Cooking technology of legumes "pea puree soup". Technology for making soups with cereals

21.09.2021 Fish dishes

Soups from cereals and legumes

Probably, simple soups with cereals and peas have long appeared in our kitchen. In written monuments, peas are mentioned, bread, liquid porridge with fish, chickens, meat (semi-liquid soup). Ethnographic parallels suggest that our ancestors cooked kuleshi (field soups), etc.

Of course, a significant part of modern European-style soups appeared in our cuisine much later - after Peter I. Only a few of them retained the characteristic features of Russian national dishes.

Kuleshi is a large group of semi-liquid dishes in our cuisine. They were usually prepared in the field, on the road. Their volume is great (600–700 d), and the dense part reaches 50 -60 %. Thus, they played the role of a kind of one-course dinners.

No. 364. Millet soup. V put in the cauldron diced raw fat, finely chopped onion and fry. Then water is poured, salted, brought to a boil, washed millet is added and cooked until tender. If millet kulesh is boiled with meat, then it is put in water, brought to a boil, and then millet is added.

For 2 servings: millet 100-150, onions 100, raw pork fat 20, water 950-1200.

Modern soups with cereals, pasta, homemade noodles

These soups are prepared simply. Vegetables (carrots, parsley, turnips) are cut into strips (for soups with noodles), cubes (for soups with pasta) or small cubes (for soups with cereals, legumes), chopped onions and sautéed with fat. Then they are poured with hot water or broth, grits or pasta, broken into pieces 3-4 cm long, or homemade noodles are added and boiled until tender. The soup is seasoned with salt and butter. The following are approximate recipes for such soups.

№ 365. Soup with pasta, noodles, homemade noodles.

Pasta, noodles, noodles 80, carrots 50, parsley (root) 15, onions 25, fat, oil 20, water or broth 800-900.

No. 366. Soup with pasta and potatoes.

Pasta, noodles 50, potatoes 250, carrots 50, onions 25, parsley 15, fat, oil 20, broth or water 800–900.

No. 367. Mushroom noodle soup. Dry mushrooms are sorted out, washed, soaked in cold water for 3-4 hours. Then they are boiled in the same water without salt. The broth is filtered, and the mushrooms are washed, chopped and sautéed with onions and butter (fat). Pour noodles into boiling mushroom broth, salt, add browned mushrooms and onions and cook until tender.

Dry mushrooms 30-40, noodles or pasta 80, onions 50, carrots 50, fat, oil 20, water 900-1000.

No. 368. Soup with cereals.

Groats 80, carrots 50, parsley 20, onions 50, fat, oil 20, water or broth 900-1000.

No. 369. Soup with legumes. Legumes (peas, beans, lentils) are soaked in cold water. Cut carrots, onions, parsley into small cubes, sauté. Put soaked legumes in boiling water or broth, cook until tender, add browned vegetables, salt and boil for 10-15 minutes.

Beans, peas, lentils 150, carrots 50, onions 50, parsley 20, fat, oil 20, water or broth 800-900.

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Milk soups Milk soups are prepared very simply: in boiling water; pour in cereals or noodles, or noodles, or pasta, cook until half cooked, drain the water, pour milk or milk with water, bring to a boil and season with salt, sugar, butter. That's why

From the book Russian cuisine the author Kovalev Nikolay Ivanovich

Pureed soups In Russian folk cuisine, mashed soups were prepared only from peas, boiling them until softened. In modern official cooking, they play an important role, although the famous nutritionist 3. M. Evenshtein (1990), for example, calls them "the costs of civilization." Of course in

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Cold soups These soups are also known to other peoples, but in Russian cuisine cold soups on kvass and beet broth play a special role. The predecessors of soups on kvass were primitive folk liquid dishes (radish with kvass, turkey, etc.) and okroshka snack. These soups amazed their

From the book Russian cuisine the author Kovalev Nikolay Ivanovich

Sweet soups Sweet soups were prepared in Russia as a ceremonial dish on New Year's and Christmas Eve. In the south, sweet compotes with cereals or sweet dumplings are prepared, but they are not widely used in our cuisine. Sometimes these soups are seasoned

For soups of this group, millet, pearl barley, rice, semolina, oatmeal are used; from legumes - beans, peas, lentils .. From flour products use pasta, horns, noodles, including

mash, noodles, soup filling, etc. These soups are prepared in meat and bone broth, in poultry broth and mushroom broth.

Soup with cereals. Prepared cereals are placed in a boiling broth, sauteed vegetables, cut into small cubes, are laid, boiled, salt, spices are added and brought to readiness. You can put browned tomato puree or fresh tomatoes.

Soup kharcho. This is a Georgian national dish. There are several ways to prepare this soup, but the most common is the following: chop the lamb or beef brisket into pieces in the form of 25-30 g cubes each, pour cold water, bring to a boil quickly, remove the foam and cook at a slow boil until tender, broth filter. Tomato puree is sautéed. Onions are cut into crumbs and sautéed. Capsicum is finely chopped. Pieces of meat, prepared rice groats, onions are placed in the strained broth and boiled. At the end of cooking, put sautéed tomato puree, pepper, tkemali sauce, herbs, suneli hops, salt, crushed garlic and cook until tender.

On vacation, pour into a plate, sprinkle with parsley or cilantro. If the kharcho soup is cooked in large quantities, then the meat is boiled in the broth until tender and put on a plate on vacation.

Bean soup. Broth is made from meat and ham bones. The legumes are sorted out, washed, soaked in cold water and boiled in the same water until softened. Roots and onions are cut into small cubes and sautéed. Prepared legumes are placed in boiling broth and boiled. At the end of cooking, add browned roots and onions, salt, spices and bring to readiness.

On vacation, soup is poured into a plate, sprinkled with herbs. Separately, you can serve croutons. For croutons, stale wheat bread without crusts is cut into small cubes and dried in an oven. Sauteed tomato can be added to the soup with legumes.

Beans, or split peas, or lentils 141, carrots 50, parsley (root) 13, onions 48, leeks 26, cooking fat 20 or smoked pork brisket 80, broth 800.

Soup with pasta. The roots are cut according to the shape of the pasta - into strips, sticks or slices. Pasta is placed in the boiling broth and boiled for 10-15 minutes, sauteed vegetables, cut into thin cubes, sauteed tomato puree, salt, spices and cook until tender.

To prepare soup with noodles, soup filling, browned vegetables are first put into the boiling broth, boiled for 5-8 minutes, then put the noodles or soup filling and cook until cooked. At the end, add salt and spices.

On vacation, put a piece of meat or poultry on a plate, pour soup, sprinkle with herbs.

If the soup is cooked with mushroom broth, then the boiled mushrooms are chopped, fried and put together with browned vegetables.

Homemade noodle soup. This soup is prepared in broths: from poultry, with offal, on mushroom broth. Roots and onions are cut into strips and sautéed.

To prepare the noodles, the sifted flour is poured in the form of a slide, and a depression is made in the middle of it. Eggs are broken into the dishes, water is poured, salt is added, mixed and filtered. The resulting mixture is gradually, with stirring, poured into a depression and the dough is kneaded. Sprinkle flour on top and leave for 20-25 minutes. The finished dough is rolled out into layers 1-1.5 mm thick, dried, cut into strips 4-5 cm wide, several strips are stacked one on top of the other, chopped into strips and dried. The homemade noodles are sieved before use. In order for the soup to turn out transparent, the noodles are poured into boiling water, boiled for 1-2 minutes, thrown back on a sieve and allowed to drain off the water.

Sauteed roots and onions are placed in a boiling broth, then prepared homemade noodles and cooked until tender, at the end of cooking add spices and salt. If the soup is cooked in chicken broth, then the spices are not added.

On vacation, put a piece of bird on a plate, pour in soup, sprinkle with herbs.

Wheat flour 72, eggs 1/2 pcs., Water 14, salt 2, wheat flour 4.8, carrots 50, parsley (root) 13, onions 24, leeks 26, cooking fat 20, broth 900.


Milk soups are prepared with whole milk, with a mixture of milk and water, as well as with condensed milk without sugar and powdered milk. These soups are prepared with cereals, pasta and vegetables. Pasta, whole grain cereals and vegetables do not boil well in milk, so they are first boiled until half cooked in water, and then in milk.

Milk soups are cooked in small portions, as long-term storage impairs the color, smell, texture and taste of the soup. Butter or table margarine is placed in a kettle or plate just before the release.

Milk soup with cereals. Sorted and washed cereals (rice, pearl barley or millet) are poured into boiling salted water, boiled until half cooked, pour in hot milk and brought to readiness. At the end of cooking, add sugar. If the soup is boiled in whole milk, then the cereals are pre-boiled in water for 5-7 minutes, thrown back on a sieve and allowed to drain off the water. Prepared cereals are placed in boiling milk and cooked until tender.

To prepare a soup with barley grits or semolina, the sifted grits are poured in a trickle while stirring into boiling milk or milk with water and boiled until tender. Before the end of cooking, add salt and sugar.

On vacation, the soup is poured into a plate, butter or table margarine is added.

Milk 700, water 350, rice groats 70 or semolina 60, or barley, pearl barley 80, butter 10, sugar 10.

Milk soup with pasta. Prepared pasta is placed in boiling salted water, boiled until half cooked, pour in hot milk and brought to readiness. At the end of cooking, add sugar. If the soup is prepared with whole milk, then the pasta is placed in boiling water and boiled: pasta 15-20 minutes, noodles - 10-12 minutes, vermicelli - 5-7 minutes; then they are thrown onto a sieve, the water is drained. Prepared pasta is placed in boiling milk, salt, sugar are added and boiled until tender. Soup filling ("stars", "alphabet", "ears", "fish") is immediately poured into boiling milk or a mixture of milk and water, salt, sugar and boiled until tender.

Milk soup with vegetables. Carrots are cut into slices, sticks or cubes and lightly sautéed in butter or margarine. White cabbage is cut into checkers, and cauliflower is divided into small inflorescences, potatoes are cut into cubes or slices, beans pods are in the form of squares or diamonds and boiled separately. Sauteed carrots are placed in boiling salted water, brought to a boil, then potatoes, cauliflower or white cabbage are placed and

cook until half cooked. Then hot milk is poured in and boiled until tender. At the end of cooking, put the beans, cooked separately, salt.

Milk soups can be prepared with a variety of vegetables: green peas, turnips, pumpkin, spinach leaves, lettuce, and other vegetables. Soups are sometimes seasoned with browned flour diluted with milk or water.

On vacation, the soup is poured into a plate and a piece of butter is added.


Puree soups have a high nutritional value, they are easily absorbed by the body, therefore they are widely used in baby and medical nutrition. These soups are prepared from vegetables, cereals, legumes, poultry and game, liver, fish. A distinctive feature of puree soups is that for their preparation, products are wiped, so the soups have a homogeneous and delicate consistency. Puree soups are based on mashed food and white sauce. The cooking scheme for these soups is shown in Figure 11.

Products intended for puree soups are subjected to various types of heat treatment: boiling, stewing, stewing, and then rubbed through a pulping machine or a frequent sieve. Difficult to grind products are pre-grinded in a meat grinder, and then wiped. The mashed products are combined with a white sauce so that the crushed product particles are evenly distributed throughout the mass and are in suspension, do not settle to the bottom.

Puree soups are prepared in vegetarian, bone and chicken broth, vegetable or cereal broth, milk.

For the white sauce, the flour is sautéed without fat or with fat, and then combined with broth or broth. Sometimes soups are prepared without flour, while it is replaced with rice or pearl barley. To give the soups-puree a good taste and delicate texture, they are seasoned with butter, hot milk or lice (see p.). Seasoned soups cannot be heated above 70 ° C, as the protein can curdle.

