2. Make a depression on the top and break an egg there, pour water and oil.

Step 3. Knead the tough dough, knead until smooth and smooth.

Step 4. Put in the refrigerator for two hours, covered with foil so as not to dry out. In the meantime, prepare the filling.

Step 5. Sprinkle the table with flour, roll out the dough in a thin layer, cut it into circles with a glass.

Step 6. Put the filling in the middle of the mug, fold the dough in half, pinch the edges. Cook - by throwing it into boiling water.

Joint sculpting of surprise dumplings will create the atmosphere of a family holiday. A cozy atmosphere will bring family members and invited guests together. It is better to involve all participants in fortune-telling to sculpting dumplings. So fortune-telling will have more power.

Attention! The basic rule of making "magic" dumplings is that all stages of cooking must be carried out manually by the hostess of the table or by all fortune-tellers. No blenders, mixers, dough mixers or dough sheeters!

If the family has a tradition of making dumplings and dumplings, then, for sure, there is also a proven dough recipe. But, unfortunately, now this custom is very rare. Therefore, below are recipe options and recommendations for making dough for dumplings:

Lean dough cooked without eggs or milk. Suitable for vegetarian cuisine.
Ingredients for 30 dumplings dough:

  • premium flour - 0.5 kg;
  • plain water - 100-150 g;
  • vegetable oil - about 150 g;
  • 1 tsp salt.

Dry ingredients are poured onto the table in a slide. The required amount of water is poured from above. Now you can gently start mixing. First, the dough is kneaded with your finger in a spiral, and then wrinkled with your hands. When the mixture is a little sticky, it's time to add the oil. Next, the dough must be kneaded by hand until elastic. At the same time, it is important not to overdo it so that it does not become rough during cooking.

Traditional pastry prepared using eggs. Ingredients:

  • 250 ml of water;
  • 4 tbsp. flour of the highest grade;
  • salt;
  • 1 egg.

Eggs and salt are added to the water. Then flour is added and the dough is kneaded. He needs to be given a "rest" in a cool place for about half an hour. After that, you need to knead it a little more.

Advice. A familiar dish can become original if, after boiling, the dumplings are fried over high heat in vegetable oil with the addition of onions. The crispy crust will add spice!

Fillings for dumplings

Guests and family members are invited to the Old New Year not only to tell fortunes, but also to treat themselves to a delicious dish. Therefore, in addition to the surprise, the dumplings should also contain the main filling. The hostess can choose the following filling options to her taste:

  • potato;
  • potato with fried onions;
  • potato with the addition of stewed sauerkraut;
  • curd (a raw egg must be added to it to fasten the "minced meat", salt or sugar - to taste);
  • Adyghe cheese (you need to knead the cheese with a fork, add salt to taste and a raw egg, you can add herbs).

Each dumpling contains a small surprise. It can be edible or inedible. Dumplings need to be sculpted to the same size.

It is better to invest a surprise in the center of the dumpling, so that no one would guess in advance what prediction awaits him.

Advice. To avoid disagreements or resentments at the table, it is better to prepare and print in advance a list with predictions specifically for your fillings. You can choose, for example, only positive predictions.

Surprises and their meanings

  • White thread - a long way;
  • The black thread is a close road;
  • A thread with knots - a difficult period ahead;
  • Colored thread - travel abroad is possible;
  • Ring - for the wedding;
  • Cherry - there will be good luck;
  • Raisin - a conflict with neighbors;
  • Orange - you will experience pleasure;
  • Banana - exotic pleasures await you;
  • Strawberry - get ready for a major upheaval in your life;
  • Currant - love without reciprocity;
  • Cranberry - sudden changes are coming;
  • Peas - there will be peace in the family;
  • Grain - to wealth;
  • Buckwheat - good news will come;
  • Mushrooms - you will become a long-liver;
  • Potatoes - growth at work is possible;
  • Honey - improve health;
  • Meat - to material well-being;
  • Walnut - improve your health;
  • Button - update your wardrobe;
  • Rice - there will be abundance;
  • Sugar is an easy year in all respects;
  • Bay leaf - become famous, your career will go uphill;
  • Salt - to scandals and failures (tears);
  • Cheese - win a prize;
  • Dough - there will be a replenishment in the family;
  • Beans - to the emergence of new family members (children, grandchildren, husband, wife);
  • Yellow coin - you will experience pleasure;
  • White coin - to discord in the family;
  • Seeds - plans and ideas will appear;
  • Garlic - the marriage will be of convenience;
  • Red pepper - frequent grievances are foreseen;
  • Black pepper - quarrel with your best friends;

  • Pepper peas - make new friends;
  • Capsicum - indulge in sexual passion;
  • Peanuts - love adventures are expected;
  • Nail - repairs are pending;
  • Wood - start building a house;
  • Spruce - the whole year will be successful;
  • Acorn - get a surprise;
  • A coffee bean - burst out into the light;
  • Cookies - there will always be abundance in the house;
  • Fish - success awaits in all spheres of life;
  • Paperclip - good news in the workplace;
  • Dill - for sexual health;
  • Skin - for a new fur coat;
  • Sorrel - to good health;
  • Egg with rice - there will be an offspring;
  • Money - you will win a large amount of money;
  • Candy - meet love;
  • Torment - you will suffer all year;
  • Cottage cheese - you will find new friends;
  • Scales of a fish - to the birth of a child;
  • Bread - the year will be monetary;
  • Chain - strengthen relationships with relatives.

Attention! For safety reasons, warn guests about inedible and hard items in the dumplings.

When the dumplings are ready and the table is set, everyone is invited to the table. The main course is placed in the center of the table. Each guest personally puts any number of dumplings on his plate. Fortune-telling begins!

Dumplings with a surprise: video