When serving mashed soups, you can put a side dish (15-20 g per serving) on ​​the plate, prepared from the products that make up the soup. Separately served toast from wheat bread, cut into small cubes, corn or wheat flakes, pies.

Vegetable puree soups. These soups are made with potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, green peas, courgettes, tomatoes, and other vegetables. Soup is prepared from one type of vegetables or from a mixture of them.

Carrot or turnip puree soup. Onions and parsley are chopped and sauteed. Cut carrots or turnips into strips, put them in a bowl, pour 1/3 broth. Then put the sautéed vegetables and simmer until tender. The stewed vegetables are rubbed, combined with white sauce, diluted with broth to the consistency of a soup, add salt and boil. The finished soup is seasoned with lemon and butter.

When you leave, put a side dish on the plate - crumbly rice, pour the soup; croutons are served separately.

Carrots 400 or turnips 480, parsley (root) 13, onions 24, wheat flour 20, rice groats 20, butter 20, milk 150, eggs 1/4 pcs., Broth or water 700.

Green pea puree soup. Canned green peas are combined with sautéed vegetables and allowed, then rubbed with the liquid. The resulting puree is combined with white sauce, salt is added and boiled. The finished soup is seasoned with lemon and butter. A small part of green peas is boiled in their own broth and used for garnish. Soup can be prepared from fresh frozen or dried peas, pea spatulas, they are pre-cooked.

On vacation, put green peas in a plate, pour soup. Croutons are served separately.

Soup-puree from different vegetables. Onions are chopped into strips and lightly sautéed in butter. Carrots, turnips are chopped, turnips are scalded to remove bitterness. White cabbage is chopped and scalded. The potatoes are cut into pieces and boiled separately. Carrots and turnips are simmered with a small amount of broth and butter, put cabbage, sautéed onions and simmered until tender. At the end of the seasoning add green peas and boiled potatoes. Prepared vegetables are rubbed, combined with white sauce, diluted with broth or vegetable broth to the consistency of a puree soup, put salt and boil. Then the finished soup is seasoned with lemon and butter.

When on vacation, put green peas and boiled vegetables (carrots, turnips), cut into small cubes, in a plate, pour soup, serve croutons separately.

Cabbage 100, potatoes 120, turnips 80, carrots 75, onions 48, green peas 31, wheat flour 20, butter 20, milk 150, eggs 1/4 pcs., Broth or water 750.

Soups-puree from cereals and legumes. These soups are prepared from rice, pearl barley, oat and wheat Poltava groats; from legumes - peas, beans, lentils. Cereals or legumes are boiled well, then rubbed together with the broth. The mashed mass has a homogeneous viscous consistency due to the large amount of gelatinized starch, stable during storage, therefore cereal soups are often prepared without sauce. Cooking cereals until they are completely softened and rubbing them take a lot of time, and some of the cereals that cannot be crushed are not used. To speed up the cooking process and save food, the cereals are pre-dried, then finely ground. The resulting flour is diluted with a two-fold amount of broth or water, mixed well, poured into a boiling broth, boiled for 20-25 minutes, salted and seasoned with lemon. Bean puree soups are not seasoned with lezon.

Soup-puree from pearl barley or rice. Chopped carrots, onions and parsley and lightly sautéed in butter. Prepared groats are placed in boiling broth or water (for 1 kg of groats 5 liters of broth), add butter, cover with a lid and cook at low boil. Then add browned vegetables, salt and cook until tender, after which they rub, combine with white sauce, dilute with broth to the consistency of puree soup, bring to a boil and season with ice cream.

and butter. Soup with white sauce You can skip dressing. Separately, in the broth, you can cook crumbly rice or pearl barley for a side dish.

When you leave, put crumbly rice or pearl barley in a plate, pour soup; croutons are served separately.

Bean puree soup. Washed split peas or beans are soaked for 2-3 hours, then poured with hot broth or water 1-2 cm above the level of peas or beans and boiled without salt until softened. During cooking, hot water is added as it boils. Then put sautéed carrots, parsley, onions and cook until tender. The boiled mass is wiped, combined with white sauce, salt is added and boiled. The finished soup is seasoned with butter, hot milk or cream can be used.

On vacation, soup is poured into a plate; croutons are served separately. This soup can be made with smoked pork belly or loin. Smoked brisket or brisket is boiled, diced and used on vacation. The broth left over after boiling the smoked meats is added to the soup when the peas become soft.

Puree soups from meat products. Meat puree soups are made from poultry, rabbit, beef and veal liver. The poultry is pre-boiled, the liver is fried.

Poultry puree soup. Seasoned poultry carcasses are boiled until tender. When cooking, put carrots, parsley, onions. The finished bird is removed, cooled and the flesh is separated from the bones. The resulting pulp is cut into pieces and passed through a meat grinder or pulping machine, diluted with broth and rubbed. The pulp can be ground in a mortar, gradually adding cold broth, and then rubbed through a fine sieve. The mashed mass is combined with white sauce, salt is added and boiled. The prepared soup is seasoned with a lion.

On vacation, put poultry fillets, cut into strips, into a plate, pour soup, and serve croutons separately. Soup can be made with chicken dumplings.

Liver puree soup. Cut the processed liver into pieces, lightly fry in butter, add browned Carrots, parsley and onions, broth and stew until tender. Then passed through a pulper, you can rub through a sieve. The mashed mass is combined with white sauce, diluted with broth, salt is added and brought to a boil. The finished soup is seasoned with lemon and butter.

On vacation, the soup is poured into a plate; croutons are served separately.

Beef liver 120, or veal, lamb, pork 114, or chicken, turkey, duck, goose 100 (net), carrot 60, parsley (root) 27, onion 48, wheat flour 40, butter 40, milk 150, eggs 1/4 piece, broth or water 800.


Clear soups are mainly intended to whet the appetite, as they contain a large amount of extractives. The calorie content of transparent soups is small. Clear soups are made up of clear broths and side dishes that are prepared separately.

These soups are based on clear broths: bone, chicken or fish broth, as well as game broth. A clear broth is obtained by clarifying an ordinary broth and saturating it with extractives. This method is called "pulling". At the same time, suspended particles of protein and fat are removed from the broth, and it turns out to be transparent. There should be no fat on the surface of the broth. The fat is removed especially carefully if the broth is served without a side dish. Transparent broths are stored on a bain-marie for 2-3 hours; with longer storage, their aroma, taste deteriorate and transparency is disturbed.

Transparent meat broth. First, the bone broth is cooked. For this, beef bones are used, except for vertebrates, since they have a spinal cord, which makes the broth turbid and makes it difficult to lighten it. To obtain a stronger broth, meat products are additionally cooked in it, intended for second courses. The finished broth is filtered and clarified with a "pull".

Preparation of the "guy line". Lean beef (shank, neck) is cut into pieces, passed through a meat grinder, poured with cold water (1.5-2 liters per 1 kg of meat), salt is added and put in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours for infusion, you can add food ice instead of part of the water. In this case, soluble proteins pass into water. After insisting, add slightly beaten egg whites and mix. Juice flowing out during thawing of meat and liver can be added to the "pull".

Clarification of the broth. The strained broth is heated to 50-60 ° C, a "pull" is introduced, stir well, put slightly baked roots and onions and cook until boiling. Then the foam and fat are removed from the surface, the heating is reduced and boiled at a low boil for 1.0-1.5 hours. During cooking, the soluble proteins coagulate and form a dense clot with the minced meat

emulsified fat particles and foam that impart turbidity to the broth. Thus, the broth is clarified and at the same time enriched with extractives. The broth is considered ready when the meat sinks to the bottom and the broth becomes transparent. The finished broth is allowed to settle, fat is removed from the surface, filtered through a napkin and brought to a boil.

For clarification, you can use a "pull" made from carrots and egg white. To do this, rub the raw peeled carrots, combine with slightly beaten egg whites and mix thoroughly.

In the broth, cooled to 70 ° C, add the prepared "draft", mix, add baked carrots, parsley and onions, close the cauldron with a lid and bring to a boil. After boiling, fat and foam are removed from the surface of the broth and the broth is boiled at low heat for 30 minutes. Then the broth is infused for 30 minutes, the fat is removed from the surface, after which the broth is filtered and brought to a boil.

Edible bones (beef, except for vertebrates) 375, beef (cutlet meat) for a "pull" 149, eggs for a "pull" 1/3 pcs., Carrots 13, parsley (root) II or celery (root) 12, onions 12 , water 1400.

Transparent fish broth (ear). V the broth cooled to 50 ° C is introduced into the "draft", stir, add raw parsley or celery and bring to a boil. Then remove the foam and cook at a slow boil for 20-30 minutes. The finished broth is allowed to settle so that the "guy line" settles to the bottom, and filtered.

To prepare the "pull-back", raw egg whites are combined with a small amount of cold broth or water, mixed well, salt and finely chopped onions are added. The "pull" can be prepared from pike or pike perch caviar. The caviar is ground with a small amount of water until a homogeneous mass is obtained, finely chopped onion, salt are added, diluted with cold water in 4-5 times the size and mixed.

Leave transparent soups and prepare side dishes for them. Clear soups are dispensed in a bouillon bowl, plate, or soup bowl. Broth is poured into a cup, put on a saucer or plate, garnish is served separately on a pie plate. When you leave, first put the side dish on the plate, then pour the broth. Broth supply rates for a portion of 300 or 400 g. Side dishes are prepared from vegetables, cereals, pasta, eggs, meat, fish, etc.

Broth with egg. Eggs are boiled "in a bag", carefully peeled and stored in broth at a temperature of 50-60 ° C until release. When you leave, put an egg in a plate or a portioned bowl, pour broth over it.

Broth with croutons with cheese. Cut the crusts from a loaf of wheat bread, cut into slices 0.5-0.6 cm thick, put on a baking sheet, sprinkle with grated cheese, sprinkle with melted butter or margarine and fry in an oven until golden brown.

On release, a clear broth is poured into a broth cup; 3-4 croutons are served separately on a pie plate.

Transparent meat or chicken broth 300, wheat bread 58, cheese 14, butter 4.5.

Broth with pies. Cooked pies are made from yeast or puff pastry with minced meat or cabbage.

On release, a clear broth is poured into a broth cup; pies are served separately on a pie plate.

Broth with dumplings. Cut beef and pork into pieces, pass through a meat grinder 2-3 times, add finely chopped onions, water, salt, ground pepper, sugar and mix well.

The dough for dumplings is prepared in the same way as for homemade noodles (see p.). The dough is rolled out in a long strip 1.5-2 mm thick. Stepping back from the edge of 3-4 cm, lay out balls of minced meat weighing 7-8 g at a distance of 3-4 cm from one another. The edges of the dough and the spaces between the balls of minced meat are greased with eggs. Then the edge of the dough is raised, minced meat is covered with it, pressed around each ball and dumplings are cut out with a special device or mold. The mass of one piece should be 12-13 g. The molded dumplings are placed on trays sprinkled with flour and placed in the refrigerator for storage or freezing.

Dumplings are placed in boiling salted water and cooked until tender. When the dumplings come up, take them out with a slotted spoon.

When you leave, put ready-made dumplings in a plate or soup bowl, pour hot transparent broth.

Broth with meatballs. Prepare the meatballs as described above, put them in one row in a saucepan, pour in a small amount of broth and simmer. Ready-made meatballs are washed with hot broth or water from clots of curdled protein and stored in broth on a bain-marie.

When leaving, put the meatballs in a plate or a portioned bowl and pour the broth.

Ear with pies or kulebyaka. Pies or kulebyaku are prepared with fish and viziga or fish and rice.

On vacation, a transparent fish broth (fish soup) is poured into a broth cup; pies or a piece of kulebyaki are served separately on a pie plate, chopped parsley or dill and a circle of peeled lemon are served on the outlet.


For the preparation of sweet soups, fresh, canned and dried berries and fruits are used, as well as fruit and berry juices, purees, syrups and extracts produced by the food industry. The liquid base of these soups is a fruit broth. The berries are put whole, and the fruits are cut into pieces (cubes, slices), large dried fruits are cut into several parts. Berries and fruits, damaged or dented, are rubbed and introduced in the form of a puree. Oranges and tangerines are put raw in the soup.

To obtain the required consistency, the soup is seasoned with diluted starch, and citric acid, citric or orange peel, cinnamon, and cloves are added to improve the taste and aroma. Sweet soups are served cold, but can also be served hot. Unlike compotes, sweet soups have a sour taste and more, a thick consistency of a liquid base. They serve soups with a side dish and sour cream or cream. Used as a side dish: boiled rice, sago, small pasta (soup filling), dumplings, dumplings with berries; rice and semolina puddings, casseroles, which are cut into cubes (1-1.5 cm); wheat or corn flakes and corn sticks. Sour cream or cream is placed on a plate or served separately in a gravy boat. Separately, on a pie plate, you can serve dry biscuit, muffin, dry biscuits. These soups are served for breakfast or dinner, can be used as a first course.

Fresh fruit soup. Apples and pears are sorted out, washed, peeled and seed nests are removed, cut into slices, wedges or cubes. A decoction is prepared from the purifications. Chopped apples and pears, sugar, cinnamon are placed in the strained cooled broth and boiled for 3-5 minutes. Then potato starch diluted with cold water is poured in and brought to a boil. If the soup is not sour enough, then Add citric acid.

Half of the fruit can be rubbed. For the puree soup, rub all the Fruits. In this case, mashed potatoes are diluted with broth, brought to a boil, poured in

diluted starch and boil until thick. Soup is prepared not only from one type of fruit, but also from a mixture of apples, pears, plums.

Soup made from a mixture of dried fruits. Dried fruits are sorted out, sorted by type, washed, large specimens of apples and pears are cut into pieces. Apples and pears are placed in the dishes, poured with water and boiled for 15-20 minutes. Then put the rest of the fruit, sugar and cook until cooked, add diluted potato starch, bring to a boil. You can add citric acid to the soup.

When on vacation, put a side dish on a plate, pour soup, put sour cream or cream.

Dried fruits and berries (apples, pears, prunes, apricots, dried apricots, raisins, etc.) 160, sugar 100, potato starch 20, water 900.


Cold soups are seasonal soups as they are prepared during the summer. Cold soups include: okroshka, cold borscht, beetroot soup, green cabbage soup. They are prepared on bread kvass, beet broth, vegetable broth, kefir.

These soups are prepared in a cold workshop using specially designated utensils, equipment and boards with appropriate markings. At the same time, sanitary requirements are strictly observed when processing food, preparing and storing soups. Ready soups are stored in the refrigerator.

On vacation, you can add ice cubes to your plate or serve it separately at the outlet. Cold soups have a refreshing, pleasant taste and aroma.

For the preparation of cold soups, ready-made kvass is supplied to catering enterprises, but it can be prepared from rye crackers or concentrates produced by the food industry.

Making bread kvass. Rye bread is cut into small pieces and dried in an oven until crispy. The water is boiled, cooled to 80 ° C, prepared crackers are poured in and left for 1.5-2 hours for infusion, while the water is periodically stirred. As a result of infusion, wort is obtained, which is drained and filtered.

Sugar, yeast diluted with wort are put in bread wort, which has a temperature of 23-25 ​​° C, and put in a warm place for fermentation for 8-12 hours. During fermentation, you can put raisins, caraway seeds, mint into kvass. The resulting kvass is filtered, cooled and stored in a refrigerator or on ice.

Rye crackers 40 or dry bread kvass 35, sugar 30, yeast 1.5, curly mint 1.5, water 1200. Yield: 1000.

Meat okroshka. Okroshka is prepared on bread kvass, as well as yogurt, kefir, sour milk, whey. The okroshka cooking process can be divided into three stages: food preparation, kvass filling and dispensing.

1. Chop green onions, grind some of the onions with salt until juice appears. Fresh cucumbers are cleaned of rough and bitter skins, large seeds are removed, cucumbers with thin skin are not peeled. The processed cucumbers are cut into small cubes or strips. Eggs are boiled, peeled, and the white is separated from the yolk. The yolks are rubbed through a sieve, and the whites are cut into small cubes. The meat is boiled, cooled and cut into small cubes or strips. Strain bread kvass. The dill is finely chopped. Prepared products are stored in the refrigerator until dispensing.

2. Boiled egg yolks are ground with ready-made mustard, salt, sugar and a part of sour cream, combined with green onions, ground with salt, gradually diluted with bread kvass while stirring and refrigerated. Seasoned kvass gives okroshka a good taste.

3. When you leave, put chopped meat, egg whites, cucumbers, onions in a plate, pour seasoned kvass, put sour cream and sprinkle with dill. If okroshka is prepared in large quantities, then the chopped products (except for meat and egg whites) are put in seasoned kvass and mixed, and the meat and egg whites are put on a plate when they are released.

Meat okroshka can be cooked with potatoes, which are pre-cooked and then cut into small cubes. It is allowed to replace fresh cucumbers with pickles and radishes.

Beef 219, bread kvass 700, green onion 75, fresh cucumbers 150, sour cream 10, eggs 1 pc., Sugar 10, ready-made mustard 4, sour cream 30.

Okroshka meat team. It is prepared in the same way as meat okroshka. In addition to beef, ham, lamb, tongue, etc. are used for its preparation.

Vegetable okroshka. The potatoes are washed well, boiled in the skins, cooled and peeled. Carrots are peeled and boiled. The root and tops of the radish are cut off, washed well. Cut potatoes, carrots and radishes into small cubes or short strips. In addition to the listed vegetables, you can use turnips, cauliflower for this okroshka. Vegetable okroshka is prepared according to the same principle as meat.

Borsch cold. The peeled beets are chopped into strips and simmered with the addition of vinegar until tender. Straw carrots

coy, let it go separately, then combine with beets, pour hot water, add salt, sugar, bring to a boil and cool. Chives are chopped. Fresh cucumbers are cut into strips. Chopped vegetables are put in borscht.

When you leave, boiled eggs are put on a plate, borscht is poured, sour cream is put and sprinkled with dill. Borscht can be cooked without carrots, with meat or fish. Boiled meat or fish is placed on the plate when you leave.

Beets 250, green onions 63, fresh cucumbers 125, eggs 1 pc., Sugar 10, I vinegar 3% 16, water 800, sour cream 80.

The beetroot is cold. Cut the beets into small cubes or strips and simmer with the addition of vinegar. Young beets are used with tops, cut and boiled separately. Carrots, cut into small cubes or strips, are allowed to simmer. The steamed and boiled vegetables are cooled. Chives are chopped. Cut fresh cucumbers into small cubes or strips. Prepared vegetables are combined, poured with kvass, salt and sugar are added.

When you leave, put half a boiled egg in a plate, pour the beetroot, put sour cream, sprinkle with dill. When cooking beetroot, part of the bread kvass can be replaced with beet broth.

Green cabbage soup with egg. Sorrel and spinach are seasoned separately, rubbed and mixed. Dilute with hot water, add salt, sugar, bring to a boil and cool. Boiled potatoes are cut into cubes or rubbed and put in the cabbage soup. If the cabbage soup is prepared from one spinach, then add citric acid. Fresh cucumbers are cut into small cubes, boiled eggs are cut in half or into wedges.

When on vacation, put cucumbers, eggs in a plate, pour cabbage soup, put sour cream and herbs.


Borscht. In all types of borscht, beets, cabbage and roots must retain their shape. The form of cabbage cutting is strips or checkers, the cutting of the rest of the vegetables corresponds to the cabbage cutting. The consistency is soft, undigested. Color - crimson red. Taste - sweet and sour, without raw beet flavor.

Cabbage soup. The cabbage and roots should keep the shape of the slices, and there should be glitters of orange fat on the surface. The broth is colorless or pale brown. The taste of cabbage soup from fresh cabbage is slightly sweet, with the aroma of browned vegetables, moderately salty, without the smell of steamed cabbage. The taste of sauerkraut cabbage is sweet and sour, with

aroma of browned vegetables, tomato, but without sharp acidity. The consistency of the roots and onions is soft, the consistency of the cabbage is slightly crispy.

The cabbage soup is green. From mashed greens, cabbage soup should have a homogeneous mass, without lumps of brewed flour, on the surface of the glitter of fat. Consistency - puree, slightly viscous, mostly boiled potatoes. The taste is slightly sour from the presence of sorrel, with the aroma of spinach and sauteed onions. Color - from dark green to olive.

Pickles. In all types of pickles, vegetables should keep the shape of the cut, on the surface there are glitters of orange, yellow or colorless fat. In the Leningrad pickle, the cereal should be well boiled. Taste - spicy, moderately salty cucumber pickle. The broth is colorless or slightly cloudy. The consistency of vegetables is soft, cucumbers are slightly crispy.

Solyanka meat. The food is sliced ​​and the onion is chopped. Meat products, onions and cucumbers should retain their slicing shape, with orange glitter on the surface. A slice of lemon without a skin. Taste - spicy, with the aroma of capers, sautéed onions, cucumbers. The color of the broth is cloudy (from tomato and sour cream). The consistency of meat products is soft, cucumbers are slightly crispy.

Vegetable soups. Roots, cabbage, potatoes, bean pods should keep the cut shape. The taste is moderately salty, with the aroma of fresh vegetables and herbs. The consistency of roots, beans, potatoes and cabbage is soft. The fat on the surface is bright orange.

Soups from cereals. The groats are well swollen, but not boiled; roots and onions should keep the shape of the cut; on the surface - glitters of fat. Taste - without bitterness, moderately salty, with the aroma of browned vegetables. The broth is transparent. The consistency of the roots and grains is soft.

Soups with pasta. Pasta, roots and onions should be kept in shape. The taste of the roots and the broth from which the soup is made is without a sour aftertaste. The broth is transparent, unclear. The color of chicken and meat broth is amber, yellow; mushroom - light brown. The consistency of roots and pasta is soft.

Puree soups. They have a homogeneous mass, without lumps of brewed flour, pieces of non-rubbed products and surface films. The consistency is elastic, reminiscent of heavy cream. White color

or corresponding to the product from which it is prepared. The taste is gentle, moderately salty.

Clear soups. The broth is transparent. The color of the broth is yellow with a brown tint; chicken - golden yellow; fishy - light amber or slightly green. The taste is moderately salty, with a pronounced aroma of the product from which it is prepared. There should be no grease glitter on the surface. The products that make up the side dish must keep their shape. Their consistency is soft. The color of the vegetables is natural.

Dairy soups. The consistency of the products from which the soup is prepared is soft, the shape must be preserved. White color. Taste - sweetish, slightly salted, without the taste and smell of burnt milk.

Okroshka. Meat and vegetables are cut into small cubes or strips, onions are chopped. Color - light brown, cloudy (from sour cream and egg yolks). The taste is sour, slightly spicy, with the aroma of fresh cucumbers, dill and onions. The consistency of cooked products is soft, fresh cucumbers are crispy.

Beetroot. Beets and cucumbers are cut into small cubes or strips. Taste - moderately salty, sweet and sour, with the aroma of cucumbers, dill and beetroot. Color - dark red, after stirring sour cream - white-pink. The consistency of beets is soft, cucumbers are crispy.

Sweet soups. The liquid part is homogeneous, without lumps of brewed starch. Groats or pasta are soft, must keep their shape; berries or fruits - not boiled. The taste is sweet and sour.

The quality of soups depends a lot on how they are stored. With prolonged storage, taste and appearance deteriorate, vitamin activity decreases, so ready-made soups are stored for no more than 2 hours. Soups seasoned with lions are stored at a temperature of 60-65 ° C.

Meat and fish products, served with soups, are stored in broth on a bain-marie. The utensils for making hot soups are heated to 40 ° C. Cold soups and foods prepared for these soups are kept in the refrigerator. The utensils for making cold soups are cooled to 12 ° C.


A variety of soups are used in baby food, the importance of which is especially great, since they help stimulate appetite and good assimilation of food.

The liquid part of the soup, prepared from decoctions of cereals, vegetables, fruits, from broths and milk, contains soluble proteins, extractives and flavors, but has a low calorie content. The thick part is a side dish consisting of vegetables, cereals, pasta and legumes, products, fish, meat, poultry, rich in proteins, fat, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals. Most of these foods increase the total calorie content of soups.

Soups, like other liquid dishes, replenish the children's body's need for water, which is much higher in children than in adults, due to cell growth.

Soups are classified according to the method of preparation, liquid base used and serving temperature.

According to the method of preparation, soups are divided into filling, mashed potatoes, transparent and different.

According to the liquid base, soups are distinguished on broths, decoctions of vegetables, cereals, fruits, on milk, bread kvass.

According to the serving temperature, soups are divided into hot (70 ° C) and cold (14-16 ° C).

Soups are served in deep bowls or bowls. To increase the calorie content and improve the taste, you can add meat, chicken, fish to soups. For young children, these foods are cut into small pieces or passed through a meat grinder. For the older ones, they are put on a plate in the form of one piece. When you leave the dish, you can add sour cream *, cream or butter.

* (Sour cream used for the release of dishes for baby food is subjected to preliminary heat treatment.)

Children under 1.5 years old should prepare puree soups.

To increase the vitamin value, the soups are sprinkled with chopped dill or parsley. In some cases, it is recommended to fortify liquid dishes with ascorbic acid, which increases the content of vitamin C.

Broths and decoctions

For the preparation of soups, bone, meat and bone, chicken and fish broths are used. Mushroom broth is allowed to be used in the diet of children over 3 years old.

Soups and sauces are prepared on broths. Bone and chicken broths are also served with various side dishes.

Bone broth. Tubular, vertebral, pelvic, rib bones of beef are chopped, put into a cauldron, poured with cold water, kept for 1 hour. raw or baked carrots, parsley, and onions are added to the broth. In the process of boiling, fat is removed from the surface of the broth, since, emulsifying and decomposing into glycerin and fatty acids, it gives the broth an unpleasant appearance, taste and smell. To obtain a more transparent broth, the bones are lightly fried or scalded before boiling. The finished broth is filtered.

(For 1 liter of broth - 200 bones, 15 carrots, 20 onions, 10 parsley, salt, water - 1200 *.)

* (The norms for filling products are indicated in grams of gross weight.)

Bone broth. For its preparation, beef is used in the form of pieces of brisket, strips, scapula weighing up to 2 kg and bones, which are prepared in the same way as for bone broth, and put into a kettle. Place the meat on the bone, pour it over with cold water, quickly bring to a boil, remove the foam from the surface and continue to cook at a low boil, removing the fat. The cooking time is 1.5-2 hours. Then the meat is taken out, and the bones are boiled for another 2-3 hours. At the end of cooking, raw or baked roots, onions, spicy herbs, and salt are placed in the kettle. The finished broth is filtered. A more transparent broth is obtained in a different way.

Prepare the bones, pour cold water, bring to a boil, remove the foam and cook at low boil for 2-3 hours.Then add pieces of meat to the kettle, bring the broth to a boil, remove the foam and continue to cook at 90-95 ° C until the meat is cooked about 1.5-2 hours. The readiness of the meat is determined by piercing the pulp - by the colorless juice released. During cooking, fat is removed from the surface of the broth. Roots and onions are introduced into it 30 minutes before readiness, salt 15 minutes before. The finished meat is taken out, the broth is filtered.

The calorie content of 1 liter of meat and bone broth is 15-17 kcal.

The broth prepared in the second way turns out to be more aromatic, since the extractive substances contained in the meat are well preserved in it.

Chicken bouillon. The processed carcasses are tucked into the pocket. Giblets, skin, bones are washed, crushed, put into a cauldron, poured with cold water, brought to a boil, the foam is removed from the surface, boiled at a low boil until half cooked. Then prepared chickens are laid and continue to cook at a temperature of 80-85 ° C, removing fat from the surface, until the bird is ready. Its readiness is determined by piercing the pulp of the leg in the juice that is released. At the end of cooking, add raw roots, onions, salt to the broth. The duration of cooking the broth depends on the size and age of the bird and is 1-2 hours. The boiled chickens are removed and the broth is filtered.

Fish broth. The best broths are made from perch fish. They are cooked from fish food waste and processed fish. The ratio of product to water should be 1: 4 or 1: 5. Prepared fish products are poured into a cauldron, poured with cold water, quickly brought to a boil, foam is removed from the surface, raw roots, carrots, parsley, celery, onions, salt, and later bay leaf are added. The broth is boiled at a slow boil for 40-50 minutes, then settled on the edge of the stove so that it is not cloudy, and filtered.

(For 1 liter of broth - fish food waste 200, fish (fillet) 100, onions 20, parsley 10, water 1200.)

Mushroom broth. Dry porcini mushrooms are sorted out, washed, poured with cold water, kept for 15-20 minutes, then washed well again. Then the mushrooms are poured with cold water and kept for swelling for 3-4 hours. After swelling, the mushrooms are taken out and washed again. The liquid in which they were soaked is filtered, then the mushrooms are again laid in it, boiled for 1.5 hours without adding salt. The boiled mushrooms are removed, washed with warm water, then chopped. The broth is filtered after settling.

Broths with side dishes

Meat and chicken broths are served with side dishes of vegetables, cereals, pasta, which are boiled in broth or prepared separately. They are brought to a boil in broth before serving, or placed on a plate when on vacation. Side dishes such as croutons and pies are served separately with the broth.

Unlike clear broths, enriched with extractives due to the introduction of a draft into them, the broths used in baby food are not lightened with the help of a specially prepared draft, but are boiled so that they are transparent. To do this, meat or poultry is introduced into the broth in the middle of cooking, brought to a boil, fat and foam are removed from the surface and continue to cook without boiling.

Meat and bone broth with croutons. Peel white bread, cut into small cubes or slices, sprinkle with grated cheese and dry in an oven, sprinkling with butter. The broth is poured into a plate or cup. For younger children, croutons are put in broth, for older children - on a separate plate or saucer. 200-250 g of broth and 20-30 g of croutons are released per serving.

Broth with pies. Baked pies filled with meat are prepared from yeast dough. When serving, the broth is poured into a cup, the pie is placed on a plate.

Broth with vermicelli or noodles. Vermicelli or noodles are boiled separately in salted water, thrown in a colander, washed with hot water. When serving, boiled pasta is combined with broth, brought to a boil; the broth is poured into a plate. 250 g of broth, 20 g of noodles or noodles are released per serving.

Broth with boiled rice. Rice groats are boiled in a large amount of boiling salted water (for 1 kg 5-6 liters of water), thrown into a colander, washed with hot water. Before serving, it is combined with meat or chicken broth, brought to a boil. The broth with rice is poured into a plate. You can sprinkle it with chopped herbs.

Broth with meatballs. The meatballs are formed into small balls from the chopped beef mass, placed in a greased baking sheet, poured with water or broth and simmered. When serving, put meatballs (3-5 pcs.) In a plate, pour broth, add chopped greens.

Broth with egg. Pour the eggs with cold water, bring to a boil, move to the edge of the stove and cook without boiling for 25 minutes. Then they are washed with cold water, peeled, laid out in plates, cut into pieces, poured over with hot broth and released (0.5 eggs per serving).

Refueling soups

Refueling soups include cabbage soup, borscht, pickle soup, soups with cereals, legumes, pasta, and vegetable soups. During their preparation, some of the products included in them undergo preliminary heat treatment. The vegetables are cut to the appropriate shape. Beets are stewed with broth, fat, acid or tomato. Sauerkraut is stewed in the same way, but without acid. Roots and onions are sautéed in butter in a bowl with a thick bottom at a temperature of 110 ° C. The sautéed vegetables can then be stewed in broth. Tomato puree is diluted with water or broth and sautéed with fat for 15-20 minutes. Diluted tomato can be combined with semi-softened roots and onions and sautéed until tender.

For children under 1.5 years old, vegetables are not sautéed, but stewed. The onions are boiled in the broth as a whole, then removed.

Flour is also sauteed for the white sauce used in soups. Prepare sautéing with or without fat. The sifted flour is placed on a baking sheet or pan with a layer of 2 cm and heated, stirring, at a temperature of 120 ° C until a light yellow hue. Saute is cooled and diluted with chilled broth or poured into broth, boiled for 5-10 minutes, filtered. The resulting white sauce is seasoned with cabbage soup, borscht, vegetable soups, if they do not include potatoes.

Processed pickles are simmered in water or broth.

The pearl barley is boiled in water until half cooked, then the broth, which has a dark color and spoils the appearance of the dishes, is drained, and the cereals are washed.

Other vegetables, cereals, pasta first undergo primary processing, then they are put into broth or broth without preliminary heat treatment. Products must be placed in a boiling liquid in a certain sequence in accordance with the timing of their cooking (Table 5) so that they are ready at the same time.

Table 5

If the soups include products containing acid (sauerkraut, sorrel, pickles), then the potatoes are introduced at the beginning of cooking, since they do not boil well in an acidic environment.

Dressing soups are seasoned with browned vegetables, white sauce, salt and spices are added. Vegetables are introduced 15-20 minutes before readiness, salt, spices - 5-10 minutes.

Cabbage soup from fresh cabbage. White cabbage is cut into sticks or strips, potatoes - into cubes or sticks. Roots and onions are cut into slices or strips, sautéed in oil for 5 minutes, then simmered in broth.

Put cabbage into the boiling broth, bring to a boil, add potatoes, roots and onions, cook for 20 minutes, add browned tomato or slices of fresh tomatoes, salt, bay leaf and cook for another 5-10 minutes.

When serving, poured cabbage soup into a plate, put sour cream, herbs.

The cabbage soup can be cooked without potatoes. In this case, they are seasoned with white sauce (Fig. 10). Vegetarian cabbage soup is prepared without meat, in vegetable broth.

Rice. 10. Scheme of cooking cabbage soup from fresh cabbage

Cabbage soup. Sauerkraut is sorted out, too sour cabbage is washed in cold water, squeezed, chopped, combined with broth, tomato, fat are introduced and stewed for 1.5-2 hours.

Roots and onions are cut into small cubes or strips, sautéed, combined with cabbage 20-30 minutes before the end of stewing. Then the cabbage with roots is diluted with broth, brought to a boil, combined with white sauce, salt, sugar, bay leaves are added and boiled for 5-7 minutes.

When serving, pour cabbage soup into a plate, add sour cream, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Shchi can be cooked without white sauce.

(Sauerkraut 100, carrots 20, parsley 5, onions 5, tomato puree 4, butter 5, sugar 3, sour cream 10. Yield 250.)

The cabbage soup is green. Sorrel is allowed in its own juice. Spinach is boiled in a large amount of boiling water, without covering the pan with a lid, to preserve color, combine with sorrel, wipe. Cut the potatoes into medium cubes, put them in boiling meat and bone broth and cook for 10-12 minutes. Add mashed potatoes, cook for 10-15 minutes, add salt. The finished soup is removed from the stove, seasoned with a raw egg, pounded with a little sour cream.

When serving, pour soup into a plate, add sour cream, sprinkle with chopped green onions and chopped parsley.


The peculiarity of borscht is that they include beets. Borscht is prepared in meat and bone broth or vegetable broth. Depending on the set of products and cooking technology, borscht is distinguished: with potatoes, without potatoes, Ukrainian, naval, Siberian, Moscow, etc.

Borscht with potatoes. Cabbage, roots and onions are cut into strips. Put the beets in a bowl, add broth, tomato, butter and stew with a lid. To improve the color of the borscht, beets should be stewed with a small amount of citric acid. Carrots, parsley and onions are sautéed without frying, combined with beets and continue to stew. The total stewing time is 1-1.5 hours. The potatoes are cut into cubes. A white dry sauté is prepared from flour, then it is cooled, diluted with broth.

Put cabbage into boiling meat and bone broth, cook for 5-8 minutes, add potatoes, bring to a boil, add stewed vegetables and cook borscht for 15 minutes. At the end of cooking, add diluted flour sauteed to stabilize vitamin C, salt, sugar, bay leaf, cook for another 5-7 minutes.

When serving, borscht is poured into a plate, sour cream is added and sprinkled with chopped parsley or dill.

Meat can be cut into small pieces or minced.

Vegetarian borscht is prepared with vegetable broth.

(Beets 42, white cabbage 42, potatoes 30, carrots 10, parsley 5, onions 10, tomato puree 4, butter 4, wheat flour 2, sugar 2, sour cream 10, parsley 2. Yield 250.)

Red borsch. Half of the normal beets are boiled in the skins, peeled and rubbed. Borscht is prepared in the same way as the previous dish, but without potatoes. Before leaving, mashed boiled beets are placed in the finished borscht.

They are released with meat, sour cream and herbs.

Green borscht. Borsch with potatoes is prepared, but chopped sorrel or spinach leaves are added during the cooking process.

Let go borsch with meat, shredded hard-boiled egg and parsley.


Pickles are distinguished by the fact that they are prepared with the addition of pickled cucumbers. Pickles are boiled in meat and bone, fish, chicken broths, released with meat, chicken, fish, sour cream and herbs.

Rassolnik. Cut potatoes into cubes or slices, roots and onions into strips. Pickled cucumbers are peeled and seeds, cut into strips or diamonds. Finely chop parsley or dill.

Lightly sautéed onions in butter, add carrots and parsley and sauté for another 2-3 minutes, then add broth and stew, covering with a lid for 10-15 minutes. Pickled cucumbers are simmered in a small amount of broth for 10-15 minutes.

Strain the broth, bring to a boil, put potatoes in it, cook for 10 minutes, add roots and onions, cook for another 10 minutes, add stewed cucumbers, salt, bay leaf (you can add chopped sorrel or spinach leaves). The pickle is brought to readiness within 5-10 minutes.

When serving, pickle is poured into a plate, sour cream is added, sprinkled with herbs.

Pickle can also be cooked in vegetable broth.

Leningrad pickle in bone broth. Leningrad rassolnik differs in that it contains cereals (pearl barley, oatmeal, wheat or rice); you can add a tomato. The washed pearl barley is pre-boiled in water for 1-1.5 hours until half cooked. Then the broth is drained, and the cereals are washed so that the appearance of the soup does not deteriorate. If rice grits are used, then they are not pre-cooked.

Grits are placed in the boiling broth and boiled for 5-10 minutes, after which the prepared products are added in the same sequence as when cooking pickle. The dish is released in the same way.

(Broth 300, pearl barley 8, potatoes 62, carrots 12, pickled cucumbers 17, onions 7, butter 3, sour cream 7, greens 3. Yield 250.)

Homemade pickle. This pickle is different in that it is prepared with white cabbage, which is cut into strips and put into the broth first of all, before the potatoes. The rest of the homemade pickle is prepared and released in the above way.

Vegetable soups

Vegetable soups are prepared from a variety of fresh, canned or frozen vegetables, in vegetable broths or meat and bone broth, sometimes in milk. Vegetable soups are of particular importance for baby food, as they contain a significant amount of vitamins. To increase the calorie content of vegetable soups, you can serve them with pies, kulebyaku.

Vegetable soup. Vegetables are cut into slices, cubes, cubes, slices, white cabbage - checkers, cauliflower is divided into separate inflorescences. Place carrots, parsley and zucchini in a saucepan, add a small amount of water, butter or sour cream and let it simmer for 10-15 minutes.

White cabbage is placed in boiling water, brought to a boil, potatoes are added, boiled for 5 minutes, cauliflower is added and cooked for 10-15 minutes. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add the stewed roots, zucchini, chopped tomatoes, canned green peas, salt, bay leaf and bring the soup to readiness.

When serving, add sour cream to a plate, sprinkle with herbs.

Spring soup. Cut potatoes into cubes, carrots and parsley into slices and simmer in a little water. Onions are chopped, sautéed in oil, combined with roots and stewed for 10-15 minutes. Add chopped sorrel or spinach 5 minutes before cooking. Eggs are hard-boiled, finely chopped. The boiled meat is passed through a meat grinder. Dry white sautéing is prepared from flour, diluted with broth.

Potatoes are placed in the boiling broth, brought to a boil, stewed vegetables are introduced, boiled for 15 minutes, flour sautéed and salt are added. Chopped eggs are introduced into the soup before serving, you can add boiled meat.

When serving, pour soup into a plate, add sour cream, sprinkle with green onions and chopped herbs.

Spring soup can be prepared without sorrel, but in this case, put cauliflower in it.

Cauliflower soup. Cut carrots and parsley into slices and simmer in a little water and butter until half cooked. Cauliflower is divided into inflorescences, large inflorescences are cut. The potatoes are cut into cubes.

Cabbage is introduced into boiling water, then potatoes, after 5-7 minutes - stewed vegetables. The soup is boiled until tender, salt is added to it and brought to a boil.

When serving, add sour cream and chopped greens to a plate.

Potato soups

A variety of vegetable soups are potato soups. They are prepared in all kinds of broths, released with meat, meat-delkas, chicken, fish. Cereals, legumes, pasta, dumplings are added to potato soups. These soups can be cooked in broths.

Potato soup with meatballs. The potatoes are cut into cubes or slices, the roots and onions are cut into small cubes, the parsley or dill are finely chopped, the carrots, parsley and onions are sautéed. Strain the broth, bring to a boil, put potatoes in it, bring to a boil again, add browned vegetables and cook for 15-20 minutes. At the end of cooking, salt and bay leaves are added.

Meatballs from meat are simmered separately in a greased dish with a little water or broth. When serving, put the meatballs on a plate, pour the soup and sprinkle with herbs.

Potato soup with green peas. Cut vegetables in the same way as for the previous dish. Onions are sautéed, combined with carrots, stewed with broth until half cooked.

Potatoes are placed in the boiling broth, then stewed vegetables, at the end of cooking - green peas and salt. When on vacation, put boiled meat passed through a meat grinder into a plate, pour soup, sprinkle with herbs.

(Potatoes 100, green peas 25, carrots 10, onions 10, butter 4, parsley 3, broth 300. Yield 250.)

Potato soup with fish. The fish, processed into a clean fillet, or the finished fish fillet, is cut into cubes.

Strained broth made from fish food waste, or bring water to a boil, introduce prepared fish. After boiling, the liquid is removed from the surface and then boiled in the same way as potato soup.

When serving, the potato soup with fish is poured into a plate and sprinkled with chopped herbs.

(Perch (fillet) 38, potatoes 88, carrots 5, onions 5, butter 3, greens 3. Yield 250.)

Potato soup with cereals. The vegetables are cut into cubes. The groats are sorted out, washed (except for finely crushed), the pearl barley is boiled until half cooked separately. Roots and onions are lightly sautéed, then stewed until soft. Grits are placed in the boiling broth, boiled for 15 minutes, potatoes and browned vegetables are introduced, continue to cook for another 15 minutes, add salt, bay leaf, bring to a boil.

If the soup is prepared with semolina, then it is introduced after the potatoes and roots, 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

Potato soup with pasta. The soup is prepared with curly fillings, noodles, noodles, pasta, which are sorted out and broken into pieces 2.5-3 cm long. then pass through.

Pasta or noodles are placed in the boiling broth, boiled for 5-10 minutes, then potatoes and browned vegetables are introduced, boiled for another 15-20 minutes, salt is added.

If the soup is prepared with noodles or other small pasta, then they are introduced after browned vegetables. Sauteed tomato puree can be added to the soup.

Potato soup with beans. The beans are sorted out, washed and soaked in cold water for 3 hours to swell (for 1 kg of beans, 3 liters of water). Beans are boiled in the same water for 1-1.4 hours without salt, so that it boils better. Then the potato soup is prepared and boiled beans are added to it 10 minutes before readiness. You can use peas instead of beans. When on holiday, it is recommended to add meat and herbs.

Soups with cereals, pasta, legumes

Soups with cereals and pasta are prepared using meat and bone and chicken broths, as well as broths. Soups with legumes, peas and beans are cooked in meat and bone broth.

Pearl barley soup. Pearl barley is sorted out, washed, poured with hot water, boiled for 1 hour, the broth is drained. Cut carrots, parsley and onions into small cubes and sauté in butter.

Grits are placed in the boiling broth and boiled for 20-25 minutes, then browned vegetables are added and cooked for another 15-20 minutes, salt, bay leaf are added and continue to cook for 5-7 minutes.

When serving, the soup is poured into a plate, sour cream is added, sprinkled with herbs. The soup can be released without sour cream, but with meat, chicken, Meatballs.

Rice soup with chicken broth. Prepared grits are placed in strained chicken broth, boiled for 15-20 minutes, cut into cubes, browned roots and onions are added, boiled for another 15 minutes, salt is added, cooked for 5-10 minutes.

When serving, put a piece of chicken on a plate, pour the soup, sprinkle with herbs.

Soup with pasta. Carrots, parsley and onions are cut depending on the shape of the pasta - cubes, slices, straws, stars and sautéed in butter.

Pasta is placed in a boiling broth or broth, boiled for 20 minutes, after which vegetables are introduced. Noodles are laid almost simultaneously with vegetables, and noodles and small soup fillings - 5-10 minutes after browned vegetables. Boil noodles in broth for 10-15 minutes, vermicelli for 8-10 minutes.

Soups with pasta are released with meat, chicken, mushrooms, herbs. They can be prepared with the addition of sautéed tomato puree.

In addition to factory-made pasta, homemade noodles are also used, which are made from wheat flour, eggs, water and salt. To prepare 100 g of homemade noodles, 88 g of flour, 25 g of eggs, 18 g of water, 1 g of salt are consumed.

The flour is sifted, laid out in a slide, in the middle of which a depression is made. Salt is added to the water, raw eggs are added. Stir the mixture, then filter and gradually combine with flour, knead the dough from the middle to the edges. The resulting elastic lump of dough is sprinkled with flour and kept for 20-30 minutes to swell the proteins, then rolled out 1.5 mm thick, slightly dried, cut into strips up to 3-4 cm wide. sifted by cooking.

To prepare soup with homemade noodles, it must first be scalded: boil for 1-2 minutes in boiling water, pour onto a sieve, let the water drain. This is done so that the soup is not cloudy. The noodles are placed in the broth after the browned roots and boiled for 10-12 minutes.

If the soup is prepared with mushroom broth, then the boiled porcini mushrooms are cut into strips, fried a little and put into the soup with browned vegetables.

Pea soup. The split peas are sorted out, washed, put in boiling water or broth and boiled for 1.5-2 hours for better cooking. Then sautéed carrots and onions cut into small cubes are added, boiled for 15-20 minutes, salt is added.

When serving, pour soup into a plate, put butter and toasts from dried white bread, cut into cubes. Recommended for children over 3 years old.

(Hulled peas 50, carrots 20, onions 5, butter 4, wheat bread 15, broth or water 300. Yield 250.)

Puree soups

Puree soups are made from mashed vegetables, cereals, legumes, meat and fish products. Such soups have a uniform consistency, are easily digestible, and are therefore widely used in baby food. They are cooked in broths or broths.

Preparation of puree soups (Fig. 11) consists of the following processes: heat treatment of the main product; connection with browned roots and onions; wiping; combining with white sauce, boiling and bringing to taste; dressing with lemon and butter; innings.

Rice. 11. The scheme of preparation of soups-puree

Soups-puree from cereals can be prepared without sauce.

When serving, a separately cooked side dish or part of the food is placed on a plate in an uncleaned form. Soups are served with croutons in the form of cubes (0.5X0.5 cm), cut from wheat bread and dried. Croutons can be substituted with corn or wheat flakes.

Cream soup seasoned with boiled cream is called cream soup.

Mashed potato soup. The processed potatoes are cut into pieces of arbitrary shape, poured over with water or broth and boiled until soft. Onions are chopped into strips or cubes, lightly sautéed, combined with potatoes during cooking.

Boiled potatoes are rubbed, combined with white sauce, diluted with liquid to the desired consistency, salt is added and boiled for 5-10 minutes.

The soup is brought to a boil and cooled to 70 ° C, then ice is introduced into it. Before serving, the soup is no longer boiled so that the egg whites do not curdle in the lison.

When serving, a piece of butter is dipped into the soup, white bread croutons are served separately on a plate or put into the soup.

The white sauce is prepared as follows: the flour is sautéed until creamy, heated with or without oil, and then diluted with hot broth or broth.

To obtain a lezon, raw eggs are combined with milk, placed in a bowl with a thick bottom and boiled in a water bath, stirring until slightly thickened, then filtered.

You can make a mashed potato soup without sauce, dressing it with semolina, and instead of a leison add hot milk or cream (for children under 3 years old).

Carrot puree soup. Peeled carrots are cut into slices and simmered in water, vegetable broth or broth, adding butter and sugar. Then add washed rice groats, water, broth or broth and cook for 40-50 minutes. Boiled rice with carrots is rubbed through a pulper, diluted with liquid, salt, hot milk are added and brought to a boil.

When serving, the puree soup is poured into a plate and butter is added.

You can make a soup with the addition of white sauce, and put boiled rice on a plate when you leave.

Pumpkin puree soup. The processed pumpkin is cut into pieces of arbitrary shape, put in a bowl and simmered in broth, vegetable broth or milk, then passed through a pulping machine along with the liquid. Prepare a white sauce, combine it with mashed pumpkin, add liquid, salt and, stirring, boil the soup for 5-7 minutes, then cool it a little, season with lemon or milk.

When serving, pour the puree soup into a plate and put a piece of butter.

(Pumpkin 210, meat broth 100, butter 8, wheat flour 8, egg yolks ¼ *, milk 50. Yield 250.)

Green pea puree soup. A small amount of onions and carrots are cut into thin strips and lightly sautéed in butter. Canned green peas are placed in a bowl along with their own broth, browned vegetables are added and boiled until soft. Then the vegetables are rubbed with a decoction, combined with the prepared white sauce, salt is added and brought to readiness.

Before serving, the soup is seasoned with lemon and butter. You can add a portion of uncleaned green peas, preheated in the broth, to a bowl of puree soup. Croutons are served separately.

Cauliflower puree soup. The processed cauliflower is divided into inflorescences, placed in a bowl, broth or vegetable broth is added and boiled at a slow boil. Boiled cabbage together with the broth is passed through a pulper. The resulting puree is combined with a white sauce. Next, the soup is prepared in the same way as the green pea puree soup. The dish is served with butter and croutons.

Soup-puree from different vegetables. Carrots, parsley and onions are chopped into strips and lightly sautéed in butter. White-chanted cabbage is cut into strips, boiled in boiling water for 2_-3 minutes, thrown into a colander. Combine vegetables, add meat broth and simmer until soft. The potatoes are cut into freeform pieces and boiled separately, then combined with stewed vegetables. Canned green peas are added there and the soup is brought to a boil. After that, the vegetables are rubbed with broth, add white sauce, broth, salt, stir and cook for 5-10 minutes. The puree soup is seasoned with a lezon.

When leaving, add butter to the soup; croutons are served separately. You can also add uncleaned green peas or diced stewed carrots to the soup.

(Potatoes 85, white cabbage 30, carrots 30, parsley 5, onions 10, green peas 17, meat broth 150, butter 4, milk 50, egg yolks ¼, flour 2. Yield 250.)

Pearl barley puree soup. Prepared cereals are boiled in broth or water for 2.5-3 hours, passed through a pulping machine, diluted with broth, salt is added and brought to a boil. The finished soup is cooled to 70 ° C, seasoned with a lezon. When serving, butter is added to it.

(Pearl barley 25, meat broth 200, milk 50, egg yolks ¼, butter 4. Yield 250.)

Rice grits puree soup. The washed cereal is poured with meat and bone broth and boiled until half cooked. Carrots, parsley and onions are cut into strips or cubes, sautéed without discoloration, combined with rice and cooked until cereals are cooked, and then passed through a pulper. The mashed mass is diluted with broth, salt is added, brought to a boil, cooled, ice is added.

When serving, pour the soup into a plate and put a piece of butter.

Pea puree soup. The split peas are sorted out, washed, soaked for 2-3 hours in cold water and boiled in the same water until tender. Peas with broth are passed through a pulping machine, White sauce is added, diluted with broth or hot water to the desired consistency, salt is added, boiled for 3-5 minutes.

Before serving, the cream soup is seasoned with butter. Let go of the dish with white bread croutons.

Chicken puree soup. Processed poultry carcasses are tucked into a pocket, placed in hot water and cooked until tender, adding a small amount of roots and onions. The boiled poultry is cooled, cut, the pulp is separated from the bones and passed through a meat grinder with a fine grid or a pulverizing machine, periodically adding broth. The resulting puree is combined with white sauce, salt, boiled, seasoned with lezon and butter, and released with croutons.

Liver and rabbit soup is also prepared.

For soups of this group, millet, pearl barley, rice, semolina, oatmeal are used; from legumes - beans, peas, lentils. From flour products, pasta, horns, noodles, including homemade noodles, noodles, soup filling, etc. are used. These soups are prepared in meat and bone broth, poultry broth and mushroom broth.

Soup with cereals. Prepared cereals are placed in a boiling broth, sauteed vegetables, cut into small cubes, are laid, boiled, salt, spices are added and brought to readiness. You can put browned tomato puree or fresh tomatoes.

Soup kharcho. This is a Georgian national dish. There are several ways to prepare this soup, but the most common is the following: chop the lamb or beef brisket into pieces in the form of 25-30 g cubes each, pour cold water, bring to a boil quickly, remove the foam and cook at a slow boil until tender, broth filter. Tomato puree is sautéed. Onions are cut into crumbs and sautéed. Capsicum is finely chopped. Pieces of meat, prepared rice groats, onions are placed in the strained broth and boiled. At the end of cooking, put sautéed tomato puree, pepper, tkemali sauce, herbs, suneli hops, salt, crushed garlic and cook until tender.

On vacation, pour into a plate, sprinkle with parsley or cilantro. If the kharcho soup is cooked in large quantities, then the meat is boiled in the broth until tender and put on a plate on vacation.

Bean soup. Broth is made from meat and ham bones. The legumes are sorted out, washed, soaked in cold water and boiled in the same water until softened. Roots and onions are cut into small cubes and sautéed. Prepared legumes are placed in boiling broth and boiled. At the end of cooking, add browned roots and onions, salt, spices and bring to readiness.

On vacation, soup is poured into a plate, sprinkled with herbs. Separately, you can serve croutons. For croutons, stale wheat bread without crusts is cut into small cubes and dried in an oven. Sauteed tomato can be added to the soup with legumes.

Beans, or split peas, or lentils 141, carrots 50, parsley (root) 13, onions 48, leeks 26, cooking fat 20 or smoked pork brisket 80, broth 800.

Soup with pasta. The roots are cut according to the shape of the pasta - into strips, sticks or slices. Pasta is placed in the boiling broth and boiled for 10-15 minutes. put sautéed vegetables, cut into thin cubes, sautéed tomato puree, salt, spices and cook until tender. Soup can be cooked without tomato.

To prepare soup with noodles, soup filling, browned vegetables are first put into the boiling broth, boiled for 5–8 minutes, then put the noodles or soup filling and cook until tender. At the end, add salt and spices.

On vacation, put a piece of meat or poultry on a plate, pour soup, sprinkle with herbs.

If the soup is cooked with mushroom broth, then the boiled mushrooms are chopped, fried and put together with browned vegetables.

Homemade noodle soup. This soup is prepared in broths: from poultry, with offal, on mushroom broth. Roots and onions are cut into strips and sautéed.

To prepare the noodles, the sifted flour is poured in the form of a slide, and a depression is made in the middle of it. Eggs are broken into the dishes, water is poured, salt is added, mixed and filtered. The resulting mixture is gradually, with stirring, poured into a depression and the dough is kneaded. Sprinkle flour on top and leave for 20-25 minutes. The finished dough is rolled out into layers 1–1.5 mm thick, dried, cut into strips 4–5 cm wide, several strips are stacked one on top of the other, chopped into strips and dried. The homemade noodles are sieved before use. In order for the soup to turn out transparent, the noodles are poured into boiling water, boiled for 1-2 minutes, thrown back on a sieve and allowed to drain off the water.

Sauteed roots and onions are placed in a boiling broth, then prepared homemade noodles and cooked until tender, at the end of cooking add spices and salt. If the soup is cooked in chicken broth, then the spices are not added.

On vacation, put a piece of bird on a plate, pour in soup, sprinkle with herbs.

Wheat flour 72, eggs 1/2 pcs., Water 14, salt 2, wheat flour 4.8, carrots 50, parsley (root) 13, onions 24, leeks 26, cooking fat 20, broth 900.

Sections: Technology

Professional module: PM. 02. Cooking dishes and side dishes from cereals, legumes and pasta, eggs, cottage cheese, dough .


  • educational
- to study the preparation and serving of dishes and side dishes from cereals, legumes and pasta;
  • developing
  • - to contribute to the development of social and communicative qualities of students; develop independent activities;
  • educational
  • - to instill in students the correct culture of behavior in the classroom, interest in the future profession.

    Lesson type: combined.

    Activity type i: learning new material.

    During the classes

    1. Organizational and motivational stage.

    1.1. Preliminary determination of the level of knowledge and motivation of students (teacher's book, sheet with task 1.1).

    2. Organization of independent work of students on issues (training material, sheet with task 2.1).

    2.1. Characteristics of main courses from dishes and side dishes from cereals, legumes and pasta.

    2.2. Showing videos with the technology of cooking second courses from cereals, legumes and pasta.

    3. Summing up the lesson.

    3.1. Checking the degree of assimilation of the material (sheets with task 3.1).

    3.2. Presentation of dishes and side dishes from cereals, legumes and pasta.

    3.3. Assessment of didactic tools and teacher activities (lesson diary).

    Notebook for students.

    Cereals, legumes, and pasta are dry foods and are stored in the dry pantry. Cereal meals are an important source of carbohydrates and proteins. For example, one portion of buckwheat porridge (yield 225 g) covers 16% of the daily requirement for carbohydrates and 12-14% for protein. However, proteins of cereals are defective, they are combined with milk, cottage cheese, eggs, etc. Dishes from cereals, legumes are classified as high-calorie. A portion of crumbly porridge with butter (225 g yield) contains 225–325 kcal. A portion of boiled peas (yield 215 g) contains about 20 g of protein, i.e. 25% of the daily requirement. Pea proteins are poor in sulfur-containing amino acids, but in combination with meat, this deficiency is compensated. Legume dishes contain B and PP vitamins. Boiled pasta is a source of carbohydrates and protein. The biological value of their proteins increases with the addition of cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, meat products.

    When using cereals, legumes, pasta as side dishes, not only the chemical composition is taken into account, but also their combination to taste. Cereal side dishes do not go well with fish, except for buckwheat porridge, which is served as a side dish for fried fish. Rice side dishes are more suitable for lamb, boiled chicken dishes; beans go well with lamb dishes; pasta is a versatile side dish. Serving temperature of dishes and side dishes of dishes and side dishes from cereals, legumes and pasta - 65–70 0 С.

    Classification of cereal dishes.

    Porridge can be cooked from any type of cereal. They are boiled in water, milk or a mixture of milk and water. According to the consistency, porridge is divided into crumbly, viscous and liquid, depending on the ratio of cereals and liquid taken for cooking.

    During the cooking process, cereals and pasta absorb a large amount of water due to the gelatinization of starch. For the gelatinization of starch, a certain amount of water is required: buckwheat - 200%, millet - 250%, rice - 300%, pearl barley - 400%, pasta - 250%. To obtain friable cereals, take less water: for buckwheat - 150%, millet - 170%, pearl barley - 240%, etc.

    To obtain a certain moisture content of porridge, it is necessary to carefully observe the ratio of liquid and cereal. The volumes of cooking utensils (pots, pots) should be measured. Better to use steam boilers or indirectly heated boilers.

    Preparing cereals for cooking.

    Before heat treatment, cereals are sorted out, separating unbroken grains and other impurities, and small and crushed cereals are sifted through a sieve to remove the torment, which gives the porridge an unpleasant taste and smear consistency, and washed. Millet is washed especially thoroughly to remove the torment from it, which gives the cereal a bitter taste.

    When washing cereals, a part of the water (10–20%) is assimilated, and this must be taken into account when calculating the ratio of water to cereals. Wash the groats in warm water (2-3 liters per 1 kg of cereals). Millet, rice and pearl barley are first washed with warm (40 ° C) and then hot (60-70 ° C) water, barley - only warm (2-3 liters of water per 1 kg of cereal). Rinse the groats 2-3 times, changing the water each time.

    Buckwheat and cereals from crushed grains, as well as crimped cereals, cannot be washed, as this negatively affects the consistency and taste of the porridge. Buckwheat is supplied to food enterprises fried and raw. Recently, buckwheat has been supplied, previously subjected to hydrothermal treatment, which reduces the cooking time of porridge.

    When raw cereals arrive, they are fried to speed up cooking. On a baking sheet with heated fat (5% by weight of the cereal), the cereal is placed in a layer of no more than 4 cm so that it does not burn, and fried in an oven at 120 ° C. During frying, the cereals are periodically stirred. Fry until light brown in color.

    Cooking porridge.

    For cooking porridge, it is more convenient to use dishes with a thick bottom, the volume of which is measured. It is best to cook porridge in steam boilers or indirectly heated boilers. Salt and sugar are placed in a cauldron with liquid before filling the cereal at the rate of 5 g per 1 kg of cereal for cereals.

    The cereal, washed just before falling asleep (it should be warm), is placed in a boiling liquid and periodically stirred, lifting the cereal from the bottom with a vestka. When the cereal swells and absorbs all the water, stirring is stopped, the surface of the porridge is leveled, the kettle is closed with a lid, the heating is reduced to a temperature of 90–100 ° C and left to dry. To increase the friability and improve the taste when cooking porridge, put fats.

    Semolina is brewed by pouring it in a thin stream into a boiling liquid with continuous stirring. It is not possible to brew more than 8-10 kg of semolina at a time.

    Rice, millet, pearl barley are poorly boiled in milk, therefore, to cook milk porridge from these cereals, they are first boiled for 5-10 minutes in a large amount of water, then it is drained and the cereal is poured with milk or milk diluted with water.

    Cooking crumbly porridge.

    Loose porridge. Semolina is dried in an oven until light yellow, mixed with melted fat and poured into boiling water. In 20-30 minutes, the porridge comes to readiness in the oven. Porridge made from unroasted buckwheat grits takes 5-6 hours, and from fried - in 2.5 hours. The yield of crumbly porridge is 2.1–3 kg from 1 kg of cereals.

    Loose porridge can be served hot with fats, or cold with sugar, milk, cream. Loose porridge is also served with fried onions and fat, fat and chopped egg, with chopped boiled mushrooms and fried onions with fat.


    Pour cereals into a kettle with boiling salted water and mix well. The floating shells and hollow grains are removed with a slotted spoon, fat is added and boiled, stirring until the porridge thickens, then the stirring is stopped, the heating is reduced and the porridge is evaporated for 5-6 hours. more than for raw cereals, and cook for 2–2.5 tsp.

    Millet porridge.

    Pour the prepared cereal into a large amount of boiling salted water (up to 6 liters per 1 kg of cereal) and cook for 5-10 minutes. After that, the excess water is drained, leaving 2.5 liters per 1 kg of cereal. Close the cauldron with a lid and cook the porridge, reducing the heat.

    Rice porrige.

    The first way. Rice is poured into boiling water, fat and salt are added and boiled, stirring. When the rice swells, reduce the heat and cook the porridge for 30–40 minutes.

    The second way (drain porridge). Prepared cereals are poured into boiling salted water (6 liters per 1 kg of cereal and 50 g of salt), boiled for 5–7 minutes, then the water is drained, fat is added and the porridge is brought to readiness in an oven for 30–40 minutes. Serve porridge with butter. Chilled porridge can be served with cold milk.

    Cooking viscous porridge.

    They are cooked in milk, water and milk diluted with water from all types of cereals according to the general rules, but many cereals (rice, pearl barley, oatmeal, wheat) in milk are more difficult to boil than in water, so they are cooked differently.

    Milk rice porridge.

    Prepared cereals are poured into boiling salted water and boiled for 5–7 minutes, then the cereal is poured with hot milk and the porridge is boiled until tender. Sugar, butter are added to the finished porridge, mixed thoroughly and served.

    Milk semolina porridge.

    Whole milk or milk diluted with water, boil, add salt, sugar and quickly add semolina with constant stirring with a thin stream. Cook until cooked for 5 minutes. Semolina is brewed after 20-30 seconds. When brewing a large amount of cereals (4–6 kg) at the same time, one worker can pour in the cereal, and the other can stir the liquid with the cereal with a broom. Hot porridge is released with butter, sugar, jam, and cold with sugar.

    Cooking liquid porridge.

    Such cereals are considered liquid, the output of which is 5-6 kg from 1 kg of cereals. Porridge is cooked in milk, a mixture of milk with water and in water. They are prepared in the same way as viscous cereals, but they take more liquids than the norm. They are released as independent dishes with butter or ghee, sugar, and porridge cooked in water - with edible fat. Liquid cereals are widely used in baby and diet food.

    Porridge dishes.

    Casseroles, puddings, cutlets, meatballs, dumplings are prepared from viscous porridge. For the preparation of these products, viscous porridges are prepared thicker. Fat, eggs, sugar are added to porridge, and vanillin is added to sweet products. Prepare cereal casseroles, sweet and savory, with cottage cheese, pumpkin and fruit. A casserole made from buckwheat or Poltava groats with cottage cheese is called krupenik. Puddings differ from casseroles in that they are usually cooked in molds and contain beaten egg whites. The introduction of whipped proteins gives the finished products splendor and porosity.

    Rice casserole, millet, semolina.

    The cooked viscous porridge is cooled to a temperature of 60 ° C, raw eggs, sugar are added to it, raisins, dried apricots, vanillin can be added. The mixed mass is spread on a baking sheet greased with fat and sprinkled with ground breadcrumbs. The layer of mass should be 3-4 cm. The surface of the product is leveled, greased on top with a mixture of eggs and sour cream and baked in an oven until golden brown. The cooked casserole is cooled and cut into portions. On vacation, pour butter or serve sour cream in a gravy boat.

    Krupenik. Krupenik is a casserole made from buckwheat or wheat groats with cottage cheese.

    The ready-made crumbly porridge is cooled to (60–70) ° С, grated cottage cheese, sugar, margarine, raw eggs are added and mixed. The prepared mass is spread on a baking sheet greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, the surface is greased with a mixture of eggs and sour cream and baked in an oven at a temperature of (250–280) ° С. The readiness of the cereal is determined by the formation of a golden brown crust and by the lag from the edges of the form. Serve with butter or sour cream.

    Puddings. Puddings differ from casseroles in that they are usually cooked in molds and contain beaten egg whites. Whipped proteins add fluffiness and porosity to finished products. Puddings are baked and steamed.

    The viscous porridge is cooled to (60–70) ° С, egg yolks, pounded with sugar, prepared raisins are added, mixed, whipped whites are added, laid out in forms greased with butter, and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, the surface is covered with a mixture of eggs and sour cream and baked for 15 minutes at a temperature (250-280) ° С. On vacation, pour over sweet sauces. For steam puddings, the mass is laid out in molds greased with margarine, put them in steam ovens and cooked until cooked for 30 minutes.

    Cutlets and meatballs. Prepared from viscous millet, rice, semolina and wheat porridge, which are boiled in a mixture of water with milk or in water. The porridge is cooled to (60–70) ° С, eggs are added, mixed and the meatballs or cutlets are formed. They are breaded in breadcrumbs, fried with fat and served with sour cream, mushroom sauces. You can cook meatballs and cutlets sweet and serve with sweet sauces.

    Dumplings. Prepared from viscous milk porridge. Fat is added to it, cooled to (60–70) ° С, eggs are introduced, beaten well and the dumplings are cut. You can make them from ground buckwheat. Cooked dumplings are boiled in salted water (5–6) minutes and served with butter, or butter and grated cheese, or sour cream. Buckwheat dumplings can be boiled in milk and served with it.

    Preparing legumes for cooking.

    After the bulkhead, the legumes are washed 2-3 times with warm water to remove surface contaminants and soaked in cold water (except for split peas) for 6-8 hours. ...

    When legumes are soaked, their mass and volume increase significantly. Moisture penetrates into the grain mainly through the scar, the place of attachment to the bean. The mass of soaked beans approximately doubles, and the volume of 1 kg is approximately 3 liters.

    Cooking legumes.

    The cooking time depends on the variety and type of legumes, the time of collection. On average, the cooking time is: for lentils 40-60 minutes, peas - 60-90 minutes, beans - 1-2 hours. You should not use baking soda to soften water and speed up the cooking of legumes, since it contributes to the destruction of B vitamins, negatively affects on the activity of the glands of the digestive tract and impairs the taste and appearance of products. Before cooking, the water is drained from the soaked cereals, poured with cold water (2-3 liters per 1 kg of legumes) and boiled in a sealed container with continuous but low boiling.

    When boiling colored varieties of beans, after boiling for 15–20 minutes, the water should be drained and then refilled with hot water. This is done in order to remove the bitter, astringent taste of the beans and get rid of the ugly, very dark coloring of the ready-made dishes.

    Salt slows down the cooking process, so you need to salt the legumes at the end of the boil. Acids also delay the digestibility of legumes. Add tomato puree and season with sauce only after bringing the legumes to readiness. To improve the taste, after cooking, you can put the roots or herbs of parsley, celery, carrots, but then they should be removed. If the water is not completely absorbed, then the broth should be drained. In ready-made cereals, legume grains must be whole, have a homogeneous soft consistency and retain their shape. The output is 2.1 kg per 1 kg of cereals.

    Bean puree. Legumes (usually peas) are boiled, pounded or mashed, salt and vegetable oil are added. Mashed potatoes are formed on a plate with a slide, a depression is made in it, into which melted butter or vegetable oil is poured with fried onions.

    Pasta dishes.

    Pasta is cooked in two ways.

    The first method is drain.

    Prepared products are poured into a bowl with boiling salted water (5-6 liters per 1 kg of pasta and 50 g of salt) and cooked in boiling water until softened, stirring occasionally with a wooden paddle to prevent them from sticking to the bottom of the dish. Pasta is boiled for 30-40 minutes, noodles for 10-15 minutes, noodles for 25-30 minutes. The cooked pasta is thrown onto a sieve (colander), the broth is allowed to drain. Transfer the products to a bowl with melted butter and stir with a wooden jar so that they do not stick together and do not form lumps.

    When boiling, pasta increases in mass by 2.5–3 times due to the absorption of water by gelatinized starch. The increase in mass is called a weld. When welding in the first way, the weld is 150%. The broth remaining after cooking pasta in this way is recommended for cooking soups.

    The second way is non-draining.

    Pasta for casseroles and pasta is cooked in this way in order to avoid loss of nutrients. Pasta is used as an independent dish and as a side dish. The weld is 200%. Pasta is poured into boiling salted water (for 1 kg of products 2.2 liters of water and 30 g of salt) and boiled until thickened. At the end of cooking, add fat. Cover the dishes with a lid and cook over low heat, like porridge.

    Pasta dishes.

    Boiled pasta, seasoned with fat, is released hot as an independent dish or side dish. Sprinkling pasta with grated cheese, feta cheese or mixing them with sautéed tomato, onion, boiled mushrooms, you get dishes: pasta with cheese (feta cheese), pasta in tomato, pasta with mushrooms, etc.

    Pasta with cheese, feta cheese or cottage cheese. Boiled pasta, seasoned with fat, sprinkle with grated cheese or feta cheese before serving. Cottage cheese is rubbed and mixed with pasta before serving.

    Pasta with tomato. Boiled pasta seasoned with fat, mixed with sautéed tomato seasoned with ground pepper. Sprinkle pasta with herbs on vacation.

    Boiled pasta with mushrooms. Sauteed chopped onion, add To boiled mushrooms, finely chopped into strips and fried for 5-6 minutes. Then the mushrooms are mixed with boiled pasta.

    Boiled pasta with vegetables. Cooked pasta is combined with pre-cooked carrots, parsley and tomato puree and heated for 5–7 minutes. You can add green peas to the dish. Baked pasta with egg, cheese, cottage cheese. They are boiled for baking without reclining (2.2 liters of water and 30 g of salt are taken for 1 kg of pasta).

    Pasta with ham and tomato. Chopped mushrooms, onions, ham are fried in fat, browned tomato puree is added and mixed with boiled pasta. Sprinkle with herbs on vacation.

    Macaroni. Boil pasta in a non-draining way in milk or a mixture of milk and water. Then cooled to 60 ° C, add raw eggs, pounded with sugar, mix. Then the mass is spread on a baking sheet greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, the surface is leveled, sprinkled with oil and baked in an oven. The finished pasta is slightly cooled, cut into portions and served with butter, sweet sauce or jam.

    Pasta baked with cheese. Boiled pasta, cooked in the second way, season with margarine, put on a portioned pan pre-greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, sprinkle with grated cheese on top, sprinkle with butter and bake in an oven until crispy crust forms. Serve in a portioned frying pan, pour with butter on leave.

    Noodles with cottage cheese. Rub the cottage cheese, mix with raw eggs, season to taste with salt and sugar. Non-draining cooked noodles or noodles are mixed at 60 ° C with prepared cottage cheese. The mass is well mixed, laid out on a baking sheet greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs or in a mold, the surface is leveled, greased with sour cream and baked in an oven. Then the product is slightly cooled and cut into portions. On vacation, pour over butter or add sweet sauce. Sour cream can be served separately in a gravy boat.

    Requirements for the quality of dishes made from cereals, legumes and pasta.

    Loose porridge.

    Appearance grains of cereals, completely swollen, mostly retained their shape and easily separated from each other. Porridge is seasoned with fat, sugar or milk. Components: onion, bacon, brains, liver, mushrooms - processed and cut in accordance with the technology and evenly distributed in the dish.

    Viscous porridge.

    Appearance - cereal grains are completely swollen, well boiled. Porridge is seasoned with fat or sugar. Components: pumpkin, prunes, carrots - processed and cut in accordance with the technology and evenly distributed in the dish. Semolina dumplings are sprinkled with sour cream or butter and sprinkled with grated cheese.

    Liquid porridge.

    Appearance - cereal grains are completely swollen, well boiled. Porridge is seasoned with fat, sugar, jam, jam, jam, honey or sprinkled with cinnamon.

    The consistency is homogeneous, the grains are soft (dense in crumbly cereals, less dense in viscous and liquid cereals). Loose porridge - loose, non-viscous; viscous - viscous; liquid - spreading over the surface of the plate. There are no lumps in semolina porridge. Additional components have a characteristic consistency.

    The color is typical for the used cereals and components (mushrooms, bacon, brains, liver, prunes, etc.). Taste and smell - friable porridge with components - characteristic salty taste; viscous porridge - sweetish (with prunes - slightly sourish-sweetish); liquid porridge filled with fat - with a very salty taste; semolina dumplings - salty (with cheese) and slightly acidic (with sour cream). Porridge, in which sugar, jam, jam, etc. are added when serving, is sweet. The smell characteristic of cereals (without musty, bitterness and other off-flavors) and other components, in accordance with the recipe

    Porridge products.

    Appearance. Krupenik, casseroles, puddings with a uniformly colored surface, with a rough crust, square or rectangular, sprinkled with sour cream, fat, sweet sauce or jam (semolina pudding or other cereals).

    The meatballs are round, flattened, oval-flattened cutlets, with one pointed end, with a uniformly colored, rough surface without cracks, sprinkled with sour cream, sweet, sour cream or milk sauce. Pilaf - rice grains are completely swollen, retained their shape, easily separated from each other, with additional components (raisins, carrots, onions, etc.)

    The consistency of cereals, casseroles, puddings, cutlets, meatballs is homogeneous, the cereals and their components are soft, retained their shape. There are no lumps in products with semolina. The mass of products is dense, elastic; krupenikov - somewhat crumbly; puddings - soft, tender. In pilaf, grains of rice and components are soft, moderately dense, retaining their shape

    Colour. Crusts of groats, casseroles, puddings, cutlets, meatballs - golden yellow or light brown; in the section - typical for used cereals and components (cottage cheese, carrots, pumpkin, etc.). The sauces are typical for them. Rice in pilaf is white, with light yellow and orange tints. The components of the dishes have a characteristic coloration.

    Taste and smell. The taste of products, typical for cereals and components: cereal, rice casseroles with cottage cheese and with fresh fruits, cutlets or meatballs with cottage cheese are sour-sweet, other casseroles and puddings are sweetish (pudding with canned fruits is sweet, with a pleasant aftertaste of vanillin, nuts); pilaf - typical for rice, carrots, onions, raisins with pleasant taste sensations of spicy herbs (dill, parsley, barberry).

    The smell characteristic of cereals (without musty and other foreign odors) and the components included in the dishes, depending on the recipe.

    Bean dishes.

    Appearance. In dishes: legumes with fat, with onions, with smoked brisket or brisket, in sauce, in sauce with bacon, with stewed cabbage - whole legumes, not cooked, easily separated from each other (except for legumes with fat), with sauces provided in the recipe.

    Puree from legumes, legumes and potatoes - a homogeneous mass or with chopped components (brisket, loin, bacon - cubes, shredded onion).

    Casserole - square or rectangular, poured with red or sour cream sauce. The consistency of beans and other components is soft, dense (undigested). In mashed potatoes and casseroles of legumes and potatoes - homogeneous (green beans fresh or canned soft, retained their shape).

    Colour. Depending on the type of legumes, the dishes have a different color: when using peas, lentils, chickpeas, ranks - light brown, gray-brown, grayish-brown with a greenish tint; beans - grayish white or light brown. Component color specific to their appearance.

    Beans with eggs - greenish (green beans fresh) or grayish-greenish (canned green beans) with a colored crust from light brown to brown-golden hue interspersed with greens (parsley or cilantro).

    Taste and smell. The taste of the dishes, typical for legumes, ingredients and sauces provided for in the recipe, is salty; sauces give a sour taste; in beans with eggs, black pepper and parsley or cilantro complement the pleasant taste sensations.

    Smell typical of legumes and other ingredients in the recipe.

    Pasta dishes.

    Appearance. The pasta has retained its shape, is easily separated from each other, with the prepared components provided for by the recipe

    Pasta baked with cheese or with an egg, noodles, pasta - square or rectangular, the surface is uneven, slightly bumpy, unevenly colored, sprinkled with fat or sour cream (noodle). The consistency of pasta in dishes is soft, elastic, moderately dense (not boiled); ham, mushrooms - dense; canned green peas - soft. The noodle and noodle dishes did not contain lumps, the pasta and ingredients are well mixed.

    The color of pasta with fat or with sour cream, feta cheese, cheese, cottage cheese is light cream, light yellow or light gray. Pasta dishes, which include tomato puree or carrots - orange with a red tint, or light orange with a red tint, or light orange Components provided for in the recipe (mushrooms, ham, canned green peas, etc.), typical for them crusts of pasta baked with an egg, pasta - brown-golden; noodles - light cream with an orange-golden hue; pasta baked with cheese - patchy light yellow or light brown.

    Taste and smell. The taste of the dishes, typical for pasta and components provided for by the recipe: with tomato, with sour cream, with cottage cheese - sour-salty; with cheese, feta cheese - spicy salty; macaroni "- sweetish; noodle - sour-sweetish. Odor characteristic of the ingredients in the recipe.

    Task sheet 1.1.

    Preliminary determination of the level of knowledge and motivation of students.

    1. What dishes and side dishes from cereals, legumes and pasta that you know?
    2. What cereals, legumes and pasta are used for cooking?
    3. What are the operations of preparing cereals, legumes and pasta for cooking?

    Task sheet 2.1.

    Fastening material.

    1. Indicate the general requirements for the preparation of porridge.
    2. Assignment: fill in the table for the preparation of crumbly cereals.

    Questions Porridge
    crumbly buckwheat viscous rice milk liquid semolina milk
    1 Products
    2 Recipe
    3 Cooking technology
    4 Technological mode
    5 Vacation
    6 Quality requirements

    3. Assignment: fill in the table for preparing porridge dishes.

    rice casserole semolina pudding rice balls
    1 Products
    2 Recipe
    3 Cooking technology
    4 Technological mode
    5 Vacation
    6 Quality requirements

    4. Assignment: fill in the table for the preparation of dishes from legumes and pasta.

    Questions Boiled pasta with vegetables Bean puree Noodles with cottage cheese
    1 Products
    2 Recipe
    3 Cooking technology
    4 Technological mode
    5 Vacation
    6 Quality requirements

    Task sheet 3.1.

    Checking the degree of assimilation of the material.

    Draw up a technological scheme for cooking:

    1) millet or rice porridge with prunes;
    2) millet porridge with cottage cheese;
    3) pearl barley porridge with butter;
    4) wheat porridge with bacon and onions;
    5) rice porridge with cheese.


    Each group works on the presentation. The purpose of the presentation is to draw up recommendations for the preparation of a dish or side dish from cereals, legumes and pasta. Each group has 5 minutes to speak.

    The questions presented will help you plan your presentation. Try to answer each question. Remember that this is not a test of what has been done, but an exchange of views and experiences.

    1. From the Recipe Book, select a dish or side dish made from cereals, legumes and pasta.
    2. Write a recipe.
    3. Give a description of the cooking technology according to the presented sample.
    4. Describe the pitch.
    5. Describe the requirements for the quality of the dish or side dish.
    6. Your recommendations.

    Thank you for your work. We wish you creative success!

    Lesson diary


    Group No. ____

    Module name _____________________________

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